Genetics Genes to manufacture certain proteins. DNA

Chapter 1 Reading Guide
1. Genes- are units of heredity, the sets of biochemical instructions that tell cells, the basic units of life, hot
to manufacture certain proteins.
2. DNA-(deoxyribonucleic acid)- the molecules that make up genes.
3. Genome-a complete set of genetic information characteristic of an organism, including protein encoding
genes and other DNA sequences
4. When was bioethics founded?_____1970’s_________
5. What is bioethics? Address many of the personal issues that arise in applying medical technologies.
6. Why would someone want to take a gene test? detect gene variants, health,
7. Would you be interested in taking a gene test? ___vary_______
8. Name one thing Mackenzie learned from her genes. Addictive behavior - Lung cancer
9. Name one thing Laurel learned from her genes. Cystic fibrosis…
10. Could insurance companies deny coverage to either girl based on what they learned? No
11. Give one example of a mutation that has a positive outcome. Resist HIV
12. Polymorphism- a variant in sequence that is present in 1% of a population is, means many forms, a
variant within an individual that does not necessarily change their appearance.
13. __Karyotype________-is a “picture of someone’s chromosomes.”
14. What is a karyotype used for? Look at genes and notice spaces or gaps or highlight abnormalities
15. Explain the difference between the following pairs of words.
a. Autosome and Sex chromosome
Autosomes do not differ between sexes. Sex chromosomes determine the sex of the individual
b. Genotype and Phenotype
The genotype is the instructions and the phenotype is the visible trait
c. DNA and RNA
DNA is Deoxyribose and RNA is Ribo… and they perform different functions, different sugars
d. Recessive and Dominant traits
Recessive traits are not expressed when present with a dominant trait.
e. Absolute and Relative risk
Absolute is the probability that an individual will develop a particular condition and Relative risk
gives the likelihood that a condition develops based on the population
f. Mendelian trait and multifactorial trait
A Mendelian trait is determined by a single gene. A multifactorial trait is determined by several
16. Why would age considered a risk factor for women wanting to have children? Downs Syndrome
17. Transgenic- an organism with genes from another species
18. GM in genetics means Genetically Modified
19. What is hemophilia? The inability of blood to clot. Can lead to severe bleeding and even death
Connect the terms below with the term that goes with it on the right with an arrow.
20. Family
21. Individual
22. Population
a. gene pool
b. karyotype
c. pedigree