MS. SHAW’S CLASSROOM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES – (970) 488 – 6425 FRESHMAN FOUNDATIONS Materials Needed: You are responsible for bringing these to class every day A writing utensil School planner or some sort of weekly planner Daily Journal (provided for you; will be kept in the classroom) Your two textbooks (will be kept in the classroom) o Study Skills for High School Students / Carter o Making the Most of High School / Carter A GOOD ATTITUDE!!!!! Class Expectations/Rules: RESPECT others at all times You will be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings There will be no food or drink allowed in the classroom (except for a clear water bottle with WATER ONLY) Cell phones will not be seen or heard, otherwise it becomes mine until the end of the day. You can pick it up any time after 3:30pm. iPods, other MP3 players, CD players, etc. are permitted ONLY during individual work time (NOT during tests!) At the end of the class period, pick up all trash and leave when dismissed Always have a good attitude, a strong work ethic, and the motivation to put in your absolute-without-adoubt best effort! Grading Policy: Each day you will have an in class journal assignment and a quiz about that day’s reading. In addition, there will be other assignments given throughout the year that you will be responsible for. Also, most days you will have time to work in class on homework from other classes. Points will be taken from your grade if you show up to class with nothing to work on or to read. Journals – 15 points Quizzes – 10 points Class Materials – 15 points Participation: Participation is a HUGE part of this class and you are expected to contribute at all times to the classroom atmosphere. This means treating your classmates with respect, being on task at all times, coming to class prepared EVERYDAY, and being on time to class. Tardies: Tardies will not be tolerated at Fossil Ridge and in this class. If you are not in your seat, ready to work (that means all materials out, not socializing) when the bell rings then you are tardy. If you are tardy to class, you will be sent to the dean and you will receive a detention slip. You will serve your detention on your VERY NEXT lunch period. Also, your homework assignment will be considered late and you will receive a grade of 0 for that assignment. Attendance: The Fossil Ridge High School policy for attendance states that after 4 absences you will be issued an attendance contract and a phone call will be made home. After 6 absences, the teacher reserves the right to drop you from the class altogether. If, at the end of the entire school year, you have no more than 3 EXCUSED absences and no more than 3 tardies, you will be awarded 10% on your final exam. Homework/Assignments: There will be no homework in this class. HORRAY!!!! Make-up Work: Any student who has an excused absence will be responsible to find out what the readings were in class and to come to the next class prepared to take the quiz that they missed. There will be no other time to make up the quiz. Paper Headings: The correct heading must be put on the top of any of the assignments that you turn in, otherwise it will not be graded and you will receive a 0 for that assignment! Quizzes and Tests: There will always be a quiz after the readings for the day. Each quiz is worth 10 points Bathroom Privileges: Only one person at a time will be allowed to take a bathroom break. I will give permission for you to use the restroom at appropriate times (during work-time only). Please sign out on the bathroom sign out sheet after you’ve gotten permission to go in order to use the restroom and sign back in when you return. If I feel like you are abusing your bathroom privileges, I reserve the right to take them away. If you are gone longer than 10 minutes you will be counted absent. “Freebie” Passes” You will receive two “freebie” passes per semester. These passes may be used for a “free” no detention tardy I look forward to working with each and every one of you this semester. I expect my classroom to be a positive learning environment for all of us to treat each other with respect. When working with others, you must value each member of the group, share ideas, listen actively, and accept each others differences and strengths. We are all here to help each other in any way possible. My goal is to make high school a positive experience for each and every one of you! Remember to always be true to yourself and to others around you! PLEASE BRING THIS LAST PAGE BACK TO SCHOOL SIGNED BY BOTH YOU AND YOUR PARENTS. THIS WILL COUNT AS PART OF YOUR FIRST HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT!! PARENTS: FEEL FREE TO MAKE A COPY OF THE RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR FUTURE REFERENCE THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER! STUDENT STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT: I ________________________________understand all of the policies and procedures for this (Print Name) class and that there will be consequences if they are not followed appropriately. I vow to approach every day with an open mind! Signed: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________________ PARENT STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT: I ________________________________ understand all of the policies and procedures for this (Print Name) class and that there will be consequences for my child if he/she does not follow them properly. Signed:_______________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Contact Info (optional): Home Phone: (_____)_________________ Cell Phone: (_____)_________________ Relationship to student: ____________________ Preferred E-mail: ____________________________ Relationship to student: ____________________