Daily Correlation and Volatility Dynamics between National Stock Markets with Non-overlapping Trading Hours Yiguo Sun 1 Department of Economics University of Guelph Guelph, ON N1G2W1 Canada February 2008 (Preliminary Draft) Abstract This paper studies the daily correlation and volatility dynamics between two national markets with non-overlapping trading hours via a dual synchronization procedure. The duality method is motivated by the asynchronous problem: the use of daily close-to-close market returns results two different within 24-hour return cross correlations between the two national markets according to transaction time instead of calendar time. We take the asymmetric within 24-hour correlations as the evidence that one national economy has stronger impact on the other one than vice versa. The method is applied to Australian and the USA markets. Key Words: non-synchronization; (reversed) echelon form of VARMA; BEKK model JEL Classification: C32; C53; G15 1. Introduction With the fast growing telecommunication technology and capital mobility, combined with the increasing international involvement in trades of good and services and policy coordination, it is stylized fact that an individual nation’s financial market is hardly completely immune to shocks from foreign countries. In addition, a nation’s market index is one of the important leading indicators used to predict the nation’s economic status in the following several months. Therefore, understanding the inter-market relationships 1 Email address: yisun@uoguelph.ca. This draft is preliminary and revision is under way. 1 helps to predict how the changes of one nation’s economic situation influence another nation’s economy. Take the impact of the recent turbulences originated from the USA sub-primary credit markets for an example. The sharp drops of Asian and European market prices in January 2008 have manifested the markets’ concerns of the potential impact of the USA economic slowdown on global economy. 2 Although a nation’s financial market can recover from extreme negative foreign shocks in the long-run period, the short-run suffering may not be easily swallowed. It is thus pertinent to understand the short-run interdependence of prices and price volatilities and correlations across national markets. Given the crucial role of inter-market dependency, numerous research works have been produced in the last two decades. Few are named here: Burns et al. (1998), Hamo, et al. (1990), Koch and Koch (1991), Koutmos and Booth (1995), Longin and Solnik (1995), Martens and Poon’s (2001), among many others. This paper joins the literature by studying the daily correlation and volatility dynamics between two national markets with non-overlapping trading hours. Specifically, we name the market opening earlier between two non-overlapping markets to be market E and the other market W. 3 We then denote their respective market returns by re ,t and rw,t on calendar date t, where the time refers to the time recorded in market W. Figure 1 plots the time line of the market returns on two consecutive calendar dates. Since rw,t −1 , re ,t , and rw,t are observed consecutively with less-than-24-hour time increment, we can always construct two within 24-hour correlation measures: ρ A = corr (re,t , rw,t ) and ρ B = corr (rw,t −1 , re,t ) (1) If we interpret ρ A as a measure of market E’s influence on the next market W and ρ B as a measure of market W’s influence on the next market E, ρ B > ρ A then implies that market W’s economy has stronger influence on market E’s economy than vice versa. Also, ρ A = ρ B implies symmetric influence between the two national economies and 2 A word of caution here: we will not over-emphasize the predicative power of stock index returns on national economy, as it is hard to measure to what extent that stock price changes are attributed to changes in fundamental values. 3 It is motivated by the fact that international markets open and close sequentially every day from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere. 2 none of the national economies lead another. The asynchronous problem mentioned in the literature refers to the asymmetric case, i.e. ρ A ≠ ρ B such that none of the intra-day correlations can be treated as the contemporaneous correlation between the two national markets. To overcome the asynchronous problem, Burns et al. (1998, BEM henceforth) proposed to calculate the contemporaneous (conditional) covariance and correlation from synchronized returns {(rˆe,t , rˆw,t )}, where the hypothetical return rˆe,t synchronizes with rw,t on calendar date t = 1,2, . Specifically, their synchronization procedure works like this: splitting the time period from calendar date t-1 to calendar date t into two time intervals, 1 = t − (t − 1) = t1 + t2 , the synchronized return rˆe,t takes the sum of re ,t − Et −1 (re ,t ) , the return occurring during time t1 , and Et re,t +1 , the expected return occurring during time t2 . Here, t1 is the time length between market W’s closing time on calendar date t-1 and market E’s closing time on calendar date t and t2 is the time length between market E’s closing time on calendar date t and market W’s closing time on calendar date t. Figure 1. Time line of asynchronous and synchronized returns rˆe ,t t-1 re ,t −1 rw,t −1 (r e ,t re ,t t1 + rw,t t2 =1 − Et −1 (re ,t )) + Et re,t +1 = rˆe,t BEM’s methodology takes the closing time of market W on each day as the reference time. Note that, on calendar date t, re,t and rw,t are observed sequentially within 24 hours, so are rw,t −1 and re ,t . We therefore question what additional information we can obtain if we synchronize the returns from market W with those from market E closing within 24 hours; that is, on a calendar date t, taking the closing time of market E as the reference time, we attempt to construct ~ r synchronizing with r . w, t e,t 3 Hence, a dual method is proposed to solve the asymmetric or asynchronous problem defined by Eq. (1). What we do is this: to correct the biasedness of ρ A in measuring the contemporaneous correlation between the two markets, we construct synchronized data {(rˆ AUS , t , rˆUS ,t )} from {(r AUS ,t , rUS ,t )}; to correct the biasedness of ρ B in measuring the contemporaneous correlation between the two markets, we construct synchronized data {(~rUS ,t , ~rAUS ,t )} from {(rUS ,t −1 , rAUS ,t )};. We call the first synchronization procedure method A and the second one method B, and apparently, each method reflects one side story of a mirror. Intuitively, if the synchronization procedure is adequate, the (cross) serial return correlations of {(rˆAUS ,t , rˆUS ,t )} should be very close to those of {(~ rUS ,t , ~ rAUS ,t )}. In addition, if method A leads to larger corrections on the contemporaneous correlations between the two markets than method B does, we explain that market W has stronger influence on market E than vice versa. Further, the methods are complementary. In the opening of market W on calendar date t, method B can be used to estimate the conditional correlation of market W with market E with return data up to rw,t −1 and re,t , while method A only uses return data up to re,t −1 and rw,t −1 ; apparently, method B provides more accurate information than method A does. In contrast, in the opening of market E on calendar date t, similar argument applies and method A is preferred to method B. Therefore, both methods can be used rotationally, depending on which market’s risks are to be hedged. In the end, applying the dual approach to study the inter-market relationships between Australian and the USA markets, we find that method A leads to large corrections on the contemporaneous conditional correlations while method B gives negligible corrections, and that the two methods give similar (cross) autocorrelation functions for synchronized returns as expected. We interpret this as an evidence to support that the USA market has stronger influence on Australian market than vice versa. Of course, the conclusion of our empirical findings is not new, we just use this set of data to illustrate the usefulness of the dual synchronization procedures and introduce this method to readers as an alternative in learning the lead-lag relationship between two national markets with non-overlapping trading hours. 4 The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains the identification and estimation of dynamic conditional models of bivariate returns and gives the synchronization procedure of Burns et al. (1998). We then illustrate the dual method to the daily Australian and the USA market returns in Section 3. Section 4 concludes. 2. Dynamic modeling and return synchronization In this section, we first give mathematical representation of the dynamic structures on both conditional mean and conditional second moment equations of the original, asynchronous return data. Following Burns et al.’s (1998) method, we then construct the synchronized returns from the asynchronous return data. Moreover, we explain how the synchronization procedure changes the dynamic structures of the original, asynchronous returns data. 2.1. Dynamic structure model of conditional mean returns Koch and Koch (1991) considered the pure vector autoregressive model VAR(p) and Burns et al. (1998) assumed vector moving average of order one (VMA(1)) model to capture the short-term serial return correlations across the markets. Theoretically, an invertible VARMA(p,q) model can be well approximated by a VAR model including as many lag terms as possible; however, the estimation efficiency and accuracy will be reduced with the increase of the number of parameters to be estimated. On the other hand, a misspecified VMA(1) model could give misleading inferences on the causal relations between market index returns. Therefore, we start with estimating a general bivariate VARMA model and let the data to select the parsimonious model best for the data. Denote Yt = (xt yt ) and ε t = (ε x ,t T ε y ,t )T . When method A is applied, we have (xt , yt ) = (re,t , rw,t ) . When method B is applied, we have (xt , yt ) = (rw,t −1 , re,t ) . In either case, xt is observed within 24-hour earlier than yt is. We consider the following VARMA(p,q) model 5 p p q q i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 p p q q i =0 i =1 i =0 i =1 xt = ∑φ11,i xt − i + ∑ φ12,i yt − i + ε x ,t + ∑ψ 11,iε x ,t − i + ∑ψ 12,iε y ,t − i (2) yt = ∑ φ21,i xt − i + ∑ φ22,i yt − i + ε y ,t + ∑ψ 21,iε x ,t − i + ∑ψ 22,iε y ,t − i which takes Koch and Koch’s (1991) and Burns et al.’s (1998) models as special cases and assumes ψ 21,0 = −φ21,0 for the sake of identification. Also, E (ε t | I t −1 ) = 0 and ( ) E ε t ε tT | I t −1 = H t , a positive definite matrix, for any calendar date t. The information set available on calendar date t is given by I t −1 = {(xs , ys , ε x , s , ε y , s ) : s < t}. Apparently, other factors being fixed, the parameters in front of xt and ε x,t in the equation of yt and those in front of yt −1 and ε y ,t −1 in the equation of xt capture the within 24-hour inter-market effects, and parameters φ12,i , ψ 12,i , φ21,i , and ψ 21,i (i>0) capture the inter-market relations beyond 24 hours. As in Koch and Koch (1991), model (2) can be used to distinguish intra-day effects from inter-day effects between the two markets. If the international stock markets are efficient, finance theory predicts that inter-market adjustments should be completed within 24 hours, not beyond a day. Rewritting the models above in matrix format gives p q i =1 i =1 = ∑ Φ iYt − i + Φ 0ε t + ∑ Ψiε t − i , Φ 0Yt (3) 0⎤ ⎡φ11,i φ12,i ⎤ ⎡ψ 11,i ψ 12,i ⎤ and for i ≥ 1 , Φ i = ⎢ and Ψi = ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥. 1⎦ ⎣φ21,i φ22,i ⎦ ⎣ψ 21,i ψ 22,i ⎦ ⎡ 1 where Φ 0 = ⎢ ⎣− φ21,0 The standard software such as Splus considers the model with parameter matrices ~ ~ Φ i = Φ 0−1Φ i and Ψi = Φ 0−1Ψi ; that is, Φ 0−1 is multiplied to both sides of the model above: Yt p q ~ ~ = ∑ Φ iYt − i + ε t + ∑ Ψiε t − i , t = max( p, q ) + 1, i =1 ,T . (4) i =1 p q ~ ~ ~ ~ Define Φ(L ) = I − ∑ Φ i Li and Ψ (L ) = I − ∑ Ψi Li to be its characteristics functions of i =1 i =1 {( ~ ~ the VARMA(p,q) model. The parameters Φ i , Ψ j )} are identified if we assume that (a) ~ ~ Φ (L ) and Ψ (L ) have no common left factors other than unimodular ones, and (b) with 6 ([ ]) ~ ~ q as small as possible, and p as small as possible given q , rank Φ p , Ψq = 2 , the dimension of Yt (see Reinsel, 1993, Sect. 2.3.4). In addition, the return vector, {Yt } , is ~ stationary if the roots of Φ( z ) = 0 all lie outside the unit circle, and it is invertible if the ~ roots of Ψ ( z ) = 0 all lie outside the unit circle. However, when φ21,0 is also of our concern, we need to directly estimate model (3), instead of model (4). The identification of model (3) has been studied Tsy (1991) and Lutkepohl and Poskitt (1996), and references therein. Lutkepohl and Poskitt (1996) suggest constructing parsimonious and identifiable VARMA models via the (reversed) echelon form VARMA models. An echelon form VARMA model is determined by the Kronecker indices (n1,n2), which gives the largest polynomial order of the first and second row of the characteristic functions of the model, and this model has an equivalent mathematical representation of VARMA(max(n1,n2), max(n1,n2)). In particular, if n1=n2, the model becomes the standard VARMA(n1,n1) model with φ21,0 = 0 . When n2 + 1 ≤ n1 holds, φ21,0 is a free parameter to be estimated, and ( xt , ε x ,t ) observed earlier does directly affect the prediction of yt . Therefore, starting from the echelon form VARMA model and constructing the models in transaction sequence instead of calendar sequence, we are able to identify the intra-day effects from both markets. Finally, the optimal Kronecker index vector is selected via information criteria such as AIC, BIC and HQ statistics, as explained in Lutkepohl and Poskitt (1996). 2.2. Constructing synchronized returns Following BEM’s methodology, we construct the synchronized returns, Ŷt , from the compounded close-to-close daily returns: p q i =1 i =1 ~ ~ Yˆt = EtYt +1 + (Yt − Et −1Yt ) = ∑ Φ iYt +1− i + ε t + ∑ Ψiε t +1− i (5) where Et (⋅) = E (⋅ | I t ) . Apparently, Yˆt ≠ Yt if EtYt +1 ≠ Et −1Yt . In addition, if { Yt } is serially uncorrelated, we have Yˆt = Yt and the asynchronous trading is of no importance. Given 7 that asynchronous returns follow a general VARMA(p,q) model, what will be the stochastic property of the synchronized returns? Simple calculations give that p q ~ ~ Yˆt = ∑ Φ iYt +1− i + ε t + ∑ Ψiε t +1− i i =1 i =1 q ⎞ q ~ ~ ~ ⎛ ~ = ∑ Φ i ⎜⎜ ∑ Φ jYt +1− i − j + ε t +1− i + ∑ Ψ jε t +1− i − j ⎟⎟ + ∑ Ψiε t +1− i + ε t i =1 j =1 ⎝ j =1 ⎠ i =1 p p (6) p p q ~ ~ ~ = ∑ Φ iYˆt − i + ε t + ∑ Φ i (ε t +1− i − ε t − i ) + ∑ Ψiε t +1− i i =1 i =1 ( i =1 ) i =1 p −1 ( ) q −1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ∑ Φ iYˆt − i + I + Φ1 + Ψ1 ε t + ∑ Φ i +1 − Φ i ε t − i + ∑ Ψi +1ε t − i − Φ pε t − p p i =1 i =1 {} The synchronized returns, Yˆt , thus follow VARMA( p, max(q − 1, p )) model, and the VARMA model of the synchronized returns shares the same autoregressive parameter matrices as that of the asynchronous returns {Yt } . In other words, the synchronization procedure preserves the autoregressive structure of the asynchronous returns. This simple proof is consistent with BEM’s (1998) idea that the synchronization procedure corrects the short-term dynamic linkage between two non-overlapping national markets. In addition, the last equation of Eq. (6) indicates that Et −1Yˆt ≠ Et −1Yt in general. Taking () ~ VAR(1) for an example, we obtain Et −1 Yˆt = Φ1 Et −1 (Yt ) , and it means that the mean of the synchronized returns will not be the same as that of the raw returns conditional on information set I t −1 unless the raw return data is an I(1) sequence. 2.3. Dynamic conditional second moments Denote the time-varying conditional covariance of the asynchronous returns, conditional on the information set I t −1 by ⎡ hxx ,t H t = Var (Yt | I t −1 ) = E ε tε tT | I t −1 = ⎢ ⎣hyx ,t ( ) hxy ,t ⎤ , hyy ,t ⎥⎦ where we caution that we cannot interpret hxy ,t to be the contemporaneous conditional covariance between the two market returns due to the non-synchronicity. If the VARMA(1,1) model is the proper model to fit the raw data, the time-varying conditional covariance of the synchronized returns, conditional on the information set I t −1 will be 8 ( ) ( ) Hˆ t = Var Yˆt | I t −1 = E ξtξtT | I t −1 = ΛH t ΛT (7) ~ ~ 2 where Λ = I + Φ1 + Ψ1 = (λij )i , j =1 and ξt = Λε t . If Λ is a lower triangular matrix, 2 hˆxx ,t = λ11 hxx ,t . If Λ is an upper triangular matrix, hˆyy , t = λ222 hyy ,t . Otherwise, the synchronized conditional variance in each market is also affected by innovations from the other market. Throughout this paper, we assume E (Yt ) = 0 , since we can always remove the sample means from the data, so the unconditional mean of the synchronized returns is () p ~ ˆ E Yt = ∑ Φ i E (Yt +1− i ) = 0 , and its unconditional covariance can be estimated by its i =1 sample covariance. Next, to quantify the dynamic structure of the conditional second moments of the asynchronous returns, we use Engle and Kroner’s (1995) BEKK(a,b) model to capture the conditional heteroskedasticities of the data: a b i =1 i =1 H t = W + ∑ AiT ε t −1ε tT−1 Ai + ∑ BiT H t −1 Bi (8) where W = (ωij ) = C T C with a non-singular lower triangular matrix C . The series {Yt } is a stationary if the eigenvalues of b ∑ A ⊗ A + ∑ B ⊗ B are all less than one in modulus. i =1 i i i =1 i i Of course, many variant of multivariate GARCH models can be used to capture time varying volatilities and correlations. For example, the VECH model of Bollerslev, Engle, and Wooldridge (1988), the constant conditional correlation (CCC) model of Bollerslev (1990), the factor ARCH (FARCH) model of Engle, Ng, and Rothschild (1990), the asymmetric dynamic covariance (ADC) matrix model of Kroner and Ng (1998), among many others. The selection of the BEKK model is due to its popularity and good performance documented in many empirical studies. 9 2.4. Consistent estimator via Quasi-maximum likelihood method The quasi-MLE of Bollerslev and Wooldridge (1992) maximizes the following likelihood T T T t =1 t =1 t =1 function: L(θ ) = ∑ lt (θ ) = −T ln (2π ) − 12 ∑ ln H t − 12 ∑ ε tT H t−1ε t , where H t is given by Eq. (8) and ε t is derived from Eq. (3) if the echelon form VARMA model is considered and it is derived from Eq. (4) if the standard VARMA model is considered. To identify the parameter vector θ , we need some parameter restrictions: the diagonal elements of C cannot be zero for the assurance of a p.d.f. matrix W , and the upper left corner element of A and B are positive as in Engle and Kroner (1995) otherwise –Aii and –Bii also satisfy the multivariate GARCH models (8). Of course, we could impose other restrictions on A and B, but the current assumptions can be easily imposed by using a112 ,i and b112 ,i as the respective upper left corner element of A and B. Moreover, stationarity and invertibility are enforced on the model using the reparameterization discussed in Ansley and Kohn (1986). In addition, the QMLE involves the calculation of the score function and the Hessian matrix. Due to the complication of the objective function, it is common practice to use numerical gradients to substitute analytical ones, which may cause estimation accuracy loss, especially when the number of parameters is high. We therefore apply the variance targeting method of Engle and Mezrich (1996) to reduce the number of a b i =1 i =1 parameters by three; that is, we fix W = H 0 − ∑ AiT H 0 Ai − ∑ BiT H 0 Bi in Eq. (8) and H 0 is replaced with the sample covariance of {Yt }. To differentiate the models estimated, we call a model without the variance target restriction to be full model and a model with the restriction to be variance-targeting model. 3. Empirical application In this section, we use the Australian and USA market indexes to illustrate the usefulness of the dual method when making inferences on dynamic interdependence between two national markets with non-overlapping trading hours. The Australian (AUS) and the USA markets locate at the GMT+10 and GMT-5 time zones, respectively. On a given calendar date, the AUS market opens within 24 hours after the USA market closed on the previous 10 date, and the USA market opens within 24 hours after the AUS market is closed. The AUS and USA markets have no overlapping trading hours at all. The daily closing prices are downloaded from DataStream and span from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2006. The merged data contain 4,016 observations recorded in New York time. In addition, all prices are in the US dollar and we scaled up the daily compound returns by 100, before removing the day-of-week effects from the raw data. 3.1 Summary statistics Table 1 gives summary statistics for the close-to-close index returns, where the second and fifth columns are for the asynchronous AUS and US daily market returns, respectively. The US daily returns are more volatile than the AUS daily returns, as their respective standard deviations are 1.0641 and .9947 basis point per day. We also calculate the frequency that the returns are positive: 50.35% and 50.41% for the AUS and the US markets, respectively. Unconditionally, we have the most uncertainty according to entropy theory in predicting the signs of the market return from each of the two markets on any given day, although our experience tells us that we can do better with conditional prediction. Next, we calculated the conventional measures of the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis: Skewness = E (rt − Ert ) 3 [E(r − Er ) ] 2 t t 3 2 and Kurtosis = E (rt − Ert ) 4 [E (r − Er ) ] − 3 2 2 t t where the coefficient of skewness is zero for any symmetric distribution and the coefficient of kurtosis is zero for normal distributions. They are consistently estimated by their sample analogs T T ⎛r −r ⎞ ⎛r −r ⎞ −1 SKˆ = T −1 ∑ ⎜ t ⎟ and KRˆ = T ∑ ⎜ t ⎟ − 3, ⎠ ⎠ t =1 ⎝ σˆ t =1 ⎝ σˆ 3 4 where r and σ̂ are the sample mean and sample deviation of {rt }, respectively. However, using Monte Carlo simulations, Kim and White (2004) show that the conventional measures of the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis from sample moments give seriously biased estimation in finite samples. We therefore apply subsampling method to calculate the critical values when testing for zero skewness and 11 kurtosis. With 1000 subsampling replications, we reject neither symmetry nor zero kurtosis at the significance level of 5%. However, it does not imply that the returns are normally distributed, as Jarque-Bera tests strongly reject the normality assumption for both return series at the level of 1%. Table 1 also gives the summary statistics for the synchronized returns derived from both methods A and B. We find that the summary statistics of the synchronized returns are close to those of the asynchronous returns. In addition, for Australian market, the summary statistics of the synchronized returns based on method B are closer to those of the original returns than are those based on method A, and the opposite is true for the USA market. 3.2 Autocorrelations and cross (serial) correlations The LM statistics and the Ljung-Box statistics given in Table 1 indicate strong rejection of no autoregressive conditional heteroskedascity and of no serial correlations at the 1% level for both the AUS and the USA market returns. In Table 2, we then present the estimated serial return correlations of each market and the estimated cross serial return correlations between the two markets up to lag 5. The columns below ‘asynchronous’ are calculated from the raw data, where method A applies to the data set {(r AUS , t , rUS ,t )} and method B applies to {(r US ,t −1 , rAUS ,t )}. Firstly, reading the serial correlations of the AUS market returns, we find that only the autocorrelation of lag two, -.0333 is weakly significant at the 5% level for the asynchronous data, and that none of the first five autocorrelations for the synchronized returns is significant at the 5% level. Secondly, reading the serial correlations of the USA market returns, we find that its fifth autocorrelation is negative for both asynchronous and synchronized data at the 5% level. In addition, the synchronized US market returns derived from both methods A and B have significant negative autocorrelation of lag one at the 1% level. Finally, we look at the cross serial return correlations between the two markets. At the 1% level, we find significant within 24-hour return cross correlations: the correlation between {rUS ,t −1} and {rAUS ,t } is .4025, and the correlation between {rAUS ,t } and 12 {r } is .0727, but there is no significant return cross correlation beyond a day. US , t The return correlation between the AUS market and the last USA market is stronger than that between the AUS market and the next USA market. As explained in Section 1, the asymmetry of the intra-day correlations shows that the USA market has a stronger impact on Australian market than vice versa. Using synchronized returns via method A, we find that the “contemporaneous correlation” increases to .4884 from .0727 and that there is no significant cross serial return correlation beyond a day. When method B is applied, the “contemporaneous correlation” between synchronized data, {~ rUS ,t } and {~ rAUS ,t }, increases to .5027 from .4026, and there is no significant cross serial return correlation beyond a day, either. Hence, the synchronized returns absorb the intra-day influences between the two markets, and leave no significant cross serial return correlations beyond a day. The results in Table 2 indicate that the synchronized returns derived from method A share the same (cross) serial correlation patterns as those derived from method B do, however the two methods adjust the biased correlation relationships differently. First, under method A, ρ A = corr (rAUS ,t , rUS ,t ) = .0727 severely understates the contemporaneous correlation between the two markets, since the information from the USA market comes after Australian market closes on any calendar date. Therefore, to correct the bias, the synchronized AUS market returns have to take into account the potential impacts of the innovations from the USA market. On the other hand, under method B, ρ B = corr (rUS ,t −1 , rAUS ,t ) = .4026 is very close to the adjusted contemporaneous cross correlation .5027, since Australian market has absorbed information from the last USA market, while the USA market does not response strongly to the potential information from the next Australian market. Consequently, method A takes more adjustment than method B does, and more noises may be associated with method A than with method B due to the heavy adjustment. In the next subsection, we will provide more evidence to support the current discussion, and illuminate the complementary nature of methods A and B when making inferences on price and volatility spillovers between the two markets. 13 3.3 QMLE results and inferences on dynamic interdependency We estimated a series of the (reversed) echelon form VARMA(p,q) models defined in Eq. (3) plus the BEKK(a,b) model for non-negative integer p, q ≤ 2 and a, b ≤ 2 . Among many models passing the diagnostic statistics calculated by Splus, we find that VARMA(1,1) model plus the BEKK(1,1) model minimizes information criteria such as BIC and HQ statistics under both method A and method B. Table 3 gives our estimation results under both methods A and B for both full model and variance-targeting model. In addition, the AIC, BIC and HQ statistics given at the end of Table 3 prefer the variancetargeting model to the full model for the chosen model, and the estimation results do not change significantly with the restriction imposed. Before explaining the estimation results, for convenience, we give the information set associated with method A and method B here. When method A is applied, the data under consideration is {(x , y ) : x t t t = rAUS ,t , yt = rUS ,t , t = 1,2, }, and the information available on calendar date t is I tA−1 = {(rAUS , s , rUS , s , ε AUS , s , ε US , s ) : s < t} When method {(x , y ) : x t t t B is applied, = rUS ,t −1 , yt = rAUS ,t , t = 2,3, the (9) data under consideration is }, and the information available on calendar date t is I tB−1 = {(rUS , s −1 , rAUS , s , ε US , s −1 , ε AUS , s ) : s < t} (10) 3.3.1 Price spillovers Method A. In the equation of rAUS ,t , the autoregressive coefficient in front of rUS ,t −1 , φ12,1 , is insignificant, but the moving average coefficient in front of ε US ,t −1 , ψ 12,1 , is significant at the 5% level, indicating intra-day price spillover from the USA market to Australian market induces short-term return cross serial correlation between the two markets. In the equation of rUS ,t , the coefficient in front of rAUS ,t −1 , φ21,1 , and that in front of ε AUS ,t −1 ,ψ 21,1 , are both significant at the 5% level, which may not be interpreted as the evidence of market inefficiency, as it could result from the omission of rAUS ,t and ε AUS ,t from the conditional information set given by Eq. (9). 14 Method B. In the equation of rUS ,t −1 , the insignificance of the coefficients in front of (rUS ,t − 2 , rAUS ,t −1 ) and (ε US ,t − 2 , ε AUS ,t −1 ) indicates no own lagged effect and no intra-day price spillover from the AUS market to the US market. In the equation of rAUS ,t , the insignificance of φ21,1 and ψ 21,1 implies no price spillover from the US market to the AUS market beyond a day. 4 The first equations of both method A and method B depict the intra-day impact of the first market on the next market. In particular, other factors being fixed, method A indicated that 72.9% of a unit of noise from the last USA market is absorbed by Australian market, and method B reveals no significant impact of Australian market on the next USA market. These observations are consistent with our findings on ρ A << ρ B as stated in Section 3.2. 3.3.2 Volatility spillovers The mathematical representation of the BEKK(1,1) model is given by H t = W + AT ε t −1ε tT−1 A + B T H t −1 B . (11) Under method A, the Wald statistic on a joint test of A12 = A21 = B12 = B21 = 0 equals 5.9979 with a p-value of .20, which supports the diagonal bivariate GARCH(1,1) model with hxx ,t = w11 + A112 ε x2,t −1 + B112 hxx ,t −1 and hyy ,t = w22 + A222 ε y2,t −1 + B222 hyy ,t −1 . We draw the same conclusion using method B, as the Wald statistic for the joint test equals 6.5893 with a p-value of .16. However, the bivariate VARMA(1,1) model plus diagonal GARCH(1,1) model does not pass the diagnostic tests and has much larger AIC, BIC and HQ values than the bivariate VARMA(1,1) model plus BEKK(1,1) model. Therefore, the finding on volatility spillover between the two markets is inconclusive. 3.3.3 Conditional second moments of synchronized returns Since {Yt } follows the stationary VARMA(1,1) model with mathematical representation ( ) ~ ~ Yt = Φ1Yt −1 + ε t + Ψ1ε t −1 , E (ε t | I t −1 ) = 0 and E ε t ε tT | I t −1 = H t for all t. And following the argument made in Section 2, we have for the synchronized returns 4 Throughout this paper, εt is used to denote the error on calendar date t; however, it has different value/meaning when different methods are used. 15 ( ) ( ) ~ ~ −1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Yˆt = Φ1Yt + I + Ψ1 ε t = Φ1Yˆt −1 + ξ t − Φ1 I + Φ1 + Ψ1 ξ t −1 , (12) ~ ~ 2 where Λ = I + Φ1 + Ψ1 = (λij )i , j =1 , ξt = Λε t , and Hˆ t = ΛH t ΛT . Since {Yt } are serially ~ ~ correlated, econometric theory implies that Φ1 + Ψ1 = 0 does not hold, nor does Hˆ t = H t . To understand how the dual methods explained in Section 2 adjust the conditional covariance and correlations, we start with testing for the significance of the elements in Λ , see our discussion made in Section 2 below Eq. (6). Applying method A, we have λˆ11 = .9783 , λˆ12 = .4311 , λˆ21 = .0190 , and λˆ22 = 1.0057 . We first test for λ12 = 0 and λ21 = 0 , and the respective Wald statistic equals 514.4397 and 9.725652. Consequently, both λ12 and λ21 are significant at the 5% level. Secondly, the hypothesis of λ11 = λ22 = 1 is not rejected at the 5% level, as the associated Wald statistic takes a value of 1.2611 with a p-value .5322. In addition, we obtain strong rejection on λ12 = λ21 with the Wald statistic being equal to 406.2258; the adjustment is asymmetric. Other factors being fixed, on calendar date t, the synchronization procedure transfers 43% of ε US ,t to Australian market, while only 1.9% of ε AUS ,t is transferred to the USA market. Moreover, the estimated conditional covariance of the synchronized returns is given by ⎡.9571hxx ,t + .8434hxy ,t + .1858hyy ,t Hˆ t = ⎢ ⎣.0186hxx ,t + .9920hxy ,t + .4335hyy ,t .0186hxx ,t + .9920hxy ,t + .43351hyy ,t ⎤ , (13) .0004hxx ,t + .0382hxy ,t + 1.0114hyy ,t ⎥⎦ where x = AUS and y = US , and significant adjustments are made to the calculation of hˆxx ,t and hˆxy ,t . Therefore, after synchronizing the two market returns, we find that the inter-market relation has more impact on the volatilities of the AUS market returns than the US market returns, and that the conditional contemporaneous covariance between the two series of synchronized returns is strongly influenced by the conditional volatilities of the USA market returns. Simply speaking, the USA market has stronger influence on Australian market than vice versa. Applying method B, we have λˆ11 = .9740 , λˆ12 = .0716 , λˆ21 = .0495 , and λˆ22 = 1.0056 . The respective Wald statistic is 22.7074 and 11.5549 for testing for 16 λ12 = 0 and λ21 = 0 . We thus reject each of the hypotheses at the 5% level. Second, the hypothesis of λ11 = λ22 = 1 is not rejected at the 5% level, as the associated Wald statistic takes a value of 1.7246 with a p-value .4222. In addition, the hypothesis of λ12 = λ21 is not rejected at the 5% level, as the Wald statistic equals .9584 with a p-value of .3276; the adjustment is symmetric. The estimated conditional covariance of the synchronized return is given by ⎡.9487hxx ,t −1 + .1395hxy ,t + .0051hyy ,t Hˆ t = ⎢ ⎣.0482hxx ,t −1 + .9831hxy ,t + .0720hyy ,t .0482hxx ,t −1 + .9831hxy ,t + .0720hyy ,t ⎤ , .0025hxx ,t −1 + .0996hxy ,t + 1.0113hyy ,t ⎥⎦ (14) where x = US and y = AUS . It follows that the inter-market relation also has significant impact on the volatilities of the AUS market and the USA market, although the impact is much weaker than when method A is used. Again, the results above indicate that method A makes heavier adjustment than method B does when capturing the dynamic interdependency of conditional second moments between the USA and Australian markets, due to the stronger influence of the USA market on the next AUS market. Next, Table 4 presents the summary statistics of the estimated conditional second moments for asynchronous and synchronized returns under both method A and method B. The results indicate that the distribution of the estimated synchronized conditional standard deviations under method B shift to the right of that under method A. In table 5, we notice that the linear regression of R̂tA on 1 and R̂tB has a very low R2, while the A A B ˆA ˆB ˆB regressions of hˆAUS , t on 1 and hAUS , t , of hUS , t on 1 and hUS , t , and of Ŝ t on 1 and Ŝ t all have decent R2 values. As we have I tA−1 = I tB−1 ∪ {(rUS ,t −1 , ε US ,t −1 )} for all t by Eq. (9) and Eq. (10), the high correlation between hˆ jA,t and hˆ Bj ,t (j=AUS or US) implies that the estimations of conditional volatilities are relatively robust to the information change from I tB−1 to I tA−1 , which is consistent with the high persistency of conditional volatilities as shown in Table 3. Basing on the same logic, the low correlation between R̂tA and R̂tB could result from the low persistency of the conditional correlations. On other words, the conditional correlation is sensitive to the information set used, and we need to update the 17 estimation of conditional correlations frequently as new information comes in when monitoring short-term value at risk and updating time-varying beta or hedge ratios in practice. It thus supports the rotational usage of method A and method B empirically. Specifically, in the opening of the USA market on calendar date t, we can estimate Ĥ tB via method B basing on the information set I tB = I tA−1 ∪ {(rAUS ,t , ε AUS ,t )} , which is better than Hˆ tA−1 calculated via method A with information set I tA−1 . In contrast, in the opening of Australian market on calendar date t, we can estimate Ĥ tA via method A basing on the information set I tA−1 = I tB−1 ∪ {(rUS ,t −1 , ε US ,t −1 )}, which is preferred to Hˆ tB−1 calculated via method B with information set I tB−1 . 4 Conclusion This paper investigates the short-term dynamics of two national stock markets with nonoverlap trading hours via a dual synchronization procedure. We explain that the dual method is complementary and can be used rotationally when monitoring short-term value at risk and updating time-varying beta or hedge ratios in practice. In addition, we show that the synchronization procedure preserves the autoregressive structure of the asynchronous returns and only corrects the short-term dynamic linkage between two nonoverlapping national markets. Applying this idea to Australian and the USA daily market returns, we find strong intra-day price spillover from the USA market to Australian market. The synchronized returns derived from method A share the same (cross) serial correlation patterns as those derived from method B, although method A requires heavier adjustment from the asynchronous data than method B does. Finally, the finance literature has widely documented that the prediction of conditional volatilities and correlations are very sensitive to the choice of econometrics models used to fit the conditional variances. However, the current research emphasizes on the introduction of the dual synchronization procedure, not on finding the best model to fit the conditional heteroskedasticity of the returns. 18 References: 1. Ansley, C.F. and R. Kohn (1986) A note on reparameterizing a vector autoregressive moving average model to enforce stationarity. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 24, 99-106. 2. Berben, R.P. and W.J. Jansen (2005) Comovement in international equity markets: a sectoral view. Journal of International Money and Finance 24, 832-857. 3. 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Summary statistics of asynchronous and synchronized returns Statistics AUS asynchronous synchronized synchronized asynchronous A B Min. -6.9527 -9.1342 -7.2852 -7.1859 Mean -6.17E-17 -5.58E-05 .000244 2.52E-17 Max. 7.2164 6.6114 7.3330 5.5230 Stdev. 1.0641 1.0776 1.0903 .9947 Skewness -.1345 -.2293 -.1196 -.0988 Kurtosis -.4281 -.0072 -.3977 1.1525 .5035 .5045 .5014 .5040 Pr(r>0) JB 1118.97 1534.00 1142.43 2891.96 Arch(12) 141.51 127.93 161.37 489.38 LB(12) 24.53 14.57 22.13 29.00 US synchronized A -7.2654 3.32E-06 5.5289 1.0024 -0.0918 1.1408 0.5027 2874.81 492.25 31.83 synchronized B -7.1157 .000117 5.6678 .9993 -.0681 1.0686 .5044 2772.43 485.78 30.96 JB test is the Jarque-Bera test for normality; the LB(12) tests for H0: ρ (1) = = ρ (12 ) = 0 ; ARCH test tests for the existence of conditional heteroskedasticity. All of the test statistics above reject the corresponding null hypothesis at 1% level. ‘synchronized j’ refers to the synchronized data derived from method j, j=A,B. Table 2. (Cross) serial correlation matrices of asynchronous and synchronized returns Order(i) Asynchr Synchron Asynchr Synchron Asynchr Synchron Asynchr onous ized onous ized onous ized onous { Method A: {(xt, yt): xt=rAUS,t and yt=rUS,t}; synchronized returns= xt = rˆAUS , t , yt = rˆUS , t AUS.AU S 0 1 2 3 4 5 1.0000 .0166 -.0333** -.0009 -.0033 -.0304* AUS.US 1.0000 -.0200 -.0187 .0099 -.0109 -.0278* .0727*** .4025*** .0138 .0279* -.0049 .0127 US.US .4884*** .0234 .0237 .0118 .0011 -.0104 Method B: {(xt, yt): xt=rUS,t-1 and yt=rAUS,t}; synchronized returns= AUS.AUS AUS.US 1.0000 -.0108 -.0254 -.0288* .0059 -.0391** {x t } US.AUS 1.0000 -.0409*** -.0158 -.0252 .0095 -.0377** .0727*** -.0087 -.0029 .0123 -.0215 -.0177 =~ rUS ,t , yt = ~ rAUS ,t } US.US Synchron ized .4884*** -.0238 .0000 -.0013 -.0039 -.0262* US.AUS 1.0000 1.0000 .4026*** .5027*** 1.0000 1.0000 .4026*** .5027*** 0 .0160 -.0112 .0138 -.0064 -.0108 -.0408*** .0724*** -.0005 1 -.0334*** -.0286* .0279* .0213 -.0253 -.0149 -.0087 -.0038 2 -.0009 -.0013 -.0049 -.0097 -.0287 -.0283 -.0033 -.0030 3 -.0034 -.0017 .0127 .0122 .0058 .0115 .0122 .0130 4 -.0304* -.0301* -.0113 -.0144 -.0391** -.0374** -.0217 -.0235 5 The column ‘x.x’ gives the serial correlation of series {xt}. The column ‘x.y’ gives the cross serial correlation between {xt} and {Liyt}, where L is the lag operator. In addition, ‘Asynchronous’ refers to the raw data and ‘Synchronized’ refers to the synchronized returns. ‘*’: significance at the 10% level; ‘**’: significance at the 5% level; ‘***’: significance at the 1% level. 21 Table 3. Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation results Parameter Method A Full Variance Target Estimate Std. Err. Estimate Std. Err. .0998 .0863 .0958** .0536 φ 11,1 Method B Full Variance Target Estimate Std. Err. Estimate Std. Err. .1124 .1812 .1043 .2267 φ21,1 -.0618** .0294 -.1016*** .0321 -.2837 .3484 -.2694 .4491 φ12,1 -1.4874* .8672 -.2987 .4408 -.4816 .3868 -.4944 .5531 φ22,1 .5284*** .1861 .6691*** .148 .5792*** .1476 .5896*** .1573 ψ 11,1 -.1215 .0934 -.1213** .0633 -.1383 .1773 -.13 .2222 ψ 21,1 .0808*** .0298 .1183*** .0331 .3332 .3495 .3184 .4552 ψ 12,1 1.9185** .8656 .7290** .4407 .5533 .3842 .5654 .5499 ψ 22,1 -.5228*** .1917 -.6633*** .1524 -.5735*** .1624 -.5856*** .1744 C11 C21 C22 A11 A21 A12 A22 B11 B21 B12 B22 .1248*** .0285 .0740*** .0178 .0415 .0273 .1236** .0562 .0492* .0284 .1090*** .0397 .1588*** .0205 .1619*** .0191 .2201*** .041 .2080*** .0332 -.0201 .0216 -.0228 .0192 .0019 .0308 .0041 .0268 .0436** .0186 .0390*** .0168 .0416* .0235 .0360* .0219 .2269*** .0318 .2188*** .0272 .1772*** .0327 .1733*** .0285 .9785*** .0065 .9821*** .0046 .9750*** .0106 .9777*** .008 .0045 .0047 .0046 .0042 -.0056 .0086 -.0056 .0068 -.0112* .0059 -.0083** .0043 -.0063 .0073 -.0051 .0059 .9712*** .0084 .9727*** .0074 .9706*** .0122 .9729*** .0093 AIC 21171.86 21177.18 21116.62 21110.37 BIC 21291.53 21277.95 21236.28 21211.13 HQ 21214.27 21212.89 21159.03 21146.08 *: significance at the 10% level; **: significance at the 5% level; ***: significance at the 1% level 22 Table 4. Summary statistics of estimated conditional second moments Variables Min. Q1 Median mean Q3 h A AUS , t Max. Stdev. Uncond 0.7442 0.8569 0.9262 0.9597 1.0263 1.7764 0.1399 1.0641 A AUS , t 0.7981 0.9292 1.0174 1.0616 1.1416 1.9830 0.1875 1.0776 B AUS , t 0.7982 0.9284 1.0098 1.0488 1.1223 2.3079 0.1721 1.0641 B hˆAUS ,t hˆ h 0.8147 0.9492 1.0340 1.0736 1.1486 2.4158 0.1787 1.0903 A US , t 0.4426 0.6534 0.8188 0.9283 1.1165 2.4942 0.3752 0.9947 A hˆUS ,t 0.4403 0.6555 0.8238 0.9345 1.1237 2.5051 0.3792 1.0024 B US , t h h 0.4665 0.6479 0.8131 0.9244 1.1192 2.4475 0.3684 0.9948 B US , t 0.7981 0.9292 1.0174 1.0616 1.1416 1.9830 0.3677 0.9993 S A t -0.9517 0.0044 0.0652 0.0869 0.1333 1.4580 0.1717 0.0770 Ŝ A t -0.0483 0.2493 0.3697 0.5377 0.6584 3.3249 0.4723 0.5275 S B t -0.0439 0.2105 0.3247 0.4308 0.5212 3.9196 0.3827 0.4262 Ŝ B t 0.0934 0.2968 0.4269 0.5534 0.6534 4.5826 0.4383 0.5477 A t -0.4145 0.0056 0.0877 0.0908 0.1709 0.6204 0.1308 0.0727 A t -0.0706 0.3892 0.4685 0.4683 0.5489 0.8488 0.1276 0.4884 B t -0.0554 0.3083 0.4050 0.3978 0.4932 0.8108 0.1416 0.4026 B t 0.1171 0.4279 0.5086 0.5036 0.5880 0.8520 0.1226 0.5027 hˆ R R̂ R R̂ Notations: j = AUS and US and i j ,t i t A t i =method A and method B; h , S and R are the estimated conditional standard deviation, conditional covariance and conditional correlation, respectively, on calendar date t and ‘ x̂ ’ are calculated from the corresponding synchronized data. The last column gives the unconditional values of the variables of interest. 23 Table 5. The OLS estimation results Variables Model Conditional standard deviation: AUS A A hˆAUS , t ~ 1 + hAUS , t 1.1753*** .7692 ~ 1+ h -.0128*** 1.0359*** .9959 ~ 1+ h B AUS , t .2316*** .6942*** .7291 A ˆB hˆAUS , t ~ 1 + hAUS , t A AUS , t .0777*** .9165*** .7625 A US , t -.0034*** 1.0104*** .9992 B B hˆUS , t ~ 1 + hUS , t .0127*** .9971*** .9982 -.0005 1.0047* .9731 -.0154*** 1.0166*** .9712 .4020*** 1.5623*** .3224 .0612*** 1.1422*** .9947 .0639*** .0534*** .0142 .0584*** .8662*** .646 .4107*** .6344*** .4229 .1611*** .8611*** .9897 .1417*** -.1281*** .0192 .3158*** .3028*** .0846 hˆ A US , t A US , t h ~ 1+ h ~ 1+ h B US , t A ˆB hˆUS , t ~ 1 + hUS , t SˆtA ~ 1 + StA SˆtB ~ 1 + StB S ~ 1+ S SˆtA ~ 1 + SˆtB Rˆ A ~ 1 + R A A t Conditional correlation t B t t RˆtB ~ 1 + RtB R ~ 1+ R A t B t RˆtA ~ 1 + RˆtB Notations: R2 -.0663*** B AUS , t h Conditional covariance β B AUS , t hˆ Conditional standard deviation: US α j = AUS and US and i =method A and method B; h , S and R i j ,t i t A t are the estimated conditional standard deviation, conditional covariance and conditional correlation, respectively, on calendar date t and ‘ x̂ ’ are calculated from the corresponding synchronized data. In addition, y ~ −1 + x means that we run a liner regression model: y = α + βx + error . The t-statistic is used to test whether α = 0 , β = 1. 24