January 2016
Jan. 8
School T-shirt/Sweatshirt Day
Jan. 8
Geography Bee—2:15 PM for Gr. 4 & 5
Jan. 11 & 12
Grade 5 PE Activity Night—6-7 p.m.
Jan. 18
NO SCHOOL—Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jan. 20
Site Council meeting—8:00 AM
Jan. 22
NO SCHOOL for students—Data Analysis
and Instructional Alignment Day
Jan. 28
Grade 2 Music Program—6:00 PM
Jan. 28
Grade 5 Music Program—7:30 PM
Winter Community Service Project Totals
SERVICE is doing things for others without expecting
anything in return.
Our December Community SERVICE Project was
huge success. Through the generosity of students,
staff members and families, Shannon Park was able to
provide to the
Rosemount Neighborhood Family Resource Center
and Moms & Neighbors:
Food= 16 boxes & 23 Bags
Gift Cards = $1,680 total
to Target, WalMart and Cub Foods
THANK YOU to all the students and families who
helped support our December Community Service
“Nothing can give greater JOY than doing something
for another.”
Winter Conferences and Kindergarten Registration will be held on the following dates:
Tuesday, February 9, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 11, from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
More information regarding conference sign ups will be
sent out on Friday, January 15. More information regarding kindergarten registration will be sent
out by the end of January.
Attention Shannon Park Families!
Shannon Park Yearbook
Order your copy of the 2015-2016 Shannon Park Yearbook
for only $15.00! Enjoy over 60 smiling, colorful pages of
memories for years to come! The yearbook order form
will be sent home in your child’s Friday Folder on January
8th. Please return the order form to school as quickly as
possible. Orders received after Feb. 10th cannot be guaranteed due to pre-ordering. Late orders will be filled on a
first come, first served basis. The yearbooks will be distributed in May.
Questions? Contact Heidi Denysenko
Grade Level News
Grade Level News
Grade Level News
Grade Three
Welcome 2016! The children love the snow! Every year we have a
winter fun day and go sledding. We will launch our snow contest by
predicting how much snow will fall this year. What will the total be
this season? In math we will continue to build our number sense to
20, counting by 5’s, 10’s & 1’s, teen numbers, and 3D shapes. In
social studies, we focus on our city, state, country and places in our
world. Thank you for all of your support with your child’s reading as
he/she reads the books that are coming home in the book bag each
day. January is the time to “try to be the best that you can be” in
January is the start of the new year, and along with it come new experiences in third grade. The third graders will be finishing geometry
and begin learning the concepts of multiplication and division, along
with basic facts for multiplication. In our Unit of Study we will be
studying the author David Adler. Jim Ciemny, our social worker,
will be coming into each class to do lessons on bully prevention with
a program called Steps to Respect. Please label the winter clothing
to help everyone out. Thank you to all the parent volunteers for
helping with the winter party. Happy New Year from all the third
grade teachers.
Grade Four
Grade One
First grade is looking forward to many new reading adventures this
month. We will be looking at the amazing illustrations of Jan
Brett. The children will learn about Jan Brett as an illustrator, and how her illustrations help the story line. Our math topics will
cover counting different combinations of coins, and sorting and graphing. We will continue to work on addition and subtraction facts, as
well as using addition and subtraction in everyday life. In Social
Studies, we will learn about maps, and then move into learning about
family traditions. Once again, we would like to thank parents for all
you do with your child. Your support provides a positive attitude
toward learning. Happy New Year from all of the first grade teachers!
As we begin the new year, fourth grade students will have many
exciting adventures to enjoy such as the 4th/5th grade GEO Bee
(January 8), the RHS band field trip (January 13), Art Adventure,
and the Steps to Respect program (Mr. Ciemny). Our RHS band
field trip permission slips will be sent home in Friday Folders. In
math, students should continue to practice division and multiplication
math facts to complete our division unit prior to exploring geometry. In health, we will be continuing our studies about nutrition, body
systems and epidemiology . Reading a variety of genres is this trimester's book goal focus (please encourage 20-25 minutes of silent
reading every night). Thank you for your continued support at home!
Grade Two
Grade Five
The second grade teachers want to send best wishes to your family
for a wonderful new year! Upcoming classroom events include a
study of the civil rights movement and several important historical
figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks. Students
will begin a study of the conventions of nonfiction text and write their
own All About books on a topic of interest to them. As readers, we
will be focusing on predicting, inferring and questioning while we
read, as well as learning to identify the author's message in a text. In
math, we are working on two and three digit addition and subtraction,
money and telling time and graphing. We will begin our study of
geometry concepts. We look forward to talking with parents at conferences in early February about their child's progress.
Thank you to everyone who donated so generously to Moms and
Neighbors. Your efforts helped to make this season brighter for so
many people in need. Fifth grade collected $330.
Congratulations go out to the students who will compete in the annual Geography Bee for fourth and fifth grade students on January 8th
in the cafeteria. The following fifth graders will participate: Collin
Archer, Carson Blume, Lauren Droberg, Will Harder, and Doha
After winter break we will begin new science units called Motion,
Force and Models and Simple Machines. Thank you for your continued support with independent reading at home!
We hope everyone has a joyful, safe and relaxing break. Get out
and enjoy the weather!
Morning Drop Off
To our families that drop off children in the morning, please remember to
pull as far forward as possible towards the flagpole to help expedite the
morning rush hour! If you would like to walk your child in, please park in the
north parking lot. Please see map on the following page for directions.
Site Council Meeting
December 16, 2015
Parent Members Present: Stephanie Charpentier, Stephanie Kelly,
Alba Nowlin, Jessica Theisen Staff Present: Michael Guthrie, Ann
Kvittem, Chris Hollenbeck, Kathleen Radspinner, Roxann Rutt
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Stephanie Charpentier called the meeting to
order at 8:00 a.m.
MINUTES: MOTION to approve minutes of November 18th,
2015 meeting. SECOND. Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION: (Response to Audience Input): NONE
 According to District 196 Buildings Facility, Shannon Park
Elementary’s new playground equipment is scheduled to be
installed summer 2016.
 Due to Ash Wednesday on February 10th, conferences and the
Book Fair will be held on Tuesday, February 9th and NOT
Wednesday, February 10th. Conferences and the Book Fair
will also be on Thursday, February 11th as originally stated in
the school calendar.
 We are still in need of Book Fair volunteers. Please contact
Chris Hollenbeck if you can help out.
 The Winter Community Service Project was a great success.
Rosemount Neighborhood Family Resource Center received 16
larges boxes and 23 bags of food. When food was dropped, a
mom expressed how grateful she was that our school gathered
all the food. It makes a difference to her family. Moms &
Neighbors helps deserving families or teens facing hardship.
We collected $1,650 total for the Holiday Giving Campaign
and purchased Target, WalMart and Cub Foods gift cards.
 No Child Left Behind – There was a short discussion about
“Every Student Succeeds” replacing “No Child Left Behind.”
8. TREASURER REPORT: Jessica Theisen
 Checking - $60,613.04
 Savings - $9,304.50
 Total - $69,917.54
 Future Expenses: Scholarship, Popcorn, Water Perma Bond
(Library), Math Night 3-4, Math Night 1-2 and Art Night
 Box Top for Education will be 1/11-2/18.
 Box Top proceeds will go towards technology.
 Adventures in Art Night will be 2/4/16.
 Box Fair volunteers needed 2/9/16 & 2/11/16.
 Spring Fundraising prep will kick-off in January. Picnic and
Silent Auction information will be distributed in February.
12. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00am.
13. Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 20, 2016.
Book Fair is Coming!
Mark your calendars. The Shannon Park Book Fair
will be February 9th from 4-8 p.m. and February
11th from 12-8 p.m. in the gym during Parent/
Teacher conferences. Students will have a chance to
visit the Fair with their teachers before conferences
to preview all the exciting new books. In addition to
purchasing great new books for home, the Book Fair
at Shannon Park has a long tradition of providing
new books and materials for classroom libraries and
the school library. Please be sure to stop by before
or after conferences to see what all the excitement is
about! The Fair can only be a continued success with
our dedicated volunteers. If you are able to help,
please contact the Book Fair Chairperson, Kelly
Art News…from
Mrs. Stahl
Thanks to all who ordered from the Square 1 Art project. By ordering, you not only get to enjoy your child’s
art in new ways, but you helped earn money for our
school. It is not too late to order on your own. Just go
Thanks again!
A note from the Volunteer Coordinator…..
Upcoming Events:
Jan 11th – Feb 18th - Box Tops for Education - More information will be sent out
in Friday folders. The class that brings in the most box tops by percentage will win a
PIZZA PARTY! Please keep saving those little coupons for our BIG CONTEST!!
Feb 4th – Adventures in Art Night ALL GRADES 6:00-7:30 p.m.
We are always looking for volunteers to help at school.
Please check out the Shannon Park website for more volunteers opportunities or sign-up at http://
Welcome Desk
Videographer – for grade level performances and band concerts
Music – In need of someone who can sew and repair costumes and put together props for grade level music
Limited Supply for Purchase
Shannon Park Cookbook
Shannon Park Directory
1 for $3.00 or 2 for $5.00
$4.00 each
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Hollenbeck @ 651-423-7670 or send an email to
February 17, 2016
Our school is proud to partner with the American Heart
Association to help kids with special hearts! Mark your
family calendars NOW for our upcoming Jump Rope For
Heart event taking place on:
February 17, 2016 9:40 & 1:25
You can help the American Heart Association by helping your child make a web page.
It’s safe, effective, & saves YOU time for raising life-saving donations online.
Visit and click on ‘Students Sign Up’ to get started today.
The American Heart Association's Mission: To build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Take me out to the Ballgame!
Shannon Park Elementary Family Day
with the Minnesota Twins will be
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Twins vs. Tampa Bay Rays
Target Field
Shannon Park has negotiated a block of tickets for students, staff and families. The Da Capo
Choir will be singing the National Anthem before the game. Please stay tuned for further details.