Time, Location and Attendance
Thursday, October 14, 2010, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., Hyde Park
Members Present: Dennis Cesari, Walter Clements, Melvin Davis, Hali Fieldman, Saul
Honigberg, Ji Wei, Bob Simmons, Dean Suni, and Dean Wilson
Members not Present: Keith Benjamin, Curt Crespino, Tyler Dixon, Larry Eisenberg,
Steven Kendrick, Ted Knous, Mark Mattison, Paris Saunders, Thomas Stein and
Yasuyoshi Ueki
Staff Present: Karen Lavendusky and Valerie Bennett
Minutes recorded by Valerie Bennett, October 14, 2010
Approval of Minutes of Prior Meetings
The minutes of the meeting held on September 23, 2010, were approved.
Old Business-Bob Simmons
Major Capital Project Proposal Updates
The Executive Summaries, which included the “UM System Capital Project Priority
Criteria” and “The Department of Higher Education Project Priority Criteria”, were
distributed to the Chair of the Faculty Senate, the Chair of the Staff Counsel, the
President of the Student Government Association, the Direct Reports, the Facilities
Advisory Committee, the Co-Chairs of Task Force 2020 and the University Budget
Committee. No comments or questions have been received by Bob Simmons at this time.
Potential UM System Capital Bond Issue
The amount originally discussed for bonds was $320 million. Of this amount $120
million has already been committed and approved by the Board of Curators for projects
within UM Healthcare. Discussions at the General Officer’s meeting will occur as they
address the preliminary projects for the campuses and evaluate the amount of the bond.
UMKC is looking at three potential projects. A classroom addition, in the form of the
Miller Nichols Library Interactive Learning Center Addition or the Administrative Center
Renovation, and the University Center Renovation for the Student Success Center, are
both currently on the Major Capital Projects Executive Summaries. The third project is
the Oak Street Parking Structure replacement, which is not currently on that list but was
identified as a long-term capital priority.
Parking Structure Discussion:
Dennis Cesari let the committee know that the university is at capacity for parking. The
parking garage located on Oak Street continues to deteriorate. It will need to be torn
down and a new structure built within the next few years. Dennis estimates that the time
for the replacement would be at least a year with an estimated cost at $25-30 million. The
new structure would have double the parking spaces available now. Dennis and Bob also
stated that the new structure would be tied somehow to Cherry Hall, the Student Union
and the Performing Arts area. This project could possibly be added to the list of projects
for the bond money since the need is so urgent.
Other options to help alleviate the parking shortage have been researched such as remote
lots. The students will also again vote on the transportation pass to transport students.
Dennis indicated the new garage may result in increase parking fees of approximately
10% per year for the next five years. Subsequent to the meeting Dennis looked at the
financials in more detail and the parking fee increases may between 4% - 6% per year for
five years instead of 10%. A more precise impact on parking fees would be determined
as better cost estimates for the garage are provided.
Other locations were discussed for the parking structure, but the existing space is the
most practical option.
New Business-Bob Simmons
Robert H. Flarsheim Campus Beautification Fund Request Form
Bob distributes a draft form he prepared for the Flarsheim Campus Beautification Fund
for the committee’s review and discussion. Suggestions by the committee include:
1. Adding under requested improvement an “other” selection on the form;
2. Deciding who should be required to sign the request;
3. What would the mechanism be to determine the validity of the request
(perform the due diligence);
4. Should a sub-committee be formed to review the initial requests before they
are brought before the FAC;
5. Submissions should be made only twice a year, perhaps in January and
August allowing ample time for the request to be done during the right
6. Should there be an option for the request to include documentation, design or
photographs to support their request;
7. How would this request serve the campus strategic plan;
8. To inform the requesting party of any reason for the denial of the request.
Bob informs the committee that he work on the form again and have the form to the
committee members prior to our next meeting. He also asks for volunteers for the subcommittee and Hali Fieldman, Mel Davis and Bob Simmons volunteer.
Closing – Bob Simmons
Bob suggests not holding a December FAC meeting and re-convening in January, 2011.
This is agreed upon unanimously.
The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, November 16, 2010, from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in the
Administrative Center Conference Facility, Hyde Park Room.