Assignment: Eyewitness Account

Assignment: Eyewitness Account
Write a short story, either fictional or non-fictional, that involves an important eye
witness account.
1. Develop the following to create your observations.
Write a brief outline of the cause and effect of your eye witness account. You
should include who, what, when, where and why to add fullness to the account.
Identify the character that will provide an interesting viewpoint on the event. You
may even wish to create a character not involved directly in the story.
Brainstorm a list of at least 3 important elements that your character should and
should NOT see to impact your story. Make the elements memorable and vivid.
2. Write your short story considering the following:
Use first person point of view. Remember that as the character cannot read minds
and can only describe what your senses and reasoning experienced.
Use your cause and effect outline as a guide. Explain what happens in a logical
manner. Use cause and effect transitions (because, therefore, as a result,
consequently) to make your writing clear.
Add personal commentary. You’ve witnessed something important and should
include personal feelings and reactions to the event.
Add details. Your account should be believable. Details make it so.
Make sure your version is in the proper sequence, is consistently told with first
person point of view, has personal reactions, details, and clearly indicated causes
and effects.
3. How would you compare your writing of an eyewitness account to that in the story A
Jury of Her Peers? Be critical of both your own writing and Susan Glaspell’s. Use
examples from both stories to make your points.
4. What is the importance of Point of View in creating a certain mood in an Eyewitness
account? How would the use of a different view impact the story you wrote? Explain.