chap 11-14 possible essay questions

Discuss at least three different approaches to the sculptural portrayal of the human body
by different artists. Include your own assessment of the message each artist sends through
the work and how you think his/her medium, processes, and technique affected the
success of the work in communicating to the viewer.
Explore the concept of impermanent sculpture by discussing an impermanent sculptural
work or installation. Discuss the reasoning behind such a work of art and how its
impermanence affects its meaning.
Question about stained glass or felted wool process as taught by Mrs. Fye.
Consider the Taj Mahal and the Pantheon. Both of these buildings feature dome
construction. Discuss the differences in appearance and styles of the dome.
Consider Lever House and Fallingwater. Identify the architects who designed each
structure and the ways that purpose, location, and the architect’s understanding of
modernism influenced the appearance and design of each structure.
Explain the new technologies of the Neolithic era that caused changes in human life and
led to the development of civilization.
Discuss the evolution of style in Greek sculpture, naming and describing specific works
that illustrate each of the stages you mention.
Consider the Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, the Ishtar Gate, OR the Parthenon. Discuss
in terms of the purpose for which it was intended. Also discuss the style and structural
system in which the work was made.