SCHOOL QUALITY REVIEW (SQR) ■■ How can a school’s leadership team gain a clear understanding of the quality of education being provided? ■■ How do schools develop a focused picture of the specific factors that support and limit effective student learning? As an evidence-based, objective evaluation, School Quality Review aids schools by identifying strengths, improvement needs, and strategies to implement sustained development. We work with clients to develop customized criteria that are uniquely focused on student learning. We also provide capacitybuilding programs and orientation sessions for administrators and staff to ensure that key stakeholders are fully engaged in the review process. Strategies include self-evaluation, lesson observation, student work analysis and monitoring through discussions with teachers, students and parents. Triangulation of Evidence Cambridge Education’s triangulation of evidence ensures that findings are based on combined evidence from quantitative data, people’s views and direct observations. Capacity building Our approach is designed to be a positive and constructive process that helps school staff and the community to know their school better, and enables them to implement improvement plans with purpose and fidelity. After participating in a SQR, a school will have: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ A comprehensive report detailing the factors that support and limit effective learning Clear recommendations that can be used to move the school forward in specific areas An enhanced ability to self-evaluate and strategies for continuous self-assessment A sharper view of how different elements of the school directly affect student learning An increased capacity to monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning Tools for creating and capitalizing on new and existing links with parents and the community Our approach The Cambridge Education School Quality Review program informs learning and teaching and assists educators as they set goals for improvement. SQRs provide critical tools to help schools build on their successes in order to improve teaching and promote student achievement. Through self-evaluation, schools build the capacity to engage in a program of continuous quality improvement. Our School Quality Review process has four stages: 1.Preparation and self-evaluation 2.Site visit 3.Feedback, including a written report 4.School improvement action planning The unique quality of the Cambridge Education SQR system is the emphasis that it places on the evaluation of impact on students’ learning. With this as the focal point, reviewers seek to answer the following questions: ■■ How well are students learning? ■■ How effectively do teachers facilitate student learning? ■■ How rigorously do school leaders monitor the effectiveness of learning and teaching? ■■ What are the main classroom factors that accelerate student achievement? ■■ What are the special characteristics of the school? ■■ How well does the school engage parents and the local community? “This was a positive experience for the school and for reviewers. Directions were clear, guidance was provided throughout and though the two days were fast-paced, we were focused and productive.” Fulton County, GA SQR Participant Case study District-Wide School Quality Reviews, September 2011 to February 2013 Fulton County, GA Project role: As one component of a district-wide accountability framework within Fulton County Schools, Cambridge Education trained over 170 school administrators and staff in the SQR process. Our consultants provided follow-up action planning support (usually about 2-3 weeks after the on-site review) to enable individual schools to create a robust improvement plan to serve as a tool to drive tangible school improvement. Impact: The program evolved into an invaluable source of professional development for principals and other Fulton staff, with an important accountability function. Administrators from nearly every school reported that they incorporated SQR findings into their school improvement planning. Staff also reported that review findings were helpful in identifying their school’s strengths and areas for development. The training program for school reviewers was a cornerstone for capacity building. Cambridge Education gave principals, assistant principals, and central office administrators the skills to embed SQR and use school selfevaluation as a successful school improvement activity throughout the district. KB/09/11 Contact us Melissa Lara, Practice Lead Douglas t910-385-6078 t781-636-4045 heineke, Program Lead Cambridge Education is a member of the Mott MacDonald Group