Document 10828529

Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
C4.1 OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM............................................................................................................................ 87
C4.2 THE PROPOSED IRT SYSTEM (PHASE 1) ....................................................................................................... 88
C4.3 SERVICES TYPES .............................................................................................................................................. 89
C4.4 FUTURE PHASES OF THE IRT SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 98
C4.5 The business structure of the IRT System ......................................................................................................... 100
C4.6 ITS TO BE PROVIDED BY CONTROL CENTRE COMPANY........................................................................... 103
C4.7 COMMUNICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 105
C4.8 DRAWINGS AND DETAILS............................................................................................................................... 107
Contents (Volume 2B)
Reference No. 25G/2009/10
Site Information
Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
C4.1.1 Introduction
The integrated rapid transport (IRT) initiative as proposed by the City of Cape Town is designed to significantly improve
the quality of public transport for citizens and visitors to the Mother City. The interventions are holistic and part of an
integrated package of improvements to be implemented across all transport modes. The strategic vision for transport in
Cape Town is to encompass both high-quality rail and road services, and to place at least 75% of the population within
500 meters of a high quality public transport system. Current planning of the IRT system phases would make this vision
realisable by 2018.
The new initiative is designed to transform the public transport sector by dramatically improving the customer experience.
The transformation of the road based public transport component will be based on a concept known as Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT). BRT is a high-quality bus-based transit system that delivers fast, comfortable and cost effective urban
mobility. Key design principles that make BRT effective is the provision of segregated infrastructure providing a rapid
congestion-free trip, frequent reliable operations and customer orientated services.
ITS applications are integral to efficient BRT operations and typically enhance the functionality of the system and
improve the management and control thereof. Some ITS Technologies have been applied to standard bus systems to
help make them more efficient. To that end, the City of Cape Town will be developing an advanced ITS as part of the IRT
to ensure safety and security of passengers, improve customer service and assist in greater efficiencies for the system.
This project will implement a system of advanced electronics and communication technologies as well as management
strategies that will ensure optimum performance of the proposed IRT system in the first phase but also for the ensuing
phases. Among the technologies included in IRT ITS are:
Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL): This will allow the IRT Agency to track the movement of buses and review
schedule adherence and recognize possible obstacles that could prevent buses from reaching stops in a
timely manner.
Vehicle Weight Monitoring (VWM): This system will allow for the measurement and monitoring of the
vehicle’s weight at different points of time. This information will be used to determine vehicle loading.
Automated Stop Annunciation (ASA): This uses electronic reader boards/Dynamic Signs and public address
speakers onboard the vehicles to announce the next stop along a route both visually and audibly.
Computer-Aided Monitoring/Dispatching (CAMD) and Scheduling: This technology will improve the efficiency
of operations, the speed of emergency response and the communication between dispatch and operators.
Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS): These include real-time traveller information displays and
interactive voice response systems. Real-time travel information displays provide customers with real-time
bus arrival information at the bus stations (trunk routes), onboard vehicles or possibly to web-enabled mobile
Tetra Radio Services: These will be used for communications between service personnel control centre
operations and emergency services. The City of Cape Town currently uses Tetra Radio Services for all the
radio communications in the City. The City has an annual contract with a supplier to provide handsets and
control centre equipment.
Mobile Data Terminals: These allow two-way communication between the control centre and drivers via a
digital display and provide an on-board operations console for the operator that can include schedule or
route changes as well as weather and traffic information.
Security Surveillance through CCTV cameras in stations at stops and along the IRT Trunk routes. This will
require fibre optic connections to an existing fibre backbone, fibre connections into the control centre and
into CCTV servers with operator work stations and terminals in the control centre. The control of cameras
and management of video feeds will be done with the relevant software which will also manage the storage
and retrieval of all video data.
GPRS/3G or TETRA communications with the buses to upload and download bus information and positions
of the bus.
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Control Centre equipment, servers, work stations and large screens for the operation and management of
the system.
Traffic Signal Pre-emption System through which buses running behind schedule can extend the green
phase of a traffic signal or call the green phase earlier in the signal cycle.
On-board entertainment/advertising through large screen and on-board media servers
C4.2.1 Service Description
The Cape Town IRT system will essentially operate as a trunk-feeder service. The trunk services will operate with larger
vehicles along higher-density corridors where the trunk vehicles will be running mostly in exclusive rights-of-way. The
feeder services will operate smaller vehicles in the lower-density areas in mixed traffic. The feeder services will obviously
link to the trunk services.
The trunk services will operate as a ‘closed system’ in mostly segregated busways which will predominantly be in the
median of the roadway with pre-board fare verification and collection. The trunk is designed to facilitate higher carrying
capacities and greater travel speeds along the higher density corridors.
The trunks will be supported by feeder routes which serve to distribute and collect passengers to or from the main trunk
stations along the trunk corridors. In most cases, these feeder services operate will operate in mixed traffic lanes with
kerbside stations. Fare verification will typically be on-board and will operate as an ‘open system’. However, closed
stations for the feeders will be considered in cases where high boarding and alighting occurs.
The system will be rolled out in at least four different phases over the next two to eight years. The focus of this tender is
on the Phase 1A, however the systems and software should be expandable to accommodate the future phase. Phase 1
will be rolled out with this initial Phase 1A and then the full Phase 1. The full Phase 1 is illustrated in Figure 1
Figure 1: Phase 1 – Trunk and Feeder Routes and Trunk Stations
(Preliminary Routing Subject to Change)
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
Site Information
Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 2 illustrates the areas that will be serviced during Phase 1A of the IRT implementation and Error! Reference
source not found. gives an overview of the locations of the Phase 1 trunk, feeder and airport services.
Figure 2: Phase 1A Service Area (Subject to Change)
The table below summarises the number of trunk and feeder services, the total length of service operation, and the
number of stations for Phase 1A.
Service Type
Number of Services/Routes
Length of routes (km)
17 stations
(Dedicated Median)
544 stations
(Kerbside Mixed Traffic)
Table 1: Trunk-Feeder Service Overview (Numbers are not final and subject to change)
C4.3.1 Buses
The trunk system is designed for high capacity services and will operate with high floor vehicles comprising of 12m buses
and 18m articulated buses with doors only on the right. Floor levels for these buses will be approximately 940 mm high.
The stations are therefore being designed with the same height platform and as a closed system where fare verification
will take place at the station and not on-board the bus. See Figure 3 for a typical articulated high floor vehicle.
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 3: Typical 18m Articulated Bus
The required technology on the bus and the ITS architecture are illustrated in Figure 4. The technology on the bus will
be provided and installed by the Control Centre Company and the bus manufacturers. The City of Cape Town reserves
the right to select the most appropriate supplier of this technology. In either case, the Control Center Company and the
bus suppliers will have to work closely together to ensure integration of the different systems.
Figure 4: Trunk Vehicles: Typical ITS Architecture
Feeders will run on normal streets, where the demand is low, and will not share the same stations, as the trunk service
buses which require closed stations. The feeder service is designed with on-board fare verification for low demand
services. The Feeder services will have low floor platforms and doors on both sides. Feeder services will mainly be
operated with smaller vehicles of 8.8 and 12 meters as shown in Figure 5.
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 5: Typical Feeder Vehicles
The ITS requirements for the feeder buses are illustrated in Figure 6. The expected number of buses on the system for
Phases 1A is summarised in Table 2.
Service Type
Phase 1A
Trunk Buses (18 m)
Trunk Buses (12 m basic)
Trunk Buses (12 m airport)
Feeder Buses (8.8 m)
Feeder Buses (12 m)
Table 2: Expected Number of Buses (Subject to Change)
Figure 6: Feeder Vehicles: Typical ITS Architecture
C4.3.2 Stations
Two types of stations will be used on the system, i.e. trunk stations which will generally be closed stations and feeder
stops/stations which will be open. Entry to the trunk stations will only be paying customers and this will be controlled
through turnstiles or access gates. The sizes and shapes of the trunks stations may vary depending on the available
width in the median. The trunks stations will generally be manned with an attended who will deal with queries and ticket
sales. A typical trunk station is illustrated in Figure 7 and Figure 8.
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 7: Conceptual Rendering of Trunk Station Design
Figure 8: Close up of Possible Trunk Station
The typical technology and ITS related architecture for the trunks stations are illustrated in Figure 9.
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 9: Conceptual Trunk Station ITS Architecture
The feeder stops/stations will be open and will be similar to normal bus shelters as shown in Figure 11. However, the
feeder stations will be equipped with integrated emergency and information intercoms, possibly dynamic electronic
displays of next bus arrivals and CCTV coverage of the station. The typical technology and ITS related architecture for
the feeder stations are illustrated in Figure 12
Figure 10: Proposed Feeder stop VMS enclosure
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 11: Feeder stop
Link to GPRS
Figure 12: Conceptual Feeder Stations ITS Architecture
The total number of stations is summarised in Table 3.
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Service Type
Phase 1A
Trunk Stations
Feeders Stations
Table 3: Expected Number of Stations
C4.3.3 Control Centre
The proposed control centre will be located in the new Transport Management Centre (TMC) in Goodwood near the
current Fire Station and Disaster Management Centre of the City. The building will be under construction during 2009 for
completion at the end of October 2009. The IRT entity as well as the Computer Assisted Dispatching and Control of the
BRT will be located in the IRT. The layout of the ground floor on which the server rooms will be located and the first floor
of the building which will accommodate the IRT operations and IRT security surveillance staff are illustrated in Figure 13
and Figure 14.
Figure 13: TMC: Ground Floor Layout (Server Rooms)
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 14: TMC: First Floor Layout
The main functions of the control centre staff will be:
Operations and Control
Security Surveillance
The staffing and the management of the IRT will increase over time as the system expands. The following estimated
workstations will be required in the TMC.
Service Type
Phase 1A
Phase 1
Full Phase
Operators (CAD)
Operators (Scheduling)
Surveillance Personnel
Management and
Table 4: Estimated Number of Workstations in the TMC
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Control Centre (Operations):
• Scheduling of Buses (scheduling software)
• Tracking of Buses (software to be sourced)
• Manage/control Information dissemination:
• On Buses
• At Stations
• Media (web etc)
• Incident management along IRT corridors
• Emergency calls and dispatching of assistance
• Visual surveillance of stations and network for
control and security
• Develop/ control signal priority strategies and
signal operations to assist buses
• Communication links to stations and other control
• Radio links to Bus Depot Operators
The technology and ITS related architecture for the control centre are illustrated in Figure 15.
Figure 15: Control Centre – ITS Architecture
The contractor will be provided with server rooms on the ground floor of the TMC and network trunking to the first floor.
All network related installations must be done by the control centre company.
C4.3.4 Bus Depot
Initially two bus depots will be required for the system, but this will increase to several more as the system expands. The
depot will accommodate the bus companies operating the vehicles.
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Bus Depots:
• Wireless LAN for connecting with buses, Docking to occur
automatically once bus enters depot
• Upload and download of data from/to buses from/to
servers in the Depot: Transportation Data, Ticketing Data,
Video Recordings, Entertainment.
• High speed communication links to control centre
• Radio links to Control Centre
The technology and ITS related architecture for the control centre are illustrated in Figure 16.
Figure 16: Bus Depot – ITS Architecture
Figure 17, Figure 18 and Figure 19 illustrate areas that will be serviced in future phases of the IRT initiative.
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 17: Phase 2 (2014)
Figure 18: Phase 3 (2016)
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Figure 19: Phase 4 (2018)
There are six main role players in the City's anticipated Phase 1A of the IRT system:
the City of Cape Town;
possibly the Integrated Rapid Transit (IRT) Entity, a municipal entity that manages and controls the system;
two vehicle operating companies;
the fare system company;
the control centre company; and
the station services company.
C4.5.1 The City of Cape Town
In December 2008, the City decided, subject to the outcome of the assessment and public participation procedures
prescribed by the Municipal Finance Management Act, to establish a municipal entity to provide (or manage the
operations of) public transport-related functions on the City's behalf. The reasons for this decision includes that an entity
should provide the commercial competence to manage and integrate the provision of the services, whilst the City would
maintain effective control over the entity in terms of the Service Delivery Agreement.
Various initial contracts, including most of those described in this document, will initially be concluded by the City, but will
be assigned to the Public Transport Entity through the SDA. In this agreement, the City will also assign to the Entity
many of its other responsibilities in relation to the operations of the proposed IRT system. However, the City will remain
responsible for the fulfilment of a number of functions in relation to the IRT system, including the construction of the IRT
system infrastructure, roadway maintenance and cleaning, traffic signal control maintenance, property and land
acquisition, ownership of the IRT infrastructure and broader transport planning functions. The City will also be
responsible for managing the performance of the Entity and ensuring that it complies with the standards set out in the
The City will be the sole shareholder of the Public Transport Entity and will ensure that everything it does is in
accordance with the City's Integrated Transport Plan.
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
Site Information
Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
The City is also investigating the possibility of funding on an on-going basis some services, such as the cleaning and
security services to be provided by the station services company, since these kinds of functions relate to core City
functions to do with City property. This will remove these costs from the fare box, thereby allowing the system to offer
more affordable fares to commuters. However, the Public Transport Entity should still manage the contractor providing
these services.
C4.5.2 The Public Transport Entity
Subject to the process issues, the main responsibility of the Public Transport Entity will be to manage the IRT system
and ensure quality control of the services. The Public Transport Entity will have a decision role updating the initial routes
and defining the routes, services and kilometres to be provide by VOs; but also a significant role in providing the
conceptual design of new corridors and routes.
The Entity’s activities include the bidding and tendering process for the contracts to the private operators that will provide
the service (apart from the initial contracts, which will be handled by the City), as well as managing the contracts once
signed. The Entity will also be in charge of scheduling and controlling the bus operations, developing quarterly, monthly
and weekly daily basis schedule. The Entity will also be charged with the responsibility of managing the branding and
image of the system, as directed by the City.
C4.5.3 Vehicle operating companies
At the centre of the IRT system will be the vehicle operating companies (referred to below as the VO companies)
responsible for operating the vehicles necessary to service both the trunk routes and the feeder routes of the IRT.
For Phase 1A, the City will award contracts to two VO companies, both of which will be consortia established as private
companies. Each company will be contracted to provide both trunk and feeder services and the contract will be paid by
way of a fee per kilometre of service provided. The VO companies must ensure that the amount that they are paid per
kilometre is sufficient to cover total operational costs, plus a reasonable rate of return on their investment, which is a core
element of the negotiation between the City and these companies, and eventually the companies’ bids.
The VO companies must be ready to test and train the drivers at least two months in advance of the system opening and
will need to work with the Public Transport Entity on coordination of vehicle procurement, infrastructure construction, and
system opening. Feeder routes falling within the Contract Area of a given company will be assigned to that companies.
The contract will give nonexclusive rights to the companies on the trunk routes and they may be required to operate on
any route within IRT as determined by the Public Transport Entity.
On leaving the depot the vehicle will be under the control of the Public Transport Entity, which will also have direct
contact with the driver. The depots will be owned by the City and provided at no cost to the operator. The depots will be
provided with all fixed infrastructure such as buildings, parking areas, maintenance pits, wash bays, fuel tanks, fencing,
service connections, etc. The operator will be responsible for the maintenance of the depot and for the supply of all the
required staff and equipment such as tooling, office equipment, and payment for all services such as water, electricity,
etc, as well as security.
The space and buildings for the administrative offices of the companies, and the maintenance yards will be provided at
the depots but owned by the City. All of the equipment, furniture, maintenance tools and other costs associated with
outfitting the depots will be borne by the operating companies. The City will be responsible for providing all the utility
connections such as water, electricity, telephone etc. but the user charges will the responsibility of the VO companies.
The City remains responsibility for insurance of the infrastructure it provides, and the operator for all its equipment. Each
of the vehicles will be fitted with the necessary equipment to enable the Public Transport Entity to schedule their
departure and arrival times at particular points and to monitor their movement, such as GPS transponders and on-board
computers. The scheduling and monitoring equipment will also be utilised to ensure compliance with the requirements
stipulated by the Public Transport Entity. This equipment will be provided for through the control centre contract.
The VO companies will be responsible for the maintenance of the vehicles. The VO companies will be fully responsible
for driver management. The Public Transport Entity will specify the training requirements and carry out regular checks
and examinations. The VO companies will not be responsible for fare collection in trunk service; but they will be
responsible to take steps regarding fare evasion on feeder buses. For trunk vehicles fare collection will occur only on the
stations through the use of smartcards, and not in the buses. For feeder services, the buses will have turnstiles and
smart card readers on board, and that equipment will initially be provided by the fare system company. Feeder vehicles
will have electronic cash boxes where passengers without smart cards could pay the fare, but the driver will not manage
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
cash. The VO company will then be responsible for procuring any replacement equipment needed for the fare collection
system or for operational control. [#]
C4.5.4 The fare system company
Passengers will travel using smartcards, which they can purchase and subsequently top-up at stations or at retail outlets.
A fare system company (FS company) will be contracted by the City and will be responsible to create and operate a
simple, effective, efficient and transparent fare collection system. This company will need to supply the fare system (both
hardware and software), to order and supply smartcards, to procure a network of retailers to sell smartcards and to topup of funds on smartcards off the stations, to supply fare transaction data to the City and to provide additional services
such as training, maintenance, software upgrades, etc. The FS company will need to provide timely and accurate
information about daily fares collected and any other relevant commuter information as requested by the Public
Transport Entity for decision making and planning purposes. The CC company will be responsible for maintaining the
above system.
The FS company will be responsible for establishing and enforcing the day-to-day management of the fare collection
function and will have to adhere to the system’s goals for good customer service and experience.
C4.5.5 The control centre company
The City will enter into a contract with a control centre company (CC company), which will be responsible for the supply
of the fleet management system (both equipment and the software), the supply of CCTV systems (cameras, terminals
and software), the supply of an information display system (control terminal, in vehicles and station displays and
software) and the provision of various services such as training, maintenance, software upgrades, etc. It will also have to
install other equipment on the vehicles, such as the GPS transponders and on-board computers. It will be required to set
up and equip the control centre and making sure there is smooth communication between all. The CC company will be
responsible for maintaining the above system.
The Public Transport Entity will be doing the actual control and scheduling of the bus services, and the CC company will
enable the Public Transport Entity to fulfil its scheduling, monitoring and control functions. The CC will operate the control
centre during the first four months of operation, besides during the World Cup Services, in a testing-training period to the
IRT officials.
C4.5.6 Station services company
A single contract will be entered into with the station services company.
The station services company will be responsible for general services on the stations and for upholding the IRT system’s
quality goals of good customer service and experience. It will supply a communication system linking security personnel
and the control centre. It will principally be responsible for security on the vehicles and the stations.
The station services company will be responsible for hiring and training cashiers and customer service agents at the
stations and providing a level of service that exceeds customer expectations.
While the fare system company is responsible for procuring, installing, and maintaining the equipment in the stations for
fare collection, the station services company will need to coordinate with the fare system company for maintenance and
upkeep of the fare collection equipment within the station.
It will be responsible for security in the station, for both passengers and the money collected from ticket sales. This
includes controlling fraud and fare evasion. The company is liable for any money lost or stolen and will ensure deposits
are made from the station to the Public Transport Entity’s account.
They will also be responsible for the cleaning of the stations and for minor maintenance of the stations.
maintenance will be the responsibility of the City.)
C4.5.7 Non-motorized transport (NMT) feeder system operator
The IRT stations will be designed to encourage people to reach the stations by walking, cycling, and non-motorized
pedicabs, although similar small motorized cabs may also be considered in hilly areas or where pedicabs are not
practical for other reasons. The City will provide the necessary parking and infrastructure for the following services:
procurement and maintenance of for-hire pedicabs, procurement and maintenance of rent bicycles, and secure bicycle
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Reference No. 25G/2009/10
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
The pedicabs will serve as feeders to the trunk lines and will be integrated to the operations of the IRT system. It is
preferable that these kinds of services are contracted to the VO companies. The non-motorized pedicabs are emissionfree and their lower speed reduces risk of accident. They will complement the service provided by the feeder buses,
increasing the coverage and improving the whole system’s service and operations. Pedicabs feeders, as experienced in
Bogotá, can reduce the cost of the vehicle operators by serving areas with very low demand at a much lower cost of
operations than a bus, which will also be reflected in a better service for the customer. Since the Pedicabs will be
integrated with the IRT system, they will have exclusive rights to access the stations and park in the designated areas.
The pedicabs will be stored in the depots already provided for the vehicles.
Bicycle rentals will be an integrated part of the system, however this system will not be part of the vehicle operations
Figure 20: Business Model - Contracts and Procurement related to ITS Components
This document is intended to define the minimum system features, requirements and capabilities desired by the City of
Cape Town to be deployed as part of the CASD/AVL/APC (Computer Aided Scheduling and Dispatching/ Automatic
Vehicle Location / Vehicle Weight Measurement/ Advanced Passenger Information Systems / Security Surveillance
System. The solutions proposed by Contractors must be similar to solutions provided by the Contractor to other transit
agencies that have been proven for an operational period of at least six months. The desire of City of Cape Town is to
promote well integrated and proven solutions that represent the current state-of-the-art in public transport (transit)
agency fleet management, AVL, and ITS (intelligent transportation systems) deployments.
The following deployment objectives and systems have been identified for the project :
Deploy an integrated automatic vehicle location (AVL) system, computer aided scheduling and dispatching (CAD),
vehicle weight measurement (VWM) system, Advanced Traveller Information System, Security Surveillance System,
Traffic Signal Pre-emption system to support the IRT Entity with their operational and management tasks.
These systems will be operated and controlled from the new TMC currently under construction in Goodwood. The
systems and software will be installed, configured and operated from the TMC.
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
The control centre company will supply most of the required equipment, install and test the equipment to ensure
acceptable service levels, train the IRT Entity staff to operate the systems and maintain the system for a minimum of
six years.
The system and equipment should have a fifteen-year service life.
Provide data communications using HSDP/GPRS/3G or TETRA communications with the systems on the buses and
drivers, considering the need to:
Provide comprehensive data communications to all buses throughout the City.
Support AVL, CAD, VWM, APIS other vehicle data transmission needs.
Comply with the South African communication requirements and will provide for a high degree of system
reliability and continued support of system components.
Provide high bandwidth communications to stations via an existing fibre optic backbone, to bus depots via
an existing fibre optic backbone and to CCTV cameras in the stations.
Provide interfaces to support connections to other metropolitan and regional ITS systems such as the MTI call
centre, Security and Surveillance Unit and the Tetra Radio Services used by the Metropolitan Police.
Support the deployment of real-time public transport information on the City’s website and at displays at stations or
other locations.
Provide data for off-line analysis, and support the transfer of data into archive, analysis, and reporting
systems/software (legacy or otherwise).
Figure 21: Overall System Components and Architecture
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Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Communications between the components of the system, the operators and the public will be as follows:
Fibre Optic Backbone (wherever available), for all high bandwidth data transfers and voice over IP from
emergency phones
Wireless Broadband when and where available. This will mostly only be used in the depots to communicate
between the bus and the servers in the depot. The wireless links should be seamless and automatic.
GPRS (Cellular System). For data communication between the buses and the control centre, between stations
(trunk and feeder) and the control centre where fibre optic links are not available, between video cameras and
the control centre where fibre links are not available.
Tetra Radio Services (Audio). This is the preferred communication medium between the buses and the TMC
and will be used by all security personnel at the stations and along the routes.
Tetra Data Services (Data where applicable). This will be used as the primary communication between the
buses and the control centre. The GPRS system should be used as a backup for this primary system.
Fibre optic cables will be used as the primary means of communication with stations, depots and all video surveillance
cameras. A comprehensive fibre optic backbone is currently being rolled out in the City. The following figures provide an
illustration of the different projects and optic fibre cables which will be provided by others and which include the following:
The existing optic fibre (green line) along the N2 for the BMT lane enforcement and surveillance.
The routes (red lines) for the Freeway Managements System (FMS) that is currently being implemented along
the N1, N2, R300 and M5. Possibly also along the N7.
The route (orange line) that will be installed as part of an existing project (Klipfontein Corridor) along the N1.
Fibre will also be installed as part of the new IRT Project along Marine Drive, Blaauwberg Road and Koeberg
Road corridor.
Figure 22: Existing and Planned – Fibre Optic Backbone
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Fiber to be installed as Part of HHO
Civil Works Contract. One SSU
Surveillance Cable plus one cable
to provide for IRT ITS related
Fiber Backbone to be installed as
Part of SANRAL FMS Project
Sleeves will be installed as Part of
N1 Lighting Contract, Fiber will be
put in by SANRAL.. Backbone will
link to TMC. Completion is end of
Current Outstations along N1 which will
be put in as part of FMS Contract. The
IRT fibres must tie into the Backbone at
either of the two outstations.
Figure 23: Detail of Fibre Optic Backbone at Marine Dr/N1 Intersection
Connections to the backbone fibre at the stations will be provided by others. The control centre company will be
responsible for providing the communication cabling between the platforms of the individual stations. Figure 24
illustrates the general concept for the backbone.
Cameras along route
Trunk Stations
To tie into Backbone
linking to TMC.
Surveillance Fiber –Civil Works Contract
ITS Fiber – Civil Works Contract
AFC Fiber – Civil Works Contract
Figure 24: Concept of Last Mile Connections to Backbone
The City of Cape Town operates a European Telecommunications Standards Industry (ETSI) TEresstrial Trunked RAdio
(TETRA) digital trunked radio infrastructure. The system is a Motorola Dimetra IP version 6.1 (To be upgraded to 6.2)
digital trunked system. The TETRA infrastructure provides radio coverage in the whole Cape Metropolitan Area with a
system reliability of 99, 99%, mobile radio coverage of 95% of the area and hand portable coverage of 90% of the area.
There are currently 8 500 radio subscribers connected to the network with provision being made for packet data services
at each of the 24 remote repeater sites.
The City has installed a Data Switch on this TETRA network. The primary function of this switch is to facilitate the
transfer of Data (datagram’s) between computer servers or terminals connected to the City’s IT network or directly to the
TERA network and mobile users in the field via a TETRA radio or TETRA data devices. The IRT project should utilize
this reliable asset of the City.
Contents (Volume 2B)
Reference No. 25G/2009/10
Site Information
Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Maintenance IRT Control Centre Hardware And Software System
Mobile Equipment
Packet Data Service
Short Data Service
GPRS Data Service
SMS Service
Telkom Network
Microwave Network
SPEARS Control Centre
System Administrator
Data Switches
IIS Servers
Database Servers
Position and Status Terminals
Figure 25: Tetra Radio – System Schematic
The following drawings are attached:
Typical Station Layout Plan
Typical Station Details
Typical Kiosk Details
TMC: Ground Floor Layout
TMC: First Floor Layout
TMC: Second Floor Layout
Contents (Volume 2B)
Reference No. 25G/2009/10
Site Information