AJSM PreView, published on August 27, 2010 as doi:10.1177/0363546510376052 Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture A Randomized, Controlled Study Comparing Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatments Using Validated Outcome Measures Katarina Nilsson-Helander,*yz MD, PhD, Karin Grävare Silbernagel,z§ PT, PhD, Roland Thomeé,z PT, PhD, Eva Faxén,z PT, Nicklas Olsson,z MD, Bengt I. Eriksson,z MD, PhD, and Jon Karlsson,z MD, PhD Investigation performed at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden Background: There is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment for patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture. Few randomized controlled studies have compared outcomes after surgical or nonsurgical treatment with both groups receiving early mobilization. Purpose: This study was undertaken to compare outcomes of patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture treated with or without surgery using early mobilization and identical rehabilitation protocols. Study Design: Randomized, controlled trial; Level of evidence, 1. Methods: Ninety-seven patients (79 men, 18 women; mean age, 41 years) with acute Achilles tendon rupture were treated and followed for 1 year. The primary end point was rerupturing. Patients were evaluated using the Achilles tendon Total Rupture Score (ATRS), functional tests, and clinical examination at 6 and 12 months after injury. Results: There were 6 (12%) reruptures in the nonsurgical group and 2 (4%) in the surgical group (P 5 .377). The mean 6- and 12month ATRS were 72 and 88 points in the surgical group and 71 and 86 points in the nonsurgical group, respectively. Improvements in ATRS between 6 and 12 months were significant for both groups, with no significant between-group differences. At the 6-month evaluation, the surgical group had better results compared with the nonsurgically treated group in some of the muscle function tests; however, at the 12-month evaluation there were no differences between the 2 groups except for the heel-rise work test in favor of the surgical group. At the 12-month follow-up, the level of function of the injured leg remained significantly lower than that of the uninjured leg in both groups. Conclusion: The results of this study did not demonstrate any statistically significant difference between surgical and nonsurgical treatment. Furthermore, the study suggests that early mobilization is beneficial for patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture whether they are treated surgically or nonsurgically. The preferred treatment strategy for patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture remains a subject of debate. Although the study met the sample size dictated by the authors’ a priori power calculation, the difference in the rerupture rate might be considered clinically important by some. Keywords: Achilles tendon rupture; movable brace; rerupture; ATRS; validated functional tests Treatment protocols for patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture are constantly being modified. Both surgical and nonsurgical therapies are followed by immobilization in a cast or a movable brace. However, despite several randomized studies, there is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment protocol.|| Meta-analyses generally agree that the rerupture rate is higher in patients treated nonsurgically (12.6%) than in patients treated surgically (3.5%), but the risk varies considerably in previous studies.3,9,11,15,16,35 Surgically treated patients have an increased risk of other complications such as infections, wound problems, and nerve injuries.26 Furthermore, regardless of treatment type, patients often have residual weakness and decreased function after Achilles tendon rupture.9,18,19,21,25 *Address correspondence to Katarina Nilsson-Helander, MD, PhD, Department of Orthopaedics, Kungsbacka Hospital, SE-434 40 Kungsbacka, Sweden (e-mail: ina.nilsson@telia.com). y Department of Orthopaedics, Kungsbacka Hospital, Kungsbacka, Sweden. z Department of Orthopaedics, Institute of Clinical Sciences at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden. § University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interests in their authorship and publication of this contribution. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. XX, No. X DOI: 10.1177/0363546510376052 Ó 2010 The Author(s) || References 4-7, 14, 17, 19, 20, 27, 28, 32, 34. 1 2 Nilsson-Helander et al There are large variations in the treatment protocols used for patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture. The initial decision is whether treatment should be surgical or nonsurgical. If surgery is chosen, the literature describes many different techniques that include both open and percutaneous repairs.35 The optimal approach is, however, still not clear. Furthermore, in the last few decades, postoperative treatment and initial protocol for nonsurgically treated patients has changed from cast immobilization for 6 to 8 weeks to the use of a functional brace that allows immediate mobilization for both groups. The increased use of functional braces is associated with a decrease in rerupture rates in both surgically and nonsurgically treated patients.17,27,28,31,34 The rerupture rate decreases from approximately 5% to 2.3% when using a functional brace instead of a cast in surgically treated patients, and from 12.2% to 2.4% in nonsurgically treated patients.9 Studies have also shown that the patients’ opinion of their quality of life was superior when a functional postoperative protocol was followed.17 However, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions because studies vary considerably in terms of the specific treatment protocols and methodology. The present study is a continuation of a previous study19 that reported a rerupture rate of 1.7% in patients treated with surgery and 20.8% in patients treated nonsurgically. The nonsurgically treated group, however, underwent 8 weeks of cast immobilization, whereas the surgically treated group received a movable brace.19 Because the treatment protocols for the 2 groups differed, it was difficult to judge whether the surgery, the early range of motion, or the combination of both was the reason for the superior outcomes in the surgically treated group. Validated outcome measures are now available,23,30 making it possible to improve our understanding of how various treatments affect outcomes after acute Achilles tendon rupture. The purpose of the present study was to compare outcomes of patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture treated with or without surgery using identical mobilization and rehabilitation protocols. METHODS Patients One hundred patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture who sought medical attention at the emergency department at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden, were included in a prospective, randomized study from 2004 to 2007. In all patients, the diagnosis was established based on medical history and clinical examination (tendon palpation and Thompson test33). Patients eligible for the study were randomized to receive either surgical treatment or nonsurgical treatment. Computer-generated sealed envelopes were used in the randomization procedure that was administered by the study coordinator. Because of diversity in reporting, we do not know how many patients were included out of the total number of patients who sought medical attention for acute Achilles tendon rupture at the emergency wards. The American Journal of Sports Medicine TABLE 1 Patient Baseline Characteristicsa Variable Age Gender Male Female Height, cm Injured side Right Left Work Sedentary Light but mobile Heavy Surgical (n 5 49) Nonsurgical (n 5 48) P Value 40.9 (8.8) 41.0 (24.0; 59.0) n 5 49 41.2 (9.5) 39.0 (23.0; 63.0) n 5 48 .9367 40 (81.6%) 9 (18.4%) 178.7 (9.2) 180.0 (154.0; 197.5) n 5 47 39 (81.3%) 9 (18.8%) 177.7 (8.8) 180.0 (153.0; 192.0) n 5 40 23 (46.9%) 26 (53.1%) 27 (56.3%) 21 (43.8%) .4753 15 (30.6%) 23 (46.9%) 11 (22.4%) 15 (31.9%) 27 (57.4%) 5 (10.6%) .3708 1.0000 .6362 a For categorical variables, data are reported as n and (%). For continuous variables, data are reported as mean (standard deviation), median (min; max), and n. For comparisons between groups, the Fisher exact test was used for dichotomous variables, MantelHaenzsel x2 exact test was used for ordered categorical variables, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for continuous variables. Patients between 16 and 65 years of age with a unilateral Achilles tendon rupture were included in the study if they were randomized and treated within 72 hours of the injury. Exclusion criteria were diabetes mellitus, previous Achilles tendon rupture, other lower leg injuries, immunosuppressive therapy, and neurovascular diseases. Two patients who were randomized to receive nonsurgical treatment opted to receive surgical treatment. One patient who was randomized to the surgical treatment group was treated nonsurgically because it was not possible to perform the surgery within 72 hours. Therefore, 97 patients (79 men and 18 women) were included in the follow-up evaluations (Table 1). All participants received oral and written information about the purpose and procedures of the study and provided written informed consent. Ethical approval was obtained from the Regional Ethical Review Board in Gothenburg, Sweden. Treatment Procedure Surgical Group. Forty-nine patients were treated surgically. Surgery was performed with the patient in the prone position under local, spinal, or general anesthesia. A tourniquet was used for hemostasis in 27% of the patients. After a longitudinal 5- to 8-cm medial skin and paratenon incision, an end-to-end suture was placed using a modified Kessler suture technique8 and 1-0 polydioxanone (PDS) sutures (PDS II, Ethicon, Somerville, New Jersey) (Figure 1). The paratenon was carefully repaired and the skin closed with interrupted nylon sutures. Surgery was performed by Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture 3 TABLE 2 Rehabilitation Protocol Figure 1. A schematic view of the surgical technique used. 1 of 28 orthopaedic surgeons familiar with the technique. Postoperatively, the patients were placed in a below-theknee cast with the foot in 30° equinus position. In the surgically treated group, thromboprophylaxis consisting of 500 mL of high molecular-weight dextran was administered according to a specific protocol. No standard thromboprophylaxis was administered to the nonsurgically treated group. Nonsurgical Group. Forty-eight patients composed the nonsurgical group. The patients were treated immediately with a below-the-knee cast with the foot in equinus position. Surgical and Nonsurgical Groups. All patients in both groups were treated with a below-the-knee cast with the foot in equinus position for 2 weeks, followed by an adjustable brace (DonJoy ROM Walker, DJO Nordic AB, Malmö, Sweden) for the next 6 weeks. The brace was set at free plantar flexion motion with dorsiflexion limited to 230° the first 2 weeks, 210° the next 2 weeks, and 110° the last 2 weeks. Weightbearing as tolerated was allowed after 6 to 8 weeks. The brace was adjusted by a physiotherapist. The patients were not allowed to remove the brace themselves. Rehabilitation All patients followed a standardized rehabilitation protocol (Table 2) under the supervision of 2 experienced physiotherapists. Weeks 8-11 Treatment: Shoe with a heel-lift (1.5 cm), crutches as needed for another 1-3 weeks Exercise program: Visit to physical therapist 2-3 times/wk and home exercises daily Exercise bike Ankle range of motion Sitting heel-rise Standing heel-rise (2 legs) Gait training Balance exercises Leg press Leg extension and leg curl Weeks 11-16 Treatment: Shoe with a heel-lift (1.5 cm) until week 16 Exercise program: Visit to physical therapist 2-3 times/wk and home exercises daily Exercises as above with increased weight Standing heel-rise increase to hold at end range of plantar flexion on 1 leg Step Walking on mattress Weeks 16-20 Exercise program: Visit to physical therapist 2-3 times/wk and home exercises Exercises as above with increase in weights and intensity as tolerated Slide Quick rebounding heel-rises From week 18 Heel-rise in stairs Side jumps 2-legged jumps Week 20-24 Exercise program: Visit to physical therapist as needed Exercises as above with increase in weights and intensity as tolerated Jog Side jumps forward Week 24 and onward Exercise program: Continued physical therapy if needed Start group exercise class (similar to aerobics) Gradual return to sports (dependent on patient ability) history, symptoms, general function, scar inspection, and evaluation for loss of sensitivity of the foot. The patients were not examined for comorbidity. Screening for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) was performed by color duplex sonography 8 weeks after treatment was initiated.12 Evaluation of function, symptoms, and physical activity level was performed at 6 and 12 months after the injury by 2 experienced independent physiotherapists. Follow-up Evaluation All patients received follow-up examinations at the orthopaedic department at 2, 8, and 12 weeks and at 6 and 12 months after injury. Examinations were performed mainly by the first author (K.N.-H.), including such elements as Patient-Reported Outcome and Physical Activity The patients’ symptoms and physical activity levels were assessed using the Achilles tendon Total Rupture Score (ATRS) and a physical activity scale (PAS).23,29 The 4 Nilsson-Helander et al ATRS ranges from 0 to 100; a lower score indicates more symptoms and greater limitation of physical activity. For the PAS, a score of 1 equals no physical activity, whereas a score of 6 equals heavy physical exercise several times per week. Functional Evaluations The MuscleLab (Ergotest Technology, Oslo, Norway) measurement system was used for functional evaluations. MuscleLab is a data collection unit to which sensors of different kinds can be connected. The test battery consisted of 2 different jump tests, 2 different strength tests, and 1 muscular endurance test. The test battery has been shown to be reliable and valid for evaluating lower leg function in patients with Achilles tendinopathy and was performed as described by Silbernagel et al.30 The tests were also used in a recent study that evaluated outcomes of chronic rupture and rerupture of the Achilles tendon.22 The jump tests were a drop counter-movement jump (drop CMJ) and hopping. For the drop CMJ, the patients started by standing on 1 leg on a 20-cm-high wooden box. They were instructed to ‘‘fall’’ down onto the floor and, directly on landing, perform a maximum vertical 1-legged jump. The maximum jumping height in centimeters was used for data analysis. Hopping was a continuously rhythmical jump similar to skipping. The patients performed 25 jumps, the average air flight and floor contact times were documented, and the plyometric quotient (flight time/contact time) was used for data analysis. The strength tests were a concentric heel rise and an eccentric-concentric heel rise. For the strength tests, a linear encoder was used. A spring-loaded string was connected to a sensor inside the linear encoder unit. When the string was pulled, the sensor gave a series of digital pulses proportional to the distance traveled. The resolution is approximately 1 pulse every 0.07 mm. By counting the number of pulses/time, the displacement as a function of time can be recorded and thus allow calculation of time, length, velocity, force, and power (force 3 velocity). In this experiment, the spring-loaded string of the linear encoder was attached to the heel of the participant’s shoe and thus the height (in centimeters) and time (in seconds) of the heel displacement of the heel-rise could be measured. The weight of the participant and the extra external weight were entered into the MuscleLab software and peak power in watts was calculated. The best trial (ie, with the highest power in watts) for each weight was used for data analysis. The muscular endurance test was a standing heel-rise test. The total amount of work performed (in joules) and the maximum heel-rise height were used for data analysis. All patients were given standardized instructions and the tests were then demonstrated by the physiotherapist. The subjects also performed 3 to 5 practice trials prior to testing. Verbal encouragement was used and athletic footwear was standardized. Before testing, the patients warmed up by cycling for 5 minutes on a stationary bicycle, followed by 3 sets of 10 two-legged toe raises. The uninjured side was always tested first. The American Journal of Sports Medicine Statistical Analysis All data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois). Descriptive data are reported as mean, median standard deviation, and range (minimummaximum). The power calculation that was conducted before the study started was based on a previous study from our hospital in which there was a rerupture rate of 1.7% (surgical treatment) versus 20.8% (nonsurgical treatment).19 For an 80% power, a sample size of 50 patients per group was needed. Rerupture of the Achilles tendon was the primary end point in the study. The Fisher exact test was used for dichotomous variables. For comparison between the 2 groups, Mantel-Haenzsel x2 exact test was used for ordered categorical variables and Mann-Whitney for continuous variables. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to evaluate differences between the injured and uninjured sides, as well as differences before injury and after treatment. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the 2 groups of patients. The level of significance was set at P \ .05. The limb symmetry index (LSI) was calculated to compare the 2 treatment groups. The LSI was defined as the ratio between the involved limb score and the uninvolved limb score, expressed as a percentage (involved/ uninvolved 3 100 5 LSI). RESULTS Rerupture There were 6 (12%) reruptures in the nonsurgically treated group and 2 (4%) in the surgically treated group (P 5 .377). One patient in the surgically treated group suffered from a second rerupture. Patient-Reported Outcome and Physical Activity The patients in the surgically treated group had a mean ATRS of 72 points (median, 75; range, 31-100) at the 6month follow-up visit and 88 points (median, 93; range, 30-100) at the 12-month evaluation. The patients in the nonsurgically treated group had a mean ATRS of 71 points (median, 75; range, 32-100) at the 6-month evaluation and 86 points (median, 90; range, 31-100) at the 12-month evaluation. Both groups improved significantly (P \ .001) over time; however, there were no significant differences between the 2 groups at either the 6-month or 12-month evaluations (P 5 .870 and P 5 .441, respectively). Eighty-six percent of the ruptures in the present study occurred during sports activities; racket sports accounted for 50%. The mean PAS preinjury score was 4.31 for the surgical group and 4.39 for the nonsurgical group. The mean PAS score for the surgical group was 3.4 (median, 3.0; range, 1-6) at the 6-month evaluation and 3.6 (median, 3.0; range, 1-6) at the 12-month evaluation. The mean PAS for the nonsurgical group was 3.3 (median, 3.0; range, 2-6) at the 6-month evaluation and 3.7 (median, 4.0; range, 2-6) Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture 5 TABLE 3 Functional Test Performance Scores for Patients with Achilles Tendon Rupture at 6 and 12 Months Postinjurya 6-Month Evaluation Test Heel-rise work Heel-rise height Hopping Drop CMJ Concentric power Eccentric power 12-Month Evaluation Nonsurgical Surgical P Value n 5 37 54% (20) 17-102 n 5 38 68% (15) 42-121 n 5 38 75% (35) 0-109 n 5 37 76% (18) 0-106 n 5 38 71% (32) 21-161 n 5 38 60% (29) 0-116 n 5 45 65% (17) 36-100 n 5 45 75% (12) 46-103 n 5 45 90% (24) 0-126 n 5 45 79% (16) 38-110 n 5 45 82% (26) 26-140 n 5 45 70% (21) 26-119 .013 .009 .037 .379 .050 .110 b Nonsurgical Surgical P Valueb n 5 40 68% (20) 20-119 n 5 41 77% (13) 49-113 n 5 38 90% (30) 0-133 n 5 40 83% (16) 34-108 n 5 40 82% (33) 29-180 n 5 40 72% (20) 24-133 n 5 45 78% (20) 28-113 n 5 45 81% (13) 47-103 n 5 46 101% (16) 68-144 n 5 44 88% (17) 44-139 n 5 45 87% (24) 42-151 n 5 45 79% (19) 49-135 .012 .053 .222 .179 .295 .193 a For test variables: n 5 /mean (standard deviation)/ min-max. Mann-Whitney U test was used to evaluate differences between the nonsurgical and surgical groups. CMJ, counter-movement jump. b Boldface type indicates significant difference. at the 12-month evaluation. There were no significant differences between the 2 groups at the 6- and 12-month evaluations (P 5 .38 and P 5 .71, respectively); however, both groups had a significantly reduced PAS at the 6- and 12month evaluations relative to their preinjury levels. Complications One patient in the surgically treated group sustained an Achilles tendon contracture, and even though reoperation was performed, the patient still reported severe symptoms and difficulties with normal gait and physical training. Color duplex sonography screening showed a high incidence of DVT (34%).24 Two infections occurred in the surgical group, 1 deep and 1 superficial. The patient with a deep infection was treated with wound dressings and antibiotics; the other patient received local treatment. Two patients in the surgical group complained of nerve disturbances on the lateral side of the foot. Thirteen patients had complaints concerning the scar, with cosmetic complaints in 10 patients and concerns about decreased ankle function attributable to scar contracture and pain in 3 patients. Functional Tests Nonsurgical Versus Surgical Group at 6 and 12 Months. Table 3 shows LSI at the 6- and 12-month evaluations for all functional tests. Performances on the concentric strength, heel-rise height, and hopping tests were significantly better in the surgical group than in the nonsurgical group at the 6-month evaluation (P 5 .05, P 5 .009, and P 5 .037, respectively); however, there were no significant differences at the 12-month evaluation (P 5 .295, P 5 .053, and P 5 .222, respectively). On the heel-rise work test, the surgical group performed significantly better than the nonsurgical group at both the 6-month and 12-month evaluations (P 5 .013 and P 5 .012, respectively). There were no betweengroup differences in performance on the drop CMJ or eccentric strength test at either the 6- or 12-month evaluations. Injured Versus Uninjured Side. Both groups had significantly lower values for the injured leg than the uninjured leg in all tests at both the 6- and 12-month evaluations, except for the hopping test at 12 months for which no difference was found. The injured leg improved significantly over time in both groups (Table 4). DISCUSSION There were no significant differences in rerupture rate between the surgical and nonsurgical treatment groups. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between the groups with regard to the patients’ own opinions about their symptoms and function or their physical activity levels at the 6- and 12-month evaluations. The surgical group achieved a greater improvement in function (concentric strength, heel-rise work/height, and hopping) at the 6-month evaluation than did the nonsurgical group; however, there were no differences between groups at the 12-month evaluation, except on the heel-rise work test in which the surgical group performed significantly better than the nonsurgical group. Both groups improved in function during the 12 months of follow-up, but still had significantly decreased function in the injured leg 6 Nilsson-Helander et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine TABLE 4 Performance on Functional Tests for the Injured Versus Uninjured Leg at the 6- and 12-Month Evaluationsa 6-Month Evaluation Test Heel-rise work (nonsurgical) Heel-rise work (surgical) Heel-rise height (nonsurgical) Heel-rise height (surgical) Hopping (nonsurgical) Hopping (surgical) Drop CMJ (nonsurgical) Drop CMJ (surgical) Concentric power (nonsurgical) Concentric power (surgical) Eccentric power (nonsurgical) Eccentric power (surgical) Injured Uninjured n 5 38 n 5 38 1590 (984) 2926 (1097) 250-4903 1107-6377 n 5 45 n 5 45 1919 (737) 2978 (938) 891-4146 1001-4909 n 5 39 n 5 38 9.6 (2.6) 14.0 (2.2) 5.0-17.9 10.3-21.6 n 5 45 n 5 45 10.6 (2.2) 14.1 (2.1) 5.9-17.3 9.4-18.8 n 5 39 n 5 38 0.386 (0.194) 0.518 (0.127) 0.0-0.78 0.35-0.89 n 5 45 n 5 45 0.465 (0.161) 0.513 (0.119) 0.0-0.84 0.29-0.85 n 5 39 n 5 37 10.2 (3.4) 13.5 (3.6) 0-18 6-23 n 5 45 n 5 45 10.5 (3.7) 13.3 (4.0) 4-21 6-22 n 5 39 n 5 38 194 (115) 274 (99) 42-543 114-558 n 5 45 n 5 45 238 (122) 302 (141) 73-732 117-929 n 5 39 n 5 38 226 (132) 381 (151) 0-575 210-762 n 5 45 n 5 45 290 (106) 429 (141) 89-585 73-732 Comparison, 6- and 12-Month Evaluations 12-Month Evaluation P Valueb \.001 \.001 \.001 \.001 \.001 .005 \.001 \.001 \.001 \.001 \.001 \.001 Injured Uninjured n 5 40 n 5 41 2078 (1095) 3101 (1440) 342-5955 1199-8665 n 5 45 n 5 45 2373 (936) 3083 (1121) 510-4683 1049-5519 n 5 41 n 5 41 10.7 (2.4) 14.0 (2.4) 7.3-16.9 9.5-21.6 n 5 45 n 5 45 11.1 (2.2) 13.8 (2.0) 5.7-15.2 9.3-18.1 n 5 40 n 5 39 0.447 (0.182) 0.497 (0.145) 0.0-0.80 0.0-0.91 n 5 46 n 5 46 0.536 (0.142) 0.536 (0.141) 0.31-0.91 0.32-0.91 n 5 40 n 5 40 11.6 (4.1) 14.0 (4.2) 3-20 4-23 n 5 44 n 5 44 11.8 (4.0) 13.4 (3.8) 6-22 7-23 n 5 41 n 5 40 223 (96) 299 (136) 96-521 90-809 n 5 46 n 5 45 258 (100) 311 (138) 87-664 113-869 n 5 41 n 5 40 292 (149) 418 (182) 107-884 176-946 n 5 45 n 5 46 344 (132) 443 (158) 153-899 198-1074 P Valueb Injured P Valueb Uninjured P Valueb \.001 \.001 \.001 \.001 \.001 .008 \.001 .001 .317 \.001 .007 .242 .083 .003 .613 .764 .004 .407 \.001 .001 .330 \.001 \.001 .536 .001 .009 .881 \.001 .090 .210 \.001 \.001 .060 \.001 \.001 .296 a For continuous variables: n 5 /mean (standard deviation)/ min-max. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to evaluate differences between the injured and uninjured side, as well as differences between 6-month and 12-month evaluations. CMJ, counter-movement jump. b Boldface type indicates significant difference. relative to the uninjured leg. The importance of, and reasons for, the seemingly better performance in some of the muscle function tests, unrelated to the patient’s own opinion, are unclear and thus further studies are needed. Early mobilization was initiated in both the surgical and the nonsurgical group because evidence in the literature indicates that early mobilization with mechanical loading of the tendon appears to improve the healing process.2,10 Favorable results when using early mobilization have been reported for both surgically and nonsurgically treated patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture.1,27,28,34 In the present study, we attempted to use the exact same treatment protocols for both groups, except for surgery. Surgically treated patients had, in the present study, a rerupture rate of 4%, similar to that reported in the meta-analyses of Bhandari et al3 and Khan et al.9 We enrolled 100 patients and, with the treatment protocol employed, the rerupture rate in nonsurgically treated patients was dramatically lowered compared with a previous study.19 Although the study met the sample size dictated by our a priori power calculation, the difference in the rerupture rate might be considered clinically important by some. Our results strengthen previous recommendations to use a functional brace instead of rigid cast fixation. The fact that the number of patients included in the present study was limited, as in most other studies, means that the results of each patient have a substantial effect on the overall results. Therefore, larger studies are needed to evaluate the effect of functional bracing and early range of motion training. Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX According to a meta-analysis by Bhandari et al,3 the rerupture rate with surgical treatment (3.1%) was significantly lower than with nonsurgical treatment (13%). However, the authors pointed out that there were wide confidence intervals in the included studies. One major problem among the studies is the variation in methodological quality. In a meta-analysis by Khan et al,9 the rerupture rates were estimated at 3.5% and 12.6% in surgically and nonsurgically treated patients, respectively. Other authors have pointed out that surgical treatment is associated with a higher rate of other complications, such as infections, wound problems, nerve injuries, and adhesions after surgery.25,26 Early weightbearing and mobilization with or without surgical treatment is suggested to produce the best result, provided that the tendon ends are in contact.1 When following a large group of patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture, it is important to consider that some patients experience rerupture because of accidents during normal activities of daily living, regardless of treatment type. The reasons for the accidents are many, but sometimes patients do sustain rerupture for no obvious reason, as was the case for 3 of the patients in the present study. Six patients in the nonsurgical group sustained rerupture, 2 of whom were noncompliant with the study protocol. However, it is not known whether noncompliance was the reason for rerupture. One patient sustained a rerupture because of a fall. All the patients with rerupture underwent successful reoperation as described by Nilsson-Helander et al.22 Two reruptures occurred in the surgical group. One patient slipped on the floor 2 weeks after injury and was successfully treated with extended immobilization with the brace locked; the other had a wound infection and sustained a rerupture 2 months after the infection had healed. This patient also suffered from a second rerupture despite reoperation. With regard to the patients’ opinions of their own symptoms, function, and physical activity level, we found no significant differences between groups at the 6- or 12-month evaluations. The ATRS for both groups improved significantly over time, but neither group achieved full recovery as per the ATRS at the 12-month follow-up. In the future, it would be helpful to evaluate whether the patients continue to improve over time or if their symptoms persist long term. Both groups also had significantly reduced physical activity levels at the 6- and 12-month evaluations relative to their preinjury levels. This could be explained by insufficient recovery, changes in their desired physical activity level, or fear of reinjury. The surgical group had significantly better results in the heel-rise work, heel-rise height, concentric power, and hopping tests at the 6-month evaluation than did the nonsurgical group. However, at the 12-month evaluation, there was a significant between-groups difference only in the heel-rise work test. There were no significant differences in performance on the drop CMJ or the eccentric strength tests between the 2 groups at the 6- or 12-month evaluations. However, for both groups, there were significant differences between the injured and uninjured sides on all tests at the 6-month evaluation, with deficits ranging from 10% to 46%. At the 12-month evaluation, Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture 7 significant deficits persisted for all tests except for the hopping test, with deficits ranging from 12% to 32%. These results underscore the importance of using several functional tests for evaluating treatment outcome, as in the present study. It is possible that patients treated nonsurgically require a longer recovery period and that this was reflected in the greater functional deficits at the 6-month evaluation. It is also possible that the nonsurgical group had been more cautious during rehabilitation than the nonsurgical group and therefore their strength/endurance had not improved at the same pace. However, it remains that normalization of function of the injured leg relative to the uninjured leg was not achieved in either group at 12 months, which is in accordance with other studies.19,27 Further studies are needed to evaluate whether greater improvements could be achieved with other types of treatment protocols. Furthermore, a follow-up time of 1 year is probably too short to determine whether normalization can be achieved over time. We have no explanation for the Achilles tendon contracture sustained by 1 patient in the surgically treated group. This patient reported being healthy overall. However, even after reoperation, the patient reported severe symptoms and difficulties with normal gait and physical activity 1 year after the initial injury. The 2 cases of infection that occurred in the surgical group, as well as the other wound and nerve complications, are similar to that reported in the literature. Thirteen patients complained about the scar, with 10 patients concerned about the aesthetics and 3 reporting decreased ankle function attributable to scar contracture and pain. Although scar complications are generally minor, they can be troublesome for some patients. Color duplex sonography revealed 32 patients with DVT, which coincides with results presented in a recent study by Lapidus et al.13 Because DVT appears to be common after acute Achilles tendon rupture, a routine thromboprophylaxis protocol should be established for these patients. These results are reported separately.24 The short-term results might favor the surgical group in terms of function, but this benefit does not translate to patient-reported symptoms. Surgical treatment appears to be associated with a lower rate of rerupture, but the absolute number of reruptures was low in both groups. Power calculation in the present study is based on clinically relevant differences as commented upon above; however, type II error cannot be excluded. The number of patients included in the present study could also be too low to detect a significant between-groups difference in this regard. Other complications such as DVT, infection, and scar complaints need to be considered when evaluating treatment options. Clinically, it is important to consider the type of treatment to use for each individual patient, weighing the risk of a rerupture against the risk of complications, the functional outcome in terms of muscle function, and the patients’ own opinion about their symptoms and capacity. In conclusion, the results of this study did not demonstrate any statistically significant difference between surgical and nonsurgical treatment. Furthermore, the study indicates that early mobilization is beneficial for patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture whether they are treated 8 Nilsson-Helander et al surgically or nonsurgically. The preferred treatment strategy for patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture remains under debate. Larger, high-quality multicenter studies that evaluate both the occurrence of complications, including rerupture, and patients’ symptoms and function are needed to determine the optimal course of treatment for the individual patient with acute Achilles tendon rupture. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Lotta Falkheden-Henning and Annelie Brorsson for their help treating and evaluating the patients. They also thank the Swedish National Centre for Research in Sports (CIF) and the local Research and Development Council of Halland, Sweden, for providing financial support. REFERENCES 1. Ajis A, Maffulli N. Management of acute tendo Achillis ruptures. Foot Ankle Surg. 2007;13:132-135. 2. Aspenberg P. Stimulation of tendon repair: mechanical loading, GDFs and platelets: a mini-review. Int Orthop. 2007;31(6):783-789. 3. Bhandari M, Guyatt GH, Siddiqui F, et al. Treatment of acute Achilles tendon ruptures: a systematic overview and metaanalysis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002;400:190-200. 4. 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