How to upload assets to the NHS Choices IPS system. If you are new to the IPS and want to enrol your organisation please contact the Service Desk. Your organisation will need to comply with NHS Choices editorial policy, specifically that all assets must be accurate, impartial and evidence-based, and must be reviewed, and if necessary revised, within 2 years of their original approval/publication date. Your organisation must also acknowledge that NHS Choices retains the right to remove content from the system at any time. You should nominate an individual who will be responsible for your content. The Service Desk will then assign uploading and administrative rights to that individual and give them the IPS password. The nominated person will then be able to login to the IPS system and create a new organisation. CREATING ORGANISATIONS At the top of the opening page there are tabs. Local organisations should use the Create organisation (local). National organisations will only have access to the Create organisation (national). If you are a National organisation user (3rd party user) please check with us before creating a new organisation, as it may already exist. In this case we will manually add it into your profile for you. FOR NATIONAL ORGANISATION: Box 1 “Organisation name”: enter the formal name of your organisation. Box 2 “Select Condition” This is a dropdown menu which includes all the conditions on the site. Scroll down to assign a condition. If your organisation caters for several conditions you may assign more by clicking the “Add more conditions” button . Box 3 “Profile email address.” This should your email address. Box 4 Organisation website address: This is your organisation’s URL. Box 5 Organisation telephone number. Box 6 Upload organisation logo. Maximum size is 183 pixels by 183 pixels. Box 7 Your description. Enter a mission statement of a maximum 700 characters. Check the Add to organisation partner list. Click SUBMIT. FOR LOCAL ORGANISATIONS At the top of the opening page of the IPS Create organisation local. This box is subdivided into Create a non NHS org and Create an NHS org. They will both bring up the same panel where details of the Content Originator can be added. If the Create NHS organisation box is selected insert the name of the organisation and if it is listed anywhere on the system it will populate several of the contact details boxes. If it isn’t listed the Create non NHS box should be used. The 7 box system which follows is identical to the national organisation structure listed above. Now that your organisation has been set up, content may be uploaded. CONTENT UPLOAD Content may be uploaded in various forms: pdfs, video, audio or Flash. The default button is PDF. Only change from this for uploading audio-visual assets. When adding a video or audio file a transcript file, and short caption that can be read by screen readers may also be uploaded.. For uploading non-pdf files the technical requirements are: Videos should be MOV, AVI, WMV or MP4 files. The aspect ratio should be 16 by 9 and the file size limit is 100 megabytes. For audio, MP3 and MP4 files, and for Flash: SWF files are acceptable. However most site content so far supplied has been in PDF form. UPLOADING PDF’S. Assuming the user has logged in with the requisite password: Click ADD ASSET. This will bring up a page headed by Content Originator. CONTENT ORIGINATOR. This is a drop down box which includes all the contributing organisations listed in alphabetical order. Scroll down to find your organisation. Beneath the Content Originator box there are four Content Type buttons . The default button is the first (PDF) and you will only have to change this for AV assets. Select the PDF you want to upload from your computer. Open and upload. CONTENT DETAILS. Copy and paste the PDF title into the 2 Content details boxes. NB the first Content Title box will not accept apostrophes, numbers, full stops so make it simple. There is also a maximum character count of about 100. VISIBLE TITLE can include punctuation. WRITE A SHORT DESCRIPTION. Something like “This is a 20 page patient information leaflet aimed at……..” usually you can copy and paste some of the text from the PDF itself at this point. TAGS. Include about four, the subject, donor organisation, generic description of ailment, any specific title which you think would show in a search. CHOOSE CONDITIONS(S)/TREATMENTS(S). The left hand Choose Condition dropdown box will include all the conditions assigned to the Content Originator. Select each one. Let the system refresh. In the right hand box use the drop down menu to assign the PDF to one of the categories listed. Click the UPLOAD button. Click SUBMIT ends