Biology _____/ 28 Name Fungi

Biology _____/ 28
Fungi are __________, meaning that they cannot make their own food. (1)
Most fungi are unicellular / multi-cellular. ( circle one) (1)
The kind of fungi that is unicellular is ______________. (1)
The means by which fungi get their nutrients is ______________. (1)
Fungi are made up of a mass of ___________, or filaments. (1)
The ___________ of a fungus is made of many, many filaments. (1)
Fungi secrete ____________, which digest their food. (1)
The hyphae of a fungus increase its ___________ ______, which makes it possible
for it to quickly absorb nutrients, so that it can grow very quickly. (1)
9. The cell walls of a fungus contain _________, which is also in the exoskeletons of
insects. (1)
10. The ideal habitat for a fungus is one with plenty of ___________ and _______,
for example, near the equator, i.e. in the rain forest. (1)
11. Yeast is used for making ________ and brewing __________, (1)
12. Yeast reproduces only asexually, by making spores, or by _____________. (1)
13. Fungus adds aroma and flavor to _______________. (1)
14. Penicillin is a(n) _______________ that was discovered in 1928 by Alexander
Fleming. It is important because it is used for___________. (1)
15. Most fungi exhibit both __________ and __________ reproduction. (1)
16. Spores are used for ________ reproduction in fungi, while ______ and _____
hyphae unite in the process of ________ reproduction in fungi. (2)
17. Black bread mold belongs in the phylum ______________. (1)
18. Phylum _____________, also known as the cup fungi, include the morel mushroom,
________, and ____________. (3)
19. The club fungi, phylum ______________, include most mushrooms, and _________
fungi, which grow on trees. (1)
20. The imperfect fungi, phylum ________________, include the antibiotic
_____________, and two diseases: ______________ and ___________. (2)
21. Two symbiotic relationships of fungi are _____________ and _________. (1)
22. In a lichen, the fungus gathers _________ and ____________. (1)
23. In a lichen, the algae performs ______________. (1)
24. The function of mycorrhizae, associated with the roots of conifers, is to
_______________ for absorption of _____________. (1)
25. The main ecological role of fungi is _____________. (1)
26. The mushrooms of a fairy ring do not grow in the middle, ( where the mycelium is
located), all the _____________ are depleted. (1)