A Wireless Link to a Six Degree of Freedom
Inertial Tracker
John J. Rodkin
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
January 26, 1996
Copyright 1996 John J. Rodkin.
All rights reserved.
The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce
and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this
thesis and to grant others the right to do so.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
January 26, 1996
Certified by
Nathaniel Durlach
Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by
F.R. Morgenthaler
on Graduate Theses
1 1 1996
A Wireless Link to a Six Degree of Freedom
Inertial Tracker
John J. Rodkin
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
January 26, 1996
The purpose of this thesis is to begin extending the MIT
inertial tracker for wireless operation. Many applications
exist for a wireless, sourceless tracker, and as head
mounted displays and other synthetic environment systems go
wireless, more applications for wireless trackers will
arise. The importance of the work is discussed in detail,
and the design and implementation of two possible serial
links to the MIT inertial tracker is described. These links
were implemented and analyzed, and the test results are
discussed. These results focus on bandwidth concerns
because the serial link will soon utilize a standard
wireless serial transceiver pair to make MIT's inertial
tracker an excellent choice for applications requiring a
high-performance, wireless, sourceless tracker in a small,
lightweight package.
Thesis Supervisor: Nathaniel Durlach
Title: Senior Research Scientist
I never could have accomplished this work or my thesis on my
own, so credit should be given where it is due.
I would like to thank my apartment-mate for creating an
atmosphere that encouraged me to work late and enabled me to
enjoy my time in the lab much more than I should have.
neighbors Jodi Goldstein and Carolyn Waldman helped me
maintain sanity throughout.
The brothers at Sigma Chi gave
me a place to work, a bed in which to rest, and lifelong
friendships for which I am truly grateful.
Nat Durlach, my
thesis supervisor, allowed and encouraged my independence
throughout the project.
I would like to thank Eric Foxlin, my mentor, coworker,
and friend, most of all.
He was always there to guide me,
both technically and personally, and most of this work
should bear his name instead of mine.
1.1 An Introduction to Virtual Reality
............... .7
1.2 An Introduction To Tracking Technologies
1.2.1 Mechanical Tracking
......... 10
1.2.2 Magnetic Tracking
1.2.3 Acoustic Tracking
1.2.4 Optical Tracking
1.3 Inertial Tracking
1.3.1 The MIT Inertial Tracker
1.4 Improving the MIT Inertial Tracker: Adding a
Wireless Link
..................................... 19
Thesis Scope
.................................. 20
Potential Applications
........................ 22
2.1 Potential Applications for the MIT Inertial
........................................... 22
2.1 Applications for a Sourceless Tracker
............ 23
2.1.1 Head Tracking in Virtual Environments
2.1.2 Telerobots
.......... 23
..................................... 24
Applications for a Wireless, Sourceless
........................................... 24
2.2.1 Remotely Piloted Vehicles
2.2.3 Surveying
...................... 25
...................................... 26
The Design and Implementation of a Wireless
..................................... 28
3.1 The System
....................................... 28
System Design Goals
........................... 32
Design Constraints
............................ 33
The Hardware
.................................... 34
3.2.1 An Overview
.................................... 34
Hardware in the Sensor Block
The Microprocessor and its Interface
Hardware Interface to the Data Fusion and
Processing Unit
.................. 35
.......... 36
................................... 42
The Software
............... .... ................ 42
3.3.1 Microprocessor Software
3.3.2 Other Software
........................ 43
............ ..................... 44
Data Analysis and Conclusions
4.1 Results
................. 45
..................... ..................... 45
4.2 Analysis
.................... ..................... 48
.................... ..................... 50
Suggestions for Further Work
SmartCore Schematics
Microprocessor Code
.................... 51
......... ................. 53
B.1 Control Code for Figure 3-4
.......... 58
B.2 Control Code for Figure 3-5
.......... 65
Improved Control Code for Figure 3-5
Driver Code
C.1 Zworld.c
............ 71
.......... 77
Chapter 1
1.1 An Introduction to Virtual Reality
The Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development
was established in 1992 by the Federal government to
"recommend a national research and development agenda in the
area of virtual reality."
At that time, media and
scientific speculation on the future of virtual reality
systems was rampant and that speculation has continued:
"between 1992 and 1994, roughly 12 new books have been
published, 4 new journals or magazines have been started,
and 100 new articles have been published on the topic of
virtual reality" (Durlach and Mayor, p. 14).
It is clear
that virtual reality systems have captured the interest of
scientists and the imagination of the media worldwide.
Why has virtual reality become such a trend?
To answer
this question, we must strain to see the scientific
foundation that supports all of the "hype" and
misinformation that daily circulates through the press.
must cast aside artists' sketches of the "shopping mall of
the 21st century" and writers' accounts of adventures that
we can take from the comfort of our own living rooms.
It is
wonderful to dream, to imagine interactive "virtumalls" and
to contemplate "traveling" to faraway planets, but such
fantasies do not fuel the research and development of new
technologies so distant.
Incremental progress can and is
being made toward these futuristic dreams, and these
advances have helped make many virtual reality systems
useful today.
Before mentioning these useful applications, some
terminology should be clarified.
The media generally uses
"virtual reality" to describe the set of systems in which a
"human operator is transported into a new interactive
environment by means of devices that display signals to the
operator's sense organs and devices that sense various
actions of the operator" (Durlach and Mavor, p. 13).
Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development uses a
slightly different terminology, however, and this document
will hereafter conform to the Committee vocabulary.
"Synthetic environments" is the inclusive term synonymous
with the media's use of "virtual reality".
environments include two types of systems: virtual reality
or virtual environment systems that allow a human user to
interact with a computer-generated virtual world, and
teleoperator systems in which a human user's interaction
with the physical world is mediated by some set of
electromechanical sensors and actuators (Durlach and Mavor).
A virtual reality system is commonly associated with video
games and entertainment while a teleoperator system is more
useful as a means of performing hazardous tasks or of remote
Hybrids of these two synthetic environment
types exist and are referred to commonly as "augmented
reality" systems.
These hybrids and both types of pure synthetic
environments find many applications today with many more
uses visible on the horizon.
Applications in design,
manufacturing, marketing, medicine, training, handling of
hazardous materials, education, telecommunications, and
entertainment are discussed in Chapter 12 of Durlach and
Mavor, and the reader is referred there for a detailed
examination of synthetic environment applications that are
driving today's research and development efforts.
It is
likely that the most prevalent short-term commercial efforts
in virtual environments will be made for entertainment
purposes with commercial applications in other virtual
environment systems realizable only in the long-term time
frame (Durlach and Mayor, p. 381).
Teleoperation, however,
is already applied widely, but its lack of demonstrated
commercial value has limited its funding for further
research and development (Durlach and Mavor, p. 381).
scientific and economic hurdles stand between the
applications of synthetic environments in the near future
and the "virtumalls" and "teletravel centers" of the media,
but these obstacles can be overcome and synthetic
environments can eventually have a significant impact on our
daily lives.
1.2 An Introduction To Tracking Technologies
It is clear at this point that all synthetic
environments require a set of sensors to report action in a
synthetic environment.
These sensors enable a
computer-generated virtual environment to respond to the
actions of a human user and allow a teleoperator system to
correctly report information about the telerobot's
interaction with the real environment.
In either case, the
sensors play an important role in the system, and the
accuracy and resolution of those sensors could be a
significant limiting factor in performance.
Consider a virtual environment video game that is
unable to accurately sense a player's motion on the
battlefield; such a deficiency could defeat the purpose of a
virtual reality game altogether.
Likewise, consider a
system that can accurately sense the player's motion only in
sizable discrete steps.
The poor resolution of this system
could cause motion sickness and confusion quite quickly.
Now imagine a teleoperator system that fails to report
movement accurately or that lacks sufficient resolution.
Such a system may be useful for remote exploration or for
lifting heavy objects, but it would certainly fail during
It is important to mention that the accuracy and
resolution of a sensor are not the only parameters in the
accuracy and resolution of an entire tracking system.
sensor simply relays raw information to some processor that
then calculates movement from that data.
Small inaccuracies
and low resolution in the raw data can be improved by data
conditioning - that is, the data can be averaged or operated
on in some more clever way to achieve tracking system
performance better than the performance of an individual
It is clear, though, that sensor performance can be
a limiting factor in overall tracker performance.
Sensor performance, then, can be a tradeoff parameter
in a tracking system.
It may be desirable to use a lower
grade sensor with very complex data conditioning algorithms
to achieve the desired system performance, or it may be
preferable to use an excellent sensor with little or no
operation on the raw data.
Whatever the tradeoff,
performance of a tracker as a whole significantly impacts
the performance of the entire synthetic environment system.
Sensor performance is closely linked to the tracker
Five methodologies - mechanical, magnetic,
acoustic, optical, and inertial -
are commonly used today,
and each is discussed below.
1.2.1 Mechanical Tracking
Mechanical tracking is the most straightforward tracking
method, involving a direct physical connection between the
tracked point and a reference point.
The displacement
between the two points can then be calculated using the
displacement of joints within the physical connection.
Mechanical tracking is fast, accurate, and cheap, but the
direct physical connection imposes many limitations.
most notable limitations include severely limited range and
a cumbersome mechanical setup that can interfere with action
in a synthetic environment.
For applications that require
cheap, accurate tracking in a small volume, mechanical
tracking is an acceptable choice.
1.2.2 Magnetic Tracking
Magnetic trackers are composed of a sensor containing three
orthogonal coils and an emitter that generates three
orthogonal magnetic fields.
Position and orientation can
then be calculated using the nine induced currents
current is induced in each coil by each field).
For a
discussion of the mathematics see Raab, Blood, Steiner, and
Jones, 1979.
Magnetic trackers have several advantages.
include a small, lightweight sensor, good accuracy and
resolution when the sensor is near the emitter, and
relatively low cost for the performance achieved.
magnetic method, though, also contains inherent limitations.
Nearby ferromagnetic objects distort the orthogonal magnetic
fields and degrade performance.
Performance also degrades
as the sensor is moved farther from the magnetic field
Despite these limitations, magnetic trackers
continue to be the most common trackers used in today's
virtual reality applications.
1.2.3 Acoustic Tracking
Acoustic tracking systems utilize acoustic emitters and
sensors to determine either the time of flight or the phase
shift of an acoustic wave traveling from a fixed reference
to an unknown point.
From these data, an acoustic system
calculates distances and uses triangulation to compute
An acoustic system can not measure orientation
Instead, the position of two or more unknown
points (held fixed in relation to each other) must be
tracked so that orientations can be determined using
position measurements.
Acoustic trackers overcome some of the inherent
limitations of magnetic trackers, but impose restrictions of
their own.
Obviously, ferromagnetic objects do not
interfere with acoustic trackers, but any object placed in
the line of sight between emitters and receivers will
adversely affect system performance.
Distance does not
degrade accuracy or resolution for an acoustic tracker
(provided the distances remain within the range of the
system), but increased distance does slow the data rate for
time of flight systems.
Acoustic phase systems track only
relative change in position and are, therefore, hampered by
errors that accumulate between zeroings.
In addition,
sources that produce acoustic waves in the frequency used by
an acoustic tracker will cause the tracker to confuse its
acoustic emissions and the offending source, and gross
position errors will result.
1.2.4 Optical Tracking
Optical tracking encompasses a wide range of methods that
use light to track objects.
Optical trackers can use light
emitters and sensors that measure angles for triangulation,
or an optical tracker can involve pattern recognition,
rangefinding with lasers, or analysis of digitized video and
still photography.
In general, optical trackers are very
accurate and fast, but also expensive.
Because of the
expense, optical tracking technology has been less widely
used than any of the previously mentioned methods.
optical trackers may develop into cost-effective high
performance systems as imaging systems continue to become
cheaper and more powerful.
1.3 Inertial Tracking
Inertial tracking requires sensing acceleration and
angular rate and then integrating that data to derive
position and orientation.
This method has been used
effectively in aircraft navigation systems for quite some
time, but the size and cost of the required sensors have
made inertial tracking unattractive for synthetic
environment applications.
However, "the use of
accelerometers or of angular rate sensors for motion
tracking is becoming increasingly attractive because of
advances in sensor design" (Durlach and Mavor, p. 200).
inertial sensors decrease in size and cost and increase in
accuracy and resolution, they become more useful for
synthetic environment systems.
A major advantage of inertial tracking systems is their
inherent sourceless operation.
All of the previously
mentioned tracking methods (except mechanical tracking)
require both a source (to produce magnetic fields, acoustic
waves, or light) and a sensor.
Systems that require a
source suffer from inherent range limitations and often from
line of sight limitations as well.
Although magnetic
trackers overcome the line of sight difficulty, they do have
difficulty with a propinquity of ferromagnetic objects.
sourceless inertial tracker overcomes all of these problems
-- no line of sight restrictions, no inherent range
limitations, and no problems with nearby objects of any
1.3.1 The MIT Inertial Tracker
Unfortunately, stand-alone inertial tracking systems
drift, unable to accurately derive absolute position and
To compensate for this drift, "either an
inertial package must periodically be returned to some home
position for offset correction, or it must be used in
conjunction with some other (possibly coarse) position
sensor and an appropriate method of data fusion" (Durlach
and Mayor, pp. 200-201).
Using this alternate sensor method, "an inertial
orientation tracker has been built at MIT using triaxial
angular rate sensors with gravimetric tilt sensors and a
fluxgate compass for drift compensation (Foxlin and Durlach,
(Durlach and Mayor, p. 201).
This tracker has
recently been hybridized with an acoustic tracker to track
translation as well as orientation.
With three degrees of
freedom for orientation and three more degrees of freedom
for translation, the tracker has achieved six degree of
freedom tracking using a sensor block whose volume is
approximately one cubic inch.
This sensor block is connected via cable to a processor
that integrates the data received by the sensor and that
sends necessary commands to the sensor.
Unfortunately, the
cabling imposes some limitations on the system.
The obvious
limitation concerns the range of the tracker, with the range
limited to the length of the cable.
Tangling and knotting
of the cable also slightly restrict the motion of the user.
Eliminating these frustrating limitations imposed by the
cable would make an already attractive six degree of freedom
tracker even more desirable.
The following block diagram illustrates the MIT hybrid
The dashed box includes the acoustic tracker that
is included for six degree of freedom operation -- for
applications that track orientation but not translation, the
dashed box is excluded.
The bold lines indicate the
limiting cables in the system;
because the acoustic system
tracks a wireless emitter with cabled receivers, the wired
connections are fixed and do not impose limitations.
addition, the host computer is not part of the hybrid
Instead, the host computer is usually a large
virtual reality engine that controls the entire system.
Figure 1-1: A block diagram of the MIT inertial tracker.
1.4 Improving the MIT Inertial Tracker: Adding a
Wireless Link
It is clear that a wireless link between the sensor
block and the processing block would make the aforementioned
six degree of freedom tracker more desirable.
range would make the system more attractive to teleoperator
systems and to augmented reality systems
(less so for pure
virtual reality systems) and the elimination of logistic
problems created by the cable would increase tracker
desirability in all synthetic environment systems.
This link could be established using either infrared or
radio frequency (RF) technology.
The method used is less
important than the design parameters imposed by a
potentially commercial system.
That is, the system must be
small, lightweight, safe, and inexpensive to compete in the
The end user desires a high level of
performance and a transparent link - the proposed wireless
link should solve the problems created by the cable in the
current system without creating any new difficulties in the
Thesis Scope
The goal of the present project is simple: design the cable
out of the MIT inertial tracking system.
Designing a custom
set of transceivers is one possible method of reaching this
Such a method may not be the most far-sighted,
however, because the system continues to evolve and evolving
the transceivers in parallel could be an arduous task.
Another avenue from which to approach the goal is to
reengineer the existing interfaces to the system so that any
of several standard transceivers can solve the wireless link
Such reengineering is the focus of this thesis.
Additions for the existing system were designed so that they
would not only allow standard transceivers to make the
wireless link but also seamlessly overlay the existing
high-performance inertial tracker.
Chapter 3 discusses the
design and implementation of the new interfaces, and Chapter
4 provides analysis of test results and suggests the next
steps that should be taken.
Before undertaking the project,
though, it is necessary to understand some of the benefits
of a successful design, so Chapter 2 discusses some
important potential applications of the wireless, sourceless
MIT inertial tracker.
Chapter 2
Potential Applications
2.1 Potential Applications for the MIT Inertial
The following potential applications are outlined to show
the usefulness of the sourceless and wireless MIT inertial
The list of applications is by no means exhaustive
and is not meant to guide further development efforts.
Instead, the list of potential applications should serve as
a highlight of the tracker's capabilities and the broad
range of industries in which those capabilities could be
2.1 Applications for a Sourceless Tracker
The MIT sourceless inertial tracker does not suffer from
line of sight limitations and has no range restrictions when
sensing orientation only (the acoustic-inertial hybrid that
senses orientation and translation has moderate line of
sight and range restrictions imposed by the acoustic portion
of the system).
Remarkably, the inertial system overcomes
the limitations of other systems without a degradation in
So, applications that require high
performance, long range, and possibly occluded operation are
ideal for the sourceless MIT inertial tracker.
2.1.1 Head Tracking in Virtual Environments
Today's primary application for the MIT inertial tracker is
head tracking for virtual reality systems.
For applications
that require orientation but not translation (i.e. most
video games and simulators) the MIT inertial tracker offers
high performance, virtually unlimited range, and no
degradation near noise sources or ferromagnetic objects.
When translational data is required, the MIT hybrid system
offers the same high performance and immunity to
ferromagnetic objects, but is limited to a range of
approximately five meters (as opposed to 1-2 meters for
popular magnetic trackers),
is degraded by noise sources in
the acoustic frequencies used by the tracker, and suffers
from the line of sight difficulties of the acoustic tracker.
Despite these limitations, the MIT acoustic-inertial hybrid
can be effectively applied to head-tracking applications.
2.1.2 Telerobots
Telerobot applications require the tracking system to report
the orientation and position of some remote robot to a human
The benefits of the MIT inertial tracker and
the MIT acoustic-inertial hybrid mentioned in the previous
section apply to telerobot applications as well.
The long
range of the MIT system should be emphasized because it is
likely that the telerobot will operate in a sizable
In addition, immunity to ferromagnetic objects
is obviously important for telerobot applications that use
metallic materials to construct the telerobots.
Applications for a Wireless, Sourceless
Two specific potential applications for a wireless,
sourceless tracker are discussed in this section, but
certainly many more exist.
Any application that requires
high performance orientation tracking over extremely long
ranges can utilize the MIT inertial tracker.
that need this performance from a small, inexpensive tracker
are ideal for the MIT system.
2.2.1 Remotely Piloted Vehicles
Remotely piloted vehicles can be grouped with telerobots.
The distinction made here uses remotely piloted vehicles to
imply much longer range than a telerobot.
One can imagine the need for monitoring the orientation
of the turret of a remotely piloted tank during combat.
addition, a remotely piloted aircraft would also need
orientation monitoring.
A Global Positioning System (GPS)
receiver could be integrated with the inertial tracking
system to provide a fairly accurate inertial navigation
system (INS).
Because multiple inertial trackers can be
operated in a closed space without interfering with each
other (all other tracking methods do self-interfere),
it can
be imagined that a remotely piloted helicopter could utilize
an integrated GPS INS and then multiple inertial trackers to
aim weapons.
It should be emphasized that the MIT inertial
tracker is useful for this application when a small size and
low cost are desirable; bulkier and much more expensive
inertial navigation systems are currently available that
offer superior performance.
Remotely piloted commercial vehicles can benefit from
the MIT inertial tracker as well.
One can imagine using an
inertial orientation sensor coupled with a camera or set of
cameras on a remotely piloted vehicle to develop panoramic
views of terrain.
These panoramas could be used for search
and rescue operations, exploration, and entertainment.
Certainly many more applications exist; any task that
requires human operation of a remote machine is a prime
candidate for a sourceless, wireless tracker.
2.2.3 Surveying
is another potential application of a sourceless,
wireless tracker.
Consider a system composed of a laser
rangefinder on a tripod with a reflector placed some
distance away.
A survey team outfitted with the MIT
inertial tracker could quickly setup their laser and
reflector and take several measurements, rather than
leveling the tripod and measuring the angles between the
laser and reflector precisely for each measurement.
All of
the angle measurement would be performed by the tracker, and
compensation could be made for an unlevel tripod.
In some
cases, the laser rangefinder could be aimed at a known point
a nearby building) and the inertial tracker could
instantly measure all of the angles necessary to fix the
point of the tripod.
A surveyor equipped with a wireless,
sourceless tracker could quickly move his tripod from point
to point and aim his rangefinder at a fixed point while the
tracker measured all angles necessary and downloaded them to
the surveyor's nearby van.
Chapter 3
The Design and Implementation
of a Wireless Tracker
3.1 The System
A wireless tracker must contain only a wireless data and
control link and a sensor or block of sensors that produce
measurements from which position and orientation can be
The sensor fusion and processing can be performed
o()n a distinct processor after the raw data have been
received from the sensors
(figure 3-1),
or the orientation
and position can be computed between the sensor block and
data transmitter (figure 3.2).
This tradeoff is discussed
in more detail in Section 4.4.
For now it is sufficient to
recognize that a wireless tracking system can be represented
by three functions in a block diagram - data collection (the
sensor block), data transmission (the wireless link), and
Inertial Tracker
Figure 3-1:
The wireless link before computation.
Inertial Tracker
Figure 3-2:
Processing 4- Control
The wireless link after computation.
The sensor block in a wireless tracker should be
similar to the sensor block of a wired tracker using the
same tracking technology.
It is the data from this block
that is used to calculate position and orientation, and it
is assumed tthat the performance of a wireless tracker should
approach the performance of a wired tracker as closely as
Therefore, the technology versus cost trades that
are made for a wired tracker should have the same outcomes
for a wireless version.
Perhaps we are willing to accept
higher cost or lower performance in a wireless tracker, but
we would certainly prefer to maintain the standards we hold
for wired trackers.
For the proposed design, the sensor
block in the wireless version is identical to the wired
sensor block.
It is assumed that the data transmission block is a
likely bottleneck for a wireless tracking system.
if cost is a factor in the system, the wireless link must be
the bottleneck.
Otherwise, we can purchase an extremely low
cost, low baud rate wireless link to use for the system.
the limit, we have no wireless transmission link and no
cost, but we are then forced to collocate the host computer,
data fusion and processing functionality, and the sensor
In another limit, we can buy an extremely expensive
wireless link that achieves baud rates as high as we like
over arbitrary transmission distances with low bit error
This system is very expensive, and it is
In the proposed system, it is assumed that
both low cost and high bandwidth are similarly desirable, so
the wireless transmission link is an important and
constraining block.
Computation in a wireless tracker should be similar to
the computation in a wired tracker, assuming similar
precision and accuracy versus speed tradeoffs.
Because the
computation block is basically the same in both wired and
wireless trackers, its contents are less interesting for the
current project than its placement.
If most computation can
be performed before the wireless transmission link, then we
can reduce bandwidth and cost.
However, we assume that fast
computation power is more available and much cheaper at the
host computer than it is at the sensor side of the
transmission link.
Otherwise, we would move the entire host
computer and data fusion and processing functionality to the
sensor block and we would eliminate the need for a wireless
Link at all.
The placement of this computation block is
discussed in more detail in Chapter 4.
The overall sourceless, wireless system is based on the
MIT inertial tracker developed by Eric Foxlin.
Though the
remainder of the discussion focuses specifically on this
tracking system, the concepts can be generalized to include
other inertial tracking systems and other tracking
methodologies as well.
System Design Goals
As mentioned in Section 3.1, the primary goal of a wireless
tracking system is to approach the same performance and
functionality of a wired tracking system using similar
tracking technology.
In addition, the cost of the system
should not be prohibitive, and the size should be
It is also hoped that the transmission link
will not introduce a bottleneck that severely hampers the
performance of the MIT inertial tracker.
Moreover, the
whole system should operate on a battery for an acceptable
length of time.
Please see Table 3-1 for a complete list of
design goals.
Current System
Proposed Goal for
Wireless System
length of cable for
30 feet without
orientation only;
line of sight.
15 ft. for orientation
plus position
Battery Life
Not Applicable
2 hours
Update Rate
500 Hz / Total number
100 Hz / total
of sensor blocks
number of sensor
Size of
1.25 in. x 1 in. x
2.5 in x 2.5 in x
.91 in.
1 in.
Table 3-1: Design goals.
Design Constraints
Constraints for this design come largely from the need to
integrate the new system with the existing MIT inertial
tracking system.
The proposed hardware and software must
overlay the existing hardware and software platforms
In addition, the proposed system must operate
through an available RS-232 serial port, allowing a maximum
of 115 Kbaud transmission rate.
This choice to use an existing serial port was made to
reduce cost and complexity.
Higher bandwidths
therefore, higher performance) could be obtained by
combining a high bandwidth transmission link with a custom
card that plugs into the bus of the data fusion and
processing unit.
This method increases complexity and cost
and was not investigated.
The Hardware
3.2.1 An Overview
The following Figure 3-3 illustrates a block diagram of the
hardware for a wireless link to the MIT inertial tracker.
The blocks are discussed in the remainder of Chapter 3.
A variety of digital hardware was utilized to overlay the
proposed wireless tracker onto the existing system.
hardware included an RS-232 interface between the data
processing unit and the microprocessor that controls the
sensor block and an interface between the microprocessor and
the sensor block.
In addition, further interface circuitry
may be necessary to utilize an off-the-shelf wireless serial
This circuitry should not involve much more than a
wired connector and socket because most wireless serial
links are designed to plug easily into existing wired serial
Figure 3-3: A block diagram of the serial link.
Hardware in the Sensor Block
For the present project, the only relevant hardware in the
sensor block of MIT's inertial tracker is an analog to
digital converter (ADC).
The converter reads an eight bit
serial control word that specifies channel and output format
during the first eight clock cycles of its twelve cycle
The ADC has a 10 microsecond conversion time and
runs on a 4 MHz clock, so the total cycle time is 13
microseconds, allowing a maximum conversion rate of
approximately 77,000 channels per second (the current MIT
system uses the converter to convert approximately 4000
analog values per second).
In the proposed system, the
converter is selected and driven directly by the
microprocessor and interface hardware.
The Microprocessor and its Interface
The proposed system utilizes a Zilog Z180 microprocessor
running at 18.432 MHz on a Zworld SmartCore board.
SmartCore provides 512K of read only memory (ROM), a
watchdog timer to recover from system lock-ups, and a 40 pin
interface to help reduce the layout complexity of nearby
interface circuitry.
See Appendix A for the schematics of
the Zworld SmartCore.
Zworld's suggested interface to an analog to digital
converter (ADC) is shown in Figure 3-4.
This interface uses
an 8-bit addressable latch (74HC259) to decode the least
significant three address bits into separate data, chip
select, and clock lines.
In addition, an octal buffer /
line driver (74LS244) is used to gate the ADC data output
stream onto the three-state data bus.
See Appendix B.1 for
the microprocessor software used to drive the interface in
Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4:
Zworld's suggested interface.
The suggested interface was constructed and evaluated,
and it was found to have severe limitations.
Because the
microprocessor directly drives the clock for the ADC, each
bit of output data requires at least two output commands
from the microprocessor to toggle the clock.
For a twelve
bit output word, at least 24 microprocessor output commands
are required.
In addition, the sample interface only uses
the least significant bit of the data bus, thereby requiring
the microprocessor to internally shift the received data to
make room for incoming bits.
These limitations greatly
impede the cycle time of the ADC - allowing approximately
400 conversions per second with a 115 Kbaud serial
(It takes three serial words of 10 bits each to
transmit two 12 bit conversion results with overhead.
A 400
channel per second conversion rate implies 6000 bits per
second transmitted across the serial line, for a utilization
of 5%.
A 115 Kbaud channel perfectly utilized can
theoretically support 7680 conversions per second with no
data compression.)
An interface circuit that overcomes these limitations
was designed and constructed and is shown in Figure 3-5.
The 74LS259 now has its data input wired to a logic high, so
any line of the multiplexer that is selected by the three
least significant address bits is asserted to a logic high.
Logic lows are set on all lines of the multiplexer by
forcing the third chip select line on the microprocessor to
a logic low.
The 74HC259 is used to select modes for the
8-bit shift / storage registers
(74LS299) and to provide the
clock pulse necessary to load the resgisters with the 8 bit
value present on the data bus.
A 4 MHz crystal oscillator is used to eliminate the
need of the microprocessor to directly drive the ADC clock.
Because we need bursts of twelve clock pulses separated by
enough time to read the data from the ADC and set up for the
next conversion, a presettable 4-bit binary up / down
counter (74LS193) is used with additional logic gates to
provide a 12 count framing pulse that is used to regulate
the clock input to the ADC.
In addition, the 74LS299's
enable the microprocessor to read 8-bits of each conversion
result with one read operation, reducing the internal
shifting necessary to form a 12 bit result.
Please see
Appendix B.2 for the driver software of the circuit in
Figure 3-5.
With this configuration, a single microprocessor and
interface hardware circuit can drive up to four sensor
blocks (this limitation is imposed by the number of
available chip select lines on the microprocessor) with a
maximum three quarters degradation in performance.
performance is degraded most when the microprocessor
independently controls each sensor block.
The degradation
can be minimized with additional shift registers -- if each
sensor block has its own set of shift registers then the
analog to digital conversions can occur in parallel.
addition, if each sensor block operates on the same channel
at any given time, the control words can be written
simultaneously to reduce the number of required commands on
the microprocessor.
D n~
Data Out
AO Al A2
Figure 3-5: An improved interface circuit.
As we can see, many of the limitations of the suggested
circuit are eliminated.
The microprocessor now requires six
output commands and two input commands to program and read
each conversion instead of the 51 commands required
previously to toggle the clock and read bits individually.
The ADC is now operated at its maximum allowable clock
frequency of 4 MHz.
The system can now perform
approximately 2800 analog to digital conversions per second,
a sevenfold improvement over the first revision.
the overhead start and stop bits, the 115 Kbaud serial
connection is now 36% utilized.
Why is the serial connection only 36% utilized?
It is
certainly preferable to utilize all of the available
In the present setup, though, the microprocessor
must read the data bus twice for each conversion before
loading the bus with the next channel to be converted.
During these read operations and the subsequent write to
prepare the system for the next conversion, the serial
connection is idle.
In addition, when the microprocessor
scans a block of channels, it stores all of the conversion
results until it is ready to send all of the data back to
the host computer and the serial link is idle during this
This storage allows the microprocessor to format the
data efficiently and reduce the overall bandwidth
requirements for a given number of conversions.
Hardware Interface to the Data Fusion and
Processing Unit
The data fusion and processing unit must have an available
serial port (when computation is performed before
transmission, the host computer must have an available
but no additional hardware is required.
The current
MIT inertial tracker uses a custom card that connects the
sensor block to the data processor's 8-bit Industry Standard
Architecture (ISA) data bus.
This custom card allows
extremely fast operation of the ADC within the sensor block,
but the speed is unnecessary when limited by a 115 Kbaud
serial connection.
The current MIT system already uses both serial ports
available on the existing controller card.
The first port
is used to connect to the VSCOPE ultrasonic positioning
system, and the second is a data connection to a host
A second controller card must be added and
configured to allow the operation of three serial ports.
The Software
Software for the proposed system has two distinct parts the code burned on the EPROM that controls the
microprocessor, and the code inserted into the existing data
fusion and processing unit.
The implementation of both of
these parts is discussed below, and the complete listing of
the code is given in Appendices B and C.
3.3.1 Microprocessor Software
The code on the microprocessor receives a single control
byte from the data fusion and processing unit.
At the time
of this writing, only two control commands have been
implemented -- a channel scan command and a single
conversion command.
To scan a block of channels, the
microprocessor must receive a byte that contains four
leading zeros and then the channel up to which to scan.
single conversion command byte contains four leading ones
and then the channel to be converted.
Please see Appendix B for the complete code implemented
on the microprocessor.
Each function is described in detail
in the appendix.
Some additions should be made to the microprocessor
code to allow better control of the system.
A function that
remaps the channels should be implemented, as should another
function that changes the data rate of the serial port on
the SmartCore.
In addition, functions must be implemented
to control lines for the sensor block that are not tied to
the ADC.
3.3.2 Other Software
In addition to the software implemented on the
microprocessor, the software running on the data fusion and
processing unit was modified.
Please see Appendix C for the
It is clear that some software is needed to send
commands to the microprocessor and receive data from the
The software in Appendix C serves this
purpose, and it accomplishes other tasks for the inertial
tracker that are unrelated to the present discussion.
Chapter 4
Data Analysis and Conclusions
4.1 Results
It is important to recall that the present serial system has
been designed for use with existing wireless serial
Most of the wireless serial links presently
available for a reasonable cost operate at baud rates of
38,400 or less.
Performance requiring more than the easily
available bandwidth would be degraded when operated with a
less expensive wireless link.
It is important, then, to
improve the cycle time of conversions without increasing the
bandwidth required to transmit the results to the host
It may also be desirable to accept a small
performance degradation if the bandwidth requirements are
greatly reduced by the change.
The following Table 4-1 and Figures 4-1 and 4-2
summarize useful data that help suggest an optimal bandwidth
for the present system.
For 8000 conversions, the total
data sent by the ADC is 120,000 bits with 10,000 bits
required to control the microprocessor.
Baud Rate
Seconds per
Percentage of
code C.2)
Table 4-1:
Bandwidth utilization.
Baud Rate (in 2400 baud increments)
Figure 4-1:
Diminishing returns for increased
v 10
Figure 4-2:
Baud Rate
4% IV
Bits per second through serial link.
4.2 Analysis
It is clear from Table 4-1 and Figure 4-1 that there is a
diminishing return on bandwidth in the serial connection.
Why are there diminishing returns?
Section 3.2.3.
Recall the discussion in
While the microprocessor is reading and
formatting data, the data fusion and processing unit is idle
and no data flows through the serial connection.
As the baud rate is increased, the idle time remains
fixed, but transmission time decreases, so the percentage of
idle time rises (the percentage of idle time is inversely
proportional to the bandwidth utilization).
Once the system
reaches a 76 Kbaud transmission rate, the transmission time
is negligible compared to the processor time on the
microprocessor, and the system becomes limited by the speed
of the microprocessor instead of by the serial bandwidth.
How can these bottlenecks be overcome?
It must be
emphasized that the bottleneck at low baud rates is the
serial bandwidth, while at high baud rates the limiting
factor is microprocessor speed.
This distinction implies
that the same method will not overcome both problems.
low baud rates, the processing time on the microprocessor
(idle time in the system) is less significant than
transmission time.
Data compression, then, seems to be a
workable solution to the problem.
A complex compression
algorithm (especially one that involves floating point
numbers) could substantially increase processor time and
degrade system performance.
algorithm should be used.
Instead, a simple compression
One possible simple compression
scheme could send a single bit of overhead that would
signify if the forthcoming conversion result contained 10 or
12 bits.
Ten bit data would be sent when the conversion
result was within 1024 counts of a fixed value
(that would
be added to the 10 bit result after data transmission),
12 bit data would be sent otherwise.
This compression
scheme would probably not achieve more than 10% compression,
but it would be easy to implement, and it could avoid
slowing down the microprocessor too much.
For high baud rates, compression would actually degrade
overall system performance.
Instead, the data fusion and
processing unit should be active while the microprocessor is
To accomplish this, we could change the current
scheme of requesting ADC channel scans at the beginning of
each computation loop.
during the loop.
Instead, we could request scans
Then, the microprocessor would be
preparing another set of data while the central processor
continued to merge the sensor data from the previous
The system idle time would be greatly reduced with
the new method, and performance would improve at all baud
rates, but higher baud rates
(that are not themselves
bottlenecks) would see more improvement than low baud rates.
How fast can the system get?
The maximum conversion
rate is approximately 5,800 channels per second (when the
microprocessor is put in continuous mode),
and the system
currently converts about 3,100 channels per second with a
1L15 Kbaud serial connection.
The current system speed is
only 53% of the empirical limit.
A serial connection to the MIT inertial tracker has been
designed and implemented.
The intention is to make this
connection wireless using a standard transceiver pair, so
system performance was tested using different baud rates.
Higher baud rates are obviously preferred, but the returns
do diminish as baud rate is increased.
Cost and desired
performance must be factored into any transceiver choice -if allowed cost and desired performance are both low, then a
low baud rate link will meet the requirements.
If high
performance is preferred and cost is less of an issue, a
high baud rate link is desired.
Recall, however, that no
gain is made in the present system for baud rates above 76
Suggestions for Further Work
The software modifications mentioned in Section 4.2 are a
good beginning to further work on this project.
If we
refuse to increase hardware complexity further, the largest
performance gains must be made with software enhancements.
Another interesting area involves changing the data
representation in the system.
Currently, the ADC reports 12
bit values to the microprocessor that then sends the entire
12 bit result to the central processor.
The microprocessor
could instead send the differential between results (rather
than the entire result each time) to save bandwidth.
Differential results cause errors to accumulate in the
filtering algorithm, but the filter eventually overcomes the
To a head mounted display user, bit errors under
the differential scheme would cause their view to drift, and
then ease back to where it should be.
With bit errors in
the current system, the field of view would shift more
dramatically, but recovery would take only a single update
(assuming the next conversion result is received without
It is unclear which system is preferable to the
It is also unclear if these preferences are dependent
upon the tracker's application.
Another interesting topic concerns the placement of the
data fusion and processing block within the system (as
mentioned in Section 3.1).
If the block is placed before
the transmitter, the required bandwidth is greatly reduced.
To collocate the sensor fusion with the microprocessor,
however, implies a reduction in computing power and,
therefore, a degradation in the system's update rate.
system would also be much cheaper, though.
It is unclear if
the cost reduction would make the performance degradation
The first step toward a wireless, sourceless tracker
has been made.
Many applications already exist for MIT's
wireless inertial tracker, and as wireless HMD's come on
line, the MIT inertial tracker will become a critical
component in the emergent virtual reality industry.
Appendix A
SmartCore Schematics
U- e
IiC C,
00oo0 00
--- 1
iab291b2.sch-1 - Tue Jul 11 14:08:40 1995
iab291 b2.sch-2 - Tue Jul 11 14:08:42 1995
Appendix B
Microprocessor Code
B.1 Control Code for Figure 3-4
12-bit ADC sample code for the Smart Core and the TLC2543
CS4 Ox40CO
// size of transmit buffer
// size of receive buffer
// # of scan repetitions
unsigned int read_2543(int channel);
void channelscan (int n, unsigned int * values, int * map);
void senddata(unsigned int * values);
unsigned int single_channel(int channel);
void initializemap (int * map);
set clock ***********************
(Actually this
set clock sets the clock on the TLC2543.
sets QO on the 74LS259, but that line is connected to CLK on
the TLC2543 (see hardware schematics for more info).
void set clock(int state)
(int state) is the value to which the clock is being
void set clock(int state)
outport (CS4, state);
read 2543 *********************
read 2543 reads a specified channel on the ADC. This
function should be called from within channel scan or
(Channel scan and single channel order the
single channel.
data array properly.)
unsigned int read_2543 (int channel)
(int channel) is the channel that will be converted.
[It's serial data will be output the next time a
channel is converted.
The unsigned int that is returned is the result of the
digital conversion of the analog channel requested by
the PREVIOUS call to read 2543 (The PREVIOUS result is
shifted out because data is stored by the TLC2543 until
the next time a channel is shifted into its register).
Changes to arrays:
unsigned int read_2543(int channel)
int j,control;
unsigned int value;
control = channel<<8;
The channel is shifted by 8
bits instead of the required
4 bits because the bottom four
bits of the control word are
dummy bits.
value=0; outport(CS4,0); // Set the clock low before
// asserting CS.
assert the CS on the 2543
for (j=11;j>=0;j--)
The first time through
this loop, this is NOT
a falling edge of I/O Clock
because I/O clock is set low
before entering this loop.
value=(value<<l) + (inport(CS4)&l);
// Set the clock high
return value;
clear the CS for the 2543
channel scan *********************
channel scan reads a block of the first n channels from the
channel map and puts their returned values into an array.
void channelscan(int n, unsigned int * values)
(int n) is the number of channels to scan.
(unsigned int * values) is a pointer to the data array.
(int * map) is a pointer to the map array. This array
should contain the integer values of the channels in
the order in which a scan is desired. That is, if we'd
like to scan channels 3, 4, 2 in that order, then map
should be an array that begins with {3,4,2} and ends
with the remaining channels in the desired order. This
order should remain the same (we don't want to change
map every time we do a channel scan);
Changes to Arrays:
The values array is loaded with the conversion results.
In addition, values[11] is loaded with the number of
valid results in the values array.
void channelscan(int n,unsigned int * values, int * map)
int i;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
values[i] = read_2543(map[i]);
This stores the number of valid
entries in the data array.
send data ***************************
send data sends data serially to the master computer.
12-bit results are combined to form 3 8-bit ASCII characters
that are sent through an RS232 connection. The most
significant 8 bits of the earlier result (the result that
has a lower array index value) specify the first character
sent. The least significant 4 bits of the earlier result
specify the most significant 4 bits of the next character.
The most significant 4 bits of the later result specify the
least significant 4 bits of the second character, and the
least significant 8 bits of the later result specify the
last of the three characters for each pair of results.
(Obviously these characters must be decoded at the master
void send data(unsigned int * values)
(unsigned int * values) is a pointer to the data array.
Changes to arrays:
values[l] is reduced to zero in this function.
void senddata(unsigned int * values)
int i;
long combined;
// This loop is active
// when two or more
// valid results are
left in the data array.
(So this loop sends
out 3 bytes).
Dwrite z01ch( (combined>>16) &255);
Dwrite z01ch( (combined>>8)&255);
Dwrite z01ch( (combined&255));
if (values[11])//
This part of the function is
active when only one valid
result remains in the data
array. Only 2 bytes are
sent. The master computer
needs to keep track of this.
Dwrite z01ch((combined>>16)&255);
Dwrite z01ch((combined>>8)&255);
/**************** ********
initialize map ***************
initializem:nap sets the mapped channel values. That is,
assigns the proper channel number to each analog input.
void initializemap(void)
Changes to Arrays:
The map array is loaded with channel mappings.
ý * ****
void initializemap (int * map)
map[ 0] =8;
map [1] =7;
map [2] =6;
x gyro
y gyro
z gyro
map[3]=4; // x accel
map[4]=5; // y accel
map[5]=3; // z accel
map[6]=2; // x compass
map[7]=1; // y compass
map[8]=9; // temp sensor
map[9]=10;// unused
map[10]=11;// unused
single channel ******************
single_channel loads the specified channel into the control
register of the TLC2543 and returns the result of the
PREVIOUS conversion. (Therefore, to get an arbitrary
channel converted on demand, this function must be called
unsigned int singlechannel (int channel)
(int channel) is the channel that will be converted.
[It's serial data will be output the next time a
channel is converted.
The unsigned int that is returned is the result of the
digital conversion of the analog channel requested by
the PREVIOUS call to read_2543 (The PREVIOUS result is
shifted out because data is stored by the TLC2543 until
the next time a channel is shifted into its register).
Changes to Arrays:
unsigned int singlechannel(int channel)
return(read 2543(channel));
int i,k;
unsigned int values[12];
int map[ll];
char data;
cursor, value;
char tbuf[TBUFSIZE];
char rbuf[RBUFSIZE] ;
char buf[RBUFSIZE + 1];
transmit buffer
receive buffer
dummy buffer for receiving a
complete command
use reload vec( ..) instead of #INT VEC SERO VEC if
portO is also the Dynamic C programming Port
#if ROM==0
reload vec(14, Dz0 circ int);
#endi f
Dinit z0(rbuf, tbuf, RBUFSIZE, TBUFSIZE, 20, 38400 / 1200,
0, 0);
z0binaryset(); // interrupt routine will receive all
hitwd ();
cursor =
ledonoff = 1;
beeponoff = 0;
changebaud = 0;
initialize_map (map);
while(!Dwrite z01ch('^'));
for (;;)
// endless loop constantly monitoring for
// new character
Dread z01ch(&data))
switch (data&240)
case 128:
if(ledonoff) ledonoff =
else ledonoff = 1;
outport(CS1, ledonoff);
outport(CS1+l, ledonoff);
outport(CS1+2, ledonoff);
outport(CS1+3, ledonoff);
case 64:
// beep for 1 second
// Run the channel scan routine
case 0-:
// beep for 250 ms if
// non functional key is pressed.
while(!Dwrite z01ch(' ^ ' ) ) ;
B.2 Control Code for Figure 3-5
12-bit ADC sample code for the Smart Core and the TLC2543
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TBUFSIZE 384
#define RBUFSIZE 384
#define CS3 0x4080
#define CS4 Ox40CO
#define CS5 0x4100
#define CS6 0x4140
// size of transmit buffer
// size of receive buffer
void read 2543(int channel, char * bytes, int index);
void channel scan(int n,char * bytes, int * map);
void senddata(char * bytes);
unsigned int single_channel(int channel);
void initialize map (int * map);
/ *********************
read 2543**************************
read_2543 reads a specified channel on the ADC. This
function should be called from within channel scan or
(Channel scan and single channel order the
data array properly.)
void read_2543 (int channel, char * bytes, int index)
(int channel) is the channel that will be converted.
[It's serial data will be output the next time a
channel is converted.]
(char * bytes) is a pointer to the transmitted bytes
(int * map) is a pointer to the array of channel
Changes to Arrays:
The bytes array is loaded with 2*n bytes of data from
the converter. These bytes are ordered and sent in
send data. Bytes[22] stores the number of valid
entries in the array.
No change is made to the map array.
void read_2543(int channel, char * bytes, int index)
int j,control;
control = channel<<4;// The channel is shifted by 4
// bits and written into the shift
// registers. When the data is
// shifted into the A/D, only
// the first 8 input bits are
// used by the TLC2543.
Clear the addressable latch
and put the registers in parallel
load mode.
// Put registers into shift mode
// and assert the CS on TLC2543
// Trigger the conversion cycle
Clock Parallel Load
Make sure that this hitwd()
call stays in this position.
That way we can't try to read
conversion results too quickly.
channel scan *******************
channel scan reads a block of the first n channels from the
channel map and puts their returned values into an array.
void channelscan(int n, char * bytes, int map)
(int n) is the number of channels to scan.
(char * bytes) is a pointer to the transmitted bytes
(int * map) is a pointer to the map array. This array
should contain the integer values of the channels in
the order in which a scan is desired. That is, if we'd
like to scan channels 3, 4, 2 in that order, then map
should be an array that begins with {3,4,2} and ends
with the remaining channels in the desired order. This
order should remain the same (we don't want to change
map every time we do a channel scan);
Changes to arrays:
The bytes array is loaded with 2*n bytes of data from
the converter. These bytes are ordered and sent in
senddata. Bytes[22] stores the number of valid
entries in the array.
No change is made to the map array.
void channelscan(int n,char * bytes, int * map)
int i;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
This stores the number of valid
entries in the data array.
send data ***********************
senddata sends data serially to the master computer.
12-bit results are combined to form 3 8-bit ASCII characters
that are sent through an RS232 connection. The most
significant 8 bits of the earlier result (the result that
has a lower array index value) specify the second character
sent. The least significant 4 bits of the earlier result
specify the most significant 4 bits of the first character.
The most significant 4 bits of the later result specify the
least significant 4 bits of the first character, and the
least significant 8 bits of the later result specify the
last of the three characters for each pair of results. When
only one valid result is left in the array, the least
significant four bits of the first character sent are the
four most significant bits of the result, and the second
character sent is the least significant eight bits of the
(Obviously these characters must be decoded at the
master computer).
void send data(char * bytes)
(unsigned int * values) is a pointer to the data array.
Changes to arrays:
Bytes[22] (the valid bytes index) is reduced to zero
within this function.
void senddata(char * bytes)
int i;
unsigned int values[2];
// This loop is active
// when four or more
// valid bytes are
// left in the bytes array.
// (4 valid bytes implies
// two valid conversion
results -> 3 bytes
// of transmitted data).
Dwrite z01lch((((long)bytes[il&15)<<4)+(bytes[i+2]&15));
Dwrite z01ch(bytes[i+1]);
Dwrite z01ch(bytes[i+3]);
This part of the function is
active when only two valid
bytes remains in the byte
array. Only 2 bytes are
sent. The master computer
// needs to keep track of this.
Dwrite z01ch(bytes [i]&15);
Dwrite -z01ch(bytes [i+1]);
initializemap ***************
initializemap sets the mapped channel values. That is,
assigns the proper channel number to each analog input.
void initialize map(void)
Changes to Arrays:
The map array is loaded with channel mappings.
void initializemap (int * map)
2] =6;
4] =5;
5] =3;
7] =1;
8 1]=9;
9] =1 0;
x gyro
y gyro
z gyro
x accel
y accel
z accel
x compass
y compass
temp sensor
map[10]=11;// unused
int i,k;
unsigned int values[12];
int map[11];
char data;
char bytes[23];
cursor, value;
char tbuf[TBUFSIZE];
char rbuf[RBUFSIZE];
char buf[RBUFSIZE + 1];
transmit buffer
receive buffer
dummy buffer for receiving
complete command
use reload vec( ..)
portO is also the Dynamic C programming Port
#if ROM==0
reload vec(14, Dz0 circ int);
Dinit z0(rbuf, tbuf, RBUFSIZE, TBUFSIZE, 20, 115200 / 1200,
0, 0);
z0binaryset ();
interrupt routine will receive all
changebaud = 0;
while(!Dwrite z01ch('^'));
// endless loop constantly monitoring for
for (;;)
// new character
if( Dreadz01ch(&data))
case 128:
// Convert Single Channel
read 2543((data&15)1,,bytes, map);
send data(bytes);
case 0:
// Scan Channels
read 2543(0, (data&15),bytes,map);
while(!Dwrite z01ch('^'));
Improved Control Code for Figure 3-5
This code is faster than the code in B.2, but the speed is
achieved by sacrificing modularity. With an overhead of
approximately 30 instructions per function call, the program
speed was significantly increased by reducing function
12-bit ADC sample code for the Smart Core and the TLC2543
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TBUFSIZE 384
#define RBUFSIZE 384
#define CS3 0x4080
#define CS4 Ox40CO
// size of transmit buffer
// size of receive buffer
#define CS5 0x4100
#define CS6 0x4140
void read 2543(int channel, int n, char * bytes, int * map);
void send data(char * bytes);
void initializemap (int * map);
read 2543 ***************
read 2543 reads a specified channel on the ADC. This
function replaces channel scan and single channel from
earlier versions.
void read_2543 (int channel, int n, char * bytes, int *
(int channel) is first mapped channel to be converted.
[It's serial data will be output the next time a
channel is converted.]
(int n) is the number of mapped channels to scan.
(char * bytes) is a pointer to the transmitted bytes
(int * map) is a pointer to the array of channel
Changes to Arrays:
The bytes array is loaded with 2*n bytes of data from
the converter. These bytes are ordered and sent in
senddata. Bytes[22] stores the number of valid
entries in the array.
No change is made to the map array.
void read_2543(int channel, int n, char * bytes, int * map)
int control, i, index;
for (i=channel;i<n;i++)
control = map[i]<<4;//
The channel is shifted by 4
bits and written into the shift
registers. When the data is
shifted into the A/D, only
the first 8 input bits are
used by the TLC2543.
// Clear the addressable latch
// and put the registers in
// parallel load mode.
// Put registers into shift
// mode and assert the CS on
// TLC2543
Clock Parallel Load
outport(CS4,control);// Trigger the conversion cycle
Make sure that this hitwd()
call stays in this position.
That way we can't try to read
conversion results too quickly.
index = i*2;
bytes [index]=inport (CS6);
This stores the number of valid
entries in the data array.
send data ***********************
send data sends data serially to the master computer.
12-bit results are combined to form 3 8-bit ASCII characters
that are sent through an RS232 connection. The most
significant 8 bits of the earlier result (the result that
has a lower array index value) specify the second character
sent. The least significant 4 bits of the earlier result
specify the most significant 4 bits of the first character.
The most significant 4 bits of the later result specify the
least significant 4 bits of the first character, and the
least significant 8 bits of the later result specify the
last of the three characters for each pair of results. When
only one valid result is left in the array, the least
significant four bits of the first character sent are the
four most significant bits of the result, and the second
character sent is the least significant eight bits of the
(Obviously these characters must be decoded at the
master computer).
void send data(char * bytes)
(unsigned int * values) is a pointer to the data array.
Changes to arrays:
Bytes[22] (the valid bytes index) is reduced to zero
within this function.
void send_data(char * bytes)
int i;
unsigned int values[2];
for(bytes [22];bytes[22]>=4;bytes[22]-=4)
// This loop is active
// when four or more
// valid bytes are
// left in the bytes array.
// (4 valid bytes implies
// two valid conversion
// results -> 3 bytes
// of transmitted data).
Dwrite z01ch ((((long)bytes[i]&15)<<4) +(bytes[i+2]&15));
Dwrite z01ch (bytes[i+1]);
Dwrite z01ch (bytes[i+3]);
This part of the function is
active when only two valid
bytes remains in the byte
array. Only 2 bytes are
sent. The master computer
needs to keep track of this.
Dwrite z01ch(bytes [i] &l~5);
Dwrite z01ch(bytes [i+1]) ;
(bytes [22])
initialize map ***************
initializemap sets the mapped channel values. That is, it
assigns the proper channel number to each analog input.
void initializemap(void)
Changes to Arrays:
The map array is loaded with channel mappings.
void initialize map
[0]=8; // x gyro
[1i=7; // y gyro
[2]=6; // z gyro
[31=4; // x accel
[4]=5; // y accel
[5]=3; // z accel
[61=2; // x compass
[7]=1; // y compass
[81=9; // temp sensor
[9]=10;// unused
[101=11;// unused
main ()
int i,k;
unsi gned int values[12];
int map [11]
char data;
char bytes ["23] ;
cursor, value;
char tbuf[TBUFSIZE];
// transmit buffer
// receive buffer
char rbuf[RBUFSIZE];
char buf[RBUFSIZE + 1]; // dummy buffer for receiving a
// complete command
use reload vec( .. ) instead of #INT VEC SERO VEC if
portO is also the Dynamic C programming Port
#if ROM==0
reload vec(14, Dz0 circ int);
Dinit z0(rbuf, tbuf, RBUFSIZE, TBUFSIZE, 20, 115200 / 1200,
C, 0);
z0binaryset(); // interrupt routine will receive all
// characters
changebaud = 0;
while(!Dwrite z01ch(' ^ ' ));
for (;;)
// endless loop constantly monitoring for
// new character
runwatch ()
hiLtwd (;
Dread zOlch(&data))
case 128:
// Convert Single Channel
read_2543((data&15),1, bytes, map);
case 0:
// Scan Channels
read_2543 (0, (data&15),bytes,map);
senddata (bytes);
while ( !Dwrite z01Och('^'));
Appendix C
Driver Code
C.1 Zworld.c
/* ZWORLD.C -- This program communicates with the Zworld
Z180 processor thru a serial port. The processor then
operates the A/D inside the sensor block, thus making a
serial link from INTRACK to the sensors. This link can then
be made wireless with an off the shelf wireless serial
connection. Uses the C Communications Toolkit from Magna
Carta Software to achieve fast RS-232 communications up to
115 Kbaud.
AUTHOR: John Rodkin
DATE: January, 1996
Based on RS232.C by Eric Foxlin, October, 1993*/
0x260 // ISA interface card base address
void goodbye(void);
/* local function prototypes */
void set channel(int);
/* SET CHANNEL: Loads the
// multiplexer with the specified
// c hannel and updates the variable
// muxchan to reflect this. This
// call has to actually trigger a
to get the new
// c
hannel loaded in, so it takes
// about 32 microseconds; use only
//when needed! */
void set channel(int channel)
int error;
unsigned char inputs[3];
zworld send char(128+channel);
error = zworldwaitforbytes(l);
zworld get bytes(inputs,2);
/* AD CONVERT: Convert any particular A/D input channel on
demand */
unsigned int adconvert(int channel)
int tlcchan, result, error;
unsigned char inputs[3];
case 0: // x gyro
tlcchan = 8;
case 1: // y gyro
tlcchan = 7;
case 2: // z gyro
tlcchan = 6;
case 3: // x accel
tlcchan = 4;
case 4: // y accel
t1cchan = 5;
case 5: // z accel
tlcchan = 3;
case 6: // x compass
tlcchan = 2;
case 7: // y compass
tlcchan = 1;
case 8: // temp sensor
tlcchan = 9;
tlcchan = 0;
zworld send char(128+tlcchan);
error = zworldwaitforbytes(1);
return(((inputs[0] &15)<<8)+inputs [1])<<4;
/* MEASURE VALUES: scans first n a/d channels and saves into
values []*/
void measure values(int n, unsigned int *vvalues)
unsigned int datahigh, datalow;
unsigned char inputs[3];
int error;
zworld send char(n);
error = zworld wait for bytes(n);
We're in this loop if two
or more channe ls remain
(2 channels -> 3 bytes)
zworldget bytes(inputs,3);
vvalues[i+1]=(((inputs[0] &15)<<8)+inputs[2] )<<4;
We're in this loop if only one
channel remains (1 channels -> 2 bytes)
zworldget bytes(inputs,2);
/* MEASURE BIASES: Average 100 measurements of each A/D
channel while
the sensor assembly is in reference
position. */
void measure biases(unsigned int *bbiases)
int i,channel;
int numtrials = 1000;
int trial;
unsigned int vvvalues[NUMCHANS];
unsigned long accum[NUMCHANS];
for(channel=0; channel<NUMCHANS; channel++)
accum[channel] = 0;
for(trial=0; trial<numtrials; trial++)
measure values(NUMCHANS, vvvalues);
for(channel=0; channel<NUMCHANS; channel++)
accum[channel] += vvvalues[channel];
for(channel=0; channel<NUMCHANS; channel++)
biases[channel] = (unsigned int) (accum[channel]/
void init8255(void)
/* Setup for 8255. Write a 145 control word to the control
register (which requires AO and Al to be high, so write to
SELECT7+3). */
led both();
int read baud (void)
/* This function reads the first four bits of Port C, where
the baud select lines are connected. Created 8/6/95. */
// SELECT7+2 denotes Port C of the 8255
int read button (void)
void led 3d(void)
int read8255;
// Port B is configured as an output but the latches may be
/ read.
read8255 = inp(SELECT7+1);
// turn off the 6d led on PB1:
read8255 = read8255&253;
// turn on the 3d led on PB2:
read8255 = read825514;
outp(SELECT7+1, read8255);
void led 6d(void)
int read8255;
// Port B is configured as an output but the latches may be
// read.
read8255 = inp(SELECT7+1);
// turn off the 3d led on PB2:
read8255 = read8255&251;
// turn on the 6d led on PB1:
read8255 = read825512;
outp (SELECT 7+1, read8255);
void led both(void)
outp (SELECT7+ 1,
void led neither (void)
)outp(SELECT7+1i, 7);
Durlach, N. I., and A. S. Mavor, eds. (1995). Virtual
Reality. Scientific and Technological Changes.
D. C. : National Academy Press.
Foxlin, E. (1993) Inertial Head Tracking. Electrical
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Foxlin, E., and N. Durlach. (1994). An inertial
head-orientation tracker with automatic drift
compensation for use in HMDs. Paper submitted to VRST
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Foxlin, E., and N. Durlach. (1995). Development of Improved
6-DOF Head-Tracking Technology for HMD Applications
Based on Inertial Sensors.
Meyer, K., Applewhite, H., and Biocca, F. (1992). A Survey
of Position Trackers. Presence, Volume 1, Number 2.
173 - 189.
Raab, F., Blood, E., Steiner, O., and Jones, H. (1979).
Magnetic Position and Orientation Tracking System.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
AES-15 #5, 709 - 717.
Zworld Engineering. (1995).
Smartcore: C Programming Core
Module. Technical Reference Manual. Version 1.0.