Earth’s Interior Reading Guide Chapter 8

Earth’s Interior Reading Guide
Answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper.
Chapter 8
1. Most earthquakes and volcanoes occur on the border of the ______________ocean.
2. Make a small sketch of the fig. on page 174. (Sea Floor Spreading) Label the following:
a. Normal polarity
b. Reverse polarity
c. Age of rock (mill. of yrs.)
3. A__________________________is a boundary between 2 lithospheric plates that are
moving apart.
4. A _________________________is a boundary between 2 plates that moving toward each
5. ___________________is a specific type of convergent boundary where oceanic crust
plunges beneath the other plate (oceanic or continental crust).
6. A _______________________is a boundary between two plates that are sliding past each
7. The ________________________is a type of transform boundary found in California.
Chapter 10
8. The point at which the first movement occurs during an earthquake is called the __________.
9. The point at the earth’s surface directly above the focus is the ___________________.
Look at the figure on page 215.
10. Draw a P-wave
11. Draw an S-wave
12. Define magnitude13. The largest earthquake to occur in the United States during the 20th century was in ________.
Read the career insert about earthquake engineers and answer questions 14 and 15 below. Answer
questions 14 and 15 using a complete sentence.
14. What is the main role of an earthquake engineer?
15. What did they study in school?
16. Huge ocean waves called ________________can be created by earthquakes.
17. Geologists use ___________________to predict earthquakes. (more than one correct answer)
Chapter 11
18. Mountains are usually are associated with _______________boundaries.
19. Draw a sketch illustrating compression.
20. Draw a sketch illustrating tension.
21. Draw a sketch illustrating shear stress.