Modular Pathway Engineering of Microbial Fatty Acid Metabolism for the Synthesis of Branched Acids, Alcohols, and Alkanes By Micah J. Sheppard B.S.E. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Pennsylvania, 2008 Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering r in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASSACHUS S OF TECI-NOLOGY Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering at the JUN 3 0 2014 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES June 2014 @ 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Signature redacted Signature of Author: Department of 8i emical Engineering May 12, 2013 Certified by: Signature redacted C, Kristala L. J. Prather Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: Signatu re redacted Patrick S. Doyle Department of Chemical Engineering Chairman, Committee for Graduate Students E 2 Modular Pathway Engineering of Microbial Fatty Acid Metabolism for the Synthesis of Branched Acids, Alcohols and Alkanes by Micah J. Sheppard Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering on May 12, 2014 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering Abstract Historically, microbial platforms have been used to synthesize a variety of chemical products and potential biofuels. More recently, increasingly complex metabolic pathways have been engineered by using novel hosts, modifying natural pathways, and establishing de novo pathways with enzymes taken from a variety of pathway contexts. Highly reduced and branched alkyl chains are potentially interesting targets for both flavor and fragrance compounds and as liquid fuel components. Here we report the engineering of microbial fatty acid synthesis to provide both CoA-dependent and fatty acid synthase platforms for previously undescribed routes to medium-chain length, branched acids. Specifically we produced six-carbon 4-methyl-valeric acid via a CoA-dependent route and nine-carbon 7-methyloctanoic acid via a fatty acid synthase. Specific variants of the platform pathways were used to demonstrate synthesis of potential liquid fuel targets. The CoA-dependent platform was used to create a redox-neutral pathway to 4-methyl-pentanol with a maximum theoretical energy efficiency of 100%. Both platforms were used to demonstrate the first reported synthesis of short- and medium-chain alkanes from three to seven carbons. Thesis Supervisor: Kristala L. J. Prather Title: Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering 3 Dedication This thesis is dedicated to my wife, Katherine, who has had to sacrifice much and been a requisite support mentally, emotionally, and spiritually during the past six years. Acknowledgements This work would not have been possible without the help of my advisor, Kristala Prather, committee members, Gregory Stephanopoulos and Gerald Fink, and all my laboratory mates, past and present. I want to thank my committee for giving guidance about the overall direction and helping me to keep a view of the overall context of my work. I came to MIT hoping to work with Kristala and I am grateful for the opportunity she gave me to work in her laboratory. I am thankful for the scientific guidance, intellectual space, and positive support she gave me which were essential to completing this work. More importantly, I am thankful that Kris treated me as a human being and supported my growing family during my time at MIT. I have also cherished the lively and respectful conversations which have been cultivated in the Prather Lab. Each of my colleagues in the Prather Lab has contributed to some degree by discussing our work together. I have learned from each of you. Specifically, I would like to thank Collin Martin, Hsien-Chung Tseng, and Himanshu Dhamankar for collaborations on CoAdependent pathways and Aditya Kunjapur for collaborations on carboxylic acid reductases and all of our work on alkane synthesis. There are also a number of friends from Chemical Engineering who have helped me with analytics and helped me grow as a scientist and a person while at MIT. Caroline Chopko, Thomas Wasylenko, Yuko Kida, and Shawn Finney-Manchester all have provide insights about science and life. 4 Contents A b stra c t .................................................................................................................................................. 3 D e d ic a tio n .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Acknow ledge m e nts ................................................................................................................................ 4 C on te n ts ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 9 Early m icrobial biofuels and solvents............................................................................................ 9 Recent advances in biofuel pathw ay engineering.......................................................................... 9 Finding an ideal bio-gasoline alternative ..................................................................................... 13 Potential biological routes through fatty acid m etabolism ........................................................... 17 Pathw ay platform s to branched acids, alcohols, and alkanes ..................................................... 20 Chapter 2: A CoA-dependent pathway to 4-m ethyl-pentanol ........................................................ 22 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Pathway design ................................................................................................................................. 24 M odule 1: Synthesis of isobutyrate from pyruvate................................................................. 24 M odule 2: Activation of isobutyrate to isobutyryl-CoA .......................................................... 25 M odule 3: Synthesis of 4M V from isobutyryl-CoA and acetyl-CoA ........................................ 25 M odule 4: Reduction of 4M V to 4M P..................................................................................... 26 Pathw ay im plem entation ............................................................................................................. 26 R e su lts .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Identification of enzymes required for CoA-dependent carbon chain extension (Module3)......26 4M P synthesis from 4M V (M odule 4) ....................................................................................... 28 Incorporation of a pathway from glucose to isobutyryl-CoA (Modules 1 & 2).........................32 Improved pathway selectivity through alcohol dehydrogenase selection (Revisiting Module 4)37 D isc u ss io n ......................................................................................................................................... 39 M ethods ........................................................................................................................................... 43 Bacterial Strains and Plasm ids................................................................................................... 43 Splice by Overlap Extension .................................................................................................... 44 Culture Conditions........................................................................................................................44 Relative Activity Assay for Purified His-Car .............................................................................. 45 M etabolite Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 46 Chapter 3: A fatty acid synthase pathw ay to 7-m ethyl-octanoate ................................................. 47 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 47 Pathw a y Design ................................................................................................................................ 50 5 M odule 1-SBA and precursor generation................................................................................. 50 M odule 2-7M O and elongation................................................................................................ 51 M odule 3-0 and term ination .................................................................................................... 51 Results .............................................................................................................................................. Initial dem onstration of branched fatty acid synthesis............................................................ 51 Expression and engineering of FatB2....................................................................................... 52 Synthesis of 7-m ethyl-octanoate (7M C8) and octanoate (C8)................................................. 55 Increased titers through accABCDEc overexpression ................................................................. 57 Discussion.......................................................................................................................................... 58 M ethods ........................................................................................................................................... 61 Bacterial strains and plasm ids .................................................................................................. 61 Gene knockouts for E. coli production strain ............................................................................ 62 Gene integration in B. subtilis PY79 ......................................................................................... 62 M D m edium recipe ....................................................................................................................... 63 Culture conditions........................................................................................................................ 63 Acid extraction/m ethyl esterification ....................................................................................... 64 Gas chrom atography analysis................................................................................................... 65 W estern blot analysis................................................................................................................... 66 W estern blot buffers .................................................................................................................... 67 Chapter 4: M odular pathw ays to short-chain alkanes ..................................................................... 68 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 68 Pathw ay design ................................................................................................................................. 71 Alternative precursor modules for CoA pathways (Modules 1-Pr and 1-1B)............................ 72 CoA-dependent chain extension (M odules 2-M CC and 2-BC) ................................................ 73 FAS m odules (M odules 1-SBA, 2-7M O, and 3-0) ..................................................................... 73 Acid reduction and aldehyde decarbonylation (M odule 4A)................................................... 73 Results .............................................................................................................................................. 6 51 73 Dem onstration of CarNi/Adh6psc route to butanol and pentanol ............................................ 73 Pentane synthesis from glucose .............................................................................................. 75 Propane and pentane synthesis from glucose ......................................................................... 76 Butane and pentane synthesis from glycerol............................................................................ 77 2-m ethyl-butane synthesis........................................................................................................... 78 Heptane synthesis from glucose ............................................................................................. 80 Discussion.......................................................................................................................................... 81 M ethods ........................................................................................................................................... 84 Bacterial strains and plasmids ................................................................................................... 84 C u ltu re co n d itio ns ........................................................................................................................ 85 Gas chromatography method .................................................................................................. 86 Liquid chromatography method............................................................................................... 87 88 Chapter 5: Future directions ................................................................................................................ 88 Improving the CoA-dependent platform for branched products.................................................. Key rate-limiting enzymes ....................................................................................................... 88 Altering cofactor utilization ..................................................................................................... 91 95 An orthogonal branched FAS............................................................................................................ 96 Identifying an orthogonal ACP ................................................................................................ Pairing ACP and thioesterase activity to complete the pathway ............................................... 100 Improving alkane synthesis through alternative decarbonylases..................................................101 Alternative decarbonylases within the cyanobacteria AD family .............................................. 101 CER1-like plant aldehyde decarbonylases..................................................................................104 A p p e n dice s ......................................................................................................................................... 10 7 Appendix 1: Evaluating fuel targets and gasoline composition ..................................................... 107 Text A1-1: Energy density calculations for potential alcohol fuels ............................................ 107 Text A1-2: Sample calculations of potential fuel compound pricing ......................................... 107 Table A1-1: Composition of typical gasoline .............................................................................. 109 Appendix 2: CoA-dependent 4M P pathway ................................................................................... 110 Text A2-1: Pathway yield calculations ........................................................................................ 110 Text A2-2: Codon optimized gene sequences ............................................................................ 111 Table A2-1: Strains Used in Module 3 Screening.......................................................................115 Table A2-2: Plasmid construct descriptions .............................................................................. 116 Fig. A2-1: Detailed schematic of modules of the full 4M P Pathway .......................................... 118 Appendix 3: Modified lipid content from engineered FAS............................................................. 119 Text A3-1: Codon optimized FatB2ch gene sequence.................................................................119 Table A3-1: Plasmid construction...............................................................................................120 Fig. A3-1: Branched long-chain fatty acids from modified E. coli FAS........................................121 Fig. A3-2: Free fatty acid production with no-activator controls ............................................... 122 Appendix 4: Alkane construct descriptions and quantification methods ...................................... 123 Text A4-1: Codon optimized ADpm.............................................................................................. 123 Text A4-2: Alkane quantification................................................................................................ 124 Table A4-1: Primers and plasmids..............................................................................................125 Fig. A4-1: Heptane GC standard curve ....................................................................................... 126 7 Appendix 5: Identifying alternative enzymes for platform pathways............................................127 Text A5-1: Hidden Markov Model (HMM) used by adh-short (PF00106) Pfam family..............127 Table A5-1: Protein identifiers for PhaBcn node reductases ...................................................... 128 Table A5-2: UniProt identifiers for potential NADH-dependent PhaB-like reductases..............129 R e fe re n ce s .......................................................................................................................................... 8 1 30 Chapter 1: Introduction Early microbialbiofuels and solvents While interest in microbially derived transportation fuels has piqued during the last decade, technologies that harness microbial routes to alcohols were first used over a century ago. A number of early automobile designs of the the early 2 0 th 1 9 th century relied on an ethanol fuel. Even the famous Ford Model T of century used engines capable of burning ethanol'. Before the establishment of the petroleum economy yeast fermentation of biomass-derived sugars provided a competitive fuel source. Fermentations were also used for large scale solvent production. Bacterial strains which produced butanol were first observed by Louis Pasteur as early as 18612. By 1914 a British chemist, Chaim Weizmann, had identified Clostridia strains which could produce a variety of solvents including butanol and acetone using the acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) pathway. Weizmann's interest was in developing butanol production for synthetic rubber, but it was an acetone shortage during World War I which pushed the development of large-scale fermentation of Clostridia. After the war the butanol byproduct of the fermentation was used for automobile lacquer, and the bioprocess remained commercially feasible into the 1950s 2. By the middle of the 2 0 th century the petroleum chemical industry had made ABE fermentation and other alternative chemical production economically uncompetitive. Recent advances in biofuelpathway engineering Recently, scientific understanding of potential environmental effects due to greenhouse gas emissions and a desire to establish energy independence from foreign sources of petroleum has led to renewed interest in alternative sources for fuels and chemical products. The United States government has passed legislation to support development of these alternative technologies. As part of that legislation, a production target has been set of 14 billion gallons of advanced biofuels (cellulosic derived fuels which can provide 80% reduction in life-cycle carbon emissions compared to petroleum) per year by 20223. As 9 a result, research interest in the use of microbial biocatalysts for the conversion of biomass into liquid fuels has been renewed over the past decade. On an industrial scale, the renewed interest in biofuels has led to increased production of ethanol for fuel blending. Since the fuel crisis of the 1970s, the use of ethanol in fuel blends has been increasing in response to incentives supporting both alternative energy and the agricultural industry4 . This dual motivation exists because fuel ethanol has been predominantly derived from yeast fermentation of corn sugars in the United States. In addition to the availability of ethanol producing yeast strains, ethanol was selected because it serves as an environmentally friendly alternative to 4 methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) as an octane booster . Biotechnology has matured as interest in biofuels has been rekindled. Over the last decade there has been rapid growth in DNA sequencing technology and molecular biology techniques which has allowed for a diverse set of rational and semi-rational engineering approaches for improving microbial biocatalysts5' . Genome sequencing data from diverse sets of organisms and increasingly cheaper DNA synthesis methods have made it possible to move or design chimeric metabolic pathways in a microbial host 7 . This has enabled transfer of non-native catabolic pathways and synthetic routes to non-native metabolites into well understood host strains . As microbial biofuels have been envisioned as complete replacements for gasoline, these new tools have opened up research into both improving existing ethanol production strategies and in developing "next-generation" biofuels. Low price points for fuels create small profit margins making increased process efficiency valuable for any biofuel. As a result, much research has been focused on understanding how to push yeast strains, like Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and bacteria, like Zymomonas mobilis, closer to theoretical maximum yields and to use larger fractions of potential biomass feedstocks9,10, 11,12 In general this work has been successful. S. cerevisiae strains have been engineered to produce ethanol at near 100% theoretical maximum yields and to utilize xylose as a carbon source, 10 12. Despite these advances, challenges concerning biomass generation and pre-treatment remain even for well-established ethanol platforms3. Pathways to alternative biofuels have been explored in parallel to the development of improved ethanol strains. The relatively low energy density, high corrosivity, and high hygroscopicity of ethanol make it less compatible with the existing transportation fuel infrastructure. As evidenced by the butanol pathways of Clostridia, there are alternative natural metabolites which could serve as fuels with improved properties. C. acetobutylicum is not typically considered a modern industrial strain because it makes a somewhat unpredictable mixture of fermentation products and exhibits lower yields for specific products2. Motivated by increased yields and the lack of available molecular biology tools for engineering Clostridia, Atsumi et al. first reported the transfer of butanol pathway genes to a more tractable Escherichia coli host in 200814. During this period an explosion of new potential biofuel pathways were demonstrated. While a variety of organisms have been used, E. coli and S. cerevisiae hosts have been most common. The butanol pathway has been improved in E. coli and demonstrated in S. cerevisiae as well as the bacteria Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus subtilis1 5'16,17. Modifications of this same pathway have been used to produce the heavier chain alcohols pentanol and hexano11 8' 19. Identical chemistry was also used in an engineered reversal of the normally catabolic -oxidation cycle to produce heptanol, octanol, nonanol, and decano 2 0 . Some branched alcohols have also been demonstrated by using either the mevalonate pathway to isoprenoids or branched amino acid synthesis coupled to the Ehrlich pathway for fusel alcohols21 '2,23 Replacements for diesel and jet fuel have also been targeted in pathway development. Many naturally occurring lipid intermediates closely resemble petroleum derived diesel and jet fuel components. In the mid-1990s a plant thioesterase from Umbellularia californica was discovered that could be used to generate shorter free fatty acids from E. coli 2 4 . Since that initial discovery, a variety of acyl-ACP (acyl carrier protein) thioesterases have been used to generate fatty acids in E. co/i 2 s, 26. These 11 longer chain fatty acids can be chemically esterified to form methyl or ethyl esters which are suitable as biodiesel. Enzymes have been found that will catalyze the esterification in vivo, and others have been identified that will convert fatty acyl-CoAs to fatty alcohols2 . Isoprenoid synthesis has also been used to produce diesel or jet fuel subsititutes in yeast28 These initial biofuel targets all contain some oxygen while petroleum based fuels are composed of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Oxygen-containing products were targeted first because true hydrocarbons are rare in nature. Most pathway development started with known metabolic pathways. Photosynthetic cyanobacteria are a phylum of bacteria which had been observed to produce alkanes2 9. In 2010, Schirmer et al. used a genome comparison approach to identify the genes responsible for alkane synthesis in cyanobacteria 30 . The genomes of cyanobacteria displaying alkane and non-alkane phenotypes were compared and genes unique to alkane producers were identified. Of those genes only a small number were of unknown function, and gene knockouts revealed two genes which were essential for alkane production. It was found that the enzymes coded by this gene pair act on fatty acid metabolites and generate an aldehyde intermediate which is decarbonylated to an alkane. Upon their discovery, these genes were used to produce long-chain alkanes in an E. coli host 30 . Very recently, variants of the pathway were used to produce shorter-chain and branched-chain alkanes in E. coli"' 32. While a wide variety of products have been demonstrated, few have been developed to the point of commercialization. Gevo, Inc. and Amyris Biotechnologies are two ventures which have moved to commercialize platforms for isobutanol and isoprenoid production, respectively3 ' 34 . Joule Unlimited has developed a platform of engineered photosynthetic bacteria to produce ethanol with the potential to produce other hydrocarbons 3 s. To date no single technology has been proven to be capable of significantly displacing petroleum or even traditional ethanol platforms. 12 Finding an ideal bio-gasoline alternative Of the potential liquid fuel targets in the United States, an alternative to gasoline could greatly reduce petroleum reliance. The United States consumes 47.7% of the 22 million barrels of gasoline produced by the world per day 36 . Gasoline also makes up 40% of total petroleum consumption in the United States37 . While the numbers reveal the scale of petroleum dependence, they also highlight the potential impact that efficient processes to renewable gasoline could provide. Beginning with the earliest examples of alcohol fuels, microbial biofuels have been derived from natural pathways. Only recently has biotechnology opened up the possibility to design de novo biosynthetic pathways and most "next-generation" biofuel routes have relied heavily on natural pathways to fuel-like compounds8 . An alternative strategy of characterizing the target compounds of interest (gasoline components) and considering all potential biochemical space may lead to identification of more efficient pathways to the original targets or near-exact replacements. By using this rational approach pathways can also be designed to produce intermediates or alternate products of value so a platform pathway can be created for production of multiple compounds. If this strategy is to be employed for gasoline, the first step is to understand the characteristics and composition of the fuel. Gasoline is a well distributed blend of more than 30 aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (Table Al-1)3 8, 3 9, 40 . The most abundant alkanes fall between four and seven carbons with both straight and branched isomers represented (Fig 1-141). A variety of aromatics make up considerable fractions, 5.5 Fig. 1-1. Gasoline composition. .1Isopentane chemical of percentages Mass a typical components of petroleum derived gasoline 2.83 blend are shown. While more chemical species are present 2.73 only the most abundant are 7.3 indicated in the legend and with percentage labels on the chart. n-butane 9.57 8.41 4.11 10.49 2,3-dimethylbutane 2-methyl-pentane n-hexane 2,3-dimethylpentane toluene p-xylene 3,3,4-trimethylhexane n-propylbenzene 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 13 including toluene and p-xylene. This combination of compounds, often with ethanol blending, produces an energy density of 32-35 MJ/L and research octane numbers (RONs) above 9042. The energy density of the fuel will determine mileage output given a fixed fuel tank volume and engine efficiency. Octane number is a measure of how controlled a fuel will burn. In general straight-chain alkanes have a higher tendency to autoignite causing engine knocking while branched alkanes burn smoothly 43 44 . Oxygen content lowers energy density, but increases octane number. Lighter alcohols, like ethanol, will boost octane rating but lower observed mileage as a result. Simply increasing straight-chain alcohol length increases energy density but lowers octane rating (Fig. 1-2)43. Based on this knowledge of gasoline composition and performance, the best bio-gasoline targets are highly branched alcohols or alkanes which could be used to replace or blend with existing gasoline. Such compounds reach the energy density of traditional gasoline in the six to seven carbon (C6-C7) range (Fig. 1-2A). Aromatic compounds, like toluene (36.9 MJ/L, RON 121), could be excellent biofuels, but they are typically quite toxic to living systems45. A 32 --- - normal B normal 34. iso 110 - iso - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100- 30 Z 0 28 26 , 90 - 80- C ' 24- 70- 22- 2 3 4 5 6 7 carbon number in primary alcohol 8 2 3 4 5 6 carbon number in primary alcohol Fig. 1-2. Energy density and research octane number (RON) of potential alcohol biofuels. (A) Energy density of primary alcohols increases with increasing carbon chain length. Branched isomers have similar energy densities to straight-chain isomers. The energy densities of C2-C8 alcohols are plotted. A black dashed line represents petroleum derived gasoline energy density and a blue dashed line represents the energy density of a 10% ethanol blend. (B) Octane number decreases with increasing alcohol chain length. Branched isomers have higher octane number. The black and blue dashed lines represent the RON of a petroleum and 10% ethanol gasoline blend respectively. The red dashed line is an extrapolation of observed RONs for branched isomers. It is likely that the RON of iso-hexanol (4-methyl-pentanol) falls between 80 and 90. The data in (B) is adapted from reference 43, See Appendix Text Al-1 for description of enerev densitv calculations 14 While branched C6-C7 alcohols and alkanes would perform well as fuels, it is important to consider if a bio-based production process will ever be competitive with alternative technologies. Whether using a microbial or chemical catalyst, bio-derived fuels will be likely converted from biofeedstocks (plant matter) which are predominantly composed of sugar polymers and lignin4 6 . A simple economic analysis reveals why commercialization of biofuel targets has been difficult. Estimates of current bulk chemical prices can be used to calculate the value of converting biomass derived sugars to specific bulk chemicals 4 7' 48. Because energy must be conserved, a maximum molar yield of a fuel from the model feedstock glucose is calculated by taking the ratio of the degree of reductance of glucose to the degree of reductance of the fuel 49. Multiplying the molar yield by the price per mole of product gives the maximum value of converting glucose to that bulk chemical (VBXG), given bulk chemical prices. One can make an estimate of the value of converting glucose to a fuel compound for a gasoline application using the price of gasoline. If one assumes gasoline value to be based on energy content, the price per MJ of gasoline can be calculated using the energy density of gasoline. This energy normalized price can be multiplied by the heat of combustion of a fuel target to give the price per mol (energy normalized) for equivalent energy output. Multiplying by the molar yield gives a liquid fuel conversion value (VEXG). Table 1-1 gives the values of converting glucose to a variety of compounds which could be used as fuels. In general, alcohols like ethanol, isobutanol, and hexanol can be marginally profitable depending on the chemical application targeted and the efficiency of the production process. Conversion of glucose to alkanes retains roughly 30% of the original value. The liquid fuel conversion value, VEXG, for converting glucose to any of the potential fuels, is $0.05 per mol glucose. This value is constant for all potential fuels because we have normalized the price on an energy basis and used maximum molar yields on an energy basis. The calculated value, $0.05 per mol of glucose, can be thought of as the maximum value of converting glucose into a gasoline-like compound given current fuel prices. In reality, different targets have different chemical characteristics which can 15 Table 1-1. Estimated value for glucose to fuel chemical conversions. The value of converting a glucose feedstock to a variety of potential fuel compounds is shown. Current prices for glucose and potential fuel targets are given on a molar basis. The maximum molar yield from glucose on an energy basis, YE, is found by taking the ratio of the degree of reductance of glucose to the degree of reductance of the fuel. A maximum conversion value from glucose using bulk chemical pricing, VBXG, is found by multiplying the price per mol bulk chemical by YE. A maximum conversion value based on gasoline (energy normalized) pricing, VEXG, is found by multiplying the price per mol of fuel by YE. The price per mol fuel is found using current gasoline prices to calculate the price per MJ fuel and converting to a molar basis using the heat of combustion of the potential fuel replacements. See Text A1-2 for sample calculations. *estimated pricing from references 45 and 46 maximum molar yield price per mol bulk YE, potential fuel (feedstock) degree of reductance from glucose (energy basis) chemical* (feedstock) (glucose) (24) - ($0.09) ethanol isobutanol 12 24 2.0 1.0 hexanol hexane 36 38 heptane 44 VBXG, bulk chemical price per mol fuel VEXG, liquid fuel conversion value per mol glucose (energy normalized) conversion value per mol glucose $0.03-0.06 $0.10 $0.06-0.12 $0.10 $0.025 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 0.67 0.63 $0.20 $0.04 $0.13 $0.025 $0.075 $0.08 $0.05 0.55 $0.05 $0.028 $0.09 $0.05 $0.05 either increase or decrease their value as a gasoline replacement. The lower bulk chemical ethanol price of $0.03 per mol is a fuel application price. The resulting bulk chemical conversion value, VBXG=$0.06 per mol glucose, is close to the liquid fuel conversion value, VEXG=$0.05 per mol glucose. In general straightchain alkanes are actually less valuable than gasoline because they have relatively low octane ratings and they are used in a limited number of additional applications50 . This lower value is reflected in VEXG exceeding VBXG for hexane and heptane. The above analysis highlights how inexpensive petroleum products remain. Oil is still readily available and can be efficiently extracted 51. As a result, direct petroleum products, like alkanes, are produced cheaply at large scale. Production of gasoline results from simply removing a distillation fraction of petroleum5 2 . A reduction in sugar prices, an increase in petroleum product prices, or a combination of the two is required to make biomass derived fuel production profitable. Alternatively, cheaper carbon sources may also be used to make some targets profitable in the short-term at smaller scale. 16 Compounds closely related to alcohol and alkane fuels are also used as flavors and fragrances. These straight or branched, medium-chain acids, aldehydes, alcohols, and esters can be used to create a range of flavors from butter or cheese to fruit or citruss3 ',4'. As an example, the C6 branched acid 4- methyl-valerate and its methyl ester can be used to produce fruity or floral flavors and fragrances. Many of these compounds have higher value than fuels and, if made microbially, can be sold at a higher price 55 . The ability to produce a range of products can support the development of microbial systems to produce improved fuels or specialty chemicals. Potential biologicalroutes throughfatty acid metabolism Synthesis of branched C6-C7 alcohols or alkanes can potentially be achieved using general fatty acid (FA) metabolism. Use of FA metabolism for production of fuel compounds is not new, but the structural diversity of products has been limited. Most examples of alcohol, acid, and ester synthesis mentioned above utilize some aspect of FA metabolism. Many of these routes are based on natural FA routes which typically generate or consume straight-chain fatty acids. While much focus was placed on these straight-chain variations of FA metabolism, significant structural diversity exists within natural FA chemical space. If one considers polyketide synthase (PKS), fatty acid synthase (FAS), and fatty acid foxidation pathways many different acyl chain structures can be generated using the same core chemical reactions. There are four key reactions which are used iteratively to build carbon chains from a variety of precursors: condensation (keto synthesis), P-keto reduction, dehydration, and enoyl reduction (Fig 13). In both FAS and PKS systems the four core reactions can be organized in different structures built with enzymes of varying substrate specificity to create a wide range of potential acid products. Type 1, 11, and Ill PKSs produce a wide range of cyclic and non-cyclic natural products. They utilize different initiator substrates and elongation monomers in concert with varying degrees of reduction 17 Act.= ACP, CoA R2 Act. R3Y 4 Act.+ RM Act.+R3 =(CO 2,H) condensation (ketosynthesis) Act. NAD(P)H+W4- R2 NADPH+H' NADP* NAD(P)*- H20 Act. r + P-keto reduction form a P-hydroxy-acyl intermediate which can Act. H2 0 .t dehydration R6LAct. NAD(P)H+H* - NAD(P)*-' R2__ NADPH+H NADP' Act. Fig. 1-3. Four reactions that form the basis of FA metabolism. The four key reactions used in all variations of fatty acid metabolism are shown as a general pathway. In an anabolic direction, two activated acids are condensed to form a 0-keto-acyl intermediate releasing an activator molecule and potentially C0 2. The P-keto-acyl intermediate is reduced to enoyl reduction be dehydrated to form an enoyl intermediate. The final reaction is a reduction of the enoyl intermediate to a saturated thioester. The activating molecules form thioesters with the carboxyl group and can be either CoA or acyl carrier protein (ACP) depending on the pathway. ACP linked pathways are anabolic while CoA linked pathways can be either anabolic or catabolic. between condensation reactions to produce spectacular diversity5 6 ' 57' 58. The ability to use branched initiators and the branched elongation monomer methyl-malonyl-CoA opens the door for potential synthesis of highly branched acids56. Unfortunately, most PKS systems form megasynthase enzyme 57 complexes which are difficult to engineer and generate relatively slow fluxes to final products . Type I FAS systems of mammals and fungi also are organized as large multifunctional peptides or complexes which makes it difficult to engineer the system for non-natural products'8'59. Unlike PKS and type I FAS, type I FAS systems found in bacteria and plants use a set of individual soluble proteins each with a single catalytic function4. While predominantly producing highly reduced acyl chains, type II FASs generate a wide array of branching structure 1 , 62,63 Intriguingly, plant type 11 64 FAS derived 4-methyl-hexanol has even been observed from some select tobacco species . Of the branched fatty acids produced in bacteria and plants, many are created by using branched acyl-CoA initiators derived from branched amino acid synthesis. The bacterium B. subtilis uses this route to 65 produce branched fatty acids which can constitute greater than 90% of its membrane lipids . Based on 18 : I previously demonstrated use of acyl-ACP thioesterases with type 11 FASs, an engineered medium-chain, branched FAS pathway appeared feasible at the start of this work. Like type II FASs, synthetic "P-oxidation-like" pathways (e.g., butanol) also use individual soluble proteins to carry out the same general chemistry used by fatty acid metabolism. Natural and engineered pathways using this CoA-dependent chemistry have been observed for a variety of straight- chain acids and alcohols14'19,66,67,6. While branched species are less commonly observed for these systems, the CoA-dependent pathways tend to limit chain extension. Identification of enzymes with the ability to act on branched CoA thioesters would open up "P-oxidation-like" routes to the desired acid precursors. If acids can be generated using either FA pathway, identification of an enzyme which can selectively reduce medium branched acids to aldehydes is required. While multiple natural systems for aldehyde generation have been described (CoA-dependent Ald 69, FAR complex32 , Car7 0 ), activity on branched C6-C7 thioesters or acids has not. Once an aldehyde is generated, alcohol dehydrogenases or aldehyde decarbonylases can potentially be used to produce either alcohol or alkane products (Fig 1-4). Alcohol dehydrogenases with varying substrate specificities are ubiquitous in nature, increasing the likelihood of identifying one suitable for C6-C7 branched aldehydes71' 72 . As mentioned above, aldehyde decarbonylases have only recently been identified in a smaller number of organisms. Finding a suitable aldehyde decarbonylase may prove difficult. Acids can also be used directly as flavor/fragrance products or processed through esterification to produce methyl, ethyl, or isobutyl esters. o R aldehyde decarbonylase PK1- Fig. 1-4. Alternate products from branched If C6-C7 branched acids are R_ 0acids. synthesized, a carboxylic acid reductase can carboxylic acid reductasease be used to generate an aldehyde intermediate. The resulting aldehyde can o potentially be converted into either a IN alcohol an by alcohol alcohol dehydrogenase primary H (aldehyde reductase) dehydrogenase or an alkane by an aldehyde decarbonylase. OH R_% 19 Pathway platforms to branched acids, alcohols, and alkanes The following work explores the above hypotheses by engineering both FAS and CoA-dependent pathway platforms for branched acid production in an E. coli host. We describe establishment of the acid platforms and extension of those pathways to specific alcohol and alkane targets. Analysis of pathway efficiencies to those targets is provided. We conclude by discussing limitations to the current platforms and describe strategies for identifying improved pathways. Chapter 2 reports the establishment of a CoA-dependent platform and its extension to make branched acids. We demonstrate use of the platform to make the six carbon branched alcohol 4methyl-pentanol (4MP). A method of in vivo screening of enzymes along a modular pathway architecture led to the development of a redox neutral pathway with the potential to reach high theoretical energy yields. Through the screening process, CoA-dependent enzymes capable of acting on branched intermediates were discovered. Additionally, a carboxylic acid reductase, carNi from Nocardia iownesis, was found to preferentially reduce medium-chain length acids to aldehydes. The activity of CarNi opened up the possibility of producing desired alcohol or alkane products. Identification of key aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenases resulted in a selective pathway for 4MP. Chapter 3 describes an alternative FAS based platform pathway. A native E. coli FAS is engineered to produce 7-methyl-octanoic acid through incorporation of B. subtilis FAS enzymes and a plant acyl-ACP thioesterase FatB2 from Cuphea hookeriana (cigar plant). Engineered constructs revealed the ability of FatB2 to act on branched acyl-ACP, but also showed that activity was limited to acyl chains with a primary chain length of eight carbons. Results from trying to drive flux by increasing precursor pools suggested that the thioesterase activity is limiting. We hypothesize that selection of an optimal FAS and thioesterase pairing may be essential for high flux to a desired acid product. Conversion of acids to alkanes from both CoA and FAS platforms is explored in Chapter 4. We developed a set of pathway modules that are used to selectively produce C4 to C8 acids which are 20 reduced to aldehydes using CarNi- Variants of the aldehyde decarbonylase from Prochloroccocus marinus MIT9313 were used to generate alkanes from C3 to C7. The branched alkane 2-methyl-butane was produced from acid precursors in vivo suggesting aldehyde decarbonylase can be used to generate exact gasoline components. Low alkane titers and build-up of aldehyde intermediates supported observations made in the literature that aldehyde decarbonylase is rate limiting in alkane pathways. Chapter 5 proposes future directions for the branched acid platforms. Promising leads for ratelimiting enzymes were identified by testing portions of the overall pathway in vivo. Strategies for identifying alternative enzymes to improve these rate limiting steps are discussed. Specifically, finding an alternative for the @-keto-acyl-CoA reductase of the 4MP pathway is stressed. Improvement of an FAS pathway requires wider ranging investigation. Identification of previously uncharacterized FASs and thioesterases using combined in vivo screening and bioinformatics techniques is suggested. Finally, potential aldehyde decarbonylase alternatives are proposed based on combined literature data and sequence analysis. 21 Chapter 2: A CoA-dependent pathway to 4-methyl-pentanol The majority of results contained in Chapter 2 have been described in a manuscript currently under review: Sheppard, M.J., Kunjapur, A.M., Wenck, S.J., and Prather, K.L.J. "Retro-biosynthetic screening of a modular pathway design achieves selective route for microbial synthesis of the gasoline substitute 4methyl-pentanol." Nat. Commun. In review as of March 14, 2014. Introduction As outlined in Chapter 1, a microbial biocatalyst used to generate liquid fuels must be maximally efficient due to the generally low price point of conventionally derived alternatives. While it is desirable to increase the energy density, reduce the hygroscopicity, and improve octane rating of potential biofuel alternatives to gasoline, the efficiency of the pathway to such compounds cannot be sacrificed. Proposed pathways to novel biofuels should strive for nearly perfect theoretical efficiency because natural fermentative routes to ethanol are already maximally efficient 49 . Previous examples of microbial synthesis of branched compounds near the energy density of gasoline have utilized relatively inefficient pathways (Fig. 2-1). A B leucine valine taf 02 0 0- a-KAE ,-onlyre keto-acid decarboxylase (kivD) GLYCOLYSIS 'biosynthesis G co0uMd0 HMG4aA I~uc ebquivalants C02 A--- acetoacetyl-CoA ace 3 isoprenoid -A meaon 5-phosphdrievalonate 5-pyrophosphomevalonate 0 H + 0 alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH6) OH OH OH i-butanol 3-methyl-butanol 4-methyl-pentanol OH isopentenol Fig. 2-1. Inefficient alternative routes to C5 and C6 branched alcohols. (A) The a-KAE route to 4methyl-pentanol creates a redox imbalance with glycolysis by releasing one C02 for every carbon added to the chain. Additionally a distribution of products is made with the mutants of LeuA and KivD which produce the heavier alcohols. (B) The mevalonate pathway of isoprenoid synthesis can be used to produce isopentenol with expression of a phsophotase. The mevalonate pathway is significantly redox imbalanced producing 6 reducing equivalents (2 for each acetyl-CoA) with only 2 reducing equivalents consumed. 22 Published examples have used either a-keto-acid elongation (ct-KAE) of amino acid precursors or termination of the mevalonate route to isoprenoids to produce medium chain-length alcohols. Both pathways create redox imbalances which greatly reduce the theoretical maximum energy yield49 . In the first design, 2-isopropylmalate synthase, LeuA, from E. coli leucine biosynthesis and c-keto-isovalerate decarboxylase, KivD, from the Lactococcus lactis Ehrlich Pathway were engineered to increase carbon chain-length via a-KAE2 17 . Applying protein engineering to the pathway allowed production of longer branched alcohols, but also generated a large distribution of products. More importantly, chainextension via ct-KAE only utilizes one carbon from every acetyl-CoA used which leads to the redox imbalance. Longer species generated by this pathway are more redox imbalanced. The second design utilizes diversion of the isoprenoid intermediates isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) by a phsophatase to generate isopenteno 2 1 . This C5 alcohol is not fully reduced and the mevalonate pathway is severely redox imbalanced. Here we present an adaptation of a CoA-dependent pathway platform for 4-methyl-pentanol synthesis. The presented synthesis route combines a portion of a native pathway (valine biosynthesis) with a ten step de novo pathway to produce 4-methyl-pentanol. In order to identify specific pathway variants, we created a conceptual modular framework based on general natural chemistries. Biosynthetic routes to alkyl chains most commonly employ a system of precursor generation followed by chain elongation through carbon-carbon bond forming reactions74'75'76. We structured our conceptual modules to correspond to this pathway structure. We envisioned precursor generating modules and carbon chain elongation modules coupled to pathway terminating modules. This approach produced a pathway with enzymes selected from nine different metabolic contexts (organsims and/or pathways). Four enzymes were selected to act on their presumed cognate substrates and 6 were applied to presumed noncognate substrates in the engineered pathway. The core Module 3 pathway architecture is based on synthetic CoA-dependent chemistry first understood in the ABE 23 IV GLYCOLYSIS potential precursor 1 reducing equivalent per pyruvate generation 0 8n A Zamino acid synthesis M- p 3M-butyrate 2M-butyrate i-butyrate propionate 0 JIL + 0 IL o General design for a CoAFig. 2-2. CoApathway. platform dependent dependent chemistry can potentially be used to extend a variety of branched- or straightchain acyl-CoA thioesters. Those thioesesters can be generated from modified branched amino acid synthesis or iterations of CoAdependent chain extension. By using acetylCoA precursors for two carbon extensions of the carbon chain the pathway can achieve redox neutrality. Two reducing equivalents are produced for each acetyl-CoA generated and two are consumed by the reduction steps in the elongation phase. Unlike FAS enzymes which generally favor continued iterative elongating CoA-dependent extension, enzymes act on limited shorter chain lengths. chain elongation thioesterases R10 acid products pathway of Clostridium acetobutylicum. This CoA-dependent architecture has several advantages compared to the xKAE and isoprenoid pathways described above. Biosynthetic CoA-dependent pathways typically utilize acetyl-CoA building blocks and extend carbon chains through condensation reactions without release of CO 2 (Fig. 2-2). The potential for generation of two reducing equivalents per acetyl-CoA generated from glycolysis perfectly balances with those consumed for reduction to a primary alcohol product 18,77. Indeed, the presented pathway achieves redox neutrality. P-oxidation chemistry has been used for synthesis of several straight-chain acids and alcohols 14,.17,19,20,78 Unlike these previous demonstrations of CoA-dependent pathways, here we present the expansion of potential products to branched alcohols of medium chain length using independently selected enzymes chosen to enhance specificity for our desired intermediates. Pathway design Module 1: Synthesis of isobutyrate from pyruvate Acetolactate synthase AlsS from Bacillus subtilis converts two pyruvate to acetolactate. Acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase lIvC from E. coli converts acetolactate to 2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate and 24 dihydroxy-acid dehydratase IlvD from E. coli converts 2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate to aketoisovalerate (aKIV). The ctKIV decarboxylase KivD from Lactococcus lactis converts ctKIV to isobutyraldehyde which can be oxidized to isobutyrate by the aldehyde dehydrogenase Fjoh2967 from Flavobacterium johnsoniae(Fig 2-3). GLYCOLYSIS H/VCaq 0 0 0- alsSBS1 _I 0 pyruvate j ivDEc SkiVD 0 H i-buyldhyde Fjoh2967Fj 0 0 0 CoA )CoI i-butyrate I enaogenous thioesterases 4-methyl-valerate 4-methyl-pentanol I Fig. 2-3. Pathway schematic for CoAThe overall dependent 4MP pathway. pathway is broken into 4 recombinant modules which were examined individually and as sub-pathway combinations. Module 1 produces isobutyrate from pyruvate by combining elements of valine biosynthesis with elements of the Ehrlich Pathway to isobutanol and an isobutyraldehyde specific aldehyde dehydrogenase. Module 2 contains ~ an isobutyryl-CoA synthetase for activation of isobutyrate to isobutyryl-CoA. Module 3 uses -'CoA CoA chemistry to condense acetyl-CoA and isobutyryl-CoA and reduce the resulting @0 keto-4-methyl-valeryl-CoA thioester to the saturated 4-methyl-valeryl-CoA thioester. After cleavage by endogenous thioesterases, the free acid, 4-methyl-valerate, is reduced by A potential Module 4 to produce 4MP. byproduct could result from butanol butyrate condensation of two acetyl-CoA. A detailed pathway scheme showing cofactors and potential byproducts can be found in H Appendix 2 Fig. A2-1. o~ OH Module 2: Activation of isobutyrate to isobutyryl-CoA The ATP-dependent isobutyryl-CoA synthetase IbuA from Rhodopseudomonas palustris converts isobutyrate to isobutyryl-CoA. A second activator, a propionyl-CoA transferase Pct from Megasphaera elsdenii was used initially for evaluating the activity of other modules. Module 3: Synthesis of 4MV from isobutyryl-CoA and acetyl-CoA The thiolase BktB from Cupriavidus necator (formerly Ralstonia eutropha) condenses isobutyryl-CoA with acetyl-CoA to form 3-keto-4-methyl-valeryl-CoA. The hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase PhaB from C. necator reduces 3-keto-4-methyl-valeryl-CoA to 3-hydroxy-4-methyl-valery-CoA which is dehydrated 25 by the enoyl-CoA hydratase PhaJ4b also of C necator. The trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase Ter from Treponema denticola further reduces 4-methyl-trans-2,3-pentenyl-CoA to 4-methyl-valeryl-CoA before endogenous thioesterase activity (potentially from TesB and/or Ydil) cleaves the CoA producing 4MV. Module 4: Reduction of 4MV to 4MP The carboxylic acid reductase car from Nocardia iowensis reduces 4MV while consuming ATP and NADPH to produce 4-methyl-valeraldehyde. 4-methyl-valeraldehyde can then be reduced to the primary alcohol 4MP by one of two alcohol dehydrogenases: Adh6p from S. cerevisiae or Lsadh from Leifsonia sp. Strain S749. Pathway implementation A series of strains were created to evaluate individual modules, module combinations, and full pathway variants. Key strains are tabulated below as a reference (Table 2-1). Additional strains referenced in Chapter 2 can be found in Appendix 2 Table A2-1. Plasmid construct details can be found in Table A2-2. Results Identification of enzymes required for CoA-dependent carbon chain extension (Module3) While CoA-dependent chain extension was desired, enzymes using this chemistry with activity on our desired branched intermediates had not been identified. Enzymes of the Clostridium acetobutylicum butanol pathway and enzymes from polyhydroxyalkanoate pathways have previously been used to synthesize a variety of straight-chain alcohols 15'18,78 These CoA dependent pathways have also been used to synthesize straight-chain -hydroxyacids when a thiolase and reductase are expressed with a thioesterase that is active on the -hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates6 7 ' 68. We explored whether the thiolase BktBCn, reductase PhaBCn, and thioesterase TesBEc could produce the branched hydroxyacid 3hydroxy-4-methyl-valerate (3H4MV) from glucose and isobutyrate. A set of different CoA activators were compared to generate the necessary isobutyryl-CoA precursor 9 . Up to 300 mg/L of 3H4MV was 26 observed from 15 mM isobutyrate using the propionyl-CoA transferase pctme from Megasphaera elsdeni 8 (Fig. 2-4). Table 2-1. Strains Used for Module and Full Pathway Evaluation. Plasmids for strains are listed. Strain names indicate the modules present in the strain, i.e. M1F2P34 includes "M" for modules, "1F" for Module 1 with feaBE, "2P" for Module 2 with pctm, "3" for Module 3 and "4" for Module 4. Strains with "( )" contain abbreviations for operon structure indicating the order of alsSB, and iIvCEC. Key strains indicated in bold. Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2 Plasmid 3 Strain name pACYC-(carNrsfpBS) -ADH6s, M4 pACYC-(carNsfpBs) -ADH6sc pET-terTd-(bktBc,-pct m) pET-(bktBcn-pctMe)(phaJ4bc,-phaBcn) pCDF-phaJ4bcn-phaBc, M2P34 pCDF-(ilvDE-terTd)- pCOLA-kivDLrfeaBEc M1F2P3 (asSB.S-i1vCEC) pCOLA-kivDLrPUUCE M1 P2P3 Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2 Plasmid 3 Plasmid 4 Strain name pET-(bktBc-pct,) -(phaJ4bcn-phaBc,) pCDF-(IlvDE-terTd) pACYC-(carNi-SfpBs) pCOLA-kivDrfeaBE M1 F2P34 -(alsSBs-ilvCE) -ADH6sc pCOLA-kivDLrpuuCEc M1 P2P34 pET-(bktBc.-terTd) pCDFpctme -(phaJ4bc,-phaBc)pET-(bktBcf-terTd) -(phaBc,-phaJ4bc,) pACYC-(carNrsfpBs) -ADH6s, - pCOLA-kivDLrfeaBEc pCDF-(ibuAj,-ivDEC) -(aIsSBs-iIvCE) M1 F(AI)2134 pCDF-(ibuAp-ilvDE) M1 F(IA)2134 -(ilvCEC-asSBS) pET-(bktBcf-terTd) -(phaBcn-phaJ4bc,) PCDF-(ibuAp-ilvDE) -(IvCEc-aISSBs) M2P3b pCOLA-kivDUrfeaBEC PACYC-(CarN-sfPBS) M1F(IA)2134a pCOLA-kivDLI -Fjoh_29 6 7 F pACYC-(carrsfpBs) -ADH6s, pACYC-(carN-sfpBs -IsadhLS M1 Fj(IA)2134 MlFj(IA)2134L The (S) specific reductase Hbdca from C. acetobutylicum was also tested in place of the (R) specific PhaBco, but no 3H4MV was observed. In order to generate the saturated intermediate 4MV, we sought an (R) specific dehydratase and an enoyl-CoA reductase which could act on our branched intermediates. From enzymes documented to have activity on straight medium-chain CoA substrates, 4 PhaJ and 6 Ter homologs were selected for further screening 81,82. An assay was developed to screen for enzymes with 27 350Fig. 2-4. 3H4MV from isobutyrate and glucose. A hydroxyacid pathway utilizing the tesBEC thioesterase of E. coli produced 3H4MV when 4 different PrpEst, activators (PctMe, 300 250 -production ED200 150 r Ptb/Bukca, 100- Ptb/BukBs) were used. The condensation and Pketo reduction were catalyzed by C. necator thiolase BktBcn 50BktB/PhaB Pct/TesB BktB/PhaB PrpE/TesB BktB/PhaB Ca-Ptb/Buk TesB BktB/PhaB Bs-Ptb/Buk TesB EV Con. and reductase PhaBcn- Strain the desired activity by isolating Modules 2 and 3 of our pathway in vivo with different combinations of dehydratases and reductases. Isobutyrate (10 mM) and glucose (1%) were supplied in LB medium, and active gene combinations were identified by detecting 4MV secretion. PctMe was used to activate isobutyrate. Of the 24 combinations tested, PhaJ4 homologs from Pseudomonas syringae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and C. necator in combination with Ter homologs from Vibrio parahaemolyticus and T. denticola produced 4MV (Fig. 2-5A). The high producer, C. necator PhaJ4bcn/T. denticola TerTd (Strain M3Sc-TdCn), yielded 297 ± 45 mg/L 4MV and was selected for Module 3 moving forward. The previously used dehydratase Hbdca and reductase Crtca from the Clostridium acetobutylicum butanol pathway were also tested in place of PhaBcn and PhaJ4bcn (Strain M3Sc-Ca) (Fig. 2-5B). While some butyrate was produced by Strain M3ScCa, 4MV was not detected. 4MP synthesis from 4MV (Module 4) Adoption of a CoA-dependent synthesis route required identification of pathways to link a saturated CoA thioester to the final alcohol product. The CoA thioester could be reduced by either a CoAdependent alIdehyde dehydrogenase or thioesterase/carboxylic acid reductase pairing. CoA-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenases have been described to act on a limited number of potential thioesterase 28 A 350 butyrate 4MtV 300 250 cc 200 1 igMdl Module 3 Fig. 2-5. Identifying Enzymes. (A) Of the 24 combinations of P-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratases (PhaJ) and transenoyl-CoA reductases (Ter) tested in strains expressing pctme, bktBcn, 3 100 -and 50 - O empty M3Sc- M3Scvector TdPa4 TdPs M3Sc- M3ScTdCn VpPa4 M3ScVpPs M3ScVpCn strain B 1200 acetate a 1000 4MVr n '- phaBc,, six combinations show activity for 4MV production. The C. necator PhaJ4bcn and T. denticola TerTd pair (M3Sc-TdCn) give the highest 4MV titer. (B) The high was M3Sc-TdCn producer compared to a construct expressing C acetobutylicum hbdc, and crtcQ (M3Sc-Ca) instead of phaJ4bcn and 800- terTd. While Hbdca and Crtca have 600 for used been previously production of straight-chain acids butyrate and valerate, no 4MV was detected. 400- 4(D 2000 M3Sc-TdCn M3Sc-Ca strain substrates. Based on sequence homology and initial assays in our laboratory, it appears bifunctional aldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenases with specificity for acetyl-CoA are found in a range of prokaryotes. Clostridium acetobutylicum was found to contain two versions of the "adhE" gene with one enzyme, AdhE2, having specificity for butyryl-CoA over acetyl-CoA8 3 . Alternatively independent CoA-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenases (Ald) have been found in a subset of Clostridia8 4. When we tested both CoAdependent enzymes using an in vivo assay we did not observe substrate flexibility for a series of branched substrates. Carboxylic acid reductases (Car) provided an intriguing alternative. While acting on free acids, different Car variants had been observed to have activity on a wider array of substrates8 5' 8 6 . We hypothesized that, if a thioesterase could produce free 4MV from 4-methyl-valeryl-CoA a Car variant along with an alcohol dehydrogenase could be used to convert 4MV to 4MP. Based on other work in our laboratory we believed our E. coli host expressed thioesterases capable of cleaving the 4-methylvaleryl-CoA bond ''8. Recently, a carboxylic acid reductase (Car) from Mycobacterium marinum was 29 shown to convert a range of straight-chain fatty acids to fatty aldehydes, but with increasing activity for longer chain lengths8 5. A previously studied homolog, Car from N. iowensis, was found to have activity on a broad range of acids86 . Because a Car with specificity for medium-chain branched acids was desired, CarNi from N. iowensis was selected for further study. A Fig. 2-6. Tuning of pathway selectivity by the carboxylic acid reductase CarNi. (A) In vitro analysis of his-purified CarNi reveals a dependence on acid primarychain length with maximum activity at a 1.0. - 0.9U)0.8- 0.7- chain length of five and six carbons. Branching at the C4 position is preferred significantly over straight acid species. The potential substrates for byproduct formation, butyrate and isobutyrate, are seen to have 56% and 25% of the observed activity on 4-methyl-valerate (4MV) respectively. (B) MichaelisMenten kinetics for isobutyrate and 4MV reveal that CarN has a strong preference for the latter intermediate. C0.5- 0.40.3-- e 0~ B substrate isobutyrat 4-methylvalerate 1 k~(soc ) Km, (mM) N1.40.1 78 9 2.5 ± 0.3 0.31± 0.08 k,,K,, (sec' mM') 0.018 0.002 8.1 ± 2.3 While CarNi has previously been assayed, its activity on a range of aliphatic acids was not examined. Assays were devised to confirm activity on desired substrates in vitro and in vivo. First, His-tagged CarNi was purified and assayed for relative activity on 13 straight and branched acid substrates from C2-C8. CarNi shows a peak in activity for acids with a primary chain-length of 5-6 carbons (Fig. 2-6A). The highest CarN activity was found for the branched species 4MV and 4-methyl-hexanoate. Our pathway design utilizes an isobutyrate precursor and could potentially generate a butyrate byproduct. In addition E. coli will generate free acetate from glycolytic overflow. Given the need to reduce flux of precursors to undesired byproduct alcohols, CarNi was a logical selection because of its preference for 4MV over the short-chain acids acetate, isobutyrate, and butyrate. The strong specificity of CarNi over the isobutyrate precursor was of particular importance. The Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters of CarNi were found using these two key intermediates to confirm the desired specificity (Fig. 2-6B). The 30 kcat/Km ratio with 4MV was found to be 450 times higher than with isobutyrate, indicating the significant preference of CarNi for 4MV over other acid substrates generated by the pathway. Having a Km of 78 ± 9 mM with isobutyrate, CarNi is expected to convert isobutyrate poorly under physiologically relevant concentrations, which limits shunting of the precursor to isobutyraldehyde. A diverse set of alcohol dehydrogenases have been identified in nature. In S. cerevisiae alone, seven different variants have been identified 8 . We selected S. cerevisiae Adh6p to pair with CarNi based on observed in vitro and in vivo activity on branched aliphatic substrates23' 8 9 . An initial in vivo assay monitored acid to alcohol conversion by Strain M4 expressing corN and ADH6sc for five different straight and branched-chain acids. While additional effectors (transport, toxicity) could be reflected in the in vivo results, in general the observed in vitro activity trends held in vivo with a complete Module 4 (Fig 2-7A). A B 2.5- acetate 2500 250i-butanol 2.0- Tbutanol butyrate 4MP 2000 0 250 - E 1.0 200 - 5 1). 5 -) S0.5 - 0.0 50 acid fed Strain M2P34 (A) Strain M4 expressing carN-sfpBsactivity. 4 Module to confirm Fig. 2-7. An in vivo assay was developed ADH6sc was fed five different acids at 10 mM initial concentration. Seletivity was determined by measuring normalized titers 5 hours post induction of gene expression. As observed by in vitro analysis, the reduction rate appears to peak at species with a primary carbon chain length of 5 carbons. (B) When Modules 2, 3, and 4 are combined in vivo, CarNi substrate preference influences product selectivity generating 1.9 times as much 4-methyl-pentanol (4MP) (272 mg/L, 2.7 mM) as butanol (142 mg/L, 1.9 mM) from Strain M2P34 when supplied with both glucose and isobutyrate. Even though 10 mM isobutyrate is supplied to the cultures of Strain M2P34 only 111 mg/L (1.5 mM) isobutanol is observed. 31 With Module 4 in vivo activity confirmed, 4MP production from glucose and isobutyrate was tested with a strain expressing Module 2, 3, and 4 genes (Strain M2P34). As predicted by observed activities for CarN, and Adh6psc, Strain M2P34 preferentially produced 4MP (272 ± 7 mg/L) over isobutanol (111 + 7 mg/L) and butanol (142 ± 9 mg/L) even while feeding 10 mM (870 mg/L) isobutyrate (Fig. 2-7B). Incorporation of a pathway from glucose to isobutyry-CoA (Modules 1 & 2) With acetyl-CoA coming from glycolysis, the final portion of the pathway required for 4MP synthesis from glucose was the synthesis of isobutyrate. Initially we observed synthesis of isobutyrate using overexpression of only alsSBs and ilvCDEc. This was possible because the acetolactate synthase, AIsSBS, also displays weak a-KIV decarboxylase activity90 . Unfortunately we found that the poor decarboxylase acitivity resulted in isobutyrate being generated relatively slowly. The isobutyrate supernatant titer increased slowly after rapid a-KIV synthesis. We tried to increase isobutyryl-CoA synthesis directly from a-KIV by expressing the branched keto-acid decarboxylase complex IpdVbcdA1A2BBs from B. subtilis, but we did not observe functional acitivity91 . An alternative route to isobutyrate had been described using the dedicated decarboxylase KivDLu in combination with aldehyde dehydrogenases from E. coli9 2 . We cloned a series of 3 plasmid sets that expressed the Module 3 genes, the activator PCtMe, kivDL,, and one of four E. coli aldehyde dehydrogenases (gabDEc, betBEcfeaBE, andpuuCEC). Of the four E. coli triple transformants tested, only those expressing puuCEc andfeaBEc produced 4MV from glucose with titers up to 111 ± 11 mg/L (puuCEc) and 90 ± 9 mg/L (feaBEC) (Fig. 2-8A). Both dehydrogenases were used for alternate versions of the full pathway, and only the feaBE strain (Strain M1F2P34) produced 4MP (67 ± 13 mg/L) while the puuCEc strain (Strain M1P2P34) produced 4MV (67 ± 11 mg/L) (Fig. 2-8B). Additionally the puuCEc strain produced more butyrate (156 ± 4 mg/L) and less butanol (15 ± 6 mg/L) than the feaBEc strain (62 ± 15 mg/L butyrate, 49 + 17 mg/L butanol). While a demonstration of 4MP synthesis from glucose was made, relatively low 4MP titers and high isobutyrate 32 (1113 ± 34 mg/L) and isobutanol (2205 ± 225 mg/L) titers suggested there were possible bottlenecks even in the best performing strain, Strain M1F2P34. A B220 1750 isobutyrate butyrate 4MV isobutanol164M 2 30 IE f isobutanol 2500 2000 120 E 1500 100 8060-10 300 - 200- 40500 100 01 acetate isobutyrate 3000. 4MP 140 1500 - _ butryate 4MV butanol 200 180 160 20 M1P2P3 strain M1F2P3 0 2 3 M1P P 4 M1F 2 P3 4 strain 0 M1P 2 P34 M1F 2 P3 4 strain Fig. 2-8. 4MV and 4MP synthesis from glucose using pctme in Module 2. (A) Combing valine biosynthesis with expression of kivDLI, and puuCEc or feaBE (Strains M1P2P3 and M1F2P3, respectively) produces 1668 ± 18 mg/L of isobutyrate and 111 ± 11 mg/L of 4MV (M1P2P3) or 1532 ± 40 mg/L of isobutyrate and 90 ± 9 mg/L of 4MV (M1F2P3). (B) Extended acid and alcohol products from initial full pathway strains M1P2P34 (puuCE) and M1F2P34 (feaBE) using the pctMe activator showed 4MP production only with expression of feaBEc. Large titers of isobutanol were also observed. At this point new plasmid constructs were created to organize module gene sets on separate plasmids for easier assaying of desired module combinations. The new plasmid sets were used to identify potential limiting enzymes and to screen for alternatives (Fig 2-9). The ATP-dependent isobutyrate activator, IbuARp, was used in place of the CoA transferase PctMe in order to relieve acetylCoA requirements and create redox neutrality for the pathway. It was anticipated that operon construction would reduce enzyme expression, especially for genes in the second position, but it was unknown if the effect would be detrimental to overall production without knowledge of the rate limiting enzyme 93. Two Module 3 plasmid variants were tested to explore whether PhaBcn activity could become limiting when expressed from an operon used in the new constructs. The variant with phaBc, in the first position of a two gene operon performed best supporting the theory that phaBc, could be the limiting activity within Module 3 (Fig. 2-10A). Subsequent SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed increased phaBc, expression when in the first operon position (2-10B). Additionally, operon variants for aISSBS and iIvCEC expression were tested to examine if better balancing of flux between Module 1 and the native acetyl33 terr phaJ4b pct bktBc ) ter . bktBcn pET tero pheaBc pCDF bktBcn pET phiaJ4bn ~~pEcti ilVCEC phaBcp haBc, asS ibuARp asS ilvDEc IVC p pCDF phaJ4bcn ibuARp ilvCE, VC pCDF IvDEc pCDF terrd phaBcn bktBcn - pET phaJ4bc, Fig. 2-10 Companson of phaBn phaJ~bc, operon design - kivDL Fig. 2-11 Comparison of alsS 3I - CD kivDh2967F; AB pFO 9 Fig. 2-12 Corarison of feaBEC & Foh96 7,j aldehyde dehydrogenases - W~CEc operon design k feaBE Fig. 2-13 Comparison of ADH6sc sps carNi sfpS pACYC carN ADH6sC pACYC IsadhLs sIO, carNi pACYC & IsadhLS alcohol__________ ee dehydrogenases Fig. 2-9. Plasmid constructs used for operon design evaluation and enzyme screening. Plasmid maps are shown indicating the Duet backbone and gene inserts at MCS-1 and MCS-2. Inserts showing genes in tandem represent synthetic polycistronic operons. Insert colors correspond to modules in Fig. 1. Connecting bars indicate plasmids co-transformed for experiments discussed below with data presented in the indicated figures. In brief, the gene order of two different operons was compared (phaBcn/phaJ4bc, and alsSBS/ivCEC) and alternate genes were screened for both the aldehyde dehydrogenase (feaBEc, Fjoh2967F;) and final alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH6s, Isadhj). CoA pathway could improve 4MP production (Fig. 2-11). Placing aisSBs in the second position while using the new plasmid constructs (Strain M1F(IA)2134) increased 4MP titers (168 ± 31 mg/L) while reducing isobutyrate (290 ± 24 mg/L) and isobutanol (1046 ± 45 mg/L) titers. Based on available in vitro data and the presence of 4MV (42 ± 7 mg/L) even for improved Strain M1F(IA)2134, it was possible that FeaBEC could be oxidizing 4-methyl-valeraldehyde into 4MV creating a futile cycle with CarNi (Fig. 2-12A). An aldehyde dehydrogenase, Fjoh2967Fj from Flavobacterium johnsonaie had been found to prefer an isobutyraldehyde substrate over other aldehyde substrates when tested in vitro 9. ReplacingfeaBEc with Fjoh2967Fj in Strain M1Fj(IA)2134 led to increased 4MP (193 ± 23 mg/L) and elimination of detectable 4MV (Fig. 2-12B). Isobutyrate titers (424 ± 9 mg/L) were increased and isobutanol titers (797 ± 7 mg/L) were reduced (Fig. 2-12C). 34 A 700. B isobutyrate(residual) T butyrate 4MV 600- & empty vector - 300- 9 4) 4 Co 250200. 15010050U. M3Sc-TdCn M2P3a M2P3b 75 strain Fig. 2-10. Improving pathway performance through altering phaBcn-phaJ4b operon design. (A) Multiple Bktbc, plasmid constructs were made for expression of Module & Terrd 37 3 genes with Module 2P (pctMe) to help improve expression of potential rate limiting enzymes. The initial two-plasmid construct used in screening, M3Sc-TdCn, produced 257 ± 33 mg/L of 4MV and 208 ± 14 mg/L 25 PhaBcn P butyrate. The Module 3 genes were re-cloned in operons in plasmid pET-(bktBc-terTd)-(pha4bcf-phaBc,). Strain PhaJ4bcn M2P3a harboring the new plasmid, produced 4MV and butyrate titers that were 61% and 97% of those observed for M3Sc-TdCn, respectively. Swapping the order of phaJ4bc, and phaBce in their synthetic operon in Strain M2P3b led to 4MV titer increases up to 120% of the level observed in Strain M3Sc-TdCn (B) ) Increased phaBCn expression from the phaBCn-phaJ4bCn operon was confirmed by expression of pET-(bktBCn-terTd)-(phaJ4bCn-phaBCn) and pET-(bktBCn-terTd)-(phaBCn- phaJ4bCn) plasmids in the production strain MG1655(DE3) AendA ArecA. Lysate from the construct expressing pET-(bktBCn-terTd)-(phaBCn- phaJ4bCn) contains a significantly higher PhaBCn concentration when visualized by SDS-PAGE. Molecular weights of the Module 3 proteins are: BktBCn, 42.5 KD, TerTd, 43.8 KD, PhaBCn, 26.4 KD, and PhaJ4bCn, 16.9 KD. 220200180160- butryate 4MV butanol 4MP 3000- I 140 -D E 24-a 2500- - 1201008060- acetate isobutyrate isobutanol 2000- E) 1500- 1000- 4020 - 500- 0M1 F(AI)2134 M1 F(IA)2134 strain 0M1F(AI)2134 M1F(IA)2134 strain Fig. 2-11. Improving pathway performance through altering aIsSBS-iIvCEC operon design. In an attempt to better balance flux between acetyl-CoA and isobutyryl-CoA, new constructs were made containing the full pathway usingfeaBEc and the isobutyryl-CoA synthetase gene ibuARp. Strains M1F(AI)2134 and M1F(IA)2134 expressed the first Module 1 gene, alsSBS, in either the first or second position of a two gene operon, respectively. The expected lower aIsSBs expression in Strain M1F(IA)2134 led to decreases in isobutyrate and isobutanol byproducts and increased 4MP. 35 AMP+PP, ATP 4MV -butanol B 220 M butryate 4MV butanol 4MP - 200 180 160 140 C 1250 acetate isobutyrate isobutanol 1000 0- 75 120 E 100 80 60. E '00 40 250 20 0 MlF(IA)2134 MlFj(IA)2134 strain M1 F(IA)2134 M1 Fj(IA)2134 strain Fig. 2-12. 4MP synthesis from glucose improved through aldehyde dehydrogenase selection. (A) Key reactions involving aldehydes can generate futile cycles (aldehyde dehydrogenase FeaBEc with the carboxylic acid reductase CarNi) or byproduct shunts (alcohol dehydrogenase Adh6psc). The desired pathway route is shown in bold arrows within the shaded box. Undesired reactions are shown with dashed arrows. Enzymes with insufficient selectivity have dashed outlines. (B) When feaBEC (Strain M1F(IA)2134) was replaced with the isobutyraldehyde specific aldehyde dehydrogenase gene Fjoh2967j in Strain M1Fj(IA)2134, 4MV titers were reduced and 4MP titers were increased. (C) Complementarily, Strain M1Fj(IA)2134 (Fjoh2967j) produced lower isobutanol and higher isobutyrate titers relative to strain M1F(IA)2134 (feaBEC). In order to examine if alcohol toxicity could be limiting product titers, toxicities of the dominant byproduct isobutanol and desired product 4MP were assayed through exogenous addition of alcohols to the growth medium at concentrations from 1-10 mM. Isobutanol concentrations and 4MP concentrations up to 5 mM did not inhibit the exponential growth rate (Fig. 2-13). A combination of 10 mM (741 mg/L) isobutanol and 2 mM (204 mg/L) 4MP (comparable to titers observed for Strain M1Fj(IA)2134) only reduced the exponential growth rate by 10%, the same reduction observed with 10 mM isobutanol alone. While endogenously produced alcohols may be involved in alternative toxicity mechanisms, this result suggests that the observed extracellular alcohol concentrations should not greatly inhibit growth. 36 0.5- -- X- control -m10 mM isobutanol & 2 mM 4MP -0-- 1 mM isobutanol 0.0 - -,x-- 5 mM isobutanol -0-- 10 mM isobutanol 1 mM 4MP ----0.5- -A- 5 mM 4MVP -0- 10 mM 4M 0 -1.0- C -1.5-2.01.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Culture Condition Growth Rate (hr 1 ) Final OD600 (30 hrs) control 1.04 ± 0.01 2.20 ± 0.21 10 mM isobutanol &2mM4MP 0.92 ± 0.04 1.49 ± 0.09 1 mM isobutanol 0.97 ± 0.01 2.14 ± 0.06 5 mM isobutanol 1.06 ± 0.01 2.17 ± 0.25 10 mM isobutanol 0.91 ± 0.04 1.94 ± 0.01 1 mM 4MP 1.08 ± 0.03 2.03 ± 0.03 5 mM 4MP 1.02 ± 0.04 1.49 ± 0.01 10 mM 4MP 0.62 ± 0.03 1.65 ± 0.24 3.5 time (hrs) Fig. 2-13. Toxicity comparison of isobutanol and 4MP on MG1655(DE3) AendA ArecA. (A) MG1655(DE3) endA recA was cultured in an LB medium with 1.2% glucose and varying concentrations of isobutanol or 4MP (1 mM (74 mg/L), 5 mM (370 mg/L), or 10 mM (741 mg/L) isobutanol or 1 mM (102 mg/L), 5 mM (511 mg/L), The exponential growth rate was unchanged by 4MP concentrations or 10 mM (1022 mg/L) 4MP). exceeding those observed in final titers (193 ± 23 mg/L) for the high producing Strain M1Fj(IA)2134. The highest 4MP concentration (10 mM, 1022 mg/L) did lead to a reduction in growth rate of 40%. The highest concentration of isobutanol, 10 mM (741 mg/L), led to a reduction in the growth rate of 10%. While 4MP is more toxic than isobutanol at equimolar concentrations, it is also significantly more hydrophobic. The solubility of 4MP in water (7.4 g/L) is an order of magnitude below that of isobutanol (70 g/L). If higher titers of 4MP are achieved, in situ gas stripping or simple phase separation could potentially be used to extract 4MP from the culture medium. Improved pathway selectivity through alcohol dehydrogenase selection (Revisiting Module 4) With knowledge of the specificity of CarNi for 4MV over isobutyrate, the continued high isobutanol titers suggested Adh6pse was converting the isobutyraldehyde intermediate to isobutanol (Fig 2-14A). Removing ADH6sc from Strain M1F(IA)2134 produced Strain M1F(IA)2134a which generated an isobutanol titer of 27 ± 3 mg/L with nearly undetectable butanol and 4MP titers (Fig. 2-14B). An alternative to Adh6psc was identified from Leifsonia sp. Strain S749. The new alcohol dehydrogenase LsadhLS was hypothesized to have improved specificity for 4-methyl-valeraldehyde based on substrates that were assayed in vitro 9. When LsadhLs was combined with the isobutyraldehyde specific dehydrogenase Fjoh 2 967j in Strain M1Fj(IA)2134L, selective synthesis of 4MP was achieved over other alcohol byproducts (Fig. 2-14C). lsobutanol titers were reduced to 21 ± 3 mg/L, similar to those observed with 37 the no alcohol dehydrogenase control. 4MP was produced at 90 ± 7 mg/L making up 81% of all observed alcohol products. The dominate byproduct was the 4MP precursor isobutyrate, suggesting that byproduct shunts were reduced and further improvement could be made by relieving a downstream rate limitation in Module 2, 3, or 4 (Fig. 2-14D). B 1200. A -bat"800 isobutanol 10001 0- butanol 4MP C;-J 200 AMP ATP E PP I t'anoi 100 . 0 M1F(IA)2134a M1F(IA)2134 strain C 1200 D 1000 isobutanol butanol 4MP 800 1100 acetate 1000 butryate 4MV isobutyrate 9004M 200 E E -i) 800 700 isobutanol 600 4MP butanol 500 400 30 1 S100 0 M1Fj(IA)2134 M1Fj(IA)2134L strain 300200 100 0 M1Fj(IA)2134 MFj(IA)2134L strain Fig. 2-14. Improved alcohol dehydrogenase selectivity with Isadhs. (A) The desired pathway reactions to 4MP are indicated by bold arrows with the byproduct shunt to isobutanol indicated by the dashed arrow. High activity of Adh6psc on isobutyraldehyde diverts isobutyrate flux to isobutanol. The LsadhLs alcohol dehydrogenase's selectivity for 4-methyl-valeraldehyde greatly reduces flux to the isobutanol shunt. (B) The alcohol profile of Strain M1F(IA)2134 expressing feaBEc and ADH6sc contains 168 ± 31 mg/L of 4MP but is dominated by 1.046 ± 45 g/L of isobutanol. The M1F(IA)2134a control without ADH6sc expression produces low to undetectable levels of all three alcohols. (C) Replacing feaBEc with Fjoh2967j in Strain M1Fj(IA)2134 reduces isobutanol (797 ± 20 mg/L) and increases 4MP (192 ± 23 mg/L) marginally. Replacing ADH6sc with IsadhL greatly enhanced alcohol selectivity producing 90 ± 7 mg/L 4MP with only 20 ± 5 mg/L isobutanol. (D) Acid and alcohol product profiles for Strains M1Fj(IA)2134 and M1Fj(IA)2134L show that with the more specific LsadhLS reduced isobutanol titers leading to a build-up of isobutyrate. 38 Discussion Recent efforts to develop microbial pathways for chemical synthesis have moved beyond upregulation of native pathways to include transfer and modification of heterologous pathways to new hosts and modified termination of native host pathways. Only a small number of truly de novo pathway designs have been published and most use isolated heterologous enzymes acting on their cognate substrates 96,97,98. 79' Engineered pathways to liquid fuels, in particular, have predominantly relied on entirely natural (ethanol, butanol, isoprenoid) or terminally modified natural pathways (fatty acid synthesis, amino acid aKAE, isoprenoid). The presented work moves beyond modification of natural pathways by successfully demonstrating synthesis of 4MP via an extended de novo pathway which maintains selectivity while utilizing multiple naturally occurring enzymes outside their native pathway contexts. While one set of Modules has been presented in the current work, alternate chemistries could be substituted for or combined with the selected modules to create new pathways to the same or alternate products. For example, an isobutyryl-CoA mutase or branched a-keto-acid decarboxylase route could be used to generate the isobutyryl-CoA precursor in place of Modules 1 and 2 99. Similarly, a FAS route could be substituted for Module 3 to generate the longer saturated acid substrate for Module 4. Using this design individual alternative modules or module combinations can be directly compared to the existing pathway in vivo. In addition, entirely new classes of branched products (e.g., aldehydes, alkanes) could be made by using different Module 4 enzymes. For the presented pathway, an iterative screening approach identified the enzymes catalyzing conversion of the downstream 4-methyl-valeraldehyde and upstream isobutyraldehyde intermediates as key components controlling selectivity of the pathway. Our initial Module 4 alcohol dehydrogenase selection, Adh6psc, proved to be highly active, but non-selective in the full pathway context. Module 4 displayed high activity on our desired substrate, but in vivo results with the full pathway suggested this module had a broad substrate range. Persistent high isobutanol titers from strains expressing Modules 39 1-4 suggested that Module 4 enzymes were interacting with isobutyrate and/or isobutyraldehyde. In vitro and in vivo data from Module 4 testing implicated the alcohol dehydrogenase, Adh6psc, as the nonselective enzyme (Fig. 2 and 4). By replacing Adh6psc with the isobutyraldehyde specific and NADHdependent alcohol dehydrogenase, LsadhLs, pathway selectivity and overall cofactor utilization were improved. As with alcohol dehydrogenase candidates, we initially selected aldehyde dehydrogenases previously validated for an isobutyraldehyde substrate in an engineered pathway. Two endogenous enzymes, PuuCEc and FeaBEC, were previously identified as the most effective E. coli aldehyde dehydrogenases for isobutyraldehyde oxidation to isobutyrate 92. Of the two E. coli aldehyde dehydrogenases, FeaBEC proved to successfully synthesize 4MP from glucose in Strain M1F2P34 expressing Modules 1,2, 3, and 4 (Fig. 3B). Based on in vitro data one may predict PuuCEC to function more effectively because its kcat/Km is more consistent across substrate lengths while the kcat/Km of FeaBEc actually increases by an order of magnitude between propionaldehyde and hexanaldehyde substrates"0 0'101. In vivo results disproved this prediction with only FeaBEC producing 4MP (Fig. 3A). The better performance of FeaBEc in the context of the full pathway may be explained by reported Km values for the two dehydrogenases. FeaBEc has Km values below 100 ptM for relevant substrates while the Km values for PuuCEC are 1 mM. PuuCEc and FeaBEc were tested in strains expressing ADH6sc. Like FeaBEc, Adh6psc has reported Km values for relevant substrates in the 100-200 IM range8 9 . Adh6psc was observed to have kcat values (and PuuCEc (- 100 sec-1) an order of magnitude higher than values observed for FeaBEc 10 sec-1) for related aliphatic aldehydes. Together these observed kinetics support the hypothesis that Adh6psc out-competes PuuCEc and FeaBEc for the isobutyraldehyde substrate. Isobutyraldehyde and reducing equivalents are diverted to isobutanol, lowering 4MP titers (Supplementary Fig. S4). Strain M1P2P34 with PuuCEc produces significantly more isobutanol than Strain M1F2P34 with FeaBEc, as expected based on observed Km values. 40 In addition in vitro data suggested that even though FeaBEC functioned as an isobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase, it may also favor a 4-methyl-valeraldehyde substrate. The potential futile cycle created by activity on 4-methyl-valeraldehyde was avoided by using the isobutyraldehyde specific dehydrogenase Fjoh2967 from Flavobacterium johnsonaie 94. Replacing feaBEc with Fjoh2967j led to increased isobutyrate and eliminated detectable 4MV production (Fig. 3). Combining more selective alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases led to a highly selective overall pathway with the major byproduct being overflow of the upstream intermediate isobutyrate (Supplementary Fig. S5). Together the results from alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase selection highlight the importance of considering both high activity and required selectivity when utilizing retro-biosynthetic screening. Proposing potential upstream pathways is required to identify intermediates which could have cross-reactivity with downstream enzymes. Further engineering of the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway is warranted given the potential high energy yield. Dugar and Stephanopoulos have outlined the importance of balancing reducing equivalents generated and consumed in a recombinant pathway if high yields are desired . Using the current 4MP pathway enzymes the overall reaction can be written as: 1.5 C6H 2O + 3 ADP + 3 NAD+ + 3 NADPH C 6H O+3CO 2 +1H 20+2AMP+Pi+1ATP+3NADH+3NADP 14 +1H The reducing equivalents of the pathway are balanced, but some are contained in different cofactors. The maximum pathway energy efficiency (yI) can be calculated using the degrees of reductance and pathway stoichiometry for a glucose substrate and 4MP product. Maximum pathway energy efficiency for the aKAE pathway and the presented CoA-dependent pathway are 75% and 100%, respectively. Accounting for cofactor requirements, the adjusted pathway energy efficiencies ( 17PG ) are 24% and 45% for the aKAE and CoA pathways respectively (Appendix 2, Text A2-1). If alternative enzymes are 41 identified or engineered to accept NADH in place of NADPH, maximum pathway yields could be achieved under anaerobic fermentation. The maximum adjusted efficiency values for these pathway architectures then become 28% (aKAE) and 100% (CoA). The yield calculations highlight how our rational design approach leads to a pathway architecture with high yield potential unlike inherently limited pathways utilizing modification of amino acid synthesis. This work has identified a novel pathway for the selective synthesis of the branched mediumchain length alcohol 4MP. The highest titers (193 ± 23 mg/L) were achieved with Strain M1Fj(IA)2134 which expresses both Fjoh2967Fj and ADH6sc. Selectivity was achieved by replacing ADH6sc with IsadhLs in Strain M1Fj(IA)2134L. The 90 ± 7 mg/L of 4MP produced by M1Fj(IA)2134L represented 81% of observed alcohol products. In comparison, of the 14 alcohols generated in the previous demonstration of microbial 4MP synthesis using ct-KAE, 4MP makes up 14% of the total alcohol product. High potential efficiency and selectivity make our CoA pathway a preferred candidate for future engineering. Currently, the major byproducts of the CoA-dependent route are the acids acetate, isobutyrate, and butyrate. We expect that a combination of tuning thioesterase/transferase activities of the host to selectively cleave the longer 4-methyl-valery-CoA intermediate and relieving Module 3 rate limitations will further enhance titers. Ultimately, screening or engineering for NADH-dependent enzymes should produce a high yielding fermentative pathway. Our existing pathway can also be adapted to produce other branched medium-chain products by testing new downstream modules. Finally, we believe the pathway design approach described here can be useful for creation of new metabolic pathways which rely on long de novo routes. Using retro-biosynthetic screening within a proposed pathway framework allows exploration of diversity using a small number of assays while constraining enzyme space to a chemical route which is maximally efficient for a given product. 42 Methods Bacterial Strains and Plasmids E. coli MG1655(DE3) AendA ArecA described previously was the host strain for production experiments6 . E. coli DH10B (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and ElectroTen-Blue (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) were used in plasmid cloning transformations and for plasmid propagation. E. coli BL21Star(DE3) (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY) was used for expression of carNi for purification. (See Table 2-1 & Table A2-1 for strain details) A codon optimized version of S. cerevisiae ADH6 was purchased from DNA 2.0 (Menlo Park, CA) and codon optimized versions of N. iowensis car and B. subtilis sfp were purchased from GenScript (Piscataway, NJ) (See Supplementary Methods for codon optimized sequences). T. denticola ter and E. gracilis ter were purchased from GenScript (Piscataway, NJ) as described previously 18. Leifsonia sp. Strain S749 isadh was purchased as a codon optimized GeneArt String from Life Technologies (Grand Island, NY). All other genes were amplified from gDNA. B. subtilis PY79, E. coli MG1655, P. putida KT2440, C. necator (formerly R. eutropha) H16, M. elsdenii, R. palustris CGA009, P. syringae DC3000, C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824, and S. oneidensis MR-1 gDNA were prepared using the Wizard Genomic DNA purification Kit (Promega, Madison, WI). P. aeruginosa PA01-LAC (ATCC# 47085), F. johnsonaie (ATCC# 17061) and V. parahoemolyticus EB 101 (ATCC# 17802) gDNA were purchased from American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA). Custom oligonucleotide primers were purchased (Sigma-Genosys, St. Louis, MO) for PCR amplification of genes from gDNA using either Phusion High-Fidelity DNA polymerase (Finnzymes, Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology) or Q5 High-Fidelity DNA polymerase (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA). Synthetic operons were constructed using a modified Splice by Overlap Extension (SOE) PCR method. The compatible vector set pETDuet-1, pCDFDuet-1, pACYCDuet-1, and pCOLADuet-1 was used to express single genes or synthetic operons under control of a T71ac promoter and individual ribosome 43 binding sites. Plasmids were constructed using standard molecular biology techniques with restriction enzymes and T4 DNA ligase purchased from New England Biolabs. Ligation products in pETDuet-1, pACYCDuet-1, and pCOLADuet-1 were used to transform E. coli DH10B, and pCDFDuet-1 products were used to transform E. coli ElectroTen-Blue. Propagated constructs were purified using a QiAprep Miniprep Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and agarose gel fragments were purified using a Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA). Completed constructs were used to cotransform E. coli MG1655(DE3) AendA ArecA. Strains used to confirm 3H4MV synthesis using bktBCr, phaBen, tesBEc, and various activators are described previously by Martin et al. 79 (See Text A2-2 for codon optimized sequences and Table A2-2 for plasmid details). Splice by Overlap Extension Initial PCR products with homologous ends were added to a PCR mixture without additional primers and cycled through a standard PCR cycle 4 times with annealing temperatures set at 6*C above, 3*C above, and at the designed melting temperature for the homology. The upstream primer for the upstream gene and the downstream primer for the downstream gene in the designed operon were then added to amplify the full length product. A standard PCR method using the annealing temperature for the primer pair was used for final amplification. Culture Conditions For all experiments triplicate seed cultures were grown from isolated colonies at 30 0 C overnight in 3 ml LB medium in a 14 ml culture tube on a rotary shaker at 250 rpm. All production cultures were inoculated with 1% inoculum from overnight seed culture and grown at 30 0 C on a rotary shaker at 250 rpm. Cultures were induced with 0.5 mM IPTG when OD600 values reached 0.6-1.0 corresponding to mid-exponential phase. For constructs designed for 4MV production 50 ml cultures in 250 ml shake flasks were used, and for constructs designed to produce 4MP 3 ml cultures in 1 inch diameter 50 ml 44 screw-cap culture tubes (Pyrex VISTA) were used. Unless otherwise stated, 1 ml culture samples were taken 48 hours post induction, centrifuged to pellet cells, and the supernatant was removed for analysis. For production of 4-methyl-valerate and 4-methyl-pentanol from glucose and isobutyrate, LB medium supplemented with 1% glucose and 10 mM isobutyrate was used. For production of 4-methylvalerate and 4-methyl-pentanol from glucose, LB medium supplemented with 1.2% glucose was used. Samples were taken 48 hours post induction except for initial experiments with Strains M1F2P34 and M1P2P34 when samples were taken 72 hours post induction. Relative Activity Assay for Purified His-Car An overnight culture of BL21 Star (DE3) (Invitrogen) harboring pET/His-Car-RBS2-Sfp was used as 10% (v/v) inoculum in 2 L of LB Broth. The culture was incubated at 30*C and 250 rpm, and expression was induced using a final concentration of 1 mM IPTG at OD 0.6. Cells were harvested after 20 hours using centrifugation and resuspended in a buffer containing 50 mM Tris-HCI pH 8.0, 300 mM NaCl, and 10% glycerol. Cells were subsequently lysed using sonication. The supernatant was collected and applied to a column containing Ni-NTA resin (Qiagen). Affinity chromatography was performed using step-wise increasing concentrations of imidazole. Fractions containing purified His6-Car were dialyzed overnight at 4'C into 50 mM Tris-HCI pH 7.5, 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM DTT, and 10% glycerol. Dialyzed enzyme was then flash frozen using liquid nitrogen and stored at -80'C. The activity of His-Car on various substrates was determined by measuring changes in absorbance at 340 nm for up to 5 minutes in 96-well microplates (Tecan Infinite F200 Pro). Reactions were prepared as follows: 100 mM Tris-HCI pH 7.5, 10 mM MgC 2 , 0.6 mM NADPH, 1 mM ATP, 224 nM His-Car, and 50 mM pH neutralized acid substrate. All substrates were assayed in triplicate. For KMand Vmax determinations, substrates were assayed at 5 different concentrations. 45 Metabolite Analysis Culture samples were pelleted by centrifugation and supernatant was removed for HPLC analysis with an Agilent 1200 series instrument with a refractive index detector. Analytes were separated using the Aminex HPX-87H anion exchange column (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) with a 5mM sulfuric acid mobile phase at 35'C and a flowrate of 0.6 ml/min. Commercial standards of glucose, x- ketoisovalerate, acetate, acetoin, isobutyrate, butyrate, isobutanol, butanol, 4-methyl-valerate, and 4methyl-pentanol were used for quantification of experimental samples by linear interpolation of external standard curves. 46 Chapter 3: A fatty acid synthase pathway to 7-methyl-octanoate Introduction Fatty acid synthases (FASs) have also been commonly used for engineering biofuel pathways in microorganisms. Many diverse organisms generate fatty acids which often closely resemble diesel fuel components0 2 . While natural lipids from plants, algae, and fungi can be purified for biodiesel production, engineered bacterial strains (especially E. coli) have been investigated as well 25 ,103,104,105 Because esters of natural fatty acids can function directly as fuels, early work has been focused on boosting natural production in some organisms and terminating synthesis at particular chain lengths in others2 s,26,106. As mentioned in Chapter 1, the discovery of a plant acyl-ACP thioesterase which generated shorter (C12) fatty acids when expressed in E. coli launched a series of investigations into tailoring E. coli FAS for specific acid products through thioesterase expression 2 4 . A variety of thioesterases have been explored, mostly aimed at generating long-chain acids for biodiesel or other oleochemical targets (soaps, surfactants, etc.) 26 . The promise of specifically engineering acid products, for chain length, branching, or desaturations, has motivated the development of these microbial platforms over extraction of natural lipids from plants or other sources2 6 . Some bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, produce multiple branched fatty acid isomers for their membranes1 0 7 . The initial branched precursors are derived from amino acid biosynthesis and are condensed by specific ketosynthases expressed by B. subtilisl' 08. Recently B. subtils FAS ketosynthases were combined with C12-C16 specific thioesterases in E. coli to produce branched long-chain fatty acids1 09. Shortening of acids below C12 has also been pursued. A C8-C1O plant thioesterase, FatB2, from Cuphea hookeriana was identified and used to produce octanoic and decanoic acid in E. coli". Since that time an entire family of thioesterases has been explored to identify more "short-chain" thioesterases and the E. coli FAS has been extensively modified for synthesis of C4C13 straight-chain acids' 112. Combining the ability to produce branched acids and release short- or 47 medium-chain acids would lead to a pathway for branched short- or medium-chain acids which could be converted to fuel compounds or other targets. There are a number of characteristics of type II FAS pathways which distinguish them from the CoA-dependent platform described in Chapter 2. Most microbial type II FAS systems are tuned for synthesis of long-chain acids and require the use of protein (ACP) linked intermediates. The natural ability of FASs to make longer chain lengths and multiple branched isomers opens up the possibility to make a greater range of acid products if the pathway can be controlled stringently. There are other potential benefits of an FAS platform which result from the mechanism of chain extension. CoAdependent chain extension utilizes easily reversible mechanisms for each step from condensation to enoyl-CoA reduction. As a result, the ratio of oxidized to reduced cofactor greatly influences pathway flux 67. While type 11 FASs use homologous s-ketoacyl-ACP and enoyl-ACP reductases, the condensation reaction is carried out by ketosynthases which decarboxylate malonyl-ACP in the process of extending the acyl chain (Fig. 3-1) 60 . This release of CO 2 helps shift the thermodynamic equilibrium towards the products unlike in the case of the CoA-dependent thiolases 2s. The malonyl-ACP is generated from malonyl-CoA which is a product of a carboxylation reaction driven by ATP hydrolysis. This cycle of ATPdependent carboxylation followed by decarboxylation helps drive fatty acid synthesis forward. Downstream reduction reactions are still required and thus cofactor ratios can still impede synthesis. Because most FAS reductases use NADPH, aerobic culture conditions are typically required since NADPH/NAD+ ratios are higher under aerobic growth6 7 . Recently NADH-dependent P-ketoacyl-ACP reductase homologs have been identified and shown to improve fatty acid synthesis under anaerobic conditions1 1 3 . Overall FAS extension perfectly balances ATP and reducing equivalent generation from glycolysis with ATP and reducing equivalent consumption during chain extension (Fig. 3-1). This redox balance could further enhance pathway efficiency if NADH cofactors can be used. 48 GLYCOLYSIS 1 ATP and 1 reducing equivalent per pyruvate 0 Njruvate chain elongation termination mD go R' glycerol-3P U R---, 0 Fig. 3-1. General type 11 FAS A typical type II FAS pathway. pathway can be divided into three phases: initiation, chain elongation, and termination. In E. coli fatty acid chains are initiated from an acetyl-CoA precursor, but in other FAS systems alternative CoA thioesters are used. Malonyl-ACP extender units are produced from acetyl-CoA first by an ATPdependent carboxylation to form malonyl-CoA and second by a transacylation of the malonyl group from CoA to ACP. The first two carbons are added to the chain via a FabH ketosynthase mediated condensation of the initial CoA thioester and malonyl-ACP. The resulting @-ketoacyl-ACP is reduced to a saturated acid before further extension by a separate ketosynthase, FabF. In many bacterial systems the growing chain is terminated by a transferase reaction which generates acyl-glycerol-phosphate for membrane lipids. Type I systems have been engineered to produce free acids by expressing thioesterases. The mechanisms for driving flux employed by FASs and the ability to selectively synthesize different branched isomers led us to develop an FAS platform for branched, medium-chain acid production. We began by using B. subtilis ketosynthases to modified the E. coli FAS to selectively produce different branched long-chain fatty acids from initial short branched acids 3-methyl-butyrate, and 2-methyl-butyrate. We than engineered the C. hookeriana FatB2 thioesterase for high soluble expression in E. coli before accessing its ability to generate medium-chain branched acids. We combined medium-chain thioesterase activity with branched fatty acyl-ACP synthesis to create a pathway variant which could synthesize the branched acid 7-methyl-octanoate (7MC8). Overexpression of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex accABCDEc led to modest improvements in free acid titers. 49 Pathway Design GLYCOLYSIS Fig. 3-2. 0 "lo- 0 3-methyl-butyrate pyruvate 1-SBA Ibukas 0 lptbfs 0 0 -O - 1K CP 1 %kCP )N"j CoA Pathway methyl-octanoate schematic for 7- (7MC8) BSFAS pathway. Production of 7MC8 in an E. coli host is shown. Grey boxes indicate endogenous metabolism which is utilized for malonyl-ACP generation and fatty acid elongation. Module 1-SBA (short- branched acid) is composed of the kinase and transferase for 3-methyl-butyrate (3MB) activaton. 3MB can be or in the medium supplemented potentially generated from leucine metabolism. Module 2-7MO (7-methyloctanoate) contains the recombinant ketosynthase with enhanced activity for the condensation of 3-methyl-butyryl-CoA 0 0 octanoate methyl octanoate o- o 7-methyl-octanoate (3MB-CoA) and malonyl-ACP. branched thioester is reduced This and extended by endogenous E.coli FAS. Module 3-0 (octanoate) is an acyl-ACP thioesterase with specificity for acyl MeOH, chains with a primary chain-length of 8 H2SO4 carbons methyl 7-methyl-octanoate Module 1-SBA and precursor generation As with the previously described CoA pathway, acetyl-CoA can be generated in E. coli via the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. In the E. coli FAS pathway, acetyl-CoA acts as both the chain initiator and the precursor to the malonyl-ACP extender unit (Fig. 3-1). The acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex, encoded by accABCDEC, adds bicarbonate to generate malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA in an ATP dependent fashion. The transferase FabDEC swaps the malonyl group from CoA onto ho/o-ACP to complete the synthesis of malonyl-ACP. The branched ketoacid decarboxylase from B. subtilis can be used to generate branched precursors including 3-methyl-butyryl-CoA (3MB-CoA) and 2-methyl-butyry-CoA (2MB-CoA), but in the current work we supplemented 3-methyl-butyrate (3MB) and 2-methyl-butyrate (2MB) into the growth medium and used expression of the B. subtilis transferase/kinase pair ptb/buks to activate 3MB or 2MB to 3MB-CoA or 2MB-CoA (Fig. 3-2)91'109 50 Module 2-7MO and elongation The native E. coli FAS pathway condenses an initial acetyl-CoA with malonyl-ACP using the ketosynthase FabHEC- Subsequent elongating condensations are mediated by the ketosynthase FabFEC. Module 27MO introduces the ketosynthase FabH2Bs of B. subtilis which prefers the condensation of 3MB-CoA with malonyl-ACP and can utilize the E. co/iACP. Both branched and straight-chain acyl-ACP intermediates are reduced and extended by native E. coli FAS components FabGEc, FabZEc, FablEc, and FabFEcModule 3-0 and termination While the native E. coli FAS pathway terminates in a glycerol-3-phosphate transferase reaction mediated by PIsBEc, our engineered pathway expresses the C8/C1O acyl-ACP thioesterase FatB2Ch of Module 3-0. In initial designs we speculated that FatB2Ch Could potentially act on multiple branched isomers with chain lengths as low as C7. Experimental results have confirmed only activity on 7-methyl-octanoy-ACP in addition to the native intermediate octanoyl-ACP. Results bukBs ptbBs pCDF fabHlBs pET fabH2Bs pET Fig. 3-3. Plasmid constructs for branched acid synthesis. A pCDFDuet-1 plasmid containing B. subtilis ptb/bukBs was used for precursor activation. Two ketosynthases were cloned in pETDuet-1. Initial demonstration of branched fatty acid synthesis B. subtilis uses FabH2BS to produce even and odd iso-branched fatty acids from isobutyryl-CoA and 3MBCoA precursors respectively. A second ketosynthase, FabH1Bs initiates fatty acid synthesis with a 2MBCoA precursor leading to odd anteiso-branched fatty acids. Both ketosynthases were expressed with Module 1-SBA to create Strains M12a (fabHlBs) and M12b (fabH2Bs) (Table 3-1, Fig. 3-3). Strain M12a was grown in a medium supplemented with 2MB and Strain M12b grown in a medium with 3MB. The expected odd-chain iso- and anteiso-branched fatty acids were observed after methyl-esterification of 51 the cellular pellet (Fig. A3-1). Interestingly, when 3MB was supplemented to Strain M1 expressing only Module 1-SBA, C15 and C17 iso-branched acids were still observed. This result supports the hypothesis that E. coli FabHECcan catalyze the condensation of 3MB-CoA and malonyl-ACP to initiate branched fatty acid synthesis. Table 3-1. Strains used to evaluate branched FAS platform. E. coli MG1655(DE3) endArecAfadD~ was transformed with different plasmid sets to create the strains shown. Plasmid 3 Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2 pCDF-buk~eptbB, pETDuet-1 M1 pCDF-bukBs-ptbB, pET-fabHls, M12a pCDF-bukBs-ptbB, pET-fabH2Bs M12b pCDF-bukeptbBs pET-FatB2m2ch M13 pCDF-bukB-ptbBs pET-FatB2m2ch-fabH2S M123 pCDFDuet-1 pET-FatB2m2ch-fabH1Bs M2a3 pCDFDuet-1 pET-FatB2m2ch-fabH2B, M2b3 pET-FatB2m2ch M3 pET-FatB2m2ch-accABCDE Strain name 3acc pCDF-buk.-ptb, pET-FatB2m2ch-fabH2, pACYCDuet-I M123ev pCDF-bukB-ptb, pET-FatB2m2h-fabH2B, pACYC-accABCDEc M123acc Expression and engineering of FatB2 Previously published work with C. hookeriana FatB2ch did not clearly describe the sequence required for mature protein expression in E. coi 114. Homologs, Carthamus tinctorius FatA2ct and Umballularia californica FatBluc, had been purified from native tissue and sequenced. Protein sequencing returned two potential N-termini for the mature proteins with one containing a hydrophobic N-terminal a-helix 52 and the other without the helix (Fig. 3-4)1. It has been hypothesized that the helix could be cleaved during purification because it may be used to associate the enzyme with a membrane in its native context. Based on the sequencing data for FatA2ct and FatBluc, we cloned three versions of FatB2Ch adding N-terminal His-tags: 1) the full ORF His-FatB2Ch, 2) the ORF truncated before the a-helix, HisFatB 2 mlCh, and 3) the ORF truncated after the a-helix, His-FatB2m2Ch (Fig. 3-4). ....I....I ....I....I ....I....I ....I....I ....I....I ....I....I 15 35 25 45 55 FatBl-Uc MATTSLASAF CSM------- ---------- ------ KAVM LARDGRGM-- ------ KPRS FatB2-Ch MVAAAASSAF FPVPAPGASP KPGKFGNWPS SLSPSFKPKS IPNGGFQVKA NDSAHPKANG ....I....1 65 75 85 95 FatBl-Uc SDLQLRAGNA PTSLKMINGT KFSYTESLKR FatB2-Ch SAVSLKSGSL NTQE--DTSS SPPPRTFLHQ IPDWS- 105 115 PDWSMLFAV ITTIFSAAEK QWTnWKPK Ill SKR PDM--- HDRK FatB2m1 Ch ....I....I ....I....1 125 135 . . . . I. . . . 1 145 155 165 175 FatBi-Uc PKLPQLLDDH FGL-----HG LVFRRTFAIR SYEVGPDRST SILAVMNHMQ FatB2-Ch SKRPDMWVS FGLESTVQDG LVFRQSFSIR SYEIGTDRTA SIETLMNHLQ ETSLNHCKST EATLNHAKSV FatB2m2Ch Fig. 3-4. FatB2 variant sequences tested for soluble expression. A sequence alignment of the translation of the full ORFs for U. californica FatB1uc and C. hookeriana FatB2Ch is shown with potential N-termini of the mature proteins highlighted. The triangle and red box indicates the previously published putative mature protein Nterminus for FatBlu which aligns with the selected FatB2mlCh terminus. The circle and blue box indicate the alternative N-terminus of FatB1uc found from sequencing data. The next leucine residue (L122) in the FatB2Ch sequence was selected as an alternative N-terminus as indicated by the arrow and blue box. The grey box indicates the hydrophobic residues hypothesized to form a membrane associating helix. All three His-tagged versions and an untagged version of the full ORF were expressed in E. coli (Fig. 3-5A). As expected the empty vector control and untagged FA TB2ch were not observed using the antiHis antibody. All three His-tagged versions showed some signal from the western blot, but a significant increase in expression was observed for the shortest FatB2m2Ch version (Fig 3-5A). This is consistent 53 with either or both the N-terminal sequence reducing soluble expression and the N-terminal a-helix potentially inserting into the cellular membrane. Culture supernatants from strains expressing the Histagged FatB 2 ch variants contained varying titers of C8 and C10 acids. The shortest variant, FatB2m2Ch, produced 4 times the titer of C8 compared to the longer variants (Fig 3-5B). A mpyHis- HisHisFatB2- FatBS 45 KD ml m 38.5 KD 35.6 B C8 vtrFMt21 'FaWB 40 35 30 25 DE20 15 (D10 0 C10 Empty vector His-FatB2 His-FatB2ml His-FatB2m2 Strain Fig. 3-5. Soluble expression of modified FATB2ch in E. coli and B. subtilis. (A) Anti-His western blot showing expression from four FATB2ch variants. The shortest truncated form, FatB2m2, showed significantly higher soluble expression. (B) Strains expressing the His-tagged versions produced free short free acids in culture supernatant. Octanoate (C8) titers were 4 times higher from the strain expressing the most soluble His-FATB2m2ch variant. (C) His-FATB2m2ch was integrated at the amyE locus in B. subtilis PY79 behind the Phyperspank inducible promoter. A western blot confirmed expression in the PY79 background but no free C8 or altered lipid profile was observed from GCFAME analysis. His-FatB2m2ch was also integrated into B. subtilis PY79 at the amyE locus to test for soluble expression in the alternative host and to see if short, branched acids could be generated directly from B. subtilis. Since B. subtilis natively produces each fatty acid isomer it may have been possible to observe FatB2m2Ch substrate preference simply by expressing the single thioesterase in this host. While soluble expression was observed (Fig. 3-5C), no free acids were observed in the culture supernatant and the lipid profile was not altered compared to the control strain. This could be explained by FatB2Ch having 54 reduced activity when acting on acyl-ACP species with the B. subtilis ACP. Sequence variation between E. coli and B. subtilis ACP could be the cause of the difference in activity. FatB2m2ch FatB2m2ch pET pET fabH2Bs Fig. 3-6. Plasmid constructs for evaluating free acid production. Two additional pETDuet-1 derived plasmids were created containing the thioesterase FatB2m2Ch alone or with thefabH2Bs ketosynthase. Synthesis of 7-methyl-octanoate (7MC8) and octanoate (C8) With all module activities validated independently in vivo, a series of strains were constructed to identify if a complete recombinant pathway could produce branched medium-chain acids. An empty vector control, Strain M1, Strain M12b, and two additional strains, M13 and M123, expressing FatB2m2Ch were compared to identify what components were necessary for different branched acid phenotypes. The Strain M13 contained Modules 1-SBA and 3-0 and Strain M123 contained Modules 1-SBA, 2-7MO, and 3-0 (Table 3-1, Fig. 3-6). All five strains were cultured in LB medium supplemented with 10 mM 3MB and 1.2% glucose. In addition, Strain M123 was cultured without the 3MB precursor as a "no substrate" control. The cellular lipid content and free fatty acid titers were analyzed by GC-FAME. Odd-chain, iso-branched fatty acids were observed as part of the total cellular lipid content when 3MB was supplemented in the growth medium for all strains but the empty vector control (Fig. 3-6A). Expression of Modules 1-SBA and 2-7MO in Strain M12b leads to increased shorter branched acids relative to Strain Ml expressing only the activators. With full pathway expression in Strain M123, 7MC8 content is increased and 13-methyl-tetradecanoic acid (13MC14) is decreased relative to Strain M12. Without the ketosynthase present in Strain M13 the branched content drops significantly while increase in C8 and C10 content over the empty vector is still observed. The reduction in branched content can be explained by FabHEc having relatively low activity with 3MB-CoA and FatB2m2Ch having a lower Km for straight-chain acyl-ACP species. With FabHEC producing a lower concentration of the branched 0- 55 ketoacyl-ACP intermediates FatB2m2Ch preferentially cleaves the straight-chain acyl-ACPs. As expected, branched species were not observed in the "no substrate" control. A empty vector 1-SBA, 3-0 1-SBA, 2-7M0O 5 0 1-SBA, 2-7MO, 3 -o 1 -SBA, 2-7MO, 3 -0, No Sub 4 3- 75 2 - C8 7MC8 C10 Jn 11MC12 Species (D B 4540 353025- E 2015105- I hI C8 C8 Species 13MC14 15MC16 17MC18 Fig. 3-6. Branched and short-chain acid production in 7MC8 BSFAS pathway strains. (A) Branched fatty acids were observed in the cellular lipid content when Module 1-SBA was expressed. Introduction of Module 2-7MO (fabH2s) reduces the average length of observed branched acids. Expression of Module 3-0 with Module 1-SBA reduces branched species and increases C8 and CIO content. Expression of all three modules increases 7MC8 content while maintaining pools of the longer empty vector branched species. When no 3MB is 1-SBA provided in "No Sub." control no 1-SBA, 3-0 1-SBA, 2-7M0 branched species are observed. (B) 1-SBA, 2-7M0, 3-0 Free fatty acids are observed only 1-SBA, 2-7M0, 3-0 No Sub. with Module 3-0 expression. The 7MC8 to C8 ratio increases when Module 2-7MO is expressed resulting in a titer of 16 ± 1 mg/L. 7MC8 7MVC8 Culture supernatant data supported the cellular lipid content results and aligned with the expected outcome based on the pathway design. Free fatty acids were only produced by Strains M13 and M123 with the thioesterase expressed (Fig. 3-6B). Both C8 and 7MC8 were observed with the highest 7MC8 titer (16 ± 1 mg/L) produced by Strain M123 expressing all three modules. Strain M13, which contained much lower branched acid fractions in its cellular lipid content, produced very low titers of free 7MC8. As with the cellular lipid result, the "no substrate" control produced only straight-chain free acid. To assess the necessity of the activators ptb/bukBs, Strains M2a3 and M2b3 were created (Table 31). When either ketosynthase was expressed with the thioesterase, but without the activators of Module 1-SBA, no cellular or free branched acids were observed (Fig. A3-2). While Strain M2b3 produced a similar octanoate titer to Strain M13, expression of fabHlBs in Strain M2a3 reduced free 56 straight-chain acid titers. An attempt was made to create an alternate full pathway construct expressing ptb/bukBs,fabHlbs, and FatB2m2ch. Upon culturing with 2MB supplementation this strain stopped growing and the culture cleared indicating lysis. accAEc FATB2m2ch accBEc pET accCEc accDEc Fig. 3-7. Plasmid constructs for increasing malonyl-CoA flux. Two additiona\ plasmids were constructed for overexpression of the aCcBEc acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex. The first contained the acc operon and FATB2m2Ch in pETDuet-1. The same acc operon was acC Ec also cloned in pACYCDuet-1. accAE, pACYC accDEc Increased titers through accABCDEc overexpression While our results and observations from the literature suggested that thioesterase activity is limiting, increasing short-chain acyl-ACP pool size had the potential to increase titers if native pathway enzymes were already saturated and our thioesterase, FatB2m2Ch, had a high Km for our substrates of interest. We cloned an artificial operon containing the four E. coli genes of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex into two different plasmids (Fig. 3-7). A single pETDuet-1 construct containing FatB2m2ch and accABCDEc was designed to examine the effect of overexpression on C8 production only. The accABCDEc operon was also cloned into pACYCDuet-1 in order to express it with the full 7MC8 FAS pathway. Strain M3acc contained only the pETDuet-1 construct and Strain M123 was transformed with pACYCDuet-accABCDEc to create Strain M123acc. The new accABCDEc overexpressing strains produced increased titers of both C8 and 7MC8 acids over control strains. Strain M3acc produced 70% more C8 than the control (Fig. 3-8). Overexpression of accABCDEc led to a more modest 20% increase in 7MC8 titer when the full pathway strains are compared. Addition of the third plasmid and antibiotic marker would likely lower expression levels of other pathway enzymes. If FatB2m2Ch activity is limiting, a lower expression level could reduce the benefit of increased precursor availability provided by accABCDEc. The expression of accABCDEc from the lower copy pACYCDuet-1 plasmid is likely lower than that observed for Strain M3acc which contains the 57 80 70 3-0 60- 1-SBA, 2-7MO, 3-0 3-0, accABCD 3-8. Free fatty acid production increased with accABCDEc overexpression. 1-SBA, 2-7MO, 3-0, accABCD Strain M3, expressiong only Module 3-0, 4 mg/L of C8. produced 43 led to a 70% accABCDEc of Overexpression 50 40 20' increase in C8 titer (72 ± 9 mg/L). Strain M123 produced 13 ± 1 mg/L 7MC8. Overexpression of accABCDEC in Strain M123acc led to a 20% increase in 7MC8 titer (17 ± 1 mg/L). A similar small increase was observed for C8 in the same strain. CD E Fig. 15 105- 0 7MC8 C8 free fatty acid single high copy pETDuet-1 plasmid. Overall, the results support the theory that FatB2m2Ec has a high Km relative to native FAS components with the relevant substrates. Discussion The diversity and distribution of type 11 FAS pathways in not only bacteria, but archaea and plants provides a natural enzyme set which can be potentially harnessed to produce diverse acid products. Over the past decade, engineering of bacterial FAS pathways has predominantly been focused on production of potential biodiesel compounds partially due to government mandates for increased biofuel production 2. As mentioned in the chapter introduction, FAS pathways utilize a mechanism which can potentially create strong driving forces for carbon flux to fatty acids if harnessed properly. These pathways have the potential to produce shorter acids if a carefully selected elongation and termination strategy is chosen. Our initial demonstration of a rationally selected, recombinant FAS platform to branched medium-chain acids provided insights into the potential for creating new acid products through FAS engineering. A primary concern for developing an FAS platform is the selection of an appropriate acylACP thioesterase. Because E. coli has been used as the model organism for in vivo assessment of acylACP thioesterases, the activities of many newly discovered thioesterases have only been evaluated in the context of the straight-chain acyl-ACPEc substrates generated by E. co/i 25, 58 26, 111. Recently, the E. coli tesAEc thioesterase documented to release predominantly C14 and C16 straight chain fatty acids was also reported to produce branched 13-methyl-tetradecanoic and 15-methyl-hexadecanoic acid 3 2 . This branched acid result established that at least some thioesterases may accept a wider range of acyl substrates. Unlike most enzymes, FAS enzymes and acyl-ACP thioesterases are not simply binding a small molecule. Enzyme substrate interactions are mediated by both enzyme-acyl chain and enzyme-carrier protein interactions (specifically with a-helix II of ACP) 6 1, 115, 116. Similar to hypotheses made about PKS systems, it is possible that strong ACP interactions allow for catalysis of a wider range of acyl substrates. One might also hypothesize that terminal branching in longer acyl groups would be less disruptive than branching for shorter substrates because longer terminally branched acyl groups appear identical to straight-chain acyl groups for a greater distance from the active site catalytic residues. Since we desired to generate medium-chain branched acids, we were uncertain whether a suitable thioesterase could be found. It was unclear, when we began this work, whether a mediumchain thioesterase, like FatB2Ch, would be capable of acting on a branched substrate. Our platform with Ptb/BukBs activation of 2MB and 3MB and the branched-chain ketosynthases FabH1Bs and FabH2BS provided a facile in vivo assay for branched acyl-ACP thioesterase activity. We learned, through synthesis of 7MC8, that FatB2m2Ch could indeed act on a branched substrate with a C8 primary chain length. Interestingly strains expressing a full pathway for 6-methyl-octanoic acid (6MC8) synthesis appeared to lyse. It is possible that 6MC8 may be especially toxic or that FatB2m2Ch was too active on 6methyl-octanoyl-ACP so that cells were unable to efficiently build their membranes. Strain M12a, expressing ptb/bukBs and fabHlBS, did contain a higher percentage (22%) of branched acids in the cellular membrane than Strain M12b expressingfabH2Bs (10%) (Fig. A3-1). This increased branched content indicates the activity for synthesis of the anteiso-branched acids was higher and could have led to 59 strains with less stable membranes which were more susceptible to toxicity from generation of free acids. While the GC-FAME analysis used in this work did not provide direct measurement of intracellular acyl-ACP pools, the lipid profiles can help to build hypotheses about how enzyme components are affecting acyl-ACP pools and about the relative kinetics of different components. By creating a complete set of controls, we found that 3MB activation by Ptb/BukBs was both necessary and sufficient for branched acid synthesis in our E. coli host. This result means an E. coli ketosynthase, likely FabHEC, is capable of condensing 3MB-CoA and malonyl-ACP. Additional expression of the FabH2BS ketosynthase shifted the observed branched acid profile to shorter-chain lengths. The shift in profile indicates that overexpression of the B. subtilis ketosynthase more rapidly generates branched acyl-ACP intermediates which cannot be fully extended by the native E. coli FAS. As one might expect, this increased shorter acyl-ACP pool led to higher titers of free branched acids when FatB2m2Ch was expressed. Interestingly, the total free acid titers are almost 10 mg/L lower when more 7MC8 is produced with fabH2 expression. This may result if FatB2m2Ch has a slower turnover rate with the branched acyl-ACP substrate. The attempt to further increase the shorter acyl-ACP pool size through overexpression of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex led to small increases in free acid titers. The increases in titers likely result because FatB2m2Ch is not saturated and accABCDEc overexpression increased C8-ACP and 7MC8-ACP substrate pool sizes, which in turn increased the turnover rate of FatB2m2Ch. FatB2m2Ch may have a naturally high Km to prevent thioesterase activity from completely abolishing flux to necessary membrane lipids in Cuphea hookeriana. Alternatively, the E. coli ACPEc may increase the Km for the acyl-ACPEc substrates relative to what would be observed with the native acylACPCh substrates. The observation that FatB2m2Ch expression in B. subtilis PY79 did not alter the lipid profile or produce free acids could also be explained by a poor interaction between acyl-ACPB, substrates and FatB2m2Ch due to differences in the 60 ACPBs sequence. By combining components of the B. subtilis type II FAS and a medium-chain acyl-ACP thioesterase we have demonstated the first reported microbial synthesis of 7-methyl-octanoic acid. The discovery that the plant thioesterase FatB2Ch is capable of acting on branched acyl-ACP intermediates supports the hypothesis that acyl-ACP thioesterases can be identified to act on a much wider array of acyl-ACPs than the straight-chain compounds they are traditionally assayed with. If further pathway development leads to improved efficiency and additional acid targets, the FAS platform could be used to produce an array of products with various applications. The longer medium-chain products produced by this FAS platform could potentially be used to increase energy density in a fuel blend or be used to produce distinct flavor compounds. The acids can provide cheese or oil flavors, while the aldehydes or methyl esters can impart honey, fruity, or citrus flavors5 3,5 4 . A better understanding of the complex interactions between FAS enzymes, acyl groups, and ACP would likely expedite the process of pathway engineering. An ideal system would have a highly active acyl-ACP thioesterase acting on a parallel FAS pathway so that growth would not be inhibited by altered phospholipid synthesis. We discuss strategies for development of such a pathway in Chapter 5. Methods Bacterial strains and plasmids E. coli MG1655(DE3) AendA ArecA AfadD, described below, was used as the host strain for production experiments. E. coli DH10B (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and ElectroTen-Blue (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) were used in plasmid cloning transformations and for plasmid propagation. E. coli MG1655(DE3) AendA ArecA, as described in Chapter 2 Methods, was used for preparation of FatB2ch variant lysates. B. subtilis PY79, a gift from the Alan Grossman Lab at MIT, was used as the base strain for B. subtilis thioesterase expression experiments. Construction of the B. subtilis PY79 amyE::FatB2m2 strain is described below. 61 A codon optimized version of the full open reading frame of C. hookeriana FatB2 was purchased from GenScript (Piscataway, NJ) (Text A3-1). All other genes were amplified from B. subtilis PY79 genomic DNA which was prepared using the Wizard Genomic DNA purification Kit (Promega, Madison, WI). Custom oligonucleotide primers were purchased (Sigma-Genosys, St. Louis, MO) for PCR amplification of genes from gDNA using Phusion High-Fidelity DNA polymerase (Finnzymes, Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology). Synthetic operons were constructed using the modified Splice by Overlap Extension (SOE) PCR method described in Chapter 2 Methods. Constructs were cloned into members of the same Duet vector set described in Chapter 2 Methods. Plasmids were constructed using standard molecular biology techniques with restriction enzymes and T4 DNA ligase purchased from New England Biolabs. All primers used for cloning and plasmid names can be found in Table A3-1. Gene knockouts for E. coil production strain E. coli MG1655(DE3), described previously, was used as a base strain for creating the triple AendA ArecA AfadD knockout strain 8 . Single gene deletions were achieved through P1 transduction of the kanamycin marked knockouts from Keio Collection strains acquired from the Coli Genetic Stock Center at Yale University117'118'11 . Kanamycin resistance markers were removed using the pCP20 helper plasmid as described by Datsenko and Wanner 19 . The recA locus was removed last to ensure efficient recombination into the recipient cell genome. Gene integration in B. subtifisPY79 The codon optimized FatB2m2 gene with N-terminal His-tag sequence was PCR amplified from pETFatB2m2 using primers described in Table A3-1. Both the FatB2m2 PCR product and pDR111 plasmid, described previously, were digested with Hindlll and Nhel restriction enzymes and ligated to form pDR111-FatB2m2 17 B. subtilis PY79 was made competent for plasmid transformation as follows. A freezer stock was streaked for isolation on an LB agar plate and grown overnight. A single colony was picked and 62 inoculated into 5 ml of LB medium in a 250 ml shake flask. The flask was grown in a shaking incubator at 37*C and 250 rpm for -3 hours until the culture reached a density of OD60o between 0.8 and 1.2. When the OD600 was between 0.8 and 1.2, 0.5 ml of culture was used to inoculate a 10 ml MD medium (recipe described below) culture in a 250 ml shake flask. The MD culture was grown for 3-4 hours at 37*C and 250 rpm at which point cells were ready for transformation. For the transformation two 200 pl aliquots of the freshly prepared competent cells were added to two 1 inch diameter test tubes. One microgram of pDR111-FatB2m2 plasmid DNA was added to one tube and 10 micrograms of pDR111-FatB2m2 DNA was added to the second. The tubes were then incubated in a shaking incubator at 37*C and 250 rpm at a ~60* from vertical for 1 hour. After 1 hour each entire 200 pl transformation mixture was plated on LB Agar containing 100 pg/ml spectinomycin for selection of pDR111-FatB2m2 integrants. MD medium recipe The 10 ml of MD medium was prepared as follows. A one liter stock of 10x PC buffer was prepared first containing: 107 grams of anhydrous dipotassium phosphate, 60 grams of anhydrous monopotassium phosphate, and 10 grams of trisodium citrate dehydrate. The pH was adjusted to 7.5 with potassium hydroxide (~10 grams). MD medium was prepared using 10x PC buffer as follows. 10x PC buffer was diluted with tap water to make 9.1 ml of 1.1x PC buffer. The following were added to the 1.lx PC buffer to complete the MD medium: 0.4 ml of 50%w/v glucose, 30 pl of 1 M magnesium sulfate, 250 pl of 100 mg/mi potassium aspartate, and 50 pl of 2.2 mg/ml ferric ammonium citrate. The final mixture was filter sterilized. Culture conditions For all E. coli production expriments biological duplicates were grown overnight from single colonies in 5 ml LB cultures. Overnight cultures were inoculated at 1% inoculum into 50 ml of LB with 1.2% glucose in 250 ml shake flasks. Where appropriate 10 mM 3-methyl-butyrate or 2-methyl-butyrate was 63 supplemented into the medium at inoculation. Cultures were grown to an 0D 600 value of 0.6-0.8 before induction with 0.5 mM IPTG. Samples were taken for gas chromatography-fatty acid methyl ester (GCFAME) analysis 48 hours post induction. B. subtilis production experiments were carried out as described for E. coli except that 20 ml cultures, 0.6% glucose, and 1 mM IPTG induction were used and no precursor acids were supplemented in the medium. Acid extraction/methyl esterification Two different methods were used to analyze fatty acid content. Free acids in culture supernatant were analyzed as follows. Culture samples taken at 48 hours were pelleted by centrifugation and 5 ml of supernatant was removed and added to a 15 ml conical centrifuge tube. The supernatant was acidified with 50 d of 10 M HCI to increase extraction of acids into the organic phase. After acidification, 5 ml of a 2:1 mixture of chloroform:methanol with 100 ig/ml tridecanoic acid was added and samples were vortexed for 2 hours. After vortexing the phases were separated by centrifugation (5000g) and the bottom chloroform layer (~3 ml) was transferred to a capped glass vial. The samples were then completely evaporated by flowing compressed air over the samples with a manifold (~30 minutes). Samples were held in a polystyrene tray which kept them partially insulated so they cooled upon evaporation. The remaining solid was resuspended in 1 ml of methanol + 2% (vol) sulfuric acid and incubated in a heating block at 60"C for 2 hours to esterify the acids. After 2 hours the liquid was transferred to 1.7 ml microcentrifuge tubes and partially evaporated using the same manifold set-up for ~40 minutes until the liquid volume was ~100 ul. Methyl esters were then extracted from this concentrated liquid by addition of 1 ml of hexane and vortexing for 15 mins. Phases were separated by centrifugation and 800 ul of the hexane layer was transferred to vials for GC analysis. Methyl esters of lipids from the cellular pellet were extracted and esterified using a base catalyzed direct transesterification method". After 48 hours culture density was measured by OD 600. A volume of culture was sampled which would collect a number of cells equivalent to 1 ml of culture at 64 an OD 600 of 30. The culture sample was pelleted by centrifugation and the supernatant was removed by aspiration. The pellet was emulsified by pipetting in 100 pl of hexane with 10 mg/ml tridecanoic acid as an internal standard. Phospholipids were than extracted and esterified by adding 500 pl of 0.5 M sodium methoxide and vortexing for 1 hour at room temperature. After transesterification, 40 pl of anhydrous sulfuric acid was slowly and carefully pipetted to acidify the solution for esterification of any free acids contained in the pellet. The acidified solution was then vortexed at room temperature for 2 hours. 500 ptl of hexane were added to the sample and the sample was vortexed for 30 minutes at room temperature to extract methyl esters. The phases were then separated by centrifugation and 300 pl of supernatant was transferred to a GC vial with 300 ul glass insert. Gas chromatography analysis Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by using a Bruker 450-GC instrument with a flame ionization detector. Compounds were separated using a HP-INNOWAX capillary column (30 m x 0.25 mm). The oven conditions were set at 120 0 C (2 min) followed by a linear 10 minute ramp up to 180*C and a hold at 180 0 C (18 min). Fatty acids were quantified by creating standard curves of methyl esters prepared using both the supernatant and pellet esterification methods from known dilutions of acid standards. The ratio of methyl-ester peak area to methyl tridecanoate internal standard peak area was calculated for each concentration to build the curve. Octanoic, nonanoic, decanoic, undecanoic, dodecanoic, tetradecanoic (mystric), 12-methyl-tetradecanoic, 13-methyl-tetradecanoic, hexadecanoic (palmitic), 14methyl-hexadecanoic, 15-methyl-hexadecanoic, (Z)-9-hexadecenoic (palmitoleic), octadecanoic (stearic), and (Z)-9-octadecenoic (oleic) acids (Sigma-Aldrich) were prepared using the cellular lipid protocol. Octanoic, nonanoic, and decanoic standard curves were made using the supernatant protocol. 7methyl-octanoic concentrations were estimated using the nonanoic acid standard, since the branched acid was not commercially available. 65 Western blot analysis E. coli MG1655(DE3) AendA ArecA was transformed with empty pETDuet-1 or pETDuet-1 with each of the FatB2ch variants and plated on LB Agar + 100 pg/ml Ampicillin. Single colonies of each transformant were grown overnight in 5 ml of LB. Shake flask cultures (250 ml flasks) containing 50 ml LB + 1% glucose were inoculated at 1% inoculum from overnight LB cultures and incubated with agitation at 30 0 C and 250 rpm. Shake flasks were induced with 1 mM IPTG ~2 hours post inoculation when they reached OD600 values between 0.6 and 0.8. Four hours after induction 10 ml of each culture was sampled and pelleted by centrifugation. Cell pellets were resuspended in 1 ml of 10 mM Tris-HCI at pH 8.0 and added to 1.7 ml microcentrifuge tubes containing 500 ul of 0.1 mm diameter glass beads (Scientific Industries, Inc. Disruptor Beads, SIBG01). Samples were then vortexed for 10 minutes. After lysis, samples were pelleted by centrifugation (6,000g) and the supernatant was removed as soluble lysate. Total protein was quantified by a previously described Bradford assay method using Bio-Rad Protein Assay Dye Reagent (Cat #5000006)121. A Bio-Rad 10% Mini-PROTEAN TGX gel (Cat #456-1034) was run using the Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell electrophoresis set up. Bio-Rad Precision Plus Protein Unstained Standard (Cat #161-0363) and 15 pag of total protein for each sample was loaded on the gel. After running the gel for 33 min at 200 volts, the gel was removed from the casing and washed for 5 mins in 100 ml of deionized water. The washed gel was then equilibrated in Transfer Buffer for 15 minutes (described below) along with blotting paper, sponges, and nitrocellulose used with the Bio-Rad Mini Trans-Blot Module (Cat #170-3935). The Trans-Blot Module was then used for transfer to the nitrocellulose by running the cell at 100 volts for 1 hour. Once transferred the nitrocellulose was blocked by washing in 5 wt% BSA in 1x TBS buffer (described below) for 2 hours at room temperature. The nitrocellulose was then washed twice for 10 minutes with Ix TBST buffer (described below) and incubated overnight at 4"C with 66 THE His Tag Antibody, mAb, Mouse (GenScript cat. no A00186-100) diluted in 1x TBS + 10% glycerol to a final concentration of 0.5 ptg/ml. The blot was then washed three times with 1x TBST for 10 minutes each time at room temperature and incubated for 2 hours with a donkey anti-Mouse IgG-HRP secondary antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnologies, sc-2318) at a 1:5000 dilution in Ix TBS buffer. Following secondary antibody binding the blot was washed twice for 10 minutes with 1x TBST and then once with 1x TBS at room temperature. The blot was developed using the Western Blotting Luminol Reagent (Santa Cruz Biotechnologies, sc-2048) and imaged using an Alpha Innotech FluroChem imager. Western blot buffers One liter of Transfer Buffer was prepared with the following components: 14.4 g glycine, 3.025 g Tris base, 200 ml methanol, 800 ml of deionized water. 500 ml of 10x TBS buffer was prepared with the following: 12.1 g Tris base, 146.2 g sodium chloride, and 500 ml of deionized water. The pH was adjusted to 7.5. 500 ml of lx TBST was prepared with the following: 50 ml of 10x TBS, 450 ml deionized water, and 250 pl of Tween-20 (0.05% final concentration). 67 Chapter 4: Modular pathways to short-chain alkanes Introduction As outlined in Chapter 1, production of alkanes from glucose is currently uneconomical due to inexpensive sources of petroleum. If at some point in the future either sugar costs are reduced or sources of petroleum become more expensive, microbial production of alkanes may become cost effective. If traditional gasoline components are synthesized efficiently, they would be easier to separate (pentane solubility in water 40 mg/L 22 , Tb0 II=309 K1 23), leading to reduced process energy costs, and could be blended with other sources of hydrocarbons within the existing transportation infrastructure. We recognized that our CoA-dependent and FAS platforms could potentially provide routes to such alkanes if a suitable enzyme was found for the conversion of medium-chain aldehydes to alkanes. While pathways to alcohols have been better described in a variety of organisms, biological routes to alkanes do exist. Alkanes are produced by a variety of eukaryotes for different purposes including as waxes for plants and as pheromones for insects2 ' 1 5 . Some prokaryotes and yeast have been observed to generate C1-C3 alkanes and the olefin isobutene126. Routes to the short-chain alkanes have not been described and olefin production appears to result from promiscuous enzyme activity on non-cognate substrates2 . Cyanobacteria have been observed to produce alkanes with pentadecane (C15) and heptadecane (C17) being the dominant species29. The specific biological role of alkane production in these cyanobacteria remains unknown. Recently, key enzymes were identified from the FAS based pathway to alkanes in cyanobacteria 3 0 . Genes for acyl-ACP reductases (AR) and aldehyde decarbonylases (AD) were identified from ten different cyanobacteria. When the genes were expressed in E. coli, they were sufficient for alkane production. The alkane profile was dominated by pentadecane and heptadecane with some tridecane (C13). 68 Since that time, the mechanism of the aldehyde decarbonylase has been explored. Knowledge of the mechanism has enabled attempts at enhancement of AD activity in non-native hosts and with alternative substrates. A structure for the Prochlorococcus marinus MIT9313 AD had been previously solved by the Joint Center for Structural Genomics12 8. The P. marinus AD structure fell into the family of non-heme di-iron oxidases and oxygenases. While most enzymes in this family catalyze oxidative reactions, AD has been found to use a cryptic redox mechanism employing both reductive and oxidative steps29. 130 The mechanistic knowledge led to the discovery that AD is inhibited by H20 2 which can be produced if the rate of electron transfer from ferredoxin is slow 1 3 1 . This discovery led to the hypothesis that activity of the AD in E. coli may be inhibited by H20 2 due to slow delivery of electrons to the recombinant decarbonylase. Adding a catalase to AD in vitro reactions relieved H20 2 inhibition by generating the 02 substrate from H2 0 2 . When a catalase was coexpressed in vivo, total alkane production did not increase. The lack of change in titer is consistent with either reduced AD expression when expressing the additional catalase gene or with native E. coli pathways being sufficient for H2 0 2 degradation. The available structure of P. marinus AD and results from the catalase study inspired one group to engineer the P. marinus AD for enhanced activity on shorter-chain aldehydes. In vitro assays with AD and catalase revealed substrate inhibition for octanal (C8), decanal (C10), and dodecanal (C12) with the wild type AD showing preference for tetradecanal (C14)1 3 1 . The P. marinus AD structure contained a substrate analog (palmitate) bound in the active site and hydrophobic binding pocket. Based on the size of the binding pocket, it was hypothesized that substrate inhibition occurred due to multiple short-chain aldehydes binding simultaneously in the pocket preventing product release. Introducing an alanine to phenylalanine mutation at position 134 of P. marinus AD increased decarbonylase activity on nonanal (C9), heptanal (C7), hexanal (C6), pentanal (C5, valeraldehyde), and butanal (C4, butyraldehyde) in vitro . The greatest relative increases in activity occurred for hexanal, valeraldehyde, and 69 butyraldehyde with the highest absolute activity observed with hexanal. E. coli expressing the A134F mutant was cultured with 10 mM butyraldehyde supplementation and found to produce higher propane titers than wild type AD (0.45 mg/L). Since the initial discovery, ADs have also been utilized in novel pathways for production of alkanes not observed from wild type cyanobacteria. A modified E. coli FAS pathway was used to produce alkanes as short as dodecane (C12) 32 . Small amounts of branched 2-methyl-pentadecane (2MC15) were also produced in E. coli when a branched ketoacid decarboxylase complex (BCKD) was co-expressed with B. subtilisfabH2Bs32 . A system of acyl-ACP thioesterase (tesAE, Cinnamonum camphora FATB1cc) and fatty acid reductase (FAR) complex (Photorhabdus luminescens luxC, luxE, and luxD) expression produced fatty aldehydes from the acyl-ACP pool. Highest total alkane titers were 6 mg/L. By measuring alkane, aldehyde, and fatty alcohol content, the authors observed competition for the aldehyde pool between the recombinant AD and native E. coli aldehyde reductases. Recently, production of alkanes as short as nonane was reported using an E. coli host 3 1 . As in the initial FAS based alkane pathway, thioesterases were expressed to generate free acids. Instead of a direct reduction, the native FadDEc acyl-CoA ligase was used to generate a CoA-thioester. A fatty acyl-CoA reductase is then used to produce the respective aldehyde. Unlike in previous literature, the putative AD CER1 from Arabidopsis thaliana is used to generate the final alkane product. A number of results appear contrary to previous literature on CER1 and E. coli fatty acid synthesis. Through collaboration with another student, Aditya Kunjapur, we have expanded upon previous work with aldehyde decarbonylases to demonstrate a system of pathways from single carbon sources to both straight- and branched-chain alkanes from C3 to C7. The designs add novel termination modules expressing Car and AD activities to the CoA and FAS acid synthesis platforms described in Chapters 2 and 3. We have also attempted to limit shunting of our aldehyde intermediates to alcohols by using a strain developed by Kunjapur to have reduced aldehyde redeductase activity 1 70 Pathway design While recombinant AD expression has initially focused on production of longer chain alkanes derived from acyl-ACP intermediates, we hypothesized that both our CoA-dependent and FAS pathways could be adapted for alkane synthesis (Fig. 4-1). In addition to synthesis of 4MP, CoA chemistry has been used GLYCOLYSIS PEP 0-- - 0 1-18 JO~ 00 C 3-methyl-butyrate 1-SBA 1bukas J-butyrate 0 1r~ OX 0 0 A 0 butyrate COA AC+CA 0 valerate CA 0 0 CoA "'CoAACOA 0 0 ,"A 0 +''CoA ~ bukes -,PtbBs jptbBs 0 1-SBAACOA 0 0 octanoate hexanoate 0 0C0 0 7-methyl-octanoate 4-methyl-valerate propane butane pentane 2-methyl-butane heptane 2-m ethyl-heptane Fig. 4-1. Short- and branched-chain alkane pathways. Proposed pathways to six different short-chain alkanes are shown. A portion of the isoleucine pathway to a-ketobutyrate, used by Tseng et al. for pentanol synthesis, makes up the propionyl-CoA precursor module, Module 1-Pr. Modules 1 and 2 of the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway have been combined to form the isobutyryl-CoA precursor module, Module 1-lB. The short-branched acid activators of Module 1-SBA can also be used to generate isobutyryl-CoA from isobutyrate. Acetyl-CoA is generated from pyruvate using the endogenous pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHcompex). Module 3 of the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway has been renamed Module 2-MCC (medium-chain CoA) in the alkane pathways. Module 2-MCC can be used for synthesis of valerate, hexanoate, and 4-methyl-valerate depending on the precursor pathway used. A variant of Module 2-MCC, Module 2-BC (butyryl-CoA), was created to limit carbon-chain extension to butyryl-CoA by utilizing the more C4 specific thiolase thc, from Clostridium acetyobutylicum. The BSFAS 7MC8 pathway remains unchanged and can be used to produce C8 and 7MC8 acids. Module 4A (alkane) consists of corNi, which was used in the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway, and PMT1231pm (ADpm) or PMT1231pm-mut (ADpm-A134F). The overall set of pathways can potentially produce propane, butane, pentane, 2-methyl-butane, heptane, and 2-methyl-heptane. 71 by our laboratory and others to produce butanol, pentanol, and hexanol 14'17'18'19 All of these pathways utilized CoA-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase activity to produce the respective aldehydes from saturated CoA-thioesters. While alcohol dehydrogenases were employed to further reduce the aldehyde to the alcohol, it should be possible to decarbonylate the same substrates using an AD. Variations on 4MP pathway Module 3 (thiolase, @-keto reductase, dehydratase, enoyl reductase) and CoA precursor pathways (propionyl-CoA, isobutyryl-CoA) can be used to tune the acid product profiles of the general pathway. The 7MC8 BSFAS pathway can also be tuned for either straight- or branched-chain acid production by either excluding or including Modules 1-SBA and 2-7MO. As a single enzyme alternative to the P. luminescens FAR complex used by Howard et al., we proposed using a carboxylic acid reductase to generate aldehydes and we selected the characterized P. marinus ADpm for final alkane synthesis. The pathways were expressed in E. coli MG1655(DE3) endA recA~ and in the reduced aldehyde reduction (RARE endA recA) strain which was derived from MG1655(DE3)1 3 3 . The RARE strain contains a combination of alcohol dehydrogenase and aldo-keto reductase knockouts. Specifically, dkgB, yeaE, yahK, yjgB, and the yqhC-dkgA operon were deleted using P1 transduction. Alternative precursor modules for CoA pathways (Modules 1-Pr and 1-IB) Propionyl-CoA can be synthesized from ct-ketobutyrate, an intermediate of isoleucine biosynthesis. Tseng et al. previously generated propionyl-CoA for pentanol synthesis by overexpressing the E. coli thrAG1297ABCEc operon containing a feedback resistant thrA mutant, the feedback resistant ilvAcg of Corynebacterium glutamicum, and the mutant E. coli aceEF-pdOj operon (PDH complex)' 8 . Module 1Pr uses the same threonine operon and i/vAcg, but does not overexpress the PDH complex. Module 1-lB is a simple concatenation of Modules 1 and 2 of the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway, and the same plasmid constructs were used for gene expression. Module 1-SBA of the BSFAS pathway can also be used for activation of supplemented isobutyrate precursor in place of Module 1-1B. 72 CoA-dependent chain extension (Modules 2-MCC and 2-BC) Module 2-MCC, composed of the same enzymes used for chain extension in the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway, can be used for synthesis of butyrate (from two acetyl-CoA), valerate (from propionyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA), hexanoate (iteratively from 3-acetyl-CoA), or 4-methyl-valerate (from isobutyryl-CoA and acetyl-CoA). Because Module 2-MCC readily extends butyryl-CoA to hexanoyl-CoA, a variant module, Module 2-BC, was created for propane synthesis. The C. acetobutylicum thiolase thc, was selected to replace the C. necator thiolase bktBcn because thc, is more specific for condensation of two acetylCoA . Endogenous acyl-CoA thioesterases produce the free acid intermediates. FAS modules (Modules 1-SBA, 2-7MO, and 3-0) The pathways to octanoate (C8) and 7-methyl-octanoate (7MC8) are taken directly from the 7MC8 BSFAS pathway. Acid reduction and aldehyde decarbonylation (Module 4A) Module 4A utilizes CarNi for free acid reduction to aldehyde as in the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway. CarNi was selected for aldehyde generation because a carboxylic acid reductase can be used with any free acid generating pathway and we had previously shown that CarNi has activity on acids across these chain-lengths. The P. marinus MIT9313 AD A134F mutant (ADpm-A134F) had been shown to have increased activity on butyraldehyde, valeraldehyde, and hexanal in vitro. We used this AD variant and a wild type control for initial pathway demonstrations. Results Demonstration of CarNi/Adh6psc route to butanol and pentanol In order to confirm that CarNi was a suitable reductase in vivo for the range of acids being generated by the CoA pathways, two new strains were created to test butanol and pentanol synthesis using CarNi and Adh6psc. This reduction scheme was successful for 4MP synthesis, but previously published butanol and pentanol synthesis had relied on the AdhE2ca of C. acetobutylicum4 's15, 17, 18,19. Strain M2MCC4, 73 Table 4-1. Strains used to evaluate alkane pathways. Strains used for C3, C4, C5, and C7 alkane synthesis and butanol and pentanol synthesis are shown below. Plasmid constructs are described in Tables A2-2, A3-1, and A4-1. Host strains are described in Chapter 4 Methods. Host strain Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2 Strain name MG1655(DE3) AendAArecA pET-(bktBcn-terTd)(phaBcn-phaJ4bc,) pACYC-(carNrsfpBS)PMT1231pm MG-nC5wt MG1655(DE3) AendAArecA pET-(bktBcf-terTd)(phaBcn-phaJ4bc,) pACYC-(carNsfpB)PMT1231pm-mut MG-nC5 RARE AendAArecA pET-(bktBcf-terTd)(phaBcn-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carNrfpB)PMT1231pm RARE-nC5wt RARE AendAlrecA pET-(bktBcn-terrd)(phaBcn-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carNrspBS)PMT1231pm-mut RARE-nC5 MG1655(DE3) AendAArecA pET-(thlc-terd)(phaBc,-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carN-SfpB)PMT1231pm-mut MG-C3 RARE AendAArecA pET-(thIc-terTd)(phaBc,-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carNr-SfpBs)PMT1231pm-mut RARE-C3 MG1655(DE3) ApuuCAfeaBAfadD pET-FatB2m2chaccABCDEc pACYC-(carNsfpB)PMT1231pm MG-nC7wt RARE ApuuCAfeaBAfadD pET-FatB2m2chaccABCDEC pACYC-(carNsfpBs)PMT123p RARE-nC7wt Host strain Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2 Plasmid 3 MG1655(DE3) AendAArecA pET-(bktBcf-terTd)(phaBc,-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carN-SfpBS)PMT1231pm-mut pCOLA-(thrAfBC)- RARE AendAArecA pET-(bktBcf-terTd)(phaBc,-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carN-SfpBS)PMT1231pm-mut pCOLA-(thrAfBC)- RARE AendAArecA pET-(bktBcf-terTd)(phaBc,-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carN-sfpBs)PMT1231pn pCDF-bukBs-ptbBs RARE-M1SBA RARE AendAArecA pET-(bktBcn-terTd)(phaBcn-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carN-sfpBS)PMT1231p,-mut pCDF-bukB,-ptbBs RARE-M1SBA 2MCC4A MG1655(DE3) AendAArecA pET-(bktBc,-terTd)(phaBcn-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carNr-sfpBs)ADH6s, MG1655(DE3) pET-(bktBcn-terTd)(phaBc,-phaJ4bcn) pACYC-(carN-sfpBs)ADH6sc AendAArecA ilvAfr ilvA* Strain name MG-nC4 RARE-nC4 2MCC4Awt M2MCC4 pCOLA-(thrA'BC)- ilvAf MlPr2MCC4 expressing Module 2-MCC and Module 4 from the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway, produced butanol as expected with titers up to 876 ± 18 mg/L when grown in LB + 1.2% glucose (Table 4-1, Fig. 4-2). Strain M1Pr2MCC4 also expressed Module 1-Pr, to produce propionyl-CoA, in addition to Modules 2-MCC and 74 Module 4. As expected, Strain M1Pr2MCC4 produced pentanol with either glucose (96 ± 24 mg/L) or glycerol (165 ± 32 mg/L) supplementation. The greatest pentanol:butanol selectivity was observed from growth on glycerol most likely due to increased propionyl-CoA:acetyl-CoA ratios. Together these results suggested CarNi could be used for reduction of the range of shorter-chain acids in vivo. propionate 800- butyrate valerate butanol pentanol 600 200 0- M2MCC4 (glucose) M2MCC4 (glycerol) M1Pr2MCC4 (glucose) Fig. 4-2. Butanol and pentanol synthesis using CarNi/Adh6pC. The suitability of CarNi for acid reduction of various substrates was tested with strains constructed to express 4MP Module 4 with either Module 2-MCC or 2-MCC and 1-Pr. Butanol was produced by all strains with the greatest titer observed for Strain M2MCC4 grown on glucose (876 ± 18 mg/L). Pentanol was observed at up to 165 ± 32 mg/L when Strain M1Pr2MCC4 was grown on glycerol. M1Pr2MCC4 (glycerol) strain Pentane synthesis from glucose Strains for pentane production were constructed first because the ADpm-A134F had shown the highest activity for a hexanal substrate. Module 2-MCC was combined with one of two Module 4-A variants in either MG1655(DE3) endA~ recA~ or RARE endA~ recA host strains. The resulting four strains are shown in the table below (Table 4-1). All subsequent strains use the same nomenclature with MG and RARE designating the respective host backgrounds and the alkane shorthand indicating the desired product. Table 4-1. Pentane producing strain names. Four strains were constructed to test pentane synthesis from glucose. Module 2-MCC and one of two Module 4-A variants were used in two host strain backgrounds. Host background AD RARE endA- recAvariant MG1655(DE3) endA- recAADp. MG-nC5wt RARE-nC5wt ADp.-A134F MG-nC5 RARE-nC5 The nC5 strains were cultured in sealed GC vials with the headspace sampled and analyzed 24 hours post induction. All four strains produced detectable pentane with the highest titer (1.6 ± 0.3 mg/L) observed for Strain RARE-nC5 which expressed the mutant ADpm-A134F in the aldehyde reductase knockout background (Fig. 4-3). The greatest difference in titers occurred between strains harboring 75 different ADpm variants. Moving forward, ADpm-A134F was used with all CoA pathways. Analysis of liquid phase supernatant revealed that the use of the RARE background for Strain RARE-nC5 eliminated butanol and hexanol byproduct formation while Strain MG-nC5 produced 31 6 mg/L butanol and 115 t 16 mg/L hexanol. A 2.0- B n-C5 1.6- 140 butyraldehyde 120- butanol hexanol 100-21.2 - ~80~0.8 - 6040- 0.4 20- 0.0 MG-nC5wt MG-nC5 RARE-nC5wt Strain RARE-nC5 0MG-nC5 Strain RARE-nC5 Fig. 4-3. Pentane production from glucose. (A) Four strains were constructed to test pentane synthesis from glucose. Module 2-MCC and one of two Module 4-A variants were used with two host strain backgrounds. All four strains produced detectable pentane with strains harboring the mutant ADpm-A134F giving the highest titers (MG-nC5 1.2 ± 0.2 mg/L, RARE-nC5 1.6 ± 0.3 mg/L). Propane at the lower detection limit was observed only in MG strains. (B) Detectable liquid phase C4 and C6 products revealed elimination of hexanol and butanol synthesis in RARE-nC5. MG-nC5 produced 31 ± 6 mg/L butanol and 115 ± 16 mg/L hexanol. Propane and pentane synthesis from glucose As predicted, Strains MG-C3 and RARE-C3, harboring Modules 2-BC and 4-A, produced detectable propane from glucose (Fig. 4-4). MG-C3 produced 0.17 ± 0.04 mg/L while RARE-C3 produced 0.13 ± 0.02 mg/L. While the difference in propane titers was not statistically significant, the two strains did display different product profiles. Somewhat unexpectedly RARE-C3 produced more pentane (0.41 ± 0.09 mg/L) .5 C3 Fig. 4-4. Propane production from glucose. Strains MG-C3 and RARE-C3 harboring Modules 2-BC and 4-A were used for propane production from glucose. Both strains produced propane with titers of 0.17 ± 0.04 mg/L (MG-C3) and 0.13 ± 0.02 (RARE-C3). 0.4 0.3 .3 0.2- 0.1 Pentane was also produced at 0.41 by RARE-C3. 0.0 MG-C3 RARE-C3 Strain 76 0.09 mg/L '1e 2220 1816 14-_ c butyraldehyde 100 8060 -- C- :0 (Da) butyraldehyde butanol 10 6- 40- 8-) 6 4 0-1 20 0 RARE-C3 MG-C3 Strain RARE-C3 MG-C3 Strain Fig. 4-5. RARE host strain increases butyraldehyde intermediate pool size. (A) Strain RARE-C3 accumulated butyraldehyde in the headspace to 17.9 ± 2.7 times that observed for Strain MG-C3 suggesting the aldehyde dehydrogenase and aldoketoreductase deletions in the RARE background do reduce butyraldeyde reduction to butanol. (B) Liquid phase concentrations of butyraldehyde and butanol corroborate gas phase observations. RARE-C3 is observed to produce 46 + 5 mg/L butyraldehyde and 40% of the butanol produced by MG-C3. than propane even though the thica thiolase was used. Pentane production in the RARE background likely results from C4 acyl-CoA build-up because reductive pathways from butyraldehyde to butanol are reduced. Indeed, increased butyraldehyde was observed in the gas phase and LC traces showed higher levels of butyraldehyde and reduced butanol compared to the MG1655(DE3) endA~ recA background (Fig. 4-5). Butane and pentane synthesis from glycerol Introduction of Module 1-Pr with Modules 2-MCC and 4-A led to butane synthesis (Fig. 4-6). Cultures were grown in LB + 1.2% glycerol since the greatest product specificity and titers of pentanol were observed with Strain M1Pr2MCC4 grown on glycerol (Fig. 4-2). The highest observed butane titer 1.4 n-C4 1.2 n-C5 Fig. 4-6. Butane production from glycerol. Strains MG-nC4 and RARE-nC4 harboring Modules 1-Pr, 2-MCC and 4-A were used for 1.0. Cn0.8 butane production from glycerol. Both strains 0.6 produced butane with titers of 0.35 ± 0.12 mg/L (MG-nC4) and 0.46 ± 0.15 mg/L (RAREnC4). Pentane was also produced by both strains at 0.93 ± 0.22 mg/L by MG-nC4 and , 1.27 ± 0.08 mg/L by RARE-nC4. 0.4 0.2 0.0 MG-nC4 Strain RARE-nC4 77 was 0.46 ± 0.15 mg/L with Strain RARE-nC4. Pentane titers exceeded butane in these strains with up to 1.27 ± 0.08 mg/L pentane from RARE-nC4. The pentane titers are not surprising given the ability of Module 2-MCC to generate butyryl-CoA, valeryl-CoA, and hexanoyl-CoA. Module 1-Pr relies on activity from the PDH complex which has higher activity on pyruvate to produce acetyl-CoA. Even with growth on glycerol it is likely that butyryl-CoA pools can exceed those of propionyl-CoA in these strains leading to greater C6 intermediates than C5. Propane was not observed. 2-methyl-butane synthesis While short, straight-chain alkanes had been synthesized, we also wanted to demonstrate short, branched-chain alkane synthesis. AD activity had not been described for short, branched aldehyde substrates and it was unknown if ADpm would act on 4-methyl-valeraldehyde or other branched substrates. We decided to use both wild type ADpm and the ADpm-A134F mutant because the mutant had been created to partially block access to the hydrophobic binding pocket. It was unclear if the phenylalanine residue would block access for the branched substrate. The RARE endA recA background was used for 2-methyl-butane experiments. Two strains were constructed to express the full pathway to 2-methyl-butane from glucose. RAREiC5 contained Modules 1-1B, 2-MCC, and 4-A (ADpm-A134F) and RARE-iC5wt contained Modules 1-1B, 2MCC, and 4-Awt (ADpm). As for the previous alkane targets, these full pathway strains were cultured in LB + glucose. No alkane products were observed and, surprisingly, no aldehydes were observed in the gas or liquid phase as well. The absence of any Module 4-A intermediates or products suggested that Module 4-A expression may be limiting. The Module 4-A genes were expressed from the lower copy pACYCDuet-1 plasmid and these were the first constructs of the alkane work to use four plasmids in a single strain. Two new strains were constructed to test the hypothesis of low Module 4-A expression. Strains RARE-1SBA2MCC4A and RARE-1SBA2MCC4Awt (containing Modules 1-SBA, 2-MCC, and 4-A or 4-Awt) 78 were constructed. We had previously shown the B. subtilis Ptb/BukBs activators to work on an isobutyrate substrate for 3H4MV synthesis (Fig. 2-4). We used the pCDF-bukBs-PtbB plasmid for isobutyrate activation with Module 2-MCC and 4-A each expressed on individual plasmids. The new strains used three plasmids and could theoretically synthesize 2-methyl-butane from isobutyrate and glucose. Head space of cultures of both strains contained butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, and 4- methly-valeraldehyde. RARE-1SBA2MCC4A expressing ADpm-A134F produced very low titers of alkanes, near the detection limit (Fig. 4-7A). It is possible that ADpm expression was still poor in these strains and that the ADpm variants have lower activity on the branched substrates. The generation of isobutyraldehyde may also inhibit the decarbonylase. A 160 . 2M-C4 140- n-C5 B2.5- 120- 2.0- 100 80- 1.5- 60 - 1.0- 40- ~ 20 0 0.5RAREM1SBA2MCC4A RAREM1SBA2MCC4AWt Strain 0.0 WT A134F AD P variant Fig. 4-7. 2-methyl-butane (2M-C4) synthesis from isobutyrate + glucose and from 4MV. (A) A low level of 2-methyl-butane production is observed from Strain RARE-M1SBA2MCC4A expressing Modules 1-SBA, 2-MCC, and 4-A. Observed GC peaks were near the lower detection limit for the assay and titers are an estimate based on an n-pentane gas standard. (B) 4MV feeding to strains expressing Module 4-A with either wild type ADpm or ADpm-A134F produced 2.25 ± 0.14 mg/L and 1.73 ± 0.38 mg/L of 2-methylbutane, respectively. Clear ADpm activity on 4-methyl-valeraldehyde was confirmed for both the wild type and mutant. In order to more clearly confirm ADpm activity on 4-methyl-valeraldehyde, we conducted 4MV feeding experiments to RARE strains harboring one of two Module 4-A variants with either ADpm or ADpm-A134F. Supplementation of 5 mM 4MV to the growth medium led to 2-methyl-butane titers up to 2.25 ± 0.14 mg/L (Fig. 4-7B). These results confirmed that ADpm and ADpm-A134F were capable of 2methyl-butane synthesis at levels comparable to straight-chain products under the right conditions. 79 Increased AD expression, the absence of the potential isobutyraldehyde inhibitor, and increased 4methyl-valeraldehyde concentrations could all contribute to the higher titers observed with these single module constructs. We further hypothesized that ADpm could potentially be engineered to better accommodate 4methyl-valeraldehyde which could potentially increase 2-methyl-butane production with the upstream pathway. As mentioned above, a structure is available for ADpm with an acid substrate analog bound at the active site. Khara et al. also solved a structure of ADpm-A134F with hexanoate bound. Using the ADpm-A134F structure and based on the position of the bound hexanoate, we selected two hydrophobic residues to mutate that were within 5 A of the 4-methyl-valerate branch-point. We designed substitutions of various smaller hydrophobic residues in place of the F100 and 1127 residues and attempted to clone mutants in the wild type and A134F backgrounds. A subset of the desired mutations was successfully cloned. RARE endA reck was transformed with single plasmid constructs expressing carNi and the ADpm variants. These Module 4-A variant strains were cultured in LB + glucose+ 10 mM 4MV and the gas phase was sampled after 72 hours. Initial technical replicates showed that 2-methylbutane could be produced at up to 2.6 ± 0.2 mg/L from 4MV, but only minor variation was observed between mutants. It is possible that mutations may have altered the Km of ADpm, but differences are not observed because the in vivo assay produces 4-methyl-valeraldehyde at saturating concentrations. Heptane synthesis from glucose Both the RARE endA~ recA~ and MG1655(DE3) endA reck backgrounds were used to construct strains harboring Modules 1-SBA, 2-7MO, 3-0, and 4-Awt (RARE-2MC7wt and MG-2MC7wt). The wild type ADpm was used because previous in vitro results by Khara et al. showed no difference in activity between the A134F mutant and wild type on octanal132 . Both strains were cultured in LB supplemented with glucose and 3-methyl-butyrate to test for synthesis of 2-methyl-heptane with an expected heptane coproduct. GC analysis of the culture headspace revealed only 3-methyl-butyraldehyde production with 80 neither alkane product observed. CarNi activity on the 3-methyl-butyrate substrate produced the 3methyl-butyraldehyde byproduct which could have inhibited alkane production in these strains. It is also possible that pools of longer chain aldehydes were too low for ADpm to have significant turnover. Based on the above hypotheses, Strains RARE-nC7wt and MG-nC7wt were constructed with pACYCcarNi-SfpBs-PMT1231pm and the pET-FATB2m2-accABCDEc plasmid used in Strain M3acc for octanoate production (Fig. 3-7 and 3-8). The new strains, focused solely on heptane synthesis, produced observable heptane from glucose. RARE-nC7wt (1.8 ± 0.2 mg/L) produced close to three times the heptane titer of MG-nC7wt (0.6 ± 0.1 mg/L) (Fig. 4-8). While the dominant free acid produced by FatB2m2Ch was octanoic acid, decanoic acid was also observed as part of the cellular pellet lipid profile and in lower titers as a free acid (Fig. 3-6A and A3-2). If CarNi can convert decanoate to decanal, the wild type ADpm has higher activity on this longer aldehyde substrate and we would expect nonane to be formed in MG-nC7wt and RARE-nC7wt. Indeed, nonane was also observed with titers of 0.4 ± 0.1 mg/L and 0.6 ± 0.1 mg/L for MG-nC7wt and RARE-nC7wt respectively. 2.0 1.8- n-C7 n-C9 1.6 1.4 - 1.2 E 1.00.8- 0.604- MG-nC7wt Strain RARE-nClwt ' Fig. 4-8. Heptane and nonane synthesis from glucose. Strains MG-nC7wt and RARE-nC7wt were designed to synthesis heptane from glucose. Both strains expressed Modules 3-0 and 4-Awt (wild type ADpm) and the native E. coli acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex accABCDE. While heptane was observed from both constructs, RARE-nC7wt produced 1.8 ± 0.2 mg/L which was three times that produced by MG-nC7wt. Nonane was also observed with titers of 0.43 0.14 mg/L and 0.61 0.12 mg/L. Discussion Only recently have enzymes been identified which catalyze the synthesis of alkanes. Predominantly these natural, long-chain alkanes are produced from long-chain aldehyde precursors through a decarbonylation reaction. Within the past five years aldehyde decarbonylases from cyanobacteria have been used for alternative termination of FAS pathways for the synthesis of long-chain (>C13) alkanes30', 81 32. Last year synthesis of C9 nonane was reported using termination of an FAS pathway with an acyl-ACP thioesterase, acyl-CoA ligase, acyl-CoA reductase, and the multi-domain, plant enzyme CER1 31 . CER1 is believed to be a multi-functional, transmembrane protein with aldehyde decarbonylase activity contained in one of the domains. Pentane synthesis from linoleic acid in Yarrowia lipolytica was also reported in the last year135 . This route to pentane relies on a radical catalyzed cleavage of linoleic acid to produce pentane and a 13-oxo-cis-9,trans-11-tridecanoic acid byproduct by a soybean lipoxygenase. In the current work we have leveraged our FAS and CoA-dependent platforms to medium-chain acids to create a system of recombinant pathways to medium- and short-chain alkanes which have not been described previously. Using this system we demonstrate the first reported microbial synthesis of propane, butane, and heptane using engineered pathways from glucose and demonstrate 2-methylbutane synthesis from acid precursors. Our platform was also used to demonstrate an alternative route to pentane. As in the case of the 4MP synthesis route described in Chapter 2, we have analyzed the overall alkane pathway structure in order to understand the potential efficiency of the described routes. In general, for all odd-carbon numbered alkane products the platform pathways can be made redox neutral. This results because both CoA-dependent and FAS chain-extension consume two reducing equivalents for every C2 unit added to the carbon chain. If the reducing equivalents generated in the pathway to the chain initiator (e.g., acetyl-CoA, propionyl-CoA, isobutyryl-CoA) are consumed by the reductive termination route then the overall pathway will be redox neutral. The general reaction for odd straight-chain alkane synthesis via the CoA-dependent route can be written as follows: n+1 n+1 glucose + (n+1) reducing equivalents + 4 )n+1> +1 ( 2 CnH.n+ 82 + (l 2 C02 n-i ADP + 1P + 0 2 + 2 - 2 H+ + 1 formate + (n+2) reducing equivalents + n1ATP + I AMP + (n-1) H20 (2 Unlike the 4MP pathway, the reducing equivalents are unbalanced because the AD consumes 2 reducing equivalents in generating the alkane from the aldehyde precursor. Expression of a formate dehydrogenase would recover the additional reducing equivalent by oxidizing formate to C0 1 36 1 37 , 2 . The overall reactions using the FAS platform change slightly because additional ATP and water are consumed for malonyl-CoA generation during chain extension. The FAS reaction can be written as: Sn+1 glucose + (n+1) reducing equivalents + 1 ADP + 02 4 CnH 2 n+2 + n+j CO 2 + 1 formate + (n+2) reducing equivalents + 1 AMP + 1 P + n 2 22 H2 0 Calculating maximum energy efficiency for specific alkane pathways highlights differences between alcohol and alkane targets (calculation described in Text A2-1). The stoichiometric yields (mol alkane/mol glucose) of propane (CoA-dependent), pentane (CoA-dependent) and heptane (FAS) are 1.0, 0.67, and 0.50 respectively. The degree of reductance increases with increasing alkane chain-length: 20 for propane, 32 for pentane, and 44 for heptane. When multiplied by the stoichiometric yields and normalized by the degree of reductance of glucose (24), the maximum pathway energy efficiency (yIJ) for these three products are found to be 83%, 89%, and 92% respectively. A similar analysis gives y/ =89% for 2-methyl-butane synthesis because the pathway stoichiometry is the same as in the case of the pentane isomer. Butane synthesis uses the odd-chain precursor propionyl-CoA which is generated through a portion of isoleucine biosynthesis. While the carbon required for synthesizing the C5 precursor can come from a single glucose molecule, two additional reducing equivalents and one additional ATP are required. The resulting stoichiometric yield from glucose is 0.67. Using the degree of reductance (26 for butane) y/ is found to be 73%. The lower y''s observed for alkanes relative to alcohols result from the final reducing equivalents in the decarbonylation reaction going to reduction of molecular oxygen and release of formate instead of reduction of the aldehyde to the alcohol 12 9. 83 Because the inefficiency occurs at pathway termination, longer chain alkanes will have relatively higher y" values when using these routes. In this initial demonstration we are clearly far from these theoretical maximum yields. Pathway improvements discussed for the upstream platform pathways to acids could be applied to alkane synthesis, but our work suggests that AD activity is limiting. A number of pathway variants built up aldehyde intermediates. Some aldehyde concentrations were more than an order of magnitude above the observed alkane titers. Decreasing alcohol byproduct routes by using the RARE strain did enhance alkane synthesis in the case of heptane, but had less of an effect for shorter species. While we observed AD activity on short, branched substrates for the first time, low or undetectable titers from glucose suggest that ADpm may have relatively poor kinetics with these substrates. Identification of an AD with higher activity on desired medium-chain substrates is required for any significant improvements in yield. We have demonstrated that our platform pathways can be used to produce subsets of shortand medium-chain alkanes through proper module selection. The overall pathway architecture can be made redox neutral, but energy efficiency is limited by the decarbonylation mechanism. In vivo data suggest that in our specific pathways ADpm is limiting. Improvement of the kinetics of the decarbonylation reaction is required to generate higher alkane titers. In Chapter 5 we discuss strategies for identification of alternative ADs. Due to relative performance against alcohol alternatives and the availability of inexpensive petroleum derived alkanes, development of commercial microbial production of short- and medium-chain alkanes is unlikely to occur in the near future. Methods Bacterial strains and plasmids E. coli MG1655(DE3) AendA ArecA and RARE AendA ArecA were used for most alkane production experiments except when otherwise specified. RARE AendA ArecA was created from the parent strain MG1655(DE3). Genes encoding four aldo-keto reductases and aldehyde dehydrogenases (dkgB, yeaE, 84 yahK, yjgB ) were deleted by P1 transduction using Keio Collection knockout strains117'11 . The X-red system was used to knockout the yqhC-dkgA operon in the quadruple knockout strain to complete the RARE strain. Three sets of primers were used to create homology around the kanamycin resistance cassette (Table A4-1). Finally endA and recA were deleted from RARE by P1 transduction using Keio strains as donors. For heptane synthesis E. coli MG1655(DE3) ApuuC AfeaB AfadD and RARE ApuuC AfeaB AfadD were both created by sequential knockouts using P1 transduction of Keio donor strains. E. coli DH5ct was used for new plasmid cloning and plasmid propagation. A codon optimized sequence for P. marinus MIT9313 AD (PMT1231) was purchased as a GeneArt* String from Life TechnologiesTM (Text A4-1). Once codon optimized PMT1231 was cloned into pACYC-carNF-SfpBS-PMT1231, the ADpm-A134F mutant sequence was created by PIPE cloning of the plasmid using oligio primers which replaced the GCA codon at positions 400-402 with a TTT codon (Table A4-1)13 8. New constructs were cloned into members of the same Duet vector set described in Chapter 2 Methods. Plasmids were constructed using standard molecular biology techniques with restriction enzymes and T4 DNA ligase purchased from New England Biolabs. All primers used for cloning and plasmid names can be found in Table A4-1. Culture conditions For all production experiments 3 ml LB overnight seed cultures in 14 ml round-bottom tubes were used as inocula. All production cultures were inoculated with overnight culture at 1% by volume. The production medium was LB with either 1.2% (w/v) glucose or 1.2% (v/v) glycerol. All production cultures were induced with 0.5 mM IPTG (final concentration) at OD600 values between 0.7 and 0.9. All seed and production cultures were incubated with agitation at 30'C and 250 rpm. Tubes and vials were placed in a rake at a 450 angle. For production of butanol and pentanol using Modules 2-MCC and 4, 3 ml cultures in 50 ml (1 inch diameter) capped glass tubes were used (as for 4MP production in Chapter 2 Methods). 85 Experiments used biological triplicates. Samples for liquid chromatography analysis were taken 48 hours post-induction. For production of alkanes 2 ml cultures in 11 ml, septum-capped gas chromatography vials (Supelco SU860099 10 ml 22.5x46 mm vials and SU860103 PTFE silica septa caps) were used. Technical triplicates were used for propane, butane, pentane, and 4MV to 2-methyl-butane experiments. Biological triplicates were used for isobutyrate to 2-methyl-butane and heptane production experiments. Gas head-space samples were taken 24 hours post-induction as described below. Gas chromatography method At 24 hours post induction, vial cultures were placed in a 420 C incubator for 20 minutes in order to drive the volatile alkanes into the gas phase. Gas headspace samples were then taken using a 10 ml gas-tight syringe (SGE Ringwood, Victoria, Australia). In order to mix the gas sample and prevent formation of a vacuum one syringe was used to inject a 1 ml volume of air as 1 ml of sample was drawn. The process was repeated until a 9 ml volume was taken from the vial and an additional 9 ml of air was injected into the vial. The concentration injected into the GC was thus diluted 2-fold. A Shimadzu GC (GC-2014) with a RT-Q bond column (30 m length, 530 pm ID, 20 pm film thickness) and flame ionization detector (FID) was used for the analysis. A 5 pL sample loop was used for sample injection. The method oven conditions were as follows: a 40"C hold for 1 minute followed by a 25"C/min ramp up to 280*C with a 5 minute final hold. Quantification of propane, butane, and pentane was based on a one point calibration using a standard gas mixture purchased from AIRGAS. The quantification of 2-methyl-butane was based on the FID response for the isomer pentane (Sample calculation Text A4-2). A separate standard curve for heptane was created by adding known volumes to a 1 liter glass bottle fitted with a septum cap. A heptane standard (Sigma-Aldrich) and the 1 liter bottle were chilled to 4'C and different known volumes of heptane were added. The bottle was then warmed to room temperature allowing the heptane to 86 fully vaporize. A gas tight syringe was used to inject 8 ml of gas from the bottle into the GC (Text A4-3, Fig. A4-1). A similar curve was generated for nonane. Liquid chromatography method The same liquid chromatography method described in Chapter 2 Methods was used for liquid phase analysis. The method had a 120 minute stop-time and 50 ptl injection in order to better quantify aldehyde product. Butyraldehyde was quantified by making a standard curve using an analytical standard from Sigma-Aldrich. 87 Chapter 5: Future directions Improving the CoA-dependent platform for branched products As mentioned in the Introduction, a variety of biofuel targets have been synthesized at low yields, but few technologies have been developed to the point of commercialization. Chapter 2 described how we established an efficient pathway-architecture to guide the design of the CoA-dependent 4MP pathway. Continued pathway improvement can generate potentially valuable results because 4MP synthesis was established using a redox-neutral, theoretically high yielding pathway. Improvements upstream of 4methyl-valeraldehyde synthesis can also be applied to the 2-methyl-butane pathway described in Chapter 4. Our initial demonstration revealed two areas for future pathway development: 1) replacement of key rate-limiting enzymes and 2) alteration of cofactor utilization in order to improve pathway performance in a fermentative process. Key rate-limiting enzymes The final pathway version in Strain M1Fj(IA)2134L (containing Fjoh2967Fj, the ivCEc-asSBS operon, ibuARp, and IsadhLs) produced 4MP selectively among the potential reduced products, but also built up large pools of isobutyrate and acetate precursors. A collection of observations suggest that an enzyme within Module 3 which completes the chain extension of isobutyryl-CoA to 4-methyl-valery-CoA is rate limiting. Previous in vitro activity data for the C. necator thiolase BktBCn and reductase PhaBc, suggest that BktBCn may have more substrate flexibility than PhaBcn 134 ,139. Additionally the condensationthiolysis equilibrium greatly favors the thiolytic products which means the reductase reaction drives flux towards downstream porducts1 40 . When constructing synthetic operons for full 4MP pathway expression, we considered the possibility of a PhaBcn limitation. Our initial operon designs placed phaBcn in the second position of a two-gene operon likely lowering enzyme expression. An alternative plasmid containing phaBcn in the first position of the operon increased 4MV product titers from isobutyrate and glucose by 97% (Fig. 2-10). The 4MV:butyrate ratios also changed significantly from 88 0.78:1 with phaBc, in the second postion to 1.6:1 with phaBcn in the first position. Together these data support the hypothesis that PhaBcn can be rate limiting and a key control point for the selectivity of acid products formed by CoA-dependent chain extension. Our laboratory has explored using PhaBcn for production of other acid products and work has begun to identify improved reductases7 9. A current student, Yekaterina Tarasova, has generated a sequence similarity network based on a previously described acetoacetyl-CoA reductase protein family which contains PhaBcn and over 2,000 other sequences (Fig. 5-1)141,142. I.jt -- -% 1. While the authors describe the family %1 PhaB FabG PhaB FabG ~X 0-ketoacyl thioester reductases. A representative sequence similarity network of a family of 0-ketoacyl thioester reductases is shown at an E-value edge threshold of 10- . Representative nodes group all sequences with at least 90% sequence identitiy. The large cyan node indicates the location of PhaBco. Clusters which are connected to general FabG-like and PhaB-like clusters at an E-value edge threshold of 10-75 are indicated with labels. Potential NADH-dependent reductases, based on sequence analysis of characteristic amino acid residues, are highlighted by red nodes. Larger purple nodes indicate recently characterized NADHdependent FabG reductases which were identified independently using sequence analysis. The blue node in the large PhaB cluster indicates an available crystal structure for a potential NADH-dependent PhaB-like reductase. Fig. 5-1. Network of 89 as an "acetoacetyl-CoA" reductase family, the majority of sequences in the family are related to FabGlike P-ketoacyl-ACP reductases involved in type 11 FAS. When the network is viewed at an E-value edge threshold of 10-75 (edges connect protein nodes which have pairwise BLAST E-values5 10-7s ) a cluster of sequences breaks off which contains 1,142 sequences including PhaBcn (network not shown at this threshold). This cluster likely represents a set of CoA reductases and can be used to identify alternate PhaB-like candidates which may have differing substrate specificities. Care should be taken in selecting alternative PhaB reductases since the assays used for evaluation will likely be low throughput because the desired acyl-CoA substrates are not readily available. The in vivo assay for 4MV synthesis from isobutyrate and glucose described in Chapter 2 is useful for comparing reductase performance of a small candidate library. In addition to isobutyrate, other acids could be supplemented to adapt the assay for alternative products. An iterative approach should be used to gain an informed perspective of the enzyme space in order to best utilize the in vivo assay. We are starting with an enzyme we know will catalyze the desired chemistry and we would like to enhance kinetics and specificity. Because it is possible that small differences in protein sequence could have large effects on our desired enzyme characteristics we should initially look in close proximity to PhaBcn. As mentioned above, the PhaB network is representative and nodes can contain more than one protein sequence. The node containing PhaBCn contains 26 other protein sequences some of which have as low as 91% identity with PhaBCn (Table A5-1). In order to gauge the potential variation in substrate specificity, 10 of these close neighbors can be cloned to replace PhaBcn in the existing pETDuet-1 based Module 3/2-MCC plasmid (described in Chapter 2). Differences in 4MV and butyrate titers can be correlated with differences in sequences to help inform what enzyme characteristics improve performance. If no differences are observed between reductases within the PhaBcn node, the search can be expanded to less similar enzymes. Reduction of the E-value edge threshold to 10-82 breaks the PhaB 90 cluster into 4 sub-clusters and the main PhaB cluster shows 4 distinct groupings within it (Fig. 5-1). A larger library of perhaps 20-40 candidates can be selected, sampling evenly across the 8 sub-groups. If this broader approach is implemented, it would be wise to include a small library of enzymes taken from clusters that were not connected to either the PhaB-like or FabG-like clusters at an E-value edge threshold of 10-71. The space around candidate enzymes which prove to enhance 4MV titer or specificity can be targeted for further investigation. Individual sub-clusters or groupings can be surveyed more completely until specific nodes with the highest activity and specificity are identified. Reduced DNA synthesis pricing facilitates the described approach because genes can be acquired quickly and low expression due to codon bias in the source organism can be avoided. A plateau in titers irrespective of PhaB variant may indicated that another pathway enzyme has become limiting. The other CoA-dependent enzymes downstream of PhaB (PhaJ, Ter) could be investigated in a similar manner. In the initial screening of PhaJ and Ter variants the greatest differences were observed between the Ter variants (Fig. 2-5A). As with PhaB, Ter is a reductase which uses a reducing cofactor. It is believed to use a kinetic trap which can provide a strong pull on CoA pathway flux1 s, 143. As a result, enhanced activity and/or specificity for 4-methyl-trans-2,3-pentenyl-CoA has the potential to significantly improve pathway performance. Altering cofactor utilization Microbial alcohol production can be greatly simplified by using a fermentative bioprocess. In order to make the CoA-dependent pathway platform more efficient under anaerobic conditions, all reductases must utilize NADH cofactors. The NADH requirement results from the cell's need to regenerate NAD+ as it uses glycolysis for ATP generation under anaerobic conditions. In the current CoA-dependent 4MP pathway two reductases, PhaBco and CarNi, use an NADPH cofactor. Finding alternative NADHdependent enzymes for these steps would greatly enhance pathway performance under fermentation. 91 In addition to identifying PhaB diversity, the sequence similarity network can also help identify NADH-dependent substitutes for PhaBCn. Key catalytic residues which determine cofactor specificity have been described for the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) superfamily which contains pketoacyl thioester reductases72 . In brief, glutamic acid or aspartic acid is often found at one of three sequential positions in NADH-dependent enzymes, while arginine or lysine is often found at one of four positions in NADPH-dependent enzymes. We have annotated the network based on those residue patterns in order to identify potential NADH-dependent enzymes (Fig. 5-2A, Text A5-1). A Ph4aB FabG PhaB FabG (sc) FabG (fc) FabG (sc) FabG Fig. 5-2. Potential NADH dependent reductases. (A) Select clusters are shown from the network in Fig. 5-1. Nodes with potential NADHdependent enzymes are red. Two purple nodes in the large FabG cluster contain enzymes with experimentally confirmed NADH specificity. The blue node indicates a potential NADH-dependent PhaB-like enzyme with an available crystal sc=single (fc=few connections, structure. connection to FabG cluster at an E-value edge threshold of 10-75) (B) The PhaB-like structure (blue) is aligned with a reference NADHdependent SDR with NAD+ bound. The key glutamic acid residue which interacts with NAD(H) hydroxyl groups is indicated. 92 Only homologs which contained at least one of the key acidic residues and none of the key basic residues were annotated as potential NADH-dependent reductases (Fig. 5-1 and 5-2A). It is possible for cofactor specificity to be determined by other motifs and the PhaB-like clusters have relatively higher levels of diversity at the key residue positions. In fact, PhaBcn has neither acidic nor basic residues at any of the four positions, but the sequence confers NADPH specificity. Despite the diversity, the majority of sequences in the PhaB-like clusters have basic residues at one or more of the key positions. Among the likely NADPH-dependent reductases there are a minority of nodes which fit the criteria for potential NADH-dependent enzymes (Fig. 5-2A). Because the majority of nodes indicated NADPH specificity as has been observed for PhaBco, we sought additional evidence to support the contention that some PhaB-like reductases are NADH-dependent. One potential source of false positives is poor sequence alignment for a subset of proteins. It is possible that the alignment positions for some sequences do not correspond to the expected positions in the protein structure. It is the position in the three-dimensional structure which ultimately creates the desired enzyme-cofactor interactions. Fortunately, a structure was available for one potential NADH-dependent PhaB-like node indicated in blue in Fig. 5-2A. An alignment of the PhaB-like structure with a reference NADH-dependent SDR using UCSF Chimera shows the potential glutamic acid residue is in good position to interact with the two hydroxyl groups of NAD+ (Fig. 5-2B) 144. Further supporting evidence was found for our screening method by using the UniProt database to retrieve literature references associated with our potential NADH-dependent enzymes1. Javidpour et al. characterized three of the FabG-like enzymes we identified and found them to be NADH-specific even though they are homologous to FAS reductases which typically use NADPH (Fig. 5-2A)113 . These proteins are found in a FabG-like cluster where we predicted the majority of the nodes to contain NADH-dependent reductases. The combination of these data gives us confidence that investigation of the PhaB-like nodes can uncover NADH-dependent enzymes. 93 Once again the 4MV in vivo assay can be used to screen libraries of candidates. There are 56 potential PhaB-like NADH-dependent sequences represented by 13 nodes (Table A5-2). One candidate can be selected from each node and cloned to replace PhaBcn in the Module 3/2-MCC plasmid. With an NADH-dependent @-ketoacyl-CoA reductase, the pathway from isobutyrate and glucose would utilize only NADH cofactors. Comparison of product titers from aerobic and anaerobic (transiently aerobic) cultures could be used as a first pass screen to identify NADH-dependent enzymes. We would expect NADH-dependent enzymes to produce more acid product relative to PhaBcn under anaerobic conditions where the NADH:NAD+ ratio is much higher6 7 . The best candidates can be purified and assayed with commercially available acetoacetyl-CoA and NADH/NADPH to confirm cofactor specificity. If additional proteins are found at a confirmed NADH-dependent node, those sequences should be assayed as well with the hope of finding an enzyme with even more favorable kinetics. A similar approach could be applied to alternative carboxylic acid reductases. N. iowensis CarNi is part of a much smaller family of enzymes. Within the UniProt database, only 354 sequences display domain architecture similar to CarNi. The sequences are predominantly from Mycobacteria. Because this class of carboxylic acid reductases has less known diversity, alternate routes to aldehydes may be sought. CoA-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenases (Aldh) from Clostridia could provide a potential alternative although there activity has only been observed on a butyryl-CoA substrate 46 . If no natural enzymatic route can be identified, it may be possible to engineer CarNi to accept NADH 147 The combined knowledge gained from a search for improved substrate specificity and for cofactor specificity would enable rational enzyme selection for specific applications of the CoAdependent pathway platform. Correlations between sequence and substrate/cofactor specificity may also be used to help further tailor improved substrate/cofactor specificity. Ideally, replacement enzymes could be chosen to relieve the kinetic bottleneck under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. 94 If these goals are achieved, the CoA-dependent pathway would move from a demonstration to a platform with commercial relevance. An orthogonalbranched FAS While a small number of key enzymes can be targeted for improvement of the CoA-dependent platform, a fresh approach is warranted for developing an improved branched FAS system. Chapter 3 described our initial development of a branched, short-chain FAS platform in E. coli highlighting the rate limitation likely due to pairing the plant FatB2Ch thioesterase with a bacterial FAS. When this work began we envisioned developing an orthogonal branched FAS pathway which may be transferable to other hosts, especially yeast strains. Such a platform must have a number of characteristics which were not carefully evaluated in development of our demonstration pathway. As mentioned in Chapter 3, we selected a branched FAS which was well understood and closely related to our host FAS in order to increase the likelihood of creating a functioning pathway. Independently, we selected a thioesterase which, at the time, acted on the shortest reported acyl-ACP substrate. In development of a more efficient platform both acyl chain preference and ACP interactions should be considered simultaneously (Fig. 5-3). A host FAS enzyme m host FAS enzyme host ACP recombinant ACP MAW recomb nant 5-3. Characteristics of an orthogonal type 11 FAS platform. (A) Host and recombinant ACPs can interact properly with FAS CP recombinant FAS enzyme recombinant FAS enzyme Fig. enzymes from their own synthase, but do not "crosstalk" with the B recombinant group host opposite synthase. recombinant system (B) The contains a thioesterase which will act on acylACP intermediates linked to the recombinant ACP, but does not act on host acyl-ACP intermediates. (C) free acid c The recombinant FAS generates branched acids from branched CoA z oA - A thioester precursors which can be derived from branched amino acid synthesis. - branched acyl group 95 Identifying an orthogonal ACP For any FAS platform to be orthogonal the acyl-ACP intermediates of the recombinant pathway must not be able to interact with the host FAS and the acyl-ACP intermediates of the host must not be able to interact with the recombinant FAS. From our initial work, and the work of others, it is clear that E. coli FAS enzymes can handle a wide range of acyl groups. The key, then, to creating an orthogonal pathway is the identification of a recombinant FAS which uses an ACP that cannot interact with E. coli enzymes (Fig. 5-3A). In our initial demonstration we considered this characteristic and looked to see that some of the key residues of the interacting helix on B. subtils ACPBs were different from key residues on E. coli ACPEC. Despite this analysis it is clear from our results that B. subtilis FabH1Bs and FabH2BS can use Likewise it has been reported that B. subtilis ACPBs ACPEc- can complement the essential knockout of ACPEc1 4 8 Based on these results, it is unlikely that sequence analysis alone will identify orthogonal ACPs. While ACP sequences are conserved across a wide range of life, there is still sufficient diversity to support the existence of orthogonal FASs (Fig. 5-4). We created a representative sequence similarity network to help identify where to look for functional diversity when creating the library. Sequences 100 amino acids or shorter were taken from the Pfam PP-binding domain family which contains ACPs. Each node contains sequences with at least 40% identity and we are displaying the network at an E-value edge threshold of 10-1. We have highlighted a number of key sequences related to our work, species known to produce branched acids, and key enzymes previously assayed with E. coli FAS. Roughly half the sequences are grouped tightly within the main cluster and that group includes ACPEc and ACPBs as well as sequences from plants and cyanobacteria. L. lactis ACPLI is found loosely connected to the main cluster. The ACPs of a number of bacteria known to produce branched fatty acids are located on the periphery of the network . Many plant ACPs are not included in the network because the database sequences include signal peptides which make their sequences ~140 amino acids in length. 96 (4 'V IfI '7V I * Escherichia 0 Streptococcus 0 Bacteroides * Nostoc 0 Clostridium * Bacillus * Arabidopsis 0 Lactococcus 0 Flavobacterium 0 A representative sequence similarity Fig. 5-4. Sequence similarity network showing the diversity of ACPs. network of Pfam PP-binding domain family proteins of 100 amino acids is shown (5,336 unique sequences). Nodes represent a set of sequences which have at least 40% identity with each other. An E-value edge threshold of 10-1 is used to show node connections. Nodes containing sequences from select genera are highlighted. The largest node (1,144 sequences, shown in red) contains ACPEc. Half of the sequences are found in the large grouping of the major cluster which contains the Escherichia node. This grouping also contains sequences from Nostoc punctiforme (cyanobacterium), Arabidopsis lyrata (plant), and a branched acid producer Streptococcus agalactiae. Clostridium acetobutylicum, Lactococcus lactis, and another branched acid producer Bacteroidesfragilis are found further out in the main cluster. Finally branched acid producers Bacteroides intestinalis, Flavobacterium indicum, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, and Bacillus megaterium are disconnected from the main cluster. Knowing that nodes represent fairly diverse sequences down to 40% identity, the structure of the network with weak connections for a large set of sequences suggests orthogonal ACPs can be found. Unfortunately, based on previous observations it does not appear that distance within the network alone will help identify large groups of orthogonal ACPs. This phenomenon often arises when a 97 .1 *....|... 5 B. intestinalis F. indicum B. cereus B. subtilis A. thaliana C. 0.ancrata C. lanceolata ---------------------------------------------- ------- MEK~ ----- Z., I&Ctlv E. Coll ---MA A. thaliana S. OldagNM0 C. lanceolata 1....| 15 ------------------------------------- *. . ...... I 25 *. ...... 35 *. ...... *. 45 ---------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- NH------GK TNLSFNLRRS IPSRRLSVSC SFNSKNYALK SSVTFNRMTP VMPRGLSVSC SLRSVSLPVS RKSFPSLKSS KSSFALRVSC *........ 85 .... l .... l 1VNLFDDIDT SNFSVLTDFK -GINNQLKIT EN---GDD-EEVT-LETSF EEVTNNASFV ADVKLEASFK DKKVVAETKF DAKVTGETKF DSEVNGLSKF -- MSTt -- MAD AAKQE AAIKPEWOM QAKPEr4UV ---- IDV ---- KEK ---- VKQ ---- VDE "-S----LTP LA----LAE OLA ---- LPD . . . . I... . ....I....1 135 L. | 55 ---------------------------- Ni*E----INH 125 ...... ---------------------------- 95 .1.... 105 A B. intestinalis F. indicum B. cereus . ---------------------------- MATQFSASVS LQTSCLATTR ISFQKPALIS MA-----SIT GSSVSFKCAP LQS ------MAS----AAA GASICIKSAS FSPLAPGRIS B. intestinalis F. indicum B. cereus B. subtilis .... .1.... 115 .L. 145 YGIII LTKERG- WDFNCLND *IVLSX rNI lacta E . Coll DT E I B. subtilis A. thaliana rDMEIS C. lanceolata FGIS OKIAT--V* jIAT--V% FNI EKKNK-KKGH nTOT--VnD . .. .L V Fig. 5-5. Sequence alignments of diverse ACPs. ACPEc is aligned with four ACPs used in a complementation assay (Bacteroides intestinalis, L. lactis, B. subtilis, and S. oleracea) and four other ACPs of interest (Flavobacterium indicum, Arabidopsis thaliana, Cuphea lanceolata, and Bacillus cereus). The two ACPs found to not support growth in E. coli are boxed in grey. Grey boxes are also used to show positions aligned with a-helices I-IV in ACPEc. Variation at residues that were found to effect growth when mutated in ACPEC is highlighted by red boxes. A potential key variation in Helix II of the S. oleracea ACPs, is boxed in blue. Signal peptides for the three plant species are indicated with an underline. The cysteine which attaches to the 4'phosphopantetheine prosthetic group is indicated with a triangle. The two Bacilli are found to have very different sequences. ACPBS is more similar to ACPEc while ACPBc more closely resembles ACPuI- specific function is controlled by a small number of amino acid residues. To illustrate this point, we have created an alignment with ACPEc, four ACP sequences used in a previous E. coli complementation assay, and four other ACP sequences of interest (Fig. 5-5)149 . A range of bacterial ACPs have previously been used to complement a temperature sensitive mutant of ACPEC at the nonpermissive temperature 14. randomly selected set of bacterial ACPs generally supported growth although there were two key 98 A exceptions including ACPLI from L. lactis. The mature ACP of S. oleracea (Spinach) was also found to be incapable of supporting growth at the nonpermissive temperature. Interestingly a number of designed ACPEc mutants also could not support growth, but natural variants, like one Bacteroides ACP, which contain the same residue at the same position as the mutant could support growth. The Bacteroides ACP also has relatively low overall sequence identity to E. coli. These seemingly contradictory results may occur because ACP is not required to make one interaction with one enzyme, but is required to make a series of interactions with a set of FAS enzymes in order to support growth. It is likely that poor ACP function can arise from a variety of unrelated interactions created by different sequence variations. It is for this reason that a random or semi-rational approach is required to find an orthogonal system. We propose a combined approach of "characteristic sequence" learning through in vivo screening of natural homologs. Instead of trying to create a series of point mutations to explore the effect on enzyme function, a library of natural homologs, selected for diversity, can be used to identify which "characteristic sequences" generate desired phenotypes. In this specific case, an assay must be devised such that ACP homologs can confer either a positive or negative phenotype (i.e., growth or no growth). Fortunately, as mentioned above, a temperature sensitive mutant of ACPEc has been identified such that E. coli expressing only the mutant ACP grows at 30'C, but cannot grow at the nonpermissive temperature of 42*Cls0 . This temperature sensitive mutant can be used with a large library of recombinant ACP homologs to help identify other sequences which fail to support growth at the nonpermissive temperature. The library would be transformed into an E. coli strain containing only the temperature sensitive ACPEc mutant in its chromosome and plated at 30*C for initial growth. Replica plates or patches can then be made and grown at 42 0 C. Strains which fail to grow or grow poorly can be sequenced to identify which ACPs fail to support growth and a selection of strains which do support growth can also be sequenced. The small size of ACP genes (-240 bp) allows for cheap synthesis, or even assembly from DNA oligos, increasing the size of the library that can be used. 99 Pairing ACP and thioesterase activity to complete the pathway Observations from the growth screen can be annotated on the ACP sequence network. Sequence alignments of non-growers can be used to identify patterns which lead to the negative growth phenotype. This sequence information can then be applied to the network. Once the network is sufficiently characterized, species which are known or suspected to express short- or branched shortchain acyl-ACP thioesterases can be annotated to see if overlaps exist between orthogonal ACPs and desired thioesterase activities. The fact that E. coli FAS cannot use a given ACP does not ensure that a recombinant thioesterase from that species will not act on E. coli acyl-ACPEC- It is likely that only a small library of potential thioesterases will be tested because of the use of low throughput in vivo assays. Select thioesterases would be expressed in E. coli with cellular lipid content and free fatty acids monitored as in the FAS platform work described in Chapter 3. If a thioesterase is expressed, but does not alter E. coli lipid content, then other components of the recombinant FAS can be added to test for a complete orthogonal pathway (Fig. 5-6). type 11 FAS species Fig. 5-6. Finding an orthogonal FA: branched acid pathway in type 1 FAS species space. All type I FAS systems utilize ACPs. A subset of such systems A contains acyl-ACP thioesterases. second subset uses ACPs which are orthogonal to ACPEc. Within systems using thioesterases, a subset act on short, branched acyl-ACPs. seeking the intersection We are of the orthogonal ACP and short, branched acyl-ACP thioesterase spaces. orthogonal FAS branched acid pathway It is not clear that this described approach will be efficient enough to identify the desired pathway platform, but a number of observations suggest the goal may be ultimately achievable. As stated earlier, a number of ACPs have been found incapable of complementing growth of the temperature sensitive ACPEC mutant at the nonpermissive temperature including an ACP from one plant 100 species. Many plant species express acyl-ACP thioesterases and, as mentioned in the Chapter 1, at least one tobacco species produces 4-methyl-hexanol via fatty acid biosynthesis. The question is whether or not a species which uses a branched short-chain acyl-ACP thioesterase also uses an ACP divergent enough from E. coli to make an orthogonal pathway possible. Even if an ideal system is not identified, pursuit of this project can uncover new knowledge about type II FAS systems which can aid in alternative pathway designs. Improving alkane synthesis through alternative decarbonylases If alkanes are a desired product from either an FAS or CoA-dependent platform, then rate limitations from the final aldehyde decarbonylase reaction must be addressed. The genes responsible for AD activity have only been discovered recently and results from engineering AD pathways in recombinant hosts have produced a range of alkane titers", ",". The proposed mechanism for decarbonylation is complicated, requiring molecular oxygen, reducing equivalents, and water in addition to the aldehyde substrate12 9. To date, two families of enzymes with AD activity have been described. One consists of the mono-functional ADs of cyanobacteria and the other is composed of the CER1-like enzymes from plant species15 1 . Only a small collection of potential enzymes from both families have been experimentally tested in the literature. It is possible that variations in efficiency exist, especially considering that electron transfer rates appear to affect enzyme inactivation3 . Whether ferredoxin or NAD(P)H cofactors are required has not been carefully explored for all enzyme variants. Alternative decarbonylases within the cyanobacteria AD family In our work described in Chapter 4 we used a wild type and mutant version of a single AD from P. marinus MIT9313, but a number of homologs have been identified for this enzyme. This variant was selected for an initial demonstration because in vitro data for the mutant showed enhanced activity on short-chain aldehydes. An alternative homolog of ADpm may have improved kinetics due to enhanced electron transfer or stability in our recombinant host. If this is the case, it may be possible to engineer 101 the enhanced short-chain activity into a better performing AD. As in the case of improving the CoAdependent platform, we will describe a process for investigating alternative enzymes for this key kinetic bottleneck. The P. marinus AD is included in the DUF3066 family within the Pfam database15 2 . The DUF3066 domain family consists of 135 sequences, the majority of which come from cyanobacteria. We used the web-based Enzyme Function Initiative's Enzyme Similarity Tool (EFIEST) to generate a sequence similarity network for the DUF3066 family1s3. When identifying AD genes, Schirmer et al. assayed a variety of AD homologs in E. coli 30. AD homologs were expressed with the acyl-ACP reductase from Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942 which produced aldehyde substrate for the ADs30. Different alkane titers were observed for different decarbonylases. We have annotated our AD network to show which enzymes were assayed in this study and the magnitude of titers generated by each (Fig. 5-7). While we selected ADpm based on confirmed activity for our substrates, it was also one of the poorest performing enzymes of the initial tested set. The AD from Nostoc punctiforme PCC73102 produced the highest titers of over 30 mg/L of both pentadecane and heptadecane. In addition this homolog produced the only detectable tridecane. N. punctiforme PCC 73102 P. marinus MIT 9313 30-40 mg/L 10-20 mg/L 5-10 mg/L C- 5 mg/L 0-.0.-0 0 102 ~ 0-000 0 0 O -0-0 0 0 - 0 00 0 0 0 Fig. 5-7. Family of cyanobacterial aldehyde decarbonylases (ADs). A sequence similarity network of the Pfam DUF3066 domain family is shown with an E-value edge -112 threshold OT 1U . Decarbonylases assayed in E. coli are highlighted by large orange and brown nodes indicating the range of pentadecane and heptadecane produced by each. The high producer from N. punctiforme and the P. marinus homologs are indicated. In addition, an AD from the y-proteobacteria Alcanivorax dieselolei is highlighted by a large blue node. A. dieselolei has been found to degrade alkanes. The titers published by Schirmer et al. suggest that N. punctiforme PCC73102 AD (ADNP) is the most active of the decarbonylases tested in E. coli. It may be possible to use ADNP to increase shortchain alkanes when coupled to our platform. Because the A134F mutation significantly increases activity of ADpm for C4-C6 aldehyde substrates, we investigated the likelihood of introducing a similar mutation in ADNP. We retrieved a homology model of the ADNP protein based on the ADpm structure from the ModBase database and aligned the structures using Chimera 15 4 . Because the ADpm structure was solved with a substrate analog bound in the active site, we were able to identify all binding pocket residues within 5 A of the substrate. These residues are shown in the sequence alignment below (Fig. 5- 8). While there is significant sequence variation between the two ADs (56% identity), all binding pocket residues are identical. ADNP should be used in place of ADpm within our existing alkane pathways to test . . . . | . . . . | .... . . . .* . . .... .... - I. . . . I ....I....I ....I....1 25 35 45 5 15 55 P.marinus MPTLEMPVAA VLDSTVGSSE ALPDFTSDRY KD4SREAI IEQ4HD NYIAIGTLLP N.punctiforme ----------- -- MQQLTDQS KELDFKSETY KD4SE4 IIEW4E NYITLAQLLP . . .-. 65 75 P.marinus DHVEELKRLA K4I3KK N.punctiforme ESHDELIRLS 85 . .... . . 95 ....I....| ....I....1 105 115 APLRDNFQTA LGQGKTPTCL TGKNLGVE ADMDFARE M4GRNLAVT PDLQFAKEF* SGLHQNFQTA AAEGKVVTCL ....I.... |I ....I....|1 ....I....I ....I....I ....I....I ....I....1 125 145 155 165 175 135 P.marinus LI IS T IP VSDPFARKI EGVVKDIYTU LNYGEAWLKA NLESCREELL INIP VADDFARKIf EGVVKEUYSE LNFGEVWLKE HFAESKAELE I N.punctiforme LI L ....I....I ....I....1 . . . . .. 61.. ..... .0 205 215 185 195 I ..... . . 225 -.. . . . .. . 1 235 P.marinus EANRENLPLI RPMLDQ GD AAVLQ3 KED LIEDFLIAYQ ESLTEIGFNT REITRMAAAA N.punctiforme LANRQNLPIV WM4LN*GD AHT "4KDA VEDFMIQYG EALSNIGFST RDIMRLSAYG P.marinus LVSN.punctiforme LIGA Fig. 5-8. N. punctiforme PCC73102 and P. marinus MIT9313 aldehyde decarbonylases share the same hydrophobic binding pocket residues. An alignment of the protein sequences of ADNp and ADpm reveal that hydrophobic binding pocket residues are strongly conserved between variants. All residues found to be within 5 A of the bound substrate analog in a structure alignment of the two proteins are highlighted in red. The position of the A134F mutation of ADpm is shown with the blue box and arrow. This position would correspond to an A122F mutation in ADNP- 103 for improved production. The high similarity in binding pockets supports the possibility that a functional ADNp-A122F mutant can be created to enhance ADNp activity with short-chain substrates. The ADNP- A122F mutant should be evaluated in comparison to ADNp wild type and the ADpm-A134F mutant. Based on the distribution of observed activities within the AD network, it is likely that all members of the DUF3066 family function as aldehyde decarbonylases. Five to ten homologs from groupings within the main cluster and from the untested cluster could be expressed within our pathway context to better characterize the space. Some variants may have improved electron transfer within an E. coli host. In addition, because a structure is available, variation in binding pocket residues can be overlaid onto the network. Specific positions which could potentially be used to occlude larger substrates or smaller branched substrates should be looked at to identify natural homologs which may have improved substrate specificity. Selecting a set of AD homologs with diversity at these positions may increase the efficiency of the screening process. The relatively small size of the DUF3066 family suggests that relatively little experimentation is required to learn whether significantly improved AD homologs exist within the network. The small libraries required to investigate the space make continued use of in vivo pathway assays practical. Screening candidates within the pathway context greatly reduces the likelihood of pursuing enzymes which may not improve alkane synthesis from a sole carbon source. Unfortunately the small network size also lowers the likelihood of finding an enzyme with substantially improved kinetics. CERi-like plant aldehyde decarbonylases If cyanobacterial ADs are found to be incapable of significantly improving titers, plant CERI-like decarbonylases may be considered. It was expression of the CER1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana with a FAS based pathway to aldehydes which has generated the largest published alkane titers". While cyanobacterial ADs are presumed to be soluble mono-functional enzymes, CER1-like enzymes contain two catalytic domains with multiple transmembrane domains. The N-terminal catalytic domain is a 104 B A CER1 /_ * 0~ 0 I 41 Fig. 5-9. Protein context for CERi-like aldehyde decarbonylases. (A) A representative sequence similarity network of the FA hydroxylase super family is shown. The superfamily includes enzymes which utilize a di-iron core to catalyze a variety of reactions. The CER1 protein is highlighted by a red node in the cluster containing CER1 homologs. Each node contains all sequences with greater than 90% identity. An E-value edge threshold of 10-90 was used. (B) A sequence similarity network is shown for members of the FA hydroxylase superfamily with sequences longer than 500 amino acids. An E-value edge threshold of 10-105 was used. The CERI-like cluster and two other multi-domain clusters are highlighted. A bacterial FA hydroxylase-YhhN cluster is shown in purple and a bacterial FA hydroxylase-cyclopropane synthase cluster is shown in turquoise. Both bacterial clusters contain enzymes that are likely used to tailor membrane lipids. The CER1-like cluster bifurcates into two groupings using the edge threshold shown. Interestingly many of the plant species represented in the cluster, including A. thaliana, have more than four homologs of CER1. The homologs of A. thaliana are highlighted. CER1 is shown as the large dark red node with other homologs in the same grouping shown in light red. CER3 is found in the opposite grouping at the large blue node. Other plant species show a similar distribution between the two groupings potentially indicating that multiple CER1 homologs are expressed with CER3 to produce a variety of plant waxes. member of the FA hydroxylase superfamily and contains a di-iron catalytic core similar to that found in the cyanobacterial AD family of enzymes (Fig. 5-9)151. The C-terminal catalytic domain is a member of the WAX2 C-terminal domain family within the Pfam database. WAX2 C-terminal domains have an unknown function, but they are similar in sequence to members of the short-chain reductase (SDR) family1 55. When CER1 or its homolog CER3 was expressed alone in S. cerevisiae, alkanes were not observed, but coexpression of CER1 and CER3 led to C29 alkane productions 1 . Mutation of proposed iron coordinating histidine residues in CER1 abolished alkane production further implicating the FA hydroxylase domain as an aldehyde decarbonylase. Further experiments in S. cerevisiae suggested that 105 very long chain acyl-CoAs are the substrate for a CER1-CER3 complex which produces very long chain alkanes. Somewhat surprisingly, Choi et al. have recently reported synthesis of high titers of nonane in E. coli by expressing an unmodified version of CER1 alone. In the E. coli work free fatty acids were converted to acyl-CoAs by a ligase and an acyl-CoA reductase was expressed to generate aldehydes. The higher alkane titers could result from some direct activity on acyl-CoAs by CER1 which has not been described. While the complex interactions between CER1 and CER3 suggest simple CER1 expression in E. coli should not enhance aldehyde production, the evidence produced by Choi et al. warrants experimental investigation. If CER1 can be functionally expressed with both the CoA-dependent platform to C4-C6 aldehydes and the FAS platform to C8 aldehydes, alkane titers may be enhanced and new information may be revealed about which substrates CER1 can use. Strains should also be constructed which replace both CarNi and ADpm activity with CER1 to test if CER1 can act directly on either acyl-CoA or acyl-ACP substrates. If CERI is found to be functional, alternative plant homologs could be investigated from the CER1-like cluster. While mono-functional decarbonylases may exist within the FA hydroxylase superfamily it is hard to know where to look since many different chemistries have been described. It would be inefficient to explore the space further using low through put methods unless a new class of decarbonylases is identified. If higher efficiency enzymes are not identified from either cyanobacterial or CERi decarbonylases the production of short-chain alkanes would be impractical at a production scale. With abundant petroleum available in the near term the value of alkanes is far too low to be produced by pathways producing such low yields. If one envisions a long term future with limited petroleum, further development of alkane producing strains for liquid fuels remains an interesting pursuit. 106 Appendices Appendix 1: Evaluating fuel targets and gasoline composition Text A1-1: Energy density calculations for potential alcohol fuels Energy densities were calculated from available density 16,157'158 and heat of combustion datal 9 for normal and iso isomers of primary alcohols from C2-C8. Heat of combustion per mole of alcohol was converted to a volume basis using the molecular weight and density of the alcohol. Text A1-2: Sample calculations of potential fuel compound pricing Glucose prices were estimated from the online international trading site 47 . All fuel product prices were taken from ICIS Indicative Chemical Prices which are based on 2006-2008 Chemical Market Reporter values48 . Assuming a glucose price of $500 per metric ton: $500 1 metric ton 1 metric ton 1x10 6 grams 180.16 grams $0.09 1 mole 1 mole glucose For a price of $400 per metric ton the price changes to $0.07 per mole. For ethanol a range of pricing was used because fuel ethanol sold for less than 200-proof, industrial contract ethanol. Assuming $2.10 per gallon of fuel ethanol: $2.10 0.264 gallons 1 liter $0.03 1 gallon 1 liter 17.13 moles 1 mole of fuel ethanol The energy normalized price per mole of fuel target was calculated as follows. The average United States retail price of gasoline ($3.36/gallon, February 2014160) was multiplied by 0.70 (crude oil contribution to total price160) to get a price of $2.35/gallon ($0.62/liter). The price on an energy basis was found as follows: 1 L gasoline $0.62 L gasoline 33 MiJ $0.019 Mi 107 Using this price per unit energy, the price per mol fuel compound was found using the heat of combustion of the fuel compound as follows (example hexane): 108 4.163 MJ $0.019 $0.08 mol hexane MJ mol hexane Table A1-1: Composition of typical gasoline. Major hydrocarbons of a representative sample of regular gasoline are shown. The weight percent of main components from each hydrocarbon group and the total weight percent of that group are given. Different weight percent thresholds are used for each group: parriffins >0.5%, olefins >0.1%, napthenes >0.3%, and aromatics >0.5%. Note that pentane and 2-methyl-butane are the two most abundant alkanes. Table is adapted from Johansen et al. 40 Group Hydrocarbon Compound Weight % Paraffins Group Hydrocarbon Compound Weight % Naphthenes n-Butane 2-Methylbutane 3.56 10.65 Cyclopentane 0.51 Methylcyclopentane 1.96 n-Pentane 8.32 Cyclohexane 1.14 2,3-Dimethylbutane 0.86 1(cis),3-Dimethylcyclopentane 2-Methylpentane 4.54 1 (trans ),3-Dimethylcyclopentane 3-Methylpentane 2.62 1 (trans ),2-Dimethylcyclopentane 0.36 0.33 0.47 n-Hexane 4.52 Methylcyclohexane 1.66 2-Methylhexane 1.45 1,2,3-Trimethylcyclopentane 0.45 2,3-Dimethylpentane 0.7 0.55 0.57 2.01 0.69 0.61 1.01 0.58 Group Total 8.74 3-Methylhexane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane n-Heptane 2-Methylheptane 3-Methylheptane n-Octane n-Nonane Group Total 49.54 Olefins Hexene- 1 0.14 0.19 0.14 0.28 0.13 Group Total 1.72 2-Methylbutene-1 Pentene-2, trans Pen tene-2, cis 2-Methylbutene-2 Aromatics Benzene Toluene 1.03 20.04 Ethylbenzene 1.26 p -Xylene 2.79 o -Xylene 1.14 1-Methyl-3-ethyl benzene 1 -Methyl-2-ethylbenzene 0.95 0.56 0.5 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 1.58 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene Group Total 33.15 109 Appendix 2: CoA-dependent 4MP pathway Text A2-1: Pathway yield calculations Yield calculations were computed as outlined in Dugar and Stephanopoulos4 9 . An explanation for the specific pathways cited in the current work follows. The maximum molar yield on an energy basis, YEis calculated as the ratio of the degree of reductance of glucose, 24, over the degree of reductance of the product. The degree of reductance of 4MP is 36 giving a yE of 0.67 mol 4MP/mol glucose. The stoichiometric yield of each pathway, Y, is calculated by dividing the moles of product generated per mole of substrate. The maximum pathway energy efficiency is calculated as: degree of reductance prod *nprod 1 degree of reductance . -n 10 YE where n is the number of moles of product or substrate used in a given pathway. In order to account for required NADPH generation and regeneration of excess NADH reducing equivalents, the stoichiometric pathway balance, v1, can be coupled to the system of equations below: v1: - CH 20 - a NADPH + b Product + c ATP + d NADH + e CO2 V2: v3 : - CH 2 0 - - CH 20 + 2 NADPH + CO2 1/3ATP - 1/3 NADH + CH8/ 3 0 (glycerol) Here a, b, c, d, and e are the pathway stoichiometric coefficients normalized by the number of glucose carbons consumed in the pathway. By matching the equation rates, different pathway yields can be calculated for each proposed pathway. If both NADPH cofactor generation and NADH regeneration through a glycerol sink (used as a potential regeneration route for a commercial production yeast strain) are considered than an adjusted pathway yield, YclP,G, can be calculated as described in Dugar and Stephanopoulos. YPG 110 _ . a1++ d-c 2 L4. 8 2 ] if(d-c)>O +3d else (d-c)-O The adjusted molar pathway yield, Yc1PG can be divided by the maximum molar yield, YE, to find the adjusted energy efficiency. = yP,G C_ .100 The pathway coefficients for the aKAE pathway to 4MP are: a=0.167, b=0.083, c=0.333, d=0.667, and e=0.5. For the presented CoA-dependent 4MP pathway the coefficients are: a=0.333, b=0.111, c=0.111, d=0.333, and e=0.333. Text A2-2: Codon optimized gene sequences S. cerevisiae ADH6: ATGAGCTACCCGGAAAAGTTCGAGGGTATTGCTATTCAGTCCCATGAGGACTGGAAGAACCCGAAGAAAACCAAG TATGATCCGAAGCCGTTCTACGACCACGACATCGACATCAAAATCGAAGCGTGCGGCGTGTGCGGTAGCGATATC CACTGCGCAGCGGGCCACTGGGGTAACATGAAAATGCCACTGGTGGTGGGCCATGAGATTGTCGGTAAGGTGGT GAAACTGGGCCCGAAGAGCAACAGCGGCCTGAAAGTTGGTCAGCGTGTGGGTGTTGGTGCGCAAGTCTTTAGCT GTTTGGAATGTGATCGCTGTAAGAACGATAATGAACCGTATTGCACGAAGTTTGTTACCACCTATTCGCAACCTTAT GAGGATGGTTACGTCAGCCAAGGCGGTTATGCAAACTATGTGCGCGTTCACGAGCACTTCGTTGTGCCGATTCCG GAGAATATCCCGAGCCATCTGGCAGCACCGCTGCTGTGTGGCGGTCTGACGGTCTACTCCCCGCTGGTCCGCAAT GGTTGCGGTCCGGGCAAGAAAGTGGGCATTGTTGGTCTGGGTGGCATCGGTTCTATGGGCACGTTGATTTCGAAG GCCATGGGTGCGGAGACTTACGTCATCTCTCGTTCTAGCCGCAAACGTGAGGACGCGATGAAGATGGGTGCCGAT CACTACATTGCGACCCTGGAAGAGGGTGACTGGGGCGAGAAATACTTTGACACCTTCGATCTGATTGTTGTGTGC GCGAGCAGCCTGACGGATATTGACTTTAACATTATGCCAAAAGCCATGAAAGTCGGTGGCCGCATCGTTTCCATTA GCATCCCTGAACAGCACGAGATGCTGAGCCTGAAGCCGTACGGTCTGAAGGCAGTTAGCATTAGCTACAGCGCTC TGGGCTCCATCAAAGAACTGAATCAGCTGCTGAAATTGGTGAGCGAAAAAGACATCAAGATCTGGGTTGAAACCC TGCCGGTGGGTGAGGCAGGTGTCCACGAGGCCTTTGAGCGTATGGAAAAAGGCGATGTGCGTTATCGTTTCACCC TGGTTGGTTACGATAAAGAATTCAGCGAC 111 N. iowensis car: ATGGCTGTGGACTCGCCGGATGAACGCCTGCAACGCCGTATCGCCCAACTGTTTGCCGAAGATGAACAAGTGAAA GCTGCCCGCCCGCTGGAAGCAGTTAGCGCGGCCGTCTCTGCACCGGGTATGCGTCTGGCTCAGATCGCAGCTACG GTGATGGCTGGTTATGCGGATCGTCCGGCGGCGGGCCAGCGTGCTTTCGAACTGAATACCGATGACGCAACCGGC CGTACCAGCCTGCGTCTGCTGCCGCGTTTTGAAACCATTACGTACCGCGAACTGTGGCAGCGTGTCGGCGAAGTG GCAGCTGCGTGGCATCACGACCCGGAAAACCCGCTGCGTGCGGGTGATTTTGTGGCCCTGCTGGGCTTCACCAGC ATTGATTATGCAACGCTGGATCTGGCTGACATCCATCTGGGTGCGGTTACCGTGCCGCTGCAAGCGAGCGCGGCG GTGTCCCAACTGATTGCAATCCTGACCGAAACGAGTCCGCGCCTGCTGGCGTCCACCCCGGAACATCTGGATGCTG CGGTGGAATGCCTGCTGGCAGGCACCACGCCGGAACGTCTGGTGGTTTTCGATTATCACCCGGAAGATGACGATC AGCGCGCCGCATTTGAAAGTGCGCGTCGCCGTCTGGCAGATGCAGGTTCCCTGGTGATCGTTGAAACCCTGGACG CGGTGCGTGCGCGTGGCCGTGATCTGCCGGCTGCGCCGCTGTTTGTCCCGGATACCGACGATGACCCGCTGGCGC TGCTGATTTATACGTCAGGTTCGACCGGCACGCCGAAAGGTGCCATGTACACCAATCGTCTGGCCGCAACGATGT GGCAGGGCAACTCAATGCTGCAAGGCAACAGCCAACGCGTTGGCATTAACCTGAATTATATGCCGATGAGTCATA TTGCGGGTCGTATCTCCCTGTTCGGCGTGCTGGCGCGTGGCGGCACCGCATACTTTGCTGCGAAATCAGACATGA GCACCCTGTTTGAAGATATTGGCCTGGTTCGCCCGACCGAAATCTTTTTCGTTCCGCGTGTCTGTGACATGGTGTTT CAGCGCTATCAAAGCGAACTGGATCGCCGTTCTGTCGCTGGTGCGGATCTGGACACCCTGGACCGCGAAGTGAAA GCGGATCTGCGTCAGAATTACCTGGGCGGTCGCTTCCTGGTTGCAGTCGTGGGCTCGGCTCCGCTGGCCGCAGAA ATGAAAACGTTTATGGAAAGCGTGCTGGACCTGCCGCTGCATGATGGTTATGGCAGTACCGAAGCCGGCGCATCC GTTCTGCTGGATAACCAGATCCAACGTCCGCCGGTCCTGGACTATAAACTGGTCGATGTGCCGGAACTGGGTTACT TTCGCACGGATCGTCCGCACCCGCGTGGCGAACTGCTGCTGAAAGCAGAAACCACGATTCCGGGTTATTACAAAC GCCCGGAAGTTACGGCGGAAATCTTTGATGAAGACGGCTTCTATAAAACCGGCGATATTGTGGCCGAACTGGAAC ATGACCGCCTGGTTTACGTGGATCGTCGTAACAATGTTCTGAAACTGTCCCAGGGCGAATTTGTGACCGTTGCGCA CCTGGAAGCTGTGTTCGCGAGCAGCCCGCTGATCCGTCAAATTTTTATCTATGGTAGTTCCGAACGCAGTTACCTG CTGGCCGTCATTGTGCCGACCGATGACGCACTGCGTGGCCGCGATACCGCTACGCTGAAAAGCGCTCTGGCGGAA 112 TCTATTCAGCGTATCGCCAAAGACGCAAATCTGCAACCGTATGAAATTCCGCGCGATTTTCTGATCGAAACCGAAC CGTTCACGATTGCCAATGGCCTGCTGAGCGGTATCGCAAAACTGCTGCGCCCGAACCTGAAAGAACGTTATGGTG CGCAGCTGGAACAAATGTACACCGACCTGGCTACGGGCCAGGCAGATGAACTGCTGGCCCTGCGCCGTGAAGCT GCGGATCTGCCGGTGCTGGAAACCGTTAGCCGTGCCGCAAAAGCGATGCTGGGTGTGGCAAGCGCGGATATGCG TCCGGACGCACATTTTACCGATCTGGGCGGTGACAGCCTGTCTGCACTGAGTTTTTCCAACCTGCTGCACGAAATCT TCGGTGTTGAAGTCCCGGTGGGTGTTGTCGTGTCTCCGGCAAACGAACTGCGTGATCTGGCGAATTATATTGAAG CCGAACGCAACAGTGGCGCAAAACGTCCGACCTTCACGTCAGTGCATGGCGGTGGCTCGGAAATTCGTGCTGCGG ATCTGACCCTGGACAAATTTATCGATGCACGCACGCTGGCCGCAGCTGATTCTATTCCGCACGCCCCGGTGCCGGC ACAGACCGTTCTGCTGACGGGTGCGAATGGCTATCTGGGTCGTTTCCTGTGCCTGGAATGGCTGGAACGCCTGGA TAAAACCGGCGGCACCCTGATTTGTGTTGTCCGTGGTAGCGACGCGGCGGCGGCACGTAAACGTCTGGATTCAGC CTTTGATAGCGGCGATCCGGGCCTGCTGGAACATTATCAGCAACTGGCAGCACGTACCCTGGAAGTGCTGGCAGG CGATATTGGTGACCCGAACCTGGGCCTGGATGACGCGACCTGGCAGCGTCTGGCAGAAACGGTCGATCTGATTGT GCATCCGGCAGCTCTGGTGAATCACGTTCTGCCGTACACCCAGCTGTTTGGCCCGAACGTGGTTGGCACCGCGGA AATTGTGCGCCTGGCTATCACCGCGCGTCGTAAACCAGTGACCTATCTGTCTACGGTTGGCGTCGCAGATCAGGTT GACCCGGCTGAATACCAAGAAGATAGCGATGTGCGTGAAATGTCTGCGGTGCGTGTCGTGCGCGAAAGCTATGC CAACGGTTACGGCAATTCTAAATGGGCTGGTGAAGTGCTGCTGCGCGAAGCGCATGATCTGTGCGGTCTGCCGGT GGCAGTTTTTCGTTCAGATATGATTCTGGCACACTCGCGCTATGCTGGTCAGCTGAATGTCCAAGATGTGTTCACCC GTCTGATTCTGTCACTGGTTGCTACGGGCATCGCGCCGTATTCGTTTTACCGCACCGATGCAGACGGTAACCGTCA GCGCGCCCATTACGATGGTCTGCCGGCAGATTTCACCGCGGCGGCGATTACGGCGCTGGGTATCCAGGCCACCGA AGGCTTTCGCACGTATGATGTGCTGAATCCGTATGATGACGGTATTAGTCTGGACGAATTTGTTGATTGGCTGGTC GAATCCGGCCATCCGATTCAGCGTATCACGGATTATTCAGACTGGTTTCACCGCTTCGAAACCGCCATCCGTGCACT GCCGGAAAAACAGCGTCAAGCCAGCGTGCTGCCGCTGCTGGATGCATACCGTAACCCGTGTCCGGCCGTTCGCGG TGCAATTCTGCCGGCTAAAGAATTTCAGGCTGCGGTCCAAACCGCGAAAATTGGCCCGGAACAGGATATTCCGCA CCTGAGTGCCCCGCTGATTGATAAATACGTGTCTGACCTGGAACTGCTGCAACTGCTGTAA 113 B. subtilis sfp: ATGAAAATCTATGGCATTTACATGGATCGTCCGCTGAGTCAGGAAGAAAACGAACGCTTTATGACCTTCATCAGCC CGGAAAAACGTGAAAAATGCCGTCGCTTTTATCATAAAGAAGATGCACACCGCACGCTGCTGGGCGATGTGCTGG TTCGTAGCGTGATCTCTCGCCAGTATCAGCTGGATAAATCTGATATTCGTTTCAGTACCCAGGAATACGGTAAACC GTGTATTCCGGATCTGCCGGATGCACATTTTAATATCAGCCACTCTGGCCGCTGGGTTATTGGTGCGTTCGATTCTC AGCCGATTGGTATCGATATTGAAAAAACGAAACCGATCAGTCTGGAAATTGCCAAACGTTTCTTTAGCAAAACCGA ATATTCTGATCTGCTGGCAAAAGATAAAGATGAACAGACGGATTACTTTTACCATCTGTGGAGTATGAAAGAATCT TTTATCAAACAGGAAGGCAAAGGTCTGAGCCTGCCGCTGGATAGTTTTAGCGTGCGCCTGCATCAGGATGGCCAG GTTTCTATCGAACTGCCGGATTCTCACAGTCCGTGCTATATTAAAACCTACGAAGTTGATCCGGGCTATAAAATGG CCGTTTGTGCGGCCCACCCGGATTTCCCGGAAGATATTACGATGGTGAGCTACGAAGAACTGCTGTAA L. sp. Strain S749 Isadh: ATGGCCCAGTATGATGTTGCAGATCGTAGCGCAATTGTTACCGGTGGTGGTAGCGGTATTGGTCGTGCAGTTGCA CTGACCCTGGCAGCAAGCGGTGCAGCAGTTCTGGTTACCGATCTGAATGAAGAACATGCACAGGCAGTTGTTGCA GAAATTGAAGCAGCCGGTGGTAAAGCAGCAGCACTGGCTGGTGATGTGACCGATCCGGCATTTGGTGAAGCAAG CGTTGCCGGTGCAAATGCACTGGCACCGCTGAAAATTGCAGTTAATAATGCAGGTATTGGTGGTGAAGCCGCAAC CGTTGGTGATTATTCACTGGATAGCTGGCGTACCGTTATTGAAGTTAATCTGAATGCCGTGTTTTATGGTATGCAG CCGCAGCTGAAAGCAATGGCAGCAAATGGTGGTGGTGCCATTGTTAATATGGCAAGCATTCTGGGTAGCGTTGGT TTTGCAAATAGCAGCGCCTATGTTACCGCAAAACATGCACTGCTGGGCCTGACACAGAATGCAGCCCTGGAATAT GCAGCAGATAAAGTTCGTGTTGTTGCCGTTGGTCCGGGTTTTATTCGTACACCGCTGGTTGAAGCAAATCTGAGCG CAGATGCCCTGGCATTTCTGGAAGGTAAACATGCCCTGGGTCGTCTGGGTGAACCGGAAGAAGTTGCAAGCCTGG TTGCCTTTCTGGCAAGTGATGCAGCAAGCTTTATTACCGGTAGCTATCATCTGGTTGATGGTGGTTATACCGCACA GTAA 114 Table A2-1: Strains Used in Module 3 Screening. Strains expressing the 24 combinations of phaJ and ter genes are shown in the top section with names indicating Module 3 screen ("M3Sc") followed by abbreviations for the organisms from which the ter and phaJ homologs are derived. "M3Sc-Ca" was used to confirm that the C. acetobutylicum hbd and crt genes could not be used to produce branched products. Host strain Plasmid 1 Plasmid 2 Strain name pCDF-phaJ4bc,-phaBcn M3Sc-TdCn pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBcn M3Sc-TdPa4 pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBc, M3Sc-TdPs pCDF-phaJ1p8 -phaBcn M3Sc-TdPal pCDF-phaJ4bc,-phaBc, M3Sc-VpCn pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBc, M3Sc-VpPa4 pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBc, M3Sc-VpPs pCDF-phaJ1p-phaBc, M3Sc-VpPal pCDF-phaJ4bc,-phaBc, M3Sc-SoCn pCDF-phaJ4pa-phaBc, M3Sc-SoPa4 pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBc, M3Sc-SoPs pCDF-phaJ1p,-phaBc, M3Sc-SoPal pCDF-phaJ4bcn-phaBc, M3Sc-EgCn pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBc, M3Sc-EgPa4 pCDF-phaJ4pephaBc, M3Sc-EgPs pCDF-phaJ1pe-phaBc, M3Sc-EgPal pCDF-phaJ4bc,-phaBc, M3Sc-PaCn pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBc, M3Sc-PaPa4 pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBcn M3Sc-PaPs pCDF-phaJ1p8 -phaBc, M3Sc-PaPal pCDF-phaJ4bc,-phaBc, M3Sc-PsCn pCDF-phaJ4,,-phaBc, M3Sc-PsPa4 pCDF-phaJ4p,-phaBc, M3Sc-PsPs pCDF-phaJ1p-phaBc, M3Sc-PsPal pET-terdr(bktBcn-pctm.) pET-tervp-(bktBc-pct M) pET-ters-(bktBc-pct,) MG1655(DE3) endA recA pET-terEg-(bktBcn-pctme) pET-ter.-(bktBn-pct.) pET-terp,-(bktBc-pcte) pET-terTd-(bktBcn-pct M) pCDF-hbdccrtca M3Sc-Ca 115 Table A2-2: Plasmid construct descriptions. Cloning strategies for all plasmids used in the current work are outlined. Description Name Primers Notes pET-terrd-(bktB-pct) T. denticola ter in MCS-1 (BamHI/Notl) and operon Tseng et al. Controlled biosynthesis ofodd-chain fuels containing R. eutropha bktB and and chemicals via engineered modular metabolic M. elsdenii pct in MCS-2 pathways. PNAS 2012. (Bglll/Xhol) pET-tervp-(bktB-pct) V. parahaemolyticus ter in MCSterVpUpl: 1 (NcoI/Notl)and operon -TTGACGTACTAACAATC containing R. eutropho bktB and ATATAGGATCCGATGATCATCAAACCTAGAATTCG M ldeniipct in MCS-2 ATATAGCGGCCGCTTAGATTTGAATGAAGTCTGTTTCTAC pET-ters,-(bktB-pct) S. oneidensis ter in MCS-1 terSo Upl: (Ncol/Notl) and operon A containing R. eutropha bktB and ATATAGGATCCGATGATATCAAACCCAAAATCG -e~_D2 M. elsdenii pct in MCS-2 ATATAGCGGCCGCTTAAAGCTCAATCACATCGAACTC (Bglll/Xhol) bktB is cloned out of frame with MCS-2 RBS and built in start codon pct is preceeded by ggttagccttgcgctcgagaggggagaattc RBS sequence pET-terEg-(bktB-pct) E. gracilis ter in MCS-1 (BamHI/Noti) and operon E. gracilis ter subcloned from pET-terEg-adhE from containing R. eutrophabktB and Tseng et al. into pET-bktB-pct backbone between M. elsdenii pct in MCS-2 BamHI/Notl sites. (Bglll/Xhol) P. aeruginosa ter in MCS-1 pET-terp,-(bktB-pct) 116 New ter homologs cloned into existing pET-bktBpct backbone terPa Up2: ATATAGGATCCGATCATCAAACCGCGCGT pET-te oNnotl) bkp oper bktB and terPa- Dn2: ATATACTTAAGTTACTGGATCAGGTTGGCGAT eutropho R.and containing final GCC alanine codon removed to generate primer M. elsdenlipct in MCS-2 without secondary structure (BgIll/Xhol) pET-terpp-(bktB-pct) P. putida ter in MCS-1 (Ncol/Notl) and operon terPpUpl: ATATAGGATCCGATGGCCATCATTCATCCTA containing R. eutropha bktB and terPpDnl: ATATACTTAAGTTACAGCTCGACGCAGTC M. elsdenii pct in MCS-2 (Bglll/Xhol) pCDF-phaJ4bn.-phaB R. eutropha pha14b in MCS-1 (Ncol/Afll) and R. eutropha phaB (with Ndel site silently mutated out) in MCS-2 (Ndel/Xhol) phaJ4bReUpl: ATATACCATGGGGATGAAGACCTACGAGAACATCG phai4bReDni: ATATAGCGGCCGCCTTATG pha4bRe was amplified from a pCDF-phaB-phaJ4b construct created by Hsien-Chung Tseng where phaJ4b had been cloned from gDNA into MCS-2 (Bglll/Xhol). pCDF-phaJ4p-phaB P. syringoe phoi4 in MCS-1 (Ncol/Noti) and R. eutropho phaB (with Ndel site silently mutated out) in MCS-2 phaJ4PsUpl: ATATACCATGGGGATGCC11T-GTACCCGTCG phai4PsDnl: ATATAGCGGCCGCTTACACGAAACACAACGTCAAAG pCDF-phaJ4Pa-phaB P. aeruginosa phai4 in MCS-1 (Ncol/Notl) and R. eutropha phaB (with Ndel site silently mutated out) in MCS-2 (Ndel/Xhol) phaJ4PaUpl: ATATACCATGGGGATGCCATTCGTACCCGTAG phaJ4PaGn: ATATAGCGGCCGCTCAGACGAAGCAGAGGCT pCDF-phaJ1p,-phaB P. aeruginosa phai1 in MCS-1 (BamHl/Noti) and R. eutropha phaB (with Ndel site silently mutated out) in MCS-2 (BglIl/AvrIl) Tseng et al. Controlled biosynthesis of odd-chain fuels and chemicals via engineered modular metabolic pathways. PNAS 2012. phaB has Ndel site mutated by quick-change PCR as used in Martin et al. It was subcloned from the pET-bktB-phaB construct using Ndel/Xhol restriction sites. Both genes cloned with RBSs inserted after RE Bite gns none with RBS's site and not inframe with plasmid RBS's. Name Description operon Primers Notes pct RBS sequence: containing R. eutropha bktB and M. elsdeniipct in MCS bktB up4: AAAAAGGATCCGATGACGCGTGAAGTG ggttagccttgcgctcgagaggggagaattc C CCCA GGCCGCTTA T pct_dn4: AA 1 (BamHI/Notl) and operon containing B. eutropho phai4b phaJ4bLup4: AAAAACATATGGGGATGAAGACC and phmB in MCS-2 (Bgll/Avrll) phaB-dn4: AAAAACCTAGGTCAGCCCATGTGC phgt Rggsequenc taagtataagaaggagatatacat operons amplified from pET-(bktB-pct)-(phaJ4t phaB-ter) plasmid pET-(bktB-ter)-(phaJ4b-phaB) operon containing R. eutropha bktB and T. denticola ter in MCS1 (BamHI/Notl) and operon containing R. eutropha phaJ4b and phaB in MCS-2 (Bgll/Avrl) ter RBS sequence: aaaagaaggagatata bktB-ter operon cloned into pET-(phai4bphaB) backbone pET-(bktB-ter)-(phaB-phaJ4b) phaB phai4b up5: AAAAACATATGACTCAGCGCATTGC operon containing R. eutropha phaB phaJ4b dn5: bktB and T. denticola ter in MCS- ATC T AT A C- T G 1 (BamHl/Notl) and operon phai4b phaB Lp5: containg R. eutropha phaB and GTATAAGaGGAGATATATAIGGGGATGAAGACCTACGAGA pha14b in MCS-2 (Ndel/Avrll) phaJ4bphaB dn5: AAAAACCTAGGTCAGGGAAAGCGCCG This is the same plasmid as pET-(bktB-ter)phaJ4b-phaB) but with the operon order of phaJ4b and phaB switched. phaB and phaB operon containing E. coli ilvD ilvD up4: AAAAAGGATCCGATGCCTAAGTACCGTTCC and T. denticola ter in MCS-1 lvD dn4: CAATCATTATATCTCCTTCTTTTAACCCCCCAGTTTC (BamHI/Notl) and an operon terup4: AAGAAGGAGATATAATGATGTGAAACCGATG containing B. subtilis alsS and E. ter dn4: AAAAGGCGTAAATAGGAAACGTT coli ilvC in MCS-2 (Bglll/AatlI) ter-dn4: AAAAAGCGGCCGCTCAAATACGGTCAAAGCGTTC The RBS infront of ilvC contains the native 14 bp upstream of ilvC start codon cacgaggaatcacc and the RBS in front of ter is the 14 bp sequence aagaaggagatata ilvD-ter operon cloned into pCDF-alsS-ilvC pET-(bktB-pct)-(phaJ4b-phaB) pCDF-(ilvD-ter)-(alsS-ilvC) pCDF-(ibuA-ilvD)-(alsS-ilvC) pCDF-(ibuA-ilvD)-(ilvC-alsS) operon containing R. palustris ibuA and E. coli ilvD in MCS-1 (BamHl/Notl) and an operon containing B. subtilis alsS and E. coli ilvC in MCS-2 (Bglll/Aatll) bktB terSOE_up1: AAAAAGGATCCGATGACGCGTGAAGTG bktB terSOE_dnl: CAATCATTATATCTCCTTCTTCAGATACGCTCGAAG ter-up4: AAGAAGGAGATATAATGATTGrGAAACCGATG terdn4: AAAAAGCGGCCGCTCAAATACGGTCAAAGCGTTC ibuA ilvDSOE_upi: AAAAAGGATCCGATGAGCAACACCCAT ibuAilvDSOE_dnl: CATACTTTATTTCCTCCCAGTCAAGCTGCAGAAGAA ilvD_up3: CTGGGAGGAAATAAAGTATG ilvD_dn3: AAAAAGCGGCCGCTTAACCCCCCAGTT operon containing R. palustris ibuA and E. coli ilvD in MCS-1 ilvCup5: 1T1TTAGATCTATGGCTAACTACTTCAATAC (BamHl/Notl) and an operon containing E. coli ilvC and B. subtilis alsS in MCS-2 ilvC_dn5: CACCCTCACTCCTTATTAACCCGCAACAG alsSup5: TAAGGAGTGAGGGTGATGACAAAAGCAACAAA alsS_dnS: 1TTTGACGTCCTAGAGAGCTTTCGTrTT ievD RBS sequence: CTGGGAGGAAATAAAGT ibuA-ilvD operon cloned into pCDF-(alsS-ilvC) backbone iIvC-alsS operon cloned into pCDF-(ibuA-ilvD) backbone (Bgll]/AatlI) pCDLA-puuC-kivD puuCupi: TTTTTCATATGAATTTTCATCATCTGG L. lactis kivD in MCS-1 (BamHI/Noti) and E. colipuuC in puuC_dni: TTTTTCTCGAGTCAGGCCTCCAGG kivD_upl: 1TT1TGGATCCGATGTATACAGTAGGAGATTACC MCS-2 (Ndel/Xhol) kivDOdnl: T1TIIGCGGCCGCTTATGATTTATTTTGTTCAG pCOLA-feaB-kivD feaB_upi: TTTTTCATATGACAGAGCCGCAT L. lactiskivD in MCS-1 (BamHlI/Notl) and E. colifeaB in f aB-dnl: TTTl CTCGAGTTAATACCGTACACACACCG TTTTGGATCCGATGTATACAGTAGGAGATTACC kivD_upl: MCS-2 (Ndel/Xhol) kivD dnl: 1TITTGCGGCCGCTrATGATATTTTGTTCAG pCOLA-Fjoh_2967-kivD Fjoh_2967_upi: AAAAACATATGAGCACAACCGCACAAAG L. loctis kivD in MCS-1 (BamHI/Noti) and F. johnsonaie Fjoh_ 2967_dnl: Fjoh_2967 in MCS-2 (Ndel/Xhol) AAATTCTCGAGTTAAAAGAAACCTAATTTCTTTTTATCATAAGAAATC Fjok_2967 was cloned in place offeaB using a backbone generated from the existing pCOLA-feaB-kivD construct car and sfp operon containing N. pACYC-(car-sfp)-ADH6 lowensis carand B. subtilis sfp in MCS-1 (BamHI/Aflll) andS. cerevisiae ADH6 in MCS-2 (Ndel/Aatil) operon containing N. pACYC-(car-sfp)-Isadh iowensis carand B.subtilis sfp i MCS-1 (BamHl/Aflll) andLeifsonia sp. ramnS749 sadh in MCS-2 pACYC-(car-sfp) operon containing N. iowensis car and B. subtilis sfp in MCS-1 (BamHI/Afill) synthesized by GenScript for E. coli codon optimization. Car subcloned from pucS7. sfp was amplified to add RBS upstream of start codon. cor was subcloned first sfpaupl: AAAAAAGCGGCCGCTAATAAAAGGAGATATACCATGAAAATCTATGG between BamHl/Notl and sfp with RBS was CATACAT cloned after between NotI/AfIll. ADH6 sfpdnl: AAATC-AAGTTACAGCAGTTCTTCGTAGCT d Asynthesized and codon optimized for E. coli by DNA 2.0. As subcloned the ADH6 open reading frame contains a C-terminal S-tag. sfpupl: Isadh synthesized and codon optimized for E. AAAAAAGCGGCCGCTAATAAAAGGAGATATACCATGAAAATCTATGG coli by Invitrogen Life Technologies as a CAMTTACAT GeneArt String. Cloned directly from linear sfp_dni: AAATTTCTTAAGTTACAGCAGTTCTTCGTAGCT DNA digest. car and sfp operon without an alcohol cehydrogenase in MCS-2 117 acetoin a OH oCA NAD(P) NAD GLYCOLYSIS [+021 70 OH Sisobutanol 0 OH 4-methyl-pentanol 0H butanol Fig. A2-1: Detailed schematic of modules of the full 4MP Pathway. Module 1 (orange) consists of B. subtilis acetolactate synthase aISSBS, Escherichia coli acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase ilvCEc and dihydroxy acid dehydratase iHvDEc, Lactococcus lactis a-ketoisovalerate decarboxylase kivDL, and Escherichia coli aldehyde dehydrogenasesfeaBEc or Flavobacteriumjohnsonaie aldehyde dehydrogenase Fjoh2967Fj. Module 2 is one of two isobutyrate activators Megasphaera elsdenii propionyl-CoA transferase pctm, or Rhodopseudomonas palustris isobutyryl-CoA ligase ibuARp. Module 3 contains the Cupriavidus necator thiolase bktBcn, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase phaBcn, and enoyl-CoA dehydratase phaJ4bcn and Treponema denticola enoyl-CoA reductase terTd. Finally Module 4 is composed of the Nocardia iowensis carboxylic acid reductase carNi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae alcohol dehydrogenase ADH6sc or Leifsonia sp. Strain S749 alcohol dehydrogenase IsadhS. 118 Appendix 3: Modified lipid contentfrom engineered FAS Text A3-1: Codon optimized FatB2ch gene sequence. ATGGTGGCTGCAGCCGCGTCTTCAGCCTTTTTCCCAGTCCCGGCTCCTGGTGCAAGCCCAAAACCGGGTAAATTTG GCAATTGGCCTAGCAGTCTGAGCCCTAGTTTTAAACCAAAATCTATTCCGAACGGTGGCTTCCAAGTTAAAGCCAA TGATTCAGCGCATCCAAAAGCTAACGGTTCTGCAGTGTCATTGAAATCCGGCTCTCTGAACACACAAGAAGATACG TCCTCTTCACCACCGCCTCGCACCTTTCTGCATCAGCTGCCGGATTGGTCACGTCTGTTAACAGCTATCACCACTGTC TTCGTTAAATCCAAACGCCCGGATATGCACGATCGTAAATCTAAAAGACCTGATATGCTGGTTGATTCCTTTGGTTT AGAATCTACGGTGCAAGATGGCTTAGTCTTTCGCCAGTCATTCAGCATCCGTTCTTATGAAATTGGTACAGATAGA ACGGCAAGCATCGAAACACTGATGAACCATTTGCAAGAAACGAGTCTGAACCACTGTAAATCCACCGGCATCTTGC TGGATGGTTTTGGCAGAACCTTGGAAATGTGCAAACGCGATCTGATTTGGGTTGTGATCAAAATGCAGATTAAAG TCAATCGTTACCCGGCCTGGGGTGATACCGTTGAAATTAACACTAGATTCTCTCGCCTGGGCAAAATCGGTATGGG CAGAGATTGGTTAATTAGCGATTGTAATACTGGTGAAATCTTGGTGCGCGCGACAAGTGCTTATGCAATGATGAA CCAAAAAACTCGTAGATTATCCAAATTGCCATACGAAGTTCATCAGGAAATTGTCCCTCTGTTTGTTGATTCTCCAG TGATCGAAGATTCAGATTTAAAGGTTCACAAGTTCAAGGTGAAGACGGGTGATTCTATTCAAAAAGGTTTAACCCC AGGCTGGAATGATTTGGATGTCAACCAGCATGTTAGTAACGTGAAGTACATCGGTTGGATTCTGGAATCCATGCC GACAGAAGTTTTAGAAACGCAGGAATTGTGTTCACTGGCTTTAGAATACCGCCGTGAATGCGGTCGTGATAGCGT CTTGGAAAGTGTTACAGCTATGGACCCAAGCAAAGTGGGCGTCCGTAGTCAATATCAGCACTTATTGAGACTGGA AGATGGTACTGCCATTGTGAATGGCGCGACTGAATGGAGACCTAAAAATGCCGGTGCGAACGGCGCTATCTCAAC CGGTAAAACTAGCAATGGCAACAGTGTTTCCTAA 119 Table A3-1: Plasmid construction. Primers and plasmid cloning strategies are provided in the table below for all plasmids used for development of the FAS pathway platform. Plasmid name Primer name Primer sequence Notes pCDF-bukB,-ptbB, ptb_up ptb dn Ndel/Aatl buk_up bukdn AAAAACATATGAAGCTGAAAGATTTAATC AAAAAGACGTCTCGTTCCTCCTAATGTG AAAAAGGATCCGATGAAAGTGCTACATG AAAAAGCGGCCGCACTCCTGTCTGTCTATTC pET-fabH1Is fabHlup fabHldn ATATAAGATCTCATGAAAGCTGGAATACTTGGT ATATACTCGAGTTATCGGCCCCAGC BgIll/XhoII pET-fabH2B, fabH2_up fabH2_dn ATATACATATGTCAAAAGCAAAAATTACAGCTATC ATATAGACGTCTTACATCCCCCATTTAATAAGCAAT Ndel/Aatll pET-FatB2Ch Ncol/Notl Subcloned from pUC57 plasmid using Ndel/Pac pET-His-FatB2Ch fatB2hisup fatB2hisdn AAAAGGATCCGATGGTGGCTGCAGCC AAAAGCGGCCGCTTAGGAAACACTGTTGCCATTG BamHI/Notl pET-FatB2m 1Ch fatB2mlhis_up fatB2mhisdn AAAAGGATCCACTGCCGGATTGGTC AAAAGCGGCCGCTTAGGAAACACTGTTGCC BamH /Notl pET-FatB2m2ch fatB2m2hisup AAAAGGATCCACTGGTTGATTCCTTTGG Downstream primer same as for FatB2mlCh BamHI/Notl Subcloned FatB2m2Ch into pET-FatB2m2ch-fabH1B pET-fabHes with BamHl/ Notl SubCloned FatB2m2Ch into pET-fabH2B, with BamHI/ pET-FatB2m2Ch-fabH2B. Not[ pACYC-accABCD. accAup accAdn accBC_up accBCdn accD_up accDdn ATATACATATGAGTCTGAATTTCCTTGATTT GAGTGGGTTCCGTACTTACGCGTAACCGTAGCTC GTACGGAACCCACTCATGGATATTCGTAAGATTAAAAAACTG TAGGGACCTTTCTGTCTTATTTTTCCTGAAGACCGAGT GACAGAAAGGTCCCTAATGAGCTGGATTGAACGAA ATATAGACGTCTCAGGCCTCAGGTTCC Assembled using SOE PCR, Ndel/AatlI accABCDE, operon pET-FatB2m2Ch-accABCDE, suboloned into pET-FatB2m2ch Ndel/Aatll pDR1 11 -FatB2m2Ch 120 DRB2m2_up DRB2m2_dn AAAAAAAGCTTAAAGGAGGAAATTGATATGGGCAGCAGCC AAAAAGCTAGCTTAGGAAACACTGTTGCC Hindill/Nhel 16- - fabH1 Bs' ptb/bukBs fabH2Bs ptb/buk Bs M 14- ptb/bukBs 1210. 0- 86420- - 'b 0 1\15 0 ,\bt ,Nr A%& 60 .. \rO branched acids Fig. A3-1: Branched long-chain fatty acids from modified E. coli FAS. Branched long-chain acids were produced from the short-branched acid precursors 3-methyl-butyrate and 2-methyl-butyrate. The expected C15 and C17 iso- and anteiso-branched acids were produced in E. coli when either fabH1, orfabH2B, were expressed with the short, branched acid activators ptb/buk,. Interestingly, iso-branched acids were also produced from 3methyl-butyrate when only ptb/bukBs was expressed indicating that native E. coli ketosynthases have the ability to condense 3-methyl-butyryl-CoA with malonyl-ACP. 121 35- FatB2m2-fabH 1 FatB2m2-fabH2 FatB2m2-fabH2,ptb/buk T 302520- T I-0E 15- 105- 0 4C8 7MC8 C10 Species Fig. A3-2: Free fatty acid production with no-activator controls. Strains expressing only the ketosynthase homologs and FatB2 m2Ch thioesterase were created to test for the necessity of the ptb/bukBs activators. Titers for Strain M123 expressing the full pathway are shown for comparison. Only straight-chain free acids are observed without activator expression. Interestingly thefabH1B, ketosynthase appears to inhibit straight-chain production even when branched acids are not produced. (FatB2m2-fabHl=Strain M2a3, FatB2m2-fabH2=Strain M2b3 shown in Table 3-1) 122 Appendix 4: Alkane constructdescriptionsand quantificationmethods Text A4-1: Codon optimized ADpm. The mutated codon for the A134F mutation is underlined. ATGCCGACCCTGGAAATGCCGGTTGCAGCAGTTCTGGATAGCACCGTTGGTAGCAGCGAAGCACTGCCGGATTTT ACCAGCGATCGTTATAAAGATGCATATAGCCGTATTAACGCCATTGTGATTGAAGGTGAACAAGAAGCACACGAT AACTATATTGCAATTGGCACCCTGCTGCCGGATCATGTTGAAGAACTGAAACGTCTGGCAAAAATGGAAATGCGC CATAAAAAAGGTTTTACCGCCTGTGGTAAAAATCTGGGTGTTGAAGCAGATATGGATTTTGCCCGTGAATTTTTTG CACCGCTGCGTGATAATTTTCAGACCGCACTGGGTCAGGGTAAAACCCCGACCTGTCTGCTGATTCAGGCACTGCT GATTGAAGCATTTGCAATTAGCGCATATCATACCTATATTCCGGTTAGCGATCCGTTTGCACGTAAAATTACCGAAG GTGTTGTGAAAGATGAATACACCCATCTGAATTATGGTGAAGCATGGCTGAAAGCAAATCTGGAAAGCTGTCGTG AGGAACTGCTGGAAGCCAATCGTGAAAATCTGCCGCTGATTCGTCGTATGCTGGATCAGGTTGCCGGTGATGCAG CCGTGCTGCAGATGGATAAAGAAGATCTGATCGAAGATTTCCTGATCGCCTATCAAGAAAGCCTGACCGAAATTG GTTTTAACACCCGTGAAATTACCCGTATGGCAGCAGCAGCACTGGTTAGCTAA 123 Text A4-2: Alkane quantification. Gas phase alkane titers were calculated as shown below. The gas standard was used to find the gas phase concentration in ppm. As described in methods, this concentration corresponded to a 2-fold dilution of the original culture head space. Multiplying by headspace volume (found by measuring the mass of water used to fill the vial and subtracting the 2 ml culture volume) gives the total alkane in the head-space. Dividing by culture volume gives the reported titer. I-10-6 mol of product 1 mol of gas 1 mol of gas MWproduct 25.45 -6 25.45 L 1 L of gas 1000 ml of gas product g product 1000 mg of product 1 mol product 1 g of product MWproduct. 10-6 mg of product 25.45 ml of gas -1I ppm of product 9 ml of gas ml of culture mg of product ml of gas -1 ppm of product Mffproduct 2 (dilution factor). 1000 ml of culture 12L culture mg of product *1-3 2.83 FID area of product _W L of culture - 1 ppm of product 2product mg of 2.83 L of culture - ppm of produt stadr s y FID area of product standard ppm of product product titer mg of product (L of culture) Text A4-3: Heptane standard concentration calculation. The exact volume of 1 liter glass bottle with septum cap was found by weighing with water. The intended gas phase concentration was then calculated as follows: vol. heptane (pl) - 1000 p pheptane 1.1273 L -latm 1. 127L - mg mmolheptane MWheptane M g iImmol = mmol of gas in bottle 0.0821 L -atm .277.15 K I mol mol- K mmolheptane .106 mmolbottle 124 _ _ = conc. of heptane (ppm) Table A4-1: Primers and plasmids. Plasmid descriptions and primer sequences for new plasmid constructs and strain engineering are shown. Plasmid name (KO locus) Primer name Primer sequence pACYC-(carN-sfpB,)-PMT1231n, Notes Codon optimized PMT1231p,, was digested and cloned into pACYC-(carNi-sfpBs) using Ndel/Avrll pACYC-(carNrsfpBs)-PMT1231p,.-mut mutADup mutADdn TTTGCAATTAGCTTTTATCATACCTATATTCCGG TAGGTATGATAAAAGCTAATTGCAAATGCTTC PMT1231p, was subcloned into pCDFDuet-1 and the plasmid was PCR amplified with the mutAD primer set. Once sequence the mutant version was subcloned back into pACYC-(carNr-sfps) pET-th/c,-terTd terTd(thl)_up terTd(thl)_dn AAAAAACATATGATTGTGAAACCGATGG AAAAAACCTAGGTCAAATACGGTCAAAGCG The terTd gene was amplified from pET-(bktBcn-terTd)-(phaBCn-phaJ4bCn) and cloned with Ndel/Avrll The thica gene was subcloned from an existing pRSF-th/ca plasmid with Ncol/EcoRI (yqhC-dkgA) (yqhC-dkgA)::kanupA TTTTCCCCGTTCCCGGTTGCTGTACCGGGAA CGTATTTAGTGTAGGCTGGAGCTGCTTC (yqhC-dkgA)::kan dnA GGTAGCGGAACATTACCGCCACCGGGAGAAT TTGCATGTTATCCGTCGACCTGCAGTT (yqhC-dkgA)::kanupB GTTAACCGCTGGCTTGTTAGGCACGCTGTTTG TGGTGATTAAAAAAAAATACTGTAACGCCTGAC GATTTTCCCCGTTCCCGG The kanamycin marker with flanking FRT sites was amplified from pKD13. A series of three PCRs were completed with the three primer sets to extend homology for the yqhC-dkgA locus. (yqhC-dkgA)::kan-dnB GAACAAGGAAGAGTAACAACGGGCGGGACGC GAGGGGAATAAATGATTTCTGAAAAGTCCGGT AGCGGAACATTACCGCC (yqhC-dkgA)::kanupC GTTAAACGCCATGAAGATCAGGTAATGACGTT CCTGATGATCCTGCCAATTGCCTTGTTAACCG CTGGCTTGTTAGGC (yqhC-dkgA)::kandnC GTTCTTTTAAGAGCTTCCGGCTCTGCATGATGA TGTCCTTATATTTGGCATTCCTGAACAAGGAAG AGTAACAACGGGC 125 Fig. A4-1: Heptane GC standard curve. Known volumes of heptane were added to a 1.127 L septum capped bottle at 4*C and the bottle was then warmed to room temperature. After all heptane evaporated (<1 min) 8 ml of gas was sampled using a gas-tight syringe and injected in the GC. The resulting standard curve is shown below. Linear regression was completed using an 0-intercept which returned an adjusted R2 of 0.993. 1000 - 800- 600- E 400- 200- 0 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 FID area 126 500000 600000 Appendix 5: Identifyingalternative enzymes for platform pathways Text A5-1: Hidden Markov Model (HMM) used by adh-short (PF00106) Pfam family. The HHM used to identify NADH/NADPH interacting residues within the PhaBco-like reductase network is available at: Individual network sequences were aligned to the HMM and residues matching HMM positions 10, 31, 32, and 33 were annotated on the network. 127 Table AS-1: Protein identifiers for PhaBcn node reductases. Identifiers for both the UniProt and GenBank databases are shown for each of the unique protein sequences contained in the PhaBcn representative node in the 90% identity reductase representative network. Some sequences correspond to multiple GenBank entries. 128 No. Uniprot ID 1 B5SKA5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A3RPJO F6GOU6 Q472G4 H1RXR3 G8BU4 Q1LNN5 L2EFZ5 G2ZMK4 D8NTD4 11 12 13 14 15 16 G3A7D8 C6BIU6 E2T3K1 U3GEE8 D8VEN5 B3R4S7 17 18 19 R7XMG3 D3UAK7 P14697 20 21 22 23 24 25 B2UFU8 ROEFX5 GOET17 S9SOH6 M4UG94 Q8XYX3 26 D8NIRO 27 H5W7Z7 GenBank ID CAQ61346.1 CU914168 AAKL01000002 CP002819 CPOOO090 AHJE01000001 HE610111 CP000352 ANKPO1000118 FR854064 FP885906 CBJ51088.1 FR854089 CP001644 ACUFO1000056 ACTT02000011 GQ922053 CU633749 CAQ69309.1 AQPZO1000012 FJ897462 AM260479 J04987 CP001068 APMQ01000001 CP002877 ASZVO1000018 CP004012 CAD15335.1 AL646052 FP885897 CBJ42932.1 CAGTO1000027 Table A5-2: UniProt identifiers for potential NADH-dependent PhaB-like reductases. UniProt IDs are given for the nodes with sequences which have residues characteristic of NADH-dependent reductases at key sequence positions. Node Uniprot ID 1 A1WZ57 2 A2WJ38 3 A4BPE5 4 B1F117, A9ASN3, J5B159, B1YWN8, F0G632,U1ZAI2, TOEH35,B4EIA8, U2HCR3, QOB900, B1T8J8 5 B2TG44 6 E1T8M3 7 G7UUJ3 8 13BRY9 9 14VMP8 10 16AA15, NOAiQ9, A5TNV6, A4LFQ3, B7CQS6, A9K318, K7Q299, I1WV18, A3P8H1, C5ZRN9, A8KEJ1, 12KMK7, 12KR47, Q63J00, 12KKU6, Q2T838, A5J9N2, C4AVC6, A5XVL7, A3NN15, A3MAW3, Q3JJT1, B2HB86, 12LX31, C41999, S5NPV8, A1UY81, C6U913, A8ENCO, 12M4C7, M7E761, B1H936, Q62E80, 11 QOA5R1 12 U1JNIO 13 U1LLL6 129 References 1. Bothast RJ, Schlicher MA. Biotechnological processes for conversion of corn into ethanol. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 67, 19-25 (2005). 2. Jones DT, Woods DR. Acetone-butanol fermentation revisited. Microbiological Reviews 50, 484524 (1986). 3. U.S. House. 110th Congress, 1st Session. H.R. 6, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Washington: Government Printing Office, 2007. 4. Solomon BD, Barnes JR, Halvorsen KE. Grain and cellulosic ethanol: History, economics, and energy policy. 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