Biology - Cytology Competitive Review Answers

Biology - Cytology Competitive Review Answers
1. Atom, Organelle, Cell, Organ, Organism
2. Surround/protect the cell, be selectively
3. Lets some things in, some things out, but not
4. Compound light microscope
5. Electron microscope
6. Release energy in the form of ATP
7. Perform photosynthesis
8. Transport proteins
9. Make lipids & remove toxins
10. Sort, package, distribute proteins
11. Contain water, food, or waste
12. Make proteins
13. Support/ protect the cell
14. Prokaryotic
15. Bacteria
16. Movement of molecules across a cell
17. Passive & active
18. Passive
19. The difference in concentration of a molecule
on opposite sides of a membrane
20. Process by which molecules move, from areas
of high concentration to areas of low
concentration until equilibrium is reached.
21. A balance in concentration of molecules on
both sides of the membrane.
22. Diffusion of water.
23. Ion channels
24. Facilitated diffusion
25. Active
26. Active
27. Exocytosis
28. Endocytosis
29. Carrier Protein Pump
30. ATP
Biology - Cytology Competitive Review Answers
1. Atom, Organelle, Cell, Organ, Organism
2. Surround/protect the cell, be selectively
3. Lets some things in, some things out, but not
4. Compound light microscope
5. Electron microscope
6. Release energy in the form of ATP
7. Perform photosynthesis
8. Transport proteins
9. Make lipids & remove toxins
10. Sort, package, distribute proteins
11. Contain water, food, or waste
12. Make proteins
13. Support/ protect the cell
14. Prokaryotic
15. Bacteria
16. Movement of molecules across a cell
17. Passive & active
18. Passive
19. The difference in concentration of a molecule
on opposite sides of a membrane
20. Process by which molecules move, from areas
of high concentration to areas of low
concentration until equilibrium is reached.
21. A balance in concentration of molecules on
both sides of the membrane.
22. Diffusion of water.
23. Ion channels
24. Facilitated diffusion
25. Active
26. Active
27. Exocytosis
28. Endocytosis
29. Carrier Protein Pump
30. ATP