Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Packing/arrangement of H-bonded polar molecules of HCN 3 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules The crystal structure of benzene (H…π-bonds?) The columnar crystal structure of sym-triazine (H…N bonds?) Packing/arrangement of non-polar molecules 4 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Packing/arrangement of non-polar molecules (a) at height 0 and (b) at height 0 and 1/2 5 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Packing/arrangement of non-polar molecules (d…d repulsion?) 6 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Packing/arrangement of non-polar molecules (→ 21 symmetry) 7 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Influence of space filling, free electron pairs and configurat. requirements on molecular arrangement (Se and Te like octahedral surroundings) Packing/arrangement of non-polar molecules 8 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules not allowed! allowed! but not rectangular Packing/arrangement of arbitrarily shaped non-polar molecules (after Kitaigorodskii) 9 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules allowed! forming of 21 not allowed! Packing/arrangement of non-polar molecules after Kitaigorodskii 10 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Packing/arrangement of arbitrarily shaped non-polar molecules according to Kitaigorodskii mostly results in space groups with 21 and/or c symmetry like P21/c, Pnma or P212121 11 Pn m F P2 a m 1/ F - c I 4 d -3 m /m 3 m m Pm C P C 21 /c 63 / 2 P m m/m m c P R -3 m 4/ - 3 m m P C mm m 6/ c m m m R m -3 P 4/ R c n -3 P mm F 21 - 4 /m P 3m P 63 P -3 m/m m 1 P mm P bc I4na a P /m 21 I 4 42 c m 1/ /m a .. P P 63 m d 21 m I m21 c 2 C -3 1 m m R ca Ia 3m I m -3 P md -6 m P Pn 2m 4/ n m m P b C bam m m c P 2 P a -1 b 3 c C P n m 2 P m1 m m -3 I4 n /m Im C mc P a I 2/ c I - 41/ 4 a 2 d 3000 2000 1000 22 56 18 92 16 15 96 2 14 6 12 86 2 11 8 2 5 10 5 10 5 44 95 94 3 94 9 8 86 7 83 807 8 80 75 7 2 74 1 67 4 62 9 62 8 62 1 57 564 8 55 9 53 1 52 3 52 2 49 498 49 5 4 49 3 48 45 6 6 43 42 8 7 42 3 41 0 40 37 2 7 4000 37 16 35 47 33 85 30 77 3 27 0 0 03 9 5000 50 10 6000 43 06 7000 65 63 55 92 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules The frequency of occurrence of all 230 space groups in ICSD up to year 2005 molecular compounds ionic compounds 0 Space group population statistics of inorganic compounds 12 P -1 21 /m C 2/ m P2 1/ c C P 2 1 2/ 21 c P 2 n 1 a P m 21 m m Pn m a P b C ca P mc 4/ m m m P 4/ m P nm 42 /m m I4 n /m m I4 m m /m I4 c 1/a m m d P R -3 -3 m R 1 -3 m R -3 P c 6 P 3/m P 63 m 6/ P mm c 63 /m m F mc -4 P 3m m F -3 m m F 3m d Im 3m -3 m P 1000 15 26 27 03 30 09 37 16 43 06 5000 62 9 10 44 74 1 22 56 3000 95 3 14 86 12 28 94 9 75 2 80 8 80 7 16 96 18 92 2000 11 25 86 7 83 7 94 8 33 85 30 77 50 10 65 55 63 92 7000 67 4 10 55 4000 35 47 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Space group frequency of the 30 most frequent space groups in the ICSD of the year 2005 6000 0 Space group population statistics of inorganic compounds 13 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Population statistics for the 32 crystallographic point groups gatherd from more than 280000 chemical compounds 45 Inorganic 40 Organic 35 30 25 % 20 15 10 5 6 66/ m 62 6m 2 6 m 6/ -m m 2 m m 23 m 3 43 4- 2 3 mm 3m 4 44/ m 42 4m 2 4 m 4/ -2m m m m 3 332 3m 3m 1 12 m 2/ m 22 m 2 m m 2 m m 0 Point group population statistics of organic and inorganic compounds 14 Molecular interactions and packing of molecules Spacegroup Frequencies of PDB holdings (PDB = Protein Data Bank) 2500 Proteins/bio-compounds crystallize in acentric space groups! nummer 2000 1500 1000 500 2 43 2 3 2 P 2 2 2 2 P 42 P 6 2 21 P 2 4 21 I2 1 P 2 2 3 3 64 F P P I2 31 P I4 2 2 I2 1 3 43 P 63 P 2 41 P 3 21 R 42 1 P 21 1 2 2 2 32 P C P P 21 21 21 0 Point group population statistics of proteins/bio-compounds 15