August T05/TES063/EE/20150816 2015 Microcontrollers Instructions: MARKS-80 Time: 3 Hrs 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. “Long Answer type Question (LAQ)” is a supply type question of 15 marks which required a typical answer of about 60-80 lines in bout 32-40 minutes. 3. “Sort Answer type Question (SAQ)” is a supply type question of 5 marks which required a typical answer of about 15-20 lines in bout 08-10 minutes. 4. Figures to the right indicate marks allotted to the questions. 5. Assume suitable data if necessary 6. Use a nonprogrammable type of scientific calculator is allowed Marks SECTION-A Q.1 Explain 8051 programming model and explain its all register, RAM, ROM, counter, latch briefly. 15 OR Q.1 Explain microprocessor, micro-controller with block diagram. Explain standard feature of micro-controller. 15 Q.2 A) What is different Decision Op-code? 3 B) Explain term (a) Relative Range (b) Short Absolute Range (c) Long Absolute Range (d) Bit Jumps (e) Byte Jumps (f) Unconditioned Jumps 12 OR Q.2 How the Bit Level Logical Operation is being performed? Draw Five Bit-Addressable Control Register used in Boolean Operation? 15 Q.3 What are Flags in 8051? Explain Program Status Word (PSW). 5 Q.4 Why Assembly Language Program is used explain in five valid points? 5 SECTION-B Q.5 Explain Memory Mapped I/O in detail. What is Part Speed? 15 OR Q.5 What do you understand by term "Serial Data Transmission" for IC8051? Explain two different ways of Data Transmission 15 Q.6 A) Explain Hardware Circuits for multiple interrupts with diagram. 10 B) How Lowest Priority interrupts Source differ from Highest Lowest Priority interrupts Source? OR Q.6 A) Write different manner by which Humans interact with keyboard? 5 5 10 B) Explain Lead-per-key interrupt circuit diagram and CodedKeyboard Interrupt circuit diagram? Q.7 What is Memory Access Time? Explain Traces, Tenable and Tread in short. 5 Q.8 What is an Interrupts? Explain LOPRI and HIPRI briefly. 5 Computer Generated Random Question Paper dated: 17-07-2015 11:25:58 ***BEST OF LUCK***