Feminism Rocks! An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499) By Megan Goodier and Elizabeth Fisher

Feminism Rocks!
An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499)
Megan Goodier and Elizabeth Fisher
Thesis Advisor
Dr. Laurie Lindberg
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana
April 2003
Graduating: May 2003
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This project is an exploration of feminist themes in contemporary music. Two
different formats are used. First, a CD of 12 songs which we feel exemplify feminism in
music today. These songs are by artists from different genres. They range from rap to
Broadway to country. Second, a monograph containing the lyrics of all the songs, as well
as information about the artists. With this project, we hope to show that feminism is alive
in music today. Artists in different genres and of different ages are all expressing the
power they feel as women.
Our sincere thanks to Dr. Laurie Lindberg for helping us with this project. Her
support was invaluable to us. We greatly enjoyed working with her. Thank you Laurie
for taking the time to aid us in this endeavor.
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"Salt 'n' Pepa." RollingStone.com. 2003: I pp. On-line. Internet. 20 Feb. 2003.
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Available WWW: http://www.trappedinabox.com/Interviews/intl.html.
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Available WWW: http://www.warr.org/saltnpepa.html.
Bate, Peter. "Dar Williams". Americana UK. September 2001. 3pp. On-line. Internet.
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Available WWW: http://www.americana-uk.comlhtmlldar_williams.htm!.
"Bio." The Dixie Chicks Official Artist Club. I pp. On-line. Internet. 20 Feb. 2003
Available WWW: http://dixiechicks.launch.yahoo.com/bio.asp
"Biography". Hoku.com.2pp. On-line. Internet. 24 April 2003.
Available WWW: http://www.hokuonline.com/bio.htm!.
Collis, Clark. "Cash Rules Everything Around Them!". Blender. November 2002: 8283.
Farache, Emily. "Stations to Dixie Chicks: Goodbye 'Earl'." E! Online News.
3 Apr. 2000. 2 pp. On-line. Internet. 20 Feb. 2003.
Available WWW: http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/Pf/0.1527.6265.00.htm!.
Gill, Lisa. "Standing Up And Speaking Out". CyberGrr!. 2001. 2 pp. On-line.
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Available WWW:
http://www.cybergrrl.comlfs.jhtml ?lfunlmusic grrll art 15 61lindex3. shtml.
Indigo Girls. 1200 Curfew. Epic Records. 1995.
Kot, Greg. "The Donnas Turn 21". RollingStone.com. 15 April 2002. I pp. On-line.
Internet. 24 April 2003.
Available WWW:
"Madonna." RoliingStone.com. 2003: 1 pp. On-line. Internet. 20 Feb. 2003.
Available WWW: http://www.rollingstone.comlartists/bio.asp?oid=370&cf=370.
McDonnell, Evelyn and Silberger, Katherine. RENT by Jonathan Larson. William
Morrow and Company, Inc.: New York, 1997.
Mechanic, Michea!. "Interview With Ani Difranco". Mother Jones. 8 September 1999.
3pp. On-line. Internet. 24 April 2003.
Available WWW: http://www.motheIjones.comlinterview/difranco.htm!.
"No Doubt." RoliingStone.com. 2003: 2 pp. On-line. Internet. 20 Feb. 2003.
Available WWW: http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/bio.asp?oid=77 &cf= 77.