Celeste Henkel Elementary Before / After RTI

Celeste Henkel Elementary Before / After RTI
Before RTI Implementation
After RTI Implementation
At Risk School
Exited At Risk Status
Had not met AYP Targets since
Met all AYP Targets in 20102011
Had not been named a School of
Distinction since 2004-2005
Named a School of Distinction in
Office Referrals over 400
Office Referrals have been
consistently under 100 each year
Master Schedule not consistent
for school and grade levels
Master Schedule now has set
expectations for each grade level
No interventions in place to close Set “Hornet Time” in schedule
for interventions
Lack of True Collaboration with
teachers and staff
Weekly PLCs and Quarterly Data
Days have been set up to review
data and create plans
No set plans in place to help
students close gaps
Any student who is at risk has
their own individual plan for
Celeste Henkel RTI Process
All Students are
Screened (Aims
Web, MClass)
Students are
identified as
being "At Risk"
given to "At
Risk" students
to identify the
Specific Gap
Students are put
in groups based
on their specific
gap or for their
Individual Plans
(Tier Plans) are
created for
students to
close gaps
Parents are
notified of
student gaps
and teacher /
parent work in
for student
Students attend
"Hornet Time"
for 45 minutes
Students are
Monitored to
growth (Most at
Risk every 10
days, At Risk
every 20 days)
Plans are
reviewed each
month in PLCs
and student
plans are
Data Day
First Grade
September 30, 2014
Bring: Laptop and charger, Class Summary Report from Mclass (or you can pull up online if technology
is working that day), Moby Max data (pull up online); RtI folders
Analyze Grade Level and Class Data from Mclass BOY Universal Screening
Complete Reading Tier 1 Plan for Core Instruction - short/long term goals
Add students to Tier 2 and 3 Lists who were red/yellow in Dibels assessment
Reading Hornet Time Groups - who is doing what, what resources are needed, progress
monitoring, use the Hornet Time Plan worksheet in your shared folder
What Resources/Materials are needed
Progress Monitoring Questions
Which students? What assessments? How to manage?
If time permits or follow up in PLCs in the next few weeks
Analyze Moby Max Placement Data
Tier 1 Plan for Core Instruction
Add students to Tier Tracking sheet who are at risk or performing below grade level
Math Hornet Time Plans
Resources/Materials Needed
Follow Up
Needed in
School: Celeste Henkel
Subject: Reading
Date: 10/1/14
Student Name(s)/Grade Level: Kindergarten
Pick One:
Tier I
Tier II
Tier III
What should our students be able to know and do?
Identify the Problem: On the Beginning of Year Assessments Mclass assessments, 61% of Kindergarten students were not proficient on the composite score;
59% did not meet the grade level target of 10 on First Sound Fluency (FSF) and 49% did not meet the grade level target of Level RB on Text Reading
Comprehension (TRC)
RIOT – Review, Interview, Observe, Test
Prior Instructional Practices:
Students have not been exposed to
letters and sounds
Prior Curriculum Taught:
Students have not been exposed to a
preschool curriculum
Prior School/Class Environment:
Many students have never attended a
preschool program
Current Year Instructional Practices:
Letterland - multi-sensory approach
to phonemic awareness and phonics
instruction; small group instruction
Current Year Curriculum Taught:
Letterland; Small Group Instruction;
Daily 5; Daily Cafe strategies; Shared
Reading, Shared Writing; Sight Word
Current School/Class Environment:
Letterland Block; Guided Reading;
Whole group and Small group
Tier 2-1 and 3-2-1 only:
What information do you have
that is pertinent to this student’s
academic/behavioral progress?
Precise Problem Statement: On the Beginning of Year Assessments Mclass assessments, 61% of Kindergarten students were not proficient on the composite
score; 59% did not meet the grade level target of 10 on First Sound Fluency (FSF) and 49% did not meet the grade level target of Level RB on Text Reading
Comprehension (TRC) due to limited experiences with letter sounds, blending and segmenting words, and reading behaviors
Discuss and Select Solutions: rubberband stretch, roller coaster, quick dash, guess who, reading strategies from Daily 5/Cafe, shared reading, book
and print concepts, sight word books, predictable sentences
Develop and Implement Action Plan:
Kristin Clements
Debbie Fesperman
Sarah Little
Carolyn Rowe
Angie Selig
Implement Letterland with fidelity
How Often?
At least 4 times a week
Guided Reading
-individual letter sound fluency as
well as first sound fluency when
building words using Letterland
sound cards; word families
-print concepts (tracking, front,
back of book, one word to two
words, picture clues) using Daily
Cafe strategies, sight word
readers, little books
How will we know students are learning?
Baseline Score: 41% FSF (target 10); 51% TRC (target RB) on BOY Mclass Assessments
Short Term Goal: % FSF (target 30); % PSF (target 20); % TRC (target B) on MOY Mclass Assessments
Long Term Goal: % PSF (target 40); % NWF cls (target 28); % TRC (target D) on EOY Mclass Assessments
Measurement Strategy: Who? Classroom teachers
With What? (What will you use to PM?)_
How Often? Red – at least every 10 days of instruction; Yellow- at least every 20 days of instruction
Data-Based Decision Making Rules: If the above plan is implemented with fidelity then the student should show adequate growth.
Review Date: The PLC team will review the plan after MOY assessments in January, 2015
Parent Involvement in Plan Development:
Phone Call
Signed letter returned from home
Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Date: _____________
Meeting Notes (Optional):
Parent Involvement in Plan Development:
Phone Call
Signed letter returned from home
Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Meeting Notes (Optional):
Parent Involvement in Plan Development:
Phone Call
Signed letter returned from home
Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Date: ____________
Meeting Notes (Optional):
Evaluate and Revise the Plan – Date: February 3, 2015
How will we respond when students don’t learn? How will we respond when students have already learned?
Results: (What did you find based on PM data? List actual #/%)
Next Steps: Modify plan
Composite grew from 39% to 63% proficiency
TRC BOY 51% proficient(RB was the target); MOY 26% at C or above and
49% at Level B or higher
Foundational Skills
Continue sight word instruction: word wall, little readers – identifying
sight words, shared writing activities with sight words, snap word cards
– games
FSF - 41% to 66%
Letterland – continue to implement with fidelity
PSF – 68% proficient
NWF cls – 71%
Comprehension Skills –
Beginning, Middle, End – practice retelling with little books
Pictorial Storyboard with paragraph – chunking, taking a sentence at a
time and drawing a picture about that sentence, continue. Use picture
as visual for retelling
Foundation skills are strong for most students
PLC Team Members: Clements, Little, Perrin, Rowe, Selig
RtI Coordinator: Wilson
Principal: Ribbeck
Parent Involvement in Plan Development:
Phone Call
Signed letter returned from home
Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Meeting Notes (Optional-anything team feels should be notes that weren’t addressed above)
Date: __________
Reading Hornet Time Plans
Grade: 3rd
Groups are in order from lowest skill to highest skill
Area of Concern: Fluency/Oral Comprehension
Who is teaching: Wilson
Discuss/Select solutions: Brainstorm all of the things
you COULD do with this group and List them here.
Then choose 2-3 for the next question.
fcrr.org “Fleeting Phrases”, FryFast Phrases, Six
Minute Fluency Solutions, Retell Wheel, Story Board,
DRTA - Directed Reading and Thinking Activities
What are you going to be doing with this group?
small group direct instruction on fluency skills and
oral comprehension skills
What materials/programs will you be using?
Six Minute Fluency Solutions, DRTA, Retell ropes
How often? At least 2-3 times a week
Progress Monitoring:
Who? Classroom teachers
Using what? Mclass DORF fluency-retell
How often? Reds, at least every 10 days, Yellows, at
least every 20 days
1. Area of Concern: Phonics Gaps (CVC)
Who is teaching: Mrs. Moore/Mrs. Austin (two
Discuss/Select Solutions:
activities from fcrr.org, writing sentences with cvc
pattern, spelling city .com, decodable readers
star fall,
What are you going to be doing with this group?
small group direct instruction on phonics skills using
fcrr.org games, choral reading, shared writing,
What materials/programs will you be using?
MobyMax reading, phonic readers based on gap with
teacher, small groups (games, cut & paste, sort)
How often? At least 2-3 times a week
Progress Monitoring:
Who? Mrs. Moore/Mrs. Austin
Using what? Core Phonics Flash Cards
How often? Weekly
2. Area of Concern: Oral Comp/ Retell/ Vocab
Who is teaching: Caldwell
What are you going to be doing with this group?
Station rotations:
● Sm. Gp. direct instruction modeling strategies
such as Think Bubble & DRTA
● Group work on Word Work (prefixes, root
words, suffixes); Storyboards; Writing
● Retell Ropes; Timed Partner Fluency Reads
What materials/programs will you be using?
● Scott Foresman Fluency Passages
● Think Bubbles
● Vocab cards & group board
● Storyboards
● Writing Journal
● Retell Ropes w/ the retell writing frame
● Self charting fluency charts
How often? At least 2-3 times a week
Progress Monitoring:
3. Area of Concern: Written Comprehension
Who is teaching: Byers/Holbrook (two groups)
Discuss/Select Solutions:
Moby Max Writing, use question stems, leveled
What are you going to be doing with this group?
Small groups with reading passages and mclass
question stems, Moby Max Writing
What materials/programs will you be using?
Mclass Question Stems, Leveled Reading Passages
from A-Z or ReadWorks.org, Moby Max
How often? At least 2-3 times a week
Progress Monitoring:
Who? Byers/Holbrook
Using what? Moby Max, student writing from
question stems
How often? at least every 10 days
Who? Laura Caldwell
Using what? MClass Reading 3D DORF
How often? Every 10 days
4. Area of Concern: Enrichment
Who is teaching: Harris
Discuss/Select Solutions: Retelling rope using 4th
and 5th grade passages, novels
What are you going to be doing with this group?
Students will be reading novels, learning new
vocabulary using context clues and dictionaries and
working on writing for reading levels M and higher.
They will rotate to different stations during the hornet
time to work on these skills. They will also do
research activities focused on various topics.
What materials/programs will you be using?
novels, laptops
How often? At least 2-3 times a week
Progress Monitoring:
Who? Harris
Using what? Group PDSA
How often? once a month
Area of Concern:
Who is teaching:
What are you going to be doing with this group?
What materials/programs will you be using?
How often?
Progress Monitoring:
Using what?
How often?
School: Celeste Henkel
Student Name/Grade Level: Annika Williams/Fourth Grade
Pick One:
Tier I
Tier II
Tier III
Subject: Reading
Date: 10/2/14
Tier II or Tier III only: Has the student had excessive absences/tardies/transience in their school career (if yes, attach relevant attendance history)?
Student Strengths: Works well in a small group, can follow directions, wants to do well, turns in assignments.
What should our students be able to know and do?
Identify the Problem: On the Beginning of the Year AIMSweb fluency assessment, Annika read 82 words in one minute (target 105), which is below grade level (yellow); 6 on
AIMSweb Maze (target 12) which is well below grade level; and Level 1 on 3rd grade End of Grade Test.
RIOT – Review, Interview, Observe, Test
Prior Instructional Practices:
Guided Reading; Small group leveled
instruction; Instruction in Fluency
Current Year Instructional Practices:
Guided Reading, small group leveled
instruction, NC Ready Books aligned
to common core standards,
instruction in fluency, interactive
reading notebooks in 3 of 4 classes
Prior Curriculum Taught:
Leveled Texts; Passages for Fluency
Practice; Fluency Activities from fcrr.org;
Read Works passages (lexile levels); Scott
Foresman, Reading A-Z, Informational
Text; Time for Kids
Current Year Curriculum Taught:
Leveled Texts; Passages for Fluency
Practice; Fluency Activities from fcrr.org;
Read Works passages (lexile levels); Scott
Foresman, Reading A-Z, Informational
Text; Time for Kids
Prior School/Class Environment:
Guided Reading Block; Whole and
Small Group Instruction
Current School/Class Environment:
Guided Reading Block; Whole and
Small Group Instruction
Tier 2-1 and 3-2-1 only:
Works better in a small group
Struggles to stay focused during whole
class instruction
Rushes through work, and does not use
the strategies we have learned to
complete assignments.
Annika was in a small group for phonics
instruction last year and ended the year
at section F: Consonant Blends with Short
Vowels. She was reassessed on Core
Phonics at the Beginning of the Year and
did not benchmark on F (10/15)
Precise Problem Statement: On the Beginning of the Year AIMSweb fluency assessment, Annika read 82 words in one minute (target 105), which is below grade level (yellow); 6
on AIMSweb Maze (target 12) which is well below grade level; and Level 1 on 3rd grade End of Grade Test because foundational reading skills have not been mastered.
Discuss and Select Solutions: fcrr.org, phonics, storyboards, graphic organizers, fast phrases, readers’ theater, partner reads
Develop and Implement Action Plan:
How Often?
Bonnie Wilson
Cherl Hollada
Tier 2-1
Six Minute Fluency Solutions – Timed
partner reads
Moby Max Reading
Tier 3-2-1
Small group direct instruction focused on
student’s lowest deficit from Core Phonics
Survey, moving to the next skill deficit as
each is mastered, starting on Section F:
Consonant Blends with Short Vowels
using activities from fcrr.org such as Word
Blender and Knoll Stroll
At least 2-3 times a week
Classroom/Intervention Block
At least 4 times a week
Vocabulary and Comprehension Skills –
Context Clues, Figurative Language,
Chunking text and Close Reading
How will we know students are learning?
Baseline Score: 82 wrc AIMSweb fluency at BOY (grade level target 105); 10/15 on section F
Short Term Goal: 116 wrc AIMSweb fluency at MOY (target 120); at least 13/15 on Deficit areas of Core Phonics
Long Term Goal: 132 wrc AIMSweb fluency at EOY (target 136)
Measurement Strategy: Who? Wilson/Church With What? Core Phonics Flashcards/AIMSweb R-CBM (Fluency)
Long Term Goal: 136 wrc AIMSweb fluency at EOY (target 136)
How Often? Phonics – weekly; AIMSweb R-CBM - every 20 days (if yellow)
Data-Based Decision Making Rules: If the above plan is implemented with fidelity then the student should show adequate growth.
Review Date: The PLC team will review the plan monthly, next review date is November 19, 2014
Evaluate and Revise the Plan – Date: November 25,
How will we respond when students don’t learn? How will we respond when students have already learned?
Results: (What did you find based on PM data? List actual #/%)
Next Steps:
AIMSweb R-CBM (fluency)
student goal 116
grade MOY target 120
9/26 79
10/3 65
10/10 80
10/17 75
10/24 106
10/31 99
11/7 103
11/14 113
11/21 96
Annika’s’s trend line is above target and on track
to meet MOY fluency goal
Section F – Consonant Blends with Short Vowels
10/31 14/15 (93%)
14/15 (93%)
AIMSweb Maze
student goal 13
grade target 19
11/7 17
11/13 12
11/20 24
Annika is above target to meet MOY goal
Six Minute Reading Solutions – paired partner
timed readings
Section G – Short Vowels and Digraphs
11/14 13/15 (86%)
11/21 13/15 (86%)
Annika is rapidly progressing through her phonics
Tier 2 – Continue Six-Minute Fluency Solutions, add Writing frame once
a week to summarize passage in order to build comprehension skills,
continue to progress monitor with AIMSweb R-CBM and Maze at least
every 10 days
Tier 3 – Continue small group and one-on-one phonics instruction
focused on Section H: R-controlled vowels using activities from fcrr.org
such as Jar Sort and R-Caterpillars; Partner practice with Flash Cards
words with r-controlled vowels; continue to progress monitor with Core
Phonics Survey word lists once a week
Review plan by December 19, 2014
week 1 109, 111, absent
week 2 104, 105, 140
week 3 119, 119, 132
PLC Team Members: Church, Clanton, Cauble, Hollada
RtI Coordinator: Wilson
Principal: Ribbeck
Parent Involvement in Plan Development:
Phone Call
Signed letter returned from home
Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Date: __________
Meeting Notes (Optional-anything team feels should be notes that weren’t addressed above)
Evaluate and Revise the Plan – Date: December 19,
How will we respond when students don’t learn? How will we respond when students have already learned?
Results: (What did you find based on PM data? List actual #/%)
AIMSweb R-CBM (fluency)
student goal 116
grade MOY target 120
12/5 105
12/12 107
12/19 109
Next Steps:
Tier 2 – Continue Six-Minute Fluency Solutions, add Writing frame once
a week to summarize passage in order to build comprehension skills,
continue to progress monitor with AIMSweb R-CBM and Maze at least
every 10 days
Section H: R-Controlled Vowels
12/5 14/15 (93%)
12/12 13/15 (86%)
Section I: Long Vowel Spellings
12/19 13/15 (86%)
Tier 3 – Continue small group and one-on-one phonics instruction
focused on Section I: Long Vowel Spellings using activities from fcrr.org
such as Same But Different; Continue Partner practice with Flash Cards
words with r-controlled vowels; continue to progress monitor with Core
Phonics Survey word lists once a week
Annika is continuing to improve in her reading
fluency although not as rapidly. She is slowing
down her reading some to improve
AIMSweb Maze
student goal 13
grade target 19
12/5 17
12/12 22
12/19 22
Six Minute Reading Solutions – paired partner
timed readings
week 4: 107, 113
week 5: absent, 106, 122
week 6:100, 120, 140
week 7: absent, 101, 142
Review plan by January 26, 2015, after Middle of Year Universal
Screening. Update Tier 2 and Tier 3 plan at that time. Conference is
scheduled for January 28, 2015 with parent to review Annika’s progress
and next steps.
PLC Team Members: Church, Clanton, Cauble, Hollada
RtI Coordinator: Wilson
Principal: Ribbeck
Parent Involvement in Plan Development:
Phone Call
Signed letter returned from home
Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Meeting Notes (Optional-anything team feels should be notes that weren’t addressed above)
Date: __________