Clinical Audit Plan: 2011-2012 – Updated 27/02/2012 Domain Quality and Management Essential standards of quality and safety Outcome Comments Outcome 16: Assessing and monitoring the quality of The Peninsula Community Health (PCH) Clinical Audit Plan service provision will be determined and monitored via the Clinical Quality & Safety Committee based upon the four categories outlined on page 2. It should be understood however that all clinical audits undertaken by PCH staff should provide evidence for one or more of the outcomes contained in Essential standards of quality and safety (CQC 2010). Introduction The reinvigoration of clinical audit has been set as a priority by the Department of Health. In 2006 the Chief Medical Officers report ‘Good Doctors, Safer Patients’ called for the reinvigoration of clinical audit to enable it to reach its potential as a rich source of information to support service improvement, better information for patients and other activities such as the revalidation if clinicians. In February 2007 the White Paper ‘Trust Assurance and Safety and in 2008 the Next Stage Review, ‘High Quality Care For All’ also recognised the crucial value of clinical audit in assessing the quality of clinical care and maintaining high quality professional performance. In December 2009 (updated March 2010), the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published Essential Standards of Quality and Safety to support the new registration regulations; Health and Social Care Act 2008 (regulated activities) regulations 2009. These standards describe the essential standards of quality and safety the people who use health and adult social care services have a right to expect. Clinical Audit is defined as “A quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through the systematic review of care against explicit criteria and the implementation of change. Aspects of the structure, processes and outcomes of care are selected and systematically evaluated against specific criteria. Where indicated, changes are implemented at an individual, team or service level and further monitoring is used to confirm improvement in health care delivery”. (Principles of Best Practice in Clinical Audit – NICE 2002) This plan is designed to be a working document and as such will be subject to amendments and additions throughout the year to reflect changes to the organisation as well as changes to local and national priorities. Page 1 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 Development of the Clinical Audit Plan Effective Clinical Audit is not a simple task and the pressure of incorporating complex requirements into an ever increasing workload presents yet another demand on clinical time. It is therefore important for Peninsula Community Health to demonstrate a systematic approach to audit topic selection, taking into account any organisational priorities and new government initiatives together with any local needs. This will ensure time is spent efficiently by concentrating on well-structured audit projects that produce effective results and highlights areas of practice requiring change. The aim is to increase audit activity across Peninsula Community Health and to reduce the number of poorly conducted audits that are often unsupported, carried out under pressure, and on occasions never completed. The Clinical Audit Plan will be determined by the Clinical Quality & Safety Committee based upon the four categories below: 1: External ‘must do’ audits: Failure to participate or deliver on these externally driven audits. These are externally monitored and assessed by the CQC and in some areas by the local PCT commissioner. • National Clinical Audit & Patient Outcome Programme (NCAPOP) • Audits demonstrating compliance with regulation requirements e.g. NICE guidance, NSFs, NPSA alerts • CQUINS and other commissioner priorities • DH statutory requirements, e.g infection control monitoring • External accreditation schemes, e.g., NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA), Information Governance Toolkit (IGT) 2: Internal ‘must do’ audits: Priorities reflective of organisational objectives for clinical audit as outlined in the local clinical audit strategy or strategic objectives • Clinical risk issues • Serious untoward incidents/adverse incidents • Organisational clinical priorities • Priorities identified via Patient and Public Involvement initiatives • Complaints • Access • Patient Safety First Campaign 3: Service priorities • Local clinical interest audit agreed by business units/services as a priority • National audits not part of NCAPOP, e.g. some Royal College initiated projects that lie outside of NCAPOP • Locally adopted clinical standards benchmarking e.g., Essence of Care 4: Clinician interest Page 2 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 KEY Numbering system Year / Priority / Audit number G Completed Projects A Projects underway but not completed R Projects over due / No information received Project cancelled/deferred B Page 3 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 Service: Community Hospitals Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit- Nursing records Lead(s) Matrons Clinical Record Keeping Audit- Doctors records Matrons Audit to demonstrate compliance with 28 days dispensing for discharge, including medicines management and planning Audit to provide evidence that all prescribing adheres to the locally agreed joint formulary- in line with NPSA Alerts reviewed missed Doses and quality of when required prescribing following recommendations after CQC visit. Audit to demonstrate the prudent and appropriate use of antibiotics in line with the joint formulary Audit to demonstrate compliance with and adherence to standard operating procedures for controlled drugs Audit of antipsychotic drug prescribing for patients in Community Hospitals Nursing Metrics Ros Palmer / Matrons Complete Ros Palmer / Matrons Complete and report finalised. Action plan in place. Prescription charts Ros Palmer / Matrons To reduce avoidable death, disability and chronic ill health from Venous-thromboembolism (VTE) through risk assessment Injectable Medicines (Alert 20) Safe & Secure handling of medicines Resuscitation equipment Hand Hygiene -local Anita Cornelius Hand Hygiene -IPC nurses Central Lines Kitchen audit Progress Ros Palmer / Matrons Ros Palmer / Matrons Complete and report finalised Ros Palmer / Matrons Matrons Ros Palmer Ros Palmer Hazel Renals Sue Wright / Matrons Sue Wright / Matrons Sue Wright / Matrons Sue Wright / Matrons Complete and report finalised. Action plan in place. Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Page 4 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 PPE audit Cardiac arrest Sue Wright / Matrons Sue Wright / Matrons Sue Wright / Matrons Sue Wright / Matrons Sue Wright / Matrons Karen Phillips / matrons Do Not Attempt Resuscitation/Allow Natural Death documentation audit Karen Phillips Mattress audit Sharps audit Urinary catheters audit Linen audit Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Service: MIU units Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit Lead(s) Dee Hore Progress Complete Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit Lead(s) Val Derks Progress Complete Hand Hygiene inspection Sue Wright / Val Derks Sue Wright / Val Derks Sue Wright / Val Derks Sue Wright / Val Derks Sue Wright / Val Derks Sue Wright / Val Derks Complete Service: District Nursing Hand Hygiene observation Hand Hygiene glow box Central Lines PPE audit Mattress audit Complete Complete Page 5 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 Sharps audit Sue Wright / Val Derks Sue Wright / Val Derks Urinary catheters audit Complete Service: Intermediate Care - CATS/RATS Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit Lead(s) Nicky Harvey / Sue Rogers Progress Complete Intermediate Care National Audit Nicky Harvey Complete Service: Cardiac Rehabilitation and Heart Failure Nurses Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit Lead(s) Gill Payne / Debbie Welsh Progress Complete Service: Primary Care Liaison Nurses Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit Lead(s) Debbie Rees Karen Clark Sharon Ashby Samuel Edwards Alison Webb Victoria Treddenick Progress Complete Lead(s) Nicci Kimpton Progress Complete Service: Tissue Viability Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Page 6 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 Service: Continence Specialist Nurses Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Continence Care Enuresis Alarms Lead(s) Sharon Eustice Sharon Eustice Sharon Eustice Progress Complete Complete Complete Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Lead(s) Deirdre Denn Progress Complete COPD Deirdre Denn Service: Respiratory Nurses Service: Diabetic Liaison Nurses Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Lead(s) Caroline Dunstan Progress Complete Lead(s) Catherine Aitkenhead Progress Complete Lead(s) Joy Mulliner Ally Hardman Ally Hardman Progress Complete Complete complete Lead(s) Matt Englefield Progress Complete Service: Health for the Homeless Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Service: Macmillan Nurses Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Preferred Place of Care Liverpool care pathway After death analysis Gold Standards Framework Service: Acute Care at Home Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Page 7 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 Service: Stroke Care Co-ordinators Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Lead(s) Maggie Scott Progress Complete Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Lead(s) Jax Dobell Progress Complete Older people’s experiences of therapeutic exercise Jax Dobell Complete Service: Falls co-ordinators Service: Parkinson’s Disease Specialist Nurses Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Parkinson’s referrals to therapy services Parkinson’s Occupational Therapy Parkinson’s Physiotherapy Lead(s) Lynne Osborne Lynne Osborne / Katharine Stone Julie Smith Julie Smith Progress Complete Complete Complete Complete Service: Speech and Language (Adults) Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit Lead(s) Margaret Ray Progress Complete To establish GP understanding of ASLT service Margaret Ray/Fran Brewer Complete Lead(s) Julie Smith Progress Complete Service: Occupational Therapy Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit Page 8 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 Service: Physiotherapy Title Clinical Record Keeping Audit Lead(s) Roz Collins Progress Complete Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Audit of nail re growths post nail surgery with chemical ablation. Referrals to podiatry specialist musculoskeletal clinics Hand hygiene – inspection; all clinics Lead(s) Tracey Willshee / Steve Enoch Edwina Bottone Progress Complete Complete Beverly Bowring Complete Sue Wright / Steve Enoch Ongoing Hand hygiene – observation; RCHT clinics Hand hygiene – observation; all other clinics PPE; all clinics Sue Wright / Steve Enoch Sue Wright / Steve Enoch Ongoing Ongoing Service: Podiatry Sue Wright / Steve Enoch Service: MSK Interface Service Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Lead(s) Progress Complete Lead(s) Caroline Davey Progress Complete Service: Elective Orthopaedics Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Service: TB nurses Page 9 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12 Title Lead(s) Progress Clinical Record Keeping Audits Alison Blake Complete Lead(s) Iona Loh Progress Ongoing not yet finalised Lead(s) Catherine Aitkenhead Progress Not complete for 2011-12. Service: Dental Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Service: Acute GP Service Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Service: Musculoskeletal physiotherapy Title Clinical Record Keeping Audits Staff Rapid Access to Physio Scheme Lead(s) Roz Collins Maria Stickland / Lesley Pallett Progress The appropriateness of XR Ordering in an Outpatient Physiotherapy Department Jane Mitchell Ongoing Lead(s) Karen Roach Maggie Scott Progress Complete Service: Stroke Therapy Title National Sentinel Stroke Audit Stroke NICE Quality Standards NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly – commissioning led audits affecting PCH services Title Stroke Improvement National Audit Programme (SINAP) Dementia Lead(s) Maggie Scott/Richard Barret (RCHT) Progress Bev Chapman / Kate Mitchell Page 10 of 10 Clinical Audit Plan 11/12