Flower Dissection Purpose Names: (1 pt)_________________________, _____________________

Flower Dissection
Names: (1 pt)_________________________, _____________________
Purpose: (1pt)_____________________________________________________________________________
1. Number of petals your flower has ______.(1pt)
2. Venation of leaves is best described as __________________________.(1pt)
3. Would this flower come from a monocot or dicot plant? Explain. (2pts)
B. FLOWER DIAGRAM: Remove 2-3 petals to view the inside of flower. Diagram your flower (color),
place a title below the diagram & label (ruler) the following components & write
the function for each. (10 pts.)
C. MALE STRUCTURE: carefully remove one stamen from the flower. Using a hand lens look at stamen &
diagram what you see. Color diagram & label the anther, filament and pollen. Title your diagram!(4pts)
1. Number of stamen present: ________(1pt)
2. Length of your stamen = ______mm (1pt)
3. Length of your anther = _____mm (1pt)
D. FEMALE STRUCTURE: carefully remove the female structure of the flower, longitudinally cut the
ovary and view with a hand lens. Draw what you see: Color & label the ovary, style, stigma & an ovule.
Include a title! (5 pts.)
1. Number of pistils present: _______(1pt)
2. Length of your pistil = ______mm (1 pt)
3. Gently touch the stigma; it should feel sticky. Why would the stigma be sticky? (1 pt)
4. The ovary develops into the (1 pt) ______________________.
5. What part of the flower becomes the seed? (1 pt) __________________________.
1. What is the purpose of flower petals? (1pt)______________________________________________
2. Name the male parts of your flower.(2pts)_______________________, _______________________
3. Name the female parts of your flower. (3pts)______________, ______________, ______________
4. In your flower, which of the above parts was longer? (1 pt)________________________________
5. Would having a longer pistil or stamen be an advantage in pollination? Explain! (2 pts)
6. Did any of the flower petals have lines or dots on them? (1 pt)____________________
What do you think these might be for? (1 pt)________________________________________
7. What is the role of insects and birds in pollination? Give 2 examples. (2 pts)
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
8. Where does fertilization occur? ________________________________________________
Conclusion: (3 pts)
Discuss three items YOU learned from doing the lab. Be specific!
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Total 50 pts.