Male-female wage gap and firm effect The case of young Italian workers (Running title: Male-female wage gap and firm effect) Capellari Saveria, Chies Laura, Zaccarin Susanna Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche Università degli Studi di Trieste Piazzale Europa, 1 34127 Trieste (Italy) Preliminary draft Please do not cite without permission Email:, Corresponding author: Saveria Capellari 1 Abstract. The idea that wages are determined by firm and individual characteristics leads to gather that there is a firms’ effect that influences wage differentials. This paper presents the results of an empirical analysis of gender wage differentials - based on INPS data firms for people between the ages of 20 and 25 employed in the private sector in 1996 - which takes into account the characteristics of workers and firms using a two level random effect model. Firm variables proved to be significant, and firm female proportion showed a negative effect on wage of both man and woman. 1. Introduction1 In recent years extensive use has been made of employer-employee datasets for the development of an international line of research on male-female segregation and discrimination at the workplace. Linking company and employee characteristics, these datasets are particularly suitable for an analysis of discrimination and segmentation, making it potentially possible to attribute wage differentials unfavourable to women - observed in all OECD countries - to characteristics of the employee and the workplace. It is a matter of understanding whether women’s disadvantages depend, to use Groshen’s terms, on “who you are, what you do or where you work” (Groshen, 1991). There is a broad consensus to the fact that in Italy, as in many other OECD countries, gender-based wage differentials are substantial1. These differentials could be explained in terms of differences within or between groups of men and women. Although Italian literature on wage differentials is rich in empirical studies (Iter, 2001; Favaro, Magrini, 2002; Borgarello, Devicienti, 2002), the field of the interaction between 1 We are grateful for the use of the INPS Panel to Laboratorio Revelli of Moncalieri (Turin, Italy) and for research assistance from Vania Colladel. 2 gender discrimination and the presence of segregation or selection at a company or local labour market level has yet to be fully explored. This study presents the results of an empirical analysis of gender wage differentials based on the INPS Panel covering the period 1986-1996 for people between the ages of 20 and 25 employed in the private sector in 1996. The aim is to analyse the factors determining malefemale wage differentials, taking account of the characteristics of workers and firms. The wage equation was estimated separately for males and females, using a two-level random effects model to allow for firm heterogeneity (Bryk, Raudenbush, 1992; Goldstein, 1995; Snijders, Bosker, 1999). This specification is particularly suitable for the analysis of hierarchical data such as those in the employer-employee dataset, which contains information on people employed in the same firm. A hierarchy consists of units grouped at different levels, thus employees are the level 1 units clustered within firms employers that are the level 2 units. It is not unreasonable to assume that a firm will set an individual’s wage relative to the other workers in the firm, so the standard assumption of independent observations in regression analysis is violated and models that account properly for the grouping effect have to be specified. The results we obtained are directly comparable with those presented by Reilly and Wirjanto (1999), who use a similar approach to emphasise the importance of company segregation, not only individual characteristics, as an explanation of wage differentials. Wage differential analysis is traditionally performed by breaking down the gap into two components (Oaxaca, 1973). One is associated with human capital, described by the observed characteristics of the individuals, and the other is ascribable to the rewards given to these characteristics, and may thus be attributed to discrimination in a broad sense. In our study the female wage differential was calculated taking separate account of individual and firm characteristics. 3 The paper is organized as follows. The first section presents a discussion of the link between wage differentials and discrimination and sets out the main results achieved in this field in the international literature. Section 2 provides a brief illustration of the features of the data-set used in the current analysis. Section 3 presents the results of the estimates obtained with the model. Section 4 puts forward a decomposition of wage differentials which specifies the effects of individual and firm characteristics. Some concluding remarks are made in Section 5. 2. Brief survey of recent literature The idea that wages are determined more by the firm than by individual characteristics leads in turn to the idea that there is a firms’ effect that influences wage differentials in general. There may be sectors or size of firm where men (or women) employees are numerically prevalent and within the sector or company no gender discrimination is observed, but it becomes evident when female concentrations are more marked. Theoretical explanations of a possible effect of this kind have been advanced by literature on the segmentation of the labour market and by discrimination theories (Becker, 1971; Arrow, 1985). In the former case it is postulated that entry into the job market takes place through job competition (which means that outsiders do not constitute a random group of entrants, and employers’ choices are made on the basis of lower training costs, which are determined by the characteristics of the worker). In the latter, discriminatory preferences are held to make it cheaper for a company to employ males. Both types of model imply that at an aggregate level women are subject to segregation in particular firms and occupations. Recent literature contains an increasing body of evidence that segregation is the biggest factor in creating problems of equity in general. This conviction has given rise to the adoption of comparable worth policies in many western countries. The growth of female occupation in the 4 1980s and 90s was not accompanied by a proportional development of desegregation (Bettio, Villa, 1996). Confirmation that the movement towards desegregation (where it actually exists) is slow has been provided by comparisons between young and adult employees (Favaro, 2003). Using the European Consumer Household Panel (ECHP) and the European Standardised Expenditure Survey (ESES), Bettio (2002) has recently pointed out that segregation in the European Union is vertical, that is to say on the basis of occupational rank, but that it leads to such a level of concentration between sectors as to entail horizontal segregation too. The effect of segregation on wages in Italy has been empirically estimated by Reilly and Lucifora (1990) on the basis of ENI-IRI figures. Their results show that gender differentials decrease as the proportion of women in a company increases, and that the presence of female segregation entails lower wages for both sexes. More recent studies (Gubta, Rothstein, 1999; Reilly, Wirjanto, 1999) confirm the hypothesis that in addition to an effect of segregation by sector and occupation there is a specific effect caused by the number of women in a company. Reilly and Wirjanto (1999) test the predictions of the Arrow model of heterogeneous employer discrimination. They use the 1979 crosssection of the General Segmentation Survey (GSS) from the Maritime Provinces of Canada. They document the heterogeneity at the establishment level of the gender composition. The establishment female proportion was shown to be negatively correlated with the average establishment wage and positively correlated with establishment size2. Their results showed, however, that the proportion of women in an establishment had a negative effect on men’s and women’s wages alike, a result which is consistent with other previous results and a hypothesis of crowding. The empirical analysis in our study takes separate account of the effects of firms’ sector and size and of the proportion of female employees in the firm. It thus enables us to assess whether and to what extent differences between companies count in the determination of 5 wages and what effect a high proportion of female employees in a firm has on men’s and women’s wages. As a consequence of concentrating the analysis on a group of young employees the wage differentials will be smaller than those found in other studies (Addis, Waldmann, 1996; Iter, 2001; Blau, Khan, 1997), since women’s wage gaps seem to increase with age and working experience. 3. The INPS Panel The employer-employee data used in the study were drawn from the INPS Panel constructed by LaborRevelli of Turin3. Our sample covers all workers born between 1971 and 1976 who began working between 1986 and 1991 and were employed in the private sector on December 1st 1996. Information on individuals collected in the Panel comprise gender, age, occupation4, type of contract (national, local, firm specific, individual), hierarchical level, duration of employment, province of employment, earnings and some aspects of the working histories (changes in occupation, employer and sector; dates of entry; non-working periods). From this information working experience was defined as the total number of paid months and propensity to job mobility as the number of times a worker had changed employer5. The dataset does not provide information on education level and family background (especially number and age of children). As regards education an inference may be made as to the possession of a high-school diploma by reference to first-job entry after the age of 18. Information on companies is confined to the average size of the firm, sector of activity according to the three-digit ATECO81 code, the firm’s location at the province level and the age of the firm6. ATECO sectors were grouped into eight categories, set out in Appendix A (Table A.1). 6 Agriculture and public administration were excluded on the grounds of scarcity of data. It was also decided to group firm employee numbers into three size classes (1-9, 10-99, and more than 100) and four macro-areas (north-east, north-west, centre and south). Since the Panel data used do not provide a gender breakdown of employees by firm, for an analysis of the effect of proportions of female employees recourse was made to the figures provided by 1997 Intermediate Industry Census. Firms in the Census were classified by very detailed information on size ( …….chiedere Vania), sector (three-digit ATECO81 code) and province of location. The mean female proportion obtained within each cell were then imputed to the firms in the INPS sample. We also used the proportion of females per company unit provided by the 1991 Industry Census. The preliminary analysis produced consistently better results with the 1997 Census, so this is the one featured in the estimates presented from now on. 3.1 Employee and firm characteristics The sample of workers born from 1971 to 1976 in the 1996 dataset comprised 14,5967 people, 6,164 women and 8,432 men, working in 13,136 companies8 (see Appendix A, Table A.1, A.3). Males accounted for about 58% of the total. One of the most important differences between males and females was education: 78% of females had a high-school diploma, compared with 66% of males. This difference was reflected in occupational rank, with a higher concentration of women in white-collar professions and a greater proportion of men in blue-collar occupations. The part-time percentage was low, but was made up for the most part of women, as was to be expected. Overall, 14% of workers were employed on trainee contracts; in this regard the proportion of men was slightly higher. 7 The other working history elements in the sample showed basic similarities between the genders: specifically, the values for experience and mobility were very close. Firm sizes were highly concentrated in the smallest category (less than 10 employees), despite the fact that this size was under-represented in this sample as compared with the census figures. Distribution by sector showed a concentration of women in traditional manufacturing (food, textiles, leather, wood and furniture), commerce and personal services, while men were predominant in heavy and light engineering (metal products, electrical and electronic equipment, industrial machinery). Taking account of the results of the initial analyses and observations made recently on INPS Panel data (Ginzburg et al., 1998; Gavosto, Rossi, 1999; Contini, 2002), gender gap was calculated on annual earnings (Section B of the INPS form) which are proportional to the number of days worked9. Gender earnings ratio is about 90%. Though rather low, this differential is not in contradiction with other estimates made for Italy, since it is known that differentials increase with age as a result of, for example, women’s discontinuous presence in the labour market and possible vertical segregation. Significant differences emerged in terms of the distribution of males and females classified on the proportion of females employed in the firm10 (see Appendix A, Tables A.1 and A.2). In the classes with the lowest and the highest proportion of female employees the mean percentage was 19% and 81% respectively, which confirmed the presence of segregation in Italian companies (Table A2). The employees of companies with a high proportion of women had greater experience (an average of about twelve months more), but despite this had wage levels 16% lower than employees in male-dominated firms (Table A2). Furthermore, in firms with the highest proportion of females, training and occupational ranks were lower (Table A.2) and the firms themselves tended to be of small size and over 70% of them operated in traditional 8 manufacturing and about 18% in the personal services (Table A.3). As far as firm characteristics are concerned over 65% of the sample was made up of firms with a low proportion of female employees. Firms with higher proportions of females tended to be located in north-east (Table A.3). 4. Estimation results For an assessment of the effects of individual and company characteristics on individuals’ earnings, the wage equation was set out (separately for males and females) as follows: Wij = Xij+ Zj + uj + eij i = 1,…, nj , j = 1,…, J; [1] eij = N (0, 2e) uj = N (0, 2u) where Wij is the logarithm of the annual earnings of worker i employed in company j, Xi and Z j are the vectors of individual and firm characteristics respectively and and are the vectors of the associated coefficients. In equation [1] the effect of individual and company characteristics are assumed to be constant for all workers, whereas variability between firms is given by the random term uj. The coefficient estimates were obtained using the residual maximum likelihood (REML) method (Snijders, Bosker, 1999)11; the results are reported in Table A.412. The proportion of variance of the annual paid wage attributable to the firm (measured by the intra-class correlation coefficient and evaluated starting from the initial model without any explanatory variables, “null” model) is equal to 46.5% for males and 42.2% for females 9 respectively. After controlling for the workers’ characteristics, the firm’s variables explain 60% of firm’s variance for males and 59% for females. The effect of individual variables was as expected: wages increased with the possession of a high-school diploma (+5% for women and +13% for men), a white-collar position (+26.6% for women and +21.3% for men) and experience (+20% for women and +22% for men), which is consistent with the results generally presented in the literature. Mobility between firms proved to be significant, penalising employees of both genders (-5.6% for women and – 3.7% for men). Though this result has appeared in other studies it was not a foregone conclusion - since the sample deals with young people it might be expected that greater mobility would be motivated by a search for a better job. As emerged in other analyses of INPS data, part-time employment proved to penalise both genders, especially in blue-collar occupations, though the effect in our estimates was more marked. For blue-collar workers, male and female alike, the wage was halved, while for white-collar employees it went down by about 30% compared to full-time employees. Part-time work, however did not appear to penalise women (-48.5%) more than men, as also reported by Favaro and Magrini (2002). The effect of being employed on a trainee contract was positive with the exception of male bluecollar part-time employees (of whom there were very few). This is explained by the fact that the sample includes workers with discontinuous work experience. Compared to the latter category, young workers on trainee contracts stay longer in their jobs and are better paid, as found by ISFOL (1998)13. With a few exceptions, company variables proved to be significant (Table A.4). Wages were lower for both genders not working in heavy and light engineering, with the exception of the energy and chemical industries. Working in services, especially transport and communications and personal services, proved to penalise women. Both for males and females, the location of a firm in southern Italy as opposed to north-west proved to have a negative effect on wages. Significant gender differences did emerge in some respects: company location in north-eastern 10 Italy proved to be important for women (+5%) and in central Italy negatively for men (-5.8%). Firm size had a positive, and slightly more marked, effect for men (respectively +9,4% and +21%, as against 7,6% and 18.5% for women). The hypothesis that the proportion of women employees in a firm has an effect on wages was confirmed by the data on men (-11.9%) and women (-9.3%) alike, as in Reilly and Wirjanto (1999). The proportion of women employees did not appear to interact significantly with the company size variable and with the economic sectors. 5. The decomposition of male-female differential The analysis of gender-based wage differentials is usually carried out following an Oaxaca decomposition (1973), which imputes the difference in the average wage between women and men to two elements: differences between the human capital characteristics possessed by the two groups and differences between the returns of those characteristics, which may be interpreted as a measure of discrimination. The decomposition is based on wage equations for males and females, while discrimination is addressed on the difference between the coefficients estimated for males and females. The underlying assumption is that the coefficients calculated for males would be prevalent in the absence of discrimination. Although the distinction between the human capital component and discrimination may not be considered a very clear one14, with some caution the decomposition seems to produce relevant results. Over the years the Oaxaca method has been extensively used with a series of variants that have attempted to take account not only of the limitations that the traditional technique appears to have, but also of models better suited to the question in hand15. 11 One of the most critical problems to be highlighted is the possible selection bias determined by the fact that wages are observed exclusively for employed people. The selection bias is usually assessed by the use of a Heckman procedure16. This problem, certainly relevant to our study, could not be solved because the data available did not contain the further information required to estimate participation. A recent estimate of the various components determining the wage gap (Flabbi, 1997), based on Bank of Italy data, shows that wage differentials have been diminishing over time and that this has been accompanied by a loss of explanatory power on the part of individual characteristics caused by their growing homogeneity between the genders. The differential is consequently explained by differences in returns, especially on education, for women. In line with other studies on Italy, Flabbi’s paper does not take specific account of firm’s effects. In what follows traditional decomposition has been used to highlight the effects of individual and company characteristics on wage differentials. It is formulated as follows: ln Wm ln Wf X f (ˆ m ˆ f ) ( X m X f )ˆ m ˆ f ( Zm Zf ) Zm (ˆ m ˆ f ) [2] The first two terms of the right-hand component shows the effects on differentials of the human capital variables ( X m X f ) ̂ and the associated different returns for men and women X f ( ˆm ˆ f ) . The second two terms sums up the effects of the various firm characteristics, highlighting the differences in the distribution of workers among firms ˆ f ( Z m Z f ) and the different returns given to males and females within a single firm type Z m (ˆ m ˆ f ) . The results of the decomposition are presented in the Appendix A (Table A.5). 12 Concentrating on human capital possessed by the two groups and on its returns, it emerges that women in the sample appear to be in a favourable position in terms of composition by occupation groups, education and experience (an unusual result, probably connected with their young age), while returns have the following diversified effects: white-collar occupation favours women more than men, while the possession of a high-school diploma and experience gives more advantages to men. Mobility among firms, which has been observed to bring down wages, penalises women more, as in Favaro and Magrini (2002). Considering individual characteristics, the conclusion is that the women’s group on average possesses an endowment of human capital that would justify higher wages than those earned by men, and that the effect of discrimination on the returns given to education and experience has a decisive weight. The contribution of the discriminatory component in explaining the wage differential is 65%. Firm’s characteristics, expressed by the variables sector, size and proportion of female employees, play a significant - though less important - role, accounting for about 11% of the overall differential. A more detailed examination produces a series of interesting points. The proportion of women employees in a firm has a significant negative impact on men’s and women’s wages. Women are penalised as a result of their greater concentration in companies with high proportions of women employees, but also because they receive a lower wage in companies with a medium proportion of women. In firms with a high proportion of women, men prove to be more heavily penalised. As pointed out above, working in sectors other than energy and chemicals has a negative impact on the wage received by all the workers in our sample, and this impact is in all cases greater for women. Also in terms of company size, which has a marked positive impact on the wage of all individuals, the impact is less favourable for women. To sum up, the employer factors which go furthest to explain wage differentials to the detriment of women seem to stem from their greater concentration in firms employing a large 13 proportion of women, especially in the personal services sector, and from lower wages for women than for men in firms with a medium proportion of women and medium-to-large sized firms. These results point to the need for further exploration. While a role is evidently played by segregation in determining the gender gap, it is also clear that there are wage disparities within single firm types whose causes have yet to be deeply investigated. 6. Conclusions The initial results of the quantitative analysis configure an important role for the gender composition of a firm in determining the male-female wage differential, which is consistent with the results of research carried out in other countries. The application of the random effect model has provided convincing evidence in this regard, which points the way to further exploration of the impact of the proportion of women in firms on pay. The role of individual characteristics still seems to be of considerable significance, however, especially their different returns, which may be an index of discriminatory behaviour. In this regard it seems that experimentation is required with models that can take account of the fact that identical individual characteristics may have different effects in the various firm contexts. To this end it is essential to have precise information on proportions of women employees which is not imputed, as in this application, but drawn directly from the INPS data set. The fact that firm characteristics have an effect on wage differentials also seems to require an enrichment of data with more qualitative information on firms’ employment strategies. The simple fact of a negative impact on women’s wage determined by firms clearly does not necessarily imply the presence of discriminatory behaviour - it may also be a result of individual preferences and technology. In the absence of a structural model able to provide a 14 simultaneous explanation of decisions on recruitment policy and choices regarding the gender composition of firms, the effects observed cannot be attributed only to one of the hypotheses mentioned. Although the results obtained here have given a first answer to the initial question regarding “who you are, what you do or where you work” (Groshen, 1991), further research in this direction would benefit greatly from an extension of the dataset with more information on firms (part of which is already being gathered) and individual characteristics. 15 APPENDIX A Table A.1: Descriptive statistics Individual characteristics Complete sample No Number of cases % Males No Females % No % 14596 100 8432 57.77 6164 42.23 4225 28.95 2849 33.79 1376 22.32 10371 71.05 5583 66.21 4788 77.68 2520 17.27 851 10.09 1669 27.08 White collar full time trainee contract 565 3.87 235 2.79 330 5.35 White collar part time 482 3.3 80 0.95 402 6.52 95 0.65 20 0.24 75 1.22 Blue collar full time 7506 51.43 5187 61.5 2319 37.62 Blue collar full time trainee contract 1309 8.97 1017 12.06 292 4.74 697 4.78 245 2.91 452 7.33 64 0.44 29 0.34 35 0.57 1358 9.3 768 9.11 590 9.57 52 0.36 38 0.45 14 0.23 661 4.53 483 5.73 178 2.89 3208 21.98 2386 28.3 822 13.34 3594 24.62 1685 19.98 1909 30.97 Construction 1309 8.97 1218 14.44 91 1.48 Wholesale and retail trade, Hotels 3510 24.05 1762 20.9 1748 28.36 Transportation and communication 461 3.16 330 3.91 131 2.13 1156 7.92 380 4.51 776 12.59 645 4.42 150 1.78 495 8.03 North West 5330 36.52 3008 35.67 2322 37.67 North East 4551 31.18 2559 30.35 1992 32.32 Centre 2451 16.79 1444 17.13 1007 16.34 South 2264 15.51 1421 16.85 843 13.68 <10 5602 38.38 3280 38.9 2322 37.67 10-99 5935 40.66 3331 39.5 2604 42.25 > 99 3059 20.96 1821 21.6 1238 20.08 Education Comprehensive Upper secondary Occupation White collar full time White collar part time trainee contract Blue collar part time Blue collar part time trainee contract Apprentice Industry (ATECO81) Electric and gas Mining and chemistry Metal products, electrical and electronic equipment, industrial machinery Food, textile, leather, wood and furniture Finance, banking, business services Personal services Area Firm size 16 Firm female proportion Low (up to 40%) 9695 66.42 6754 80.1 2941 47.71 Medium (between 40 and 70%) 3785 25.93 1492 17.69 2293 37.2 High (higher then 70%) 1116 7.65 186 2.21 930 15.09 Mean Mean Mean 45.04 29.43 44.79 29 45.38 30 2.25 1.53 2.38 1.63 2.08 1.35 Annual wage (It. Lire 1996 in thousands) 21543 8995 22546 9054 20172 8731 Firm female proportion 32.27 22.48 24.6 18.33 42.76 23.38 Experience (No of paid months) Mobility (No of changes of employer) 17 Tab.A.2: Individual characteristics by firm female proportion Firm female proportion low n medium % n high % n % Gender Males 6.754 69.66 1.492 39.42 186 16.67 Females 2.941 30.34 2.293 60.58 930 83.33 Comprehensive 2.789 28.77 1.008 26.63 428 38.35 Upper secondary 6.906 71.23 2.777 73.37 688 61.65 1.654 17.06 741 19.58 125 11.2 White collar full time trainee contract 392 4.04 154 4.07 19 1.7 White collar part time 318 3.28 147 3.88 17 1.52 74 0.76 19 0.5 2 0.18 5.115 52.76 1.742 46.03 649 58.16 Blue collar full time trainee contract 978 10.09 242 6.39 89 7.97 Blue collar part time 290 2.99 350 9.25 57 5.11 32 0.33 28 0.74 4 0.36 842 8.68 362 9.56 154 13.8 52 0.54 - - - - 574 5.92 81 2.14 6 0.54 2.877 29.68 310 8.19 21 1.88 1.688 17.41 1.119 29.56 787 70.52 Construction 1.309 13.5 - - - - Wholesale and retail trade, Hotels 1.964 20.26 1.491 39.39 55 4.93 Transportation and communication 416 4.29 41 1.08 4 0.36 Finance, banking, business services 634 6.54 470 12.42 52 4.66 Personal services 181 1.87 273 7.21 191 17.11 North west 3.525 36.36 1.504 39.74 301 26.97 North east 2.834 29.23 1.267 33.47 450 40.32 Centre 1.612 16.63 677 17.89 162 14.52 South 1.724 17.78 337 8.9 203 18.19 <10 3.617 37.31 1.353 35.75 632 56.63 10-99 3.895 40.18 1.688 44.6 352 31.54 > 99 2.183 22.52 744 19.66 132 11.83 Education Occupation White collar full time White collar part time trainee contract Blue collar full time Blue collar part time trainee contract Apprentice Industry (ATECO81) Electric and gas Mining and chemistry Metal products, electrical and electronic equipment, industrial machinery Food, textile, leather, wood and furniture Area Firm size 18 Experience (No of paid months) Mobility (No of changes of employer) Annual wage (It. Lire 1996 in thousands) Firm female proportion Mean Mean Mean 44.04 28.75 43.98 29.27 57.27 32.83 2.21 1.49 2.35 1.64 2.23 1.42 22360.12 9161.29 20288.22 8819.34 18702.48 6803.88 18.95 11.17 51.97 8.2 81.13 7.36 19 Table A.3: Firm Characteristics Firm female proportion Complete sample N Number of cases % 13136 Low N 100 Medium % N High % N % 8616 100 3460 100 1060 100 9 695 66.4 3 785 25.9 1 116 7.6 Gender composition of employees Total 14 596 Males 8 432 57.8 6 754 80.1 1 492 17.7 186 2.2 Females 6 164 42.2 2 941 47.7 2 293 37.2 930 15.1 29 0.22 29 0.34 Mining and chemical industry 158 1.2 76 2.2 76 2.2 6 0.57 Metal products, electrical and electronic equipment, industrial machinery 591 4.5 286 8.27 286 8.27 19 1.79 Food, textile, leather, wood and furniture 2814 21.42 1036 29.94 1036 29.94 742 70 Construction 1286 9.79 1286 14.93 Wholesale and retail trade, Hotels,.. 3144 23.93 1744 20.24 1350 39.02 50 4.72 Transportation and communication 348 2.65 315 3.66 30 0.87 3 0.28 Finance, banking, business services 973 7.41 501 5.81 421 12.17 51 4.81 Personal services 602 4.58 152 1.76 261 7.54 189 17.83 North West 4687 35.68 3060 35.52 1346 38.9 281 26.51 North East 4144 31.55 2551 29.61 1168 33.76 425 40.09 Centre 2224 16.93 1433 16.63 635 18.35 156 14.72 South 2081 15.84 1572 18.25 311 8.99 198 18.68 <10 5391 41.04 3483 40.42 1300 37.57 608 57.36 10-99 5899 44.91 3870 44.92 1679 48.53 350 33.02 Industry (ATECO 81) Electric and gas Area Firm size 20 > 99 1846 14.05 1263 14.66 481 13.9 102 9.62 21 Table A.4: Log wage regression: final model, two-level REML estimates Females Males Individual Variables Coefficients Constant P-value Coefficients P-value 9.3055 <.0001 9.2716 <.0001 0.05268 0.0003 0.131 <.0001 White collar full time 0.2662 <.0001 0.2134 <.0001 White collar full time, trainee contract 0.2857 <.0001 0.2312 <.0001 -0.3005 <.0001 -0.323 <.0001 White collar part time, trainee contract -0.234 <.0001 -0.1905 0.0166 Blue collar trainee contract 0.0705 0.0031 0.0379 0.0034 -0.4852 <.0001 -0.5102 <.0001 -0.199 0.0019 -0.3799 <.0001 -0.05086 0.0063 -0.2103 <.0001 0.2031 <.0001 0.2225 <.0001 -0.1244 <.0001 -0.1282 <.0001 -0.05575 <.0001 -0.03747 <.0001 0.04241 0.1665 0.07901 <.0001 Food, textile, leather, wood and furniture -0.04974 0.0048 -0.03555 0.0038 Construction -0.04347 0.3053 -0.0418 0.0019 Wholesale and retail trade, Hotels 0.008854 0.6163 -0.02443 0.0529 -0.1671 <.0001 -0.1375 <.0001 -0.08169 <.0001 -0.0133 0.5516 -0.157 <.0001 -0.1022 0.0014 0.05004 <.0001 0.01578 0.1138 Centre -0.02154 0.1355 -0.05858 <.0001 South -0.1528 <.0001 -0.1397 <.0001 0.07684 <.0001 0.09382 <.0001 0.185 <.0001 0.2094 <.0001 Medium -0.04964 <.0001 -0.02198 0.0592 High -0.09295 <.0001 -0.1191 <.0001 Education Upper secondary Occupation White collar part time Blue collar part time Blue collar part time trainee contract Apprentice Experience/10 Experience /100 2 Mobility Firm variables Industry Electric, gas, mining and chemical industry Transportation and communication Finance, banking, business services Personal services Area Northeast Firm size 10-99 > 99 Firm female proportion 22 Fit test Female Male Final 2e 2u -2logL Null Model P-value 0.1499 <0.0001 0.1095 <0.0001 Final Model P-value 0.09549 <0.0001 0.04522 <0.0001 Null Model P-value 9049.1 5475.8 11520.8 0.1258 0.1093 <0.0001 <0.0001 Model 0.08724 0.04389 P-value <0.0001 <0.0001 6843.6 23 Tav. A.5: Log wage decomposition Xm-Xf m-f (Xm-Xf)*m (m-f)*Xf -0.1147 0.07832 -0.0150257 0.06083898 -0.1699 -0.0528 -0.03625666 -0.01429824 -0.0256 -0.0545 -0.00591872 -0.00291575 -0.0557 -0.0225 0.0179911 -0.001467 -0.0098 0.0435 0.0018669 0.0005307 0.0732 -0.0326 0.00277428 -0.00154524 -0.0442 -0.025 0.02255084 -0.0018325 -0.0023 -0.1809 0.00087377 -0.00103113 -0.0046 -0.15944 0.00096738 -0.01525841 -0.059 0.0194 -0.0131275 0.0880372 -0.0059 -0.0038 0.00075638 -0.00172444 0.3 0.01828 -0.011241 0.0380224 Zm-Zf m-f (Zm-Zf)*m (m-f)*Zf 0.0306 0.0366 0.00241771 0.00114192 -0.1099 0.01419 0.00390695 0.00439464 0.1296 0.00167 -0.00541728 2.4716E-05 Wholesale and retail trade, Hotels -0.0746 -0.033284 0.00182248 -0.00943934 Transportation and communication 0.0178 0.0296 -0.0024475 0.00063048 Finance, banking, business services -0.0808 0.06839 0.00107464 0.0086103 Personal services -0.0625 0.0548 0.0063875 0.00440044 -0.0197 -0.03426 -0.00031087 -0.01107283 Centre 0.0079 -0.03704 -0.00046278 -0.00605234 South 0.0317 0.0131 -0.00442849 0.00179208 -0.0275 0.01698 -0.00258005 0.00717405 0.0152 0.0244 0.00318288 0.00489952 Medium 0.3239 0.02766 0.00711932 0.01319659 High -0.1288 -0.02615 0.01534008 -0.00394604 Individual Variables Upper secondary White collar full time White collar full time, trainee contract White collar part time White collar part time, trainee contract Blue collar trainee contract Blue collar part time Blue collar part time trainee contract Apprentice Experience/10 Esxperience2/100 Mobility Firm Variables Industry Electric, gas, mining and chemical industry Food, textile, leather, wood and furniture Construction Area Northeast Firm size 10-99 > 99 Firm female proportion Notes 24 1 Estimates put them at between 13% and 20% from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s. If the hypothesis of this model were confirmed, it would support the contention that occupational segregation may not necessarily be negative for women. For a discussion of this point see Bettio (2001). 2 3 The INPS Panel is a Longitudinal Sample of Workers and Employers based on the data of the National Social Security Institute (INPS) collected for institutional purposes on employers and employees. The Panel is based on a sample of employees born on the 10th of March, June, September and December of each year from 1985 to 1996. The company’s longitudinal records are associated to each worker in the sample. Each yearly sample includes approximately 100,000 employees and their firms. 4 The INPS codes for occupation classification are extremely broad: white-collar or blue-collar, apprentice, part-time or full-time and fixed-term training contract (Contratti di formazione e lavoro). 5 An attempt was made to make use of other information contained in the Panel, specifically concerning periods of temporary leaves during employment and types of contract. Temporary leaves are generally due to temporary unemployment benefit (CIG) and maternity benefit. Such periods mark a discontinuation of work that may be a source of wage differences. In the preliminary analysis the variable did not prove to be significant (as was to be expected, given the age range) and was not considered anymore. Types of contract are national/company versus individual/local. 90% of contracts were national, however individual contracts were found to have a negative, though not greatly significant effect for both genders, especially for women, so the variable was not included in the final model. 6 An assessment was also made of the possible effects of other information about companies, such as how long companies were active in the period 1986-96 and employment growth trends, but none of this information proved significant. 7 The workers in the dataset used for this study do not include those employed in agriculture and public administration, seasonal workers (here defined as having a work experience of three month or less) and workers to whose firms it was not possible to attribute a proportion of females. 8 It should be pointed out that because of the particular construction of the INPS Panel (Contini, 2002), derived essentially from a population of workers, the dataset contains a very high proportion of firms represented by a single worker. Empirical analysis conducted on the sole basis of firms with at least two 20-25 year-old workers in the dataset and estimates run on the entire dataset breaking down companies by size confirm the company effect results obtained from the totality of 20-25 year-old workers in the 1996 archive. 9 Daily wages, obtained by dividing total paid wages by the number of declared working days, may be subject to the objections raised by Ginzburg et al. (1999). See Capellari and Chies (2003). 10 The classes are: low proportion of females (up to 40%), medium proportion (40-70%), and high proportion (more than 70%). 11 As implemented in the MIXED procedure of SAS. 12 Table A.4 shows the final version obtained after the various tests carried out during the research work which took account of interactions between occupational rank and certain individual variables (education, experience) which proved to be non-significant. 13 The positive impact on pay found here does not appear to contradict results obtained in other studies on groups of workers with more continuous working experience. Indeed, if we concentrate exclusively on the stayers in our sample, the impact is negative. 14 This is because the difference in individual characteristics is determined by choices that may be the result of pre-market discrimination, and the discriminatory component also includes the effects of possible omitted variables of preferences and productivity which may be correlated to variables included in the analysis. 15 Pooled wage regression coefficients (instead of the male coefficient alone) have often been used as benchmarks for the evaluation of discrimination: in this case males may be overpaid and females underpaid. 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