Document 10796576

BIO 350; SECTION 001
Spring 2016
Office hours:
Dr. Michele Harmon
SBDG 221
Mon. 8:00 am – noon
(803) 641-3607
8:00 - 9:15 am Tuesday & Thursday SBDG 200
Mon. 1:00 – 3:40 pm, SBDG 108
Required lecture text: Genetics: From Genes to Genomes, 4th Edition by Hartwell, et al.
Course Objectives: Fundamental Genetics is a four credit hour course for biology majors, which covers the principles of
transmission, molecular, and population genetics. On completion of this course students will be expected to
1. Demonstrate an understanding of transmission genetics;
2. Demonstrate an understanding of molecular genetics;
3. Demonstrate an ability to discuss applications of genetic concepts;
4. Prepare written and oral reports based on genetics concepts; and
5. Solve genetics problems using appropriate mathematical techniques.
Methods of Presentation and Evaluation: Information will be presented through lectures along with appropriate visual
aids. Traditional exams will be used to evaluate student progress in the class. These exams will include multiple choice,
terms/definitions, and short answer. Students should bring a pencil and a long-form Scantron to each exam.
There will be quizzes and in-class assignments administered during the first 10 minutes of each class during the semester.
There will be no make-up opportunities for absence or late arrival; however, the lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the
end of the semester. Students are expected to have reviewed the material from the previous lecture in preparation.
The final course grade will be based on the following:
3 Lecture exams @ 100 pts. each
1 Final exam @ 200 pts.
On-line and in-class quizzes / assignments
Laboratory quizzes, reports, and participation
875 total pts. available
A (90-100%), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), F (0-59)
ATTENDANCE POLICY: The instructor may impose a penalty for absences in excess of 25% of regularly scheduled class
meetings (lectures and labs) by assigning an “F” in the course. Absences, neither excused nor unexcused, absolve the student
from meeting class assignments. Lecture exam dates are clearly stated in the syllabus, and all students are expected to take
the exam at the regularly scheduled time. Make-up lecture exams will be considered only for a documented, excusable
reason. If there is an illness or emergency, you are expected to contact the instructor immediately. Be prepared to show
documentation (doctor’s excuse, etc.). Failure to contact the instructor within 24 hours will forfeit any chance of making up
the test, and the student will be assigned a zero.
Attending lecture and taking notes is the sole responsibility of the student. Under no circumstance will the instructor
provide copies of lecture notes or slides for students.
LABORATORY ATTENDANCE: Because of their nature, laboratory investigations cannot be made up – therefore
students must make every effort to attend laboratory sessions.
POLICY FOR PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES: The use of any portable electronic devices, including cell
phones, pagers, MP3 players, iPods, eReaders, etc., during class is not allowed for any reason unless prior approval has been
given to a student from the instructor or unless required for the course. If you are planning to have any of these devices in
class, they must be turned off and stowed away for the duration of the class period. If you use a portable electronic device
during a test, quiz, or other assessment, you are eligible to receive a failing grade on that assignment.
POLICY ON LAPTOP COMPUTERS: The use of laptop computers is not allowed during lecture; however, personal
laptop computers are welcome and encouraged in the laboratory. Open laptops during the lecture period will be considered a
violation of the above policy on Portable Electronic Devices.
Schedule for BIOL 350, Section 001 for Spring 2016
Jan. 12
Jan. 14
Jan. 19
Jan. 21
Jan. 26
Jan. 28
Feb. 2
Feb. 4
Feb. 9
Feb. 11
Feb. 16
Feb. 18
Feb. 23
Feb. 25
Mar. 1
Mar. 3
Mar. 8
Mar. 10
Mar. 15
Mar. 17
Mar. 22
Mar. 24
Mar. 29
Mar. 31
Apr. 5
Apr. 7
Apr. 12
Apr. 14
Apr. 19
Apr. 21
Apr. 28
Introduction and pre-test
Mendel’s Principles: Law of Segregation
Mendel’s Principles: Law of Independent Assortment
Extensions to Mendel
Extensions to Mendel
Extensions to Mendel
Exam 1
The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle
Linkage and Mapping
Linkage and Mapping
Linkage and Mapping
DNA Structure
DNA Replication
Spring Break
Spring Break
DNA Mutation and Repair
DNA Mutation and Repair
Gene Expression
Gene Expression
Regulation of Gene Expression
Regulation of Gene Expression
Exam 3
Tools of Genetics
Somatic Mutations and the Genetics of Cancer
Somatic Mutations and the Genetics of Cancer
Population Genetics
Population Genetics
Comprehensive Final Exam: 8:00 am
6 and 9
CHANGES: The instructor reserves the right to make changes in the lecture or laboratory schedule, the number of quizzes
and exams given, and the contents of each exam as deemed necessary.
COMPUTER USE AND EMAIL: Laboratory exercises will require the use of a computer. You must be able to log on to
the USCA computer system in order to accomplish these laboratory exercises. If you do not know how to sign on to the
USCA computer system, you should contact the CSD HELP desk as soon as possible.
All official email communications, including class announcements, are made to USCA email accounts. Students should
check their USCA email account on a regular basis and use this account for communication with the instructor. In order to
protect the privacy of the student, the instructor will not reply to emails sent from non-USCA accounts (e.g., Hotmail,
Yahoo, etc.).
DISABILITY STATEMENT: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability that might affect your
performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, B&E 134, (803) 643-6816, as soon as possible.
The Office of Disability Services will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical documentation.
Laboratory Schedule for BIOL 350, Spring 2016
Jan. 11
Probability Part I
Jan. 18
Holiday – No lab today
Jan. 25
Probability Part II and Chi Square
Feb. 1
Drosophila set up and Fly Cross Worksheet
Feb. 8
Designer species
Feb. 15
Linkage Map Exercises and Drosophila counts
Feb. 22
Drosophila counts and Chi-Square worksheet with the data
Feb. 29
Exam 2
Mar. 7
Spring Break - no lab today
Mar. 14
Monohybrid cross lab report
Mar. 21
Assign Case Studies
Mar. 28
Dihybrid cross lab report
Apr. 4
Case Study Presentations
Apr. 11
Case Study Presentations
Apr. 18
Case Study Presentations
Apr. 25
Population Genetics