MYSTERIOUS SMALL AEROSOLS OR WHY LIGHTNING MAY TAKE PLACE IN THE EYEWALLS OF HURRICANES A. P. Khain, N. Cohen, N. Benmoshe and A. Pokrovsky Department of Atmospheric Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel ABSTRACT Lightning is much spread phenomena over the land than over the sea. According to the state-of-the art concept, the charge separation takes place within cloud zones where graupel and ice crystals collide in the presence of a significant amount of supercooled water. In maritime clouds most of droplets formed at the cloud base fall out not reaching the freezing level. Nevertheless, lightning takes place sometimes in eye walls of hurricanes, where clouds are, supposedly, the most maritime in the word. In this study we address the following question: "Why can lightning take place in deep maritime convective clouds over ocean and, in particular, in the hurricane eyewalls at all?" Numerical simulations using the spectral microphysics Hebrew University cloud model show that the formation of lightning requires two conditions: a) significant vertical velocities ( Wmax > ~ 13m / s ), which take place only in small fraction of the deepest maritime clouds, and b) the existence of small aerosols with the radii of about 0.01 µ m in the CCN size spectra. 1. INTRODUCTION Observations indicate that the concentration of maritime cloud condensational nuclei (CCN) (at 1% supersaturation) is about 60-100 cm −3 (Pruppacher and Keltt 1997; Levin and Cotton 2007). It is widely accepted that aerosol size distributions over the sea contain higher number of larger CCN than those over the land because of the sea spray production. At the same time there is no agreement as regards the concentration and even the existence of small aerosol particles (AP) with radii below, say, 0.01-0.02 µ m in the maritime atmosphere. According to Twomey and Wojciehowsky (1969), Hegg and Hobbs (1992), Hegg et al (1993); Pruppacher and Keltt (1997); Levin and Cotton (2007) the concentration of activated CCN in maritime atmosphere increases monotonically with the increase in supersaturation up to the values as high as 8-10% (Figure 1). It is a general practice to describe the dependence of cloud nucleation nuclei (CCN) concentration using a semi empiric formula (1) N ccn = N o S k , where N ccn is the concentration of activated AP at supersaturation S (in %) with respect to water, N o and k are the measured parameters. Parameter k is known as the slope parameter. According to many studies (see Pruppacher and Keltt 1997) the values of k vary from 0.3 to 1.3 within a wide range of supersaturations in different zones of the ocean, and even within different air masses in the same geographical location (Hudson and Li 1 1995). The large values of k within the whole range of supersaturation variation indicate the existence of a significant amount of small aerosols in the maritime atmosphere. At the same time, in some observational (e.g., Hudson 1984; Hudson and Frisbie 1991; Hudson and Li 1995; Hudson and Yum, 1997; 2002) and laboratory (Jiusto and Lala 1981) studies a decrease in the value of k with the increase in the supersaturation was reported. According to these results no new CCN can be activated at supersaturations exceeding some threshold Sthr which varies from ~0.1 % (Cohard et al, 1998; Emde and Wacker 1993) to ~ 0.6% (Hudson and Li 1995). The k ( S ) dependence with the condition k ≈ 0 at S > Sthr is used in several studies (e.g., Cohard et al 1998; Abdul-Razzak et al. 1998) for parameterization of aerosol activation in cloud and mesoscale models. Khain et al (2004 and 2005) assumed no drop nucleation at S>1.1% while simulating deep maritime clouds. Figure 1 depicts the variability of N ccn ( S ) dependencies reported for maritime aerosols in different studies. The existence/absence of Sthr of about 0.6% indicates the lack/presence of aerosols (CCN) with the radii below ~0.01 µ m in the maritime atmosphere. According to Hudson (2005) (personal communication) the amount of small aerosols in his measurements had been somehow underestimated because of the experimental difficulties. At the same time, Hobbs (personal communication 2005) expressed his doubts concerning the results indicating the lack of small aerosols in the maritime atmosphere. A discussion during a meeting dedicated to the WMO/IUGG scientific review processing (France, Toulouse, October 2006) showed that the question concerning the existence of small condensational nuclei in the maritime atmosphere remains open. Hudson and Yum (2002) Florida maritime Levin and andCotton Cotton(2007) (2007) Levin Hudson and Yum (2002) clean Arctic clouds Figure 1 Dependencies of the activated CCN concentration on supersaturation over the sea reported by different authors. Lines denoted 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 correspond to dependencies (1) with corresponding values of slope parameter k. One can see that the dependence presented by Pruppacher and Klett (1997) for "all maritime" cases is close to the case k=0.9, while Levin and Cotton (2007) characterize the mean maritime CCN by the slope parameter close to 0.3. Many numerical simulations of aerosol effects on cloud microphysics, dynamics and precipitation (e.g., Khain 2004, 2005, 2008; van der Heeven et al 2006, Wang et al 2005, Tao et al 2007) have been carried out under different AP concentrations typical of maritime and continental conditions. In most studies parameter N o is usually varied within a wide range from a few tens to several 2 thousand AP per cm 3 . The role of the slope parameter is usually not discussed, and implicitly its role is assumed not to be decisive. However, it is not the case because the values of supersaturation in deep maritime clouds can be very high and small aerosol particles (if they do exist) may be activated into droplets. There are some observations which can be interpreted as evidences of the existence of the small aerosols in the maritime atmosphere. The first evidence is the formation of bimodal droplet size distributions in maritime clouds a few km above the cloud base (e.g. Warner 1969a,b; Pinsky and Khain 2002; Segal et al, 2003). The appearance of small cloud droplets at so high distances above cloud base near the cloud axes can be attributed to in-cloud droplet nucleation, when super saturation in ascending cloud parcels exceeds the local maximum at the cloud base. As a result, small APs which remained haze particles at the cloud base are activated within the clouds several km above the cloud base. Second evidence of the existence of small AP follows from the AP budget. According to results of many studies (Twomey, 1968, 1971; Radke and Hobbs, 1969; Dinger et al., 1970; Hobbs, 1971; Levin and Cotton 2007) sea spray contributes mainly to the large size AP tail of the AP size distribution, but most CCN in the accumulation mode are formed by collisions of smaller aerosols having another source different from the sea spray. The small AP can be of continental nature (like Saharan dust, which is often was found in convective storms near the Eastern African coast and in storms and hurricanes reaching the American coast) or can form via different chemical reactions over the sea (Pruppacher and Klett 1997). Another phenomenon which allows us to suspect an important effect of small aerosols on the microstructure of maritime clouds is the lightning in TC eyewalls and in maritime deep clouds in the ITCZ. According to a widely accepted concept the charge separation in clouds takes place in the zones of low temperatures (about -15 o C to -20 o C ), where collisions between low and high density ice take place in the presence of a significant amount of supercooled water (Black and Hallet 1999; Takahashi, 1978; Saunders 1993, Cecil et al 2002a,b; Sherwood et al 2006). The significant difference in the lightning density over the land and the sea is well known (e.g., Williams and Satori, 2004; Williams et al 2004) (Figure 2). The lower lightning density over the sea is usually attributed to low vertical velocities in maritime convection (Black et al 1996; Szoke et al 1986; Jorgensen et al 1985; Williams et al 2004, 2005) as well as to low aerosol concentration. Both factors must lead to the formation of raindrops below freezing level collecting most small droplets nucleated near the cloud base. This effect should dramatically decrease the amount supercooled water droplets aloft and prevent the charge separation process. At the same time Figure 2 and Figure 3 show that quite intense lightning may exist in maritime clouds (including extremely maritime clouds within the TC eyewalls) forming over open sea. Khain et al (2008a) have shown that lightning at the periphery of landfalling TC can be caused by synergetic effects of higher instability at the TC periphery (producing vertical velocities of 18-20 m/s, which are unusually high for maritime clouds) and continental aerosols involved into the TC 3 circulation. However, this explanation cannot be extended to the TC eyewall clouds, which hardly contain continental aerosols (with sizes larger ~0.02 µ m ) penetrating to the TC center from the periphery. The continental aerosols penetrating the TC circulation from the nearest continent should be eliminated from the atmosphere either via the nucleation scavenging or via washout opposite to that usually asked, namely: "If warm rain processes in maritime clouds are so efficient why lightning can form in deep maritime convective clouds and, in particular, in the hurricane eyewalls at all?" We hypothesize that the formation of supercooled water in deep maritime convective clouds needed for lightning Figure 2. LIS Global Lightning Distribution since launch, January 1998 - July 2007. It is possible to see the ITCZ lightning belts just above and below the equator. a/query/distributions.html processes. Besides, the clouds in the eyewall supposedly contain a huge amount of giant CCN (or even droplets) at the cloud base because of sea spray formation under strong winds. These large CCN and droplets should create extremely maritime clouds with the intense formation of warm rain at the low height levels. Hence, in this study we address a question, which is just Figure 3. Eye-wall lightning density in in hurricane Rita during its intensification from Cat 3 to 5 (14–15 UTC, 21 Sep 2005) (right) (after Shao et al., EOS, 86, 42, 18 Oct. 2005) 4 formation is caused by in-cloud nucleation of AP with radii smaller than about 0.01 µ m .These AP hardly can be activated at the cloud base of maritime clouds because of a relatively low supersaturation there. Besides, these AP hardly can be scavenged by precipitation because of their small sizes and very low scavenging rate. We also suppose that the lightning takes place only in a small fraction of clouds, in which the vertical velocity is comparatively high (according to Jorgensen and LeMone 1989; Jorgensen et al 1985 the fraction of deep convective cores with the maximum vertical velocities exceeding 10 m/s is about 5%). The hypothesis will be tested using a spectral bin-microphysics of the Hebrew University cloud model (HUCM). 2. MODEL DESCRIPTION The HUCM is a 2-D mixed-phase model (Khain and Sednev 1996; Khain et al 2004, 2005, 2008b) with spectral bin microphysics (SBM) based on solving the system of kinetic equations for size distribution functions for water drops, ice crystals (plate-, columnar- and branch types), aggregates, graupel and hail/frozen drops, as well as atmospheric aerosol particles (AP). Each size distribution is described using 43 doubling mass bins, allowing simulation of graupel and hail with the sizes up to 5 cm in diameter. The model is specially designed to take into account the AP effects on the cloud microphysics, dynamics, and precipitation. The initial (at t=0) CCN size distribution is calculated using the empirical dependence (1) and applying the procedure described by Khain et al (2000). At t>0 the prognostic equation for the size distribution of non-activated AP is solved. Using the supersaturation values, the critical AP radius is calculated according to the Kohler theory. The APs with the radii exceeding the critical value are activated and new droplets are nucleated. The corresponding bins of the CCN size distributions become empty. Primary nucleation of each type of ice crystals is performed within its own temperature range following Takahashi et al (1991). The dependence of the ice nuclei concentration on supersaturation with respect to ice is described using an empirical expression suggested by Meyers et al. (1992) and applied using a semilagrangian approach (Khain et al 2000) allowing the utilization of the diagnostic relationship in the time dependent framework. The secondary ice generation is described according to Hallett and Mossop (1974). The rate of drop freezing is described following the observations of immersion nuclei by Vali (1975, 1994), and homogeneous freezing according to Pruppacher (1995). The homogeneous freezing takes place at temperature about 38 o C . The diffusion growth/evaporation of droplets and the deposition/sublimation of ice particles are calculated using analytical solutions for supersaturation with respect to water and ice. An efficient and accurate method of solving the stochastic kinetic equation for collisions (Bott, 1998) was extended to a system of stochastic kinetic equations calculating water-ice and ice-ice collisions. The model uses height dependent drop-drop and dropgraupel collision kernels following Khain et al, (2001) and Pinsky et al (2001). Iceice collection rates are assumed to be temperature dependent (Pruppacher and Klett, 1997). An increase in the waterwater and water-ice collision kernels caused by the turbulent/inertia mechanism was taken into account according to Pinsky and Khain (1998) and Pinsky et al. (1999, 2007). Advection of scalar values is performed using the positively defined 5 conservative scheme proposed by Bott (1989). The computational domain is 178 km x 16 km with the resolution of 350 m and 125 m in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. simulated clouds ranged from 15 m/s to 18 m/s. It means that these clouds fall into the range of the 5% of the most intense maritime clouds. Parameter N o in all simulations was set equal to 100 cm −3 . Three values of slope parameter k (0.3; 0.6 and 0.9) were used in simulations. Corresponding runs will be referred to as M_k03; M_k06 and M_k09, respectively. Any truncation of small AP was not used in these simulations. The increase in the parameter k indicates the increase in concentration of small aerosols. These values of k cover the range of slope parameters in "all maritime" aerosols reported by Pruppacher and Klett (1997) and Levin and Cotton (2007). The dependencies N ccn ( S ) used in 3 THE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND RESULTS OF SIMULATIONS To show the potential effect of these "mysterious" small aerosols on cloud microphysics and precipitation, two sets of deep convective clouds simulations have been performed. In the first set, the sounding in the GATE-74 compaign close to that typical of tropical oceans during hurricane season (Jordan 1958) was used. The sounding indicates high about 90 % humidity near the surface. The zero Cloud drop mass, t=1500 s Drop concentration, t=1500 s 12 110 K=0.9 10 Height, km 0 70 1.2 60 1.0 50 0.8 4.0 0.6 3.0 20 0.4 2.0 10 0.2 1.0 0 0. 0. 7.0 6.0 5.0 gm-3 gm-3 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 12 56 58 60 62 6 4 2 0 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 12 58 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 60 60 62 1.4 60 1.2 50 1.0 40 0.8 30 0.6 20 0.4 10 0.2 0 0. cm-3 gm-3 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 6 46 48 50 52 54 60 62 K=0.3 56 58 60 62 K=0.6 1.8 70 42 44 2.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0. gm-3 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 K=0.3 1.4 9.0 8.0 1.2 70 8 42 1.6 80 10 58 80 62 K=0.3 56 K=0.6 90 8 42 cm-3 100 K=0.6 10 60 1.0 50 0.8 7.0 6.0 40 5.0 0.6 4.0 0.4 3.0 30 4 20 2 0 km 42 8.0 1.4 30 2 9.0 80 40 4 10. K=0.9 1.6 90 6 km K=0.9 100 8 km Rain drop mass, t=1500 s 1.8 10 0.2 0 0. 46 48 50 52 54 56 Distance, km 58 60 62 1.0 0. gm-3 cm-3 44 2.0 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 Distance, km temperature level is at 4.2 km. So, the conditions can be considered as typical of wet tropical oceanic clouds. At the same time the maximum vertical velocities in the 58 60 62 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 Distance, km Figure 4. Fields of the droplet concentration Nd (left), CWC (middle), and RWC (right) for N0=100 cm −3 at different slope parameters. 6 62 gm-3 the simulations are plotted in Figure 1. In addition, three supplemental simulations for the same slope parameters have been run in which no small CCN nucleated at S>1.1% were allowed. Figure 4 shows the fields of the droplet cloud water contents (CWC) and rain water content (RWC), respectively, in the simulations with the GATE-74 sounding and different slope parameters. One can see several typical features common for all maritime clouds: the droplet concentration does not exceed 100 cm −3 ; warm rain forms fast, mainly below the freezing level. However, there is a dramatic difference in the droplet concentration and the cloud water content above 5 km level. At k=0.3 concentration monotonically decreases with height and the CWC above the freezing level is negligible. In the case k=0.9 large supercooled LWC forms above 5 km level. The case of k=0.6 indicates the intermediate results. The maximum vertical velocities in these simulations are 15-18 m/s. Figure 5 shows the droplet mass distributions at several height levels along the cloud axes in the M_k03 and M_k09 at t=1500 s. One can see that the DSDs are actually similar below 2.5 km. However, a dramatic difference takes place above 5 km. While in the case of k=0.3 the LWC is negligible at z= 8 km (T=-20 o C ), in the k=0.9 case the LWC is significant, and drop sizes range from 40 to 500 µ m at this level. Note that the drop mass spectrum in the M_k09 at z=7.5 km contains smaller drops (with the diameter of 20 µ m ) than the spectrum at z=5 km. This indicates the nucleation of new droplets (in-cloud nucleation) within the layer from 5 to 7 km. As was shown in detail by Pinsky and Khain (2002), in maritime clouds supersaturation start increasing with height above several hundred meters above the local maximum at the cloud base because increase in the vertical velocity is accompanied by a decrease in the CWC. As soon as the supersaturation exceeds that at the cloud base, new (small) AP are activated (Pinsky and Khain 2002). In Figure 5 (lower panel) the minimum drop size in the droplet spectra monotonically increases with height. Figure 5. Droplet mass distribution at several height levels along cloud axes in the cases M_k09 (upper panel) and M_k03 (lower panel) at t=1500s. Numbers 20 µm and 200 µm indicate the minimum droplet size in the distributions at z= 7.5 km in the runs. 7 The minimum drop diameter at z=7.5 km in this run (M_k03) is 200 µ m . The latter does not show any in-cloud nucleation in this run. Figure 6 shows fields of graupel and ice crystal contents in the M-k09 at t= 1800 s. One can see a large region within the cloud at temperatures below -13 o C , where graupel, crystals and supercooled droplets coexist, which is considered as favorable condition for charge separation and lightning formation in the TC eyewall (e.g., Black et al 1996). In the M-k03 conditions for lightning are unfavorable in spite of high vertical velocities and high supersaturation because the negligible amount of supercooled water. To investigate the role of the vertical velocity a simulation has been performed which differed from the M-k09 by more stable sounding under which the maximum vertical velocity reached 7 m/s. Concentrations of ice crystals and graupel within this layer are quite small (not shown). It means that the formation of lightning can hardly be expected. Thus, under small vertical velocities typical of most maritime clouds lightning hardly can be formed even in the presence of small aerosols. Elimination of small aerosols (which are activated at S>1.1%) in the supplemental simulations decreases significantly both the CWC and droplet concentrations above 4 km level, as well as graupel and ice crystal contents. 4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Figure 6. Fields of graupel and ice contents in the simulation M_k09 at t=1800 s. This study demonstrates high importance of atmospheric aerosols in the creation of conditions favoring lightning formation over the oceans. Combination of results obtained by Khain et al (2008a) and those in the present study suggests two possible mechanisms by means of which aerosols affect microphysics of the clouds developing over the ocean. First one is the direct penetration of continental aerosols with sizes above ~0.01 µ m . These AP nucleate to droplets at the cloud base. In case the concentration of the AP is high, clouds obtain "continental" properties, the production of warm rain decreases and the amount of super cooled water, as well as ice particles increases. The second mechanism considered in this study is based on the fact that the supersaturation in maritime clouds is as a rule significantly higher then in continental clouds. The latter allows activation of small AP with sizes below ~0.01 µ m . These AP are not activated at the cloud base (because of a 8 comparably low vertical velocities), but at significant distances above the cloud base, where supersaturation exceeds the local maximum near the cloud base. In this case clouds keep their maritime properties: the droplet concentration maximum does not exceed 100 cm −3 , warm rain forms rapidly below the freezing level. At the same time the growth of droplets nucleated well above the cloud base (and even above the freezing level) create a necessary amount of supercooled droplets and foster graupel and ice crystal formation, i.e. create conditions favorable for charge separation and lightning. Thus, the rapid formation of warm rain does not eliminate the possibility of the formation of supercooled droplets at higher levels and lightning. Note that the existence of corresponding aerosols is not sufficient for lightning formation. In both mechanisms mentioned above, significant vertical velocities ( Wmax > ~ 13m / s ) are required. The lack of high updrafts prevents in-cloud nucleation and the formation of supercooled water at high levels, where co-existence with graupel and crystals is possible. The conclusion concerning the necessity of enhanced vertical velocities agrees well with the observations. According to Molinari at al (1999) and later studies (e.g. Demetriades and Holle, 2006), the lightning in hurricanes takes place when the old eyewall is replaced by a new one, which is, supposedly, accompanied by the formation of clouds with especially high vertical updrafts. One can assume two main sources of the small CCN over the ocean. One source is related to chemical reactions following by particle collisions to create the accumulated AP mode. We also speculate that small aerosols can be of continental nature and penetrate the ocean with the intrusion of African dust. For instance, Hudson and Yum (2002) show (Figure 1) that the concentration of small aerosols is low under clean Arctic conditions, while it is much higher in the Florida maritime air masses. The latter can explain the existence of intense lightning in the ITCZ near the African coast (Chronis et al 2007). The analysis of the lightning map (Figure 2) indicates a significant lightning downwind of continents. To answer the question as regards the existence of small aerosols in the maritime tropical atmosphere detailed microphysical measurements of deep marine clouds and aerosol spectra in the zones of lightning over the ocean are required. The existence of the bimodal cloud droplet spectra in zones of updrafts a few kilometers above the cloud base would indicate the presence of small aerosols. The role of small aerosols in the maritime atmosphere is not limited by the influence on lightning. The lightning serves in this case just as an indication of presence of a certain microphysical cloud structure. It is possible that if the role of small aerosols is as important as it is shown here, many concepts concerning the microphysics of deep convective clouds require revision. Note in conclusion that the effect of incloud nucleation discussed in the study can not be found in many numerical models with bulk microphysics because they perform cloud nucleation at the cloud base only. 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