Exploring Integration of Four Information-based Product Development Tools by Tze Ho Lee B.S., Mechanical Engineering (1997) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2000 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved S ig natu re of A utho r ................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DepartmerPf Mechanical Engineering May 08, 2000 C e rtified b y .............................................. William W. Finch Research Scientist Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ..................... Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEP 2 0 ZOOQ LIBRARIES EXPLORING INTEGRATION OF FOUR INFORMATION-BASED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT TOOLS by TZE HO LEE Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering On May 19, 2000 in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT An experimental study was carried out on the applications of four information-based product development tools supported by the MIT Center of Innovation in Product Development (CIPD). The names of these tools are Assembly Designer, Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment (DOME), Design Structure Matrix (DSM) and KCTool. Sample applications of these currently independent software programs were constructed based on data from a product development case provided jointly by the Naval Research Laboratory and the Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems. Possible tool interactions were investigated and potential integration opportunities were explored utilizing an integration framework commonly employed in the software development industry. The result of the study suggests that the tools can be integrated according to four relationships: Presentation, Data, Control, and Process. Some of the proposed integration opportunities include the implementation of a common user interface and a service exchange system through DOME, the consolidation of data format between Assembly Designer and KCTool, and the support of a program execution order starts with DSM, DOME, Assembly Designer, and ends with KCTool. Future opportunities in this tool integration research include the exploration of tool capabilities with different sets of industrial data and the addition of other tools into the research, such as portfolio management and customer data collection tools. Thesis Supervisor: William Finch Title: Research Scientist 3 4 Acknowledgments First, I would like to thank Dr. William Finch who has been a knowledgeable and motivating thesis advisor. I would like to thank Thomas Sebok at the Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems, John Reintjes at the Naval Research Laboratory, and Richard Rein for making this project possible by providing the research data. I would also like to thank Professor Maurice Holmes and Sandy Campbell for their valuable advice, and Jeffrey Lyons, Gaurav Shukla, Ali Yassine, Juan Deniz, Tony Chen, and Stephen Rhee for their consulting on the tools. And I would like to thank the staffs at the Center for Innovation in Product Development for their support and assistance. I would like to express my appreciation to Jason Liang, Michael Kim, Yiu Tak Leung, and Kenneth Kwok for their wonderful friendship. Special thanks to my roommates Danny Yim for making all the good food, and Darci Wong for keeping our apartment a clean and comfortable place to go back to after each long day of work. I am especially grateful to Sammi Truong for providing me with the desk and the laptop for writing this thesis, and for giving me her support and encouragement in the past two years. Finally, I would like to thank my family for always being there for me. None of these could have been possible without them. This research is supported in part by the by the MIT Center for Innovation in Product Development under NSF Cooperative Agreement Number EEC-9529140. 5 6 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION............................................................................13 13 ....................................... 1.1 Background................. 13 .......................... 1.2 Research Motivations....................... 1.3 Research Sponsors and Participants................................................... 14 . .. 15 1.4 O utline of T he sis ........................................................................... CHAPTER 2: THRUST 2 TOOLS...................................................................... 17 17 2.1 Assembly Designer.......................................................................... . 17 2 .1.1 T ool D escription ................................................................. 24 2 .1 .2 B e n e fits ................................................................................ 24 2.1.3 Installation Requirements..................................................... 2.2 Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment (DOME)......................... 25 2.2.1 Tool Description..................................................................25 . ..32 2 .2 .2 B e n e fits ........................................................................... 33 2.2.3 Installation Requirements..................................................... 2.3 Design Structure Matrix (DSM).............................................................. 34 2.3.1 Tool Description..................................................................34 . ..3 8 2 .3 .2 B e n e fits ........................................................................... 39 2.3.3 Installation Requirements..................................................... 2 .4 K C T o o l........................................................................................ . . 3 9 2.4.1 Tool Description..................................................................39 43 2 .4 .2 B e n e fits ................................................................................ 44 2.4.3 Installation Requirements..................................................... CHAPTER 3: THE LASERNET FINES CASE.......................................................45 45 3 .1 T h e T e ch n o lo g y ................................................................................. 47 3.2 Thrust 2 Tool Applications................................................................ 3.2.1 Assembly Sequence Assessment Using Assembly Designer........47 3.2.2 Component Selection and Optimization Using DOME................. 53 3.2.3 Module Formation Using Design Structure Matrices................... 57 3.2.4 Inspection Strategy Design Using KCTool................................ 61 3.3 Case Conclusion............................................................................. 67 CHAPTER 4: TOOL USAGE LOGS.................................................................. 69 4.1 Assembly Designer Logs.................................................................. 69 . 70 4 .2 D O M E Lo g s .................................................................................. . ..76 4 .3 D S M L o g s .................................................................................... . 76 4 .4 K C T o o l Lo g s .................................................................................. 7 CHAPTER 5: TOOL INTEGRATION.....................................................................78 5.1 The Integration Framework................................................................78 5.2 Implication on Thrust 2 Tool Integration................................................ 80 5.2.1 Presentation Integration........................................................80 82 5.2.2 D ata Integration................................................................. 84 .................................................................. 5 .2 .3 C o ntro l Integ ratio n 5.2.4 Process Integration..............................................................85 5.3 C hapter S um m ary........................................................................... 90 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION........................................................................... 91 6 .1 C o n clu sio n s .................................................................................. ..91 6 .2 F utu re R e se a rch ................................................................................. 91 6 .3 F in a l C o m m e nts ................................................................................. 9 3 APPENDIX 1: MODELING DATA FOR THE THRUST 2 TOOL APPLICATIONS...........95 Al.1 Part Definitions for Assembly Designer Application................................ 95 A1.2 Liaison Definitions for Assembly Designer Application............................ 96 A1.3 SPAS Precedence Relationship for Assembly Designer Application.........98 Al.4 Excel Model (on Local LMTDS Server) for DOME Application ................ 99 A1.5 Excel Model (on Remote Vendor Server) for DOME Application................. 100 A1.6 LMSolidWorks.txt (on Remote Vendor Server) File for DOME Application.... 101 A1.7 LMMatlab.m Files (on Remote Fluid Server) for DOME Application.............102 A1.8 LMMatlab.txt Files (on Remote Fluid Server) for DOME Application.............103 A1.9 LMMatlab.mtxt Files (on Remote Fluid Server) for DOME Application..........104 A1.10 Combined Dependency Matrix for DSM Application............................... 105 A1. 11 Key Characteristic Definitions for KCTool Application............................. 106 A1.12 System/Subsystem/Part Definitions for KCTool Application..................... 107 Al.13 Error Propagation Definitions for KCTool Application..............................108 APPENDIX 2: THRUST 2 APPLICATION DEMO SCRIPTS.......................................109 8 List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: 2.4: 2.5: 2.6: 2.7: 2.8: 2.9: 2.10: 2.11: 2.12: 2.13: 2.14: 2.15: 2.16: 2.17: 2.18: 3.1: 3.2: 3.3 3.4: 3.5: 3.6: 3.7: 3.8: 3.9: 3.10: 3.11: 3.12: 3.13: 3.14: 5.1: 5.2: 5.3: Assembly W indow Interface...........................................................18 Part Data Input W indow.............................................................. 20 Feature Data Input W indow........................................................... 21 S PA S W ind ow ........................................................................... . 22 EDIT Sequence Graph W indow..................................................... 23 27 DOME Server W indows.............................................................. DOME Client Login W indow...........................................................28 29 DOME Client W indow..................................... 30 DOME Relation W indow.............................................................. DOME Preference Function W indow...............................................31 DOME Optimizer W indow................................................................32 36 DSM Input Interface.................................................................... . 37 C luste ring Inte rfa ce ..................................................................... 38 Clustering Result........................................ 40 KCTool Main W indow.................................................................. KC Data Input Interface................................................................ 41 Inspection Simulation Interface.......................................................42 Inspection Optimization Result....................................................... 43 46 LaserNet Fines System Diagram................................................... CAD Model of Optical Subassembly............................................... 46 DFC Model of Gen1 Optical Sub-assembly...................................... 49 Assembly Sequence Tree for Gen1 Optical Sub-assembly.................. 51 52 Edited Assembly Sequence Tree................................................... Design Evaluation Criteria............................................................... 55 Spatial Dependency Matrix........................................................... 58 Energy Dependency Matrix...........................................................58 Information Dependency Matrix..................................................... 59 59 Material Dependency Matrix......................................................... KC Flowdown Model of Optical Sub-assembly.................................. 64 Inspection Simulation Result......................................................... 65 Inspection Optimization Result....................................................... 67 Thrust 2 Application Map..............................................................68 Integration Definition by Thomas and Nejmeh.................................. 79 DFC-based Data Representation for KCTool.................................... 83 One Possible Integrated Development Process................................ 88 9 10 List of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 2.1: 3.1: 3.2: 3.3: 3.4: 3.5: 3.6: Feature Types in Assembly Designer............................................. 22 DFC Part Abbreviations................................................................ 48 Coordinate Definition for Micro-adjuster.......................................... 50 Definition for Liaison between Optical Plate and Micro-adjuster............ 50 Characteristic Variable Abbreviations for DOME Product Catalog......... 54 DSM Clustering Result................................................................ 60 KC Abbreviations........................................................................63 11 12 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The MIT Center for Innovation in Product Development (CIPD) is a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center. It is dedicated to "lay the conceptual groundwork for, and contribute core components to, a product development infrastructure that will help America's companies survive in a service marketplace" [1]. The vision of the center is defined as follows: VISION OF THE CIPD New products will be developed byjust-in-time collaborations of globallydistributed teams linked seamlessly by Web-based tools and processes. The collaborations will be formed by means of a "services marketplace" where lead firms will find the world's best "knowledge purveyors" suppliers of information, components, and support services [1]. As one of the four research thrusts created to assist the center in realizing its vision, the Information-based Product Development group (Thrust 2) has developed a portfolio of software for supporting various product development activities. The group foresees the eventual goal of introducing a set of integrated tools to the industry, one that can be utilized to effectively facilitate work and information flow across multidiscipline development environment. This thesis project is a first step towards achieving that goal. Through the development of a concurrent application with four Thrust 2 tools, the project brings together research work produced by a number of professors and scientists at MIT. Demonstrating and evaluating these tools in concurrence establishes a common ground on which tool interactions can be studied, and issues surrounding integration opportunities can be explored. 1.2 Research Motivations Until the inception of this project, presentation of Thrust 2 research is mainly being done through the specific examples developed within each group. For instance, one professor 13 would talk about how her tool can be applied to manage product variation in a commercial airplane application, while another research faculty would explain how his tool is utilized for the design of a throttle body assembly system at an automotive company. Due to the differences in nature and scale of these design problems, comparison of tools cannot be made in any convenient way, nor can interactions among tools be demonstrated and studied. There have been on-going research efforts in exploring the possibilities of pair-wise integration involving some of the tools, but integration of an end-to-end product development system is yet to be seen. Although the actual integration work does not fall into the realm of this research project, valuable insights on such can be obtained through the exercise of developing a concurrent application with the four Thrust 2 tools. The main objective of this thesis work is to investigate the interactions among these tools. Since these tools have never been used concurrently in the past, not many studies have been done on the compatibility and the mapping of their functionality with each other. By having as many tools running under the same computing environment as possible, problems related to integration can be highlighted, and recommendations can thereby be made on how these obstacles can be removed through future research at the center. Another outcome of this research is a presentable application demo of the Thrust 2 tools. This demo is showcased in the newly established Product Development Integration Laboratory, a facility where students and industrial visitors can learn about the research being done at the center. 1.3 Research Sponsors and Participants The research covered in this thesis is sponsored by the MIT Center for Innovation in Product Development (CIPD) under the National Science Foundation (NSF) funding. The project falls within the Information-based Product Development group (Thrust 2) leaded by Professor Steven Eppinger. The goal of Thrust 2 research is two-fold, to improve the understanding on the information-intensive product development process, and to create effective tools and methodologies to support these activities. 14 The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and the Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems (LMTDS) are the two industrial partners in this project. LMTDS is currently commercializing an optical machine-condition monitoring technology developed by the NRL. Together the two industrial partners provide the data and the consulting time of their researchers and engineers necessary for building the application demo of the Thrust 2 tools. Four Thrust 2 research groups are involved in this project, representing four tools designed to address challenges faced by product managers, manufacturing engineers, and other product developers everyday. Listed below are the names of the tools and their leading researchers: " Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment (DOME) by Professor Dave Wallace and the CADLAB * Design Structure Matrix (DSM) by Professor Steven Eppinger and Dr. Ali Yassine * KCTool by Professor Anna Thornton and Tony Chen " Assembly Designer by Dr. Dan Whitney and Gaurav Shukla The author of this thesis is working under the supervision of Dr. William Finch, a research scientist at the CIPD. He is the manager of the Product Development Integration Laboratory. 1.4 Outline of Thesis This thesis paper explores the integration of four Thrust 2 tools - Assembly Designer, DOME, DSM, and KCTool. This research, motivated by the need to create a common ground on which the interaction of the tools can be studied and discussed, is presented in the remaining chapters as follows: Chapter 2, "Thrust 2 Tools", introduces the four Thrust 2 tools, their benefits, and their installation instructions. Chapter 3, "The LaserNet Fines Case", presents the product development case provided by the Naval Research Laboratory and the Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems. The technology behind the LaserNet Fines system is disclosed, and sample applications for the Thrust 2 tools are discussed. 15 Chapter 4, "Tool Usage Logs", serves as a trouble-shooting guide of the tools. This is intended to expedite the tool learning process of students and researchers who want to participate in the Thrust 2 integration efforts in the future. Chapter 5, "Tool Integration", describes a framework for defining integration. Integration opportunities of the Thrust 2 tools are proposed based on such framework. Chapter 6, "Conclusion", summarizes the thesis project and discusses research opportunities for the Product Development Integration Laboratory in the future. 16 CHAPTER 2: THRUST 2 TOOLS Presented in this chapter are four information-based product development tools. These tools are developed independently by a number of Thrust 2 faculty members and research scientists aiming to address challenges of various natures throughout the product development process. A description of each tool is provided, along with a list of benefits and their installation requirements. Note that the descriptions provided in this thesis represent only the snapshots of the tools at the current stage. Some of these tools are going through rapid revisions and modifications on a continuous basis. 2.1 Assembly Designer 2.1.1 Tool Description Assembly Designer is an integrated suite of computational tools for assessing the manufacturability of mechanical systems. Using Assembly Designer, product developers are able to create assembly models in the form of Datum Flow Chain (DFC), a directed graph containing geometric information of a mechanical design, such as coordination, mating feature definition, and degree-of-freedom constraint. Together with the precedence relation input on how the components in the assembly can be disassembled in different ways, the DFC models can be used to generate all feasible assembly sequences associated with the mechanical design, enabling the product developers to explore the assembly design space systematically. The following are the embedded software modules in Assembly Designer and their functionality listed in the order of execution [2]: " SPAS - SPAS derives precedence relations associated with the DFC models through a series of yes/no questions posted to the users on how system components can be disassembled from each other. * DFCPR - DFCPR derives precedence relations based on geometric and feature information contained in the DFC. * Constraint Checker - Constraint Checker performs constraint analysis on geometric information contained in the DFC models defined through the Assembly Designer graphical user interface. 17 * PRED - PRED combines the independent results obtained from the SPAS and the DFCPR, then translates the relations into C code. * LSG - LSG accepts the codes from PRED and generates all feasible assembly sequences. * EDIT - EDIT enables interactive editing of the sequences, assisting the user to obtain the optimal set of sequences by the process of elimination. The following screenshots illustrate the graphical user interface of Assembly Designer. bc Figure 2.1: Assembly Window Interface. 18 Shown in Figure 2.1 are the three embedded windows in the assembly window interface: the Assembly Window, the Part Window, and the Text Window. The Assembly Window contains the Datum Flow Chain (DFC) assembly model and the model creation/editing buttons. The Part Window displays available drawing of an element selected in the DFC model, while the Text Window shows all related information of the selected element. Displayed in the example is an assembly model composed of the three parts represented by the dots labeled a, b, and c. The lines designate assembly liaisons, with the arrows pointing to the direction of reference, and the numbers on the arrows indicating the degree-of-freedom (DOF) constraint. The balloons represent the number of features associated with each liaison. For example, part a is defining all 6 DOFs of part b with 1 feature, while it is defining only 4 DOFs of part c using 2 features. Displayed in the Text Window is the information of the mating liaison between part a and b. Note that there is no associated drawing displayed in the Part Window, as the graphical bitmaps are not available in this example. Note that this screenshot only demonstrates the mate type of liaison. Mates are defined as assembly liaisons that are capable of delivering DOF constraints. Contact is another type of liaison, which are represented in the Assembly Designer interface by dotted lines. Contacts by definition are supportive liaisons that do not convey actual DOF constraints. 19 Figure 2.2: Part Data Input Window Shown in Figure 2.2 is the data input window for part element. This window is triggered when a part is created using the "Part" button, or when the "Edit" button is applied on an existing part element in the model. The window contains input boxes for the name of the part, as well as the part coordinate definition in reference to the global coordinate. For example, the local coordinate system of part a is 1 unit away from the global origin in the x direction, 0.5 units away in the y direction, and -2 units away in the z direction. The local coordinate is not rotated about any axis in reference to the global coordinate. 20 1 J iL w riD~ zz AM JL Ix user defined Figure 2.3: Feature Data Input Window Shown in Figure 2.3 is the data input window for feature element. This window is triggered when a feature is added to a liaison using the "Feature" button. The feature matrix indicates the available feature types in Assembly Designer. Name and DOF constraint of the selected feature are displayed on the top, and the coordinate definition is displayed on the right. Illustared in Table 2.1 below are the names and the DOF constraints of the all features listed in Figure 2.3, ordered from left to right, and from the first row down. 21 Feature Type Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Hole Plate Pin in Through Hole Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Slot Plate Pin in Slotted Hole Round Peg / Prismatic Slot Round Peg / Through or Blind Hole Threaded Joint Elliptical Ball and Socket Plate-Plate Lap Joint Spherical Joint Plate Pin in Oversize Hole Elliptical Ball in Cylindrical Trough Thin Rib / Plane Surface Ellipsoid on Plane Surface Spherical Ball in Cylindrical Trough Peg in Slotted Hole Spheroid on Plane Surface 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 Degree-of-Freedom Contraint X Y Z Tx Ty Tz X Y Z Tx Ty X Z Tx Ty Tz X Z Tx Ty X Z Tx Ty X Y Tx Ty X Y Tx Ty X Y Z Tx Z Tx Ty XYZ Z Tx Ty X Z Ty Z Ty Z Tx XZ X Ty Z Table 2.1: Feature Types in Assembly Designer [2] Figure 2.4: SPAS Window 22 Shown in Figure 2.4 is the SPAS window. This window is triggered by clicking "Modules">"SPAS" on the menu bar of the Assembly Window Interface. The SPAS software module attempts to derive precedence relationships of parts in a DFC model by prompting the user with a series of yes-no questions on how the parts can be disassemled. For example, by answering "y" on question number 1, the user is telling the software that it is possible to take away part a without affecting part b and c, or in other words, the escape path of part a is not blocked by features of part b and c. Figure 2.5: EDIT Sequence Graph Window 23 Shown in Figure 2.5 is the EDIT sequence graph window interface. This window is triggered by clicking "Modules" ->"EDIT"->"Complete" on the menu bar of the Assembly Window. Assembly sequences are represented in this window by connected assembly states, and the states are in turn represented by the squares in the liaison matrix, with white squares indicating uncompleted liaisons and black squares indicating completed ones. For example, displayed in this screenshot are two possible assembly sequences associated with the DFC model illustrated in Figure 2.1. The first assembly sequence, the one on the left, starts with the completion of liaison 2 and finishes with the concurrent completion of liaison 1 and 3. The alternative sequence on the right starts with liaison 3 and ends with the simultaneous completion of liaison 1 and 2. The options on the menu bar of the EDIT window enable the user to assess and eliminate undesirable assembly sequences. This section is intended to provide some basic familiarities of Assembly Designer. Please refer to [2] for further information regarding the tool. 2.1.2 Benefits Assembly Designer offers the following benefits as an engineering tool: * It provides a platform for exploring assembly design space in a systematic manner. * It enables the practice of Assembly Orientated Design by allowing product developers to consider manufacturing issues at an early stage of the design process. " It shortens development cycles by limiting the design alternatives to only those that are geometrically feasible. * It serves as a visualization tool for capturing and presenting assembly models, providing useful insights on geometric dependencies among system components. 2.1.3 Installation Requirements Assembly Designer runs primarily on Unix-based operation systems. It can also run remotely on PCs that are installed with the Linux operation system and Secure SHell (SSH), a secured telneting program for UNIX machines. Please refer to the Linux and SSH product documentation for information on installation [3]. 24 2.2 Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment (DOME) 2.2.1 Tool Description DOME is an object-based modeling environment intended for linking heterogeneous design models and tools. It enables members in a product development team to share knowledge by publishing design models in a wide range of formats. The following is a list of external programs that are compatible with the current version of DOME: " Spreadsheet: Excel " Database: MICROSOFT Access " CAD: SolidWorks, Ideas * Numeric Simulation: MATLAB To illustrate the linking capability of DOME, let us look at an example in which a purchasing manager and a design engineer are collaborating in a design project. The purchasing manager maintains a spreadsheet containing the cost model of a certain material, while the engineer uses a numeric simulation to determine the amount of the material required for achieving certain product performance. These two team members can publish their models onto a networked system through DOME, and the two models can be linked together to create an integrated model. This combined model can then be used for determining the optimal material requirement based on cost and performance consideration. When publishing their work onto the network, the user has full control over which parts of the models are to be shared by others and which are to be protected. Such controlling power is essential for protecting proprietary design information, especially when multiple companies are involved in the design effort. DOME offers design evaluation functions intended to assist product developers in analyzing and making complicated design tradeoffs. When a member in a development team proposes a design change in the DOME environment, the change is automatically propagated to other linked models maintained by his/her team members. Real-time feedback on the effects of the change to the overall product system can therefore be obtained without having to go through traditional, and often less efficient communication channels, such as meetings and phone 25 calls. Together with the design preference visualization and evaluation features embedded in DOME, the real-time feedback capability offers product developers with a mechanism for evaluating design alternatives in a timely manner. This makes DOME a valuable tool for reducing design cycle time and improving communication efficiency, especially in situations when large and geographically distributed development teams are involved. Lastly, DOME has an optimizer that automatically evaluates design parameters and determines optimal design configurations based on design preferences defined by the users. This optimization capability, which is based on genetic algorithm, provides an efficient and systematic way to explore large design spaces in which a significant number of design parameters and design alternatives are involved. The following screenshots illustrate the graphical user interface of DOME. 26 Figure 2.6: DOME Server Windows Shown in Figure 2.6 are the two DOME server windows. The User Manager Window on the top allows the assignment of login names and passwords to authorized users of the DOME service. As illustrated in the screenshot, "Thrust2" is the only authorized user in this particular example. The DOME Server Manager on the bottom initiates the DOME service and activates the user login capability. For example, the screenshot indicates that the server "bubbe" is ready to accept login connections. 27 Figure 2.7: DOME Client Login Window Shown in Figure 2.7 is the DOME client login window. When user "Thrust2" is ready to login to the DOME server, he/she opens this client login interface with a web browser, types in the login name and password, then specifies the server to be connected to. In the situation when the user is logging in from the same computer on which the server resides, "bubbe" in this case, the server can be specified as "localhost" as illustrated in the screenshot. 28 Figure 2.8: DOME Client Window Shown in Figure 2.8 is the DOME client window. The user is able to define variables, attach external programs, and perform design analysis and optimization on this window interface. For example, this screenshot illustrates a DOME model defined with the following components: 29 * Three variables a, b, c " Three external program attachments corresponding to Excel, Matlab, and SolidWorks " A preference function * A design criterion * A genetic algorithm optimizer Figure 2.9: DOME Relation Window Shown in Figure 2.9 is the DOME relation window. The user can define relations among variables in the DOME model by writing simple C-codes in the "Relation text" box (note that all statements should therefore end with a semi-colon). In this example, the output / dependent variable c is set to be equal to the quotient of the input / independent variable a divided by another input variable b. 30 Figure 2.10 DOME Preference Function Window Shown in Figure 2.10 is the DOME preference function window. The user can define through this interface the design preference of a variable. In this example, the preference function is denoted by the curve on the right hand side, indicating that the acceptance range of the variable is between 0 and 1 m/s, with the most preferred value falls around 0.8 m/s. 31 Figure 2.11: DOME Optimizer Window Shown in Figure 2.11 is the DOME Optimizer window. This interface allows the user to define the search variables and their searching ranges, the objective variable to be optimized, and the number of generations and the population size associated with the optimization. In this example, the two search variables are set to be a and b with the searching ranges indicated on the screenshot. This section is intended to provide some basic familiarities of DOME. Please refer to [4] and [5] for further information regarding the tool. 2.2.2 Benefits DOME offers the following benefits as an engineering tool: 32 It facilitates product development process across organization and geographic boundaries. It breaks apart complex modeling and distributes the pieces among specialized groups. * It provides information-sharing control so that proprietary models and data can be protected. * It enables linkage of different data formats so developers can create their product models using programs that they are most familiar with. . It reduces time for iteration through the real-time feedback mechanism, and thereby shortens design cycle time. 2.2.3 Installation Requirements DOME runs on PCs installed with Windows 95, Windows NT or newer version of the two Windows operation systems. The computers are also required to have Visual Studio, Visual J++ and MSDN Library with service pack 6.0 or above, along with all the desirable external programs listed in section 2.2.1. An automatic installation program is available on the DOME CD for guiding the standard installation process. Mentioned below are special installation procedures associated with some of the external programs: Java Plug-in * After the standard DOME installation is completed, click on the DOME Client icon on Desktop to open up either Netscape Navigator or MICROSOFT Explorer * Click on the download link for Java Plug-in 1.2.1 to go to the SUN website " Follow the instruction to install the Java Plug-in onto the computer MATLAB * After the standard MATLAB installation is completed, right click the "My Computer" icon on the Desktop to select "Properties" * Choose the "Environment" tab 33 " Add a User Variable "path" by first clicking on one of the existing User Variables, then go to the "Variable" textbox and type in the name "path" In the "Value" textbox, enter "%path%; C:\MATLAB\bin". * Note there is a semi-colon separating the two paths. Also note that the directory in which MATLAB is installed on your computer may not be "MATLAB". In that case just replace "MATLAB" in the path by the MATLAB directory name on your computer SolidWorks * After the regular installation is completed, go to the directory in which DOME is installed on your computer * Go to the bin directory and open the environment.txt file * Add the statement "include SWDimModule.h" to the list of include statements in the file Note that the current version of DOME can only work with SolidWorks 97 Plus, but not with the later releases of the software. 2.3 Design Structure Matrix (DSM) 2.3.1 Tool Description Design Structure Matrix (DSM) is a management tool for systems with complex dependencies. By presenting system elements and their interactions in a simple matrix format, DSM provides a compact and clear visual representation of the system structures. DSM also offers a number of analytical algorithms for manipulating the elements and interactions, and thereby Two major algorithms are clustering, which groups system elements with strong dependencies into modules, and partitioning, which reorders system elements to eliminate feedback loops. There are four types of DSM for improving the characteristic of the systems. handling systems of various natures, they are: 34 * Component-Based DSM - A component-based DSM documents interactions among components in a system. These interactions include spatial, energy, information, and material. Utilizing the clustering algorithm, this type of DSM can be applied on system architecture engineering and designing. * Team-Based DSM - A team-based DSM records information flow among various organizational entities. Utilizing the clustering algorithm, this type of DSM can be applied on organizational design, interface management, and team integration. * Activity-Based (Task-Based) DSM - An activity-based DSM depicts ordering of activities in a process and their input/output relationships. Utilizing the partitioning algorithm, this type of DSM can be applied on project scheduling, activity sequencing, and cycle time reduction. * Parameter-Based DSM - A parameter-based DSM models system architecture based on parameter interrelationships. Utilizing the partitioning algorithm, this type of DSM can be applied on process construction and decision point assignment. This thesis project only focuses on the component-based DSM. An Excel spreadsheet is created to facilitate the process of component clustering and system architecture designing. This spreadsheet takes in a component-based DSM of any size, runs it through a C++ clustering program, then proposes a module configuration for the system with minimal interdependencies. 35 The following screenshots illustrate the graphical user interface of the DSM spreadsheet: Figure 2.12: DSM Input Interface Shown in Figure 2.12 is the DSM input interface. The user can record through this interface the dependencies and interactions among components in a system. For example, in the three-component system illustrated in the screenshot above, component a has no interaction with component b and is therefore assigned with a value of 0 in the corresponding square in column 1 row 2. Component a however has very strong interaction with c and this dependencies is indicated by the value of 3 in the square in column 1 row 3. In a componentbased DSM, a high dependency value usually translates to a high desire for the clustering of the two components, while a low value suggests that components should be kept separated if possible. 36 Figure 2.13: Clustering Interface Shown in Figure 2.13 is the clustering interface. This is where the C++ clustering program is applied to determine how the components can be clustered in order to capture the maximum amount of system interactions within the clusters. The best clustering formation therefore supports the lowest amount of inter-cluster interaction, which is indicated by the coordination cost. In this example, the algorithm is proposing a two-cluster formation, one with component a and c, and the other with component b and c. 37 Figure 2.14: Clustering Result Shown in Figure 2.14 is the interface for presenting the DSM clustering result. Same as the formation illustrated in Figure 2.13, there are two clusters in this example, one with component a and c, and the other with component b and c. Note that there is no system element suggested in this formation. System elements are components that they cannot be clustered into one particular group due to strong interaction with multiple components. This section is intended to provide some basic familiarities of DSM. Please refer to [6] for further information regarding the tool. 2.3.2 Benefits Component-based DSM offers the following benefits as an engineering tool: * It enables the evaluation of a large number of module configurations at a low cost. * It reduces time for dependency-based architecture designing, and thereby shortens design cycle time. 38 * It offers visualization of the system dependencies, and promotes better understanding and communication of products. 2.3.3 Installation Requirements The DSM spreadsheet runs on PCs installed with Windows 95, Windows NT or newer version of the two Windows operation systems. MICROSOFT Office, in particular the Excel spreadsheet program, is another software requirement for this tool. Please note that the current version of the DSM spreadsheet is only compatible with Office 97, but not with Office 2000. The following are special DLL installation procedures of KCTool: * Create a DSM directory under the C drive of the computer * Copy the two DLL files CCost.dll and Clusterdl.dll into the DSM directory 2.4 KCTool 2.4.1 Tool Description KCTool is a prototype software for managing manufacturing variations associated with Key Characteristics (KCs) of a product. Key Characteristics are defined as product features that have a significant impact on product requirements when there is a variation. Through its modeling, simulation, and optimization capabilities, KCTool offers a quantitative method for determining the optimal inspection plan that supports highest product quality at the lowest cost. KCTool can be used as a visual tool for generating KC Flowdown models of a product. Such models contain hierarchical relationships of Key Characteristics from product and sub-system level down to part and process level, along with the mathematical representations of variation stack-ups at each level. Also included in the models are manufacturing process data related to each Key Characteristic, such as variation distribution, cost of assembly, and cost of inspection, etc. Implementation of these Flowdown models in KCTool provides a mechanism 39 for predicting production cost based on the variations introduced by the manufacturing process, the inspection strategy, and the final product requirements. KCTool is also a powerful tool for evaluating inspection plans. Utilizing the cost prediction function mentioned above, Monte Carlo simulation can be run in KCTool to calculate the expected cost of specific inspection plans. Assessment of a large number of inspection plans can therefore be done at minimal cost. Lastly, stochastic optimization algorithm can be carried out in KCTool to determine the best inspection strategy for a manufacturing process based on quality and cost consideration. Details such as inspection limits, location of inspection, and corrective actions are proposed in a closed form solution. The following screenshots illustrate the graphical user interface of KCTool. I -b part 1 i c -I- system part2 ~at Figure 2.15: KCTool Main Window 40 Shown in Figure 2.15 is the main interface window for KCTool. The user can create the Flowdown model using the various buttons on the top toolbar. The system in the example is composed of two components, part 1 and part 2. There is one KC in each component, namely b and c for part 1 and part 2 respectively. Together they deliver the system KC a. Figure 2.16: KC Data Input Interface Shown in Figure 2.16 is the KC data input interface. The user can input process capability, inspection plan, corrective action, and other related information by navigating through the tabs on the top. Illustrated in this example is the data input interface for KC b. 41 Figure 2.17: Inspection Simulation Interface Shown in Figure 2.17 is the result of an inspection simulation. It presents the simulated production statistics under each of the three KC, a, b, and c. There is no cost associated with inspection and other failure preventive actions in this example. The failure rate of the production is at the level of 51/100, and the total cost of production is calculated to be 19500 units, or 195 units per product manufactured. 42 - b 2.71 SD patt1 1.72 SD systemM I part 2 I Figure 2.18: Inspection Optimization Result Shown in Figure 2.18 is the result of an inspection simulation. It indicates that in order to achieve the optimal production result at the lowest cost, inspection should be performed for KC a and c at 2.71 and 1.72 standard deviations respectively. And in case of out-of-spec, the parts should be reworked until they satisfy the inspection limits. Although not illustrated in this black and white screenshot, suggestions for corrective actions are indicated on the KCTool user interface by the highlights on the KC labels, with green representing rework, and blue representing scrap. This section is intended to provide some basic familiarities of KCTool. Please refer to [7] for further information regarding the tool. 2.4.2 Benefits KCTool offers the following benefits as an engineering tool: 43 It identifies optimal inspection strategies of manufacturing systems in a quantitative manner * It facilitates constant improvement of the risk management and quality control process It provides a platform for experimenting different risk management strategies with minimal time and capital investment . It serves as mechanism for capturing and sharing product architectures, variation models, and inspection models 2.4.3 Installation Requirements KCTool runs on Windows 95, Windows NT or newer version of the two Windows operation systems. The only external program required for running KCTool is MICROSOFT Access. The following are special installation procedures of KCTool: DLL Files Setting * Copy four KCTool specific Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files into the System32 directory under the C drive. Names of the four files are Mfc42d.dll, Mfcd42d.dll, Mfco42d.dll, and Msvcrtd.dll Database File Setting * Go to the Control Panel * Click on the ODBC Data Sources (32bit) icon to open the ODBC Administrator * Click on the System DSN tab on the top of the administrator window * Click the "Add" button, then select to set up a Microsoft Access Driver * Enter Data Source Name as "kctree" * Select the driving database file for KCTool Note that the current version of KCTool is not yet Office 2000 compatible. Please make sure that the Access component of the Office 97 suite is installed on the computer on which KCTool is to be run. 44 CHAPTER 3: THE LASERNET FINES CASE A product development case is introduced in this chapter, after which sample applications for each of the four Thrust 2 Tools are presented to illustrate how the tools can be utilized to address development challenges associated with the case. Data for the development of these tool applications are provided jointly by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and the Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems (LMTDS). 3.1 The Technology LASERNET FINES is an optical oil debris monitor designed to measure the size distributions and shape characteristics of particles in machine fluids. It provides information on type, severity, and rate of progression of specific failure and wearing conditions in mechanical systems based on particle shapes and size trends observed in fluid samples over time. The device also provides information on particulate contamination in hydraulic, fuel, and other fluid systems [8]. The basic concept of LaserNet Fines is show in Figure 3.1. Fluid from a sample bottle is pumped through a transparent flow cell. Coherent light from a pulsed laser diode is then used to back-illuminate the fluid sample, while a CCD camera captures the images through macro focusing optics. The images are handled by an electronic processing system capable of classifying particle images into mechanical wear classes such as cutting, sliding, and fatigue [8]. 45 Oil flow from Sample bottle Laser Diode Flow Cell Macro Lens Camera / Image Processor Figure 3.1: LaserNet Fines System Diagram Figure 3.2 is a CAD model of the optical subassembly, which contains most of the core components in the LaserNet Fines system. Camera Adjustment Plate Lens Support Laser Diode Flow Cell Fiber Optic CameraMacro Lens Camera Cover FIbL Optical Plate Opld M Fiber Optic Mount- 9 Figure 3.2 CAD Model of Optical Subassembly 46 The LASERNET FINES is developed under the Condition-Based Maintenance Program of the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The basic technology capabilities are derived from research conducted at the NRL, while the product development works are being done at the LMTDS site under the ONR contract. The product, coded Gen1, is a portable batch processor designed for shipboard applications. There are a number of Gen1 machines currently being evaluated under different operational environments, and the Lockheed Martin development team is collecting the evaluation data for the development of Gen2, a device suitable for commercial production. 3.2 Thrust 2 Tool Applications Described in this section are sample applications of the four Thrust 2 tools based on the LaserNet Fines case. These are independent applications designed to demonstrate a number of selected capabilities of each tool on addressing specific development challenges. The decision on which tool capabilities to be presented in the applications is made based on the availability of data, as well as the ease of demonstration and discussion. Application script for each of the tool can be found in Appendix 2. 3.2.1 Assembly Sequence Assessment Using Assembly Designer Application Scenario LMTDS has traditionally been a major government contractor, with a product portfolio that biases towards the high quality and low volume category. The LaserNet Fines is one of the few exceptions. Targeted for the commercial market, the Gen2 system is designed primarily for high volume production. For that reason the engineers are committing a significant amount of effort on defining a manufacturing system that warrants high efficiency and low production cost. As a development exercise, the engineers are interested in exploring the manufacturability of the Gen1 design, hoping that it will provide useful insights on how the Gen2 design can be improved based on Assembly Oriented Design (AOD) practices [2]. 47 Technical Details This sample application illustrates how Assembly Designer can assist the engineers in exploring the assembly design space in a systematic manner. Datum Flow Chain (DFC) model of the Gen1 optical subassembly is created as shown in Figure 3.3. Note that the model is simplified to contain only 9 components, with their names and abbreviations listed in Table 3.1. Abbreviation Camera CA plt CM blks CS blk F cell Lsprt M lens Madjstr OpIt Part Name Camera Camera Adjustment Plate Cell Mounting Blocks Cell Support Block Flow Cell Lens Support Macro Lens Micro-adjuster Optical Plate Table 3.1: DFC Part Abbreviations 48 M_lens F_cell _bIks camera LKsprt A-pIt CSblk M-adj str Figure 3.3: DFC Model of Gen1 Optical Sub-assembly Each component is assigned a coordinate definition, which describes its location in reference to the global coordinate of the assembly. The global coordinate in this sample application is set to coincide with that of the Optical Plate component. For example, the coordinate definition for the Micro-adjuster in the six-degree framework is illustrated in Table 3.2, indicating that it is 5.41 units (inches in this case) away from the x-axis, 2.5 units from the yaxis, and 3.375 units from the z-axis. There is no rotation of the component coordinate about any axis. 49 Angular Coordinate Transform Tx: 0.000000 Ty: 0.000000 Tz: 0.000000 Linear Coordinate Transform X: 5.413000 Y: 2.500000 Z: 3.375000 Table 3.2: Coordinate Definition for Micro-adjuster Every assembly liaison, both mates and contacts, is defined in Assembly Designer by an attribute set representing their types, the parts involved, the associated features, and the Shown below in Table 3.3 is the definition of the mate connecting between the Optical Plate and the Micro-adjuster. Note that the complete component and liaison definition of the optical subassembly can be found in Appendix 1. feature coordination. Liaison Attribute Type of Liaison Parts Feature(s) Feature Coordination Value Mate (6 DOF) Oplt M_adjstr Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Hole (6 DOF) Y: 0.000000 X: 0.000000 Ty: 0.000000 Tx: 90.000000 Z: 0.000000 Tz: 0.000000 Table 3.3: Definition for Liaison between Optical Plate and Micro-adjuster Once the DFC model is built, the engineers can step through SPAS, DFCPR, Constraint Checker, and eventually get to the EDIT window where the complete assembly sequence tree is displayed as shown in Figure 3.4. 50 Figure 3.4: Assembly Sequence Tree for Gen1 Optical Sub-assembly The engineers can look at all feasible assembly sequences on the EDIT interface, pinpoint and then eliminate those that are not desirable based on specific engineering criteria. For example, one engineering criterion suggests that mating of the Camera Adjustment Plate to the Optical Plate and the Micro-adjuster should be postponed as one of the last assembly steps. This is due to the fact that the Micro-adjuster is used to calibrate the distance between the Flow Cell and the Macro Lens, and the calibration process cannot be proceeded until all the components have been assembled in place. Utilizing criteria such as the one mentioned above, engineers are able to effectively reduce the number of assembly sequences under consideration to a manageable amount. More detailed assessment, such as production testing, can then be conducted on the remaining sequences to determine the optimal assembly process. Shown in Figure 3.5 is the assembly tree after just one step of eliminating all the sequences that do not have liaison 2 and 3 as the last two liaisons to be completed. Liaison 2, which is indicated by the square in row 1 column 2 of the liaison matrix, represents the mate between the Camera Adjustment Plate and the Optical Plate, whereas liaison 3 in 51 row 1 column 3 represents the mate between the Camera Adjustment Plate and the Microadjuster. Note the size reduction compare to the original sequence tree in Figure 3.4: Figure 3.5: Edited Assembly Sequence Tree Usaqe Key Points A successful operation of the Assembly Designer relies on a fair amount of human interaction. Careful engineering judgements are required during the feature assignment process due to the fact that Assembly Designer can only work with partially and fully constrained assembly in the six degree-of-freedom framework, whereas in reality many systems are overly constrained either for specific engineering purposes or by bad designing practices. Therefore, users are often required to model and simplify the actual engineering problems in order to obtain meaningful results from the program. During the sequence editing process, knowledge on the design preferences and assembly constraints is necessary for the elimination of the 52 undesirable assembly sequences and the reduction in effort on determining the optimal assembly process. 3.2.2 Component Selection and Optimization Using DOME Application Scenario The product development team at LMTDS has been working on creating the Bill of Materials (BOM) for the Gen2 system. At the current stage the focus is mainly on the components carried over from the Gen1 design. For a typical component, a number of vendors are invited to give product presentations to the development team, which is composed of managers and engineers representing different functional groups within the LMTDS. After all the vendors have presented their product solutions, the team works together to evaluate the alternatives and decide upon one to be listed on the BOM. Since the process requires the cooperation of a number of people inside and outside of LMTDS, communication can be a challenge. Currently information is being handled through traditional channels such as meetings, phone calls, and emails. Technical Details This sample application illustrates how DOME can assist the development team in streamlining the BOM creation process. Three DOME models are created on three different machines, representing the workstations maintained by an in-house system engineer located at the local LMTDS site, an NRL fluid mechanics specialist residing in Washington D.C., and an overseas vendor. The local LMTDS model has the following modules: * A catalog of 5 vendors created by the purchasing department. Each entry in the catalog depicts a laser-attached flow cell unit with the characteristic variables listed in Table 3.4. 53 Variable Name Abbreviation Laser Beam Diameter (m) Laser Wave Length (m) Laser Power (W) BeamDia WaveLength Power Pulse Width (s) Depth of Field (m) PW ReqDepth Supported Flow Velocity (m/s) Cost of unit ($) FlowV Cost Table 3.4: Characteristic Variable Abbreviations for DOME Product Catalog * An Excel spreadsheet containing performance calculations such as flow rate limits, pressure change, and Reynold's number for the fluid flow, etc. * A DOME Design Analysis container with definitions of two design evaluation criteria and a genetic algorithm optimizer. The two evaluation criteria are described by the geometricbased Height of Cell preference function and the performance-based Reynold's Number preference function as illustrated in Figure 3.6. * A relationship container with references to the remote fluid mechanics model * Another relationship container with references to the remote vendor component model 54 Figure 3.6: Design Evaluation Criteria The remote NRL model contains a MATLAB model that displays the fluid flow profile across a range of viscosity and pressure drops when given the output from the LMTDS Excel model. Another remote model, the one maintained by the vendor, contains a SolidWorks CAD model of the proposed product solution, along with an Excel model that calculates the cost of the 55 product based on the dimensional information from the CAD model. Note that the complete set of data files for the three interconnected DOME models can be found in Appendix 1. With these three interconnected models in place, the development team can plug in the different alternatives of the laser-attached flow cell unit and observe the effects on the fluid flow profile and other product performances. In other words, preliminary product assessment can be conducted right at the LMTDS local site, without any significant vendor involvement except the providing of the product models through DOME. According to the assessment result, the product from Vendor1 provides the evaluation score of 0.71 out of the total of 1, which is the highest out of the five proposed product solutions. Therefore, Vendor1 is to be selected as the supplier for the laser-attached flow cell unit. Once the vendor selection has been finalized, the team can also explore the possibility of customizing the component specifically for the LaserNet Fines system, given that the vendor has the manufacturing capability to support such kind of design customization. In this sample application, the optimizer is set to have the Depth of Field of the laser diode (ReqDepth) and the supported Flow Velocity (FlowV) as the two search variables. The objective of the optimization is an evaluation score calculated based on the Height of Cell and the Reynold's Number design criteria. In this sample application, the optimization is set to run for 5 generations with the population size of 3 in each generation. The result converges to the ReqDepth of 2.38E-4 m and the FlowV of 0.05 m/s, with the evaluation score of 0.73. Note that designs with even higher evaluation scores can be expected when a more thorough optimization operation is performed, i.e. with a higher number of generations and a higher population size is used. However, the time it takes for such operation to converge is significantly higher than what is illustrated in this sample application. Usage Key Points In order to take full advantage of the DOME evaluation and optimization capabilities, it is preferable to have a system model composed of a fair number of modules. Creation of such model can be a time and labor intensive process, but this initial investment is offset by the design iteration and evaluation with minimal communication requirements. DOME does not completely eliminate the need of meetings and phone calls ability of doing rapid 56 per se. What it offers is a way to bypass some of the less efficient communication processes, of which the associated cost and time saving can be tremendous. 3.2.3 Module Formation Using Design Structure Matrices Application Scenario Engineers at LMTDS are working on defining the Gen2 system architecture. The existing Gen1 design has excessive amount of cables running across the interior of the device. According to the engineers, these cables complicate the assembly process by reducing accessibility to some of the system components. Furthermore, the weight of the cables exerts a downward force on the electronic connectors, a situation determined to cause component displacement and various other manufacturing problems experienced at the production site. The engineers believe that by rearranging the locations of the system components and grouping those with strong interactions in close proximity, they can achieve the reduction of wiring and manufacturing difficulties in the system. Technical Details This sample application illustrates how component-based DSM can assist the LMTDS engineers in determining the appropriate module formation for the Gen2 system architecture. Data for this application were collected through a detailed survey conducted at the LMTDS site. Engineers were asked in the survey to assign dependency value to every pair of the 19 major components in the system. The dependency value of 1 indicates strong interaction and therefore high preference for close proximity between the pairs, 0 represents indifference, while -1 suggests that the two components should be separated as far as possible. Shown below is the survey data captured in four DSMs corresponding to the spatial, energy, information, and material dependencies: 57 SPATIAL DSM COMPONENTS SBC, LCD, Touch Frame Grabber Pump, Peristaltic A B C Camera D Focus Optics Laser & Optics Laser Power Supply Interface Board Flow Cell Ultrasonic Cleaner LS-120 Floppy 150W Power Supply Power Switch Power Connector Power Line Filter Power Relay AC Fan Input Sample Bottle Discharge Bottle E F G H 1 J K L M N 0 P Q R s I I I I A B C D E F G H I J K L 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -11-1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1-1-1 -1-1-1 1 11 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -_-_- 1-___ _-_-_- 1 -1 M N OP Q R S 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 - -1 -1 - -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 - -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Figure 3.7 Spatial Dependency Matrix ENERGY DSM COMPONENTS A SBC, LCD, Touch Frame Grabber B Pump, Peristaltic C Camera D Focus Optics E Laser & Optics F Laser Power Supply G Interface Board H Flow Cell _ J Ultrasonic Cleaner LS-120 Floppy K 150W Power Supply L Power Switch M Power Connector N Power Line Filter 0 Power Relay P AC Fan Q Input Sample Bottle R Discharge Bottle S A B C D E F G H I 1 1 . J M N O P Q R S K L 1 - 1. 1 1 1 1 1I 1 1 -- - 1 1 Figure 3.8 Energy Dependency Matrix 58 INFORMATION DSM COMPONENTS SBC, LCD, Touch Frame Grabber Pump, Peristaltic Camera Focus Optics Laser & Optics Laser Power Supply Interface Board Flow Cell Ultrasonic Cleaner LS-120 Floppy 150W Power Supply Power Switch Power Connector Power Line Filter Power Relay AC Fan Input Sample Bottle Discharge Bottle A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S A B C D E F G H I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -|1 1 1 K LM N 1 1 P Q R S 1 1 1 Figure 3.9 Information Dependency Matrix MATERIAL DSM COMPONENTS SBC, LCD, Touch Frame Grabber Pump, Peristaltic Camera Focus Optics Laser & Optics Laser Power Supply Interface Board Flow Cell Ultrasonic Cleaner LS-120 Floppy 150W Power Supply Power Switch Power Connector Power Line Filter Power Relay AC Fan Input Sample Bottle Discharge Bottle II A B C D E F G H I A B C1 D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 J K L M N 0 P Q R S Figure 3.10 Material Dependency Matrix 59 A combined DSM is created by summing the four dependency matrices. Since the DSM clustering algorithm cannot work with negative dependency values, an adjustment factor of 1 is added to each entry to reset the lowest dependency value to 0 before the combined DSM is inputted into the DSM spreadsheet. Through the embedded clustering algorithm, the spreadsheet is capable of proposing a number of alternative module formations with minimal coordination cost. The coordination cost for each module formation is calculated based on the size of the modules, the number of modules, and the effectiveness of the module configuration in containing system dependencies. The proposed alternatives are evaluated, and promising ones are selected based on experience of the engineers and other design criteria not captured by the DSMs. Shown below is one of the proposed module formations: System Elements 150W Power Supply Cluster 1 Ultrasonic Cleaner Input Sample Bottle Discharge Cluster 2 Cluster 3 150W Power Supply Power Switch Pump, Peristaltic Camera Power Focus Optics Power Line Filter Power Relay AC Fan SBC, LCD, Touch Screen Frame Grabber Pump, Peristaltic Connector Bottle Cluster 4 Laser & Optics Interface Board Laser Power Supply Flow Cell LS-120 Floppy 150W Power Supply AC Fan 150W Power Supply Table 3.5: DSM Clustering Result This particular clustering result indicates that the Gen2 architecture should be composed of four modules: * Cluster 1 - the fluid sample handling system * Cluster 2 - the power system * Cluster 3 - the optic system 60 0 Cluster 4 - the control and signal processing system The shared components of AC Fan between Cluster 2 & 4 and Peristaltic Pump between Cluster 3 & 4 also indicate there are interactions existing among the modules. The 150W Power Supply is listed as System Element because it has strong interactions with multiple modules and therefore cannot be grouped into any particular module. Usage Key Points It may appear to the reader that the engineers can probably come up with such a module configuration without the assistance of DSM, that the clustering result is merely stating the obvious. This is because we are working on a simplified system with only 19 components. Imagine we are to determine the module formation of a system with hundreds or thousands of components, engineers without a systematic tool such as DSM can only manage to explore the vast design space through a trial-and-error process, which can be time and capital intensive. 3.2.4 Inspection Strategy Design Using KCTooI Application Scenario The manufacturing engineers at LMTDS are currently facing a challenge on production variation control. They discover that when the Gen1 machines are assembled, the distance and the alignment between the Flow Cell and the Camera often fall out of the specification limits. Since this dimension governs the focal characteristic of the system, variation of such cannot be tolerated. In order to fix this problem, assembly workers have to spend hours of extra time reworking and realigning the components, which causes the production cost to increase significantly. The development team is working on eliminating this variation problem from the Gen2 design, but while the Gen1 machine is still in production, the manufacturing engineers want to develop an inspection strategy that guarantees the delivery of satisfactory products at minimal cost addition to the overall production process. Technical Details 61 In this sample application a Key Characteristic Flowdown model of the optical subassembly has been created as shown in Figure 3.11. The model is simplified to contain only 5 parts, which make up 2 subassembly and 1 system. Listed in Table 3.6 are the names of the system/subsystem/part, their associated KCs, and the KC abbreviations. Note that all coordinates in the table are defined in reference to the global coordinate of the Optical Assembly. 62 System/Subsystem/Part OtclAsml(sse)Flow Optical Assembly (system) Key Characteristics Distance between the Lens and the Cell window___________ Angular alignment between the Lens and the Flow Cell Window Horizontal coordinate of the Flow Cell window Cell Unit (subsystem) Optic Unit (subsystem) Angle between the Flow Cell window and the vertical reference plane Horizontal coordinate of the Lens Angle between the Lens and the vertical reference plane Optical Plate (part) Size of Optical Size of Optical Size of screw hole #1 for mating the Plate to the Mounting Base screw hole #2 for mating the Plate to the Mounting Base screw hole #1 for mating the Optical Plate to the Camera Flow Cell (part) Size of screw hole #2 for mating the Optical Plate to the Camera Thickness of the Flow Cell Horizontal coordinate of screw hole #1 and #2 for mating the Mounting KC Abbreviation Distance Alignment Alignment Window X Location Angle Tilted Lens X Location Angle Tilted Screw1 Hole Size (MB) Screw2 Hole Size (MB) Screw1 Hole Size (C) Screw2 Hole Size (C) Cell Thickness Screwl +2 X Location Base to the Optical Plate Mounting Base (part) Lens (part) Camera (part) Vertical coordinate of screw hole #1 for mating the Mounting Base to the Optical Plate Vertical coordinate of screw hole #2 for mating the Mounting Base to the Optical Plate Thread tolerance of mating interface to the Camera Horizontal coordinate of screw hole #1 and #2 for mating the Camera to the Optical Plate Vertical coordinate of screw hole #1 for mating the Camera to the Optical Plate Vertical coordinate of screw hole #2 for mating the Camera to the Optical Plate Table 3.6: KC Abbreviations 63 Screw1 Y Location Screw2 Y Location Thread Tolerance Screw1 +2 X Location Screw1 Y Location Screw2 Y Location -Cell Thickness Distance -Window X Location Flow Cell -Screwl +2 X Location -Angle Tilted -Screw1 Y Location Screw2 Y Location Cell Unit -Lens X Location Lens -Angle Tilted Alignment Mountinci Base -Thread Tolerance -Screwi +2 X Location -Screw1 Y Location -Screw2 Y Location Optic Unit Camera -Screw1 Hole Size (MB) -Screw2 Hole Size (MB) Screw1 Hole Size (C) Screw2 Hole Size (C) ___________Optical Assembly .......... c al Plate________ Figure 3.11: KC Flowdown Model of Optical Sub-assembly Two product KCs to be managed in this model are the distance and the alignment between the camera and the flow cell. Note that this is a special case in that LMTDS does not have enough data to support the creation of the KC model. Since less than 10 units of the Gen1 system have been built since the introduction of the product, the manufacturing data, especially the statistical data on production process capability, is simply not available. The author therefore had to create an estimated set of manufacturing data based on the actual 64 nominal values of each KCs. An inspection simulation is performed to verify that the production variation problem is represented in the estimated data, i.e. that most of the reworks are done for the alignment and the distance KCs. The result of the simulation is presented in Figure 3.12, illustrating that out of a hundred units produced, 10 units would require rework for the distance KC, and 81 units for the alignment KC. Figure 3.12: Inspection Simulation Result An inspection optimization is then performed on the data at 100 generations with 100 units built per generation. The result, as shown in Figure 3.13, suggests that inspection should be done for the following three KCs with the indicated inspection specifications: * Screwl Y Location of the Mount Base - representing the vertical position of the screw hole on the Mounting Base. The screw hole is a mating feature to the Optical Plate. " inspect at 3.23 Standard Deviations - rework when out-of-spec 65 * * Screw1 +2 X Location of the Camera - representing the horizontal positions of the two screw holes on the Camera. The screw holes are mating features to the Optical Plate. - inspect at 2.79 Standard Deviations - rework when out-of-spec Screw1 Hole Size (C) of the Optical Plate - representing the size of screw hole on the Optical Plate. The screw hole is a mating feature to the Camera. - inspect at 3.07 Standard Deviations - scrap when out-of-specs The expected production cost associated with this inspection strategy, including assembly and inspection, is calculated to be 3730 labor minutes. In actual practice, manufacturing engineers can modify their existing production system based on such optimization results to achieve better product outcomes. In case the proposed strategy is not feasible, it is a good indication that there may exist some fundamental problems in the design of the product. The development team can be alerted in that situation and design changes can be proposed based on the highlights of the KCTool analysis. 66 -Cell Thickness Distance -WindowX Location Flow Cell Screwl +2 X Location - Angle Tilted 3.23 SD - Screw2 Y Location Mounting Base Cell Unit Thread Tolerance -Lens X Location Lens - Angle Tilted Alignment ----- 2.79 SID Screwi Y Location Screw2 Y Location Optic Unit -Camera Screwl Hole Size (MB) Screw2 Hole Size (MB) 3.07 SD -Screw2 Hole Size (C) Optical Assembly Optical Plate Figure 3.13: Inspection Optimization Result Usage Key Points In reality, KCTool is not applied until fairly late in the development process. Presumably at the time when the manufacturing process has been finalized and trial production testing has been carried out. Data availability should no longer be an issue by that time. 3.3 Case Conclusion 67 Figure 3.14 serves as a summary of the four sample applications presented in this chapter. In chapter 5 a process integration opportunity is proposed based on the sample applications developed here. The author intends to illustrate there how these four currently independent tools can be combined in a systematic point of view to provide support for a multi-stage product development process. PROJECT APPLICATION MAP 4 Inter-component prox imity " spatial - energy - mating geometry - feature definitions - assembly constraints - information - material Assembly Designer DSM - suggested module formation - performance req's - part catalogs - geometry 4 Flow Model (Matlab) CAD Model (Solidworks) DOME - feasible assembly sequences Cost Model (Excel) I - performance req's - KC flowdown - process capability - inspection and rework costs KCTool - inspect I rework strategies - trade-off studies - optimization - vendor selection Figure 3.14: Thrust 2 Application Map (figure by W. Finch) 68 CHAPTER 4: TOOL USAGE LOGS Usage logs of the Thrust 2 tools are created to expedite the learning process of students and researchers interested in participating in the future activities of the Product Development Integration Laboratory. The logs contain problems encountered by the author during the course of this research, instructions on how to get around those problems, and in general know-hows that are helpful to new users of the tools. As mentioned in Chapter 2, this thesis research is able to capture only the snapshots of the tools at their current stage. Please be aware that as the tools are being modified constantly. Problems described in this chapter may no longer exist in the new versions of the tools. Similar to the rest of this thesis, the logs are divided into four sections corresponding to the four Thrust 2 tools. Section 4.1 Assembly Designer Logs Assembly Designer System * The "&" Operator - Attempting to use the "&" operator when initiating Assembly Designer at the UNIX prompt, i.e. by typing "AD &", will cause malfunctioning of the EDIT software module. The program will have problem opening the EDIT windows when the operation is triggered in such manner. To avoid problems the user is advised to always initiate the Assembly Designer with only the "AD" command at the prompt. Assembly Designer Operations (In the Assembly Window) * The "Delete" Button - The program has problem reopening a model in which elements have been deleted in a previous session using the "Delete" button. Before this bug is fixed, it is advised that the user should plan carefully when constructing the DFC model and avoid deleting of any element as much as possible. Also, it is a good idea to save multiple copies of a working model. This is to avoid having to start everything from scratch in case the most current model cannot be retrieved. 69 * Double Clicking - The Triggering of all operations in Assembly Designer require single mouse clicking. When an operation is triggered by double clicks, multiple input windows will be opened which may cause input discrepancies. To avoid problems the user is advised to always check for the correctness of the inputs on the last open window. " Part Naming - Assembly Designer cannot accept part names that are longer than 8 characters. Also the names cannot contain blank spaces. The program does not have an error checking mechanism in place; violation of this naming convention will cause malfunctioning of the program. * Model Saving - Naming of the models is under the same convention as that of the parts, i.e. names cannot be longer than 8 characters and they cannot contain blank spaces. * Ordering of Modules - Performing of the software modules have to be in order, i.e. Constraint Analysis cannot be run before SPAS and DFCPR, and EDIT can only be run last when the operation of the other three modules are completed. Section 4.2 DOME Logs DOME System * Model Initiation - When a DOME model is initiated, windows of different external programs will pop up. It is advised that the user should wait until all the programs are done initializing before doing anything on the screen. Changing the contents of these external programs at this time causes DOME to lose connection with the programs. Note that this problem is observed often with Excel. * Server Initiation/Re-initiation - Before starting a DOME server, it is advised that the users should go to the Windows Task Manager to check if there are Excel programs left from previous sessions which may still be running in the background. All the Excel programs should be terminated before DOME is initiated/re-initiated. * Server Shutdown - To avoid crashing of the DOME server, it is advised that the user should always follow the standard shutdown procedures described below: 70 1. Terminate all active models by right clicking the models before closing the DOME interface and the other external windows 2. Type Ctrl-Alt-Del at the DOME server window to close down. Answer "Y" for the question "Terminate batch job?" posted by the server window 3. Go to the Windows task manager to manually terminate any Excel programs that are running in the background after all the DOME related windows have been closed * DLL Conflicts - If an "Entry Point Not Found" error message comes up when the user attempts to open a DOME model, it is probably because there is a DLL file conflict in the system. To solve this problem, copy the DOME specific DLL files Mfc42d.dll, Mfcd42d.dll, Mfco42d.dll, and Msvcrtd.dll into the System32 directory under the main disk drive C:\. In this applications it is the sharing of these DLL files between DOME and KCTool that causes the problem. Since the two programs use different versions of these DLL files, switching of their corresponding DLL files into the System32 directory is required in order to run both DOME and KCTool on the same computer. * Remote References - Significant slow down can be experienced when a model with one or more remote references is initiated. To speed up the initiation process, make sure that all the associated remote servers are opened before attempting to open the local model. Interfaces to External Programs ,Excel Plug-in - In order to attach an Excel spreadsheet to DOME, the user has to "DOMEified" the spreadsheet by opening it on a DOME-enabled computer. He/she has to first initialize the DOME interface toolbar by clicking "View"->"Toolbars"->"DOME Wrapper Commands" on the main menu, then click "Create Interface" on the toolbar to save create a file for the "DOMEified" spreadsheet. When that is done, click "Edit Interface" to add and delete input/output assignments for variables to be displayed in DOME by simply following the order set by the interface. Save the "DOMEified" file when the input/output assignment is completed. 71 Once these three files are created, the user can go to the client window, add an Excel container to the DOME model, open the container by clicking on its name, then input the full Windows address of the "DOMEified" spreadsheet file. Note that the .xIs extension of the file should be excluded in the address. Excel files for the DOME sample application can be found in Appendix 1. * MATLAB Plug-in - In order to attach a MATLAB model to DOME, the user has to create three files in a single directory. These files should be of type .m, .txt, and .mtxt, of which the .txt and the .mtxt files must share the same name. The .m file should contain the model and the calculations in MATLAB acceptable codes. The .txt file should contain the input/output assignments of variables in the .m file in the following formats: For real number variables VarNAMEDOME IN/OUT 1 VarNAMEMATLAB R INITvalue Unit MATLABFILENAME.m In which - VarNAMEDOME is the variable name to be displayed in DOME VarNAMEMATLAB is the variable name in the MATLAB model - R stands for real number - INITvalue is the initial value of the variable to be displayed in DOME - Unit is the unit type of the variable - IN/OUT denotes whether the variable is an input or an output for the MATLAB - model, with 1 for input and 0 for output - 1 is a dummy variable - MATALBFILENAME.m is the name of the file in which the MATLAB model resides in For matrix variables VarNAMEDOME VarNAMEMATLAB 72 M ROWsize COLsize 1 IN/OUT MATLABFILENAME.m In which " VarNAMEDOME is the variable name to be displayed in DOME - VarNAMEMATLAB is the variable name in the MATLAB model - M stands for matrix " ROWsize is the number of rows in the matrix - COLsize is the number of columns in the matrix - IN/OUT denotes whether the variable is an input or an output for the MATLAB model, with 1 for input and 0 for output " 1 is a dummy variable - MATALBFILENAME.m is the name of the file in which the MATLAB model resides in Lastly, the .mtxt files should contain the name of the .m files to be executed in DOME. Note that the extension .m does not need to be included. For example, if the user would like to attach the MATLAB model testMATLAB.m to DOME with 2 real variables and 1 matrix variable, he/she can create a testMATLAB.txt file as follows, with the assignment for each variable on a separate line: A A R 5.0 meter 1 1 testMATLAB.m B B R 3.5 pascal 0 1 testMATLAB.m C C M 2 2 1 testMATLAB.m 1 After that the user can create a testMATLAB.mtxt file with the single line: testMATLAB Notice that in this example all three files are given the same name for ease of discussion, but in reality the .m file can have a different name than the .txt and .mtxt files. MATLAB related files for the DOME sample application can be found in Appendix 1. 73 Once these three files are created, the user can go to the client window, add a MATLAB container to the DOME model, open the container by clicking on its name, then input the full Windows address of the .txt file. Note that the .txt extension of the file should be included in the address. * SolidWorks Plug-in - In order to attach a SolidWorks model to DOME, the user has to create a .txt file containing the input/output assignments of variables in the following format: VarTYPE VarNAMEDOME SolidWorksVarNAME Unit INITvalue SolidWorksFILENAME IN/OUT In which " VarTYPE is the type of the variable in SolidWorks " VarNAMEDOME is the variable name to be displayed in DOME - INITvalue is the initial value of the variable to be displayed in DOME SolidWorksFIlLENAME is the full Windows name of the SolidWorks file in which the variable is defined " SolidWorksVarNAME is full name of the variable in SolidWorks. Note that "dummy" can be used for derived variables with no full name in SolidWorks " Unit is the unit type of the variable - IN/OUT denotes whether the variable is an input or an output for the SolidWorks model, with 1 for input and 0 for output For example, if the user would like to attach the SolidWorks models testSWASSM.sidasm and testSWPART.sldprt to DOME with 1 DIMENSION and 1 VOLUME variable, he/she can create a testSW.txt file as follows, with the assignment for each variable on a separate line: DIMENSION A 5.0 C:\dome\models\testFILES\testSWASSM.sldasm A@Base-Extrude@PART 1.Part 3.5 VOLUME B dummy cubicmeter meter 1 C:\dome\models\testFILES\testSWPART.sIdprt 0 74 SolidWorks related .txt file for the DOME sample application can be found in Appendix 1. Once the .txt file is created, the user can go to the client window, add a SolidWorks container to the DOME model, open the container by clicking on its name, then input the full Windows address of the .txt file. Note that the .txt extension of the file should be included in the address. DOME Operations * Excel Discrepancy - DOME opens up a new Excel spreadsheet every time an optimization operation is requested. This creates a problem in a situation in which modifications of non-search variables have been made prior to the operation (non-search variables are parameters that are held fixed during the optimization run). The user may think that the optimization algorithm is running with the modified values displayed on the DOME client windows, but in fact it is the original values stored in the Excel spreadsheet that are being used. To avoid this problem the user have to make sure that the numbers stored on the Excel spreadsheet are those that are supposed to be used in the optimization algorithm, and that their values do not need to be changed during the course of the DOME operation. * Remote References - DOME allows referencing of variables between local and remote models. This functionality works fine when aliases of local variables are pasted onto the remote model. However, when aliases of remote variables are pasted onto the local model, DOME has problem updating their values, or in order words, the linkage between the remote variables and their aliases on the local model cannot be accomplished. There is no known fixed to this problem as of the time of writing this publication. * Relation Definition - When defining relation among DOME variables using the relation container, the statements inputted into the "Relation text" should be compatible with C programming language. In particular, all statements should end with a semi-colon. Also, the user have to make sure that the units of the variable match the expected outcomes of the relation definitions, or DOME will not be able to compile the calculation results. 75 * Optimizer Warning - When objective variable of an optimization operation is copied onto the optimizer window, an alert window will pop up with the message: "Child not found: 1". This alert message can be ignored by clicking the "ok" button. Section 4.3 DSM Logs DSM Operations " Data Saving - When changes are made on the DSM spreadsheet, saving can only be done when the program focus is on the "DSM" page. Attempting to save on the "Clustering" and Clusters" page will result in runtime error and program malfunctioning next time the spreadsheet is opened. * Clustering Results - The current version of the spreadsheet allows the appearance of components in multiple modules, which can be confusing to the user. The important points to remember are: - A component shared by more than two modules is considered as a system - element. In reality it does not belong to any particular module in the system. In case a component is shared by two modules, the actual placement decision of which module the component is made by the engineers based on other design criteria not captioned in the DSM. For example, although the Peristaltic Pump is shared by both cluster 3 and 4 in Table 3.5, the engineers may decide to place it in cluster 4 so that the wiring between the pump and the other control and signal processing components can be mininized. Section 4.4 KCTooI Logs KCTool System * DLL Conflicts - If the user has trouble initiating the KCTool program, it may be because there is a DLL file conflict in the system. To solve this problem, copy the KCTool specific DLL files Mfc42d.dll, Mfcd42d.dll, Mfco42d.dll, and Msvcrtd.dll into the System32 directory under the main disk drive C:\. In our applications it is the sharing of these DLL files 76 between DOME and KCTool that causes the problem. Since the two programs use different versions of these DLL files, switching of their corresponding DLL files into the System32 directory is required in order to run both DOME and KCTool on the same computer. KCTool Operations * Inspection Limit Optimization - KCTool delivers the result of an inspection limit optimization to the InsLimit.txt file created in the same directory where KCTool resides. In order to visualize the cost vs. the inspection limit curve, the user has to cut and paste the numbers from the .txt file to an external program with graphing capability such as Excel. " Data Discrepancy - KCTool has occasional problems with its data storing functionality. In particular, the author has experienced a few incidents in which the performing of an optimization operation causes the inspection costs and limit data of some of the KCs to reset to zero. To avoid introducing data discrepancy into the optimization, it is therefore recommended that parameters associated with each KCs should be checked before optimization algorithm is performed. Another way to avoid this problem is to open up a new KCTool window every time an optimization operation is performed, so that the user can be sure that the data used in the operation is the same as what is stored in the Access database file. 77 Chapter 5: TOOL INTEGRATION A framework for integration is proposed in this chapter. Tool integration based on the framework is presented based on the context of this thesis project, and suggestions on specific future research opportunities are discussed. It is hoped that such discussion can unveil some insights on how Thrust 2 researchers can proceed in the efforts on developing an end-to-end system for product development. 5.1 The Integration Framework Presented in this section is an integration framework proposed by Thomas and Nejmeh in their article Definitions of Tool Integration for Environments [9]. Based on an earlier work by Anthony Wasserman [10], the framework defines integration in terms of the following four relationships: * Presentation - "The goal of presentation integration is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the user's interaction with the environment by reducing his/her cognitive Well integrated tools should allow the user to apply his/her experiences and expectations from one tool to the other. Furthermore, they should share the same load." " metaphors and mental models to minimize learning and usage interference for the user. Data - "The goal of data integration is to ensure that all information in the environment is managed as a consistent whole, regardless of how parts of it are operated on and transformed." Well integrated tools should be able to exchange and use each other's data with little work required. They should minimize redundant data, and they should share the same semantic constraints on data consistency. Finally, the tools should have a synchronization mechanism for making sure that changes to all shared non-persistent data made by one tools is communicated to the other. " Control - "The goal of control integration is to allow the flexible combination of an environment's functions, according to project preferences and driven by the underlying processes the environment supports." Well integrated tools should offer services other tools in the environment require and use, and at the same time they should be able to use the services provided by other tools appropriately. * Process - "The goal of process integration is to ensure that tools interact effectively in support of a defined process." Well integrated tools should be able to achieve goals that 78 are part of a coherent decomposition of a process step in which the completion of one goal by one tool leads to the achievement of other goals by others tools. They should also generate and handle event notification consistently. Lastly, the tool should make similar assumptions about the range of constraints they recognize and respect. Figure 5.1 summarizes the four-relationship definition above by presenting in questioning form what integration means to a single tool based on the elaborated properties of each relationship. This diagram is taken directly from the Thomas and Nejmeh article [9]. Process Integration Process step How well do relevant tools combine to support the performance of a process step? Event How well do relevant tools agree on the events required to support a process? Constraint How well do relevant tools cooperate to Presentation Integration Appearance and behavior To what extent do two tools use similar screen appearance and interaction behavior? enforce a constraint? Data Integration Interoperability How much work must be done for a tool to manipulate data produced by another? Nonredundancy How much data managed by a tool is duplicated in or can be derived from the data managed by the other? I4 TOOL Interaction paradigm To what extent do two tools use similar metaphors and mental models? Provision To what extent are a tool's services used by other tools in the environment? Use To what extent does a tool use the services provided by the other tools in the environment? Data consistency How well do two tools cooperate to maintain the semantic constraints on the data they manipulate? Data exchange How much work must be done to make the nonpersistent data generated by one tool usable by the other? Synchronization How well does a tool communicate changes it makes to the values of nonpersistent, common data? Control Integration Figure 5.1: Integration Definition by Thomas and Nejmeh 79 5.2 Implication on Thrust 2 Tool Integration Thomas and Nejmeh suggested that integration should be defined independently of the mechanisms and approaches used to support the process. Following their idea, the author applies the integration framework to the context of the thesis project. Implications are then presented on how such framework can assist the CIPD, in particular, the Thrust 2 researchers, in laying out an end-to-end system of product development. Limited by the scope of this research project, the discussion is only involved with the four Thrust 2 tools. Please note that it is not the intention of the center to exclude other tools and methodologies from participating in the product development system. In fact, the center realizes that its success relies on the its ability to reach out and get outside resources to contribute to system, as it understands that it does not have the all the resources required in tackling all the existing problems. 5.2.1 Presentation Integration The goal of presentation integration is to reduce the user's cognitive load on interacting with the individual tools, the tool sets, and the environment as a whole. Based on this definition, the author has identified among the Thrust 2 tools the following opportunities for presentation integration: IImplementation of a Standard Graphic User Interface - One possible solution for giving the Thrust 2 system a consistent "look and feel" is to implement a standard user interface across the four tools. A familiar example of this kind of presentation integration can be observed in the Microsoft Office Suite. Although the Office components all have different functionality, they are designed under a similar layout of tool bars and wizard windows. This gives the users a rough sense of where the commands are and what they do, such that once a user knows how to format a document in Word, it is not difficult for him/her to figure out how to make a nice looking spreadsheet in Excel. This integration solution is appropriate if the proposed Thrust 2 system is targeted for small, non-distributed development teams. It is typical for these teams to have developers in charge of multiple tools, in which case having a standard user interface can reduce the cognitive loads required for the developers to learn and interact with the different tools. 80 The author would like to point out however that this solution requires a significant amount of effort first in creating and maintaining an interface standard, then in rewriting the existing codes to accommodate the standard. In a research entity like the CIPD where tool development projects are predominantly independent in nature, such kind of integration may not be easily achievable. * Employment of a Common Wrapping Interface - An alternative solution to the standard interface is a wrapping interface system. A wrapping interface works on top of the different Thrust 2 interfaces. It acts as a middle person between the users and the tools, providing the users with a common "look and feel" while letting the tools to operate with their existing interfaces underneath. This integration solution is good for a Thrust 2 system that is targeted for large, distributed development teams. These teams usually have one or more developers in charge of each tool, i.e. one system engineer is maintaining a DSM model by himself, while a few manufacturing engineers are responsible only for the Assembly designer model. In such setting, there is no need for the system engineer nor the manufacturing engineer group to learn about each others' tool interface, as long as they can get access to the services and obtain the desirable results. The author feels that this kind of integration solution can be achievable through the DOME environment. In particular, DOME containers and interface windows should be created for Assembly Designer, DSM, and KCTool. Instead of creating plain input/output interface like that of Excel, the author recommends the employment of more customized interface windows like that of the genetic algorithm optimizer. Listed below are suggestions of possible tool interfaces: - The Assembly Designer interface may have an embedded EDIT module for - assembly sequence editing. The DSM interface may have a page for changing the weighting factors among the four dependencies, and a page for triggering the clustering algorithm and obtaining the result. 81 - The KCTool interface may have a page for assigning of corrective actions to KCs, and a page for performing the inspection simulation and obtaining the expected production results. 5.2.2 Data Integration The goal of data integration is to maintain data consistency among tools in the environment. Based on this definition, the author has identified the following opportunities for data integration: Assembly Designer and KCTool - KCTool can be modified to offer an alternative data For example, the KC representation format using the Datum Flow Chain (DFC). Flowdown data in Figure 3.11 can be represented as shown in Figure 5.2, in which the arrows trees depict the DFC model, and the dotted trees represent the KC Flowdown Structure. Note that there are three levels of KCs illustrated in this representation: " Part KCs are listed within the boxes associated with the parts - Subassembly KCs are listed between the dots associated with the parts System KC are listed between the boxes associated with the subsystems 82 Subsystem Cell Unit Subsyst em Optic Unit Part Flo w Cell: KC Cell TI k. Part Mounting Base: KC S12 X Loc KC S1 YLoc KC S2 Y Loc sI KC Distance I Part L ens: lKC hread Tolerance KC Alignment Part Camera: KC S12 XLoc KC S1 YLoc KC S2 YLoc g..... ............ - KC Kd Lens X Lopatio Window X KC Angle Tilted .. Location Q. K ngle ilted Part Optical Plate: KC S1 Hole Size (MB) KC S2 Hole Size (MB) KC S1 Hole Size (C) KC S2 Hole Size (C) -* mates ............. KC linkage Figure 5.2 DFC-based Data Representation for KCTool By adding such DFC-based data representation to KCTool, data integration between Assembly Designer and KCTool can be promoted through either the employment of a common data source, or the implementation of an automatic functionality in KCTool for deriving KC Flowdown directly from Assembly Designer outputs. The proposed DFC-based representation also unveil interesting system information not currently offered by either of the tools. Namely, the DFC-KC combined model is able to provide a visual clue on why the LaserNet Fines system is having problem delivery the distance and alignment KCs between the Cell Unit and the Optic Unit subsystems. It can be observed in Figure 5.2 that the distance and alignment KCs are the only KCs in the 83 . system that are not defined directly by a mate. Instead, they rely on two tree structures of mates for their KC delivery, one for the Cell Unit, and the other for the Optic Unit. As production variations build up at those mates, the failure rate at the two KCs also increases. The proposed DFC-KC model can therefore help engineers visualize the problems in the system that are otherwise hidden, which can be extremely useful in an iterative designing process. DSM and Assembly Designer - New version of the DSM spreadsheet can be designed to output the module formation in an Assembly Designer acceptable format, so that the connectivity requirements embedded in the clustering result can be utilized during the sequence editing process of Assembly Designer. For example, suppose that the engineers are interested in exploring the manufacturing feasibility of having an optical subassembly. Also suppose that the DSM clustering algorithm suggests a module formation composing of the Camera, the Focus Optics, and the Laser & Optics. Since components in a subassembly are typically assembled in order, the engineers can choose to eliminate all sequences with the components being assembled at different times by applying the DSM output in Assembly Designer. This increases the efficiency of the assembly designing process by reducing the size of the design space to be explored. * DOME and KCTool - Product data obtained from suppliers through the DOME remote service connections can be made compatible with the input format of KCTool, so that information such as manufacturing process capabilities and cost can be loaded automatically onto the KC Flowdown models without human intervention. 5.2.3 Control Integration The goal of control integration is to ensure that tools are able to provide and accept services as part of a whole system. Based on this definition, the author has identified the following opportunity for control integration: * A Service Exchange System - Since human intervention is required in many of the tools, the creation of an entirely automatic process using the four Thrust 2 tools is not feasible. Therefore, the author proposes instead the implementation of a service exchange system, one that can accommodate both human interactions and automatic triggering among tools. 84 In particular, the author recommends utilizing the DOME program linkage capability by coupling control integration with the wrapping interface presentation integration method mentioned earlier in this section. Once the customized interfaces for the Thrust 2 tools are created, the proposed service exchange system can conveniently be built in the DOME environment. 5.2.4 Process Integration The goal of process integration is to make sure that tools interact well to support a defined process. Based on this definition, we have identified the following opportunity for process integration: 0 System designing process - A 4-stage scenario is presented illustrating one way of combining the Thrust 2 tools to support an integrated development process. Refer to Appendix 2 for a demo script of this proposed process. Stage 1: DSM is used to determine module configuration based on a specific system architecture and the associated connectivity criteria. Input(s) - System architecture/breakdown in DSM format - Component dependency definition in spreadsheet matrix format Quantified module formation criteria, i.e. evaluation scores assigned to different - system dependencies Output(s) - Module formations based on specified criteria Stage 2: DOME is applied to select and optimize supplier components based on the modularized system architecture proposed by the DSM. Input(s) - Supplier database maintained by the purchasing department - CAD models of system components, maintained by the engineering department 85 - Product cost models in spreadsheet format, maintained by the manufacturing department - Performance simulation model maintained by system specialist Evaluation criteria in DOME format, defined by the engineering department " Other related product data in spreadsheet format, maintained by the engineering - department - Product specifications including CAD models and cost models, provided by the suppliers Output(s) - Supplier selection and component optimization based on specified design and performance criteria Stage 3: Assembly Designer is utilized to determine an appropriate assembly process based on the product system defined by DSM and DOME. Input(s) Part list with detailed product data obtained from DOME " Assembly constraint information obtained based on CAD models, i.e. exit directions for disassembly and degree-of-freedom constraint for each component - - Sequence evaluation criteria defined by manufacturing engineers Output(s) - Set of feasible assembly sequences complying with specified manufacturing criteria Stage 4: Once the assembly sequence has been finalized and production testing has been performed, KCTool is employed to configure a risk management strategy that warrants optimal production output. Input(s) - Key characteristic definitions, defined based on CAD models and assembly - sequence from Assembly Designer Flowdown hierarchy, defined based on CAD models and assembly sequence 86 - Cost of production, maintained by the manufacturing department Cost of quality control, maintained by the manufacturing department " Manufacturing process capabilities, obtained both from the manufacturing - department and the suppliers Output(s) - Risk management strategy for the assembly system Shown in figure 5.3 is a schematic of the proposed integrated development process. 87 Tool Outputs Tool Inputs " " System architecture Connectivity criteria DSM - Module formation " - Vendor selection Component optimization Assembly Designer - Assembly sequence KCTool - Production variation management strategy --U - Product models Supplier information Design evaluation criteria DOME " Geometric constraint information Sequence evaluation criteria Key Characteristic Flowdown definition Cost of production and quality control " Manufacturing capabilities Figure 5.3 One Possible Integrated Development Process Different combinations of the tools are possible, the important point is that the tool applications have to follow the chronological order due to data availability issues. The following are two variations of the proposed integrated development process: Variation 1 - Designing of a component to be manufactured in-house This scenario starts with the definition of the component design based on cost, performance, and compatibility with the rest of the system. Stage 1: DOME is used to optimize the component dimensions against simulated operation conditions. Sets of dimension which guarantee the satisfaction of 88 certain performance specifications can therefore be determined and be used in later analysis. Stage 2: Assembly Designer is used to further eliminate inappropriate dimensions by locating geometric incompatibility with the already defined system components. Stage 3: KCTool is used to investigate the effects each dimensions would have on risk management, and thereby select those that promise higher output quality and lower assembly cost. Stage 4: By this stage most of the inappropriate dimensions would have been eliminated. The remaining candidates are to be evaluated further and among which an optimal dimension is to be determined Variation 2 - Evaluating DFA/DFM driven design change This scenario starts with a working design of a system and the associated assembly process. Stage 1: Assembly Designer is used to determine alternative assembly sequences. Stage 2: DSM is used to assess module changes driven by the proposed assembly sequence modification. For example, suppose Assembly Designer suggests that the mating of one component is to be completed concurrently with the mating of another component. Using DSM, engineers can investigate how much system dependencies can be eliminated by combining the two components into a module. Stage 3: D.O.M.E. is used to investigate ways to accommodate the module changes while satisfying all design criteria, i.e. by changing the specifications of some of the in-house components, or by the using alternative supplier components 89 5.3 Chapter Summary The author proposed in this chapter suggestions on how the Thrust 2 tools can be integrated based on Thomas and Nejmeh's four-relationship integration framework. The integrated Thrust 2 system can be envisioned as follows: * It supports a system-wise "look and feel" for the users and thereby reduces the cognitive load associated with tool learning and usage. " It maintains data consistency and interoperability within the system. * It facilitates the service exchange among the tools. * It supports a multi-stage development process. 90 Chapter 6: CONCLUSION This chapter summarizes the conclusions obtained from this research. In addition, possible areas of future research in Thrust 2 tool integration are presented. 6.1 Conclusions The author approached the thesis project by first constructing four sample tools applications based on a product development case provided by jointly the Naval Research Laboratory and the Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems. These applications are designed to demonstrate the abilities of the tools to solve challenges appearing in different stages of the product development process. Although not actually integrated, the applications provide a common ground on which input and outputs of the tools can be studied, and potential interactions among the tools can thereby be inferred. Details of the sample tool applications are described in Chapter 3. The author went on to present in Chapter 5 Thomas and Nejmeh's framework for investigating integration opportunities of the Thrust 2 tools. Based on such framework, the author proposed suggestions on how the Thrust 2 tools can be integrated to construct a system which gives the users a consistent "look and feel", one that allows the tools to share data and services, and is capable of supporting a multi-stage development process. This thesis contributes to the CIPD research efforts by being the first to explore the integration of the Thrust 2 tools. The problems and opportunities highlighted in this project can guide the researchers in the development of an end-to-end product development process envisioned by the center. The application experiences obtained in this research can also be shared by students and researchers who are interested in getting involved in the Thrust 2 integration effort in the future. 6.2 Future Research Due to the limitation of data availability, only selected functionality of each Thrust 2 tools can be explored in this research. With additional data from the industrial partners, future research can be conducted on the tool capabilities that have been left out of this research, i.e. the other 91 three forms of DSM, the tolerance analysis module of Assembly Designer, and other plug-in programs of DOME, etc. More interesting interactions of the tools can hopefully be discovered, and as a result more integration opportunities can be unveiled. Another possibility is to introduce non-Thrust 2 tools into the research. For example, a tool named Virtual Customer has been developed by the Product Portfolio Definition group, Thrust 1, which allows developers to efficiently gather product requirements and other useful information from the customers. The addition of this tool, along with other commercial and academic tools, enables the development of a more complete end-to-end system that will eventually become part of the product development service marketplace envisioned by the CIPD. 6.3 Final Comments The main difficulty of this research project came from the uncertainties associated with the applications of the four independent product development tools. As these tools had never been used concurrently before, very little was known on how the tools would behave when installed onto a single computer, not to mention their actual interactions with each other. Throughout the two-year period of the project, the author had run into plenty of hidden obstacles when trying to apply the tools in a concurrent manner. For example, there was once an unidentified problem that caused the KCTool to stop running suddenly. Despite the author's efforts in working closely with the KCTool programmer, the source of the problem did not become apparent until weeks after the breakdown. More ironically, the discovery happened during the time when the author and his DOME contact researcher were trying to tackle a seemingly unrelated problem. It turned out that the problem was caused by the sharing of a same set of DLL files between DOME and KCTool. When the author installed DOME onto his computer, the DOME installation wizard automatically modified the DLL files and made them unusable by the KCTool. As illustrated in this example, pinpointing of these hidden obstacles can be a time-consuming process, since the relationship between a problem and its source may not be as obvious as one would hope. The time constraint is another major challenge of this project. The author felt that learning the four tools and developing four tool applications in four semesters was a bit too tight, especially since the author had to coordinate among the schedules of four different contact researchers. 92 Given that a full-scale application for DOME alone usually takes a whole team of graduate students to develop, the author recommends that future students should each take on at most two tools. With this thesis serving as a means for expediting the learning process, it is likely that such proposed arrangement would warrants the development of more detailed and more meaningful models than what could be achieved in this research project. 93 Bibliography Year Annual [1] Maurice Holmes, "The Center for Innovation in Product Development Report", MIT, Cambridge, MA, March 2000 [2] Stephen Rhee, "Computational Tools for Assembly Oriented Design", M.S.Thesis, MIT, Cambridge, MA, September 1999 [3] Naba Barkakati, "Red Hat LINUX Secrets, [4] Nicholas Borland, David Wallace, and Heiner P. Kaufmann, "Integrating Environmental Impact Assessment Into Product Design", 1998 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, September 1998 [5] David R. Wallace, Shaun Abrahamson, Nicola Senin, Peter Sferro, "Integrated Design in a Service Marketplace", Computer-aided Design, volume 32, no 2, pp. 97-107,2000 [6] Thomas U. Pimmler and Steven D. Eppinger, "Integration Analysis of Product Decompositions", working paper WP#3690-94-MS, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 1994 [7] Tony J. Chen and Anna C. Thornton, "Quantitative Selection of Inspection Plans", 1999 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, September 1999 [8] T.J. Sebok, C.J. Holloway, J. Reintjes, J.E. Tucker, "Optical Oil Debris Monitor as a Diagnostic Tool for Condition-based Maintenance", ASNE Condition-Based Maintenance Symposium, June 1998 [9] Ian Thomas and Brian A. Nejmeh, "Definitions of Tool Integration for Environments", IEEE Software, March 1992 [10] A.I. Wasserman, "Tool Integration in Software Engineering Environments", Software Engineering Environments: Proc. Int'l Workshop on Environment, F. Long, ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 137-149, 1990 94 2 nd 3rd Edition", IDG Books Worldwide, 1998 Appendix 1: Modeling Data for the Thrust 2 Tool Applications Part #1: OQplt Transform: Part #3: CA_plt Part #2: M-adjstr Transform: Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 X: 5.413000 Y: 2.500000 Z: 3.375000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 X: 5.413000 Y: 2.500000 Z: 3.375000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Part #4: camera TZ: 0.000000 Part #5: Mlens TZ: 0.000000 Part #6: CS blk Transform: Transform: Transform: X: 3.280000 Y: 2.250000 Z: 3.375000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Part #7: Fcell Transform: X: 12.563000 Y: 2.500000 Z: 3.375000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 X: 5.060000 Y: 1.384000 Z: 3.375000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Part #9: L-sprt Part #8: CM_blks Transform: Transform: X: 12.513000 X: 12.083000 X: 7.413000 Y: 1.134000 Y: 1.134000 Y: 2.250000 Z: 3.375000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Z: 3.375000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Z: 3.375000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 A1.1: Part Definitions for Assembly Designer Application 95 Liaison #1: Type: mate (6 dof) Partl: OQplt Part2: M adjstr Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Hole (6 dof) Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: 90.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Attributes: none Liaison #4: Type: mate (6 dot) Partl: CA-plt Part2: camera Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Hole (6 dof) Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: -90.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: -90.000000 Attributes: none Liaison #3: Liaison #2: Type: mate (1 dot) Partl: M_adjstr Part2: CAplt Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Spheroid on Plane Surface (1 dot) Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: 0.000000 TY: -90.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Attributes: 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.25000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.25000, 180.00000, 180.00000, 180.00000, 180.00000, -180.00000, 180.00000 Liaison #5: Type: mate (6 dof) Partl: camera Part2: Mlens Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Hole (6 dof) Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: 0.000000 TY: -90.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Attributes: none Type: mate (5 dof) Partl: Oplt Part2: CAplt Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Prismatic Peg /Prismatic Slot (5 dof) Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: -90.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: -90.000000 Attributes: 0.50000, 0.50000 Liaison #6: Type: contact Parti: L-sprt Part2: Mlens Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Plate Pin in Through Hole (5 dof) Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: 0.000000 TY: -90.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Attributes: 180.00000, 180.00000 A1.2: Liaison Definitions for Assembly Designer Application (continue to next page) 96 L Liaison #8: Liaison #7: Type: mate (6 dof) Partl: O_plt Part2: CS blk Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Hole (6 dof) Transform: Type: mate (5 dof) Partl: CSblk Part2: Fcell Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Prismatic Peg /Prismatic Slot (5 dof) Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: -90.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: -90.000000 Attributes: none Liaison #9: Type: mate (6 dof) Partl: CS_blk Part2: CM_blks Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Hole (6 dof) Transform: X: 0.000000 X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 90.000000 TZ: -90.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 90.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Attributes: 5.00000, - Attributes: none 5.00000 Liaison #10: Liaison #11: Type: mate (1 dof) Partl: CMblks Part2: Fcell Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Spheroid on Plane Surface (1 dof) Transform: Type: mate (6 dof) Partl: CAplt Part2: L sprt Number of Features: 1 Feature #1: Type: Prismatic Peg / Prismatic Hole (6 dof) Transform: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: 0.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: 0.000000 Attributes: 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 TX: -90.000000 TY: 0.000000 TZ: -90.000000 Attributes: none 0.00000, 0.00000, 2.50000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 A1.2: Liaison Definitions for Assembly Designer Application 97 8&10 >=9; 1 & 3 >= 2 ; 11 >=3&7&8; 11 >=3&4&7; 7 >=3&4&11 ; 11 >= 1 &2 & 3 & 7; 7 >= 1 &2 & 3 & 11; 4&5 >=6&11 ; 6&11 >=4&5; A1.3: SPAS Precedence Relationship for Assembly Designer Application (Note: the ">=" sign is interpreted as "should be completed before or at the same time as") 98 Total Variables-> Variable 18 Full Name Initial Value Dcell FlidCes 0.0001 meter Input Wcell Fluid Cell Width 0.00476 meter Input Lcell Fluid Cell 0.01016 meter Input Vmin Linear Min. Name Flow Rate 0.036 Unit Input/ eroutput meters per second Output = Vpix meters per second Output = ( PixSmear * Vpix ) I PWlaser Linear Max. 0.04995 Vpix Ce Hei ht 0.000003 meter Input Number of Vertical Pixels 480 unitless Input Frame 25 hertz Input meterA3 per second meterA3 per second PixV FrameRate ate Output = Dcell * Wcell * Vpix * PixV * FrameRate Output = ( Dcell * Wcell * PixSmear * FlowRateMin Min. Flow Rate 1.7136E-08 FlowRateMax Max. Flow Rate 2.37762E-08 PWlaser Laser Pulse 0.00002 second Input PixSmear Allowable Pixel Image Movement 0.333 unitless Input Fluid Density 887.42 Kilogram per Input CellHydDia 0.000195885 meter Output Rnum 0.702599619 unitless Width Dens Viscosity ___________ FlowVelocity rop Kinematic PresureNewon Flow Rate 13.94 centistoke _ Dens er- Newto per 0.05 Mde ( meters per second _nLoca (2 * Dcell * Wcell )l( Dcell + Wcell ) Output =FlowVeolcity * CellHydDia I ( Viscosity 0.000001 ) 5240.881238 Viscosity_______________ Linear Fluid Vpix ) I PWlaser A3 ___________________meter DeP PixV * FrameRate * _____ Vmax Flow Rate Equation __LMTDS * 64 * Lcell *( Output FlowVelocity A 2) (2 CellHydDia * Rnum) Input r Input )r Ep a Al1.4: Excel Model (on Local LMTDS Server) for DOME Application 99 Total Variables-> Variable 2 Full Name Initial Value Unit FCVolume Fluid Cell 3.OOE-04 cubic meter Input UnitCost Unit Cost of Component 5.04E+06 dollar Output Volume uput Equation (( ( FCVolume * 400000 )A3) 350 * HourlyLaborCost / 3600) + OtherComponentCost = * A1.5 Excel Model (on Remote Vendor Server) for DOME Application (Note: assume HourlyLaborCost = $30 and Other ComponentCost = $3000) 100 DIMENSION DIMENSION VOLUME HousingHeightO.013 C:\dome\models\LMDemoFiles\Asseml.sidasm meter 1 HHousing@Base-Extrude@Flowcell. Part HousingLength 0.063 C:\dome\models\LMDemoFiles\Asseml.sldasm meter 1 LHousing@Sketch3Flowcell.Part 1.784E-5 C:\dome\models\LMDemoFiles\Flowcell.sldprt dummy CeIlVolume cubicmeter 0 A1.6: LMSolidWorks.txt File (on Remote Vendor Server) for DOME Application 101 %% flow velocity simulation with viscosity range from 50cSt to 500cSt %% note: (20 cSt, 500 cSt) = (.00002 mA2/s, .0005 mA2/s) V = Vmin; i = 1; vis = (0.00002:0.00002:0.0005); [m,n] = size(vis); V_interval = (Vmax - Vmin)/10; Pressuremax = -inf; Pressure_min = inf; while V < Vmax Reynolds_number = V * Cellhyddia*ones(1,n)./vis; Pressure (i,:) = Density*((64*L cell*VA2)/(Cell _hyddia*2))*(ones(1,n)./Reynolds_number); if max(Pressure(i,:)) > Pressuremax Pressuremax = max(Pressure(i,:)); end if min(Pressure(i,:)) < Pressure_min Pressure_min = min(Pressure(i,:)); end V=V+Vinterval; i = i + 1; end P = Pressure_min; j = 1; P-interval = (Pressuremax - Pressure_min)/15; while P < Pressuremax V_range = 1/8 * P * (((Dcell * W cell)A2)/(Density*Lcell*(D cellA2+2*D cell*Wcell+W cellA2)))*(ones(1,n)./vis); P = P + Pinterval; j = + 1; plot(vis, V range); axis([O 5E-4 0 1]); hold on; end hold off; xlabel('Viscosity (mA2/s)'); ylabel(Flow Velocity (m/s)'); title('Flow Velocity Simulation with Viscosity and Pressure Drop as independent variables'); A1.7: LMMatlab.m File (on Remote Fluid Server) for DOME Application 102 L_cell D_cell W_cell Cellhyddia Density V_min V_max Lcell Dcell Wcell Cellhyddia Density V_min Vmax R R R R R R R 0.01016 0.00011 0.00476 0.00020547 887.42 0.03 0.41625 meter 1 1 meter 1 1 1 meter 1 meter 1 1 kilogramper cubicmeter metersper second metersper second LMMatlab.m LMMatlab.m LMMatlab.m LMMatlab.m 1 1 1 1 1 1 LMMatlab.m LMMatlab.m LMMatlab.m A1.8: LMMatlab.txt File (on Remote Fluid Server) for DOME Application 103 LMMatlab A1.9: LMMatlab.mtxt File (on Remote Fluid Server) for DOME Application 104 Name 213 1 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13141516 17{18 19 SBC, LCD, Touch 1 Frame Grabber 2 4 Pump, Peristaltic 3 1 1 Camera 4 1 2 1 Focus Optics 5 0 1 0 3 Laser & Optics 6 0 1 0 3 2 Laser Power Supply 7 1 1 1 1 1 Interface Board[ 8 1_4 _2__21 2 1 4f 2 Flow Cell 9 0 1 2 2 3 3 1 Ultrasonic Cleaner 10 12 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1E1 1 1 1 2 0 0 LS-120 Floppy 11 150W Power Supply 12 12 21_12 1 1U Power Switch 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Power Connector 14 0 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Power Line Filter 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 Power Relay 16 1 U 1 AC Fan 17 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 Input Sample Bottle 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 010 0 Discharge Bottle 19 f 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 A1.10: Combined Dependency Matrix for DSM Application 105 0 1 1 1 Name Rework to Nominal Distance Alignment Window X Location Lens X Location Thread Tolerance Screw1 +2 X Location Screw1 Y Location Screw2 Y Location Screwi +2 X Location Screw1 Y Location Screw2 Y Location Angle Tilted Angle Tilted Screw1 Hole Size (MB) Screw2 Hole Size (MB) Screw1 Hole Size (C) Screw2 Hole Size (C) Cell Thickness Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Yes 2.95 0 2.95 0 0.1 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 0.203 0.203 0.25 0.25 0.5 Inspection Variable Cost 2 Distance 2 Alignment 1 Window X Location 1 Lens X Location 0 Thread Tolerance 0 Screw1 +2 X Location 0 Screw1 Y Location 0 Screw2 Y Location 0 Screw1 +2 X Location 0 Screw1 Y Location 0 Screw2 Y Location 1 Tilted Angle 1 Angle Tilted 0 Screw1 Hole Size (MB) 0 Screw2 Hole Size (MB) 0 Screw1 Hole Size (C) 0 (C) Size Screw2 Hole 0 Cell Thickness Name to Cost of Sigma Mean Scrap Inspection Fixed 0.003 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.0002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.02 0.02 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 2.945 -0.005 2.95 0 0.1 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 0.203 0.203 0.25 0.25 0.5 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Man RworkCost 35 50 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 3 3 3 3 10 Rework Part Rework Percent No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No 15 20 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 20 Lower Inspection Limit 2.94 -0.05 2.93 -0.02 0.0995 0.487 0.487 0.487 0.495 1.495 1.495 -0.05 -0.05 0.2 0.2 0.245 0.245 0.495 Fixed Upper Inspection Corrective Action Limit No 2.96 No 0.05 No 2.97 No 0.02 No 0.1005 No 0.497 No 0.497 No 0.497 No 0.505 No 1.505 No 1.505 No 0.05 No 0.05 No 0.205 No 0.205 No 0.252 No 0.252 Yes 0.505 A1.11: Key Characteristic Definitions for KCTool Application (Note: costs are expressed in labor minutes. assume 60 minutes = $100) 106 System/Subsystem/Part Name Purchasing Cost Assembly Cost Optical Assembly Cell Unit Optic Unit Flow Cell Mounting Base Lens Camera Optical Plate 3730 730 2020 400 300 1000 1000 800 180 30 20 0 0 0 0 0 A1.12: System/Subsystem/Part Definitions for KCTool Application (Note: costs are expressed in labor minutes. assume 60 minutes = $100) 107 System/Subsystem/Part KC Assembly Distance 10 Cost +5.0 * Angle Tilted of Optic Unit +0.5* Screw2 Hole Size (MB) of Optical Plate 10 +0.5 * Screw1 Hole Size (C) of Optical Plate -0.5 *Screw2 Hole Size (C) of Optical Plate +1.0 * Screw1 +2 X Location of Mounting Base -1.0 * Cell Thickness of Flow Cell +1.0 *Screw1 Y Location of Mounting Base -1.0 * Screw2 Y Location of Mounting Base +1.0 * Thread Tolerance of Lens +1.0 * Screwl +2 X Location of Camera +1.0* Screw1 Y Location of Camera -1.0 * Screw2 Y Location of Camera Window X Cell Unit ClUntAngle Location 10 Tilted Lens X Optic Unit Optical Plate Flow Cell Mounting Base Lens Camera Location Angle Tilted Screw1 Hole Size (MB) Screw2 Hole Size 10 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Cell NONE NONE Screw1 +2 X Location NONE NONE Screwi Y Location NONE NONE Screw2 Y Location NONE NONE Thread Tolerance NONE NONE Screw1 +2 X Location NONE NONE Screwi Y NONE NONE Screw2 Y Location NONE NONE -(MB) Screw1 Hole Size (C) Screw2 Hole Size (C) Thickness Location _Un Unit -1.0 * Window X Location of CellUnit +1.0 * Lens X Location of Optic +5.0 * Angle Tilted of Cell Unit Optical Assembly Alignment Error Stack Up __fCe -1.__*_WindowXLcation A1.13: Error Propagation Definitions for KCTool Application (Note: costs are expressed in labor minutes. assume 60 minutes = $100) 108 Appendix 2: Thrust 2 Application Demo Scripts Stage 1 (DSM APPLICATION): Starting point: * * USE COMPUTER ON THE RIGHT Open window explorer in directory C:\Thrust2DEMO\DSM DSM clustering operation: * * * Open DSM-Program.xls Click "Enable Macros" in the Excel pop-up window Click "Cluster DSM" button on the left tool bar (third icon with 2 gray squares on the side and 1 yellow one in the middle). Screen will be directed automatically to the "Clustering" page * On the "Clustering" page, click the "Recalculate Clusters" button (pink button on the top of the page) and take note of the Coordination Cost * Repeat the process until a desirable cluster formation is obtained * Click "Show Clusters" button (pink button on next to the "Recalculate Clusters" button) " Look at the suggested clustering configuration on the Clusters page and pick out possible ones for further evaluation * Close all windows without saving any changes Stage 2 (DOME APPLICATION): Starting point: * * * * * * * * USE COMPUTER IN THE MIDDLE AND ON THE RIGHT, AS WELL AS THE LEFT COMPUTER BEHIND THE DIVIDER On bubbe (local server), click "DOME Server Manager" icon on desktop to initiate DOME server. Wait until the "User Manager" window come out Repeat the process on farfalen and tanta (remote servers) Go back to bubbe, click "DOME Client" icon to bring up a web browser with the DOME interface Click "OK" on the "Copyright Notice" window Enter name as "thrust2" and password as "mitcipd", leave server as "localhost", then hit Enter Enter leave name and password as they are ("thrust2" and mitcipd" respectively), change server to "" , then hit Enter to login remotely to farfalen Repeat the process for tanta, enter server as "" Preparing the local model: 109 " * * * * * * * Open "LMDemo.mdl" model on the bubbe client window by clicking on the triangle on the left of the model label Wait until windows of all the external to pop-up before going back to the bubbe client window Wait until the "Top_LevelModule" appears, then open the module by clicking on the triangle on the left of the module label Open "DesignAnalysis" module on bubbe, then open "RnumCrit" under it Open the "Excel" module, left click on the variable "Rnum" to highlight it, then right click to choose "Copy local location" Close Excel module by clicking the triangle on the left Go back to the "DesignAnalysis" module, left click on "Attribute" under the "RnumCrit" module to highlight, then right click to choose "Connect alias" Left click the "DesignAnalysis" module again to highlight, then right click to choose "Add" > "Analysis" -> "Optimization" * * * * * * * Left double-click on "GAOptimizer" to open optimization window Go back to the bubbe client window, open "AggregateScore" module under "DesignAnalysis", hightlight then right click on "score" to select "Copy local location" Go to the optimization window, click "Add Objective" button Wait for the "ALERT or something" window to pop-up, then click the "OK" button on it Go back to the bubbe client window, open "VendorTest" module under the "Vendors" module, do "Copy local location" for the "ReqDepth" variable, then click the "Add Modules" button on the optimization window Repeat the process for variable "FlowV" Set upper and lower bound for the two variables on the optimization window as follows: ReqDepth FlowV * * LB = 1.3E-4 UB = 4E-4 LB = 0.03 UB = 0.08 Click the "GASettings" tab on the top of the optimization window, set value of "Generation" to "5" and value of "Population" to "3" Iconize the optimization window for the time being Preparing the farfalen CAD model: * * * * * Go to the farfalen client window, open the "LMCAD.mdl" model Wait until the "TopLevel_Module" to come up, then open the "CostModel" module Go to the farfalen screen, click "Close" on the "Tip of the Day" pop-up window Go back to the bubbe screen, open the "Catalog" module, then change the value of "selection" under it from "1.0" to "5.0" Go back to the farfalen screen, maximize the SolidWorks window Preparing the tanta Matlab model: * * * Go back to the bubbe screen, go to the tanta client window to open the "LMMatlab.mdl" model Wait until the "TopLevelModule" to come up, then open the "Matlab" module Go to the tanta screen, maximize the Matlab "Figure NO. 1" window DOME optimization operation: 110 * * * Bring the optimization window back to normal size, then click the forward button on the bottom of the window ( the double-arrow button on the far right ) to initiate the optimization process Take note on how the optimization result converges on the "Objective function Score" graph Close all models and windows properly without saving any of the changes ( refer to Chapter 4 of the thesis for DOME shutdown procedures) Stage 3 (ASSEMBLY DESIGNER APPLICATION) Starting point: * * * * * * " * * * USE COMPUTER ON THE LEFT Restart computer At the LILO boot prompt, type "linux" Wait until the Athena screen come out, type CTRL-ALT-DEL to initialize logon window Logon with personal Athena account At the Athena prompt, type "ssh -1tzelee cadlab9.mit.edu" Enter password as "kyookaral" At the cadlab9 prompt, type "cd ASA/AD" Then type "AD" (please do not attach an & symbol as that causes mal-functioning of the program) Click "File" -> "Open", then input assembly name as "OpAssm" Geometric Constraint input: * * * * Click "Modules" -> "SPAS" on the tool bar Enter "n" for the question: "Would you like to have the parts displayed?" Enter "y" for the question: " Is this information correct?" Enter "n" for the question: "Would you like to include disassembly axis information in the analysis?" * Enter "n" for the question: "Would you like to read the answers stored during a previous run of SPAS/2?" " Answer "y" for question 1, then "n" for question 2 * Press CTRL-C to retrieve to the previously entered data * Click "Modules" -> "DFCPR" on the tool bar to show the geometric constraints derived by the computer based on DFC * Click "Modules" -> "Constraint Analysis" to check for over/under constrained conditions in the assembly model Assembly Designer sequence editing operation: * * * Click "Modules" -> "EDIT" -> "Complete" to initiate EDIT program Enter "n" for the question: "Do you want to read data from a previous problem?" Enter "n" for the question: "If you want to use the part drawings, type the name of the assembly?" 111 Click on the unexpanded sequence graph window to show all possible assembly sequences * Display state information by Clicking "Show" -> "Show-state" * Initiate sequence deletion mode by click the "Delete" -> "del-state" button on the top tool bar * On the last level of assembly states with 6 liaison matrices, delete all but the state with liaison 2 and 3 uncompleted (matrix number 3 counting from the left). Explain according to the example presented in Chapter 3 of the thesis * Click "Redraw" -> "graph" to show the edited tree * Click "Quit" -> "yes" to quit EDIT program, then click "OK" on the pop-up message window * Close the Assembly Designer window without saving any changes * Stage 4 (KCTool APPLICATION) Starting point: * * USE COMPUTER ON THE RIGHT Open window explorer in directory C:\Thrust2DEMO\KCTool KCTool inspection simulation operation: * * * Simulate inspection by clicking "Inspect" -> "Simulate Inspection" Enter "100" as number of products built Show inspection simulation result, point out the most rework are done at the alignment and the distance KCs KCTool inspection optimization operation: * * * * * Optimize inspection strategy by clicking "Inspect" -> "Optimize Inspection" Enter "100" as initial temperature, click "ok" Enter "100" as number of products built per setting Open opt_result.bmp to show result of inspection strategy optimization Close all windows without saving any changes 112