Linear Programming UNIT 1 LINEAR PROGRAMMING Structure NOTES 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Unit Objectives 1.2 Basic Structure of LP Problem 1.3 Properties of the LP Model 1.4 Application Areas of Linear Programming 1.5 General Mathematical Model of LPP 1.6 Formulation of LP Model 1.7 Examples on LP Model Formulation 1.8 Solution of LPP 1.8.1 Graphical LP Solution 1.9 Some Special Cases in LP Solution 1.10 Solution of LPP Using Simplex Method 1.11 Special Cases in Simplex Method 1.12 Sensitivity Analysis 1.13 Summary 1.14 Key Terms 1.15 Question & Exercises 1.16 Further Reading and References 1.0 Introduction Linear programming (LP) can best be defined as a group of mathematical techniques that can obtain the very best solution to problems which have many possible solutions. Linear programming can be used to solve a variety of industrial problems. In most of the situations, resources available to the decision maker are limited. Several competing activities require these limited resources. With the help of linear programming those scarce resources are allocated in an optimal manner on the basis of a given criterion of optimality. In most of the situations, the criterion of optimality is either maximization of profit, revenue or minimization of cost, time and distance, etc. 1.1 Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should be able to Understand Basic Structure of LP Problem Know the properties of LP Model Know the Application areas of Linear Progrmming Quantitative Techniques in Management : 1 Linear Programming NOTES Understand formulation of LP Model Understand Graphical and Algebraic (Simplex) Methods of solution of LP Models Use of slack, surplus and artificial variables in LP solution Use of Big-M and Two phase methods to handle artificial variables Understand solution process to handle changes in constraints and changes in objective function with sensitivity analysis. 1.2 Basic Structure of LP Problem Structure of all LPP has three important components. (1) Decision variables (activities) : These are activities for which we want to determine a solution. These are usually denoted by x1, x2, ...., xn. (2) The objective function (goal) : This is a function which is expressed in terms of decision variables and we want to optimize (maximize or minimize) this function. (3) The constraints : These are limiting conditions on the use of resources. The solution of LPP must satisfy all these constraints. 1.3 Properties of the LP Model In linear programming, the word linear refers to linear relationship among variables in a model. The word “programming” refers to modelling and solving a situation mathematically. In a LP model, the objective and the constraints are all linear function and are expressed in terms of decision variables. Any LP model must satisfy following basic properties :(1) Proportionality (Linearity) : The contribution of each activity (decision variable) in both the objective function and the constraints to be directly proportional to the value of the variable. (2) Additivity : In LP models, the total contribution of all the activities in the objective function and in the constraints to be the direct sum of the individual contributions of each variable. (3) Certainty : In all LP models, all model parameters such as availability of resources, profit (or cost) contribution of a unit of decision variable and use of resources by a unit of decision variable must be known and constant. 1.4 Application Areas of Linear Programming LP is one of the most popular technique to find best solution in variety of situations. Some of the common applications of LP are :- Quantitative Techniques in Management : 2 (1) Agricultural Applications : LP can be applied in agricultural planning. e.g. allocation of limited resources such as acreage, labour, water supply and working capital, etc. in such a way so as to maximize net revenue. (2) Military Applications : LP can be applied to maximize the effect of military operations as well as to minimize the travel distance and cost of operations. (3) Production Management : Most of the examples of LPP are related to develop a suitable product mix. A Company can produce several different products, each of which requires the use of limited production resources. Product mix is developed using LP, knowing marginal contribution and amount of available resource used by different product. The objective is to maximize the total contribution, subject to all constraints. Linear Programming NOTES Similarly LP can be used in production planning to minimize total operation costs, in assembly line balancing to minimize the total elapse time, in blending problem to determine minimum cost blend and also to minimize the trim losses in case of products of standard size. (4) Financial Management : LP is used for deciding investment activity among several other activities in such away which maximizes the total expected return or minimize risk under certain conditions. (5) Marketing Management : LP may be used in determing the media mix to maximize the effective exposure within constraints of budget and circulation / reach of various media. LP can be used for determining location of warehouses and other facilities to minimize cost of distribution of products. (vi) Personnel Management :- LP is used to allocate available manpowers to different shifts / duties to minimize overtime cost or total manpower. LP has also find applications in capital budgeting, health care, diet- mix, cupala charging, fleet utilization and many more such situations. 1.5 General Mathematical Model of LPP Let us consider n decision variables x1, x2.... xn. Contribution of each of these decision variable is c1, c2.... cn respectively. So as to Optimize (Max. or Min.) Z = c1 x1+c2x2 + ......... + cnxn. Let us consider m constraints. Total Available of resource 1 Constraints are expressed as follows :- a11 x1 + a12 x2 + .... + a1n xn (< or = or >) b1 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ a21 x1 + a22x2 + ....+a2nxn (< or = or >) b2 ○ This coefficient represent amount of resource 2 used by per unit of activity 1, i.e. x1) am1 x1+ am2 x2+ .... +amn xn (< or = or >) bm Unless specified, in all LP models nonnegativity constraints are also included. These constraints signify that decision variables can take only non negative values. These are expressed as x1 > 0, x2 > 0 ..... xn > 0 The above formation can also be expressed in a compact form using summation sign. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 3 Linear Programming n Optimize (Max. or Min.) Z = Σ cj xj (objective function) j=1 NOTES Subject to constraints n Σ aijxj (< or = or >) bi ; i=1, 2 .... m (constraints) j=1 and xj > 0 ; j=1, 2...n (Non negativity Constraints) In all LP situation, left hand side of constraints is either less than, or equal to or greater than right hand side. In a particular case of a resource, only one possibility may take place. 1.6 Formulation of LP Models Usefulness of LP technique starts with modlling of a given situation in a standard form as shown in section 1.5. Various steps involved in modelling of LPP are as follows. (i) Indentify the decision variables and express them in terms of algebraic symbols. (Mostly x1, x2... xn). (ii) Indentify contribution of each of these decision variable in objective which is to be optimized (maximize or minimize). Express objective function as shown in section 1.5. (iii) Identify different resources or conditions which are to be satifsied. Develop constraint inequality for each constraint. Be careful for the sign (less than, equal to, greater than) in writing constraints. Also add non negativity constraints for all decision variables. 1.7 Examples on LP Model Formulation Example 1 : A manufacturer wishes to determine how to make products A and B so as to realize the maximum total profit from the sale of the products. Both products are made in two processes I and II. It takes 7 hours in process I and 4 hours in process II to manufacture 100 units of product A. It requires 6 hours in process I and 2 hours in process II to manufacture 100 units of product B. Process I can handle 84 hours of work and process II can handle 32 hours of work in the scheduled period. If the profit is Rs. 11 per 100 units for product A and Rs. 4 per 100 units for product B, then how much of each of products A and B should be manufactured to realize the maximum profit? It is assumed that whatever is produced can be sold and that the set-up time on the two processes is negligible. Formulate the above problem as a linear programming model. Solution : Step 1 : Let Quantitative Techniques in Management : 4 x1 = number of Product A (in 100's) x2 = number of Product B (in 100's) } There are decision variables. Step 2 : Now contribution of per 100 units of product A is Rs 11 and contribution of per 100 units of product B is Rs. 4 Linear Programming Therefore total contribution is 11x1 + 4x2 We want to maximize this total contribution function, which is objective of this model. Therefore, objective function becomes, NOTES Maximize Z = 11x1 + 4x2 Step 3 : Identification of resources : Here two resources are given, namely, process I and process II. For process I, total use should be less than or equal to maximum capacity to handle, i. e. 84 hrs. So Constraint for process I is 7x1+ 6x2 < 84 Similarly, for process II, 4x1 + 2x1 < 32 Also nonnegativity constraints will be x1, x2 > 0 Example 2 : A company manufactures three grades of a product A, B and C. The plant operates on a three shift basis and the following data are available from the production records. Requirement of Resources Grade Availablility A B C (Capacity per month) 0.25 0.12 0.80 500 tonnes Mixing (Kilolitres per machine shift) 2.0 3.0 5.0 100 machine shifts Packing (Kilolitres per shift) 10.0 10.0 80 shifts Special additive (kgs per litre) 10.0 There are no limitations on other resources. The particulars of sales forecasts and estimated contribution to overheads and profits are given below. A B C Maximum possible sales per month (kilolitres) 100 400 600 Contribution (Rs. per kilolitre) 4000 3500 2000 Due to Commitments already made, a minimum of 150 kilolitres per month of `C` has to be necessarily supplied during the next year. Just as the company was able to finalise the monthly production programme for the next 12 months, an offer was received from a nearby competitor for hiring 25 machine shifts per month of mixing capacity for grinding `B` product, that can be spared for at least a year. However, profit margin of `B` product will reduce by Rs. 1 per litre, for the amount of product produced on hired facility. Formulate the LP model for determining the monthly production programme to maximize contribution. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 5 Linear Programming Solution : Step 1 : Identification of decision variables : x1 = Monthly quantity of product A (kilolitres) Let NOTES x2 = Monthly quantity of product B using conpany's facilities (Kilolitres) x3 = Monthly quantity of product B using hired facilities (Kilolitres) x4 = Monthly quantity of product C (Kilolitres) Step 2 : Development of objective function : Contribution per kilolitre Decision Variable Total contribution 4000 x1 4000x1 3500 x2 3500x2 Working or Hired facility 3500 - 1x 1000 = 2500 x3 2500x3 2000 x4 2000x4 So complete objective function is Maximize Z = 4000x1 + 3500x2 + 2500x3 + 2000x4 Step 3 : Development of constraints ; (i) Special additive constraint : 0.25x1 + 0.12x2 + 0.12x3 + 0.80x4 < 500 (tonnes) (ii) Own mixing facility constraint x1 + 2.0 (iii) x2 + 3.0 x4 < 100 (machine shifts) 5.0 Hired mixing facility constraint x3 < 25 (machine shifts) 3.0 (iv) Packing Constraint x1 + 10.0 (v) x2 10.0 x3 10.0 + x4 10.0 Marketing constraint < 100 For product A x1 For product B x2+x3 < 400 For product C 150 Step 4 : Non negativity constraints x1, x2, x3, x4 > 0 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 6 + < x4 .... 600 < 80 (shifts) Linear Programming Example 3 : ABC limited has a flect of 4 different type of 120 coaches, which operates along 4 routes. Details of capacity, daily trips of each coach and the number of customers expected for each route during a certain period are as follows : Type of Capacity Number of Coach (passengers) coaches Available Number of daily trips on route 1 2 3 4 1 50 30 4 5 6 4 2 60 50 2 4 3 3 3 30 20 1 2 1 2 4 40 20 2 3 2 3 250 300 200 400 Daily Number of Customers NOTES x1 The operational cost / trip and penalty cost if a customer is not given service is given below : Type of Coach Operation cost / Trip on given route (Rupees) 1 2 3 4 1 250 700 200 500 2 400 500 500 300 3 600 350 400 600 4 350 400 450 250 Penalty cost per customer 50 40 30 60 Formulate the above situation as a LPP Solution : Let xij denote the number of trips made by ith type of coach along route J. i varies from 1 to 4 and j also varies from 1 to 4. Note : It is assumed that during each trip, coach carry passengers to its full capacity. Developing objective function It is required to operate trips of each coach in order to minimize operational cost/ trip, penalty cost to maximize profit, i. e. Minimize Z = 250x11 + 700x12 + 200x13 + 500x14 + 400x21 + 500x22 + 500x23 + 300x24 + 600x31 + 350x32 + 400 x33 + 600 x34 } Operational Cost Component + 350 x41 + 400 x42 + 450 x43 + 250 x44 + 50 (250-50x11-60x21-30x31-40x41) + 40 (300-50x12-60x22-30x32-40x42) +30(200-50x13-60x23-30x33-40x43) +60 (400-50x14-60x24-30x34-40x44) } Penalty cost Component Sample Calculation of penalty cost is as follows : Penalty Cost on route 1 is 50x Number of Customers not given service on route1. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 7 Linear Programming 50x [ Daily number of customers on route1 - 50 x Number of trips made by first type of coach on route 1 60 x Number of trips made by second type of coach on route 1 NOTES 30 x Number of trips made by third type of coach on route 1 40 x Number of trips made by fourth type of coach on route 1 Threrore penalty cost on route is 50 [250 - 50x11 - 60x21 - 30x31 - 40x41] Similarly penalty coast on route 2,3 and 4 is calculated Developing Constraints : (i) Capacity Constraints : The number of passengers carried along any route is the sum of passengers carried by each type of coach is the total number of trips made, viz. 50x11 + 60x21 + 30x31 + 40 x41 < 250 50x12 + 60x22 + 30x32 + 40 x42 < 300 50x13 + 60x23 + 30x33 + 40 x43 < 200 50x14 + 60x24 + 30x34 + 40 x44 < 400 (ii) Maximum number of trips constraints Total number of trips constraints. Total number of trips made by a given type of coach along a route cannto exceed the product of number of coaches available and number of daily trips on that route. It will be expressed as follows : X11< 30 x 4 X21 .. 50 x 2 X31 .. 20 x 1 X41 .. 20 x 2 X12< 30 x 5 X22 .. 50 x 4 X32 .. 20 x 2 X42 .. 20 x 3 X13< 30 x 6 X23 .. 50 x 3 X33 .. 20 x 1 X43 .. 20 x 2 X14< 30 x 4 X24 .. 50 x 3 X34 .. 20 x 2 X44 .. 20 x 3 Finally add non negativity constraints : Xij > 0, for all i and j. 1.8 Solution of LPP Once a LP model is ready, next step is to find solution of this model. Solution of LP model can be done either graphically or using simplex methos. 1.8.1 Graphical LP Solution Quantitative Techniques in Management : 8 A LPP can easily be solved by graphical method when it involves two decision variables. Linear Programming The process includes two steps : 1 Determination of the feasible solution space. Any solution (values of decision variables) which satisfy the constraints and non negativity restrictions of LP model is known as feasible solution. NOTES Within the feasible solution space, feasible solution correspond to the extreme (or corner) points of the feasible solution space. 2 Determination of the optimum solution from among all the feasible points in the solution space. Any basic feasible solution which optimizes (maximize or minimize) the objective function of a LP model is called an optimum solution. The optimal feasible solution, if it exists, will occur at one, or more, of the extreme points that are basic feasible solutions. The procedure uses two examples to show how maximization and minimization objective functions are handled. Example 4 : Solve graphically following LP model : Maximize Z = 5x1 + 4x2 Subject to constraints : 6x1 + 4x2 < 24 (1) x1 + 2x2 < 6 (2) -x1 + x2 < 1 (3) x2 < 2 (4) x1, x2 > 0 (5) & (6) Solution : Step 1 : Consider a graphical plane. First, we account for the non negativity constraints which are given in inequality (5) & (6) i. e. x1> 0 and x2 > 0. In figure no. 1, the horizontal axis and the vertical axis represent the x1 and x2 variables respectively. xx2 2 x1 x1 Fig. 1 Thus, the nonnegativity of the variables restricts the solution space area to the first gradrant that lies above the x1 - axis and to the right of the x2 - axis. Step 2 : Each of the four constraints expressed as inequalities will be treated as Quantitative Techniques in Management : 9 Linear Programming equalities and, then their respective intercepts on both the axis can be determined. (i) NOTES For first constraint, after replacing 6x1 + 4x2 < 24 with the straight line 6x1+ 4x2 = 24, we can determine two distinct points by first setting x1 = 0 to obtain x2 = 6 and then setting x2 = 0 to obtain x1 = 4. Thus we get a line passed through the two points (0, 6) and (4, 0) as shown by line (1) in fig. 2. x2 5 5 (0, 6) 6 5 (1) 4 3 2 1 (4, 0) 0 1 2 3 4 6 5 x1 x1 6 Fig. 2 Next, consider the effect of inequality. The line 1 divides the (x1, x2) plane. into two half- spaces, one on each side of the graphed line. Only one of these two halves satisfies the inequality. To determine the correct side, choose (0, 0) as a reference point. If it satisfies the inequality, then the side in which it lies is the feasible half-space, otherwise the other side is. To illustrate the use of the reference point (0, 0), in this inequality (6 x 0 + 4 x 0 = 0) it is less than 24, the half - space represnting the inequality includes the origin. This is shown by direction of arrow for (1) in figure 2. It is convenient computationally to select (0, 0) as the reference point, unless the line happens to pass through the origin in which case any other point can be used (ii) Similarly for constraint 2, x1 + 2x2 < 6, we get points (6, 0) and (0, 3). Using reference point method, this inequality includes the origin, Figure 3 shows common area which satisfies inequality 1, 2 and non negativity constraints. x2 5 8 7 6 5 4 1 3 2 2 1 0 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x1 Fig. 3 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 10 (iii) Finally, figure 4 shows the feasible solution space of the given LPP. The feasible solution space satisfies all six constraints simultaneously. Any point in or on the boundary of the area ABCDEF is part of the feasible solution space. All points outside this area are infeasible, as these points do not satisfy one or more than one constraints. Linear Programming NOTES Fig. 4 Step 3 : Since the value of x1 and x2 have to lie in the shaded area which contains an infinite number of points would satisfy the constraints of the given LPP. But we are confined only to those points which correspond to corners of solution space. Thus, as shown in figure 4, the corner points of feasible region are A = (0, 0), B = (4, 0), C = (3, 1.5), D = (2, 2), E = (1, 2), F = (0, 1). Step 4 : Value of objective junction at corner points Corner points Coordinates of corner points (x1, x2) Objective Function Z = 5x1 +4x2 Value A (0, 0) 5 (0) + 4 (0) 0 B (4, 0) 5 (4) + 4 (0) 20 C (3, 1.5) 5 (3) + 4 (1.5) 21 D (2, 2) 5 (2) + 4 (2) 18 E (1, 2) 5 (1) + 4 (2) 13 F (0, 1) 5 (0) + 4 (1) 4 Here we see that maximum value of objective function is 21 which is obtained at the point C = (3, 1.5), i. e. x1 = 3 and x2 = 1.5 are values of decision variables. Example 5 : Minimize Z = .3x1 + .9x2 Subject to x1 + x2 > 800 .21x1 - .30x2 < 0 .03x1 - .01x2 > 0 x1, x2 > 0 Solution : Figure 5 provides the graphical solution of the model. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 11 1500 Mi nim ize 0 Z= .3x 1 2 1000 +. 9x 2 A <0 .3x 2 1x1 .2 500 B = +x 2 x1 (Students are advised to select a point on any side of a particular constraint, and if that point satisfies constraint then direction of constraint is towards it otherwise it will be directed opposite to that point. Verify.) x2 01x > It is also to be noted that (0, 0) cannot be used as a reference point to know the direction of constraint 2 and 3. 1 NOTES Check that second and third constraints pass through origin. To plot these constraints as straight lines, we need one additional point. (Student should take any value of x1, such as 100 or 200 in constraint 2 and compute x2 Similarly assume one value of x1 for constraint 3 and compute corresponding value of x2) 03x - Linear Programming 0 80 Another important point to 0 500 1000 1500 6 x 1 understand is about closed feasible Fig. 5 solution space. Here objective function is of minimization nature so we can get a solution otherwise it will become a case of unbounded solution. (Unbounded solution will be discussed later in the chapter.) Next we will calculate value of objective function at two corner points, A and B. At point A, x 1 = 200, x2 = 600 and At point B, x 1 = 470.6, x2 = 329.4 and Z = 437.64 Z = 600 So the minimum value of Z lies at B giving solution as x1 = 470.6 and x2 = 329.40. 1.9 Some Special Cases in LP Solution (1) Multiple optimal solution or Alternative optima : In two earlier examples, optimal value of objective function lies at one of the corner points of the feasible solution space. But it is also possible in some situations, when optinal solution obtained is not unique. It happens when objective function (line equation of objective function) is parallel to one of the lines showing constraint in making the feasible space. In this case infinite number of solutions will take place giving same value of objective function but with different combinations of decision variables. Students should verify case of multiple optimal solution with objective function Z = 2x1 + 4x2 in example 4. This objective function is parallel to constraint (2), represented by line segment CD in feasible solution space. All points on this segment give Z = 12. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 12 (2) Unbounded Solution : In some LP models, the values of one or more decision variables can be increased indefinitely without violating any constraint. Correspondingly value of objective function is also increased indefinitely. Students should verify for a LP model having objective function of maximize Z = 2x1 + x2, Subjected to constraints of x1 - x2 < 10 and 2x1 < 40 with non negativity conditions. They will find that the solution space is unbounded in the direction of x2, and the value of Z can be increased indefinitely. Unboundedness normally occurs because of poor construction of model. Linear Programming NOTES (3) Infeasible Solution : In some cases, constraints are incosistent. Then, no common feasible area can be obtained. This situation can only occur when some constraints are of the type < and some are of the type >. When no common feasible area is available, it means that solution is not possible for this model. Students should verify for a LP model having objective function of maximize Z = 40x1+60x2 Subject to constraints of 2x1 + x2 > 70, x1 + x2 < 40 and x1 + 3x2 > 90 with non negativity conditions. From the practical point, an infeasible solution space points to the possibility that the model is not formulated correctly. 1.10 Solution of LPP Using Simplex Method Graphical solution method discussed earlier is suitable for two decision variables. Solution always occur at one of the corner points of feasible solution space. Values of decision variables (x1, x2) can be determined for different corner points by solving linear equations of constraints giving birth to a corner point. We test value of objective function for different pairs of values of decision variable to decide optimum values of decision variables. But in real world many decision variables are possible in LP models. In case of more than two decision variables, simplex method is more useful. The simplex method enumerates solution only at few selected corner points, if we compare with graphical method. To start simplex process of solving LPP, first we should be careful for following two conditions :(i) All the constraints (except non negativity constraints for decision variables) are equations with non negative right hand side. (ii) All the variables are non negative. [Note : All computer programmes directly accept inequalities. Just we need to keep positive RHS.] How to convert inequalities into equations Consider an inequality, 2x1 + 3x2 < 12 To convert this type of inequality into equation, we add a variable in LHS of this inequality as follows. 2x1 + 3x2 + S = 12, with S > 0 This `S` is unused or slack amount of this resource. `S` here is known as slack variable. Now consider another inequality, 3x1 + x2 > 8. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 13 Linear Programming Here we subtract a variable in LHS of the inequality. 3x1 + x2 - S = 8, with S > 0 NOTES This `S` is amount by which LHS exceeds the minimum limit. It represents a surplus. `S` here is known as surplus variable. In case of negative RHS such as 2x1 - 3x2 < - 2 We can do 2x1 - 3x2 + S = -2 and then -2x1 + 3x2 - S = 2 Or we multiply both sides of inquality by -1. This will also change sign of inequality from (<) to (>) So whenever (<) sign is there a slack variable is added and in case of (>) a surplus variable is subtracted to convert inequalities into equations. Important definitions for simplex method In a simplex model where m equations and n variables (m < n) are there, only m variables are part of solution. These m variables are known as basic variables. Remaining n - m variables are non- basic variables. Solution obtained from basic variables is known as basic solution of the model. In case all variables in basic solution are non negative, it is a basic feasible solution. One of the basic feasible solution will give best value of the objective function. This best value (maximum in a maximization problem and minimum in a minimization problem) is the optimum solution of given LPP. Computation using Simplex Method To explain the process of solving a LPP using simplex method, we will consider an example of maximization type. Necessary steps will be discussed with the help of this example. Example 6 : Maximize Z = 5x1 + 4x2 Subject to 6x1 + 4x2 < 24 x1 + 2x2 < 6 -x1 + x2 < 1 x2 < 2 x1, x2 > 0 Solution Step 1 : Convert constraint inequalities into equations : 6x1 + 4x2 + S1 = 24 1st constraint x1 + 2x2 =6 2nd constraint =1 3rd constraint =2 4th constraint -x1 + x2 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 14 x2 + S2 + S3 + S4 Linear Programming x1, x2, s1, s2, s3, s4 > 0 Here variables S1, S2, S3 and S4 are the slacks associated with the respective constraints. We will also add these slack variables in objective function but with `0` (zero) coefficients. So objective function will be NOTES Max Z = 5x1 + 4x2 + 0s1 + 0s2 +0s3 +0s4 For further computation, we write the objective equation as Z - 5x1 - 4x2 = 0 Step 2 : Starting Simplex table : With the help of objective equation and constraint equations, we will make initial simplex table. The design of the table specifies the set of basic and non basic variables as well as provides the solution associated with the starting iteration. Standard desing of the simplex table used in iteration process is as follows : Basic Variables Z Decision, slack / surplus variables Z ROW 1 Co efficient of various variables in objective equation 0 0 0 Coefficients of different variables ↓ ↓ Solution RHS according to row. Fig. 6 To make starting simplex table, we need initial basic variables. In this model four constraints are given and total variables are six (two decision variables x1 and x2 and four slack variables S1, S2, S3 and S4). So only four variables will be basic variables and two will be non basic variables. Normally decision variables are given zero values and slack variables are initial basic variables. In this example Nonbasic (zero) variables : (x1, x2) Basic variables : (s1, s2, s3, s4) With this initial consideration Z=0 S1 = 24, S2 = 6, S3 = 1, and S4 = 2 Now we will put this initial information in standard simplex table design as shown in figure 6. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 15 Linear Programming Table I : Initial Table NOTES Basic Z X1 X2 S1 S2 S3 S4 Solution Z 1 -5 -4 0 0 0 0 0 S1 0 6 4 1 0 0 0 24 S2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 6 S3 0 -1 1 0 0 1 0 1 S4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Step 3 : To check for optimality After preparing simplex table, we need to check optimality of this solution. In this case objective function Z = 5x1 + 4x2 shows that the solution can be improved by increasing x1 or x2. In simplex table we write objective function as Z - 5x1 - 4x2 = 0. If any variable with negative coefficient in Z row is available, it means value of Z can be improved and it is known as optimality condition. Optimality condition will be satisfied if all variables in 2 row has non negative coefficients. So any variable with higher negative coefficient will improve the value of Z faster. This rule is referred to as the optimality condition. It means that currently nonbasic variable x1 will enter into the solution. This is known as entering variable. If two or more non basic variables in Z row are having same maximum negative coefficient, it means a tie for entering variable. Tie is broken arbitrarily. When a new variable will enter into the solution one of the existing basic variable will become nonbasic variable. This is known as leaving variable. To determine leaving variable : We compute the nonnegative ratios of right hand side of the equations (Solution Column) to the corresponding constraint coefficients under the entering variable, x1, as the following table shows : Basic s1 Entering x1 Solution Ratio 6 24 24 = 4 (Minimum Ratio) 6 s2 1 6 6 =6 1 s3 -1 1 1 = ignored -1 s4 0 2 2 = ignored 0 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 16 Decision : To enter x1 in the solution, s1 will be the leaving variable. The minimum non negative, ratio identifies the current basic variable as leaving variable. Value of x1 after becoming basic variable will be 4. As in case of entering variable, two or more basic variable can have similar valid minimum ratio. It is a tie for leaving variable. This tie can also be broken arbitrarily. Linear Programming NOTES Now we will prepare table II in the solution process by swapping the entering variable x1 and the leaving variable s1 in the simplex table to produce the following sets of nonbasic and basic variables : Nonbasic (zero) variables : (s1, x2) Basic variables (x1, s2, s3, s4) : The swapping process is based on the Gauss - Jordan row operations. Process of Gauss - Jordan row operations is as follows : 1. Pivot Column : This is the column of entering variable. 2. Pivot Row : This is the row of leaving variable. 3. Pivot Element : The element in table obtainted as a result of intersection of pivot row and column. Let us reproduce our original table below : Entering variable (x1 is most negative in z row) Leaving variable (min. non negative ratio of solution and corresponding pivot column element) ↓ ↓ Basic Z x1 x2 s1 s2 s3 s4 Solution Z 1 -5 -4 0 0 0 0 0 S1 0 6 4 1 0 0 0 24 S2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 6 S3 0 -1 1 0 0 1 0 1 S4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Pivot row Pivot column Pivot element To get new table from current table, Gauss - Jordan operation will be done in two steps. First to get new row elements of pivot row and then get elements for all other rows in table. (1) To get new pivot row, we will divide all elements of existing pivot row by pivot element. Thus new pivot row in this case will be Z x1 0 6 =0 X1 6 x2 4 =1 6 6 s1 2 =/ 3 s2 1 s3 s4 0 0 =0 6 6 RHS 0 =0 =0 6 24 6 =4 6 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 17 Linear Programming (2) To get all other rows including z row, we will perform following calculation : New row = (Current row) - (Its pivot column coefficient) x (New pivot row) e. g. to get new z row NOTES New z row = (current z row) - (-5) (New x1 row) = (1 -5 -4 0 0 0 0 0) - (-5) (0 2 3 = (1 0 - 1 2 1 3 6 0 0 0 4) 5 0 0 0 20) 6 Students are advised to do calculations for other rows of table. The new basic solution has rows for z, x1, s2, s3 and s4. The table will be as follows Entering variable ↓ z x1 x2 s1 s2 s3 s4 Solution z 1 0 - 2/ 3 5 /6 0 0 0 20 Ratio x1 0 1 2 /3 1 /6 0 0 0 4 s2 0 0 4 /3 - 1/ 6 1 0 0 2 6 Pivot Column 3 /2 s3 0 0 5 /3 1 0 1 0 5 3 s4 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 ↓ ↓ Leaving variable /6 0 ↓ Basic Pivot Column Using the concept of optimality we find here that one of the variable in z row is with negative coefficient. It implies that solution is not optinal and x2 will be our new entering variable. To find leaving variable we will perform as usual following calculation. Entering variable Colum (x2) RHS (Solution Column) Ratio x1 2 /3 4 4 s2 4 /3 2 s3 5 /3 5 s4 1 Basic 2/ 2 =6 / 3 =1.5 (minimum) / 4/ 3 2 5 5/ 2 =3 / / 1 3 =2 Leaving variable Here minimum ratio is corresponding to S2 variable. So S2 is new leaving variable making space for entering variable x2. New rows for table will be computed as follows. New pivot (x2) row Quantitative Techniques in Management : 18 Linear Programming 1 (current s2 row) = 4/3 3 (0 = 0 4/3 -1/6 1 0 0 2) NOTES 4 New z row = current z row - (-2/3) (new x2 row) Similarly new x1, s3 and s4 rows will be computed. Resulted table will be as follows: Basic z x1 x2 s1 s2 s3 s4 Solution z 1 0 0 3 /4 1 /2 0 0 21 x1 0 1 0 1 /4 - 1 /2 0 0 3 x2 0 0 1 - 1 /8 3 /4 0 0 3 /2 s3 0 0 0 3 /8 - 5 /4 1 0 5 /2 s4 0 0 0 1 /8 - 3 /4 0 1 1 /2 Again using the condition of optimality, we see that all coefficients in z row are non negative. Hence current table is optimal. We read optimal solution as follows : Z = 21 with x1=3 and x2 = 3/2 Since S3 = 5/2 and s4 =1/2 are also present in the final table, we conclude that resource 3 and resource 4 are available in abundant. As S1 and S2 are not part of final solution, we conclude that first two resourices are scarce. Example 7 : Maximize Z - 2x1 +x2 - 3x3 + 5x4 Subject to x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 + 4x4 < 40 2x1 - x2 + x3 + 2x4 < 8 4x1 - 2x2 + x3 - x4 < 10 x1, x2, x3, x4 > 0 Solution : Convert constraints into equations : x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 + 4x4 + s1 = 40 2x1 - x2 + x3 + 2x4 =8 4x1 - 2x2 + x3 - x4 + s2 + s3 = 10 x1, x2, x3, x4, s1, s2, s3 > 0 Initial basic solution can be obtained by putting x1, x2, x3, x4 = 0 so initial basic feasible solution is (s1, s2, s3) = (40, 8, 10) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 19 Linear Programming Simplex tables will be as follows : ↓ NOTES ↓ Basic z x1 x2 x3 x4 s1 s2 s3 Solution z 1 -2 -1 3 -5 0 0 0 0 Ratio s1 0 1 2 2 4 1 0 0 40 10 s2 0 2 -1 1 2 0 1 0 8 4 s3 0 4 -2 1 -1 0 0 1 10 -10 (ignored) Second table will have s1, x4, s3 as basic variables ↓ ↓ Basic z x1 x2 x3 x4 s1 s2 s3 solution z 1 3 - 7 /2 11 0 0 5 /2 0 20 Ratio s1 0 -3 4 0 0 1 -2 0 24 6 x4 0 1 - 1 /2 1 /2 1 0 1 /2 0 4 -8 (ignored) s3 0 5 - 5 /2 3 /2 0 0 1 /2 1 14 -28/5 (ignored) /2 Third table will have x2, x4 and s3 as basic variables. Basic z x1 x2 x3 x4 s1 s2 s3 Solution z 1 3 /8 0 9 0 7 /8 3 /4 0 41 x2 0 - 3 /4 1 0 0 1 /4 - 1 /2 0 6 x4 0 5 0 1 1 1 /8 1 /4 0 7 s3 0 25 0 4 0 5 /8 - 3 /4 1 29 /8 /8 /2 Check with optimality condition. This last table is optimal one, giving z = 41 with x2 = 6 and x4 = 7. Two of the decision variables, x1 and x3 are non basic in final solution, i. e. these are with zero values. Since S3 is also in the final table, it means that third resource is in abundance. Solution of a LPP using surplus variable : As shown in Example 6 and 7, LPs in which all constraints are (<) with non negative RHS can be handled by putting slack variables in constraints to convert these inequalities into equations. But in case of (>) or (=) constraints, we need to do some extra efforts to bring these inequalities into standard form of simplex processing. If (=) constraints are involved, we will use artificial variables only in those equations. If (>) constraints are involved, we will use surplus and artificial variables in these inequalities. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 20 To handle artificial variables, two popular methods are the M-method and the two - phase methos. Purpose of artificial variable is to help in providing initial basic feasible solution of the problem. Both these methods are developed in such a way that artificial variables will disappear from final solution. Note : Students can think that slack and surplus variables may be part of final solution while artificial variables are not. There is a meaning of slack and surplus variable while artificial variables have no physical meaning. Linear Programming NOTES M-Method : When we use artificial variables in case of (=) or (>) type constraints, we put a coefficient M with this variable in the objective function of the problem. M is considered to be a very large quantity. The purpose of M is to assign heavy penalty for this artifical variable. So as it does not remain in the solution. If problem is a maximization one we use -M as artificial variable objective coefficient and if problem is a minimization one, we use +M as coefficient. Example 8 : Minimize Z = 3x1 + 8x2 Subject to x1 + x2 = 200 x1 < 80, x2 > 60; x1, x2 > 0 Solution : Conversion of inequalities into equations : First constraint will have artificial variable, R1. Second constraint will have slack variable S1. Third constraint will have surplus variable S2 and one artificial variable R2. Since it is a minimization problem R1 and R2 will have +M as objective coefficients while S1 snd S2 will have "0" objective coefficients. Problem in standard form will be as follows : Minimize Z = 3x1 + 8x2 + MR1 + MR2 Subject to x1 + x2 x1 + R1 + s1 = 80 - s2 x2 = 200 + R2 = 60 x1, x2, s1, s2, R1, R2 > 0 The associated starting basic solution is given by (R1, S1, R2) = (200, 80, 60) The starting table will be as follows : Basic z x1 x2 S1 S2 R1 R2 Solution z 1 -3 -8 0 0 -M -M 0 R1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 200 S1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 R2 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 60 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 21 Linear Programming Be Careful! Before we apply condition of optimality for minimization problems here, we need to make z row consistent with rest of the table. NOTES Please check, that current basic solution is (R1, S1, R2) = (200, 80, 60) yielding z = 260M while table shows solution of Z as zero. This incosistency stems from the fact that R1 and R2 have nonzero coefficients in the z row. To eliminate this inconsistency, we will perform some row operations. In particular, see the highlighted elements in the R1 - row and the R2 - row. Multiplying each of R1-row and R2 - row by M and adding the sum to the current Z row, we get new Z row. (-3 -8 0 0 -M -M 0) +M (1 1 0 0 1 0 200) +M (0 1 0 -1 0 1 60) -3+M -8+2M 0 -M 0 0 260M Modified table thus becomes Basic z x1 Z 1 R1 x2 ↓ s1 s2 R1 R2 Solution (-3+M) (-8+2M) 0 -M 0 0 260M Ratio 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 200 200 S1 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 80 ignored R2 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 60 60 This Modified table is a consistent one and fit for applying condition of optimality and Gauss - Jordon row operations. Applying optimality condition, we will notice that most positive Z row coefficient is (-8+2M). Thus x2 is entering variable. (Students are advised to compare (-3+M) and (-8+2M) for most positivity.) After comparing the ratios obtained from solution column and pilot column elements, R2 is chosen as leaving variable. After applying Gauss - Jordon row operations for new pivot row and for other rows including Z row, table obtained after iteration is as follows : ↓ Quantitative Techniques in Management : 22 Basic z x1 Z 1 R1 ↓ x2 s1 s2 R1 R2 Solution (-3+M) 0 0 M-8 0 +8-2M 140M + 480 0 1 0 0 1 1 -1 140 S1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 x2 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 60 New table, after x1 becomes entering variable and s1 is leaving variable, will be as follows : Basic z x1 x2 s1 s2 R1 R2 Solution Z 1 0 0 -M+3 M-8 0 8-2M 60M+720 R1 0 0 0 -1 1 1 -1 60 x1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 x2 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 60 Linear Programming NOTES In this table, using condition of optimality S2 will be entering and R1 will be leaving variable. New table after iteration will be Basic z x1 x2 s1 s2 R1 R2 Solution z 1 0 0 -5 0 -8M -M 1200 s2 0 0 0 -1 1 1 -1 60 x1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 x2 0 0 1 -1 0 1 0 120 This table is optimal Verify! Optimal solution is Minimum Z = 1200 with x1 = 80 and x2 = 120 Two phase Method : In two phase method, problem is solved in two phases. Phase I attempts to find a starting basic feasible solution, and, if one is found, phase II is involed to solve the original problem. Example 9 : We will use same problem of example 8 to show various steps of two- phase method. Solution : Phase I Minimize r = R1 + R2 (A new objective function is defined which is always a minimization irrespective of nature of original problem. This objective function is sum of artificial variables used in problem to convert (=) or (>) type constraints into standard form.) Subject to x1 + x2 x1 x2 + R1 + s1 = 200 = 80 - s2 + R 2 = 60 x1, x2, s1, s2, R1, R2 > 0 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 23 Linear Programming NOTES The associated table is given as with R1, S1, and R2 as initial basic variables. Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 R1 R2 Solution Y 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 R1 1 1 0 0 1 0 200 S1 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 R2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 60 To make this table consistent for use of Gauss - Jordan iteration process, as in the M-Method, R1 and R2 are substituted out in the r-row by using the following row operation: New r-row = old r row + (1xR1 row + 1xR2 row) As a result, modified table is : Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 R1 R2 Solution r 1 2 0 -1 0 0 260 R1 1 1 0 0 1 0 200 S1 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 R2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 60 After two iterations, optimal table will be : Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 R1 R2 Solution r 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 s2 0 0 -1 1 1 -1 60 x1 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 x2 0 1 -1 0 1 0 120 Bacause minimum r = 0, phase I produces the basic feasible solution x1 = 80 and x2 = 120 and s2 = 60 Check that artificial variables (R1 and R2) are not part of this solution. These variables have done their job of providing a feasible basic solution. We are now ready for phase II computations. Phase - II (i) Delete columns of artificial variables from optimal table of phase - I. (ii) Rewrite the problem with original objective function and new constraints derived from optimal table of phase - I. Minimize Z = 3x1 + 8x2 Subject to Quantitative Techniques in Management : 24 -s1, +s2 = 60 x1 + s 1 = 80 r2 -s1 = 120 Linear Programming NOTES x1, x2, s1, s2 > 0 So, associated table with this set of objective function and constraint equations is Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 Solution z -3 -8 0 0 0 s2 0 0 -1 1 60 x1 1 0 1 0 80 x2 0 1 -1 0 120 In this table also we can see that two basic variables x1 and x2 have non zero coefficients in z row. These coefficients need to be converted into zeros and associated row operation required will be New z row = old z row + (3xX1 row + 8xX2 row) The initial table of phase II is thus given as Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 Solution z 0 0 -5 0 1200 s2 0 0 -1 1 60 x1 1 0 1 0 80 x2 0 1 -1 0 120 In this table when we apply condition of optimality we realize that it is an optimal solution. (In a minimization objective function, optimality is achieved when Z row has no positive coefficient.) So optimal (minimum) z = 1200 with x1 = 80 and x2 = 120. 1.11 Special Cases in Simplex Method As mentioned earlier also, similar special cases can be seen during application of simplex calculations. (1) Alternative optima or multiple optimal Solution :Consider the following LP formulation :Max. z = 2x1 + 4x2 Subject to Quantitative Techniques in Management : 25 Linear Programming 6x1 + 4x2 < 24 x1 + 2x2 < 6 -x1 + x2 < 1 NOTES x2 < 2 x 1 , x2 > 0 After putting this LPP in tabular arrangement : Iteration Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 s3 s4 Solution 0 z -2 -4 0 0 0 0 0 s1 6 4 1 0 0 0 24 s2 1 2 0 1 0 0 6 s3 -1 1 0 0 1 0 1 s4 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 z 0 0 0 2 0 0 12 s1 0 0 1 -6 0 8 4 s3 0 0 0 1 1 -3 1 x2 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 x1 1 0 0 1 0 -2 2 5 z 0 0 0 2 0 0 12 Alternative s4 0 0 0.13 -0.75 0 1 0.50 Optimal s3 0 0 0.38 -1.25 1 0 2.50 (S4 enters x2 0 1 -0.13 0.75 0 0 1.50 and S1 Leaves x1 1 0 0.25 -0.50 0 0 3.00 4 (optinal) Here iteration 4 gives optimal solution with basic variables x1, x2, S1 and s3. In optimal solution one of the nonbasic variable S4 is having 0 coefficient in z row. This gives a chance of alternative optima condition. After forcing S4 into the solution, checking for minimum ratio, S1 becomes leaving variable. Iteration 5 gives another optimal solution without changing value of solution. In both iterations, 4 and 5, maximum value of Z remains unchanged, i. e. 12. But in iteration 4, basic variables are x1 = 2, x2 =2, s1 = 4 and s3 = 1, while in iteration 5, basic variables are x1 = 3, x2 = 1.50, s3 = 2.50 and s4 = 0.50 In practical terms, alternative solutions are useful because we can choose from many solutions without affecting the quality of the objective value. (2) Unbounded solution : Consider the following LP formulation Quantitative Techniques in Management : 26 Linear Programming Maximize Z = 2x1 + 3x2 Subject to x1 - 2x2 < 15 NOTES 3x1 < 50 x 1 , x2 > 0 Let us make tabular arrangement for this LP. Iteration 0 Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 Solution z -2 -3 0 0 0 s1 1 -2 1 0 15 s2 3 0 0 1 50 This is a maximization problem and x2 is a candidate to enter into solution space. But neither s1 nor s2 can leave the solution. This means that x2 can be increased indefinitely without violating any of the constraints. Situation of unboundedness is a result of poor model making. It is possible that a constraint which restricts value of x2 to be increased infinitely is missing. (3) Infeasible Solution : Infeasible solution can occur when constraints are having opposite signs of inequalities. consider the following problem : Maximize z = 4x1 + 3x2 Subject to x1 + 2x2 < 5 2x1 + 3x2 > 10 x1, x2 > 0 Using slack variable S1 in first constraint and S2 surplus variable in second constraint alongwith artificial variable R1 in second constraint and making this LP model in standard form. (We are using a value of 100 for M in the objective function.) Lteration Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 R1 RHS 0 Z -204 -303 0 100 0 -1000 S1 1 2 1 0 0 5 R1 2 3 0 -1 1 10 Z 0 105 204 100 0 20 x1 1 2 -1 - - 5 R1 0 -1 -2 -1 1 0 2 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 27 Linear Programming Second iteration is optimal. But this solution has x1 and artificial variable R1 as basic variables. Artificial variable, if present in final solution, will give a case of infeasible solution. Infeasible solution is a result of poor model construction. NOTES (4) Degeneracy : Sometime it is possible to have a situation of tie for deciding leaving variable. Minimum ratio is same for two current basic variables. This tie can be broken arbitrasily. In this case, at least one basic variable will be zero in the next iteration and the new solution is said to be degenerate. Consider the following problem. Maximize z = 2x1 + 5x2 Subject to x1 + 3x2 < 6 x1 + 2x2 < 4 x1, x2 > 0 Given the slack variables s1, and s2, the following tables provide the simplex iterations of the problem : Iteration Basic x1 x2 s1 s2 RHS 0 z -2 -5 0 0 0 x2 enters, s1 or s2 s1 1 3 1 0 6 may leave. Take s1 s 2 1 2 0 1 4 z - 1/ 3 0 5 /3 0 10 x2 1 /3 1 1 /3 0 2 s2 1 /3 0 - 2/ 3 1 0 as leaving variable. 1 See one of the current basic variable s2 is zero now. Here x1 will enter and s2 will leave. 2 z 0 0 1 1 10 (Optimum) x2 0 1 1 -1 2 x1 1 0 -2 3 0 In degeneracy situation, objective value of the function may not improve but optimality condition remains unsatisfied. It is normally a case of overdetermined problems. 1.12 Sensitivity Analysis Quantitative Techniques in Management : 28 Sensitivity analysis tells range of input parameter variation without changing optimal solution. Following two cases will be discussed to explain the concept of sensitivity Linear Programming analysis : (a) Changes in the RHS of the constraints (b) Changes in the objective function. (a) Changes in the RHS of the constraints : NOTES Consider the following problem : Maximize z = 2x1 + x2 + 4x3 Subject to x1 + 2x2 + x3 < 30 (Resource 1) 3x1 + 3x3 < 60 (Resource 2) x1 + 4x2 < 20 (Resource 3) x1, x2, x3 > 0 Here availbility of resources are 30 units, 60 units and 20 units respectively. We can change availability of these resources within a limit without altering current optimum solution. We want to determine limits of these changes. First let us see the optimum table for original model using S1, S2 and S3 as slack variables in three constraints, respectively. 1.13 Summary 1.14 Key Terms Feasible Solution : A solution which satisfies all constraints including non-negativity constraints. Op[timum Solution : A feasible solution which gives either maximum or minimum value of objective function. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 29 Linear Programming Slack variable : It represents unused amount of a resource. Surplus variable : It represents shortage of a resource. NOTES Artificial variable : These variables have no physical meaning, except to help in getting a starting solution. Basic variables : Decision, slack, surplus or artificial variables which are part of solution are known as basic variables. In other words, non zero variables are basic variables. Non-basic variables : All zero variables are non-basic variables. Pivot Column : In a simplex table, column of entering variable. Pivot Row : In a simplex table, row of leaving variable. 1.15 Questions and Exercises PART - A Que. 1. A Paint company makes 3 grades of paint (α, β, γ ) from 3 raw materials (A, B, C). Raw materials are used in making of these 3 grades of paint as follows : Grade Specifications Unit selling (Rs.) price (in per litre) α 8.0 Not less than 50% raw material `A` Not less than 25% raw material `B` β Not less than 25% raw material `A` 6.5 γ Not less than 50% raw material `B` 5.5 Within above restrictions, raw materials can be used in any grade of paint. There are capacity limitations on the amounts of three raw materials that can be used : Raw material Capacity Price / litre A 500 litres 9.5 B 500 litres 9.5 C 300 litres 6.5 It is required to produce the maximum profit. Formulate a LP model for the problem. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 30 Que. 2. A manufacturing company has contracted to deliver home windows over the next 4 months. The demands for each month are 100, 250, 190 and 110 units respectively. Production cost per window varies from month to month depending on the cost of labour, material and utilities. The company estimates the production cost per window over the next 4 months to be Rs. 500, Rs. 450, Rs. 550 and Rs. 500 respectively. To take advantage of the fluctuations in manufacturing cost, company may elect to produce more than is needed in a given month and hold the excess units for delivery in later months. This however, will incur holding cost at the rate of Rs. 30 per window per month assessed on end- of - month inventory. Formulate a LP model to determine the Linear Programming optimum production schedule. Que 3. Find solution of following problems using graphical method : (a) Max Z= 30x1 + 40x2 NOTES subject to x1< 20 x2 > 10 4x1 + 2x2 < 100 4x1 + 6x2 < 180 x1 + x2 < 40 x1, x2 > 0 and (b) Max. Z = 150 x1 + 250 x2 Subject to x1 /1500 + x2/4500 > 1 x1 1000 + x2 8000 > 1 / / x 2000 + x 4000 > 1 / / x 3000 + x 9000 > 1 / / and (c) Min. 1 2 1 2 x1, x2 > 0 20x1 + 40x2 Z= Subject to 36x1 + 6x2 > 108 3x1 + 12 x2 > 36 20x1 + 10x2 > 100 and x1, x2 > 0 1.16 Further Reading and References Quantitative Techniques in Management : 31 Transportation Model UNIT 2 NOTES TRANSPORTATION MODEL Structure 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Unit Objectives 2.2 Transportation Model 2.3 Steps in Solution Process 2.3.1 Initial Basic Feasible Solution 2.3.2 Method of Multiplier for Optimality Test 2.4 Summary 2.5 Key Terms 2.6 Question & Exercises 2.7 Further Reading and References 2.0 Introduction Trasportation problems are a special class of linear programming problems. Transportation problems deal with physical distribution of goods and services from various supply sources to various demand centres. The structure of a transportation problem involves a large number of shipping routes from several supply origins to several demand destinations. The objective is to determine the number of units of an item which should be shipped from an origin to a destination in order to satisfy the required quantity of goods or services at each destination centre, within the limited quantity of items available at each supply centre, at the minimum transportation cost and/or time. Transportation models are widely used in supply chain management. 2.1 Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should be able to Quantitative Techniques in Management : 32 Understand basic structure of transportation model as a special case of linear programming model. Understand north-west corner method, least coast method and vogel’s approximation method to obtain initial basic feasible solution of transportation model. Understand process of checking optimality of basic feasible solution using method of multipliers. Transportation Model 2.2 Transportation Model Sources Destinations c11 : x11 NOTES 1 b1 2 2 b2 a3 3 3 b3 am m n bn a1 1 a2 C 11 : X11 Cmn : Xmn Cmn : Xmn Fig : 2.1 Fig : 2.1 Figure 2.1 gives a general type of transportation model. Here we have taken m supply sources and n demand centres (destinations). Each source can supply to each destination. If i is a source and j is a particular destination then xij units are shipped from ith source to jth destination at unit cost of transportation cij. Objective of transportation model is to ensure fullfillment of demand of each destination such as b1, b2, .......... bn etc. But no supply centre can supply more than its capacity such as a1, a2 .... am. Finally, distribution of units from sources to destination is designed in such a way to incur minimum cost of distribution. Take following case, before we move to develope transportation model. Example : A company has two production facilities at Mumbai and Nagpur with production capacity at 1000 and 800 products per day, respectively. Three warehouses at the company are at Pune, Gondia and Chandrapur with daily requirements of 900, 400 and 500 products, respectively. Transportation cost (in rupees) per unit between production facilities to warehouses is given in table 1. Table 1 Warehouses → Pune Gondia Chandrapur Mumbai 4 8 7 Nagpur 6 4 3 → Production facility With the help of knowledge of liner programming of Unit 1, we can make following linear programming model : Consider following decision Variables X11 → Units to be transported from Mumbai to Pune X12 → Units to be transpoted from Mumbai to Gondia Quantitative Techniques in Management : 33 Transportation Model NOTES X13 → Units to be transported from Mumbai to Chandrapur X21 → Units to be transported from Nagpur to Pune X22 → Units to be transported from Nagpur to Gondia X23 → Units to be transported from Nagpur to Chandrapur Objective function will be Minimize (total transportation cost) Z = 4x11 + 8x12 + 7x13 + 6x21 + 4x22 +3x23 Subject to the constraints (i) Capacity Constraints x11 + x 12 + x 13 = 1000 x 21 + x 22 + x 23 = 800 (ii) Requirement Contraints x11 + x 21 = 900 x12 + x 22 = 400 x13 + x 23 = 500 and x11, x12, x13, x21, x22, x23 > 0 The LP model can be solved by the simplex method. However, with the special structure of the constraints, we can solve the problem more conveniently using the trasportation table shown the table 2. Table 2 : Trasportation model for examples 1 Destination → Pune Gondia Chandrapur Supply → Sources 4 8 x12 7 Mumbai x11 Nagpur x21 x22 x23 Demand 900 400 500 6 x13 4 1000 3 1000 800 In each cell of table 2, we write units to be transported from one source to a destination (xij) in lower left side and unit cost of transportation between this pair of source and destination in upper right hand corner. Taking table 2 and figure 1 into account, we can develop general mathematical model of trasportation problem : m Min Z = n Σ Σ i =1 j=1 Subject to the constraints Quantitative Techniques in Management : 34 cij xij n Σ Transportation Model xij = ai i = 1,2 ...... m (supply Constraint) j =1 m Σ NOTES xij = bj j = 1,2 ...... n (demand Constraint) i =1 and xij > 0 for all i and j A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a feasible solution to the trasportation problem is Total Supply = Total demond m n Σ ai = Σ bj i=1 j=1 If the problem is unbalanced, we can always add dummy source or a dummy destination to make the original problem balanced. Transportation Costs in dummy row or dummy column are always zero. If in example 1, demand at Pune is 1200 instead of 900 given originally. This will make total demond of 2100 units daily against a production of 1800 Units daily from two plants. To solve such unbalanced model, we will add a new dummy source with a capacity of 300 units. The capacity of new source is total demond - total supply available. The revised balanced model with dummy source is given in Table 3. Table 3 : Transportation model with dummy source Source Pune Gondia 4 Chandrapur 8 x12 7 Mumbai x11 Nagpur x21 Dummy Source x31 x32 x33 Demand 1200 400 500 6 x13 4 x22 0 Supply 1000 3 x23 0 800 0 300 Again consider example 1, and see if supply available at both these plants are 100 units daily. This will produce 2000 units daily againts a total daily demand of 1800 units. This is also unbalanced problem. We will add a new column (new destination) with a supply requirement of 200 units. Demand of new destination is total supply- total demand. The revised balanced model with dummy destination is given in table 4. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 35 Transportation Model NOTES Table 4 : Transportation model with dummy destination Source Pune Gondia Mumbai x11 Nagpur x21 x22 x23 x24 Demand 900 400 500 200 4 Chandrapur 8 x12 6 Dummy Destination 7 x13 4 Supply 0 x14 3 1000 0 1000 2.3 Steps in Solution Process The transportation problem can be solved with exact steps of the simplex method. But special structure of transportation problem gives an advantage. We can directly solve transportation problem without going for complex computations of simplex method. Following steps are used in solving a transportation problem. 1. Formulate the problem and arrange the data in matrix form as shown in table 2. 2. Detemine a starting basic feasible solution. Following three methods can be used to get initial basic feasible solution. North- West Corner Method (N-W-C Method) Least Cost Method (LC Method) Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM) 3. Test initial solution for optimality. If the optimality condition is satisfied stop, otherwise determine the entering variable from among all the nonbasic variables and go to step 4. 4. Use the feasibility condition to determine the leaving variable from among the current basic variables and find the new basic solution. Return to step 3, till optimality is reached. 2.3.1 Initital Basic Feasible Solution : (IBFS) The IBFS or any feasible solution must satisfy all the supply and demand conditions. If m sources and n destination are shown in a model, it must have m +n -l allocations, i.e. basic variables. [Please note that all cells of transportation table will not have positive allocations only m + n -1 cells will have allocations.] 1. Northwest Corner Method N-C method is the simplest method to get a starting solution. However it can not provide a high quality starting solution. The initial value of objective function is relatively higher as compared to other methods to get starting solution. The method starts from the northwest- corner cell of the table. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 36 1 Consider table 2, we will all allocate 900 units in the Northwest- corner cell. 1 3 supply 4 8 7 1000 100 6 4 3 800 900 This will complete allocations of column 1 and supply from row 1 is reduced to 100 Units only. 2 Demand 900 Transportation Model NOTES 400 500 Table 2 A This is shown in table 2 A Now we will Cross the column of zero demand. (In case all supplies are exhausted, we will cross row) Now we will move horizantally to Cell (1, 2). In table 2 B, we allocated 100 units in cell (1,2) and crossed row 1 as supplies are exhausted. Demand of column 2 are adjusted to 300 units. 2 1 2 1 4 900 2 6 Demand 900 3 Supply 8 7 100 1000 100 4 800 3 400 500 Moving in this fashion table 2 C 300 gives complete allocation and also path Table 2 B of making these allocations. Check that only four Cells are allocated. Applying rule of m + n - 1 = 3 + 2 -1 = 4, the current allocation is feasible one. The associated cost of this allocation is Z = 900 x 4 + 100 x 8 + 300 x 4 + 500 x 3 = 7100 (Rs.) [Please note that if both a row and a column net to zero simultaneously, cross out one only, and leave a zero supply (demand) in the uncrossed out row (column). ] 2. Least Cost Method The quality of solution with LC method is better than the solution with N-W-C method. 1 1 2 4 900 2 6 900 3 Supply 8 7 100 1000 4 3 800 300 500 400 500 Table 2 C The method starts with assigning as much as possible to the cell with the Smallest Unit Cost (ties are broken arbitrarily). Next we cross satisfied row or column and the amount of supply and demand are adjusted accordingly. As in case of N-W-C method, here also, if both a row and a column are satisfied simultaneously, only one is crossed out. Next we check smallest cost cell from among the uncrossed rows and columns and repeat the process till all supply/ demand conditions are satisfied. Table 2 D gives final allocation with L-C method. The order of allocation is also given in cells in circled numbers. First we allocated to cell (2, 3) 500 units satisfying column 3 and adjusting supply from row to 300 units. Now it was tie between cell (1, 1) and (2, 2) as both these 1 2 1 2 3 4 900 3 8 100 4 7 6 4 300 2 3 800 500 1 900 400 1000 Table 2 D 500 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 37 Transportation Model cells had same unit transportation cost of Rs. 4. We arbitrarily allocated to cell (2, 2) and process was completed in four allocations. The assoiciated cost of this allocation is Rs. 7100. (Same as in N-W-C method.) NOTES 3. Vogel Approximation Method (VAM) VAM is an improved method to get starting solution. It normally produces best quality of starting solution. In this method, each allocation is made on the basis of the opportunity (or penalty) cost that would have been incurred if allocation in certain cells with minimum unit transportation cost were missed. The procedure is as follows : 1. Calculate row/ column penalties :- This is done by subtracting the smallest unit cost element in the row (column) from the next smallest unit cost element in the same row (column). 2. Select the largest panalty in rows or columns :- Ties are broken arbitrarily. Now allocate in cell with least cost in the selected or column keeping rim conditions in mind. Adjust the supply and demand, and cross out the satisfied row or column. If a row and a column are satisfied simulataneously. Only one of the two is crossed out, and the remaining row (column) is assigned zero supply (demand). 3. Row Penalty 1 2 3 1 4 8 7 1000 7-4=3 2 6 4 3 800 900 400 500 6-4 8-4 7-3 =2 =4 =4 If only one row or column with zero supply or demand remain uncrossed out, stop the process. In case of positive supply or demand in place of zero supply or demand, allocate this to least cost cell in the row or column. 4-3=1 Table 2 E New Penalty 1 2 3 1 4 8 7 1000 8-4=4 2 6 4 900 400 500 New 6-4 Penalty =2 8-4 =4 - 3 800 6-4=2 500 300 Table 2 F If all the uncrossed out rows and columns have zero supply and demand, determine the zero basic variables by L-C method. Consider again table 2, table 2 E gives penalties of rows and colums. As seen in table 2 E Column 2 and 3 are having similar penalties of 4. We arbitratily decide to select column 3. Here cell (2, 3) is 1 2 3 with least Cost, So we will allocate 500 units 1 4 8 7 1000 (follow rim conditions). Table 2 F shows first allocation and calculation of new penalties. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 38 Continuing in the same manner, we get table 2G, allocating in four cells and 2 900 100 6 4 300 3 800 500 900 400 500 Table 2 G Transportation Model satisfying all rim conditions. The associated objective function value is 7100 Rs. (Same as in case of N-W-Cmethod and L-C method.) It is a matter of chance that objective function value in case of all three methods is same. Normally objective function value improves (decreases) from Northwest corner method to least cost method to vogel’s approximation method. NOTES Practice Questions 1. Compare the starting solution obtained by the N-W-C, L-C and VAM for each of the following models. (a) D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply S1 21 16 15 3 11 S2 17 18 14 23 13 S3 32 27 18 41 19 Demand 6 10 12 15 1 2 3 Supply 1 1 2 6 7 2 0 4 2 12 3 3 1 5 11 10 10 10 (b) Destinations → → Source Demand (c) Destinations → 1 2 Supply 1 80 215 1000 2 100 108 1500 3 102 68 1200 Demand 1900 1400 → Source 2.3.2 Method of multiplier for Optimality Test Once a starting feasible solutions is obtained, we now test it for optimality. 1. We determine the entering variable from among the current nonbasic variables that can improve (reduce the total transportation cost) the solution. If optimality condition is satisfied, stop otherwise go to step 2. 2. If there is an entering variable, then we determine the leaving variable using the simplex feasibility condition. After getting new basic solution, return to step 1. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 39 Transportation Model Example 2 : Take the following model and solve for optimality 1 2 3 Supply 1 5 1 8 12 2 2 4 0 14 3 3 6 7 4 Demand 9 10 11 NOTES Table 5 Solution :- Table 5A gives starting solution of model given in Table 5, with NorthWest Corner Method (Students verify feasibility condition in table 5A) (Students should also develop IBFS using LC Method and VAM) To determine entering variable in table 5A, we use method of multipliers. In this method, we associate the multipliers Ui and Vj with row i and column j of the transportation table 5A. For each current basic variable xij, we can write 1 1 2 3 2 3 5 1 900 (3) 300 (4) 8 12 3 4 0 00 (3) 700 (4) 700000 4 3 9990 (3) ui + vj = cij for each basic xij 9 6 7 00 (4) 400000 4 10 11 Table 5 A where cij is the unit transportation cost of moving single unit from ith source to jth destination. For table 5A, these are arranged as follows : Basic Variable (u,v) Equation Solution X11 u1 + v1 = 5 Take u1 =0, v1 = 5 x12 u1 + v2 = 1 v2 = 1 x22 u2 + v2 = 4 u2 = 3 x23 u2 + v3 = 0 v3 = -3 x 33 u3 + v3 = 7 u3 = 10 We have Six unknowns, namely u1, u2, u3, v1, v2 and v3 but 5 (u, v) equations. So we have taken arbitrarily u1 = 0 to get values of other multipliers. Now we will use these (u, v) values to evaluate other nonbasic variables by computing ui + vj - cij , for each nonbasic Xij Quantitative Techniques in Management : 40 The results of those evaluations are shown in the following table : Nonbasic Variable ui + vj - cij x13 u1 + v3 - C13 = 0-3-8 = -11 x21 u2 + v1 - C21 = 3 + 5 -2 = 6 x31 u3 + v1 - C31 = 10+ 5 - 3=12 x32 u3 + v2 - C32 =10 + 3 - 6=7 Transportation Model NOTES As transportation models are mostly cost minimization model, we take most positive ui + vj - cij as our entering variable. If no current nonbasic variable is with positive sign, the current solution is the optimal one. Here x31 is the entering variable. Now we determine leaving variable. One of the current basic variable will become nonbasic. The selection of x31 as the entering variable means that we want to allocate to this cell, but how much? If α is the quantity allocated to this cell, we always need to be careful about rim conditions and non negativity constraints. Based on these conditions, we determine maximum value of α for x31 cell. The process is as follows : (1) Construct a closed loop starting and ending at the entering cell; (3, 1) in this case. This loop consists of connected horizantal and vertical line segments only. Diagonals are not allowed. Except for the entering cell, each corner of this loop must have one of the current basic variable. Exactly one loop exists for a given entering variable. Table 5B shows the loop for x31 for current example. 1 2 3 Supply 1 5 9-α 1 3+α 8 12 2 2 4 7-α 0 7+α 14 3 6 7 4-α 4 3 Demand α 9 10 11 Table 5 B Loop represented by lines starting from (3, 1) to (3, 3) to (2, 3) to (2, 2) to (1, 2) to (1, 1) and finally to (3, 1) is the desired and unique one. If we are allocating α to (3, 1) cell, to balance the rim conditions, we will subtract α from (3, 3), add α in (2, 3) and substract α in (2, 2) add α in (1, 2) and finally subtract α in (1,1). Students can observe a pattern in adding and subtracting α at the corner points of loop. The loop can be traced clockwise or anti clockwise without affecting the solution. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 41 Transportation Model Since α will have nonnegative value, the new values of the variables then remain nonnegative if x11 = 9 - α > 0 x22 = 7 - α > 0 NOTES x33 = 4 - α > 0 The corresponding maximum value of α is 4, which occurs when x33 reaches zero level. So x33 is the leaving variable. So x31 is entering and x33 is leaving variable. This requires adjustments in table 5A. New table after this current iteration is shown as 5C. 1 2 1 1 3 8 12 4 0 14 7 4 5 5 7 2 2 3 3 3 4 9 11 6 10 11 Table 5 C The associated cost is 5 x 5 + 7 x 1 + 3 x 4 + 11 x 0 + 4 x 3 Rs = 56 Ealier cost from table 5 A was Rs. 104. So solution has improved by Rs. 48. This can also be verified as follows : ui + vj - cij for x31 = 12, allocation in (3,1) = 4 units So cost will reduce by 12 x 4 = Rs. 48 But we will check this solution of table 5 C for deciding a new entering variable from current non basic variables. Again make (U, V) equations for current basic variables, as follows : (This basic variables are taken from Table 5C) x11 u1 + v1 = 5 Take u1 = 0 v1 = 5 x12 u1 + v2 = 1 v2 =1 x22 u2 + v2 = 4 u2 =3 x23 u2 + v3 = 0 v3 = -3 x31 u3 + v1 = 3 u3= -2 Now make (u, v) equations for current nonbasic variables x13 u1 + v3 - C13 = 0 - 3 -8 = -11 x21 u2 + v1 - C21 = 3 + 5 -2 = 6 x32 u3 + v2 - C32 = -2 + 1- 6 = - 7 x 33 u3 + v3 - C33 = -2 - 2 + 7 = 3 The most positive coefficient is coming for x21. So This becomes new entering variable Quantitative Techniques in Management : 42 Table 5 D gives closed loop for (2, 1) as entering variable If α is allocated to (2, 1) than 1 3-α >0 1 5-α >0 2 The corresponding maximum value of α is 3 and (2, 2) becomes at zero level. 3 So x21 is entering and x22 is leaving variable. Table 5E is obtained after iteration 2. The associated cost is 2 x 5 + 10 x 1 + 3 x 2 + 11 x 0 3 8 5 1 5-α 7-α α 2 4 0 3-α 11 3 6 7 4 9 10 11 Table 5 D 1 2 1 5 2 2 for x 21 u2 + v1 - C21 = 6 allocation = 3 Units; Cost Reduction = 6 x 3 = Rs. 18 14 NOTES 4 1 12 4 0 14 7 4 11 3 4 9 12 10 2 3 Transportation Model 3 8 3 + 4 x 3 = Rs. 38 Verify it as follows : 2 6 10 11 Table 5 E So new total cost = 56 - 18 = Rs. 38 We can see that solutions is improving. (transportation cost is reducing) Again get values of (u, v) with the help of baisc variable in table 5E Taking u1 = 0, v1 = 5, v2 = 1, v3 = 3, u2 = -3, u3= -2 Now we calculate coefficients for nonbasic variables of table 5E. x13 u1 + v3 - C13 = 0 + 3 - 8 = -5 x 22 u2 + v2 - C22 = - 3 + 1 - 4 = -6 x 32 u3 + v2 - C32 = - 2 + 1 - 6 = -7 x33 u3 + v3 - C33 = - 2 + 3 - 7 = -6 These values of ui +vj - cij are now negative for all nobasic xij. Thus ths solution in Table 5E is optimal. 2.4 Summary Quantitative Techniques in Management : 43 Transportation Model NOTES 2.5 Key Terms Node : Node represents a source or a destination. Arc : Routes linking a source to a destination. Dummy Source : A source added in transportation model to balance the structure in a way that unit transportation cost from dummy source to all destinations in zero. Dummy Destination : A destination added in transportation model to balance the structure in a way that unit transportation cost from all sources to dummy destination is zero. 2.6 Questions and Exercises (1) Determine optimal allocation for the following transportation model : F1 F2 F3 Capacity W1 5 8 12 300 W2 7 6 10 600 W3 13 4 9 700 W4 10 13 11 400 Demand 700 400 800 2) A company making paint has three plants A, B and C, each with a capacity to produce 250 kg, 150 kg and 450 kg, respectively per day. The production costs per kg in plants A, B and C, respectively are Rs. 40, Rs. 35 and Rs. 38 Four institutional customers have placed orders for the paint on the following basis : Customer kg. ordered Price offered Rs. per kg. α 350 100 β 225 100 γ 350 102 θ 150 103 Shipping cost per kg from plants to cumstomers are given in the table below : Quantitative Techniques in Management : 44 Transportation Model Customers Plant α β γ θ A 2 4 4 6 B 7 10 9 12 C 4 6 2 8 NOTES Develop an optimal solution for this situation. (3) Consider following model of a transportation problem : 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 Demand 30 2 2 4 3 20 3 Supply 1 20 5 40 3 30 20 In this case, if a unit from a source is not shipped out, a storage cost is incurred at the rate of Rs. 5, Rs. 4 and Rs. 3 per unit for sources 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Additionally, all the supply at source 2 must be shipped out completely to make room for a new product. Use VAM to get starting solution and determine all the iteration leading to the optimum shipping schedule. (4) Consider following table : 1 2 3 1 5 6 3 75 2 1 4 2 20 3 7 6 5 50 10 80 15 If penalty costs per unit of unsatisfied demand are Rs. 5, Rs. 3 and Rs. 2 for destinations 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Using N-W-C method, get starting solution and also determine optimal solution. 2.7 Further Reading and References Quantitative Techniques in Management : 45 Assignment Model UNIT 3 NOTES ASSIGNMENT MODEL Structure 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Unit Objectives 3.2 General Model of Assignment Problems 3.3 The Hungarian Method 3.4 Unbalanced Assignment Problem 3.5 Travelling Salesman Problem 3.6 Summary 3.7 Key Terms 3.8 Question & Exercises 3.9 Further Reading and References 3.0 Introduction ''What jobs should a manager assign to whom?'' The answer is ''The best person for the job.'' This is the appropriate answer of assignment model. A job that happens to match a worker’s skill costs less than one in which the operator is not as skillful. The assignment model is a special case of transportation problem involving minimum cost assignment of workers to jobs. 3.1 Unit Objectives After Studying this unit, you should be able to Understand assignment problems as a special case of transportation problems, and therefore special case of linear programming problems. Handle unbalanced assignemnt problems. Use Hungarian method of solving assignment problems Use of Horizontal and vertical lines to get optimal assignments. Identify optimal route fro a ravelling salesman going from one city to different city and finally returning to original city. This unit will discuss Hungarian method of assignment as well as maximisation problems. 3.2 General models of Assignment Problems Quantitative Techniques in Management : 46 In a general assignment model with n machines waiting for n jobs, we have following table : n Cn1 Cn2 .............Cnn 1 Assignment Model 1 1 ....... 1 2 ....... Machine 1 C11 C21 Jobs 2................n C12 .............C1n C22 .............C2n NOTES 1 1 .............. 1 Table 3.1 The elements inside matrix represented by Cij cost of assigning machine i to j (i, j = 1, 2 ---- n). For getting a solution of assignment model, we should always have equal number of machines and jobs. In case of different numbers of is and js, we can always add fictitious. machines or fictitious jobs to solve the model. As a special case supply from each source and demand at each destination are equal to '1'. Now we can directly solve assignment problem using transportation algorithm. But special nature of assignment problem led to the development of a simple and fast method known as Hungarian Method to solve assignment problems. 3.3 The Hungarian Method Take following model of assignment, where these jobs are to be done by three workers. Workers charge different payment for different jobs. Following table 3.2 gives the wages of workers for a particular job. Jobs 1 2 3 A 15 10 9 Workers B 9 15 10 C 10 12 8 Table 3.2 As a manager of the company, you identify combination of worker - job for minimum total Cost of assignment. Various Steps of the Hungarian Method are as follows : Step 1 : From Table 3.2, identify each row's minimum, and subtract it from all the entries of the row. This will result in Table 3.3 Jobs 1 A 15-9 Workers B 9-9 C 10-8 2 3 Row Min. 10-9 9-9 P1 = 9 15-9 10-9 P2 = 9 12-8 P3 = 8 Table 3.3 8-8 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 47 Assignment Model Step 2 : Now in Table 3.3, identify each column's minmum and subtract it from all the entries of the column. 1 2 3 NOTES Workers A 6 1-1 0 B 0 6-1 1 C 2 4-1 0 Column Minimum v1 = 0 v2 = 1 v3 =0 Table 3.4 Step 3 : Identify the optimal solution as the feasible assignment associated with the zero elements of the Table 3.4. These zero elements should be unique in row and column. So the combination is (A, 2), (B, 1), and (C, 3). The cost of this allocation is 10 + 9 + 8 = Rs. 27. Example 1 : Take data presented in following Table 3.5 as cost of assignment for a pair of job and machine Determine minimum cost of assignment. Machine 1 2 3 4 36 32 40 39 31 40 38 35 17 12 18 16 Jobs A B C D 20 24 22 36 Table 3.5 Solution : First we identify row minimum and subtract each row with respective row minima. This will yield Table 3.6 → Machines → 1 Jobs 2 3 4 A 3 19 14 0 B 12 20 28 0 C 4 22 20 0 D 20 23 19 0 Table 3.6 Now identify column minimum in table 3.6 and subtract column entries with respective column minima. This yields table 3.7 → Jobs Machines 2 3 4 A 0 0 0 0 B 9 1 14 0 C 1 3 6 0 D 17 4 5 0 → 1 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 48 Table 3.7 In Table 3.7 we have seven cells with zero opportunity cost. Job A can be assignned to any machine 1, 2, 3 or 4. If we assign job A to machine 1, than job B can be assigned to machine 4. Now no further assignment can be made in zero cells. As machine 4 can not be assigned to job C or job D as it is already paired with job B. Assignment Model NOTES In order to make optimal assignments, we must locate four cells with a zero opportunity cost such that a complete assignment to these cells can be made with a total opportunity cost of zero. Now to get solution in this situation we present a new method of drawing horizontal and vertical lines in reduced matrix. We draw horizontal and vertical straight lines in such a way to have minimum number of such lines covering all zeros. 1 2 3 4 A 0 0 0 0 B 9 1 14 0 C 1 3 6 0 D 17 4 5 0 Table 3.8 Table 3.8 shows two lines, one horizontal in first row and one vertical in last column. In this table we have four rows but only two lines are available, So we can not make an optimal solution. To have an optimal solution, we should have minimum as many straight lines as we have rows (or columns) in the matrix. Now we need to revise the Table 3.8 as follows: Select the smallest number from uncovered cells and subtract it from entries of each cell of the uncovered part. We need to add the same numbers lying at the intersection of any two lines. This will give following Table 3.9 1 2 3 4 A 0 0 0 0+1=1 B 9-1=8 1-1 = 0 14-1=13 0 C 1-1=0 3-1=2 6-1=5 0 D 17-1=16 4-1=3 5-1=4 0 Table 3.9 When we draw Straight lines in Table 3.9, we get Table 3.10 1 2 3 4 A 0 0 0 1 B 8 0 13 0 C 0 2 5 0 D 16 3 4 0 Table 3.10 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 49 Assignment Model NOTES The number of lines is 4 which is equal to number of rows (or column). Hence optimal assignment can now be made. First we select a row or column with only one zero in it. Column 3 and row D have only single zero in them. Arbitrarily taking column 3, we make an assignment in it. 1 2 3 4 A 0 0 0 1 B 8 0 13 0 C 0 2 5 0 D 16 3 4 0 Table 3.11 We have Crossed column 3 and row A in Table 3.11, as Job A is allocated to machine 3. Similarly we assign B to 2, C to 1 and D to 4. Allocations are shown with encircled zeros in table 3.11 The Cost of this assignment is as follows : 31 + 32 + 22 + 16 = Rs. 101. Maximization Case : Generally assignment problems are cost minimization problems. But in some cases, appropriate assignment of workers on jobs can be profit maximization case to the organization. In such a case of maximization, reduce the initial table to an opportunity loss table by subtracting all numbers from the largest number and then proceed as in a normal minimization case. Example 2 : Consider following effectiveness matrix of different salseman of marketing company in different territories. How to assign these salesman to get maximum effectiveness? Territory 1 2 3 4 A 42 35 28 21 B 30 25 20 15 C 30 25 20 15 D 24 20 16 12 Table 3.12 Solution : Step 1 : First we will convert table 3.12, which is effectiveness matrix into standard assignment model by subtracting from the highest element (i.e. 42), all the elements of the given table. This will yield table 3.13 as follows : Quantitative Techniques in Management : 50 1 2 3 4 A 0 7 14 21 B 12 17 22 27 C 12 17 22 27 D 18 22 26 30 Assignment Model NOTES Table 3.13 Table 3.13 is in standard minimization assignment model, where regular Hungarian method can be applied. First row minimum is identified for each row. Then we subtract each entry of rows with respective row minima, yielding Table 3.14 1 2 3 4 A 0 7 14 21 B 0 5 10 15 C 0 5 10 15 D 0 5 8 12 Table 3.14 Now we identify column minimum and subtract each entry of a column from respective. column minima. This produces Table 3.15 1 2 3 4 A 0 3 6 9 B 0 1 2 3 C 0 1 2 3 D 0 0 0 0 Table 3.15 Now we draw straight lines to cover all zero cells. 1 2 3 4 A 0 3 6 9 B 0 1 2 3 C 0 1 2 3 D 1 0 0 0 Table 3.16 Table 3.16 has two straight lines, but we have four rows. Therefore, it cannot produce optimal solution. The minimum entry in uncovered cells is 1. We will add this at intersection cell of straight lines (i.e. D, 1) and subtract it from all other uncovered cells. This results in table 3.17. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 51 Assignment Model NOTES 1 2 3 4 A 0 2 5 8 B 0 0 1 2 C 0 0 1 2 D 1 0 0 0 Table 3.17 Again we will not get optimal solution, as minimum number of straight lines is 3. Repeating the process as above, we get Table 3.18 1 2 3 4 A 0 2 4 7 B 0 0 0 1 C 0 0 0 1 D 2 1 0 0 Table 3.18 In Table 3.18 we have used four lines to cover all zeros. So assignments can be made in following two ways : 1 2 3 4 A 0 2 4 7 B 0 0 0 C 0 0 D 2 1 1 2 3 4 A 0 2 4 7 1 B 0 0 0 1 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 2 1 0 0 Table 3.19 Table 3.20 The associated effectiveness is 42 + 25 + 20 + 12 = 99 Units The associated effectiveness is 42 + 20 + 25 + 12 = 99 Units It is a case of altermative optima also. 3.4 Unbalanced Assignment Problem The Hungarian method of assignment requires that the number of columns and rows in the assignment matrix be equal, i.e. the matrix should be square one. However, when the given cost matrix is not a square matrix, the assignment problem is called an unbalanced problem. To handle unbalanced assignment models we add dummy rows or dummy column to make the model square one. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 52 Example 3 : Consider the assignment model of table M and allocate available machines to different locations. Jobs Assignment Model 1 2 3 4 M1 9 11 15 10 Machine M2 12 9 -- 10 M3 -- 11 14 11 NOTES Table 3.21 Solution : The given assignment matrix in Table 3.21 is not balanced, it is a 3 x 4 matrix. To make it balanced (square), we will add a dummy row. It will become 4 x 4 square matrix. All entries of new row (dummy) will be zero. Table 3.22 present updated matrix. 1 2 3 4 M1 9 11 15 10 M2 12 9 -- 10 M3 -- 11 14 11 0 0 0 0 M4 (Dummy) Table 3.22 Note : Two entries, one in second row, third column and second in third row, first column are '-'. It means these pairings are not allowed for some reason. To go ahead, we can also write M in these cells. M is a large cost to prohibit us to pair in these cells. After identifying row penalties and column penalties and subtracting entries of row by row we get updated Table 3.23 1 2 3 4 M1 0 2 6 1 M2 3 0 M-9 1 M3 M-11 0 3 0 M4 0 0 0 0 Table 3.23 Table 3.23 presents allocations marked with 'X' signs. The total cost is 9 + 9 + 11 = Rs. 29. See dummy machine is at job C. Practically, this means that no machine is allocated to job 3. 3.5 Travelling Salesman Problem Many a times, it happen to start from one point (city) and go to many other points Quantitative Techniques in Management : 53 Assignment Model (Cities) and return to same point (city). This is known as travelling salesman problem where salesman visits clients (city) so that his travelling cost/ time/ distance is minimized. This situation can be solved using assignment modelling with some modifications. NOTES Example 4 : An agent of a company starts from City A and then goes to City B, C and D. The following table 3.24 shows distances between various cities on different routes. FromTo A B C D A -- 8 7 9 B 6 -- 11 5 C 15 11 -- 6 D 9 5 6 -- Table 3.24 The distance from A to B is 8 kms but from B to A is 6 kms because of one way streets, and other restrictions on movement between points. As no movement is possible from a destination to it self, these cells are marked with a dash. Solution :Table 3.25 and 3.26 gives solution of the model using assignment method. To A B C D A -- 1 0 2 B 1 -- 6 0 C 9 5 -- 0 D 4 0 1 -- From Table 3.25 (Reduced Matrix after row penalties subtraction) A B C D A -- 1 0 2 B 0 -- 6 0 C 8 5 -- 0 D 3 0 1 -- Table 3.26 (Reduced Matrix after column penalties subtraction) This suggests that agent should go from A- C- D- B- A. The distance travelled will be Quantitative Techniques in Management : 54 7 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 24 kms. Example 5 : A salesman has to visit five cities A, B, C, D and E. The distances between these five cities are given in table 3.27. If the salesman starts from city A and has to come back to City A, which route should he select so that total distance travelled by him is minimized? Assignment Model NOTES To City From City A B C D E A 0 17 16 18 14 B 17 -- 18 15 16 C 16 18 -- 19 17 D 18 15 19 -- 18 E 14 16 17 18 --- Table 3.27 Solution : Table 3.28 gives assignment solution of table 3.27 using method of drawing straight lines. A B C D E A 0 3 0 4 0 B 3 -- 1 0 1 C 0 1 -- 2 0 D 4 0 2 -- 3 E 0 1 0 3 --- Table 3.28 Optimally we should move from A to C, C to A and E to A. And we should move from O to B and B to D. This is not the solution we are looking for. Starting from A we must touch all points before returing to A. This means that we must include some other cells in our route even though their opportunity cost is not zero. But we should try to do this with minimal increase in cost. We now calculate the opportunity cost (that is x the additional cost that we will in cur for not using the zero cell and using the nest cost lier cell) of each of the zero cells. The opportunity cost the sum of least number in the row and column of the zero cell that we are considering. Table 3.29 gives calculation of opportunity cost based on table 3.28 Opportunity Cost Least of Least of Sum of Cell row (a) Column (b) (a) + (b) AC 0 0 0 BD 1 2 3 CE 0 0 0 DB 2 1 3 EA 0 0 0 Table 3.29 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 55 Assignment Model Now make assignment to the zero cell with the highest opportunity cost. We arbitrarily take BD for this purpose to break tie between BD and DB. Movement from D to B will not be permissible, so we will assign a very high cost (distance here), M, to this cell. NOTES We will Climinate row and column of assigned cell. Table 3.30 is updated table A B C E A 0 3 0 0 C 0 1 - 0 D 4 M 2 3 E 0 1 0 = Table 3.30 Table 3.30 needs only three straight lines to cover all zeros, so we need to do one iteration for optimal allocation. Table 3.31 is the revised table. A B C E A - 3 0 0 C 0 1 - 0 D 2 M-2 0 1 E 0 1 0 - Table 3.31 Table 3.31 can not give optimal assignment. Doing further iteration, A B C E A - 2 0 0 B 0 0 - 0 C 2 M-3 0 1 D 0 0 0 - Table 3.32 Table 3.32 has four lines. Now we can have allocation. Allocations in table 3.32 are AE, CA, DC, EB. We have already done one allocation. So complete allocations are as follows : AE → EB → BD → DC → CA Total distance to be travelled will be 14 + 16 + 15 + 19 + 16 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 56 = 80 kms. In case an assignment without returning to intermediate points cannot be made, Assignment Model repeat the process of evaluating the opportunity cost of each zero, assign the highest opportunity cost cell and proceed as discussed in the example 5. NOTES 3.6 Summary 3.7 Key Terms 3.8 Questions and Exercises (1) How would you deal with the assignment problems of maximization of objective function? (2) How would you handle unbalanced assignment model ? (3) How would you handle assignment problem, where some assignments are prohibited? Practice Questions (4) Single Unit of resource from warehouses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 is required to send to Quantitative Techniques in Management : 57 Assignment Model warehouses 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. The distance (in km) between these cities are given in following table : NOTES From To 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 31 62 29 42 15 41 2 12 19 39 55 71 40 3 17 29 50 41 22 22 4 35 40 38 42 27 33 5 19 30 29 16 20 23 6 72 30 30 50 41 20 How to decied combination of cities (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) to (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) to minimize the total travelling distance? Unit : Assignment Practice Questions (5) Five workers are to be assigned to six jobs. Associated costs of worker- assignment to job combination is given in below table :- Machines Workers M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 W1 12 3 6 2 5 9 W2 4 11 -- 5 -- 8 W3 8 2 10 9 7 5 W4 -- 7 8 6 12 10 W5 5 8 9 4 6 1 Determine Cost of allocation. (6) The expected time required to be taken by a salesman in travelling from one City to another are as follows :- To From C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C1 -- 10 13 11 -- C2 10 -- 12 10 12 C3 14 13 -- 13 11 C4 11 10 14 -- 10 C5 12 11 12 10 -- How should the salesman plan his trip, so that he covers each of these cities no more than once, and completes his trip in minimum possible time required in travelling.? Quantitative Techniques in Management : 58 Assignment Model 3.9 Further Reading and References NOTES Quantitative Techniques in Management : 59 Queuing Theory UNIT 4 NOTES QUEUING THEORY Structure 4.0 Introduction 4.1 Unit Objectives 4.2 Need for Queuing Analysis 4.3 Elements of a Queuing Models 4.4 Kendall Notations of Queuing System 4.5 Stedy State Queuing System Analysis 4.6 Analysis of M/M/1 Queuing System 4.7 Summary 4.8 Key Terms 4.9 Question & Exercises 4.10 Further Reading and References 4.0 Introduction Standing in queues are a very familiar phenomenon in our daily life. We wait for getting our scooters filled at petrol pump or at beauty parlours to get a make-up. Customers, jobs, machines wait to get their turn. Queus are formed when service provider is busy and is operating at full capacity. The objective of queuing analysis is to offer a reasonably satisfactory service to waiting customers. As compared to linear programming, transportation or assignment problems, queuing theory is not an optimization technique. Rather, it determines the measures of performance of waiting lines, such as the average waiting time in queue and the productivity of the service facility, which can then be used to design the service installation. 4.1 Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should be able to Understand need of queuing analysis Understand elements of queuing model with respect to queue size, queue discipline, behaviour of customers, types of service facility. Understand use of random distributions in queuing analysis Understand steady state analysis of some of the popular queuing systems such as M/M/I 4.2 Need for quening Analysis Quantitative Techniques in Management : 60 Everytime anyone waits for a service, the time spent in waiting results in costs- they may be indirect or direct. One of the simplest methods of reducing waiting time and the resultant waiting costs is to increase the rate at which the service is provided by increasing the number of service facilities. But provision of service facilities entails costs. Is the benefit of reducing waiting costs going to outweigh the cost of providing additional facilities or not? Therefore a detailed analysis of queuing system is required to facilitate decisions related to start a new service point or not. Queuing Theory NOTES 4.3 Elements of a Queuing model A queue system has two important elements : (i) Customers (ii) Servers Customers are generated from a source. Once these customers arrive at a service facility, service may start immediately if server is idle otherwise customer will wait in a queue. To analyze queues, the arrival of customers is represented by the interarrival time between successive customers, and the service is described by the service time per customer. Generally interarrival and service time are probabilistic in nature. Take example of customers arriving at a petrol pump, their inter arrival time is probabilistic while patients arriving at a clinic with prior appointments are deterministic in nature. Queue size is also important in analysis. It can be finite or infinite when system can accomodate only few customers in queue, it is a finite queue. When there is no restriction on number of customers waiting for service, it is infinite queue size. Queue discipline is an important factor in the alanysis of queuing models. It means the order in which customers are selected from a queue for service. Following are important types of discipline, generally used in a queue system : (a) First Come First Served (FCFS) : Customers waiting at a bank counter. (b) Priority : In this case, some customers would receive priority over others and service would be provided to them before others irrespective of their arrival times. Arrival of a cardiac arrest patient at a hospital may need priority attention. (c) Last In First Out (LIFO) :- Luggage loaded in an aircraft's luggage section. (d) Service In Random Order (SIRO) :- When queue is not well defined, such as children gather arround an ice candy verdor. Queuing Behaviour of Customers : Behaviour of calling population is also an important part of our analysis. Customers can exhibit different types of behaviour as follows : (a) Jockey :- Customers move from one queue to another in the hope of reducing waiting time. (b) Balk :- Customers may avoid joining a queue altogether because of anticipated long delay. (c) Renage :- Customers leave a queue after waiting for sometime in it. Quering theory does not take such members into consideration. The quering models deal with the patient customers who join the quere and wait till service is provided to them. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 61 Queuing Theory NOTES Design of Service Facility :- Servers at facility can be in series or in parallel or networked. Fig.4.1 a presents simplest facility design where we have single channel and only single server. Customers Waiting for Service Service facility Served Customers Type A Fig. 4.1 (Single channel, single server) Example of such facility is a petrol pump with single pertol bunk. Figure 4.2 presents single channel with multi server arrangement. Server facility A Server facility B Fig. 4.2 (Single Channel Multi Server) In a small Government hospital we can have only single window for registration and after that only single doctor to meet. This is a case of single channel multi server arrangement. Figure 4.3 presents multi channel single server arrangement Server facility A Server Facility A Fig. 4.3 (Multi Channel Single Server) In this arrangement parallel facilities are of similar type. This is normal situation at a barber's shop. Size of the calling population :- The source from which customers are generated may be finite or infinite. A finite source limits the customers arriving for service. An infinite source is forever abundant. Exponential Distribution in Queuing analysis :- In a queuing system, the arrival of customers occurs in a completly random manner. It means that the occurrence of an event is not influenced by the length of time that has elapsed since the occurrence of the last event. Random interarrival and service times are described by exponential distribution in a queuing model. According to exponential distribution, distribution of time between successive arrivals t, is f (t) = λe −λt , t > o Quantitative Techniques in Management : 62 Where λ is the rate per unit time at which events are generated. Probability distribution function describing the number of random arrivals during a specified period is the Poisson distribution. If x be the number of arrivals that take place during a specified time unit (e.g., a minute or an hour). λ is knowns, the poisson pdf is Queuing Theory NOTES λ e ρ {x=k} = ------------, k = 0, 1, 2.... k1 k -λ 4.4 Kendall Notations of Queuing System Kendall notations are used to summarize the characteristics of the queuing situations. Format of these notations is (a/b/c) : (d/e/f), where a = Arrivals distribution b= Departures distribution c= number of parallel servers d= Queue discipline e= Maximum number of customers in the system f = Size of the calling population Arrivals and departures distribution can be markovian (or poisson) (M), Constand time (D) and Erlang or gamma (EK). Let us consider an example (M/M/3) : (FCFS /10/∞). This model says arrival and departures are exponentially distrituted and 3 parallel servers. The queue discipline is First Come First Served, and there is a limit of 10 customers on the entire system. The size of the source from which customers arrive is infinite. 4.5 Steady State Queuing System Analysis Steady state behaviour of queue is achieved after a system is in operation for long- run. Steady state performance of queuing system is done on the basis of following measures. Ls = Expected number of customers in system Lv=Expected number of customers in queue Ws = Expected waiting time in system. Wv = Expected waiting time in queue Quantitative Techniques in Management : 63 Queuing Theory 4.6 Analysis of M/M/1 Queuing System (Case 1 ) : Size of the system is infinite NOTES If arrival occurs at the rate of λ customers per unit time and the service rate is µ customers per unit time. 1 Ws = ----µ−λ (time units) λ ρ Wv = ---------- = ---------- (time units) µ (µ−λ) µ (1−ρ) λ Where ρ = ---------µ λ Ls = ---------(µ−λ) λ2 Lv = ---------µ (µ−λ) Note : The analysis of M/M/1 is having a condition of λ ------ ρ < 1, or λ>m, 9 fλ >µ. µ 9f λ > µ, Steady State queuing system will not exist. It is easy to understand that unless the service rate is larger than the arrival rate, queue length will continually increase and no steady state can be reached. Utilisation Factor :The ratio λ/µ , represented by ρ (rho) is called the utilisation factor. It is also the λ probability that the system is busy = =−−−−− µ therefore, probability that the system is idle = 1-ρ Quantitative Techniques in Management : 64 To understand the effect of relative values of λ and µ, following table is useful. λ µ ρ Lv 1 5 .2 .05 2 5 .4 .27 3 5 .6 .90 4 5 .8 3.20 4.5 5 .9 8.10 5 5 1.00 ∞ Queuing Theory NOTES Data of table can be shown on a graph also as follows : 10 8 3 Queue length (Lv) 2 1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.00 Utilization factor (ρ) Therefore for analysis purpose ... should be less than 1. Example 1 A garage repairman finds that the time spent on a car is exponentially distributed with a mean of 30 minutes. If he repairs cars in the order of arrival and if the arrival follows a Poisson distribution approximately with an average rate of 10 per 8hour day, what is the garage's expected idle time each day? How many cars are ahead of the average car just brought in? 10 Solution Here λ = ---------- = 1.25 cars per hour 8 1 ) 60 = 2 cars per hour µ = (-----30 Server Utilization factor (traffic intensity) ρ = ---- λ µ 1.25 = -------2 1.25 (a) Now utilization of garage in 8 hrs day 8xρ = 8x ------2 = 5 hrs. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 65 Queuing Theory Therefore garage is idle = 8-5 = 3 hrs in a day. (b) Expected number of cars in the garage λ 1.25 5 Ls = ------- = ------- = ------µ−λ 2-1.25 3 NOTES ≈ 2 Cars Example 2 : Arrivals at a shop is Poisson with an average time of 10 minutes between one arrival and the next. Service time of customers is assumed to be distributed exponentially, with mean of 3 minutes. (a) Determine the probability that a person arriving at the shop will have to wait. (b) Shopkeeper will keep a second salesman when convinced that an arrival would expect waiting for at least 3 minutes for a purchase. By how much should the flow of arrivals increase in order to justify a second booth? (c) What is the average length of the queue that forms time to time? (d) What is the probability that it will take a customer more than 10 minutes altogether to wait for a purchase and complete the shopping? 1 Solution :- Here λ = -------- = 0.10 person per minute 10 µ = 1/3 = 0.33 person per minute λ .10 10 ρ =-------- = -------- =-------- = .3 µ .33 3 (a) Probability that a person has to wait is p (n>0) = 1 ρ0= λ µ ρ = .3 (b) To have a second salesman will be justified only if the arrival rate is more than the waiting time. Let λ be the increased arrival rate. Then expected waiting time in the queue will be λ1 Wv = -------------µ (µ −λ1) 3 λ1 =--------------------------or λ1 = 0.16 .33 (.33 - λ1) Hence, the increase in the arrival rate is 0.16-0.10 = .06 arrivals per minute. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 66 c) Average length of non-empty queue µ 0.33 L = -------- = -------- ≈ 2 Customers µ−λ 0.23 (d) Probability of waiting for 10 minutes or more is given by ........ p(t >10) = 10 ∫ ∞ λ ------- µ Queuing Theory NOTES (µ−λ) e-(µ−λ)t dt ∞ ∫ (0.3) (0.23) e -0.23t p(t >10) = 10 dt = 0.03 i. e. Only 3 percent of customers on an average will have to wait for 10 minutes or more before they shop. Case II (M/M/1) : (N/FCFS), i. e. as contrast to case I, this queue model has a finite size of N. Here if N customers are already in the system, new customer will not enter the system, and is lost. Some of the performance measures are as follows: (1) Expected number of customers in the system Ls ρ (N+1) ρN+1 = ------ - ----------------- ; ρ#1 (λ# µ) 1-ρ 1-ρN+1 N /2 ; ρ=1 (λ=µ) (2) Expected queue length (Customers waiting in the system) λ Lv = Ls - -----µ (3) Probability of a customer in the system for n=0, 1, 2 .....N are obtained as follows λ ρn= (------)ρ µ 0 ; n<N 1-ρ and ρo = ----------- for ρ ≠1 and ρ < 1 1 - ρN+1 (4) Expected waiting time of a customer in the system Ls ws = ------------λ (1-ρN) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 67 Queuing Theory NOTES (5) Expected waiting time of a customer in the queue 1 Lv wv = ws - ----- or -------------µ λ (1 - ρN) Where PN = ρo ρN Effective arrival rate, λeff = λ (1-PN) λe Effective traffic intensity, ρeff = --------µ Example 3 : In a single server queuing system with poisson input and exponential service time, mean arrival time is 3 jobs per hour and expected service time is 0.25 hour. The maximum number of jobs in the system can be two. Calculate expected number of jobs in the system. Solution : Data is λ = 3, µ=4, N=2 ρ = λ/µ = 0.75 1-ρ ρn=ρo ρn = ( -----------) ρn 1-ρN+1 1- .75 =(--------------) (.75)n = (0.43) (0.75)n 1- .753 1-ρ 1- .75 and Po = ----------- = ----------- = .431 1-ρN+1 1- .753 The expected number of jobs in the system is N 2 Ls = Σ = nρn = Σ n (0.43) (0.75)n n=1 n=1 =0.43 {(0.75) + 2 (0.75)2= 0.81 Example 4 : In a car washing facility four parking spaces are available. If the parking lot is full, newly arriving cars balk to other facilities. The owner wishes to determine the impact of the limited parking space on losing customers to the competition Given is λ = 4, N = 4+1=5, Quantitative Techniques in Management : 68 µ = 6, no. of server = 1, infinite source capacity. Queuing Theory Solution : Here ρ5 = ρ0ρ5 1-ρ = (----------) = P5 1-P6 NOTES 1- 2/3 = (--------------) (2/3)5 = 0.04812 1-(2/3)6 This is the proportion of lost customers. Now on the basis of 8 hrs days, this is equivalent to losing -(λ P5 )X 8 = 4 x 0.4812 X 8 = 1.54 ≈ 2 cars per 8 hrs day. A decision regarding increasing the size of the parking lot should be based on the value of lost business. Example 5. An AMC is to be singed for maintenance of water filters in your office. At an average two filters per month get defected. The cost of a filter being unavailable is Rs. 5000 per month. Two companies have quoted for the contract. ABC quoted at Rs 2500 per month. Whereas xyz has quoted at Rs. 3500 per month for the contract. Enquiries reveal that ABC has an average repair capability of 4 filters per month and xyz can repair 5 filters per month at an average. Who should be given the contract? Solution :- The company loses (incur cost) on account of failure of filter as company has to procure mineral water for employes. To decide about the contract, let us compare as follows :ABC XYZ (a) Arrival rate of filters for repairs (λ) 2 2 (b) Service rate (µ) 4 5 (c) ρ = (λ/µ) .5 .4 λ (d) Ls (No. in System) =-------µ−λ 1 .67 (e) Cost of defected filters 1X5000 = 5000 .67 X 5000 = 3350 (f) Cost of Contract 2500 3500 (g) Total Cost 7500 6850 This alalysis shows that the contract should be given to XYZ. Its faster repair capability will ensure greater availbility of filters in the company and hence the lesser cost. 4.7 Summary Quantitative Techniques in Management : 69 Queuing Theory NOTES 4.8 Key Terms 4.9 Questions and Exercises Que 1 : Define a waitine line. Give brief description of the various types of queues. Que. 2 : What is traffic intensity? If traffic intensity is 0.30, what is the percent of time a system remains idle? Que. 3 : What is service discipline? Describe some forms of common service disciplines and illustrate with examples. Que. 4 : Explain different types of physical layouts of a service system and their impact on waiting times. Que. 5 : What is kendall notation? How queuing models are defined with these notations? Practice Questions :Que. 6 : Customers arrive at a booth in a Poisson distributed arrival rate of 20 per hour. Service time is exponentially distributed with an average time of 1 minute. Calculate the mean number in the waiting line, the mean waiting time, the mean numbers in the system, the mean time in the system and the utilisation factor. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 70 Que. 7 : A company distributes its products by trucks loaded at its single facility. Both the company's trucks and the contractor's trucks are used for this purpose. It was found that on an average a truck arrived every 5 minutes and the average unloading time was 3 minutes. 50% trucks belonged to the contractor. Find out (a) The probability that a truck has to wait. Queuing Theory NOTES (b) The waiting time of a truck that waits. (c) The expected waiting time of a contractor's trucks per day, assuming a 24 hours shift. Que. 8 : In an office with single clerk, there are only two chairs for waiting customers. On an average one customer arrives every 10 minutes and each customer takes 5 minutes for getting served. Making suitable assumptions, find (a) The probability that an arrival will get a chair to sit on. (b) The probability that an arrival will have to stand. (c) Expected waiting time of a customer. Que. 9 : At a railway station, only one train is handled at a time. The railway yard is sufficient only for two trains to wait while the other is given signal to leave the station. Trains arrive at the station at an average rate of 6 per hour and the railway station can handle them on an average of 12 per hour. Assuming Poisson arrivals and exponential service distribution, find the steady-state probabilities for the various waiting time of a new train coming into the yard. Que. 10 : A TV repair shop can repair TVs at the rate of 10 per day, the repair time being exponentially distributed. TVs arrive at the shop following a Poisson distribution at an average rate of 8 per day. The shop can accommodate only a maximum of 3 TVs in the system due to space shortage. TVs, which arrive when the system is full, are not taken up for service and the potential loss is estimated at Rs. 50 per TV. The shop owner has two alternatives to reduce the customer loss. A- He can take additional space on rent at a monthly rental of Rs. 300. Which would enable increasing the capacity of the system to 4 TVs. B- He can appoint a trained mechanic who has to be paid an extra monthly salary of Rs. 350 and the service rate will increase to 12 TVs per day. Based on the cost - benefit evaluation, recommend the best alternative. 4.10 Further Reading and References Quantitative Techniques in Management : 71 Decision Theory NOTES UNIT 5 DECISION THEORY Structure 5.0 Introduction 5.1 Unit Objectives 5.2 Zone of Decision- Making 5.3 Steps in Decision- Making Process 5.4 Example to Demonstrate Preparation of Pay off Table 5.5 Decision Making Under Uncertainty 5.5.1 The Maximax Criterion (Optimistic Criterion) 5.5.2 The Maximin Criterion (Pessimistic Approach) 5.5.3 The Maximax Regret Criterion (Opportunity Lost Decision Criterion) 5.5.4 The Realism Criterion 5.5.5 Criterion of Insufficient Reason 5.6 Decision Making Under Risk 5.7 Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI) 5.8 Minimising Expected Losses 5.9 Decision Tree 5.9.1 Bayesian Revision of Probabilities 5.10 Summary 5.11 Key Terms 5.12 Question & Exercises 5.13 Further Reading and References 5.0 Introduction Decision making is an integral part of manager's job. The success or failures that an individual or organization experiences, depends to a large extent on the ability of making appropriate decisions. Decision theory provides an analytical and systematic approach to depict the expected result of a situation when alternative managerial actions, and out comes are compared. Decision maker has the choice of adopting a qualitative or a quantitative approach. In a quantitative technique. there must be alternatives to choose from, decision maker must be rational and consistent and the problem should conform to mathematical rationality. 5.1 Unit Objectives This unit discusses steps of decision - making process, making decisions under various decision - making enuironments and related computations. After studying this unit, you should be able to Quantitative Techniques in Management : 72 Understand various zones of decision making from ignorance to certainly. Understand steps in decision making process. Understand decision making under different environments such as under uncertainly, under risk. Understand various criteria for decision making under uncertainly Understand use of decision tree in decision making. Decision Theory NOTES 5.2 Zones of Decision - Making As per available knowledge, spectrum of decision making ranges from ignorance to certainty. ignorance uncertainty risk certainty Fig. - A Spectrum of decision making on the basis of increasing knowledge from left to right. In case of decision making under certainty, decision maker has the complete knowledge of every alternative with certainty. Here, decision maker will select an alternative that yields the highest payoff for the known future. For example to purchase a fixed deposit scheme or National saving Certificate (NSC) is a case of full knowledge about future with certainty. Depending upon interest rate, we can determine exact maturity value on a future date. In a risk situation, decision maker has less than complete knowledge with certainty of the consequences of each alternative. Decision maker makes an assumption of the probability with which each state of nature will occur. A case of getting a tail in the toss of a fair coin has a probability of 0.5, is an example of decision - making under risk. In a case of uncertainty, decision maker is unable to specify the probabilities with which the various state of nature will occur. 5.3 Steps in Decision- Making Process Decision making involves following steps : 1. Identify and define the problem 2. Make inventory of all possible future events. These are states of nature. These can occur in the context of the decision problem. 3. Identify all courses of action (decision choices or alternatives) available to the decision - maker. Note : Decision maker has no control over states of nature but alternatives are under control of decision - maker. 4. Make a payoff matrix from each pair of alternatives and future events. These are normally expressed in monetary value. 5. Using a mathematical technique decide best alternative for resulting in optimal payoff. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 73 Decision Theory NOTES 5.4 Example to demonstrate preparation of payoff table Example 1 :- A firm makes three types of products. The fixed and variable costs are given below : Fixed cost (Rs) Variable Cost per Unit (Rs) Product A : 20,000 15 Product B : 30,000 12 Product C : 50,000 8 The likely demand in units of these products can 3000, 6000 or 9000 depending upon poor, moderate or high demand scenario. Selling price of each type of product is Rs. 20, then prepare the payoff matrix. Solution :- Three future events are poor demand scenorio (D1) Moderate demand scenario (D2) and High demand scenario (D3) Payoff in this example = Sales revenue - Cost Now for different pairs of future events (D1, D2 or D3) and alternative course (product A, B or C), payoff will be as follows : AD1 = (3000 X 20) - (20000 + 15 X 30000) = -5000 AD2 = (6000X20) - (20000 + 15 X 6000) = 10,000 AD3 = (9000 X 20) - (20000 + 15 X 9000) = 25,000 Similarly for BD1 = -6000, BD3 = 18000, BD3 = 42000 CD1 = -14000, CD2 = 28000, CD3 = 58000 The payoff values are finally summarized in table A.1. Table A.1 D1 alternatives Future states D2 D2 A -5000 10,000 25,000 B -6000 18,000 42,000 C -14,000 28,000 58,000 5.5 Decision Making Under Uncertainty Quantitative Techniques in Management : 74 Decision maker does not have enough knowledge to assign probabilities of any state of nature. Different criteria can be used to make a decision. 5.5.1 The maximax Criterion (Optimistic Critesion) We select best of the best option for each strategy or choice available. First we choose the maximum payoff possible for each alternative and then choose the alternative with the maximum payoff within this group. Decision Theory NOTES Using this criterion in table 5.1, we will first select D3 scenario for each product category and then would opt for introducing product C. 5.5.2 The Maximin criterion (Pessimistic Approach) We select best of worst option. We try to maximise our minimum possible payoff. First we list the minimum payoff possible for each alternative and then select the alternative within this group that gives the maximum payoff. Using this criterion in table 5.1, we will first select D1 scenario for each product category and then would opt for introducing product A. 5.5.3 The minimax Regret Critesion (Opportunity lost decision critesion) In this approach the opportunity loss or regret for not taking the best decision under each state of nature is calculated. For instance in example 1, if the demand turned out to be high and decision maker had chosen to introduce product B then decision maker would suffer a loss of Rs. 16000 for having chosen product C which would have given him the maximum profit of Rs. 58,000. Decision maker would select the maximum regret for each alternative and would attempt to minimise the opportunity loss or regret by choosing the alternative which gives the least regret. For each state of nature the highest value is taken and all other values of payoff for that state of nature are subtracted from it. This is also known as Savage's Rule. Table 5.2 Regret Values for table 5.1 Alternatives D1 D2 D3 A 0 18,000 33,000 B 2000 10,000 16,000 C 9000 0 0 State of Nature The maximum regret for each alternative has been circled and the minimum of these regrets is double enclosed. Decision maker should introduce product C. 5.5.4 The Realism Criterion :- (Hurwicz's Rule) This takes a middle path between maximax and minimax, that is optimism and pessimism, through the use of a coefficient or index of optimism, denoted by α This index lies between 0 to 1. α zero means pessimism and 1 means optimism about nature. First we identify maximum and minimum payoff for each alternative. Then for each alternative, we calculate measure of realism = α (Maximum payoff) + (1-α) (Minimum payoff) For example 1, take α = .75, then measure of realism values for three products (alternatives) are : Quantitative Techniques in Management : 75 Decision Theory Product A = .75 (25,000 + .25 (-5000) = 17,500 Product B = .75 (42,000) + .25 (-6000) = 30,000 Product C = .75 (58,000) + .25 (-14,000) = 40,000 NOTES Decision maker would introduce product C. 5.5.5 Criterion of Insufficient Reason (Laplace or equal probabilities criterion) :- The expected value of each alternative is calculated by considering equal probability for each state of nature. 1 In our example 1, three states are possible, so equal probability will be = ------3 Expected payoff will be 1 1 1 Product A = ----- (-5000) + ----- (10000) + ----- (25000) = 10000 3 3 3 1 1 1 Product B = ----- (-6000) + ----- (18000) + ----- (42000) = 18000 3 3 3 1 1 1 Product C = ----- (-14000) + ----- (28000) + ----- (58000) = 24000 3 3 3 Decision maker will choose product C as it has the highest expected value. It may be noted that different rules may give different results. Which is the best or correct? Normally, in a situation of uncertainty, the decision maker acts according to his nature, style and thinking. It is generally observed that the decision maker tends to adopt the same rule for most decisions under uncertainty. 5.6 Decision Making Under Risk Decision making under risk, is a probabilistic decision situation, in which more than one state of nature exists and the decision - maker has sufficient information to assign probability values to the likely occurrence of each of these states. Knowing the probability distritution of the states of nature, the best decision is to select that alternative which has the largest expected pay off value. If probabilities of scenario D1, D2 and D3 in example 1 are .6, .3 and .1 respectively, then expected values are Quantitative Techniques in Management : 76 for product A = .6 (-5000) + .3 (10,000) + .1 (25,000) = 2500 for product B = .6 (-6000) + .3 (18000) + .1 (42000) = 6000 for product C = .6 (-14000) + .3 (28000) + .1 (58000) = 5800 Decision maker should opt for product B as this option will give the maximum expected value. Decision Theory The above table is referred to as the decision matrix. It is not necessary that the same probability of occurrence be assigned to different states of nature for all the alternatives. If it is felt that the probability of occurrence of different states of nature will also vary with the alternative, it can be built into the matrix and expected values are calculated accordingly. NOTES Let us reconsider example 1 and assign different probabilities for different alternatives as shown in table 5.3 Table 5.3 D1 D2 D3 Probability 0.6 0.3 0.1 Product A -5000 10,000 25,000 Probability 0.4 0.4 0.2 Product B -6000 18000 42000 Probability 0.2 0.3 0.5 Product C -14000 28000 58000 Expected value 2500 13200 34600 Decision maker will now opt for product C as this gives the highest expected value. Let us consider a typical situation where decisions are taken daily. Raju is a newspaper boy at Nasik Railway Station. He buys newspapers from agency at Rs. 1.50 per paper and sells it for Rs. 2 per paper. Any unsold paper at the end of the day has to be thrown away. (In some cases salvage value can also be provided.) Raju's demand fluctuates between 51 to 55 newspapers a day. He losses customers if he does not have sufficient stock, but runs the risk of having to throw away newspapers and lose money on it, if overstocked. Raju has maintained data on his customers. His data reveals that the newspaper demand in the last 50 days was as follows in table 5.4. Table 5.4 Demand in numbers 51 52 53 54 55 No. of days 15 20 7 6 2 Probability of demand .3 .4 .14 .12 .04 Table 5.5 gives a payoff table for Raju. Table 5.5 payoff table for table 5.4 Demand 51 52 53 54 55 Stock option Probability .3 .4 .14 .12 .04 51 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 77 Decision Theory NOTES 52 24.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 53 23.50 25.00 26.50 26.50 26.50 54 22.50 24.00 25.50 27.00 27.00 55 21.50 23.00 24.50 26.00 27.50 As the demand varies between 51 to 55 per day, Raju needs to consider the options of stocking 51, 52, 53, 54 or 55 newspapers per day. If he stocks 51 and the demand is 55 or more, he will be able to make a profit of only Rs. 25.50 as he would have no more papers to sell even if the demand were more than 51 pepers (His profit on each paper sold is Rs. 0.50 and the loss on each pepre thrown away is Rs. 1.50). If Raju stocks 52 pepers and the demand is 51 papers then he earns Rs. 25.50 from the 51 papers sold but loses Rs. 1.50 as he has to throw away one paper for which he has paid Rs. 1.50. If he sells 52 papers, his profit is Rs. 26.00. Further increase in demand does not affect his profit as he does not have any more paper to sell. Table 5.5 is also called the conditional profit table. The table reflects the profit that Raju would make for any combination of a stocking policy and demand. On the basis of this table we can calculate expected values for different stocking levels with the help of probalities assigned for different levels of demand. Expected value (profit) for 51 newspaper stock policy = .3X25.50 + .4X25.50 + .14 X 25.50 + .12 X 25.50 + .04 X 25.50 = 25.50 Expected value for 52 newspapers stock policy = .3 X 24 + (.4 + .14 + .12 + .04) X 26 = 25.40 For 53 papers = .3X 23.50 + .4 X 25.50 + (.14 + .12 + .04) X 26.50 = 25.20 For 54 papers = .3X 23.50 + .4 X 24.00 + .14 X 25.50 + (.12 + .04) X 27.00 = 24.24 For 55 papers = .3 X 21.50 + .04 X 23.00 + .14 X 24.50 + .12 X 26.00 + .04 X 27.50 = 23.30 Raju should now stock 51 papers every day as this gives him the highest expected value. 5.7 Expected value of perfect Information (EVPI) In decision making under risk each state of nature is associated with the probability of its occurrence. However, if the decision - maker can acquire perfect information about the occurrence of various states of nature, then he will be able to select a course of action that yields the desired payoff for whatever state of nature that actually occurs. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 78 This does not mean that the demand will not vary from 51 to 55 papers per day. Demand would still be 51 papers per day 30 percent of the time, 52 papers per day 40 percent of the time, 53 papers 14 percent of the time, 54 papers 12 percent of the time and 55 papers 4 percent of the time. But with perfect information Raju will know in advance what the demand would be for the following day and can stock accordingly. When demand is 51 papers per day. Raju will stock 51 papers and will get a profit of Rs. 25.50. Table 5.6 reflects the conditional profit table for Raju if he has perfect information. He will be able to eliminate all losses, both due to unsold newspapers as well as the loss for being out of stock. This will represent the maximum profit that he can expect. Decision Theory NOTES Table 5.6 Demand Expected Value Stock policy 51 52 53 54 55 Prob. .3 .4 .14 .12 .04 51 25.50 52 53 54 7.65 26.00 10.40 26.50 3.71 27.00 55 3.24 27.50 1.10 Total 26.10 The maximum profit that Raju can expect with perfect information is Rs. 26.10. In the absence of perfect information, Raju's expected value was Rs. 25.50 . The value of perfect information is 26.10 - 25.50 = Rs. 0.60 Raju should, therefore, not spend more than Rs. 0.60 everyday in gathering this perfect information else he will not attain the maximum expected profit of Rs. 26.10 5.8 Minimising Expected Losses Losses Earlier discussion was based on maximising expected profit, but as an alternative approach of making a conditional loss table and then attenpting to minimise expected loss. Raju, the newspaper boy suffers two types of loss - loss due to overstocking absolescence loss and loss due to understocking. Table 5.7 is a conditional loss table for Raju. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 79 Decision Theory Table 5.7 Stock NOTES Demand Policy 51 52 53 54 55 Probability .3 .4 .14 .12 .04 51 0 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 52 1.50 0 .50 1.00 1.50 53 3.00 1.50 0 .50 1.00 54 4.50 3.00 1.50 0 1.50 55 6.00 4.50 3.00 1.50 0 Opportunity Losses Diagonal mode of Zeros Table 5.7 has a diagonal set of zeros. The figures above the diagonal represent opportunity losses and the figures below the diagonal represent the obsolescence losses. Following is the calculation of the expected value of loss :Expected loss value for 51 paper stocking policy. = .4X.50+ 1.00 X .14 + 1.50 X .12 + 2 X .04 = .60 For 52 papers stocking policy = 1.50 X .3 + .50 X .14 + 1.00 X .12 + 1.50 X .04 = 0.70 For 53 papers stocking policy = 3.00 X .3 + 1.50 X .4 + .50 X .12 + 1.00 X .04 = 1.60 For 54 papers stocking policy = 4.50 X .3 + 3.00 X .4 + 1.50 X .14 + 0.50 X 0.04 = 1.78 For 55 papers stocking policy = 6.00 X .3 + 4.50 X .4 + 3.00 X .14 + 1.50 X .12 = 4.20 Raju should choose the alternative which minimixes the loss, that is he should stock 51 news paper every day. ML The ratio ---------------MP + ML is a good measure to decide the units to stock. Here ML is marginal loss, which happens when demand is less then stocked units and MP is marginal profit, which happens when demand is more than stocked units. ML The ratio ---------------MP + ML Quantitative Techniques in Management : 80 is a probability to decide about stocking of additional unit. If by stocking an additional unit expected profit increases is more than expected loss, we will stock additional unit. Use of this formula will save efforts of calculation of expected profit or loss. For Raju's example, we arrange data as follows : Demand level Probability 51 .3 52 .4 53 .14 54 .12 55 .04 Decision Theory NOTES 5.8 shows an additional column of cumulative probability. See here that cumulative probability is calculated from bottom to up. Table 5.8 Demand level Probability Cumulative Probability 51 .3 1.00 52 .4 .70 53 .14 .30 54 .12 .16 55 .04 .04 ML Now we calculate .... = -------------MP+ML 1.50 1.50 Now we calculate .... = -------------- = -------------.50+1.50 2.00 = 0.75 We can now compare this value with the probability table above. We will select demand level which should be corresponding to just higher than this value of 0.75. According to table 5.8 this level is at papers. 5.9 Decision Tree Decision - making problems discussed so far have been limited to a single decision over one period of time, because the payoffs, states of nature, course of action and probabilities associated with the occurrence of states of nature are not subject to change. However situations may arise when a decision - maker needs to revise his previous decisions on getting new information and make a sequence of several interrelated decisions over several future periods. These aspects can often be best displayed in a network, form called the decision tree. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 81 Decision Theory NOTES A decision tree represents sequential, multi-stage logic of a decision problem. Decision trees uses two symbols- a box to represent a decision node and a circle to represent a chance node. Outcomes of chance nodes are different states of nature. Following examples illustrate use and construction of decision tree. Example 2. ABC Ltd. has to decide about setting up of a new plant - large Vs small. Large plant will cost Rs. 200 lakhs while small plant costs Rs. 80 lakhs. Probability of high demand, low demand and moderate demand over the next 10 years is 0.5, 0.2 and 0.3 respectively. (a) A large plant with high demand will yield an annual profit of Rs. 50 lakhs. (b) A large plant with moderate demand will yield an annual profit of Rs. 40 lakhs. (c) A large plant with low demand will result in loss annually of Rs. 10 lakhs. (d) A small plant with high demand would yield Rs. 20 lakhs annually, taking into account the cost of lost sales due to inability to meet demand. (e) A small plant with moderate demand will yield Rs. 30 lakhs, as the losses due to lost sales will be lower. (f) A small plant with low demand will yield Rs. 40 lakhs annually, as the plant capacity and demand will match. Solution :- The figure 5.2 A presents decision tree for the given situation Large plant 2 1 Small plant 3 High demand (.5) Moderate demand (.3) Low demand (.2) High demand (.5) Moderate demand (.3) Low demand (.2) 50 40 (-10) 20 30 40 Fig. 5.2 Now we will calculate expected values at node 2 and node 3 as follows. E. V. at node 2 = .5 X 50 + .3 X 40 + .2 (-10) = 35 The expected value in 10 years is Rs. 350 lakhs. The cost of large plant is Rs. 200 lakhs. Hence net expected gains at the end of 10 years is 350-200 = Rs. 150 lakhs. E. V. at node 3 = .5X20 + .3X30 + .2X40 = 27 The expected value in 10 years is Rs. 270 lakhs. The cost of small plant is Rs. 80 lakhs. Hence net expected gains at the end of 10 years is 270-80 = Rs. 190 lakhs. We will write these expected values on decision tree as shown in figure B. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 82 190 E . V. Big plant = 150 2 High demand (0.5) Moderate demand (0.3) Low demand (0.2) E.V. Small plant 100 3 1 High demand(0.5) 50 40 (-10) 20 High demand (0.3) High demand (0.2) Decision Theory NOTES 30 40 Fig 5.3 Seeing figure 5.3, the decision in this case is to build a small plant and the expected value is Rs. 190 lakhs. Example 3 : A company can setup a commercial plant or a pilot plant at present and setup commercial plant at a later time. Cost of setting a commercial plant is Rs. 20 lakhs and cost of setting a pilot plant is Rs. 2 lakhs. However, when the commercial plant is set up six months later after observing the performance of the product it will cost Rs. 25 lakhs. It has also been estimated that the probability of the product giving a high yield during the pilot stage is 0.8 and that of giving a low yield is 0.2. If the product is introduced commercially without going through a pilot plant stage, it is expected that it will give a high yield of profits with a probability of 0.75. If the pilot plant does show a high yield then the probability that the commercial plant will also give a high yield is 0.85; but if the pilot plant gives a low yield, the probability that the commercial plant will give a high yield is only 0.1. The estimated profits from high yield at the commercial stage are Rs. 100 lakhs and if the yield is low, the company will suffer a loss of Rs. 10 lakhs. Solution :- Figure 5.4 presents decision tree for given problem : High (.75) Commercial plant 2 Low (.25) High (.85) 1 Commercial plant High (.08) 6 Low (.15) 5 Stop Pilot plant 3 Stop Low (.2) High (.10) 5 Commercial plant 7 Low (.90) Fig. 5.4 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 83 Decision Theory Values in ( ) with high or low are probabilities. Calculation of expected values at node 2, 6 and 7 is as follows : NOTES EV at node 2 = .75X 100 + .25 (-10) = 72.50 EV at node 6. = .85 X 100 + .15 (-10) = 83.50 EV at node 7 = .10 X 100 + .90 (-10) = 1.00 Net gains at node 2, 6 and 7 will be obtained after subtracting cost of plant. At node 2 = 72.50 - 20 = 62.50 At node 6 = 83.50 - 25 = 58.50 At node 7 = 1 - 25 = -24 At node 4 EV is 58.50 and node 5 EV will be zero. So EV at node 3 = (58.50) X .8 + .2 X 0 = 46.80 Net gain at node 3 = 46.80 - 2 = 44.80 Going backward to node 1, we see that net gain is high at node 2. So we should build a commercial plant. 5.9.1 BAYESIAN Revision of Probabilities Take an example of three alternatives, A, B and C. These three alternatives are three crops. You always devote the farm to grow one crop at a time. You now need to make a decision as to which crop to grow during the coming season. Following is the estimates of crop yields and net incomes per bushel under various weather conditions. Weather Expected yield in bushels per acre Crop A Crop B Crop C Dry 20 15 30 Moderate 35 20 25 Damp 40 30 25 Net income per bushel 5000 7500 5000 Probabilities of weather condition to be dry, moderate or damp are .3, .5 and .2 respectively. Crop A 2 Dry (.3) Moderate (.5) Damp (.2) Dry (.3) Crop B 1 3 Crop C Quantitative Techniques in Management : 84 4 Fig. 5.5 Moderate (.5) Damp (.2) Dry (.3) Moderate (.5) Damp (.2) Payoff table will be Decision Theory Weather Prob Crop A Crop B Crop C Dry .3 20 15 30 Moderate .5 35 20 25 Damp .2 40 30 25 E.V. of yield 31.5 20.5 26.5 Income per bushel 5000 7500 5000 E.V. of profit 157500 153750 132500 NOTES Here we select crop A as the expected value of profit for it is the highest. Now we use Bayes decision rule with respect to the prior probabilities of moderate weather and damp weather (without changing the prior probability of dry weather.) by resolving when the prior probability of moderate weather is 0.2. New payoff table will be Weather Prob. CropA Crop B Crop Dry .3 20 15 30 Moderate .2 See new 35 20 25 Damp .5 probabilities 40 30 25 E. V. of yield 33 23.5 26.5 Income per bushel 5000 7500 5000 E.V. of profit 165000 176250 132500 Now we select Crop B if the prior probability of moderate weather is 0.2. Application of posterior probabilities :Ram has a large piece of land near Nasik. A survay of EIL tells possibility of crude in this land. EIL approached Ram with an offer of buying the land from his for Rs. 100 lakhs with a gaurantee that if oil was found on the land he would receive another Rs. 1000 lakhs. On the other hand, if he decides to explore for oil himself, it would cost him Rs. 100 lakhs for the exploration. If he gets oil, he will make a profit of Rs. 2000 lakhs. Probability of oil in the land is 0.7. While he was still thinking, Earth exploration ltd. approached him for taking soundings for oil exploration. The soundings can detect the presence of gas in the area. However, there is no certainty that oil would be present if gas is detected. The company will do sounding at a cost of Rs. 5 lakhs. If oil is present, the chances that gas will be found are 70 percent but there is also a 10 percent chance of finding gas even if there is no oil. It is also easy to understand that if the soundings reveal no gas, the chances are that EIL will withdraw the offer. Should he run the risk of not only losing Rs. 5 Lakhs on the soundings but also Rs. 100 lakhs which the EIL is offering him? What would happen if the soundings found gas? Should he then explore for oil himself or still sell the land to EIL? What if even after discovery of gas no oil is found? The probabilities that are presently known to Ram are : Probability of oil being present is 0.7. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 85 Decision Theory Probability of oil not being present is 0.3 Probability that gas will struck if oil is present is 0.7 Probability that gas will struck if oil is not present is 0.1 NOTES 1) If he sells to EIL and no oil is found, his payoff is Rs. 100 lakhs. If oil is found, EIL Will give him a total of Rs. 1100 lakhs. 2) If he explores himself and strikes oil, he will gain Rs. 2000 lakhs but if oil is not found, he will lose Rs. 100 lakhs. 3) Cost of soundings is Rs. 5 lakhs. Now Ram will calculate posterior probabilities from the given a prior probability by using Baye's formula. P(G/o)=.3 P(G/o)=.9 P(G/o)=.7 P(G/o)=0.1 P (0) = .7 P (O) = .3 Figure 5.6 Venn diagram based on prior probabilities (i) Probability of gas being struck = Prob. of gas when oil is present + Prob. of gas when oil is not present = 0.7X.7 + .1 X .3 = 0.52 (ii) Probability of gas not being struck = 1 - .52 = .48 (iii) Probability of oil given gas is struck .7 X .7 = Prob. of gas when oil is present / Prob. of striking gas = ----------- = .942 .52 (iv) Prob. of oil given that gas is not struck = Prob. of no gas when oil is present / Prob. of no gas .3x.7 = ---------- = .4375 .48 These probabilities are shown on decision tree in figure 5.7 in highlighted fonts. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 86 Oil (0.7) 800 6 Sell No Soundings 1370 3 1370 7 Keep 1 No gas (.84) 818.75 Decision Theory 1100 No oil (0.3) 100 Oil (0.7) 2000 No oil (0.3) (-100) 537.5 Sell 8 Oil (.4375) 100 Oil (.4375) 2000 1369.664 Keep 9 No Oil (.5625) Oil (.942) Sell Gas (.52) 1100 No Oil (.5625) 4 2 Sounding 1364.664 NOTES 1100 10 1878.20 No Oil (.058) 100 Oil (.912) 2000 5 Keep (-100) 11 No Oil (.058) (-100) Figure5.7 decision tree Expected value calculation at different nodes will be as follows : EV at node 6 = 1100 X .7 + 100 X .3 = 800 EV at node 7 = 2000 X .7 + (-100) X .3 = 1370 These values are shown at node 6 and 7. The value at node 7 being greater is carried to the decision node 3 and the decision from node 3 is to keep the land. Similarly, the value at node 8 is = 1100 X .4375 + 100 X .5625 = 537.5 at 9 is = 2000 X .4375 + (-100) X .5625 = 818.75 at 10 is = 1100 X .942 + 100 X .058 = 1042 at 11 is = 2000 X .942 + (-100) X .058 = 1878.20 On the basis of EVs at node 8 and 9, EV at node 4 will be 818.75. On the basis of EVs at node 10 and 11, EV at node 5 will be 1878.20. Now EV at node 2 = 818.75 X .48 + 1878.20 X .52 = 1369.664 Net gain at node 2 = EV at node 2 - Cost of soundings = 1369.664 - 5 = 1364.664 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 87 Decision Theory NOTES Comparing net gains at node 2 and 3, we decide not to take soundings and not to sell but keep the land for carrying exploration on own. 5.10 Summary 5.11 Key Terms 5.12 Questions and Exercises Quantitative Techniques in Management : 88 (1) What is the difference between decision making under risk and decision making under uncertainty? Decision Theory (2) Describe the steps involved in decision making? (3) Briefly explain the different decision rules usually adopted in context of decision making under uncertainty. NOTES Practice Questions : (4) You have Rs. 5 lakhs for one of the three investment options in the stock market - a growth, government bonds or a blue chip company. Three possible states are listed below. Type of investment Stock Market Trend Boom Moderate growth collapse Growth fund 375000 150000 -400000 Government bonds 500000 100000 -500000 Blue chip company 250000 100000 -300000 Using the minimax regret criterion for decision making which option should you adopt? (5) The following is a payoff (in rupees) table for three strategies and two states of nature : Strategy State of Nature N1 N2 s1 40 60 s2 10 -20 s3 -40 150 Select a strategy using each of the following decision criteria : (a) Maximax, (b) Minimax regret, (c) Maximin, (d) Minimum risk, assuming equiprobable states. (6) The following matrix gives the payoff (in Rs.) of different strategies S1, S2, S3 against conditions N1, N2, N3 and N4 State of Nature Strategy N1 N2 N3 N4 S1 4000 -100 6000 18000 S2 20000 5000 400 0 S3 20000 15000 -2000 1000 Select a strategy under (i) Pessimistic; (ii) Optimistic, (iii) Equal probability, (iv) Regret, (v) Hurwicz Critesion, the degree of optimism being 0.75. (7) The probability of the demand for lorries for hiring on any day are as follows : Quantitative Techniques in Management : 89 Decision Theory NOTES Demand 0 1 2 3 4 Probability .1 .2 .3 .2 .2 Lorries have a fixed cost of Rs. 90 each day to keep. The daily hire charges are Rs. 200. If the lorry hire company owns 4 lorries, what is its daily expectations? If the company is about to go into business and currently has no lorries, how many lorries should it buy? (8) The demand pattern of the cakes made in a bakery is as follows : Demand 0 1 2 3 4 5 Probability .05 .10 .25 .30 .20 .10 If the preparation cost is Rs. 3 per unit and selling price is Rs 4 per unit and unsold cakes have salvage value of Rs. 0.50 per unit, how many cakes should the baker bake to maximize profit? (9) A company is considering the introduction of a new product. It has defined two levels of sales as 'high' and 'low' on which to base its decision and has estimated the changes that each market level will occur, together with their costs and consequent profits or losses. The information is summarized below : States of nature Probability Alternatives Introduce (Rs. 000) Do not Intorduce (Rs. 000) High Sales 0.3 150 0 Low Sales 0.7 -40 0 The company's marketing manager suggests that a market research survey may be undertaken to provide further information on which to base the decision. On past experience with a certain market research organisation, the marketing manager assesses its ability to give good information in the light of subsequent actual sales achievements as follows : Market Research (Survey outcome) Actual Sales High Market Low Market 'High' sales forecast 0.5 0.1 Indecisive Survey report 0.3 0.4 Low Sales forecast 0.2 0.1 The market research survey will cost Rs. 20,000, state whether or not there is a case for employing the market research organization. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 90 5.13 Further Reading and References Decision Theory NOTES Quantitative Techniques in Management : 91 Probability NOTES UNIT 6 PROBABILITY Structure 6.0 Introduction 6.1 Unit Objectives 6.2 Important Terms 6.3 Calculating Probability 6.4 Theorems of Probability 6.5 Calculation of Probability of at least One Event 6.6 Conditional Probability Theorem 6.7 Bernoulli Theorem 6.8 Bayes Theorem : (Revising Prior Estimates) 6.9 Summary 6.10 Key Terms 6.11 Question & Exercises 6.12 Further Reading and References 6.0 Introduction The word probability or chance is very commonly used in day- to- day conversation. We come across statements such as "Probably NDA will come to power in next general elections." "Probably it may rain tomorrow" "It is possible that we may not join you at dinner." In these statements, we have some element of uncertainity about happening of the event in question. A numerical measure of uncertainty is provided by "Probability". Probability theory is extensively used in the quantitative analysis of business and economic problems. 6.1 Unit Objectives This unit covers same common terms related to prbability theory, important therorems of probability such as addition and multiplication theorems, conditional probability therorem, Bernoulli theorem, Bayes’ theorem etc. These theorems help in calculationg probabilities in different situations. 6.2 Important terms (a) Simple Experiment or Trial :- The term experiment refers to processes which result in different possible outcomes or observations. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 92 (b) Outcome : Output of an experiment is called outcome. The number of outcomes depends upon the nature of the experiment and may be finite or infinite. (c) Random Experiment : If in an experiment all the possible outcomes are known in advance and none of the outcomes can be predicted with certainty, then such an experiment is called a random experiment. (d) Sample Space : A set of all possible, equally likely outcomes of a random experiment is known as the sample space and is denoted by 'S'. Probability NOTES For example (i) In tossing a coin, S = (H,T) (ii) In rolling a die, S = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (iii) When two coins are tossed S = (HH, TT, TH, HT) (e) Events : A single outcome or a group of outcomes constitutes an event. Events are denoted by capital letters A, B, C etc. Events can be of following types : (i) Simple and compound Events : In case of simple events we consider the probability of the happening or not happening of single event. For examples, we might be interested in finding out the probability of drawing a, white ball from a bag containing 5 white and 5 red balls. On the other hand, in case of compound events, We consider the joint occurrence of two or more events. For example, if a bag has 5 white and 5 red balls, if two successive draws of 2 balls are made, we shall be finding out the probability of getting 2 white balls in the first draw and 2 red balls in the second draw, this way, we are dealing with a compound event. (ii) Independent Events : Events are said to be independent of each other if happening of one event is not affected by any one of others. (iii) Dependent Events : Here occurrence or non- occurrence of one event in any one trial affects the probability of other events in other trials. For example, if a card is drawn from a pack of playing cards and is not replaced, this will alter the probability of the second card. (iv) Mutually Exclusive Events : Two or more events are called mutually exclusive if the happening of any one of them excludes the happening of all others in the same experiment. Thus, in a game of tossing the coin, at one time, we can either get only head or only tail. Thus 'Head' or Tail' are mutually exclusive events in this experiment. (v) Equally likely Events : Events are equally likely if there is no reason for an event to occur in preference to any other event. For example, when an unbiased coin is rolled then the outcomes, head and tail, are equally likely. (vi) Exhaustive Events : Exhaustive events are those event which include all possible outcomes of an experiment. Thus, in toss of a single coin, we can get head (H) or tail (T). Hence exhaustive number of cases is 2, viz (H,T). 6.3 Calculating Probability To find probability, we should know following two things : Quantitative Techniques in Management : 93 Probability (i) Number of favourable cases; (ii) Total number of equally likely cases. Example 1: In tossing a coin, what is the probability of a head or a tail? NOTES Number of Favourable cases Probability = ---------------------------------------------------------------Total Number of equally likely cases Here, Number of Favourable case = 1 Total Number of equally likely cases = 2 1 Probability = ------2 Example 2 : In rolling a die, what is the probability of getting an even number? Number of Faourable cases = To get 2,4, or6 = 3 Total Number of equally likely cases = Getting 1,2,3,4,5,or 6 = 6 3 1 Probability =------- = ------6 2 Example 3 : (i) A ball is drawn from a bag containing 8 red, 7 white and 5 blue balls. Determine the probability that it is (a) red (b) white (c) blue. (ii) Find the probability of selecting a vowel 'U' from Vowels chosen at random from an English back? Solution : (i) Total number of balls in the bag = 8 + 7 + 5 = 20 (a) There are 8 red balls in the bag. Therefore, the probability that the ball drawn is red 8 = --------20 = 2 --------5 (b) There are 7 white balls in the bag. (c) (ii) 7 Therefore, the probability that the ball drawn is white = --------20 There are 5 blue balls in the bag. 5 1 Therefore, the probability that the ball drawn is blue = --------- = --------20 4 Total number of vowels (A,E,I,O,U) = 5 'U' is one vowel out of the total vowels. Hence the probability of selecting a vowel 'U' 1 = -------5 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 94 Example 4 : What is the probability that a leap year selected at random will contain 53 Mondays? Solution : In a Leap year there are 366 days, i. e. 52 weeks and 2 days. These remaining two days can come in following seven ways : (i) Probability Sunday and Monday (ii) Monday and Tuesday NOTES (iii) Tuesday and Wednesday (iv) Wednesday and Thursday (v) Thursday and Friday (vi) Friday and Saturday (vii) Saturday and Sunday So probability of 53 mondays is possible in only first two cases out of seven cases, so required probabily 2 = -----7 6.4 Theorems of Probability There are two important theorems of probability, viz : (1) The Addition Theorem; and (2) The Multiplication Theorem. (1) The Addition Theorem : The addition theorem can be applied in following two situations : (a) In case of two or more mutually exclusive events. If two events A and B are mutually exclusive the probability of the occurrence of either A or B is the sum of the individual probability of A and B. P(A or B) = P (A) + P (B) The theorem can be extended to three or more mutually exclusive events : P (A or B or C) = P (A) + P (B) + P (C) (b) When events are not mutually exclusive : In this case addition theorem is modified as follows : P (A or B) = p (A) + p (B) - p (A and B) where p (Aand B) = Probability of A and B happening together. In case of three events : P (A or B or C) = p (A) + p (B) + p (C) - p (AB) - p (BC) - p (AC) + p (ABC) Example 5 : A card is drawn out of a pack of cards. Find the probability that it is a card of heart or diamond. Solution : Total number of cards in a pack of cards = 52 Total number of heart cards in this pack (A) = 13 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 95 Probability Total number of diamond cards in this pack (B) = 13 13 1 Therefore, p (A) --------- = ----- , 52 4 NOTES 13 1 p (B) = --------- =--------52 4 Since the events are mutually exclusive, the probability that the card drawn is either a heart or a diamond 1 1 1 p (A or B) = p (A) + p (B)= ----- + ----- = ----4 4 2 Example 6 : What is the probability of getting the following totals with two dice? (a) 8 (b) at least 8 (c) more than 8 Solution : Chart showing the possible outcomes in the throw of two dice. II dice 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 2 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 3 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 4 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 5 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 6 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 I dice Therefore, total number of outcomes in the throw of two dice = 36 (a) No. of favourable cases to get the total of 8 = (6,2), (5,3), (4,4), (3,5), (2,6) = 5 5 So probability to get the total of 8 = ------36 (b) To get the total at least 8. (You can get totals of 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12). Students can identify such cases. This number is 15. 15 5 So probability is = ----- = ----36 12 Same probability can also be obtained using addition theorem in following way: Event A : total of 8, Favourable Cases = 5 (6,2), (5,3), (4,4), (3,5), (2,6) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 96 5 So p (A)= ------36 Probability Event B : Total of 9, Favourable cases = 4 NOTES 4 So p (B)= ------36 Event C : total of 10, Favourable Cases = 3 (6,4), (5,5), (4,6) 3 So p (C)= ------36 Event D : Total of 11, Favourable Cases = 2 (6,5), (5,6) 2 So p (D)= ------36 Event E = Total of 12, Favourable Cases = 1 (6,6) 1 So p (E)= ------36 Hence, the probability to get the total at least 8. = p (A) + p (B) + p (C) + p (D) + p (E) 5 4 3 2 1 15 5 = ------- + ------- + ------- + ------- + ------- = ------- =------36 36 36 36 36 36 12 (C) To get the total of more than 8 means total may be 9 or 10 or 11 or 12. = p(B) + p(C) + p(D) + p(E) 4 3 2 1 10 5 = ------- + ------- + ------- + ------- = ------- = ------36 36 36 36 36 18 Example 7 : A card is drawn from a pack of cards. What is the probability that the card drawn is (i) either a heart or a king, (ii) either a queen or a black colour. Solution : Total number of cards in a pack of cards = 52 (i) Number of favourable cases to get a card of heart (A) = 13 Number of favourable cases to get a card of king (B) = 4 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 97 Probability NOTES 13 ∴ p (A) = -------52 4 and p(B) = -------52 The events are not mutually exclusive because the king of heart entails the occurrence of both the events. 1 Probability to get a card of king of heart, i.e. p (AB) = -------52 Hence, the probability that the card drawn is either a heart or a king 13 4 1 16 4 = p (A) + p (B) - p (AB) = -------- +-------- - -------- = -------- = -------52 52 52 52 13 (ii) Number of favourable cases to get a card of queen (A) = 4 4 ∴ p (A) = -------52 Number of favourable cases to get a card of black color (B) = 26 26 p (B) =-------∴ 52 The events are not mutually exclusive because the queen of black colour entails the occurrence of both the events. 2 p (AB) = ------52 Hence, the probability that the card drawn is either a queen or a black colour 4 26 2 28 7 = p (A) + p (B) - p (AB) = -------- +-------- - -------- = -------- = -------52 52 52 52 23 (2) The Multiplication Theorem :- This theorem states that if two events A and B are independent, the probability that they both will occur is equal to the product of their individual probabilities. Here p(A and B) = p(A) X p(B) For three events A, B and C, theorem can be extended as p (A and B and C) = p (A) X p (B) X p (C) Example 8 : Two cards are drawn from a pack of cards in succession with replacement. Find the probability that both are aces. Probability that the first card drawn is an ace (A) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 98 4 p(A) = -----52 Probability Probability that the second card drawn is an ace (B) NOTES 4 p(B) = -----52 Probability that both cards are aces, i.e. p (A and B) = p (A) X p (B) 4 4 16 1 Hence p(A and B) = -------- X -------- = -------- or -------52 52 2704 169 Example 9 : In a game, cards are thoroughly shuffled and distributed equally among four players. What is the probability that a specific player gets all the four kings? Solution : As we know there are 52 cards, 52 hence each player will get -------- = 13 cards. 4 Number of ways of selecting 13 cards out of 52 cards = 52C13 Number of ways of selecting 4 kings out of 4 kings = 4 c4 Number of ways of selecting remaining 9 cards out of 48 cards = 48C9 Hence the probability that a specific player gets all the four kings 4 c4 x48C9 13X12X11X10 11 = --------------------- = --------------------------- =--------------------52 C13 52X51X50X49 4165 Example : A bag contains 5 red and 4 green balls. 3 balls are drawn twice. Before the second draw balls are replaced in the bag. Find the probability that in the first draw 3 red balls and in the second draw 3 green balls will be drawn? Total number of balls = 5 + 4 = 9 Total number of ways of drawing three balls from the 9 balls 9! C3 =---------------------= 84 6!x 3! 9 The number of ways in which three red balls can be drawn out of 5 5! C3 =---------------------= 10 3! x 2! 5 The number of ways in which three green balls can be drawn out of 4 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 99 Probability 4! C3 =---------------------= 4 3! x 1! 4 There fore, the probability of first event (A); NOTES i. e., draw of 3 red balls 10 =------------84 Similarly the probability of second event (B); 4 i. e., draw of 3 green balls =-----------84 The probability of the compound event, i.e. of 3 red balls in the first draw and of 3 green balls in the second draw : 10 4 5 -------- x -------- = ------84 84 882 6.5 Calculation of probability of at Least One Event If we are given n independent events E1, E2,E3,... En, with respective probabilities of occurrences as P1, P2,P3, .... Pn, then probability that none of them happens, is (1-P1), X(1-P2), X (1-P3) X .... X (1-Pn). Hence, the probability of occurrence of at least one of the events can be determined as follows. P (happening of at least one of the event) : = 1-[(1-P1) X (1-P2) X (1- P3).... X (1- Pn)] Example 11 : The probability of a cricket team winning match at Nagpur is 2/5 and losing match at Pune is 1/7. What is the probability of the team winning at least one match? Solution : 2 The probability of a team winning match at Nagpur = -------5 2 3 The probability of team losing at Nagpur = 1 - -------- = -------5 5 1 The probability of team losing at Pune = -----7 Therefore, the probability of losing at Nagpur and Pune both. 3 1 3 = ------ x ------ = -----5 7 35 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 100 Therefore, the probability of winning at least one match. = 3 1 ----------35 6.6 Conditional Probability Theorem Probability NOTES The multiplication theorem is not applicable in case of dependent events. Two events A and B are said to be dependent when A can occur only when B is known to have occurred (or vice versa). The probability attached to such an event is called the conditional probability and is denoted by p (A/B) or p (B/A). p (A/B) means the probability of A given that B has occurred and p (B/A) means the probability of B given that A has occurred. B p (AB) p ------ = ----------A p (A) ; A p (AB) p ------ = -----------B p (B) Conditional probability for three events : B C p(ABC) = p(A) X p --------- X p --------A AB ( ) ( ) Example 2 : A bag contains 6 white and 9 black balls. Two successive drawings of 4 balls in each draw are made in such a way that (a) balls are replaced before the second draw and (b) balls are not replaced before the second draw. Find the probability of getting 4 white balls in the first draw and 4 black balls in the second draw. Solution : (a) When the balls are replaced before the second trial the number of ways in which 4 balls may be drawn is 15C4. The number of ways in which 4 white balls may be drawn = 6C4. The number of ways in which 4 black balls may be drawn = 9C4. Therefore the probability of drawing 4 white balls at first trial 6 = C4 6x5 4x3x2 1 --------= ----------------x --------------------------- = -------15 C4 2 15x14x13x12 91 Theprobability of drawing 4 black balls at eh second trial 9 = C4 9x8x7x6 4! 6 --------= -------------------- x ------------------------ = -------15 C4 4! 15x14x13x12 65 Therefore, the probability of getting 4 white balls in the first draw and 4 black balls in the second draw 1 6 6 = -------- x -------- = -------91 65 5915 (b) When the balls are not replaced : At the first trial, 4 balls may be drawn in 15C4 ways and 4 white balls may be Quantitative Techniques in Management : 101 Probability NOTES drawn in 6C4 ways. Therefore, the probability of 4 white balls at first trail 6 C4 1 = -------- = -------- (as above) 15 C4 91 When 4 white balls have been drawn and removed the bag contains 2 white and 9 black balls. Therefore at second trial 9 = C4 9x8x7x6 4! 21 --------= ----------------x ------------------------ = -------11 C4 4! 11x10x9x8 5 Therefore the probability of getting 4 white balls in the first draw and 4 black balls in the second draw 1 21 3 = -------- x -------- = -------91 55 715 6.7 Bernoulli Theorem The probability of the happening of an event in one trial being known, it is required to find the probability of its happening once, twice, thrice exactly in n trials. This can be done by Bernoulli's Theorem. In such a case let p be the probability of its happening and q of its failure then if the event will happen exactly r times in n trials the probability must be (r+1)n terms in the expansion of (q+p)n. Accordingly, the probability of the happening of an event exactly r times in n trial is cr pr qn-r n Example 13 : If on an average one out of 10 ships sinks in the high seas. Find the probability that out of 5 expected ships at least 4 will reach safely. Solution : 9 The probability of the safe arrival of a ship (p) = ------10 1 and p (q) =------10 We want the probability of the safe arrival of at least four ships out of five which means all the five ships or four ships. The probability of the safe arrival of the four ships p (r=4) =nc4 (p)r (q)n-r 9 = c4 -----10 5 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 102 4 1 1 32805 ------ =-------------10 1,00,000 ( )( ) The probability of the safe arrival of all the five ships. Probability 1 9 4 1 59049 p (r=5) = c4 ------ ------ =-------------10 10 1,00,000 5 ( )( ) NOTES Since the events are mutually exclusive, the required probability that at least 4 shipes will arrive safely is given by p(4) + p (5) 32805 59049 91854 =------------------------+ ----------------=------------------------ = 0.92 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 6.8 Bayes' Theorem : (Revising prior Estimates) In many business situations, certain probabilities were altered after the people involved got additional information. The new probabilities are known as revised, or posterior, probabilities. The basic formula for conditional probability under dependence (already discussed) p(AB) p(B/A) =-------------- is called p (A) Bayes’ Theorem. Bayes' theorem offers a powerful statistical method of evaluating new information and revising our prior estimates of the probability that things are in one state or another. According to Bayes' theorem, ''an event is known to have proceeded from one of n mutually exclusive causes whose probabilities are P1, P2, ... Pn. Further more lot P1, P2, ... Pn be the respective probabilities that when one of the n causes exists the event will then have followed. The probability that event proceeded from the mth cause is then : PmPm P = ------------------------------------------------------P1 P1 + P2 P2 + P3P3+ ...... + PnPn Example 14 : An insurance company insured 2000 scooter driver, 4,000 car drivers and 6,000 truck drivers. The probability of an accident involving a scooter driver, car driver and a truck driver is 0.01, 0.03 and 0.15 respectively. One of the inuerued drivers meets with an accident. What is the probability that he is a car driver? Solution : Number of scooter drivers = 2,000 Number of car drivers = 4,000 Number of truck drivers = 6,000 .... Total number of drivers = 2000 + 4000 + 6000 = 12000 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 103 Probability 1 Probability of being a scooter driver (p1) = 2000 / 12000 = ---------6 NOTES Probability of being a car driver (p2) = 4000 /12000 1 = ---------3 Probability of being a truck driver (p3) = 6000/12000 1 = ---------2 It is given that the 1 Probability of an accident involving a scooter driver (p1) = 0.01 = ---------100 Probability of an accident imvolving a car driver (p2) = 0.03 3 = ---------100 Probability of an accident involving a truck driver (p3) = 0.15 15 = ---------100 By Bayes' rule, if one of the insured drivers meets with an accident, then the probability that he was a car driver P2p2 P(P2P2) = ----------------------------------------------P1p1 + P2P2 + P3P3 1 3 ---------- x ---------3 100 = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 1 3 1 15 ------x ------ + ------x ------ + ------x -----6 100 3 100 2 100 ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1 --------------100 100 1 600 3 = --------------------------------------------------= ------------ = ------ x ------ = -----1 1 15 52 100 52 26 ------ + ------ + ----------600 100 200 600 ( ) ( ) = 0.11539 Example - 15 : Quantitative Techniques in Management : 104 (a) In a bolt factory machines 'A', 'B' and 'C' manufacture respectively 25%, 35% and 40% of the total production. Of their output 5, 4, 2 percents are defective bolts. A bolt drawn at random from the production and is found to be defective. What is the probability that it was manufactured by machine 'A'? (b) What is the probability that it was manufactured by machine 'B'? Solution : (a) Probability Probability that bolt drawn is manufactured by machine 'A', 25 (P1) = ---------100 Probability that bolt drawn is manufacturered by machine 'B', 35 (P2) = ---------100 Probability that bolt drawn is manufactured by machine 'C' 40 (P3) = ---------100 Probability that the bolt drawn is defective given that it is manufactured by machine NOTES 'A' 5 (P1) = ---------100 Probability that the bolt drawn is defective given that it is manufactured by machine 'B' 4 (P2) = ---------100 Probability that the bolt drawn is defective given that is is manufactured by machine 'C' 2 (p3) = ---------100 By Bayes' rule, probability that the bolt drawn is manufactured by machine 'A' given that the bolt drawn is defective. 25 5 ------ x -----P1P1 100 100 P(P1P1) = ------------------------------------------------ = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1p1 + P2P2 + P3P3 25 5 35 4 40 2 ------x ------ + ------x ------ + ------x -----6 100 3 100 2 100 ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1 -------------80 80 1 2000 25 = --------------------------------------------------= ------------ = ------ x ------ = -----1 7 1 69 80 69 69 ------ + ------ + ------------80 500 125 2000 ( ) ( ) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 105 Probability = 0.3623 or 36.23% (b) NOTES Probability that the bolt drawn is manufactured by machine 'B' given that the bolt drawn is defective 35 4 ------ x -----P1P1 100 100 P(P1P1) = -------------------------------------------------------= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1P1 + P2P2 + P3P3 25 5 35 4 40 2 ------x ------ + ------x ------ + ------x ------ ( ) ( 100 1 (-------500 ) = -------- = 1 -------- ( ) 100 ) ( 100 100 ) 100 100 7 69 28 -------- x -------- = -------500 2000 29 500 = 0.4057 ro 40.57% Probability that the bolt drawn is manufactur by machine 'C' given that the bolt drawn is defective. P 3 p3 p(P3p3) = ---------------------------------------P1p1 + P2p2 + P3p3 40 = 2 ------100 100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 5 35 4 40 2 ------- x ------- + -------x ------- + ------- x ------- (100 100 (------- x ) ) ( 100 100 1 (--------) = 125 -------- = 69 -------200 ( = Quantitative Techniques in Management : 106 ) 1 2000 16 -------- x -------- = -------125 69 69 0.2319 ro 23.19% ) (100 100 ) 6.9 Summary Probability NOTES 6.10 Key Terms 6.11 Questions and Exercises Short Answer Questions : 1. Explain the concept of conditional probability. 2. Explain the multiplication theorem of probbility with suitable examples. 3. Define the following : Quantitative Techniques in Management : 107 Probability (i) Simple event (ii) Compound event (iii) Mutually exclusive events (iv) Exhaustive events NOTES 4. What is 'Bayes theorem'? Explain with example. 5. State the addition theorem of probability (a) when two events are mutually exclusive and (b) when they are not mutually exclusive. Numerical Questions 1. What is the probability of getting the following totals with two dice? (a) 9 (b) at least 9 (c) More than 9 2. Find the probability of obtaining a total of 2 or 9 or 11 in a single throw with two dice. 3. Find out the probability of getting a total of either 7 or 11 in a single throw with two dice. 4. Three six- faced dice are thrown what is the probability of getting the total of 7? 5. A card is drawn from a pack of cards. Find the probability of getting a king or a card of spade. 6. One number is drawn from numbers 1 to 150. Find the probability that it is either divisible by 3 or 5. 7. A doctor is to visit a patient once in the month of November. Find the probability that he visits on a date which is a multiple of 5 or 6. 8. 50 tickets are numbered serially from 1 to 50. One ticket is taken out at random. Find the probability that the ticket. So drawn is a multiple of 3 or 4. 9. Tickets numbered serially from 1 to 100 are thoroughly shiffied and one ticket is taken out. What is the probability that the ticket so drawn is (a) an odd number, (b) 5 or multiple of 5 (c) a number which is a square? 10. One ticket is drawn at random from a bag containing 100 tickets numbers from 1 to 100. What is the probability that the ticket drawn is a multiple of 2 or 3 or 10? 11) From a bag containing four red and six blue balls, two balls are drawn at random. What is the probability that both the balls are of different colours? 12) In a bag there are 4 red and 3 black balls. What is the probability of drawing the first ball red and second black, the third red and younth black and so on if they are drawn one at a time? 13) A problem is given to three students A, B and C whose chances of solving are 1/ 3, 1/4 and 1/5. Find the probability that the problem will be solved. 14) A bag contains 5 black balls and 4 white balls. 3 balls are drawn one by one without replacement. Find the chance that all the three balls drawn are of the same colour. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 108 15) In a railway reservation office, two clerk are engaged in checking reservation forms. On an average the first clerk checks 55% of the forms while the second doesthe remaining. The first clerk has an error rate of 0.03 and the second has an error rate of 0.02. A reservation form is selected at random from the total number of forms checked during a day and is found to have an error. Find the probability that it was checked (i) by the first (ii) by the second clerk. 16) A TV manufacturing company produces TV sets in its three plants with monthly production of 500, 1000 and 2000 sets respectively. According to past experience it is known that the probability of defective TV sets produced by the three plants are respectively 0.005, 0.008 and 0.010. If a set is selected from a month's production and it is found to be defective, find out (i) from which plant the set comes? (ii) What is the probability that it comes from the (a) first plant (b) second plant? Probability NOTES 6.12 Further Reading and References Quantitative Techniques in Management : 109 Probaility Disribution NOTES UNIT 7 : PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION Structure 7.0 Introduction 7.1 Unit Objectives 7.2 Discret and Continuous Random Distributions 7.3 Probability Distribution 7.4 Expected Value of a Random Variable 7.5 Binomial Distribution 7.6 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion for the Binomial Distribution 7.7 Poisson Distribution 7.7.1 Mean and Variance of a Poisson Distribution 7.8 Normal Distribution 7.8.1 Probability Density function of a Normal Distributions 7.9 Summary 7.10 Key Terms 7.11 Question & Exercises 7.12 Further Reading and References 7.0 Introduction In case of statistical outcomes based on chance, the outcomes are expected to vary, or in other words, the outcomes occur randomly. This unit focuses on the probabilities of various outcomes that can occur in a particular type of experiment. It continues the discussion of probability by introducing the concept of random variable and probability distribution. 7.1 Unit Objectives The objective of this unit is to introduce discrete and contineous random probability distributions, to use the concept of exptected value to make decisions, to show which probability distribution to use and how to find its values and finally to understand the limitations of each of the probability distributions we use. 7.2 Discrete and Continuous Random Distributions A random variable is a variable which contains the outcome of a chance experiment. A ramdom variable that assumes either a finite number of values or a countable infinite number of values is termed as a discrete random variable. For example, consider an experiment to measure the number of patients who arrive in a clinic during a time interval of 15 minutes. The possible outcomes may vary from patients to patients. These outcomes (0, 1, 2, ....n) are the values of the random variables. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 110 In most cases, a discrete random variables are non negative whole numbers. Many experiments have outcomes which cannot be described as discrete random variable. These random variables assume any numerical value in an interval, or can take values at every point in a given interval. These random variables are called as continuous random variables. Experimental outcomes which are based on measurement scale such as time, distance, weight, and temperature can be explained by continuous random variables. Probaility Disribution NOTES 7.3 Probability Distribution Probability distributions are related to frequency distributions. A theoretical frequency distribution is a probability distribution that describes how outcomes are expected to vary. To understand the concepts of probability distribution take a fair coin and we toss this fair coin twice. Table 7.1 possible out comes from two tosses of a fair coin First Toss Second Toss Number of tails on two tosses Probability of this outcome T T 2 .5 X .5 = .25 T H 1 .5 X .5 = .25 H H 0 .5 X .5 = .25 H T 1 .5 X .5 = .25 1.00 Table 7.2 Probability distribution of the possible number of tails from two tosses of fair coin T=0 (H, H) Probability = .25 T=1 (H,T), T,H) Probability = .50 T=2 (T, T) Probability = .25 Now corresponding probability distribution is shown in figure 1. .50 Probability .25 0 1 2 Number of tails Figure 7.1 7.4 Expected value of a Random variable Expected value of a random variable is calculated by multiplying each outcome with its probability and then summing these products. Table 7.3 : Calculation of expected value of the discrete random variable no. of newspaper sold daily" Quantitative Techniques in Management : 111 Probaility Disribution NOTES Possible values of the Random variable Probability that the Random variable will take on these values (1) (2) (1) X (2) 10 .10 1.0 11 .10 1.1 12 .15 1.8 13 .15 1.95 14 .25 3.50 15 .25 3.75 1.00 13.10 Expected value of random variable "no. of newspapers sold daily" This expected value is also known as mean value. Variance : The expected value provides the mean value of the random variable. A measure of dispersion (variance and standard deviation) can also be obtained using this mean of random variable. Variance of a discrete distribution is given by Var (x) - σ -2 = Σ [(x-µ)2 x p (x)] Where x is an outcome, P(x) the probability of that outcome, and µ is the mean. Steps for calculating variance in case of discrete distribution can be summarized as follows : (i) Calculate the deviation (x - µ) . (ii) Square the deviation and multiply it by corresponding value of probability. (iii) Take sum of products obtained in step (ii) above. Standard deviation : Standard deviation is the square root of the variance. Standard deviation (σ) = √var (x) 7.5 Binomial Distribution Quantitative Techniques in Management : 112 Binomial distribution is the most widely known and most commonly used distribution among all discrete distributions. It describes discrete data resulting from an experiment known as Bernoulli process. Probaility Disribution Tossing a fair coin for a fixed number of times is a Bernoulli process and the outcomes of such tosses can be represented by binomial distribution. This process can be described as follows: NOTES 1. Each trial has only two possible outcomes : H or T. 2. The probability of the outcome of any trial remains fixed overtime. (.5 in case of fair coin) 3. The trials are independent in nature. Now binomial formula is for n! probability of r success in n trials = p(r) = -------------- pxqn-x r ! (n-x) ! Where p = probability of success q = 1 - p = probability of failure r = number of success desired n = number of trials undertaken 3! e. g. probability of getting 2 tails in 3 tosses of a fair coin = -------------- (.5)2 (.5)1 2 ! (3 - 2) ! = .0375 7.6 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion for the Binomial Distribution Mean = µ = np Where n = number of trials p = probability of success Standard deviation (σ) = √ npv where v = probability of failure = 1 - p Practice Questions : Que 1. Find the mean and standard deviation of the following binomial distributions. (a) n = 15, p = .50 (b) n = 12, p = .75 (c) n = 100, p = .15 Que. 2 For a binomial distribution with n = 6 and p = 0.3, Find (a) p (r = 4) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 113 Probaility Disribution (b) p (r>2) (c) p (r >4) NOTES 7.7 Poisson Distribution The Poisson distribution focuses on the number of discrete occurrences over an interval. It is used to describe a number of processes such as distribution of telephone calls going through a switchboard system, the demand of patients for service at a health institution, the arrival of trucks and cars at a tollbooth etc. Some of the improtant properties of Poisson distribution are as follows : (i) Each occurrence of an event is independent of the occurrence of the other event. (ii) The probability of an occurrence is the same for any two intervals of equal length. (iii) It describes discrete occurrences over a specific time interval. (iv) The expected number of occurrences must hold constant for all the time intervals of the same size. (v) In each time interval, occurrences can range from zero to infinity. Poisson formula is λx x e-λ P (x) = ---------------x! where p (x) = probability of exactly x occurrence λ = Mean number of occurrence in an interval e = base of natural logarithm system (2.71828) Example : Past record of accidents at an important crossroad indicate an average of 5 accidents per week. The number of accidents are Poisson distributed. Calculate probability of exactly 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 accidents in any month. Solution : Here λ is 5. X = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. By applying Poisson formula (i) For exactly Zero accidents (5)0 X e-5 p (0) = ------------------ = .0067 0! Quantitative Techniques in Management : 114 (ii) For exactly one accident Probaility Disribution (5)1 X e-5 p (1) = ------------------------ = .033 1! NOTES (iii) For exactly two accidents (5)2 X e-5 p (2) = ---------------------------- = .084 2! (iv) For exactly three accidents (5)3 X e-5 p (3) = ------------------ = .14 3! (v) For exactly four accidents 54 X e-5 p (4) = ------------------ = .175 4! Further, calculate the probability of three or fewer accidents. This will be P(0), + P(1) + P (2) + P (3) = 0.0067 + .033 + .084 + .14 = .2637 7.7.1 Mean and variance of a Paisson Probability Distribution The mean of the poisson distribution is given by λ. This indicates that for a Poisson distribution over a long period of time, a long - run average can be determined. The variance of the Poisson distribution is also λ and the standard deviation is given by √λ Practice Questions : Que. 1. Given λ = 5, for a Poisson distribution, find (a) P (x < 2) (b) P (x > 5) (c) P (x = 8) Que. 2. Solve the following problems using paisson formula : (a) P (x = 5 / λ = 7.0) (b) P (x < 5 / λ = 3.5) (c) P (2 < x < 4 / λ = 3.5) 7.8 Normal Distribution Normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution. In recognetion of contribution of Karl Gauss, 18th century mathematician, normal distribution is also known as Gaussian distribution. Normal distribution has a wide range of practical appliction, for example, where Quantitative Techniques in Management : 115 Probaility Disribution NOTES the random variables are human characteristics such as height, weight, marks scored in a class etc. Normal distribution has a wide range of application in management also. Statistical quality control (SQC) is based on normal distribution. Normal probability distribution is defined with the help of a bell shaped curve, known as normal curve shown in fig. 7.2. As shown in figure 7.2, normal curve is symmetrical around the centre line. It has left Fig. 7.2 Normal Curve hand and right hand tail which extend indefinitely but never touch the horizontal axis. Characteristics of the Normal Probability Distribution :Seeing the normal curve in fig. 7.2, following important characteristics can be inferred. 1. Bell shaped normal curve has a single peak, thus it is unimodal. 2. Mean of normally distributed population lies at the centre of normal curve. 3. Mean, median and mode have same value in normal distribution and are at centre line of normal curve. 4. Two tails (left side and right side) extend indefinitely but never touch the horizontal axis. 5. Irrespective of value of mean µ and standard dewation σ for normal probability distribution the total area under the normal curve remains 1. Following figure 7.3 shows three normal probability distributions each of which has the same mean but a different statnard deviation. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 116 This figure 7.3 shows the effect of standard deviation on shape of normal curve. Large values of standard deviation results in wider, flatter curves, exhibiting more variability in the data. σ =1 σ =5 σ =10 Fig. 7.3 Normal probability distribution with identical means but different standard deviations. Areas under the normal curve Probaility Disribution Figure 7.4 shows normal curve and area under it for three different standard deviation limits. NOTES µ =3 σ µ =2 σ µ =σ µ µ + σ µ =2 σ µ =2σ Fig. 7.4 : Area under normal curve This figure 7.4 shows that approximately 68% of all the values in a normally distributed population lie within ±1 standard deviation from the mean. If we increase limits to ±2 standard deviation, than 97.5% of all the values will come in this limit 99.73% of all the values lie within ±3 standard deviation from the mean. 7.8.1 Probability Density function of a Normal Distribution Mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) are two parameters used to define normal distribution PDF of normal distribution is 1 f (x) = -------------- e σ√2π 1 x-µ - ------- ------2 σ ( ) Here π = 3.14159, and e = 2.71828. We use normal distribution tables rather this formula for analysing normal distribution problems. Using the standard Normal Probability Distribution Table : Every unique pair of mean (µ) and standard diviation (σ) describes a different normal distribution. To simplify the process of analysis, standard normal probability distribution is evolved. Normal random variable is standardized using following formula: x-µ z = ----------σ Where z is the number of standard deviations from x to the mean of this distribution. Figure 7.5 gives use of 'z'. It shows that the use of z is just a change of the scale of measurement on the horizontal axis. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 117 Probaility Disribution NOTES The Z score can be defined as the number of standard deviation that a value, x, is above or below the mean of the distribution As x-µ shown in figure 7.5, Z = ---------if value of x is less σ than mean, z score is Fig. d Compatability of Z values with normally distributed '-'ve and if value of x variable `x’ is more than mean, z score is '+'ve. In case x is equal to mean, z score is zero. Example2 :- A project requires mean time to complete of 50 hrs and this is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 5 hrs. (9) What is the probability that a contractor 'A' elected at random will require more than 50 hours to complete the project? Solution In figure 7.6, we see that half of the area under the curve is located on either side of the mean of 50 hrs. Thus we can conclude that the probability that the random variable will take on a value higher than 50 is the colored half, or 0.5 (b) What is the probability that a contractor selected at random will take between 50 and 65 hrs to complete the project? Solution In figure 7.7, this condition is shown with colored portion. Now z value for x = 65 will be µ = 50hrs σ = 5hrs 65 - 50 15 z = ------------ = ------ = 3 5 5 If we look up z=3 in Appendix Table 1, we find a probability of 0.4987. Thus the chance that the contractor selected at random would require between 50 to 65 hrs to complete the project is slightly less than 0.5. (c) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 118 What is the probability that a contractor selected at random will take more than 60 hrs. 50 Fig. 7.6 µ = 50hrs σ = 5hrs z = 3.0 Areo= .4987 50 Fig. 7.7 65 to complete the program? Probaility Disribution Z=2.0 Solution : Figure 7.8 gives the solution Space of this problem Area = .4772 (from appendix table 1) NOTES 60-50 Here z = --------- = 2 5 Table 1 in appendix gives µ = 50 60 probability of z = 2.0 as .4772. Fig. 7.8 This is the probability of completing the task in 50 to 60 hrs. However, we are interested to know the probability of more than 60 hrs which is given by colored space in figure 7.8 The total area under curve in right side of mean is 0.5. So area under colored port is 0.5-0.4772 = 0.0228. Therefore, there are just over 2 chances in 100 that a contractor chosen at random would take more than 60 hrs. to complete the project. (d) What is the probability that a contractor selected at random will require less than 55 hours to complete the Z=1.0 project? Solution :- Figure H gives the solution space by colored portion. Area = .3413 (from appendix table 1) p (Less than 55) = .8413 To get probability we first determine z value for x = 55 µ = 50 55-50 z = --------- = 1.0 5 55 Fig. 7.9 Appendix table 1 gives corresponding probability as .341. In figure 7.9, it is shown clearly that area under left side of mean will come completly giving total probability as 0.5 + 0.3413 = 0.8413. Thus, the chances of a contractor requiring less than 55 hrs to complete the project are about 84 percent. (e) Z=2.0, Area= .4772 Z=1.0, Area= .3413 p (40 to 55) µ = 50hrs σ = 5hrs What is the probability that a contractor chosen at random will take between 40 to 55 hrs. to complete the project? Solution :Figure 7.10 40 gives 50 55 Fig. 7.10 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 119 Probaility Disribution solution space from x = 40 to x = 55. Corresponding z values are NOTES 40 - 50 z1 = ----------------= 2 5 corresponding probability from Appendix table I = .4772 55 - 60 z2 = ----------------= 1 5 corresponding probability from Appendix table I = .3413 5 So required probability is . 4772 + .3413 ----------------.8185 ---------------- Therefore, the chances of a contractor will complete the project between 40 to 55 hrs are about 81 percent. Limitations of the Normal Probability Distribution Tails of normal probability distribution never touch horizontal axis. This means that there is some probability that the random variable can take an enormous values. Though these probabilities can be very very small. Consider a case where a contractor of earlier example may finish the project in 300 hrs. Now this will be 50 standard deviation on right side of mean. Associated probability will be very small. Here we do not loose much accuracy by ignoring values for out in the tails. But in exchange for the convenience, we accept the fact that it can assign impossible empirical values. Normal Distribution as an Approximation of the Binomial Distribution Normal distribution is a continuous distribution but it can sometimes be used to approximate binomial distributions which is a discrete distribution. In a binomial distribution, the experiment involves a sequence of n identical trials and for each trial, there can be two possible outcomes, success and failure. In a binomial distribution trials are independent and probability of success (p) and probability of failure (q) remain constant throughout the experiment. In case of large number of trials in a binomial distribution, determining probability is a cumbersome activity. Also table of dinomial distribution (see in Appendix table 3) it does not have values of n more than 20. In these cases normal approximation of binomial distribution is useful. Following example illustrates the process of use of normal distribution in place of binomial distribution. Example 3 :- In a quality control department a random sample of 100 finished items has been taken. What is the probability of obtaining 15 defective items? Quantitative Techniques in Management : 120 Solution : Probaility Disribution In this case, p = .15, and q = .85, n = 100 Step 1. For converting two parameters of binomial distribution into normal distribution, following formula can be used. NOTES µ = E (x) = np and σ = √npv So µ = E (x) = np = 100 x .15 = 15 σ = √ npv = √ 100x.15x.85 = 3.57. Step 2. For converting a discrete distribution to a continuous distribution, a correction of + 0.50 or - 0.50 or ± 0.50, depending the problem is required. This correction factor is called continuity correction factor. This continuity correction factor is introduced because a continuous probability distribution is used to approximate a discrete probability distribution. So for P (x = 15), the discrete binomial distribution is approximated by P (14.5 < x < 15.5) which is a continuous normal probability distribution. Step 3. Calculate z values for x = 14.5 and x = 15.5 14.5 - 15 x-µ z =--------- = ------------------ = - 0.14 σ 3.75 15.5 - 15 x-µ z =--------- = ------------------ = + 0.14 σ 3.75 From Appendix table 1, probability corresponding to z = 0.14 or -0.14 is .0557 So required probability is 0.0557 + 0.0557 ------------0.1114 So, the normal approximation of the probability of 15 defective items in a sample of 100 is 11% Practice Question : Q. 1. Determine the probability for the portion of the normal distribution described as below :(a) P ( Z > 1.95) (b) P (1.25 < z < 2.20) (c) P (-0.50 < z < 1.12) Q. 2 Use the normal approximation to compute the binomial probabilities for following:(a) n = 15, p = .40 at most 5 successes. (b) n = 15, p = .50, between 15 and 20 successes. (c) n = 20, p = .30, 20 or more successes. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 121 Probaility Disribution NOTES Q. 3 On the basis of past experience, QC supervisors in a plant have noticed that 5 percent of all cars coming in for their annual inspection fail to pass. Using the normal approximation to the binomial, find the probability that between 6 and 15 of the next 200 cars to enter the inspection station will fail the inspection. Q. 4 Students in a class score average 55 marks. Suppose that marks scored is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 4. If a student is randomly selected, what is the probability that the marks scored by him are more than 60? What is the probability that he scored less than 40? 7.9 Summary 7.10 Key Terms Quantitative Techniques in Management : 122 7.11 Questions and Exercises Probaility Disribution NOTES 7.12 Further Reading and References Quantitative Techniques in Management : 123 Regression and Correlation Alalysis UNIT 8 REGRESSION AND CORRELATION ANALYSIS NOTES Structure 8.0 Introduction 8.1 Unit Objectives 8.2 Regression Analysis 8.2.1 Estimation Using the Regression Line 8.3 The Standard Error of Estimate 8.4 Coefficient of Determination 8.5 Correlation Analysis 8.5.1 Coefficient of Determination 8.5.2 Coefficient of Correlation 8.6 Summary 8.7 Key Terms 8.8 Question & Exercises 8.9 Further Reading and References 8.0 Introduction In day - to - day life we come across a large number of problems involving use of two variables. We can have series of marks of individuals in two subjects in an examination, series of ages of husbands and wives in a sample of selected married couples, series of exports and imports of a specific product during the number of years from 2000 to 2012, the series of sales revenue and advertising expenditure of different firms in a particular year and so on. In a bivariate distritution, we may be interested to examine whether a relationship exists between the two variables under study. If however, there exists a relationship between two variables under consideration, we may be interested to know the strength of that relationship or dependence. Further, we may also be eager to estimate the value of one variable from the known value of the other. Regression and correlation analysis deal with this type of problem. 8.1 Unit Objectives Quantitative Techniques in Management : 124 This unit tells about use of scatter diagrams to visualize the relationship between tow variables, use of regression analysis to estimate the relationship between two variables, use of least square estimating equation to predict future values of the dependent variable, use of correlation analysis in describing the degree to which tow variables are linearly related to each other, and use of coefficient of determination as a measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables. Regression and Correlation Alalysis 8.2 Regression Analysis Meaning :- Regression analysis refers to the methods by which estimates are made of the values of a dependent variable from the values of an independent variable. It is a technique of predicting the unknown values on the basis of the "average relationship". NOTES Regression analysis is done with the help of a regression line. The regression line describes the average relationship existing between X and Y variables, more precisely, it is a line which displays mean values of Y for given values of X. Regression analysis may be of following types :1) Linear and Curvilinear regression :- If the given bivariate data are plotted on a graph, the points so obtained on the scatter diagram will more or less concentrate round a curve, called the 'curve of regression.' If the regression curve obtained by plotting the values of two variables is a straight line, it is called a linear regression. The relationship between X and Y can also take the form of a curve. This relationship is called curvilinear. The direction of straight line or curve can indicate whether the relationship is direct or inverse. Figure (8.1) and (8.2) show direct and inverse linear relationships. Fig (8.1) Direct linear Fig (8.2) Inverse linear Figure (8.3) and (8.4) show direct and inverse curvilinear relationships Fig (8.3) Direct Curvilinear Fig (8.4) Inverse Curvilinear Figure (8.5) shows no relationship between X and Y; therefore knowledge of the post concerning one variable does not allow us to predict future occurrences of the other. (2) Simple and Multiple Regression :- In case of simple regression, we take only one independent variable to determine the value of dependent variable. In case of multiple regression, we use more than one independent variable to determine value of dependent variable. Fig. (8.5) No relationship Quantitative Techniques in Management : 125 Regression and Correlation Alalysis NOTES 8.2.1 Estimation using the Regression Line Regression lines can be determined by graphic or algebraic method. In graphic method, the points are plotted on a graph paper representing various pairs of values of the concerned variables. These points give a picture of a scatter diagram with several points scattered around. A regression line may be drawn in between those points either by free hand or by a scale rule in such a way that the squares of the vertical or the horizontal distances (as the case may be) between the points and the line of regression so drawn is the least. In algebraic method a regression equation is developed algebraically. Equation for a straight line where the dependent variable Y is determined by the independent variable X is Y Y=a+bx Y = a + b x.................... (1) Where a = Y - intercept }a b = slope of the line X Fig 8.6 shows a regression line represented by equation (1) Fig (8.6) Now the task is to find values of a and b. To understand the generic process consider a straight line shown in figure 8.7 Y Just by seeing a = 2, This is the point where line cuts Y axis. To find b, which is slope we use following formula Y2 - Y1 b =-------------X2 - X1 4 3 2 .................... (2) 5-3 2 b = ------- = ------- slope of the line 5-2 3 2 So line becomes Y = 2 + ---- x ........... (3) 3 1 }a=2 (x2, y2)=(5, 5) (x1, y1)=(1, 3) X 1 2 3 4 5 Fig (8.7) Using line represented by equation (3), we can find value of dependent variable Y when X = 6. Y = 2 + 2/3 (6) = 6 Similarly we can find value of Y corresponding to any given value of X. Points which are estimated using a value of X, will be denoted by Y^ So our line of estimation will be ^ Y Quantitative Techniques in Management : 126 = a + b x .................... (4) Now it is important to understand that line of regression must minimize the sum of the squares of the errors. These errors are difference between actual (Y) and estimated values (Y^). Slope of best - fitting regression line (line of loast square fit) is determined using ΣxY-nxY b = ------------------------ .................... (5) Σ x2 - n x-2 Regression and Correlation Alalysis NOTES and Y - intercept is determined using a = Y - bx .................... (6) Where a - Y-intercept b = Slope from formula (5) x = values of the independent variable Y = values of the dependent variable X = mean of the values of the independent variable Y = mean of the values of the dependent variable n = number of data points. Example 1 : Following table presents maintenance expenses on S. T. buses for different aged buses : Table 8.1 Bus No. Age of Bus (x) Repair Expenses (in Years) (Rs.) (Y) MH01-8890 5 70000 MH02-7677 3 70000 MH04-5555 3 60000 MH03-6666 1 40000 Solution : Table 8.1 presents raw data of the problem. In table 8.2 we arrange it in the required format to determine values of b and a. Table 8.2 Age (x) Repair expenses (Y) XY X2 (1) (2) 5 70000 350000 25 3 70000 210000 9 3 60000 180000 9 1 40000 40000 1 ΣX = 12 ΣY= 240000 ΣXY= 780000 ΣX2 = 44 ΣX X = --------- = n 12 --------- =3 4 ΣY - Y 240000 = --------- = -------------- = 60000 n 4 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 127 ΣXY-nxy Regression and Correlation Alalysis b =---------------ΣX2 - nx2 780000 - (4) (3) (60000) =---------------------------------------44 - (4) (3)2 = NOTES 7500 and a will be a = Y - bx = 60000 - (7500) (3) = 37500 So regression line is ^ Y = 37500 + 7500 X Now using this line equation we can setimate repair expenses for a four year old bus. Y = 37500 + 7500 (4) = 67500 8.3 The Standard Error of Estimate Measuring reliability of the estimating equation is an important part of regression analysis. Y Y X Fig. 8.8 X Fig 8.9 Figure 8.8 shows that regression line is a more accurate estimator of the relationship between X and Y than the regression line of figure 8.9 where the points are farther away from the line. The standard error of the estimate is a measure of reliability of the regression line. The standard error of the estimate (Se) measures the variability, or scatter, of the observed values around the regression line. Se = √ Σ (Y-Y)2 ---------------------- ...................... ( 7) n-2 Here we need to compute Y^ for every given value of Y with the help of regression equation by substituting different values of X. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 128 Regression and Correlation Alalysis To save efforts we can use formula (8) also. √ Σ Y2-aΣY-bΣXY ------------------------------ ........................ ( 8) n-2 Se = NOTES The larger values of Se represents the greater scattering of points around the regression line. If Se = 0, we expect the estimating equation to be a perfect estimater of the dependent variable. Example 2 : Obtain the regression line (Y = a + bx) from the following data : x : 8 6 4 7 5 y : 9 8 5 6 2 Solution : x y x2 y2 xy 8 9 64 81 72 6 8 36 64 48 4 5 16 25 20 7 6 49 36 42 5 2 25 4 10 ΣX = 30 ΣY= 30 ΣX2 = 190 ΣY2 = 210 ΣXY= 192 ΣX X = --------- = n 30 --------5 =6 ΣY 30 Y- = ---------- = --------n 5 =6 b = ΣXY-nxy 192 - (5) (6) (6) -------------------- =---------------------------------------- = 1.2 ΣX2 - nx2 190 - (5) (6)2 a= Y - bx = 6 - (1.2) (6) = 1.2 So regression line is Y = -1.2 + 1.2 x Example 3. From the data given in example 2, find the standard error of the estimate of regression equation. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 129 Regression and Correlation Alalysis Solution - Following table presents various steps involved in calculation of standard error of the estimate. NOTES Y Y Y-Y (Y-Y)2 9 8.4 0.6 .36 8 6.0 2.0 4.00 5 3.6 1.4 1.96 6 7.2 -1.2 +1.44 2 4.8 -2.8 +7.84 Σ (Y - Y)2 = 15.60 Se = √ Σ (Y-Y)2 ---------------------- = n-2 √ 15.60 ---------------------5-2 or using formula (8) Se = √ Se = √ ΣY2 - aΣY - bΣXY ---------------------------------------------n-2 210 - (-1.2) (30) - (1.2) (192) ---------------------------------------------------------------- = 2.28 5-2 8.4 Coefficient of Determination Coefficient of determination is a very commonly used measure of fit for regression models and is denoted by r2. If measures the proportion of variation in y that can be attributed to the independent variable X. The values of r2 range from 0 to 1. Σ (Y-Y)2 Y2 = -------------------- ............................... ( 9) Σ (Y-Y)2 Where Y = Given (Actual) value of dependent variable. Y = Average value of dependent variable Y = Estimated value of dependent variable Quantitative Techniques in Management : 130 If we take example 2 again, and calculate r2, various steps will be as follows :Y Y Y Y-Y (Y-Y)2 Y-Y (Y-Y)2 P-1 (Y-Y)2 9 6 8.4 3 9 0.6 .36 2.4 5.76 8 6 6.0 2 4 2.0 4.00 0 ---- 5 6 3.6 -1 +1 1.4 1.96 -2.4 +5.76 6 6 7.2 0 0 -1.2 +1.44 1.2 +1.44 2 6 4.8 -4 +16 -2.8 +7.84 -1.2 ---- Σ (Y - Y)2 = 15.60 Regression and Correlation Alalysis NOTES Σ (Y - Y)2 = 30 Σ(Y-Y)2 so Y2 = ------------------Σ(Y-Y)2 14.40 = ------------------- = 0.48 30 This indicates that only 48% of the variation in Y can be explained by the independent variable X. It also explains that 52% of the variations in Y are explained by factors other than X. 8.5 Correlation Analysis Correlation analysis is used to describe the agree to which one variable is linearly related to another. There are two measures for describing the correlation between two variables : (i) Coefficient of determination (ii) Coefficient of correlation 8.5.1 Coefficient of Determination This is a primary measure to determine the strength of association between two variables, X and Y. Here Y is taken as dependent variable. Now variations of the Y values in a data set can be around (a) the fitted regression line (b) their own mean Consider a regression line giving relation between Y and X as Y = a + bx So variations of the Y values around the regression line = Σ (Y - Y)2 ............ (10) The second variation, that of the Y values around their own mean is Σ (Y - Y)2 ............ (11) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 131 Regression and Correlation Alalysis Σ(Y-Y)2 Co efficient of determination, 2 r = 1 = ------------------Σ(Y-Y)2 ............ (12) Compare formula given as (9) and (12) Both these indicate same r2. NOTES If r2 = +1, regression line is a perfect estimater. If r2 = 0, there is no correlation between these variables. Alternatively, r2 can also be determined using aΣY + bΣXY - nY2 r2 = ------------------------------- ..........................(13) ΣY2 - nY2 Meaning of all these notations are already given earlier. 8.5.2 Coefficient of correlation Sample co efficient of correlation is denoted by r and is square root of the sample co efficient of determination. Sample co efficient of correlation, r =√ r2 The sign of r indicates the direction of the relationship between the two variables X and Y. Take a case of r2 = .81 if r = +.9, figure 8.10 gives the positive relationship between variables, while r = -.9, figure 8.11 shows the negative relationship between variables. slope is `+’ve slope is `-’ve r2 = .81 r = +.9 Fig. 8.10 r2 = .81 r = -.9 Fig. 8.11 Apart from these two coefficients, Karl Pearson's co efficient of correlation is another important measure of correlation. It is given as K.P. Coefficient of correlation nΣXY - (ΣX) (ΣY) = --------------------------------------------------------------- - 14 √ n (ΣX2) - (ΣX)2 √ n(ΣY2) - (ΣY)2 Example 4 : Following table shows sales revenue and publicity expenses of a company for the past 5 months. Find the coefficient Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation between sales revenue and publicity expenses. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 132 Month Jan Mar May July Sept Publicity expenses 10 12 11 9 11 110 115 137 150 120 Regression and Correlation Alalysis (in thousand rupees) Sales (in thousand rupees) NOTES Solution :- Calculation for correlation co efficient is shown in the following table:Month Sales (X) Pub. Expenses (Y) XY X2 Y2 Jan 110 10 1100 12100 100 Mar 115 12 1380 13225 144 May 137 11 1507 18769 121 July 150 9 1350 22500 81 11 1320 14400 121 September 120 Here ΣX = 632 ΣY = 53 ΣXY = 6657 ΣX2 = 80994 ΣY2 = 567 Co efficient of correlation according to formula (14) nΣXY - (ΣX) (ΣY) = ---------------------------------------------------------------√ n(ΣX2) - (ΣX)2 √ n(ΣY2)- (ΣY)2 5 (6657) - (632) (53) =--------------------------------------------------------------- = .55 √ 5 (80994) - (632)2 √ 5(567) - (53) 2 Hence, K.P. Correlation coefficient between sales revenue and pubicity expenses is - 0.55. This indicates that both these variables are negatively correlated to the extent of - 0.55. We can conclude that an increase in the expenditure on publicity will not result in an increase in sales. 8.6 Summary Quantitative Techniques in Management : 133 Regression and Correlation Alalysis NOTES 8.7 Key Terms 8.8 Questions and Exercises (1) What is the conceptual framework of simple linear regression and how can we use it for business decision making? (2) Explain the concept of coefficient of determination and standard error of the estimate in a regression model. (3) How can we use correlation coefficient for determining the statistical significance of the relationship between two variables in a regression model? Practice Questions : (4) A company is looking for a regression model to predict the impact of advertisement on sales. Data of 12 randomly selected months are given below. Develop estimation equation for the company. Months 1 2 3 4 Advertisement Exp. 92 94 97 98 100 Sales 1020 990 1100 1050 1150 1120 1130 1200 1250 1220 930 900 5 6 7 102 104 8 9 105 105 10 11 12 107 107 110 Expenses and sales are in thousand rupees. (5) For the following set of data : (a) plot the scatter diagram Quantitative Techniques in Management : 134 (b) Develop the estimating equation that best describes the data (c) Predict Y for X = 10, 15, 20. (6) X 13 16 14 11 17 9 13 17 18 12 Y 6.2 8.6 7.2 4.5 9.0 3.5 6.5 9.3 9.5 5.7 Calculate sample co efficient of determination and the sample co efficient of correlation for question number 5. Regression and Correlation Alalysis NOTES 8.9 Further Reading and References Quantitative Techniques in Management : 135 Testing of Hypothesis NOTES UNIT 9 TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS Structure 9.0 Introduction 9.1 Unit Objectives 9.2 Introduction to Hypothesis Testing 9.3 Concept Behind Hypothesis Testing 9.4 Process of Hypothesis Testing 9.5 Type I and Type II Error 9.6 Two-Tailed and One- Tailed Tests of Hypothesis 9.7 Deciding of Distribution for Hypothesis Testing 9.8 Hypothesis Testing of Proportions : Large Sample 9.9 Hypothesis Testing of Means when the Popolation Standard Deviation is not 9.10 Meaning of Chi-Square Test 9.11 The Chi-Square Distribution 9.12 Useful Points while using the Chi-Square Test 9.13 Summary 9.14 Key Terms 9.15 Question & Exercises 9.16 Further Reading and References 9.0 Introduction Hypothesis testing is a very important tool for business analysis purpose to arrive at a meaningful conclusion. Hypothesis testing is the soul of inferential statistics. Hypothesis testing begins with an assumption, known as hypothesis. Hypothesis testing is accepting or rejecting a hypothesis about a population parameter. This can not be done simply by intuition. Instead, we need to learn how to decide objectively, on the basis of sample information, whether to accept or reject a hypothesis. This chapter is to discuss how hypothesis testing can be conducted around population parameters. 9.1 Unit Objectives Quantitative Techniques in Management : 136 The objectives of this unit are to introduce hypothesis testing, concept of hypotehsis testing, to learn how to use samples to decide whether a population possesses a particular characteristic, to understand the tow types of errors possible when testing hypotheses to learn when to use one tailed tests and when to use two tailed tests, to learn process of hypothesis testing and to understand testing and to understand how and when to use the normal and t-distributions for testing hypotheses about populatin means and proportions. Finally, unit also describes chi-square test for hypothesis testing and as a test fo goodness of fit. 9.2 Introduction to hypothesis testing In different fields, may be business, social science, pshychology etc. decision makers need might answers to certain questions in order to take optimum decisions. Suppose a manager of a large shopping mall wants to know job satisfaction level of employees. He will make decision on the basis of the available information and in most cases, information is obtained through sampling. To answer this question, manager needs to collect sample data, compute the sample statistic and use this information to determine the correctness of the hypothesized population parameter. Decision maker develops a "hypothesis" which can be studied and explored. Suppose you are a Cricket Coach. You are organizaing a coaching camp for 500 players. Now organizers of the camp want to determine improvement in the players on the basis of coaching camp. To save efforts, we will contact only 50 players with an effectiveness measurement questionnaire. Testing of Hypothesis NOTES The result that is obtained would not be the result from the entire population but only from the sample. We will then set an assumption that 'coaching has not enhanced efficiency' and will accept or reject this assumption through a well- defined statistical procedure known as hypothesis testing. 9.3 Concept Behind Hypothesis Testing The sample taken from population is considered to be true representative of the population. Therefore, the known sample statistic is used for estimating the unknown population parameter. In setting a hypothesis, we assume that the sample statistic will be close to the hypothesized population parameter. This is possible in cases where the hypothesized population parameter is correct and the sample statistic is a good estimate of the population parameter. In statistical analysis, we use the concept of probability to specify a probability level at which we conclude that the observed difference between the sample statistic and the population parameter is not due to chance. 9.4 Process of Hypathesis Testing Hypothesis testing is a well - defined procedure. A sample is selected for estimating the population parameters. The first step in this procedure is stating the assumed or hypothesized value of the population parameter before we start sampling. The assumption we want to test is called the null hypothesis (Ho) Theoretically, a null hypothesis is set as no difference and considered true, until and unless it is proved wrong by the collected sample data. The null hypothesis is always expressed in the form of an equation, which makes a claim regarding the specific value of the population. In symbol a null hypothesis is represented as H0 : µ = µ0 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 137 Testing of Hypothesis NOTES Where µ is the population mean and µ0 is the hypothesized value of the population mean. Suppose we want to test whether a population mean is equal to 50, a null hypothesis can be set as 'population mean is equal to 50'. Symbolically, H0 : µ = 50 The term null hypothesis arises from statistical applications in the field of agriculture and medicines. In order to test the effectiveness of a new fertilizer or drug, the tested hypothesis (the null hypothesis) was that it had no effect, that is, there was no difference between treated and untreated samples. If our sample results fail to support the null hypothesis, we must conclude that something else is true. Whenever we reject the null hypothesis, the conclusion we do accept is called the alternative hypothesis (H1). for the null hypothesis Ho : µ = 50 We will consider three possible alternative hypothesis. H1 : µ ≠ 50 (The alternative hypothesis is that the population mean is not equal to 50) H1 : µ > 50 (the alternative hypothesis is that the population mean is greater than 50.) H1 : µ < 50 (The alternative hypothesis is that the population mean is less than 50.) After making the hypothesis, we decide on an appropriate statistical test that will be used for statistical analysis. Data type, level and number may provide a platform for decidng the statistical test. After deciding the test, we set the level of significance. The level of significance (α) is probability of rejecting a null hypotheses even it is true. It is important to note that the level of significance must be determined before we draw samples, so that the obtained results are free from the choice bias of a decision maker. The levels of significance which are generally applied are 1 percent, 5 percent or 10 percent. If we test a hypothesis at the 5 percent level of significance, it means that we will reject the null hypothasis if the difference between the sample statistic and the hypothesized population parameter is so large that it or a larger difference would occur, on the average, only five or fewer times in every 100 samples when the hypothesized population parameter is correct. If we assume the hypothesis is correct, then the significance level will indicate the percentage of sample means that is outside certain limits. Figure 9.1 shows graphical interpretation of 5 percent level of significance. Region where there is no significant difference between the sample statistic and the hypothesized population parameter Quantitative Techniques in Management : 138 0.025 of area µH0 - 1.965 µH0 + 1.965 µH0 Fig. A 0.025 of area Figure 9.1 shows that 2.5 percent of the area under the curve is located in each tail. Appendix table 1 can be used to determine extend of area on both side of mean value. It tells that interval extendes 1.96σ on either side of the hypothesized mean in case of 95 percent of all area is under consideration. From appendix table I, Check value for z = 1.90 under .06. This is 0.4750. Taking both sides, it is .475 + .475 = .950 Therefore for 95% area, we will take 1.96σx on either side of the mean value. Testing of Hypothesis NOTES Here in 95% of the area, there is no significant difference between the observed value of the sample statistic and the hypothesized value of the population parameter. In the remaining 5 percent (colored regions on both tails), a significant difference does exist. We would accept the null hypothesis if the sample statistic falls in 95% of the region. If sample statistic falls in two colored tails, we would reject null hypothesis. In selecting a significance level, we need to understand that the higher the significance level we use for testing a hypothesis, the higher the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true. 9.5 Type I and Type II Errors While testing hypothesis, null hypothesis should be accepted when it is true and it should be rejected when it is false. Rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true is called a Type I error and its prabability is significance level of the test (α) Accepting a null hypothesis when it is false is called a Type II error and its probability is called β (Beta). In fact following four outcomes are possible in case of statistical testing of hypothesis. 1. Rejecting a true null hypothesis (Type I error) 2. Accepting a false null hypothesis (Type II error) 3. Accepting a true null hypothesis (Correct Decision) 4. Rejecting a false null hypothesis (Correct Decision) There is a trade- off between type I and type II errors. We cannot commit Type I and Type II errors at the same time on the same hypothesis test. Generally α and β are inversely related to each other. To deal with this trade- off, we decide the appropriate level of significance by examining the costs or penalties attached to both types of errors. Following two examples explain preference of Type I or Type II error. Case I :- Type I error involves the efforts of reworking some products that should have been accepted. At the same time, making a Type II error means taking a chance that an entire group of users of this product will be severly affected. In this case we will prefer a Type I error to Type II error and, will set very high levels of significance in its testing to get low βs Case II :- In a case Type I error involves major disassembling an entire generator Quantitative Techniques in Management : 139 Testing of Hypothesis NOTES at the factory, but making Type II error involves relatively inexpensive warranty services by the dealers. Here the manufacturer is more likely to prefer a Type II error and will get lower significance levels in its testing. 9.6 Two - Tailed and one- Tailed Tests of Hypothesis There are two types of tests of hypothesis. These are two- tailed tests and onetailed tests of hypothesis. Hypothesis formulation provides a base for test selection. (a) Two- tailed test of hypothesis : A two - tailed test of a hypothesis will reject the null hypathesis if the sample mean is significantly higher than or lower than the hypothesized population mean. Thus a two - tailed test contain the rejection region on both the tails of the sample distribution of a test statistic. If the level of significance is α then the rejection region will be on both the tails of the normal curve, consisting of α/2 area on both the tails of the normal curve. As shown in figure 9.1, we have colored tails on both sides. A two tailed test is appropriate, when the null hypothesis is µ=µ0 and the alternative hypothesis is µ ≠ µ0 (b) One tailed test of hypothesis : Unlike the two tailed test, the one tailed test contains the rejection region on one tail of the sampling distribution of a test statistic. Consider following null and alternative hypathesis. H0 : µ = µ0 and H1 : µ < µ0 Left tailed test { } As shown in here we reject the null hypothesis if the computed sample statistic is significantly lower than the hypothesized population parameter. Acceptance Region Acceptance Region Rejection region µ = µ0 Fig. 9.3 Fig 9.3 Acceptance and rejection regions for one tailed test (right) µ = µ0 Fig. 9.2 Fig 9.2 Acceptance and rejection regions for one failed test (left) Now consider the following set of null and alternative hypothesis. H0 : µ = µ0 and Quantitative Techniques in Management : 140 H1 : µ < µ0 Right tailed test { } As shown in fig 9.3, here we reject the null hypothesis if the computed sample statistic is significantly higher than the hypothesized population parameter. In both these cases (either left or right tail rejection) the entire rejection area corresponding to the level of significance (α) is located only in one tail of the sampling distribution of the statistic. Testing of Hypothesis NOTES Following table gives some important values at various significance levels for test statistic Z. Significance level Confidence Level One tailed Region Two tailed region (α) (1−α)% 1% 99% ± 2.33 ± 2.575 5% 95% ± 1.645 ± 1.96 10% 90% ± 1.28 ± 1.645 9.7 Deciding of Distribution for Hypothesis Testing We can choose between normal distribution and t distribution for making tests of mean. If sample size is more than 30 and population standard deviation is known or unknown normal distribution (Z) is used. In case sample size is less than 30 and we assume the population is normal or approximately so, we use normal distribution when the population standard deviation is known but in case of unknown population standard deviation we use t distribution. Hypothesis Testing of Means when the Population Standard Deviation is known (a) Two-Tailed Tests of Means :- Take a case of supplying LPG gas cylinders to Indian Oil. IOC needs pressure bearing capacity of 100 N/m2, but an excessively strong cylin. Cylinder is also dangerous. We take standard deviation of 1 N/m2. Taking a sample of 50 cylinders from production, tests them, and finds that the mean stress capacity of the sample is 98.5 N/ m2. Written in symbols. µ0 = 100 Population mean and standard deviation σ=1 { n = 50 sample size x = 98.5 sample mean } If we use a significance level (α) of 5% in testing, will the cylinders fulfill the pressure requirements? It can be stated as : H0 : µ = 100 (Null Hypothesis) H1 : µ ± 100 (Alternative Hypothesis) α = .05 (Level of significance) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 141 Testing of Hypothesis In this illustration, please note * Size of population is large enough * Population standard deviation is known. NOTES Therefore we will use normal distribution. With following formula, calculate standard error of the mean σx σ = --------n (A) 1 = --------√ 50 = 0.141 N/m2 (Std error of the mean) With our knowledge of normal distribution, we can see in figure 9.4 that 95% acceptance region is µ0+1.96 σx µ0-1.96 σx distributed in two equal parts of .475 on each side of mean value. Now determine limits of acceptance region : Uper Limit = µ0 + 1.9σx .025 of area .475 of area .025 of area µ0 = 100 = 100 + 1.96 (1) = 101.96 N/m 2 and Lower Limit = µ0 1.96 σx .475 of area Fig. 9.4 Two tailed hypothesis test of the 5% signficance level = 100 - 1.96 (1) = 98.04 N/m2 We can see that sample mean of 98.5 lies between 98.04 to 101.96. Therefore we can accept the null hypothesis because there is no significant difference between the hypothesized mean of 100 and the observed mean of 98.5. On this basis, we accept the production run as meeting the presure requirements. Alternatively we can convert original values on Z values to use standardized scale. We will use formula x - µ0 Z =-----------σx 98.5 - 100 = -----------------1 = -1.5 This observed value falls within ± 1.96, lower and upper limits of the acceptance region on Z scale. Once again we conclude to accept null hypothesis. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 142 Either we use original values or Z values (Standardized scale), the two methods will always lead to the same conclusion. (b) One-tailed tests of Means : Testing of Hypothesis Take following illustration : Ram is a doctor at a government hospital in Nasik. He is using large quantities of a particular packaged drug. The individual dose of this drug is 50 mg. If excessive intake of this drug is given to a patient, extra amount is harmlessly passed off from the human body, but insufficient dose do not give the desired medical effect Standard deviation in the quantity of a drug in a packed dose is 1 mg. Ram is procuring this drug from a supplier for a number of years. He inspects 50 doses of this drug at random from a large supply and finds the mean of these doses to be 49.80 mg. NOTES Symbolically µ0 = 50 (Population mean) σ = 1 (Population standard deviation) n = 50 (sample size) x = 49.80 (sample mean) If Ram sets a 5% significance level, what is your conclusion about these doses? Here H0 : µ = 50 H1 : µ < 50 α = 0.05 (The mean is less than 50 mg) As population standard deviation is known and n is larger than 30, we will use normal distribution. Again with the help of appendix table I we determine Z value, corresponding to .45 of area. This is clear in figure 9.5 explaining total portion of rejection on the left tail of the curve. Students can see that acceptance region is .45 on left side of mean and complete area of right side of mean giving 95% 0 z area of normal curve except 5% area Fig. 9.6 on left tail. Now we calculate standard error of mean using formula (A). σ 1 σx = - ------------- = ----------------- = .141mg √ n √ 50 To Standardize the observed values, we use Z formula of normal distribution. Z x-µ0 49.80-50 =---------- = -------------- = .141mg σx .141 = -1.418 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 143 Testing of Hypothesis NOTES Figure 9.6 shows placing of Z, i. e. 1.418 on standardized scale. This value lies in acceptance region. Therefore Ram accepts the null hypothesis because the observed mean of the sample is not significantly lower than our hypothesized mean of 50 mg. Fig. 9.6 9.9 Hypothesis Testing of Proportions : Large Samples (a) Two Tailed tests : Consider following illustration : In a stock of a product, manager of the warehouse tells that roughly 80 percent of the products are usable. Owner of the company makes a committee to assess the usability of all products. This committee checks 100 products and finds that only 70% of the sample are usable. In symbols P0 = 0.8 (Hypothesized value of the population proportion of success, usable products in the present case.) q0 - 0.2 (Hypothesized value of the population proportion of failures, non- usable prod in the present case) n = 100 (Sample size) P = .7 (Sample proportion of usables) V = .3 (Sample proportion of non- usables) We are interested to test at 1% significance level the hypothesis that 0.8 of the products are usable. Developing null and alternative hypothesis :Ho : P = 0.8 H1 : P ± 0.8 α = .01 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 144 In order to determine whether the true proportion is larger or smaller than the hypothesized proportion, a two - tailed test of a proportion is appropriate. -2.57 0 +2.57 z Fig. 9.7 Two tailed hypothesis test of a proportion at the 0.01 level of significance. As shown in figure G, two colored region on each tail correspond to significance Testing of Hypothesis level. Here np - 70 and nq = 30. NOTES Both are larger than 5, we can use the normal approximation of the binomial distribution. From appendix table 1, we can check the critical value of Z for .495 of the area under the curve is 2.57. Calculate the standard error of the proportion, using the hypothesized values of Po and qo in formula (B). Po Vo -------------σπ = (B) n √ = .8 x .2 -------------- = .04 (Std. error of the proportion) √ 100 Now standardize the sample proportion using formula (C). Z .7 - .8 P - Po = --------- = --------σp .04 = -2.5 If we locate this 9.7 value on figure G, we can see that this sample is in range of acceptance. Therefore, we accept the null hypothesis. We infer that the true proportion of usable products in the warehouse is 80 percent. (b) One- tailed test of proportions A one- tailed test of proportion is very much similar to one- tailed test of a mean. Take a case, "A new faculty member in the college says that less than 50 percent of the students of the college are complying with discipline standards of the college. Principal of the college believes that 50 percent of the students are following discipline standards. Manager of the college decides to test that hypothesis at the 2% signifitcance level. In symbols Ho : P = .5 H1 : P < .5 λ = .02 A Committee closely observed 50 students from a population of over 2000 students and finds that 28 are following discipline codes. Is the assertion by new faculty member a valid one? Again in symbols : qo - 0.5 (Hypothesized value of the population proportion that is fillowing discipline code.) Vo - 0.5 (Hypothesized value of the population proportion that is not following discipline code.) Quantitative Techniques in Management : 145 Testing of Hypothesis n = 50 p = 28/50 or 0.56 q = 0.44 NOTES This is a one- tailed test Specifically this is a left tailed test. Figure9.8 shows hypothesis graphically. this Here, np = 50 X .56 = 28 nq = 50 X .44 = 22 -2.05 Fig. 9.8 One tail test at the 0.02 level of significance both are larger than 5, we can use normal approximation of binomial distribution (Students should check critical value of Z for .48 area.) Now determine standard error of the proportion using formula (B). σp = (.56) (.44) ------------= .070 50 √ Now we standardize the sample proportion using formula (C) 0.56 - 0.5 Z = ---------------------------- = 0.8571 .070 We can see that this Z value + 0.8571 lies in acceptance region of figure 9.8. Therefore we accept the null hypothesis. This means that 50% students follow discipline standards is correct. 9.9 Hypothesis Testing of Means when the Population Standard Deviation is not Known (a) Two- Tailed Tests of Means using the t - distribution : If the sample size n is 30 or less and population standard deviation σ is not known, we should use t distribution. The appropriate t distribution has n-1 degress of freedom. Take example of a class, where teacher thinks the average marks around 75. When a sample of 10 students was taken, it was found that the mean score is 68 and the standard deviation of this score was 7. In symbols, Quantitative Techniques in Management : 146 µ0 = 75 (Hypothesized value of the population mean.) n = 10 (Sample size) x = 68 (Sample mean) s=7 (Sample standard deviation) If we want to test the hypothesis at the 5% level of significance, we will make hypothesis ((null and alternative first. Testing of Hypothesis Ho : µ = 75 H1 : µ ≠ 75 NOTES λ = .05 Since we are interested in knowing whether the true mean score is larger or smaller than the hypothesized score, a two- tailed test is appropriate Figure 9.9 shows two shaded region, each containing .025 of the area under the t distribution. Because the sample size is 10, the degree of freedom is 9. Checking Appendix table 2, under the 5% (.05) column and corresponding to 9 degress of freedom, we get critical value of t, 2.262. These values are t also shown in figure 9.9 Fig. 9.9 :Two tailed test of hypothesis at the 5% Here population level of significance using t distribution. standard deviation is not known, we will estimate it using formula (D) with the help of sample standard deviation. σ^ =s (D) =7 With the help of population standard deviation, computed using formula (D) above, we will further determine standard error of the mean using formula (E) σ^ σ^ x = ---------- (E) n 7 =------------= 2.21 √10 Further we will standardize the sample mean (x) using formula (F) x - µ0 t = --------------------- (F) σ^ x 68 - 75 t = --------------------2.21 = 3.16 Putting this calculated value of t, on t distribution curve of figure 9.9, we conclude that this lies outside of acceptance range. Therefore we reject the null hypothesis. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 147 Testing of Hypothesis (b) One tailed test of Means using t distribution : The process of a one tailed test using t distribution is similar to one tailed hypothesis testing using the normal distribution. NOTES But this test causes some difficulty. As one can see Appendix table 2. The area given in column heading is combined area under both tails. Thus t - distribution is appropriate to use in a two tailed test with two rejection of rejection. 9.10 Review Questions : 1. What do we mean we reject a hypothesis on the basis of a sample? 2. Define Type I and Type II errors. 3. Define the term significance level. 4. What is the relationship between the significance level of a test and Type I error? 5. What do we mean by null and alternative hypotheses? Practice Questions : 6. 7. 8. If we want to accept a null hypothesis that ... = 30 with 95 percent certainty when it is true, and our sample size is 100, graphically represent the acceptance and rejection regions for the following alternative hypotheses : (a) µ ± 30 (b) µ > 30 (c) µ < 30 For the following cases, specify which probability distribution to use in a hypothesis test : (a) H0 : µ = 10; H1 : µ ± 10, x = 9.8, σ^ = 2.0, n = 35 (b) H0 : µ = 40, H1 : µ > 40, x = 42, σ^ = 4.0, n = 15 (c) H0 : µ = 8, H1 : µ < 8, x = 7.8, σ^ 0.10, n= 20 As per records available with a company in Maharashtra average household income of Maharashtra is Rs. 10,000. You have recently joined this company. You doubt about the accuracy of this data. You have taken a random sample of 200 households in Maharashtra to verify the available data and found sample mean of Rs. 11,000. Assume that the population standard deviation of the household income is Rs. 1200. At α = .05, verify your doubt. 9.10 Meaning of Chi-Square Test The Chi - Square test (χ2 test) is one of the simplest and most widely used non parametric test in statistical work. Chi- square test enables us to test whether more than two population proportions can be considered equal. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 148 Many a times, managers need to know whether the differences they observe among several sample proportions are significant or only due to chance. Testing of Hypothesis Suppose the campaign manager of a company studies three different states and finds that 30, 40 and 50 percent, respectively of the customers surveyed in the three states recognize the company's name. If this difference is significant, the manager may conclude that location will affect the way the company should act. But if the difference is not significant (that is, if the manager concludes that the difference is solely due to chance), then he may decide that the place chosen to make a particular policy- making campaign will have no effect on its reception. NOTES Contingency table : Suppose, that in four states, the CRPF samples its employee's attitude toward jobperformance reviews. Two methods (M1 and M2) are under discussion Respondents were given a choice to prefer one of these two methods. Table 9.1 illustrates the response to this question from the sample polled. This table is called a contingency table. Table 9.1 Chattisgarh Bihar Andhra Pradesh Orissa Total Number who prefer method M1 68 75 57 79 279 Number who prefer method M2 32 45 33 31 141 Total employees sampled in each region 100 120 90 110 420 This table 9.1 is a 2 X 4 contingency table because it consists of two rows and four columns. Observed and Expected Frequencies :Now we symbolize the true proportions of the total population of personnels who prefer the method M1 as pC - proportion in Chattisgarh who prefer method M1 pB - proportion in Bihar who prefer method M1 pA - proportion in Andhra Pradesh who prefer method M1 pO - proportion in Orissa who prefer method M1 Using these symbols, we can state the null and alternative hypotheses as follows: H0 : pC = pB = pA = p0 - Null Hypothesis H1 : pC, pB, pA and p0 - are not all equal Alternative Hypothesis If the null hypothesis is true, we can combine the data from the four samples and then estimate the proportion of the total force (the total population) that prefers the method M1 : Quantitative Techniques in Management : 149 Testing of Hypothesis Combined proportion who prefer method M1 assuming the null hypothesis of no difference is true 68 + 75 + 57 + 79 279 = ---------------------------- = ------420 420 NOTES = 0.6643 It means .6643 is the estimate of the population proportion prefering method M1 and (1- .6643) = .3357 is the estimate of the population proportion prefering methos M2 Now we can extend our calculation as follows : Table 9.2 Chattisgarh Bihar A.P. Orissa Number of personnel expected to prefer method M1 100 X .6643 =66.43 120 X .6643 = 79.72 90 X .6643 = 59.79 110 X .6643 = 73.07 Number of personnel expected to prefer method M2 100 X .3357 = 33.57 120 X .3357 = 40.28 90 X .3357 = 30.21 110 X .3357 =36.93 Now we can combine Table 9.1 and Table 9.2 as follows in table 9.3. It shows both the actual, or observed, frequency of the personnel sampled who prefer each method and theoretical, or expected frequency of sampled employees personnel preferring each method. Table 9. 3 : Comparison of observed and expected frequencies of sampled personnels Chattisgarh Bihar A.P. Orissa Frequency preferring method M1 : Observed (Actual) 68 75 57 79 Expected (theoretical) 66.43 79.72 59.79 73.07 M2 :Observed (Actual) 32 45 33 41 Expected (theoretical) 33.57 40.28 30.21 36.93 Frequency preferring method To test the null hypothesis, pC=pB=pA=pO we must compose the frequencies that were observed with the frequencies we would expect if the null hypothesis is true. The chi- Square Statistic : (fo - fe)2 χ2 = Σ ---------------- .......... (G) fe Quantitative Techniques in Management : 150 Where χ2 = chi-square fo = Observed frequency Testing of Hypothesis fe = Expected frequency Σ = Summation symbol Calculation of χ2 (chi -Square) using formula (G) is shown in table 9.4. NOTES Table 9.4 : Calculation of Chi- square (χ2) Step 1 Step2 Step 3 fo fe (fo-fe) (fo-fe)2 (fo-fe)2/fe 68 66.43 1.57 2.46 .0370 75 79.72 -4.72 22.28 .2795 57 59.79 -2.79 7.78 .1301 79 73.07 5.93 35.16 .4812 32 33.57 -1.57 2.46 .0733 45 40.28 4.72 22.28 .5531 33 30.21 2.79 7.78 .2575 41 36.93 -5.93 35.16 .9521 (fo - fe )2 Σ -------------- = χ2 fe = 2.764 (Note : χ2 values can never be negative, as difference term in step 1 is squared in step 2.) 9.11 The Chi- Square Distribution Figure 9.10 shown the chisquare distribution for three different degree of freedoms. With increase in degree of freedom, distribution becomes symmetrical. Chi-square distribution is also a probability distribution, therefore area under the curve is 1. Chi-Square distribution can approximate to normal distribution for very high values of DoFs. Fig. 9.10 Appendix table 4 illustrates only the areas in the tail most commonly used in significance tests using the Chi-Square Quantitative Techniques in Management : 151 Testing of Hypothesis distribution. Degress of Freedom (DoF) : DoF = (Number of rows - 1) (Number of Columns - 1) - H NOTES If we prepare a contingency table of r rows and c columns, then DOF for this table will be determind using formula H as follows : DOF = (r-1) (c-1) Now in our illustration, contingency table 9.1 has 2 rows and 4 columns, so appropriate DOF is = (2-1) (4-1) =3 Using the Chi- Square Test :If we want to test null hypothesis set here at the 0.10 level of significance, figure 9.11 shows the hypothesis test at the 0.10 level of significance. In appendix table 4, we can look under the 0.10 column and move down to the 3 DOF row. Corresponding χ2 is 6.251. This means that with 3 DOF, the region to the right of a χ2 value of 6.251 contains 0.10 of the area under the curve. Therefore acceptance region for the null hypothesis as shown in figure 9.11 goes from the left tail of the curve to the χ2 value of 6.251. χ2 Sample χ2 Value Fig. 9.11 Now we can see that calculated value of x2 for our illustration, 2.764 is within acceptance region. Therefore, we accept the null hypothesis. Contingency Tables with more than Two Rows :Take a situation where we assume that amount of per month scholarship affects duration of completion of Ph.D. degree. On a random sample of 550 research scholars of various universities of Maharashtra, data was collected as presented in table 9.5. Table 9.5 Duration of Ph. D programme by a researther Quantitative Techniques in Management : 152 Scholarship per month < 3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years Total Rs. 1000 40 20 20 80 Rs. 5000 30 40 160 230 Rs. 10000 40 50 150 240 Total 110 110 330 550 Table 9.5 gives observed frequencies in the nine different duration of research program and amount of scholarship per month. Null hypothesis will be duration of research program and scholarship are independent. Testing of Hypothesis Alternative hypothesis will be "length of Ph.D programme depends on amount of scholarship” Level of significance is 10%. To use chi- square test, we will need estimated frequencies. NOTES To get fe for cell (1, 1) i. e. scholarship is Rs. 1000 per month and a candidate completes Ph.D. in less than 3 years; we let A = the event "Scholarship is Rs. 1000 per month." B = the event "Completion of research in less than 3 years." Then, p (first cell) = p (A and B) = P (A) X p (B) 80 = --------- x 550 ( ) 110 ---------550 ( ) 8 = -------275 beause is the expected proportion in the first cell, the expected frequency in that cell is 8 (---------) X (550) = 16 observations 275 In general, we can calculate the expected frequency of any cell using RT X CT fe =---------------- .................... (I) n Where RT = row total for the row containing that cell. CT = Column total for the column containing that cell n = total number of observations. Table 9.6 gives expected frequencies and the value of χ2 using formula (I) and formula (G) Table 9.6 Row Column fo fe (fo-fe)2/fe 1 1 40 16 36 1 2 20 16 1 1 3 20 48 16.33 2 1 30 46 5.56 2 2 40 46 0.78 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 153 Testing of Hypothesis NOTES 2 3 160 138 3.50 3 1 40 48 1.33 3 2 50 48 0.08 3 3 150 144 0.25 Degree of freedom = (3-1) X (31) 4 =4 Figure '9.12' shows a chi-square distribution with 4 DOF, showing 10%significance level. Critical value of χ2 from table in appendix 4 - is 7.7794 From this, we see that our sampled value of χ2 is in region of nonacceptance. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis. 7.7794 64.83 Fig. 9.12 9.12 Useful points while using the Chi-Square Test (1) Use large sample size - Expected frequency of less than 5 in one cell of a contingency table is too small to use. (2) If χ2 values are zero, we should be careful to question whether absolutely no difference exists between observed and expected frequencies. (3) Data should not be presented in percentage or ratio form, rather they should be expressed in original units. χ2 as a Goodness of fit Test Chi-Square test can also be used to decide whether a particular probability distribution, such as Poisson or normal, is the appropriate distribution. The Chi-square tests whether there is a significant difference between an observed frequency distribution and a theoretical frequency distribution. In this manner we determine goodness of fit of theoretical distribution. A Company is concerned about the increasing violent altercations between its employees. The number of violent incidents recorded by the management during six randomly selected months is given in table 9.7. Table 7 Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May June No. of violent incidents 55 65 68 72 80 85 Use α = 0.05 to determine whether the data fits a uniform distribution. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 154 Here our hypotheses are H0 : An uniform distribution is a good description of number of violent altercations over the months. Testing of Hypothesis H1 : Number of violent altercations are not uniformly distributed over the months. Table 9.8 : Presents calculation of expected frequencies and χ2 fe = = Σ fo -------n NOTES (fo - fe)2 ---------------fe Months fo Jan 55 70 3.2142 Feb 65 70 0.3571 Mar 68 70 0.0571 Apr 72 70 0.571 May 80 70 0.9142 June 85 70 2.0571 χ2 = 6.65 Σfo = 420 Here n - no. of periods = '6' in this case Σfo 420 So, fe = -------------- = -------- = 70 n 6 Here degree of freedom will be one less than the total number of classes of data. In general, first we employ the (k-1) rule, where k is number of classes and then subtract an additional degree of freedom for each population parameter that has to be estimated from the sample data. In current illustration, DOF = 6-1 = 5 For a given level (here it is .05), rule of acceptance or rejection will be, if χ2 cal > χ2 critical reject the Figure 9.13 presents Chi-Square distribution for DOF = 5. As taken from appendix table 4, critical value of χ2 is 11.07 which is higher than sampled value of x 2. acceptance region Therefore we accept the null hypathesis. It means uniform distribution is a good description of number of violent altercations. It is worth mentioning that expected frequency in this case is based on uniform distribution. Expected frequency calculation is distribution based. 6.65 11.07 Fig. 9.13 If we are looking for goodness of fit of binomial distribution, we will check, probability of success in the binomical distribution table (in Appendix table 3) for a Quantitative Techniques in Management : 155 Testing of Hypothesis particular n and p. 9.13 Summary NOTES 9.14 Key Terms Hypothesis : It is an assumption made about a population parameter. Nll Hypothesis : Hypothesis about a population parameter we want to test. Alternative Hypothesis : Statement (Conclusion) we accept when we reject null hypothesis. Type I Error : Rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true. Type II Error : Accepting a null hypothesis when it is false. One tailed test : A hypothesis test in which there is only one rejection region, either in left or right side. Two tailed test : A hypothesis test in which tow rejection regions are there. Here Null hypothesis is rejected if the sample value is significantly higher or lower than the hypothesized value of the population parameter. Contigency table : A talbe of R rows and C coloums. Each row is for a level of one variable, each column is for a level of another variable. Entries in he cells of table are the observed frequencies with which variable combination occured. Expected Frequencies: These frequencies are expected in contigency table on the basis of theoretical calculations. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 156 Testing of Hypothesis 9.15 Questions and Exercises (1) (2) What is the Chi-Square goodness of fit test and what are the applications in decision making? NOTES Explain the conceptual framework of Chi-Square test with respect to expected and observed frequencies. Practice Questions (3) In a survey of India, where four regions, norther eastern, southern and western were surveged with a random sample of 1000 persons in each region to know brand awareness. Following results were obtained. Region Northern Eastern Southern Western Aware about Green Marketing 400 550 450 500 Do not aware about green marketing 600 450 550 500 (i) Develop a table of observed and expected frequencies for this problem. (ii) Calculate the sample χ2 value. (iii) State the null and alternative hypotheses. (iv) At α = .05, test whether awareness level is the same across the four regions. 4) A company has developed a new product. The company test marketed it in a particular geographic region. The consumer opinion (obtained through a randomly selected sample of 511 consumers) of different age groups is given in following table : Opinion / Age group Above 18 Above 30 Above 50 Row Total liked new brand 95 85 70 250 Did not like new brand 35 55 72 162 Indifferent 30 34 35 95 Column Total 160 174 177 511 Examine whether the consumer opinion for a new brand is independent of age groups. Use α = 0.10 (5) At the 0.10 level of significance, can we conclude that the following 400 observations follow a poisson distribution with λ = 3? Number of arrivals per hour 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more Number of hours 20 57 98 85 78 62 (6) At the level of .20 significance, test goodness of fit of a interview process in which three executives give positive or negative ranking, with binomial distribution. Quantitative Techniques in Management : 157 Testing of Hypothesis NOTES Possible positive ratings from three executives 0 1 2 3 Take p = .40 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 158 Number of candidates receiving these ratings 18 47 24 11 --------100 Z 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 0.03 0.0120 0.0517 0.0910 0.1293 0.1664 0.2019 0.2357 0.2673 0.2967 0.3238 0.3485 0.3708 0.3907 0.4082 0.4236 0.4370 0.4484 0.4582 0.4664 0.4732 0.4788 0.4834 0.4871 0.4901 0.4925 0.4943 0.4957 0.4968 0.4977 0.4983 0.4988 0.04 0.0160 0.0557 0.0948 0.1331 0.1700 0.2054 0.2389 0.2704 0.2995 0.3264 0.3508 0.3729 0.3925 0.4099 0.4251 0.4382 0.4495 0.4591 0.4671 0.4738 0.4793 0.4838 0.4875 0.4904 0.4927 0.4945 0.4959 0.4969 0.4977 0.4984 0.4988 0.05 0.0199 0.0596 0.0987 0.1368 0.1736 0.2088 0.2422 0.2734 0.3023 0.3289 0.3531 0.3749 0.3944 0.4115 0.4265 0.4394 0.4505 0.4599 0.4678 0.4744 0.4798 0.4842 0.4878 0.4906 0.4929 0.4946 0.4960 0.4970 0.4978 0.4984 0.4989 Normal Distributions 0.06 0.0239 0.0636 0.0126 0.1406 0.1772 0.2123 0.2454 0.2764 0.3051 0.3315 0.3554 0.3770 0.3962 0.4131 0.4279 0.4406 0.4515 0.4608 0.4686 0.4750 0.4803 0.4846 0.4881 0.4909 0.4931 0.4948 0.4961 0.4971 0.4979 0.4985 0.4989 0.07 0.0279 0.0675 0.1064 0.1443 0.1808 0.2157 0.2486 0.2794 0.3078 0.3340 0.3577 0.3790 0.3980 0.4147 0.4292 0.4418 0.4525 0.4616 0.4693 0.4756 0.4808 0.4850 0.4884 0.4911 0.4932 0.4949 0.4962 0.4972 0.4979 0.4985 0.4989 0.08 0.0319 0.0714 0.1103 0.1480 0.1844 0.2190 0.2517 0.2823 0.3106 0.3365 0.3599 0.3810 0.3997 0.4162 0.4306 0.4429 0.4535 0.4625 0.4699 0.4761 0.4812 0.4854 0.4887 0.4913 0.4934 0.4951 0.4963 0.4973 0.4980 0.4986 0.4990 0.09 0.0359 0.0753 0.1141 0.1517 0.1879 0.2224 0.2549 0.2852 0.3133 0.3389 0.3621 0.3830 0.4015 0.4177 0.4319 0.4441 0.4545 0.4633 0.4706 0.4767 0.4817 0.4857 0.4890 0.4916 0.4936 0.4952 0.4964 0.4974 0.4981 0.4986 0.4990 Areas under the Standard Normal Probability Distribution between the Mean and Positive Values of Z Appendix Table 1 Appendix Table 0.02 0.0080 0.0478 0.0871 0.1255 0.1628 0.1985 0.2324 0.2642 0.2939 0.3212 0.3461 0.3686 0.3888 0.4066 0.4222 0.4357 0.4474 0.4573 0.4656 0.4726 0.4783 0.4830 0.4868 0.4898 0.4922 0.4941 0.4956 0.4967 0.4976 0.4982 0.4987 0.4750 area 0.4875 of of area 0.01 0.0040 0.0438 0.0832 0.1217 0.1591 0.1950 0.2291 0.2611 0.2910 0.3186 0.3438 0.3665 0.3869 0.4049 0.4207 0.4345 0.4463 0.4564 0.4649 0.4719 0.4778 0.4826 0.4864 0.4896 0.4920 0.4940 0.4955 0.4966 0.4975 0.4982 0.4987 Z=1.96 0.00 0.0000 0.0398 0.0793 0.1179 0.1554 0.1915 0.2257 0.2580 0.2881 0.3159 0.3413 0.3643 0.3849 0.4032 0.4192 0.4332 0.4452 0.4554 0.4641 0.4713 0.4772 0.4821 0.4862 0.4893 0.4918 0.4938 0.4953 0.4965 0.4974 0.4981 0.4987 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 159 0.05 of area t= -2.132 DoF = 4 Area = .10 in both tails Quantitative Techniques in Management : 160 0.05 of are t = +2.132 t = + 1.729 Degree of Freedom0.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 40 60 120 Normal Distribution Appendix Table 2 `t’ distribution Areas in Both Tails Combined for Student's t Distribution Area in Both Tails Combined 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.01 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.652 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.702 1.895 2.365 2.998 2.499 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.922 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831 1.721 2.074 2.508 2.819 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576 Appendix Table3 Binomial Probabilities P n r 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.9 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 r n 2 0 1 2 0.9801 0.0198 0.0001 0.9604 0.0392 0.0004 0.9409 0.0582 0.0009 0.9216 0.0768 0.0016 0.9025 0.0950 0.0025 0.8836 0.1128 0.0036 0.8649 0.1302 0.0049 0.8464 0.8281 0.8100 0.7921 0.1472 0.1638 0.1800 0.1958 0.0064 0.0081 0.0100 0.0121 0.10 0.7744 0.7569 0.2112 0.2262 0.0144 0.0169 0.7396 0.2408 0.0196 0.7225 0.2550 0.0225 0.7056 0.2688 0.0256 0.6889 0.6724 0.2822 0.2952 0.0289 0.0324 2 1 0 2 3 0 1 2 3 0.9703 0..0294 0.0003 0.0000 0.9412 0.0576 0.0012 0.0000 0.9127 0.0847 0.0026 0.0000 0.8847 0.1106 0.0046 0.0001 0.8574 0.1354 0.0071 0.0001 0.8306 0.1590 0.0102 0.0002 0.8044 0.1816 0.0137 0.0003 0.7787 0.2031 0.0177 0.0005 0.7536 0.2236 0.0221 0.0007 0.7290 0.2430 0.0270 0.0010 0.7050 0.2614 0.0323 0.0013 0.6815 0.2788 0.0380 0.0017 0.6585 0.2952 0.0441 0.0022 0.6361 0.3106 0.0506 0.0027 0.6141 0.3251 0.0574 0.0034 0.5927 0.3387 0.0645 0.0041 0.5718 0.3513 0.0720 0.0049 0.5514 0.3631 0.0797 0.0058 3 2 1 0 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0.9606 0.0388 0.0006 0.0000 - 0.9224 0.0753 0.0023 0.0000 - 0.8853 0.1095 0.0051 0.0001 0.0000 0.8493 0.1416 0.0088 0.0002 0.0000 0.8145 0.1715 0.0135 0.0005 0.0000 0.7807 0.1993 0.0191 0.0008 0.0000 0.7481 0.2252 0.0254 0.0013 0.0000 0.7164 0.2492 0.0325 0.0019 0.0000 0.6857 0.2713 0.0402 0.0027 0.0001 0.6561 0.2916 0.0486 0.0036 0.0001 0.6274 0.3102 0.0575 0.0047 0.0001 0.5997 0.3271 0.0669 0.0061 0.0002 0.5729 0.3424 0.0767 0.0076 0.0003 0.5470 0.3562 0.0870 0.0094 0.0004 0.5220 0.3685 0.0975 0.0115 0.0005 0.4979 0.3793 0.1084 0.0138 0.0007 0.4746 0.3888 0.1195 0.0163 0.0008 0.4521 0.3970 0.1307 0.0191 0.0010 4 3 2 1 0 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.9510 0.0480 0.0010 0.0000 - 0.9039 0.0922 0.0038 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.8587 0.1328 0.0082 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.8154 0.1699 0.0142 0.0006 0.0000 - 0.7738 0.2036 0.0214 0.0011 0.0000 - 0.7339 0.2342 0.0299 0.0019 0.0001 0.0000 0.6957 0.2618 0.0394 0.0030 0.0001 0.0000 0.6591 0.2866 0.0498 0.0043 0.0002 0.0000 0.6240 0.3086 0.0610 0.0060 0.0003 0.0000 0.5905 0.3280 0.0729 0.0081 0.0004 0.0000 0.5584 0.3451 0.0853 0.0105 0.0007 0.0000 0.5277 0.3598 0.0981 0.0134 0.0009 0.0000 0.4984 0.3724 0.1113 0.0166 0.0012 0.0000 0.4704 0.3829 0.1247 0.0203 0.0017 0.0001 0.4437 0.3915 0.1382 0.0244 0.0022 0.0001 0.4182 0.3983 0.1517 0.0289 0.0028 0.0001 0.3939 0.4034 0.1652 0.0338 0.0035 0.0001 03707 0.4069 0.1786 0.0392 0.0043 0.0002 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.9415 0.0571 0.0014 0.0000 - 0.8858 0.1085 0.0055 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.8330 0.1546 0.0120 0.0005 0.0000 - 0.7828 0.1957 0.0204 0.0011 0.0000 - 0.7351 0.2321 0.0305 0.0021 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.6899 0.2642 0.0422 0.0036 0.0002 0.0000 - 06470 0.2922 0.0550 0.0055 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.6064 0.3164 0.0688 0.0080 0.0005 0.0000 - 0.5679 0.3370 0.0833 0.0110 0.0008 0.0000 - 0.5314 0.3543 0.0984 0.0146 0.0012 0.0001 0.0000 0.4970 0.3685 0.1139 0.0188 0.0017 0.0001 0.0000 0.4644 0.3800 0.1295 0.0236 0.0024 0.0001 0.0000 0.4336 0.3883 0.1452 0.0289 0.0032 0.0002 0.0000 0.4046 0.3952 0.1608 0.0349 0.0043 0.0003 0.0000 0.3771 0.3993 0.1762 0.0415 0.0055 0.0004 0.0000 0.3513 0.4015 0.1912 0.0486 0.0069 0.0005 0.0000 0.3269 0.4018 0.2057 0.0562 0.0086 0.0007 0.0000 0.3040 0.4004 0.2197 0.0643 0.0106 0.0009 0.0000 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.9321 0.0659 0.0020 0.0000 - 0.8681 0.1240 0.0076 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.8080 0.1749 0.0162 0.0008 0.0000 - 0.7514 0.2192 0.0274 0.0019 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.6983 0.2573 0.0406 0.0036 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.6485 0.2897 0.0555 0.0059 0.0004 0.0000 - 0.6017 0.3170 0.0716 0.0090 0.0007 0.0000 - 0.5578 0.3396 0.0886 0.0128 0.0011 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.5168 0.3578 0.1061 0.0175 0.0017 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.4783 0.3720 0.1240 0.0230 0.0026 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.4423 0.3827 0.1419 0.0292 0.0036 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.4087 0.3901 0.1596 0.0363 0.0049 0.0004 0.0000 - 0.3773 0.3946 0.1769 0.0441 0.0066 0.0006 0.0000 - 0.3479 0.3965 0.1936 0.0525 0.0086 0.0008 0.0000 - 0.3206 0.3960 0.2097 0.0617 0.0109 0.0012 0.0001 0.0000 0.2951 0.3935 0.2248 0.0714 0.0136 0.0016 0.0001 0.0000 0.2714 0.3891 0.2391 0.0816 0.0167 0.0021 0.0001 0.0000 0.2493 0.3830 0.2523 0.0923 0.0203 0.0027 0.0002 0.0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 n r 0..99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 r n P 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.18 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 161 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 162 P n r 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.9 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 r n 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.9227 0.0746 0.0026 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.8508 0.1389 0.0099 0.0004 0.0000 - 0.7837 0.1939 0.0210 0.0013 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.7214 0.2405 0.0351 0.0029 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.6634 0.2793 0.0515 0.0054 0.0004 0.0000 - 0.6096 0.3113 0.0695 0.0089 0.0007 0.0000 - 0.5596 0.3370 0.0888 0.0134 0.0013 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.5132 0.3570 0.1087 0.0189 0.0021 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.4703 0.3721 0.1288 0.0255 0.0031 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.4305 03826 0.1488 0.0331 0.0046 0.0004 0.0000 - 0.3937 0.3892 0.1684 0.0416 0.0064 0.0006 0.0000 - 0.3596 0.3923 0.1872 0.0511 0.0087 0.0009 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.3282 0.3923 0.2052 0.0613 0.0115 0.0014 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.2992 0.3897 0.2220 0.0723 0.0147 0.0019 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.2725 0.3847 0.2376 0.0839 0.0185 0.0026 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.2479 0.3777 0.2518 0.0959 0.0228 0.0035 0.0003 0.0000 - 02252 0.3691 0.2646 0.1084 0.0277 0.0045 0.0005 0.0000 - 0.2044 0.3590 0.2758 0.1211 0.0332 0.0058 0.0006 0.0000 - 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.9135 0.0830 0.0034 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.8337 0.1531 0.0125 0.0006 0.0000 - 0.7602 0.2116 0.0262 0.0019 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.6925 0.2597 0.0433 0.0042 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.6302 0.2985 0.0629 0.0077 0.0006 0.0000 - 0.5730 0.3292 0.0840 0.0125 0.0012 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.5204 0.3525 0.1061 0.0186 0.0021 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.4722 0.3695 0.1285 0.0261 0.0034 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.4279 0.3809 0.1507 0.0348 0.0052 0.0005 0.0000 - 0.3874 0.3874 0.1722 0.0446 0.0074 0.0008 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.3504 0.3897 0.1927 0.0556 0.0103 0.0013 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.3165 0.3884 0.2119 0.0674 0.0138 0.0019 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.2855 0.3840 0.2295 0.0800 0.0179 0.0027 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.2573 0.3770 0.2455 0.0933 0.0228 0.0037 0.0004 0.0000 - 0.2316 0.3679 0.2597 0.1069 0.0283 0.0050 0.0006 0.0000 - 0.2082 0.3569 0.2720 0.1209 0.0345 0.0066 0.0008 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.1869 0.3446 0.2823 0.1349 0.0415 0.0085 0.0012 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.1676 0.3312 0.2908 0.1489 0.0490 0.0108 0.0016 0.0001 0.0000 - 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.9044 0.0914 0.0042 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.8171 0.1667 0.0153 0.0008 0.0000 - 0.7374 0.2281 0.0317 0.0026 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.6648 0.2770 0.0519 0.0058 0.0004 0.0000 - 0.5987 0.3151 0.0746 0.0105 0.0010 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.5386 0.3438 0.0988 0.0168 0.0019 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.4846 0.3643 0.1234 0.0248 0.0033 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.4344 0.3777 0.1478 0.0343 0.0052 0.0005 0.0000 - 0.3894 0.3851 0.1714 0.0452 0.0078 0.0009 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.3487 0.3874 0.1937 0.0574 0.0112 0.0015 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.3118 0.3854 0.2143 0.0706 0.0153 0.0023 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.2785 0.3798 0.2330 0.0847 0.0202 0.0033 0.0004 0.000 - 0.2484 0.3712 0.2496 0.0995 0.0260 0.0047 0.0006 0.0000 - 0.2213 0.3603 0.2639 0.1146 0.0326 0.0064 0.0009 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.1969 0.3474 0.2759 0.1298 0.0401 0.0085 0.0012 0.0001 0.0000 - 0.1749 0.3331 0.2856 0.1450 0.0483 0.0111 1.0018 0.0002 0.0000 - 0.1552 0.3178 0.2929 0.1600 0.0573 0.0141 0.0024 0.0003 0.0000 - 0.1374 0.3017 0.2980 0.1745 0.0670 0.0177 0.0032 0.0004 0.0000 - 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 n r 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 r n P Table A. 7 _ M 0.10 10 12 9.23635 0.0157907 0.210721 0.58438 1.06362 1.61031 2.20413 2.83311 3.48954 4.16816 4.86518 5.57779 6.30380 7.04150 7.78954 8.54675 9.31224 10.08518 10.86494 11.65091 12.44260 13.23960 14.04149 14.84795 15.65868 16.47341 17.29188 18.11389 18.93924 19.76774 20.59924 29.05052 37.68864 46.45888 55.32894 64.27784 73.29108 82.35813 X2 2.7055 4.6052 6.2514 7.7794 9.2363 10.6446 12.0170 13.3616 14.6837 15.9872 17.2750 18.5493 19.8119 21.0641 22.3071 23.5418 24.7690 25.9894 27.2036 28.4120 29.6151 30.8133 32.0069 33.1962 34.3816 35.5632 36.7412 37.9159 39.0875 40.2560 51.8050 63.1671 74.3970 85.5270 96.5782 107.5650 118.4980 Area in Upper Tail 0.9 0.1 Appendix Table 4 8 0.95 6 0.975 0.0039322 0.102586 0.35185 0.71072 1.14548 1.63538 2.16735 2.73263 3.32512 3.94030 4.57481 5.22603 5.8') 186 6.57063 7.26093 7.96164 8.67175 9.39045 10.11701 10.85080 11.59132 12.33801 13.09051 13.84842 14.61140 15.37916 16.15139 16.92788 17.70838 18.49267 26.50930 34.76424 43.18797 51.73926 60.39146 61.12602 77.92944 4 0.99 0.0009821 0.050636 0.21579 0.48442 0.83121 1.23734 1.68986 2.17972 2.70039 3.24696 3.81574 4.40378 5.00874 5.62872 6.26212 6.90766 7.56418 8.23074 8.90651 9.59077 10.28291 10.98233 11.68853 12.40115 13.11971 13.84388 14.57337 15.30785 16.04705 16.79076 24.43306 32.35738 40.48171 48.75754 57.15315 6564659 74.22188 2 0.995 0.0001571 0.020100 0.11483 0.29711 0.55430 0.87208 1.23903 1.64651 2.08789 2.55820 3.05350 3.57055 4.10690 4.66042 5.22936 5.81220 6.40774 7.01490 7.63270 8.26037 8.89717 9.54249 10.19569 10.85635 11.52395 12.19818 12.87847 13.56467 14.25641 14.95346 22.16420 29.70673 37.48480 45.44170 53.53998 61.75402 70.06500 0 0.0000393 0.010025 0.07172 0.20698 0.41175 0.67573 0.98925 1.34440 1.73491 2.15585 2.60320 3.07379 3.56504 4.07466 4.60087 5.14216 5.69727 6.26477 6.84392 7.43381 8.03360 8.64268 9.26038 9.88620 10.51965 11.16022 11.80765 12.46128 13.12107 13.78668 20.70658 27.99082 35.53440 43.27531 51.17193 59.19633 67.32753 The Chi-Square Table Degree of Freedom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.05 0.025 3.8415 5.0239 5.9915 7.3778 7.8147 9.3484 9.4877 11.1433 11.0705 12.8325 12.5916 14.4494 14.0671 16.0128 15.5073 17.5345 16.9190 19.0228 18.3070 20.4832 19.6752 21.9200 21.0261 23.3367 22.3620 247356 23.6848 26.1189 24.9958 27.4884 26.2962 28.8453 27.5871 30.1910 28.8693 31.5264 30.1435 32.8523 31.4104 34.1696 32.6706 35.4789 33.9245 36.7807 35.1725 38.0756 36.4150 39.3641 37.6525 40.6465 38.8851 41.9231 40.1133 43.1945 41.3372 44.4608 42.5569 45.7223 43.7730 46.9792 55.7585 59.3417 67.5048 71.4202 79.0820 83.2977 90.5313 95.0231 101.8795 106.6285 113.1452 118.1359 124.3421 129.5613 6.6349 9.2104 11.3449 13.2767 15.0863 16.8119 18.4753 20.0902 21.6660 23.2093 247250 26.2170 276882 29.1412 30.5780 31.9999 33.4087 34.8052 36.1908 37.5663 38.9322 40.2894 41.6383 42.9798 44.3140 45.6416 46.9628 482782 49.5878 50.8922 63.6908 76.1538 88.3794 100.4251 112.3288 124.1162 135.8069 0.01 7.8794 10.5965 12.8381 14.8602 16.7496 18.5475 20.2777 21.9549 235893 25.1881 26.7569 28.2997 29.8193 31.3194 32.8015 34.2671 35.7184 37.1564 38.5821 39.9969 41.4009 42.7959 44.1814 45.5584 46.9280 48.2898 49.6450 50.9936 52.3355 53.6719 66.7660 79.4898 91.9518 104.2148 116.3209 128.2987 140.1697 0.005 Quantitative Techniques in Management : 163