Yoel Roznitsky
B.S., Mechanical Engineering Cornell University, 1996
Submitted to the Sloan School of Management and the Department of Mechanical
Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Management
In Conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
June 2001
©Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. All rights reserved
Signature of Author
Sloan Sc
epartment of
f Management
ancal Engineering
May 5, 2001
Certified by
~~~ ~Sara L. Beckman
Senior Lecturer, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
Certified by
onald B. Rosenfield
Seniqr Lecturer, Sloan School of Management
'Ihesis Advisor
Certified by
Stanley B.Gehwin
Senior Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Thesis Advisor
Accepted by
Margaret C. Andrews
Executive Director of Master's Program
School of Management
Accepted b,
Ain Sonin
Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Studies
Department of Mechanical Engineering
JUL 1 6 2001
Yoel Roznitsky
Submitted to the Sloan School of Management and the Department of Mechanical
Engineering on May 11, 2001 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Management
Intel utilizes a commercial system for the real-time dispatching of lots. Encoded dispatching
rules govern the flow of material through the factory, thereby affecting output and throughput
commitments. This thesis seeks to develop and implement dispatching rules to enhance
factory performance and reduce operational burden on the factory floor. Constraint
management practices are employed to motivate the use and assess the implications of the
proposed dispatching algorithms.
Thesis Advisors:
Stanley B. Gershwin, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sara L. Beckman, Senior Lecturer, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
Donald B. Rosenfield, Senior Lecturer, Sloan School of Management
I want to gratefully acknowledge the support and resources made available to me through the
MIT Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM) program, a partnership between the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and major manufacturing companies.
I would like to express my gratitude to several individuals at Intel Corporation who have been
instrumental at supporting my efforts. Sean Cunningham turned out to be more than a
supervisor, but rather an exceptional mentor who provided support, patience, and advice,
throughout my internship as well as afterwards. Joanna Shear proved to be the perfect coach
whose direction ultimately led to many of my successes. Again and again she would prove that
there is a solution to every problem, regardless of its perceived complexity. Steve Bullington,
possibly one of the most dedicated individuals I have ever met, always made the time in his
busy schedule to lend a hand and offer his keen insight into Intel's manufacturing
environment. Additional thanks go out to other members of the Manufacturing Systems
Engineering group at D2, namely, Chris Keith, David Work, Dave Auchard, and Hyung Kang.
Without the support network of all these individuals the work presented in this thesis would
not have been possible.
I would also like to thank my advisors, Sara Beckman and Stan Gershwin, for their guidance
during my internship and during the writing of this thesis. Finally, I would like to show my
appreciation to Don Rosenfield for offering a hand in getting this work through its final
A cknow ledgm ents ..........................................................................................................
Table of Contents........................................................................................................
List of Tables ...........................................................................................................
List of Figures .........................................................................................................
Chapter 1: Introdution and Overview ................................................................
1.1 Problem Statem ent ..................................................................................................
1.2 M otivation.........................................................................................................
1.3 D escription of Projects .......................................................................................
1.4 Thesis Structure...................................................................................................
Chapter 2: Intels Manufacturing Environment............................................10
2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................
2.2 M anufacturing com plexities..............................................................................
2.2.1 Reentrant Product Flow s ................................................................................
2.2.2 E quipm ent Reliability .....................................................................................
2.2.3 E quipm ent Characteristics and Restrictions .................................................
2.2.4 Shared Facilities..............................................................................................
2.2.5 Random Yields ....................................................................................................
2.3 Consequences.....................................................................................................
Chapter 3: A utom ated Lot D ispatching ..........................................................
3.1 W hat is autom ated lot dispatching. .................................................................
3.2 Technical Infrastructure....................................................................................
3.3 O rganizational Infrastructure ...........................................................................
3.4 D ispatching Rules .............................................................................................
3.5 D ispatch Com pliance ......................................................................................
Chapter 4: Evaluation of Current Dispatching Policies ..............................
4.1 G eneral Sort Rule..............................................................................................
4.2 FastBox 3-2-1....................................................................................................
4.3 M icro-policies ....................................................................................................
4.4 D ispatching at W et Stations.............................................................................
4.5 D ispatching at Implant....................................................................................
4.6 Fram ew ork for rule developm ent....................................................................
Chapter 5: Evaluation and recommendation .................................................
5.1 Back End Evaluation..........................................................................................
5.2 Ratio Rule................................................................................................................49
5.3 Implem entation in Production .........................................................................
C hapter 6: A nalysis.................................................................................................
6.1 State of the Factory............................................................................................
6.2 Shift-based A nalysis ............................................................................................
6.3 O peration-based Analysis ..................................................................................
6.4 Cycle T im e Analysis.........................................................................................
6.5 Photolithography Cascades..............................................................................
6.6 Factory O utput...................................................................................................
C hapter 7: Conclusion .........................................................................................
B ibiliography.................................................................................................................65
T able 1: G eneral Sort R ule .................................................................................................................
Table 2: Back End Loop Cycle Tim es ........................................................................................
Table 3: Ratio Rule Sum mary .......................................................................................................
Table 4: CVD Output Performance by Shift Before and After Ratio Rule Implementation .... 57
Table 5: Average Output by Operation Before and After Ratio Rule Implementation ......
Table 6: Average Cycle Time by Operation Before and After Ratio Rule Implementation.......59
Table 7: Output and Cascade Size at VIA across 8 steppers .....................................................
Table 8: Fab Output Performance Before and After Ratio Rule Implementation.................62
Figure 1: Actual microprocessor product flow..........................................................................
Figure 2: Three Dimensions for Improved Utilization...............................................................19
Figure 3: Factory Scheduler Architecture....................................................................................
Figure 4: New Factory Scheduler Team Organizational Chart......................................................25
Figure 5: FastB ox ................................................................................................................................
Figure 6: Im plant Web Page .........................................................................................................
Figure 7: Framework for Rule Development.............................................................................
Figure 8: Back End Flow D epiction .................................................................................................
Figure 9: Skew ed WIP Profile.......................................................................................................
Figure 10: ILD and VIA Average WIP levels..................................................................................55
Figure 11: Wafer Output by Shift (Pre and Post Ratio Rule)...................................................
Figure 12: Wafer Output by Operation (Pre and Post Ratio Rule).........................................
1.1 Problem Statement
Intel Corporation's most profitable business involves the design, manufacturing, marketing,
and distribution of silicon based products, mainly microprocessors, flash memory, and
chipsets. Intel has long considered its manufacturing proficiency a core competency. Its
excellence of manufacturing execution has kept Intel's share of the microprocessor market
close to 80 percent, making it a leader in the highly competitive semiconductor market.
Semiconductors are manufactured in highly capital intensive and logistically complex
fabrication facilities, often referred to as "fabs". Within a fab, an entering bare silicon
substrate (wafer) is transformed into a microprocessor through a reentrant processing route
consisting of more than 450 operations. Silicon wafers are transported from one workstation
to another in lots of 25, yet at the workstation they may be processed one at a time. The reentrant flow environment is further complicated by the introduction of multiple processes
(such as, several generations of logic and flash processes) and multiple routes (for multiple
product variants). All in all, the manufacturing environment is very complex. At any particular
workstation in the fab, multiple products, traveling through various routes (calling for different
sequences of operations) arrive at various states of completion.
Intel's fabrication facility in Santa Clara, CA is named D2 for Development Fab 2. It is
responsible for Intel's flash memory development as well as several continuous improvement
programs across its logic line. As a result, D2 is in a unique position relative to Intel's other
fabrication facilities. It tends to run six to seven processes at differing stages of their life
cycles, as opposed to one to two processes at the other, higher volume fabs. As the number of
processes increases, and production volumes vary from process to process, the complexity of
the manufacturing environment expands.
Due to the complexity of the flow environment, lot dispatch, the choice of what lot or lots to
process next on a workstation, is a primary contributing factor to factory performance.
Dispatch rules govern the flow of material through the facility. Depending on the formulation
of dispatch lists, material at the top of the list will move faster than material at the bottom.
Some material may not move for a very long time, because it may continually remain lower on
the list as more material arrives at the workstation. All in all, dispatch rules govern
demonstrated cycle time through the line, and thus greatly affect factory throughput and
committed output.
Intel Corporation uses commercial software for real-time dispatching of lots. The lot
dispatcher uses real-time data from the factory Manufacturing Execution System (MES),
combined with standard work rules by workstation, to develop a rank-order list of lots to be
processed on the workstation. At times, these work rules, or dispatching policies, can promote
first class performance. At other times, they may hinder execution and lead to inventory
buildups, excessive queue times, and overall poor factory output performance. It becomes
critical for a manufacturing organization to adapt dispatching policies to account for the
complexities of its manufacturing environment. This thesis introduces several lot dispatching
projects that have been implemented in production at D2 to improve factory performance and
floor operations. A brief description of projects in presented below in section 1.3.
1.2 Motivation
Lot dispatch rules are used to derive rank-order lists of lots that support the fab's WIP (workin-process) management philosophy and achieve committed factory throughput and product
output commitments. These complex dispatching rules are executed automatically, "behind
the scenes". Floor personnel are no longer burdened with the complexities and the stress of
complicated dispatching rules. Instead, they are instructed to simply follow the rank-ordered
list of material presented at each workstation, and to select the lot at the top of the list as the
next lot to be processed. Floor personnel do not have to be regularly re-trained when
modifications and improvements are made, thereby allowing great flexibility for continuous
improvement efforts.
Dispatching rules can simplify workstation demands by incorporating certain workstation
practices into an automated algorithm. For example, if batching can be performed
automatically, workstation operators are no longer required to match lots with each other in an
attempt to create batches. The factory is a physically and mentally demanding environment,
and personnel are rarely idle. Floor personnel, as well as management, agree that removing the
burden of certain repetitious tasks to an automated system is helpful in improving utilization,
output and factory throughput.
The motivation behind this thesis and the work performed at Intel was the prospect of a
flexible dispatching system that enables ongoing continuous improvement activities through
the automation of WIP management policies and factory floor practices.
1.3 Description of Projects
Several dispatching projects were undertaken at Intel. All began with a performance
evaluation of particular equipment sets. Selection of these equipment sets was based on
factory indicators that tracked metrics such as cycle times, output performance to goal,
inventory turns, WIP levels, and more. In certain situations, poor performance was due to
equipment availability issues, while at other times it was due to a combination of reasons, one
of which was improper dispatching of lots. Dispatching policies at batch tools, such as the wet
stations and implant, did not account for actual operational requirements calling for the
batching of lots at these tools. As a result, operators were required to expend additional
energy to manually match material and create batches. Due to the complexity and the
demanding environment, doing so manually often opposed the WIP management policies
encoded within the lot dispatching system. New dispatching policies were developed to enable
automated batching at the wet stations and implant tools to alleviate batching demands at
those workstations while guaranteeing adherence to the factory's WIP management practices.
A more elaborate project was undertaken at a Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) equipment
set. Due to its unique placement at the back end of the production line, this CVD equipment
set was observed to improperly dispatch lots thus affecting feeds to the back end constraints
and jeopardizing overall factory output commitments. A new rule was developed to first
correctly prioritize material at the CVD station and move it to areas of low WIP inventory, and
second to feed those downstream constraints expecting the least amount of work. Analysis of
the rule's effect demonstrated improved utilization at the downstream constraints, as well as a
13% decrease in overall factory output variability. Output variability at the CVD workstation
actually increased slightly, possibly due to additional work-in-process that moved into the area.
The dispatching policies implemented in production were developed in close coordination
with factory floor personnel. When rolled into production, these policies were successful at
alleviating execution pressures in those functional areas. The work performed at the CVD
workstation went even further. There, policies implemented locally resulted in improved
performance elsewhere, indicating the possibility of a locally induced remedy that can affect
downstream entities, as well as overall factory performance.
1.4 Thesis Structure
This thesis will describe the work performed by the author, a member of a team, at Intel's D2
facility in Santa Clara, CA. Chapter 2 presents an introduction to the complexities inherent to
semiconductor wafer fabrication. It is aimed at justifying the need for an automated lot
dispatching system. Chapter 3 introduces the technical and organizational infrastructure
behind Intel's lot dispatching system. It also draws a link between Intel's lot dispatching
policies and research-based literature that had long sought out improved dispatching
methodologies. Chapter 4 introduces Intel's WIP management policies as encoded into its lot
dispatching system, and proposes a framework for future policy development. It also
introduces two policies developed to ease operational burden on the factory floor. Chapter 5
utilizes the fundamentals introduced in previous chapters to evaluate a dispatching policy at
the CVD equipment set. The chapter introduces the implementation of the Ratio Rule,
developed to combat apparent problems at this particular workstation. It also provides indepth post-implementation analysis of the Ratio Rule's effect on local and overall factory
performance. Chapter 6 completes this thesis with a conclusion of findings.
2.1 Introduction
Intel's core business, accounting for over 80 percent of its revenue and an even greater
component of its profits, is the design, manufacturing, and distribution of microprocessors,
memory products, chipsets, and other integrated circuits (ICs). As a leader in the
microprocessor industry, Intel has historically been very successful at designing and delivering
advanced products to market in a timely manner and at sufficient volumes. Bottom-line, as
seen through the eyes of the author, is that within a very competitive industry it is
manufacturing competency that has dictated Intel's ultimate success within this marketplace.
As a consequence, it makes sense to evaluate Intel's manufacturing environment.
Semiconductor wafer fabrication calls for possibly the most complicated manufacturing
processes currently used by industry in high volume applications. The fabrication process
begins with a bare silicon substrate and ends with a complete wafer consisting of a number
(anywhere from several to hundreds) of functioning microchips. Within the four walls of a
wafer fabrication facility (often referred to as afab), the silicon substrate is taken through a
carefully designed sequence of thin film depositions, etchings, photolithography, and ion
implantation processes that form a transistor layer and multiple subsequent interconnection
layers. The transistor layer is essentially the brain of the microchip and is often comprised of
millions of transistors sized at critical dimensions of 0.18 microns (180 billionths of a meter) or
smaller. Interconnect layers of metal and insulators follow transistor formation in order to
connect the millions of transistors to one another and to dictate the functionality of the
These highly complex processes are performed in highly capital-intensive facilities housing
extremely technical and expensive equipment. Interestingly, while the equipment is technically
complex and highly automated, the labor content necessary to fabricate wafers is still very high.
Hundreds of operators are needed to load and unload these systems and to maintain smooth
operation of such a facility. Ironically, it is the lowest paid employees within the organization
that add the most value to the product. It is the operator on the factory floor that has the
ultimate control over the realization of revenue for the company. The ultimate success of
delivering a product to market relies on the proficiency of the manufacturing organization to
develop a manageable system to utilize this capital effectively.
2.2 Manufacturing complexities
The fabrication complexity of such a system is described below through five characteristics
inherent to Intel's manufacturing environment.
2.2.1 Reentrant Product Flows
The number of operations along a single product flow is very large and nowadays can often
number as much as 500. Microprocessors and hybrid Integrated Circuits (ICs) become more
complex as designers try to cram more transistors and added functions on a single silicon
package. The number of operations necessary to bring these designs to market increases
dramatically. It is typical for a single workstation to perform multiple operations. For
example, a product that calls for 5 layers of metal interconnects, the circuits that connect
transistors on a chip, may visit the same lithography tool 5 times at different points along its
route in order to have the appropriate circuits imprinted. A flow where a lot visits a
workstation more than once is known as reentrantflow. Semiconductor wafer fabrication is an
extremely reentrant process. Figure 1 depicts an actual workstation-to-workstation flow for a
microprocessor product, where each number represents a unique workstation, or equipment
Figure 1: Actual microprocessor product flow
An arrival at a workstation denotes a unique operation along the product flow. Certain
workstations see material arriving at several instances along the product flow. These stations
can also feed different downstream stations based on the lot's relative location along its
process route. Others may only be used for a single operation during the processing of this
particular product. Each workstation on this diagram might be used for the fabrication of one
or more other products in this particular fabrication facility. So, while the diagram above may
seem complex, actual complexity is increased dramatically by overlaying the multiple products
flowing through the fab.
Multiple products are used to target various segments of the market. Within microprocessors,
products may segment the market based on speed, architecture, power consumption, and
various other attributes. In order to provide the customer a breadth of options, small
variations in the main process flow increase the complexity of a particular product flow. In
fact, the figure above represents a specific product line item.
In addition to multiple products, today's fabs may no longer be dedicated to a particular
process. Intel's D2 is a prime example of a fabrication facility within which multiple processes,
ranging across the wide spectrum of technology from microprocessors to flash and digital to
analog, share capacity resources. At the time of this publication, D2 was running 7 different
processes at varying volumes. Indicating such complexity in a single diagram is not possible.
2.2.2 Equipment Reliability
Wafer fabrication facilities are highly capital intensive. A typical 200mm wafer fab these days
may cost up to $2 billion, while 300mm wafer fabs will probably require an overall investment
close to $3B.
While cleanroom space is highly expensive, the bulk of the funds required to
outfit a wafer fab is used for the purchase and installation of highly technical and expensive
fabrication equipment.
While semiconductor manufacturers pay premium prices for highly technical equipment
capable of producing critical dimensions on the order of 0.1gm, they do not necessarily
acquire the reliability necessary to do so repeatedly. Technological advances in
photolithography, chemical and physical vapor depositions, dry etch, and implantation
constantly push the envelope of technical feasibility. The types of solutions provided by
semiconductor equipment manufacturers have been remarkable, pushing the limits of science
to an extreme. As a result, process windows have been continuously shrinking thereby
affecting the reliability of these expensive systems. The end result has led to highly
sophisticated tools running marginally stable processes. Moreover, the type of hardware
necessary to achieve these processes has been novel and typically one of a kind. One of the
main causes of uncertainty in this type of manufacturing environment is still unpredictable
equipment downtime [Uzsoy, 1992].
2.2.3 Equipment Characteristics and Restrictions
With equipment reliability an issue, several restrictions on the use of equipment have emerged
to combat characteristics inherent to the nature of these highly sophisticated systems. Four
restrictions are highlighted below.
Soft Dedication
A wafer fabrication facility operates as a job shop. Individual systems are arranged in
equipment sets and are most often located in a common bay. This arrangement simplifies and
reduces the costs of equipment installation. Moreover, due to the complexity of system
operation and maintenance, manufacturing technicians are most often trained on and
dedicated to a single equipment set. By positioning like systems together, operation-based
economies of scale are met. While all systems within an equipment set are physically identical,
their process capabilities may not be. In most cases, the reasons for process anomalies
between systems are unknown and manufacturers learn to run their factories with such
limitations. To combat these limitations, a manufacturer may opt to process a lot on a specific
system within an equipment set due to its superior process results. In such case, this particular
system is dedicated for a particular operation due to its superior performance. Only those lots
that arrive at the operation could be processed on the system. Such dedication is noted as soft
because it is decision-based and does not conform to a physical limitation. For example, if one
particular tool goes down for maintenance, the manufacturer may transition the operation to
another system that is up for production with inferior process results. The manufacturer may
prefer to keep the lot moving and might be willing to take the yield hit associated with the
inferior process results.
Hard Dedication
While soft dedication does not reflect a physical limitation, hard dedication does. This
limitation is due to a system's inability to perform to specification because of an underlying
hardware restriction. An example of hard dedication can be seen in the photolithography
equipment set. Lithography systems are used to imprint circuitry images on the wafer surface.
These imprints are then used to define transistors, interconnect lines, source/drain locations,
etc. In reality, they define the chip's functionality and performance. In achieving the types of
critical dimensions prevalent today, Intel and other microprocessor manufacturers expend
much energy and money on technology development efforts in lithography. It is these
lithography systems that tend to propel Moore's Law by enabling doubling of clock speeds and
number of transistors on a single chip every 18 months. In order to achieve the tolerances
necessary to maintain these tremendous strides, imprints must align perfectly with underlying
chip circuitry. Often, this requires a lot, imprinted on a particular lithography system, to return
to the same exact system for subsequent processing. This type of dedication is hardbecause
the physical limitations of the system prevent the manufacturer from sending this lot to a
different system. By deviating from this policy, the manufacturer may not yield operational
chips at all.
Operational Dedication: changeover dependence
Operational dedication is a combination of both soft restrictions set by the manufacturer and
hard restrictions inherent to the system. Consider a system capable of performing several
operations, yet each operation affects the performance of the system in a certain way. By
running a certain operation, the etch rate of the system might degrade. By running a different
operation, etch rate may actually increase. With certain operations degrading the performance
of the equipment, and certain operations improving performance, operational dedication
becomes a means by which a manufacturer may sequence material to maintain the time a piece
of equipment is available for production. Great care is taken to keep track of the operations
performed on a given system and to prioritize work-in-process based on operational effects on
that system. Operational dedication thus becomes a restriction, as well as a tool for managing
fab performance.
Time Expiry
Throughout the wafer fabrication process there are critical time windows that must be
preserved between operations along the process route. A pre-clean performed in order to strip
a wafer of native oxide (oxidation of silicon exposed to air) that has grown during transit must
be followed by the subsequent deposition operation within a controlled period of time. In this
case, the pre-clean operation will exhibit a time expiry restriction promoting the urgency of the
lots traveling through the pre-clean station. If a lot is not processed through the deposition
operation in time, the loop must be repeated in order to ensure predicted yields. Time expiry
loops pose additional complexities as they introduce time-related variables to an already
complex environment.
2.2.4 Shared Facilities
As mentioned earlier, wafer fabrication facilities are highly capital intensive. Due to their cost,
and the need for constant development of new products in the competitive semiconductor
industry, fabrication facilities are often used for both production and development activities.
There are some exceptions, such as High Volume Manufacturing (HVM) sites, that are
constructed to ramp up production on a single process and are not used for new product
development. These sites typically begin operations on a product that has already been
developed and tested in smaller volumes. Intel's D2 facility is a development facility, but one
that also runs production and contributes to Intel's bottom line. By meeting the demands of
the market, D2 contributed to Intel's top line while continuing development of seven other
technologies. The bottom line is that within the walls of a typical fabrication facility,
equipment sets must be utilized to process both production lots as well as development lots,
all of which adds to further complexity. Conflicting goals between the manufacturing and
engineering organizations add to the complexity as production and development material
competes for priority in the factory. In an attempt to manage these conflicts, multi-level
priority systems are enforced across work-in-process lots in order to speed up feedback of
information on development lots, while maintaining high velocity for production lots.
2.2.5 Random Yields
Very often, historical data can be used to predict yields of mature products. Yet, with constant
continuous improvement efforts and introductions of new products and technologies, yield
estimation becomes a major problem [Uzsoy, 1992]. The effect of process changes on yield is
not predictable. Interdependency among process factors leads to complex interactions that
very often cannot be predicted. Moreover, variability inherent to production equipment and
incoming material leads to enhanced uncertainty when process yields are concerned.
Environmental effects, such as temperature, humidity, and clean room class, may cause yields
to vary in random fashion. All in all, while historical data may be useful in indicating expected
values, constant changes within the factory walls often lead to yields that may seem to vary
2.3 Consequences
The consequences of managing these complexities incorrectly may lead to the inability to
introduce and develop new products, or even worse, serious operational shortcomings and loss
of revenue. Specifically, by managing the complexities highlighted above incorrectly, one may
adversely affect availability and utilization.
Availability refers to the proportion of time equipment is functioning, qualified, and available
for production (as defined by SEMI International Standards in SEMI E10-0301). Equipment
reliability, characteristics, and restrictions, as well as the dual production-development nature
of a fabrication facility can severely limit the time equipment is available to process material.
Manufacturers that have developed the proper systems, such as statistical process control, to
track equipment performance, have found success in staggering preventive maintenance and
complementary tasks in a way to maximize effective availability of their equipment base.
Utilization is the percentage of time equipment is processing wafers. Utilization of a
particular system is bound from above by its availability and from below by three factors.
These three factors must be satisfied in order to successfully process and ship completed
products. At each workstation, the proper equipment must be available for production,
inventory must be there to process, and an operator must be on location to operate the
equipment and load the wafers (Figure 2). Execution failure along any one of these three
dimensions will prevent a lot of wafers from continuing along its pre-planned path. Regardless
of which factor is not met, the end result is an opportunity loss observed through lower than
expected utilization.
Figure 2: Three Dimensions for Improved Utilization
Fab management is constantly on the lookout for ways to improve the utilization of assets. By
hitting all three dimensions highlighted above consistently, utilization is maximized. Missing
any one signifies an opportunity loss. There has always been much focus surrounding the
availability of equipment. In some respects, these efforts regarding equipment availability
begin at the selection stage of such equipment. Manufacturers work closely with their
suppliers to guarantee certain availability specifications and hold their suppliers to such
purchase agreements. Availability enhancing continuous improvement programs are always
on the roadmap and gather much focus from both equipment suppliers and their customers.
Likewise, the labor-staffing dilemma has been constantly researched throughout many
organizations. Staffing voids are typically very visible to the factory floor as headcount is
tracked on a shift by shift basis and staffing plans are updated on continuous basis. Goss
(2000) examined the staffing effects of a cross-trained workforce and its ability to affect
capacity utilization.
It is WIP availability that very often remains unquantifiable in this complex manufacturing
environment. WIP management policies are utilized to govern the flow of material within a fab
to ensure that proper buffers are maintained throughout the fab. Yet, manufacturers must
limit the amount of work-in-process circulating through the factory in order to decrease
holding costs, decrease throughput time, and improve yields. As factory management
accounts for the tradeoff between too much WIP and not enough WIP, WIP management
policies become increasingly more complex. Factory automation systems, including automated
dispatch systems, allow for the automation of WIP management policies to improve utilization
and factory performance. These systems rank-order WIP at workstations to manage the flow
of material through the factory. By meeting the last of the three utilization factors, automated
lot dispatch systems affect and improve overall factory performance. This thesis elaborates on
the use of lot dispatching systems to improve actual factory performance at Intel's D2 facility.
3.1 What is automated lot dispatching?
The previous chapter highlighted some of the complexities associated with semiconductor
wafer fabrication. It went on to pinpoint the consequences associated with managing these
complexities improperly. It was noted that due to the complexity of the flow environment, lot
dispatch, the choice of what lot or lots to process next on a workstation is a primary
contributing factor to fab performance. Lot dispatch rules are used to derive a rank-order list
of lots that supports the fab's WIP management philosophy and achieve committed factory
throughput and product output commitments. Execution of complex dispatching rules is
performed behind the scenes, within a factory automation system.
3.2 Technical Infrastructure
Intel uses an Integrated Scheduling System for Real Time Dispatching (ISS/RTD), or Factory
Scheduler for short, of work-in-process (WIP) throughout its factories. This new scheduling
system was introduced at the same time as Intel began development of its 0.18gm process
technology. This particular process technology introduced new complexities that could not be
handled by the scheduling product of record at the time. Many of these complexities have
been highlighted in the previous chapter. Upon introduction, preliminary efforts concentrated
on replicating the prevailing dispatching policies on this new, more powerful, dispatching
system. Once Factory Scheduler (FS) proved to reproduce the scheduling capabilities of the
legacy system, work began to extend dispatching policies to account for the additional
demands of the new process technology. In particular, policies at the photolithography tools
were expanded to incorporate hard dedication restrictions required of the new process.
An overview of the Factory Scheduler architecture is provided in Figure 3 [Kempf, 2000]. A
software tap into the factory's Manufacturing Execution System (MES) provides a repository
containing the current state of the factory. This data repository is temporal in nature, meaning
that not only does it provide a current snapshot of the state of the factory, but it also archives
historical data in order to provide past states for tracking and analysis purposes. Researchers
of dispatching policies have long argued that adding spatial and time dimensions to the
information provided by a manufacturing control system would improve decisions [Glassey
and Petrakian, 1989]. In the past, generating this richer pool of data required substantial
computing power that was not economically available. FS was introduced at a time that such
limitations were being reduced dramatically, ironically, through Moore's Law and Intel's own
contribution to this trend. The existence of a rich pool of data now enables users to compose
WIP management policies via complex queries into the repository and deliver results to
operators based on automated dispatch rules. These dispatch rules govern the flow of material
through the factory, thereby controlling factory-wide performance. The factory reacts to these
policy engines while its health is continually recorded by the MES system, thereby closing the
loop and providing a feedback control path to the policy engines. The user-programmed
dispatch rules react to data from the MES system to drive material through the factory
according to a prescribed WIP management policy.
Dispatching Policies
Data Repository
Manufacturing Execution System
Figure 3: Factory Scheduler Architecture
3.3 Organizational Infrastructure
With the introduction of Factory Scheduler (FS), internal resources within the Manufacturing
Engineering (ME) organization were allocated to export dispatching rules from the legacy
system to FS. Furthermore, development of new dispatching rules and automated reports
commenced in an attempt to harness the power of this new and improved scheduling system.
Work along those lines began within the Tactical Capacity Group, a small group under
Manufacturing Engineering. In time, to build on its continuous drive for improved factory
performance, Intel's D2 management formed the Factory Scheduler Team to:
Explore opportunities for improvement through the development of new dispatch rules
and reports; and,
2. Work with factory personnel to find potential areas for improvement, to increase
awareness of the new system and its capabilities, and to push new dispatch rules and
reports into production.
The Factory Scheduler Team was populated with members from three organizations,
Manufacturing Engineering, Automation, and Operations, all of which offered a different
resource necessary for the successful design and implementation of new factory rules and
reports. While responsibilities were shared among participants, they often reflected the core
competencies of the members' respective organizations. As such, these generalizations take
Members of the Tactical Capacity Group often spearheaded development of new dispatch
rules and reports. Development began either through requests from the manufacturing
and/or engineering organizations, or through internal discovery of improvement
2. Members of Automation were responsible for the hardware and software agents behind
the scheduling system. Responsibilities varied from sustaining activities to continuous
improvement efforts along the lines of FS. Often, members of the Automation group
would also participate in the development and testing of FS-based reports.
3. Members of Technology Development (TD) Operations, possessing intimate knowledge
of the manufacturing environment, reviewed requests and opportunities for their
operational validity. Moreover, as owners of TD performance, they offered insight into
the interactions between production material and development/engineering lots. Their
understanding of the production environment was essential during implementation.
As highlighted by the two FS goals mentioned above, improvements in factory performance
cannot be pursued via the academic development of rules alone, but rather through close
coordination with factory floor personnel, individuals with complete knowledge of what
affects factory performance. A pure engineering approach to the problem tends to ignore
operational requirements and limitations, while a pure operational approach most often underutilizes the power of the factory scheduling system. As a result, close coordination between
Manufacturing Engineering and Operations is a prerequisite for successful projects. To aid in
this close interaction, an organizational restructuring brought these two groups closer together
(see Figure 4). The group was redesigned to bring the two disciplines together, not just for
improved coordination on FS projects, but also in order to establish ownership of other
manufacturing systems. The Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSE) group was formed to
own key factory indicators and to drive efforts and projects geared at improving on the current
state of the factory. Factory Scheduler became one tool with which this group set out to
follow its charter.
The strategic design of the Factory Scheduler Team brought organizational advantages that led
to the success of the system. While the technical section above highlighted the need and
power associated with this new dispatching system, it is the organizational structure and the
customer-oriented focus of the MSE group that together harnessed its power and delivered
directed solutions to the factory floor. Thus, it is important to think of the Factory Scheduler
system as both an information technology product as well as an organization formed to enable
its technical capabilities.
Factory Automation
Tactical Capacity
Factory Scheduler
TD Operations
Factory Scheduler Team
Factory Automation
-...........----- - --
- - - - - -- - - . . . . ..
Factory Scheduler
TD Operations
Tactical Capacity
Factory Scheduler Team
Figure 4: New Factory Scheduler Team Organizational Chart
3.4 Dispatching Rules
The Factory Scheduler architecture along with its supporting organizational infrastructure has
been introduced at Intel in order to develop dispatching rules to control the flow of material
throughout its fabrication facilities. There exists no consensus, either at Intel or in the
literature, as to what should be the objective of a scheduling system [Glassey and Resende,
1988]. One objective, that seems to echo through the literature, is minimization of cycle time,
the amount of time a job spends at a workstation, or similarly, in the fab. By Little's Law
[Little, 1961], the minimization of cycle time is analogous to minimization of work-in-process,
or equivalently, to minimization of total inventory cost. In the semiconductor industry,
besides lower inventory, shorter cycle times improve manufacturing response time to market
demand and unscheduled downtime. Moreover, shorter cycle times increase information
turns, the frequency of information feedback, from inspection points, such as metrology
equipment, that enable the diagnosing of defects and other process related specifications
[Cunningham and Shanthikumar, 1996]. Much research has been performed on various
dispatching algorithms, laying claim to perform better against these common objectives.
It can be argued that the need for studying and enhancing dispatching rules arises from the
fact that given n jobs queued at a workstation, there are n!ways to sequence those jobs.
Moreover, in a complex manufacturing environment, the state of work downstream, or
elsewhere within the shop, might influence the optimal sequence of jobs at a workstation. In
addition, even after decades of dispatching research, no one dispatching rule has been
demonstrated to be optimal for all job shop environments [Mittler, 1999]. Much of the work
that has been published has been based on comparison-based simulations. These simulations
have been used to test novel dispatching rules against 1) other known dispatching rules, and 2)
against the simplest rule of them all, namely First-In-First-Out (FIFO). Under these studies,
virtual factories are set up within a simulation package, and variability is often introduced in a
controlled manner. All in all, whenever simulations are utilized, all variables leading to
manufacturing complexity, such as machine availability, are intrinsically known and predictable.
The manufacturing complexities highlighted in Chapter 2 of this thesis can never be fully
realized under the simulation approach. Therefore, conclusions reported in most literature
almost always lack the empirical results necessary for implementation in a complex
environment such as wafer fabrication. Nevertheless, research has provided many of the
building block elements and thinking processes used in today's WIP management policies.
A good example of a building-block policy, introduced in literature, supported through
simulation, and adopted in practice is the prioritization of material based on Critical Ratio
(CR). CR is a technique that considers a due date of a job relative to the current date and
compares it to the expected lead-time remaining before it exits the factory. As a due-datebased dispatching policy, CR has been shown, through simulations, to demonstrate smaller
variance of job lateness [Putnam, 1971]. In practice, at Intel, CR, when compared to the
dispatching rules previously in production, has been shown to slightly reduce throughput time,
and clearly decrease average lateness, as well as variance of lot lateness [Kempf, 2000]. The
implementation of Critical Ratio within Intel's production facilities demonstrates the
applicability of much of the research concentrated on improved dispatching policies. It is
interesting to note that while CR has been around for several decades, its was only adopted at
Intel in the last several years. In fact, the volume of data necessary to implement CR into an
automated dispatching system was not available until the introduction of Factory Scheduler as
a real-time scheduling system.
Blackstone (1982), compiled a comparative study of various algorithms based on the costeffectiveness of each rule. The rules were evaluated in a simulated job shop environment
where the only scarce resource is equipment, all jobs are independent, and each job is
processed through a known set of machines. A large set of rules were subdivided into four
classes: 1) rules involving processing times, 2) rules involving due dates, 3) rules involving
neither times nor due dates (such as those that involve queue lengths), and 4) rules involving
two or more of the first three cases. While it was shown that the shortest imminent (SI)
operation rule, which selects the job for which the next operation can be completed in the
least time, maximized throughput, it was Conway and Maxwell [1962] that pointed out that
variances increased with the introduction of any shortest-operation rule. Such are some of the
tradeoffs commonly seen in real operations. It is often the case that one dispatch policy
cannot satisfy all metrics on the shop floor. As a result, at Intel, lot dispatch policies have been
borrowing bits and pieces of carefully researched rules that have been studied via simulations
but have not been placed into practice at a complex environment similar to Intel's. Any one of
Intel's dispatching policies may exhibit characteristics borrowed from two or more of the
classes mentioned above.
Where rules based on shortest processing times under-perform, rules based on due dates excel.
The principal advantage of due-date-based rules over processing-time-based rules is a smaller
variance of job lateness. This is where rules like Critical Ratio come into play. During the time
of implementation at Intel, CR didn't replace an inferior rule, but was rather incorporated into
a more encompassing policy consisting of other dispatching elements. Some of these elements
targeted maximum throughput, while others optimized additional metrics, such as lateness.
Another class of rules that is frequently seen around Intel is that based on queue levels at
workstations on the shop floor. These rules, such LWNQ, select the job going next to the
queue with the least amount of expected work per machine [Lu, 1994]. These rules have been
used to drive WIP to areas which can handle it best, that is, areas with low WIP that can
process incoming material quicker. Both of these rules compete with throughput maximizing
rules, such as SI, by selecting the jobs that can be processed rapidly through the next
workstation. Doing so keeps material moving, thereby increasing inventory turns while
ensuring that constraints are properly fed. In other words, in a re-entrant flow environment,
these rules attempt to minimize queue times at stations between constraints. As will be
discussed later, an Intel WIP policy that follows this particular class of rules is called Fastbox.
At Intel, several WIP policies, such as Critical Ratio and Fastbox, are incorporated into a
higher level policy aimed at governing the overall flow of material through the fab. This higher
level policy is often referred to as the macr-pofig. In some respects, the macro-policy, and
therefore the combination of its constituent dispatch rules, are reflections of the fab
management's WIP management philosophy. It is common to see macro-policy differences
across Intel's manufacturing facilities. As mission statements and operational charters vary
from fab to fab, these differences manifest themselves in the WIP management practices of
the various management teams. Moreover, with fabs operating at different stages of
production lifecycle - start-up, ramp, maturity, and end-of-life - each may adopt best practices
previously proven and specified in Intel's WIP Management BKM (Best Known
Methodology) manual. While a macro-policy is used to dictate the overall flow through the
factory, a micro-policy is used to govern the flow of material through a specific workstation.
These micro-policies are used to incorporate tool restrictions and best practices that cannot be
included in the high level macro-policy. While these micro-policies provide an exception to
the macro-policy at the specific workstation, they try not to deviate from the overall micropolicy too far. They generally work off the dispatch list governed by the macro-policy to
incorporate tool requirements, such as batching, and best practices, such as cascading. Details
regarding Intel's macro-policy and a sampling of developed micro-policies follow in the
chapters ahead.
3.5 Dispatch Compliance
Factory Scheduler provides a rank-ordered list of lots to process at each workstation in the fab.
The dispatch list is output to a station controller at each workstation. Operators are instructed
to process the first lot on the list, or when batching is required, the first batch on the list. Yet,
there are times when the lot processed is not the first on the list. In such case, it is said that
compliance is not 100%. In many situations, these nonconforming events are an indication
that the micro-policy is needed to incorporate certain requirements or restrictions inherent to a
particular workstation. In this case, it is the operator with intimate knowledge of the
workstation that diagnoses a problem with the dispatch list and makes the call to not follow
the list.
In a perfect world, one in which an automated lot dispatching system can account for all
requirements and best practices, non-conformance is a non-issue. It is hard to believe that this
time will ever come mainly due to the ever-changing nature of semiconductor manufacturing.
While one may develop the necessary micro-policies to account for all operational practices,
the time would come when an introduction of a new process, new product, or new tool, will
disrupt this unstable equilibrium. As a result, it is always necessary to look at nonconformance as a signaling event. In many situations, it is safe to assume that it is the system
that is non-conforming, and not the operator. Of course, there are instances where nonconformance is caused by the individual. Human error is always a variable in the conformance
of any manufacturing system. It is speculated that the portion of non-conforming events
associated with human error is very small at Intel. One reason is that operators are internally
motivated to follow a dispatch list. Conforming to the list requires much less energy. After all,
by selecting anything else besides the topmost lot, additional energy is expended to analyze the
situation, evaluate the options, and choose an alternative. In an already stressful clean-room
environment of wafer fabrication, a tool that decreases the constant stress associated with
selecting the correct lot to process next is much appreciated. Disregarding what this tool
claims to be correct requires a certain level of commitment to what is believed to be the right
choice. A system, which tracks these types of non-conformance, becomes a powerful tool in
determining where the dispatch system is failing and where it is working correctly.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing this thesis, implementation of such system was still some
time off.
4.1 General Sort Rule
Lot dispatching at Intel's D2 fabrication facility is managed with a macro policy called the
General Sort Rule that reflects the WIP management philosophy and priorities of the factory's
management team. The WIP management philosophy behind the macro policy dictates
overall material flow through the entire factory. As a macro-policy affecting all factory
workstations, it has been developed to successfully schedule production and engineering
material to meet the factory's dual-focused charter. D2's General Sort Rule is summarized in
Table 1. All factory workstations default to the General Sort Rule unless exceptions are put in
place at specific equipment set. Exceptions, referred to as micro-policies, are commonly put
into place at constraint tools, feeder-to-constraints, and workstations with known best
practices that are not incorporated by the general macro-policy.
Be it a philosophy based on the Theory of Constraints (ToC), Shortest Remaining Processing
Time, Critical Ratio, or other, the WIP management philosophy behind the macro-policy
governs overall dispatching through the entire factory. The underlying WIP management
philosophy becomes a major contributor to factory performance. As a result, major efforts
have concentrated around developing and implementing macro-policies that would improve
on cycle time, velocity, and output performance.
Table 1: General Sort Rule
Rank Order of Lots based on the General Sort Rule
Lots with Time Expiry flags
Within Priority 1-5 Lots
Priority 1,2, and 3 with an "A" flag denoting a hotbox lot
Order by pre-defined process order
4 Within process, order by pre-defined product order
> Then FIFO
Within Priority 6 Lots
4 Order by FastBox quadrant (QI, Q2, Q3, Q4)
Then order by process order
Within process, order by product order
> Then back-to-front (3-2-1)
> Then FIFO
Priority 7 Lots
The prioritization system underlying the General Sort Rule designates specific lots as having a
priority from 1 (P1) to 7 (P7). P6 lots are standard production materials, while P7 lots are
monitoring and test wafers used for various sustaining activities. Technology Development
(T7D) and Engineering use the remaining priority levels (P1 - P5) extensively to manage the
throughput time of their work. By placing the appropriate priority on their orders, they ensure
fast information turnover rates for use in product development and engineering.
D2's macro-policy enables a prioritization system aimed at successfully executing to the
factory's charter - technology development and engineering. In effect, the General Sort Rule
allows the factory to prioritize lower volume orders, which would otherwise be overwhelmed
by the higher volume, more mature production orders. This ensures that the factory responds
well to its internal technology development and engineering customers, but is also responsive
to shifting customer and market demand. Intel can, for example, quickly realize revenues on a
hot product whose demand has just peaked. In sum, D2's General Sort Rule achieves D2's
goal to develop new processes and products quickly, while at the same time providing the
market with high-end products at lower manufacturing costs. As will be seen later, however,
its presence as a default dispatching policy may not be appropriate at certain equipment sets.
4.2 FastBox 3-2-1
When Intel is participating in a supply-limited market (all that can be produced is sold), two
performance metrics of great importance are Output (OUTS) and Throughput Time (TPT).
Maximizing OUTS has direct effect on top line revenue: greater output leads to greater
revenue. Minimizing TPT is also very important, but its importance cannot be easily defined
financially. Minimizing TPT increases the rate of information flow in the factory, enabling
faster technology development cycles, and enhancing information about the health and
performance of the factory. Moreover, minimizing TPT may mean greater responsiveness to
the market as manufacturing lead times decrease.
A problem arises when we try to both maximize OUTS and minimize TPT. Loading the
factory and increasing Work-in-Process (WIP) can increase output. Doing so will ensure that
enough material is in the line to keep equipment busy. As long as the equipment is available
and technicians qualified to operate the equipment are present, output will be maximized. Yet,
such an increase in WIP will result in increased queue times, adversely affecting TPT.
Intel addresses the output and throughput predicament via WIP management policies that
have been incrementally developed and revised through the past several years. The
groundwork for improved output performance has been based on Goldratt's Theory of
Constraints (ToC) [Goldratt, 1992]. Great emphasis has been placed on the factory's lowest
capacity equipment since lost output at the constraint is lost output for the factory. This has
been accomplished by:
buffering the constraint with WIP as protection against variable availability of upstream
starting material into the line based on the need and capacity of the constraint,
subordinating other equipment to make sure that the constraint is fed properly and WIP is
always there,
making sure that the constraint is always staffed with properly trained technicians, and
maintenance at the constraint is given the highest priority.
WIP management enhancements to improve TPT have led to the implementation of "back-tofront" lot dispatching. Known in the operations research literature as "Shortest Remaining
Processing Time" (SRPT) [Wein, 1988], this strategy recommends selecting lots that are close
to completion. The farther along a lot has progressed through the manufacturing line, the
more value it has accumulated and the closer it is to generating revenue. Under this policy, if a
workstation runs multiple operations along the process flow, lots (jobs) at an operation closer
to the end of the line are prioritized above those closer to the start of the line. At Intel, this
policy is known as "3-2-1", dating back to technology generations with three metal layers - "32-1" was a handy rule-of-thumb for reminding manufacturing technicians of the lot dispatch
policy. The implementation of "3-2-1" had a positive effect on reducing TPT, especially
toward the back end of the process flow.
More recent work to further enhance TPT and increase OUTS has led to the formulation of
the FastBox lot dispatch policy. FastBox was developed to maximize WIP velocity, while
insuring that the constraint is always fed. At Intel, WIP velocity is defined as an average
inventory turns metric across the factory. The ratio of the number of manufacturing activities
completed to the total number of wafers yields the WIP velocity; e.g., WIP velocity of one
implies the average wafer completes one activity step per day. Velocity can be increased either
by reducing WIP or increasing number of activity steps performed. As a WIP management
policy, FastBox targets the latter by looking at the work available at each processing operation
an equipment runs, and looking at key downstream operations that this equipment feeds to see
if work is needed there. Prioritization of WIP at an equipment set can best be explained with
reference to Figure 5.
At a given equipment set, the amount of WIP at each operation is calculated and compared to
the WIP at a key downstream operation that the equipment set feeds. The two WIP levels are
denoted as either HI or LO based on a predetermined HI/LO criterion, e.g., 100 wafers. For
example, those WIP queues larger than 100 wafers (the HI/LO criterion) are denoted HI,
while those below are denoted LO. The darkened WIP levels in Figure 5 denote WIP levels at
the current equipment set, while the white WIP levels describe the WIP situation at key
downstream operations. Under this system, an operation with HI WIP feeding an operation
with LO WIP is given the highest priority. In this case, priority is given to an operation with
much work that feeds an operation with little work in an attempt to move work to where it is
needed most, and to keep it moving.
Priority 4
Priority 3
H1 Hi
Priority 2
Priority 1
Total WIP at current operation
Figure 5: FastBox
An operation with LO WIP feeding another operation with LO WIP is prioritized next
(priority 2). This is to ensure that when the equipment is available, work is not moved to high
WIP areas where queue times are already high. As a result, the first two priorities are given to
operations that move WIP to low WIP locations where the work can be processed as soon as
possible. The lowest priority is given to those operations that do not have much WIP at the
time, but are at a risk to moving work to already high WIP operations downstream. When
multiple operations fall into the same FastBox quadrant, ties are broken using the "3-2-1"
policy, thus the name "FastBox 3-2-1". Referring back to previous discussion of dispatching
policies, one may see Fastbox as a variant of researched rules such as LWNQ mentioned by Lu
[1994] and Wein [1988]. As discussed earlier, these rules, and Fastbox as a variant, intend to
compete with throughput maximization rules such as those based on shortest processing time.
Two key implementation considerations exist for the Fast Box rule: which equipment sets use
it, and which downstream operation is chosen. In choosing which toolsets adopt Fast Box, we
note certain equipment sets have substantial excess capacity owing to tool redundancy and
other capacity considerations. In this case, these operations process work quickly, resulting in
very short queues and low queue times. Under such situations, the FastBox policy is reduced
to one dimension in which WIP at the current operation is always LO, and material is
restricted to either priority 2 or 4. If the equipment set has limited capacity and tends to build
WIP, operations crossing the HI/LO WIP criterion are prioritized across both dimensions,
first based on WIP levels at the current equipment, then based on WIP levels downstream. As
a result, the second key consideration leads to proper selection of downstream operations.
When looking downstream from an operation prioritized by Fastbox, it is the first downstream
operation that tends to build a WIP queue (corresponding to excessively high cycle time) that
should be considered when applying the FastBox policy. Simply looking at the next immediate
downstream operation won't do. As will be shown later, the next immediate downstream
operation might be on a high throughput tool that might demonstrate low queue times. It
becomes increasingly important to select the appropriate downstream operation for
consideration. Moreover, as will be described later, the amount of work between the
operation being prioritized and the selected downstream operations should be considered as
well in order to capture WIP traveling between these two queues.
4.3 Micro-policies
The fraction of workstations operating to a micro-policy in a given fabrication facility varies
with WIP management philosophy and the stage of production lifecycle - whether it is at start-
up, ramp, maturity, of end-of-life. As mentioned before, micro-policies are algorithms
implemented at certain workstation as an exception to the General Sort Rule. These
exceptions have been made at workstations that fall into one, or more, of the following
Constraint: The workstation is a constraint to the factory and as such requires a specialized
rule to enhance utilization. An output increase at the constraint translates to an increase in
overall factory output.
Feeder to Constraint: The workstation is upstream from a known constraint and as such
requires a specialized rule to ensure proper material feeds to the constraint. Care must be
taken to make sure that the constraint is constantly fed to eliminate idle time due to lack of
lot availability.
3. Batching Opportunities: The workstation processes lots in batches and as such requires a
specialized rule to batch like products at like operations based on a batching criterion. The
rule in this case will batch material while preserving the natural priority system dictated by
the macro-policy. Lots of low priorities might be moved up the rank-ordered list in order
to create a batch and maximize workstation utilization.
4. Cascading Opportunities: While the workstation may not process lots in batches, cascading
like products at the same operation might enhance its utilization. Such workstations
require a setup based on the product and operation it is about to process. As a result,
improved utilization can be met by processing a few lots, back to back, based on a
cascading criterion.
5. Technical Limitations: The workstation operates to best practices that have been
developed to account for equipment limitations. As such, a rule is required to automate
these practices and incorporate them into a localized specialized rule. Automation will
alleviate the stress and training requirements necessary to adhere to these best practices.
Evaluation of two workstations that exhibited one or more of the above conditions resulted in
improvement opportunities that have been incorporated into localized micro-dispatching
policies. These micro-policies were developed and implemented for the wet stations and the
ion implanters.
4.4 Dispatching at Wet Stations
A wet station is a fast throughput wet etching station that processes two lots at a time. Two
lots are loaded on a wafer handler that immerses them in a wet bath for a specified period of
time. Lots are batched based on the underlying chemistry of the bath and the processing time,
thereby conforming to condition number 3 outlined above. In this case, it is important to note
that batching by operation represents a subset of batching possibilities, since multiple
operations may call for the same chemistry and processing time.
During evaluation of the General Rule Sort at the wet stations, it was noted that batching of
lots was performed manually by the equipment operator. While the top lot in the dispatch list
was most often chosen first, its batching partner was most often promoted from somewhere
down on the list. This was in fact quite necessary, but very often it was observed that some
operators would do a better job preserving lot priorities by promoting the FIRST qualifying lot
down the list. Others would simply choose one that matched the chemistry of the first and
promoted it to complete the batch. Those lots that were promoted often were of Fastbox
priority other than 1. These lots would head to operations with already high WIP levels where
they would simply incur additional queue time. The better choice would have been to
promote those lots that could move to subsequent operations with lower WIP, such as other
priority 1 lots. Due to wide variance in batching compliance, it became evident that
automating the batching process would result in a more predictable process, and a process less
likely to flood downstream operations with already large WIP queues.
4.5 Dispatching at Implant
Implant posed a somewhat more complicated problem. While the implanters process lots one
at a time, greater efficiencies are met with cascading of lots. Implant conforms to condition 4,
highlighting the possible implementation of an area-specific micro-policy. At implant,
cascading is based on source species. The type of source installed at the tool determines the
type of doping chemistry that is accelerated into the wafer substrate. Switching from one
source to the next requires substantial setup time. Best practices call for maximizing the
number of lots that can be cascaded on a single source before turning over and setting up on
Under the General Sort Rule, the selection of lots for cascading was performed manually by
the equipment operator. The operator was required to manage the formation of cascades,
even though source information for each operation wasn't clearly documented. Trained
operators had the experience and knowledge to discern which operations were to be processed
on which source, yet, it was difficult for them to keep track of how many lots were processed
since last set up. The problem was exacerbated as the number of implanters per operator
increased during low-staffed shifts. It became very difficult for operators to ensure that source
life is not exceeded during long cascading runs.
An additional problem revolved around soft dedication at the implanters. While most systems
were qualified to process a large set of operations, engineering maintained control over yield by
soft dedicating implanters to certain operations. These dedications would tend to change on a
relatively frequent basis. It was observed on a few occasions that the soft dedication
documentation posted at the workstation would not reflect the latest changes communicated
from engineering. It became apparent that best known practices at the workstation prevented
the implant organization from successfully executing to the macro-policy. A micro-policy was
developed to incorporate these best practices and automate those tasks that before were
hindered by mis-documentation and miscommunication.
An implant rule was developed to accomplish the following:
Create batches of lots based on source.
2. Limit maximum batch size to 6 hours worth of work. Batch size calculated from historical
data on processing time per operation).
Order batches based on priority of highest priority lot in batch.
4. Determine last source set up on tool and number of consecutive lots processed using that
If accumulated time < 6 hours: the dispatch screen indicated which lots to process
next by moving them to the top of the rank-ordered list.
If accumulated time > 6 hours: no lots are indicated. Instead, the operator may choose
the next batch on the dispatch list.
The size of the batch was limited to 6 hours (half a shift) worth of work in order to preserve
the life of the source. Generally, source life would be jeopardized when "overworked" beyond
6 continuous hours, resulting in excessive downtime due to replacements of exhausted
sources. When the accumulated time of lots processed on the same source exceeded 6 hours,
the dispatch screen failed to indicate the next lots to process under that same source. This
prompted the operator to move to the next batch and set up on a new source. Flexibility was
retained by allowing the operator the option of continuing processing on the same source
during times of excessive WIP. At times of excessive WIP, source life became a secondary
issue to improving cycle time. As such, there were times when setups were minimized to
increase throughput at the workstation.
An additional benefit of this rule came through a web site developed for the management of
soft dedication assignments at implant. A screenshot of this new management tool is depicted
in Figure 6. With the aid of this interface, engineers and manufacturing supervisors were
empowered with direct control over the assignment of operations to implant tools. For
example, if IMP(E) were to go down for extended maintenance, an engineer would be able to
use this interface to assign OP13 to IMP(E), if in fact this tool was qualified to run operation
13. All in all, this web-based interface enables a stable medium wherein up-to-date
documentation of soft dedication information would be available to the manufacturing
organization from the floor or from any computer with a connection to the Intel Intranet.
Once this web page began to reflect the actual soft dedication restrictions that were utilized in
production, the system was linked into the Factory Scheduler system to provide real-time
information of tool-operation assignments. This real-time tap allowed the implant Factory
Scheduler dispatching rule to 1) provide the up-to-date source information for each operation,
and 2) at each implant tool, provide a dispatch list of lots of only those operations authorized
to process there.
Figure 6: Implant Web Page
4.6 Framework for rule development
This chapter began with an overview of D2's macro-policy and moved on into a brief
explanation of micro-policies and why they are needed. Two examples have been highlighted
of two workstations that necessitated specialized micro-policies for improved operations.
With sufficient time and resources, in-depth studies of all functional areas in the fab may
demonstrate other areas that could benefit from additional micro-policies. The five
qualifications for a micro-policy highlighted above all deal with workstation specific issues. By
devising and implementing specialized micro-policy tools aimed at alleviating one of these five
qualifications, performance is optimized at the toolset level - improvements might be seen at
the workstation, or even possibly downstream if the toolset under improvement is a feeder-toconstraint workstation. The General Sort Rule at D2 has been introduced as an algorithm for
overall factory optimization, while the micro-policies discussed so far have been described as
toolset-specific optimization algorithms. The upcoming chapter introduces a micro-policy that
has been able to demonstrate overall factory performance improvements. This micro-policy
has been implemented at a Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) toolset to improve
performance in the back end of the production line.
Figure 7 demonstrates that certain aspects of micro-policies can be geared toward overall
factory optimization. In the CVD example, efforts taken there to improve operations at that
specific toolset resulted in improvements to Fastbox 3-2-1. Additional efforts can be
undertaken to implement the modifications to Fastbox within the framework of the General
Sort Rule thereby utilizing a rule, originally developed as a specialized micro-policy, to improve
a higher-level macro-policy. The CVD micro-policy has in fact been demonstrated to affect
toolset performance as well as overall factory performance. All in all, as will be demonstrated
in the following chapter, development efforts that were initially aimed at toolset optimization
led to observed improvements in factory output while highlighting future direction for macropolicy improvements.
Toolset Opt
Factory Opt
Wet Stations
Fastbox 3-2-1
Figure 7: Framework for Rule Development
As Figure 7 depicts, what has been demonstrated at the CVD equipment set can be used as a
framework for future rule development. It is most often that a specific toolset drives local
improvements. Yet, in many circumstances, the work performed to optimize a local area can
be translated into the macro-scale and utilized to drive overall factory optimization. In this
case, the toolset acts as a pilot line for validation of an approach that might be adopted by a
broader macro-policy. As such, it becomes overly important to develop local optimization
rules with a broader goal in mind.
5.1 Back End Evaluation
As discussed earlier, a macro-policy governs the flow of material in a fab. D2's management
developed the General Sort Rule to implement a standard rule across all equipment sets within
the fab. Over time, exceptions to the General Sort Rule have taken the form of micro-policies
aimed at optimizing local areas. These micro-policies have been developed to accommodate
physical equipment requirements and incorporate best operational practices.
In semiconductor manufacturing, it is common to view the production process as composed
of two halves. The front-end of the line results in the creation of transistors; the back end
results in wiring the transistors together. The two halves share some toolsets, but are largely
separate process flows. At the onset of this internship, the back end of the processing line
remained an area where few exceptions were created. In particular, a specific Chemical Vapor
Deposition (CVD) toolset, a chronic factory output limiter in the back end, operated under the
General Sort Rule. This chapter outlines work on the development and implementation of a
micro-policy for this important back end limiter.
The CVD equipment set under investigation deposits an interlayer dielectric (ILD) between
the interconnecting metal lines on a microprocessor. In the current Intel process being
studied, CVD deposits five such layers, referred to as ILD1, ILD2,..., ILD5. Thus, a lot on a
particular process flow would encounter this CVD equipment set five times, once for each
ILD layer.
Figure 8 depicts the process flow through the back end of the processing line. Material enters
the loop after the metal 1 etch operation (Etch - MT1) and exits after the 5ffi execution of the
metal etch (Etch - MT) operation. All in all, a lot would repeat this loop five times until all
five metal and ILD layers have been deposited, printed, etched, and polished.
TF - Passivation
-'Etch- MT1
Litho - MTl
CVD I]LDI,2,3,4 ,5
Etch - MT
Planar - ILD
Litho - VIA
Litho - MT
Back End
Loop- 5 ILD
& MT layers
MT 2,3,4,5,6
Etch - VIA
TF - MT Dep
TF - Dep
Planar - Pol
Figure 8: Back End Flow Depiction
Prior to and during the period under study, the CVD equipment set suffered poor
performance typified by low mean and high variability of availability. As a consequence, WIP
tended to accumulate in front of some, if not all, CVD - ILD operations. When short-term
availability of the CVD equipment improved, WIP would move around the loop at varying
rates due to different ILD run rates and material priorities. The high variability in availability
of the CVD equipment caused massive WIP buildups on some shifts, while other shifts
enjoyed excess capacity, leading to unpredictable bursts of material out of the CVD equipment
set. These bursts had little effect on downstream operations of low cycle time, but did pose an
issue at high cycle time operations, especially at the lithography metal layers (Litho - MT).
Table 2 depicts average cycle times at equipment sets along the back end loop.
Table 2: Back End Loop Cycle Times
Planar -- ILD
Litho -VIA
Etch -VIA
TF - Dep
Planar - Pol
TF - MT Dep
Litho - MT
Etch - MT
Average Cycle
Limiter: Limits output performance
Constraint: Bottleneck
Constraint: Bottleneck
A constant multiplier was used to disguise actual cycle time units
Cycle time is averaged across all operations at the equipment set over a period of 4 weeks
Analytical equipment is excluded
As shown in Table 2, lithography equipment constrains the back end as the equipment with
the longest CT. CVD, also a long CT activity, feeds the lithography equipment and thus
behaves as a limiter of performance in the back end process. According to the Theory of
Constraints, to optimize the output of the back end, one must subordinate other equipment to
make sure that the constraint is fed properly and WIP is always there. As a result, it is critical
to ensure that sufficient material is being fed to the lithography equipment constraints, which
means focusing on the output of the CVD equipment. Doing so is made more difficult by the
fact that a production lot that has passed through ILD1 must then pass over the same exact
lithography equipment set for VIA imprint on its next round through the back end process.
This form of hard dedication (see Chapter 2: Intel's Manufacturing Environment) was not
considered by the General Sort Rule as it was applied to lot dispatching at the CVD equipment
set, thus not optimizing the feed of lots to the lithography bottleneck.
Dispatching at CVD posed an additional problem. The CVD equipment set was using the
General Sort Rule to rank-order material arriving at the station. Production material, the bulk
of material arriving at the five ILD layers, was prioritized based on the FastBox 3-2-1 policy.
Ties within FastBox quadrants were broken by favoring back end operations - i.e., by favoring
those lots with the fewest number of remaining operations. By default, the downstream
operation for consideration was chosen as the next value-added operation. In this case, as
depicted in Figure 8, the operation was the Planarization operation. Operations running on
the Planarization equipment set accrue very low cycle times, leading to very low WIP queues.
Since, the CVD equipment set exhibited high WIP queues, most production material
prioritized at CVD under the FastBox policy would be designated quadrant 1, a high WIP
operation feeding a low WIP operation. As most material would end up as quadrant 1, the 32-1 tiebreaker would inevitably rank-order material at CVD back-to-front, with ILD5 receiving
top priority and ILD1 receiving the lowest. Manufacturing execution under this system
resulted in a back end WIP profile reinforcing this chronic miss-prioritization. A skewed
profile, as seen in Figure 9, became a normal sight, emphasizing the constant favoring of
material with least processing time remaining.
WIP Profile
Seg I
Seg 2
Seg 3
CVD Lo~op
Seg 4
Seg 5
Seg 6
Seg 9
Seg 9
Week Segments
Figure 9: Skewed WIP Profile
Figure 9 represents a snapshot in time of Intel's 0.18gm logic process line. Operations along
this process line are laid back-to-back and grouped into segments, based on cycle time goal.
The segments depicted in this figure represent 1 week of cycle time. Each segment consists of
many operations whose cumulative cycle time goal sum to 1 week. Bare silicon wafers begin in
Segment 1 and processed wafers leave the factory in Segment 8. Segments 9 and 10 represent
inventory at post-processing areas such as Electrical Test and Sort. Segments 1 through 4
represent the front-end of the processing line, while Segments 5 through 8 represent the back
end, within which CVD plays a major role. Re-entrant flow occurs throughout the entire line,
both within segments as well as between segments. For example, two operations, one within
Segment 2 and the other in Segment 4, may process on the same equipment set. The Segment
Graph above ignores this re-entrance and instead focuses on the operations and their location
along the process line.
A problem can arise when end-of-line operations are constantly favored over others. One can
imagine a situation where ILD5 is favored above ILD4 until the WIP queue there is depleted.
At such point, focus shifts to ILD4 while ILD5 remains idle until it is fed once again. Material
will eventually arrive at ILD5 after sufficient material has been processed at ILD4 and all
operations between ILD4 and ILD5. Typical cycle time between these two ILD layers is
approximately one week meaning that under such situation ILD5 may remain dry for a
substantial period of time. With CVD as a limiter of back end performance, a time may come
when the lack of material at ILD5 due to slow feeds and long cycle times, may result in missed
end-of-line output goals and failed customer commitments. The skewed profile of Figure 9
led to a heightened fear of missed commitments and the need for better WIP management as
the resolution. In other words, the skewed profile implies uneven production through the
back end, and thus uneven output. A more desirable profile is one with equal amount of WIP
in each segment, denoting equal possibility of WIP present at each critical operation in the
back end, and equal likelihood of meeting end-of-line commitments every week.
In summary, our evaluation of lot dispatching at the CVD equipment set highlighted the
following three issues:
Average capacity utilization at the CVD equipment set was low, and varied widely
Improper use of the FastBox rule for dispatching at CVD favored back end operations,
leading to a skewed WIP profile and jeopardizing output commitments, and
Absence of information regarding hard dedication at the VIA lithography equipment set
caused improper prioritization of work at the CVD limiter
These issues directly affected the performance of the lithography constraint activity, as it was
often either underfed or fed the wrong materials, and ultimately affected the output
performance of the back end as a whole.
5.2 Ratio Rule
With these issues in mind, a new micro-policy - The Ratio Rule - was developed for this CVD
equipment set. This new micro-policy evolved from Fastbox 3-2-1 as efforts were undertaken
to alleviate each one of the issues highlighted above. The intent was to resolve these issues
while developing a solution that could be reliably implemented in production. A solution that
deviated greatly from the macro-policy would have faced much skepticism from key
stakeholders worried of its unknown effects on actual production. As a result, while
preliminary development work was performed in an integration environment in order to
account for unknown effects, care was nonetheless taken to resolve these issues through
incremental improvements, rather than reinvention of the entire system.
Ratio Rule Definition
The Ratio Rule ordered operations based on the following ratio:
R =
je Si
where i is a lot at CVD at operation k, and Si is the set of all operations through which the ith
lot would pass in 1.5 days based on a theoretical TPT model of the factory - i.e., Si is a fixed
set of downstream operations for each i. Table 3 provides a summary of the two sorts
associated with the Ratio Rule. Description of both sorts follows.
Table 3: Ratio Rule Summary
Sort 1: Operation-based WIP levels
Look at inventory levels downstream (1.5 days downstream) to capture WIP levels through
the VIA Lithography loop. Compare WIP at CVD operations to downstream WIP to
prioritize ILD layers.
> Sort layers based on ratio of ILD WIP to downstream WIP - continuous distribution.
Sort 2: Entity-based WIP levels
Sum dedicated WIP downstream of CVD and group by lithography tool.
Prioritized material within Sort 1(ILD layer) based on dedicated WIP levels downstream,
prioritizing lots that are dedicated to less busy lithography entities.
Ratio Rule Description
Sort 1: Operation-based WIP levels
Once a ratio has been calculated real-time, operations are rank-ordered highest ratio to lowest.
As work begins on the topmost priority operation, its ratio will change real-time as lots are
processed out of the CVD entity. While in the past an operation may have stayed within
quadrant 1 for the length of the shift, under the new policy it is very often that all five ILD
operations will compete to capture top priority at some time during the shift. The dispatch list
becomes much more dynamic as operations constantly move from the top priority position
based on the ever-changing landscape of WIP through the back end.
It is important to note that the CVD equipment set does not require setups between
operations. Operations are chosen by a pre-selected recipe at the tool's control station,
therefore eliminating the idle time necessary for certain workstation to transition from one
operation to the next. If changeover times between operations were time consuming, the
enhanced dynamics of the dispatch list would have resulted in considerable decrease in
utilization. If changeover times were in fact time consuming, at a given operation cascades
would have to be sufficiently long in order to minimize setups and maximize utilization,
thereby making sorting lots based on operation-based WIP levels (Sort 1) very inefficient.
The key downstream operation, highlighted in importance by the FastBox policy, was chosen
to be 1.5 days of cycle time downstream of the ILD operation. The length of cycle time, 1.5
days, was set to provide sufficient view of the WIP situation downstream of the CVD
equipment set, in particular, through the VIA Lithography loop. Summing downstream
inventory also provides a better representation of what the downstream VIA operation should
be expecting in the near term. Since all operations between the ILD layer and the VIA layer
are of low cycle time, lots that exit CVD can be considered part of the WIP queue at VIA.
Once a lot has been processed at CVD, the WIP level at the ILD layer would decrease by 25
wafers, while the denominator will increase by 25 as the lot is transferred to the next
downstream operation. At a low WIP scenario, this effect on the ratio would be large, while at
a high WIP situation the effect will be softened.
Sort 2: Entity-based WIP levels
The Ratio Rule was meant to decrease the likelihood that burst capacity will be used on one
particular operation. Under the FastBox policy, an operation would jump down a quadrant
only when the WIP queue in front of the ILD operation dipped below the HI/LO criterion.
WIP queues at Planarization would have little affect on the criterion due to the high
throughput and low cycle time nature of the equipment set. With sufficient work at CVD, it
was often seen that an entire shift, or more, would run one ILD operation until its WIP queue
was sufficiently exhausted and its priority reduced by jumping to a higher quadrant. Work
would subsequently move downstream to flood the downstream VIA operation. The Ratio
Rule was designed to eliminate this scenario. Priorities no longer depended on a HI/LO
criterion, and at no point would two operations be placed into a single quadrant, eliminating
the need for a tiebreaker.
The Ratio Rule resulted in greater priority dynamics, as operations would compete for top
priorities as ratios would adjust real-time to the changing environment. At first glance, it can
be seen that when one operation becomes the priority it is possible that by simply processing
just one lot, or two, its ratio may change and its priority might be downgraded rather quickly.
It becomes important to dictate which lots should be prioritized to the top of this particular
operation. A second sort was implemented to do just so by acquiring and comprehending
hard dedication.
Within a given operation - and a given Ratio level - lots were grouped according to the entity
on which their metal layers were deposited. By looking downstream, the WIP heading to the
VIA operations was summed according to the entity to which it is dedicated. At the CVD
equipment set, lots within a given operation were sorted so that those lots heading to entities
with the least WIP dedicated to them would be prioritized over those with more WIP
dedicated to them. For example, say ILD1 has 5 lots dedicated to tool A and 5 lots dedicated
to tool B. Summation of downstream WIP determines that there are currently 2 lots dedicated
to A and 8 lots dedicated to B. In this case, those 5 lots dedicated to A would be prioritized
above the 5 dedicated to B because B should have sufficient work heading its way. Since the
Lithography equipment set is the constraint in this section of line, it unnecessary to gate
material at CVD but rather process up to available capacity and attempt to distribute work
"evenly" among the constraint tools. While hard dedication complicates the matter, the above
solution was chosen to accommodate this restriction.
5.3 Implementation in Production
The Ratio Rule was implemented in production in workweek 40. Prior to implementation,
requirements for the rule were first formulated with input from floor supervisors and shift
managers. While the Factory Scheduler team first introduced problem definition and the
proposed solution, it became clear that manufacturing participation was necessary for
successful implementation of the rule in production. As a result, during the development
process, supervisors and shift managers were solicited for their operational insight. A proposal
for the new Ratio Rule was presented to D2's Constraint Management Team, a forum of
manufacturing managers, shift managers, functional area managers, and Manufacturing System
Engineering (MSE). The Constraint Management Team ratified the proposal and identified
those key individuals who will aid during rollout to production.
Prior to rollout, rule development and preliminary testing were performed in a software
integration environment in an attempt to capture issues before they emerged on the floor. The
integration environment contained a snapshot of the factory's WIP profile. The rule was
tested against virtual WIP queues at the CVD equipment set in order to test the functionality
and design of the new rule. Test conditions were shown to factory personnel for training
purposes. The Factory Scheduler team, run jointly by MSE and Automation, implemented the
rule through close coordination with supervisors, Station Improvement Team (SIT)
coordinators, and manufacturing technicians.
A huge benefit of Factory Scheduler has always been its ability to perform complex
dispatching algorithms in the background and simply provide a rank-ordered dispatch list for
operators to follow. As such, implementation of the new Ratio Rule did not require extensive
training of the organization. Still, efforts were made to educate the organization of upcoming
changes. Manufacturing technicians were not required, nor were they interested, to learn the
details behind the new prioritization system. Instead, emphasis was placed on changes that
were visible to the floor. The most emphasis was placed on the increased dynamics of the new
dispatch list. Manufacturing technicians were told to expect greater movement of lots on the
list as operations would be constantly reprioritized to reflect changing WIP conditions. Post
implementation, feedback was solicited from manufacturing technicians in order to ensure that
the dynamics were in fact apparent and well understood.
6.1 State of the Factory
To understand the impact of the Ratio Rule, it is important to understand the dynamics of the
D2 factory during the study period. During implementation, there was a large influx of WIP
from the front end of the process line to the back end, creating large queues at CVD. For four
weeks (Figure 10), the CVD equipment set saw average WIP levels above 1000 wafers,
providing sufficient WIP for the testing of this new policy. Simultaneously, average WIP levels
at the VIA operations remained relatively constant at approximately 1200 wafers.
The Ratio Rule successfully fed work to downstream Lithography tools, increasing average
cascade size (as will be seen later), and leading to higher output performance at those tools.
The additional work moving through the back end of the line was offset by the enhanced
output performance at the VIA steps thereby resulting in a healthy and stable WIP queue. All
in all, more work was fed to the Lithography equipment set and more of the right work was
fed to the right Lithography tools.
"CVD Loop" Average WIP Levels
ILD Total --
VIA Total
Figure 10: ILD and VIA Average WIP levels
Data on the output of the CVD equipment set was collected by shift and by operation for six
weeks before (WW34-39) and six weeks after (WW41-46) implementation of the Ratio Rule.
Since implementation occurred during WW40, data from that week was omitted from the
The 12 weeks of data were analyzed in two ways. First, the data was parsed by shift to
examine for operation-based significance, and then by operation to test for shift-based
significance. It was noted that the difference in output means between the ILD operations at
CVD (e.g. ILD1, ILD2...) were significantly different (to a 90% confidence interval). It was
also noted that the difference in output means between the shifts were not. This lack of
significance across shifts justified the pooling of variance components across all 4 shifts.
Analysis of the Ratio Rules effect on production will be presented in five sections. The first
two will look at output variability across shifts and across operations. The third will present
the Rule's effect on cycle time at CVD. The fourth will present evidence of increased
utilization at photolithography tools downstream from CVD. And the last will summarize the
Rule's effect on factory output variability reduction.
6.2 Shift-based Analysis
Figure 11 depicts two dot-plots of wafer output versus the 4 shifts. The first reflects the data
collected prior to implementation of the Ratio Rule, and the second reflects the situation post
implementation. It can be visually observed that output variance increased post Ratio Rule
Figure 11: Wafer Output by Shift (Pre and Post Ratio Rule)
Table 4 summarizes the output and standard deviation data parsed by shift. The average
output per shift at the CVD operations increased by 22%, likely due to the additional WIP that
was moved into the back end during the time of the study. Operation-to-operation standard
deviation refers to the variability of output across all operations running at the CVD
equipment set. The variability for each shift (shifts 4, 5, 6, and 7) is summarized in Table 4.
As seen below, the normalized standard deviation in the output produced by shift increased
Table 4: CVD Output Performance by Shift Before and After Ratio Rule Implementation
JAverage (P1(t)
Oper-to-Oper Std. Dev. (PRE)
. 2
Note: Output data has been normalized to disguise data
6.3 Operation-based Analysis
While operation-based analysis demonstrated a significant dependence on the ILD operations,
examination of the data leads to an interesting result. The first dot-plot of Figure 12 depicts
the data pre Ratio Rule implementation. The skewed profile of the wafer output during the
time matches the WTP profile of Figure 9. It demonstrates a strong correlation between
operation-based output and local WIP levels. It is understandable that the output of those
operations with little work-in-process will be constrained due to lack of material. The second
dot-plot, depicting the data post Ratio Rule implementation, indicates a change for the better emphasis has shifted to improved dispatching based a broader view of WIP levels along the
line rather than based on localized WIP levels at the ID operations. While the data are not
available for inclusion in this document, this new output profile based on the Ratio Rule led to
the smoothing of the WIP profile in the back end.
S ,-4
Figure 12: Wafer Output by Operation (Pre and Post Ratio Rule)
Although it is known that differences in output at the ILD operations are not completely
random, the pooling of variance components was performed nonetheless. Table 4 shows
average output from the CVD equipment set by operation. Shift-to-shift standard deviation is
a measure of shift-to-shift output variability of each operation at CVD. As shown in Table 5,
normalized shift-to-shift standard deviation across each of the ILD operations worsened on
average by approximately 9%.
Table 5: Average Output by Operation Before and After Ratio Rule Implementation
Average (PRE)
Shift-to-Shift Std. Dev. (PRE)
Note: Output data has been normalized to disguise data
While output variance increased post Ratio Rule implementation, so did average output. It is
difficult to pin point the reason for this increase. It is possible that with the additional
inventory moving into the back end of the line, the CVD equipment set, working under
Fastbox 3-2-1 rather than the newly implemented Ratio Rule, would have caused even greater
output deviations under its old dispatching policy. While the Ratio Rule demonstrated
increased variability, it is very possible that under the same circumstances, Fastbox 3-2-1 would
have performed must worse. The following three sections do point out to advantages
demonstrated by the new Ratio Rule.
6.4 Cycle Time Analysis
Under Little's Law, one would have expected queue times at the CVD equipment set to
increase during this upsurge of inventory. Analysis of Cycle Time (CT) was undertaken for the
same time periods used above - 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after implementation.
Table 6 summarizes this Cycle Time data. As expected, CT post-implementation increased by
approximately 16% and standard deviation improved marginally. It is comforting to note that
standard deviation improved during this time period, even as mean CT increased considerably.
This marginal improvement in CT variability indicates that the Ratio Rule in fact led to
increased dispatching dynamics -- increased frequency of prioritization and de-prioritization of
operations on the dispatch list. With additional WIP arriving at the CVD equipment set the
Ratio Rule has on average smoothed out queue times at the ILD operations. In other words,
even at high WIP situations, it has become rare for any one given ILD operation to remain deprioritized long enough to accrue substantially longer queue time.
Table 6: Average Cycle Time by Operation Before and After Ratio Rule Implementation
Average CT (PRE)
Shift-to-Shift Std. Dev. (PRE)
Note: Cycle Time data has been scaled to disguise data
6.5 Photolithography Cascades
An indication of the value of the CVD Ratio Rule is in the enhanced ability of lithography
tools to cascade lots, allowing manufacturing technicians to run these lots back-to-back
without a break for new reticule setup. Cascading is possible when WIP in front of a tool has
queued lots that are of the same product and at the same operation. Larger cascades lead to
increased utilization by reducing the need and frequency of reticule setups. Arrival of similar
products at a given operation is dependent on upstream feeds. The upstream feed of concern
in this case is the CVD equipment set. As considerable WIP tends to queue at CVD, decisions
as to which lots to process next there determine how lots arrive at the steppers.
As mentioned earlier, the Ratio Rule was designed to group lots based on dedicated stepper
information. Those lots dedicated to less busy steppers are given a priority above those
dedicated to steppers with more WIP headed their way. By executing to this new dispatch
policy, consecutive lots exiting the CVD equipment set are likely be destined to one stepper.
Table 7 summarizes VIA weekly outs and average cascade size for a sampling of 8 steppers (A
through I-). The six-week time period following implementation of the Ratio Rule depicts
greater output performance (42% on average), as well as greater average cascades (2 7 % on
It is difficult to determine if this effect is purely due to dispatching at the CVD equipment set
or due to the upsurge in work in the back end. It is also possible that the effect is due to a
combination of the two. While it is unknown which of the two has the greater effect, it is
gratifying to see that the CVD equipment set did not hinder workflow to the steppers.
Table 7: Output and Cascade Size at VIA across 8 steppers
A (Post)
B (Post)
C (Post)
D (Post)
E (Post)
F (Post)
P re03
Note: Output data has been normalized to disguise data
6.6 Factory Output
It has been observed that the CVD module has the ability to modulate other
operations in the
back end of the line, as it has done so with the VIA operations. Similarly, it also
has the ability
to modulate overall line output. Table 8 summarizes overall factory output
performance prior
to and post Ratio Rule implementation. Average shift-to-shift output increased
implementation. As previously mentioned, in regards to similar findings
at the CVD
equipment set, this effect cannot be attributed to the change in dispatching
policy as
implemented under the Ratio Rule. Yet, the observed variation reduction
in shift-to-shift
output can. Average shift-to-shift output variability at the
end of the line was reduced by 13%,
all in all, leading to more predictable factory output.
Table 8: Fab Output Performance Before and After Ratio Rule Implementation
Average Output (PRE)
Average Output (POST)
Within-Shift Std. Dev. (PRE)
Within-Shift Std. hev.
to dsue data
Note: Output data has been normalized to disguise data
Intel's manufacturing environment is very complex. Operating within such an environment
can be quite stressful and demanding. Within this environment, manufacturing systems are
constantly utilized to make some sense of the complexity and alleviate the stress. One such
tool that is relied heavily upon is the automated lot dispatcher. It is the automated lot
dispatcher that dictates the flow of material throughout the factory. If coded correctly, the
system can simplify floor operations considerably by rank ordering work-in-process at each
workstation in the factory. If coded incorrectly, material flows through the factory suboptimally thereby leading to excess inventory, slow throughput times, late orders, and greater
chaos. Moreover, great effort is expended on the factory floor to combat the adverse effects
of the system rather than embracing its functionality.
Such was the case at the CVD equipment set. The algorithm used to dispatch lots there not
only affected performance locally, but also had cascading effects downstream. Performance
evaluation of the macro-policy at CVD showed several problems associated with improper
dispatching at that station. The Ratio Rule was introduced to rectify these problems. Within
the Ratio Rule, efforts were undertaken to better feed downstream constraint tools. The rule
was coded to comprehend hard dedication requirements restricting certain lots to specific
downstream lithography tools. At the time, the latter approach represented an implementation
unique to Intel's dispatching policies. Post Ratio Rule implementation analysis demonstrated a
27% increase in cascade sizes at the lithography tools, as well as a 42% increase in average
weekly output.
At the CVD equipment set itself, the effect of the Ratio Rule could not be easily quantified.
During the time of implementation, average WIP in the back end increased considerably. This
in turn led to higher output and higher queue times at the CVD station. While the Ratio Rule
was designed to smooth output at the ILD operations, post implementation analysis did not
confirm this. In fact, normalized standard deviations increased by approximately 8% during
that time. It is understandable to see variability increase with an increase in mean, as has been
observed at the CVD station, yet it is unknown if the effect observed post-implementation is
the result of the rule, or pure chance. It is also very possible that under the macro-policy,
CVD performance may have degraded considerably once the WIP surge entered the back end
of the line. Under the extremely complex environment of wafer fabrication, comparing both
rules under the same scenario is not feasible.
It was hypothesized that due to its position in the back end of the line, the CVD equipment set
may have the ability to modulate performance of other downstream stations. As has been
seen at the lithography tools, the Ratio Rule is likely to have affected performance there and
elsewhere. In fact, analysis of overall factory output before and after implementation of the
rule shows an increase in average output as well as a 13% decrease in output variability - all in
all, leading to more predictable performance.
The Ratio Rule represents just one improvement effort among many continually underway at
Intel. Continuous improvements to dispatching policies are a way of life in such complex
environment. Just when one area is optimized, a new product, process, or technology may
require an additional change that may have cascading effects along the entire manufacturing
line. Adapting to change fast is of extreme importance. As a result, much of the work done
around the lot dispatcher is of a tactical nature. Yet, it is the strategic design of the macropolicy that dictates overall factory performance. As demonstrated by work done on the Ratio
Rule, there are times when this strategy may need to be reevaluated. The framework for rule
development introduced earlier may be utilized to adapt solutions implemented at the toolset
level to enhance overall factory performance. Certain aspects of the Ratio Rule can be used to
improve Fastbox 3-2-1 and other aspects of D2's macro-policy. Continuing work may
leverage these lessons to do just so. A lot dispatching system is not a static piece of
equipment, but rather a system that can affect factory operations for the better, and for the
worse. It should constantly evolve to account for the ever-changing manufacturing
Backstone, J. H., Jr., D. T. Phillips, and G. L. Hogg. "A State-of-the-art Survey of Dispatching
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