IDENTIFYING THE CULPRIT Assessing Eyewitness Identification 6’5’’ 6’5’’ 6’0” 6’0” 5’5’’ 5’5’’ 5’0” 5’0” 4’5’’ 4’0” 3’5’’ 3’0” Human vision does not capture a perfect, error-free trace of a witnessed event. Eyewitnesses make tens of thousands of identifications in criminal investigations each year. Almost ¾ of DNA exonerations involved at least one mistaken eyewitness identification. Many law enforcement agencies lack standard written policies or training on administration of identification procedures. Judges and juries may not understand the limits of eyewitness identification, and may assign undue significance to it. A stronger, more focused research agenda can lead to more effective eyewitness identification practices, yielding more accurate identifications. 4’5’’ 4’0” 3’5’’ 3’0” RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM Implement double-blind eyewitness identification line-up procedures Use expert testimony on eyewitness identification Establish a National Research Initiative on Eyewitness Identification Develop and use standardized instructions Use pre-trial judicial inquiry Undertake additional research on the variables affecting eyewitness identification accuracy and reliability Record the witness’ level of confidence when he/she makes an initial identification Videotape the witness identification process FOR RESEARCH Develop jury instructions on eyewitness identification Use a range of statistical tools to evaluate witness performance Copyright 2014. National Academy of Sciences. Read the report at