Spring 2016 Dr. Christina Wilson Course Title: BIOL 244 – Section 3&4: Anatomy & Physiology II Course Description: A survey of human anatomical structure and physiological function. Course Objective: This course is designed to introduce students to the anatomy and physiology of the human body using a systemic approach to study specific organs and organ systems of the body. Required Text: Human Anatomy & Physiology, Marieb & Hoehn, 10th Edition (Pearson) Lab Manual: Human Anatomy & Physiology LAB MANUAL with Rat Dissections, E. N. Marieb & S. J. Mitchell (Pearson) Access for Mastering A&P (Course ID WILSONBIOL244S16) Lab Supplies: Gloves Instructor: Dr. Christina Wilson E-mail: cawbiophd@gmail.com or christinaw@usca.edu Class Hours: Tuesday & Thursday (Lecture) Tuesday or Thursday (Lab) Office Hours: Available by appointment 8:00am-9:15am 9:25am-12:05pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRADING SCALE A (90-100); B+ (86-89); B (80-85); C+ (76-79); C (70-75); D+ (66-69); D (60-65); F (0-59) Final course averages will be calculated from 1000 total points, as determined by the following: 4 Lecture Exams @100 each 2 Practical Lab Exams @ 100 each 5 Lecture Quizzes/Assignments @ 20 points each 10 Lab Quizzes/Assignments @ 20 points each Final Exam (comprehensive) Total Points = 400 = 200 = 100 = 200 = 100 = 1000 CHANGES: The instructor reserves the right to make changes in the lecture or laboratory schedule, # of exams given, and the contents of each exam as deemed necessary. Expect Exams and Quizzes to include multiple choice, matching, and written portions. Page | 1 LAB HANDOUTS/ LECTURE SLIDES/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/ UNOFFICIAL GRADE BOOK: • Available via Blackboard for registered students. Log into Blackboard at https://blackboard.usca.edu using your username and password. For additional computer training please contact the computer service help desk. • Monitor the announcements for important updates and information. It is your responsibility to check it regularly. ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP POLICY: • Attendance IS REQUIRED for all scheduled lecture and lab classes. You must arrive ON TIME. • The instructor may impose a penalty for absences in excess of 25% of regularly scheduled class meetings (~10 lectures and labs) by assigning an “F” in the course. • Absences, neither excused nor unexcused, absolve the student from meeting class assignments. • Lecture exam dates are clearly stated in the syllabus, and all students are expected to take the exam at the regularly scheduled time. Make-up lecture exams will be considered only for a documented, excusable reason. If there is an illness or emergency, you are expected to contact the instructor immediately. Failure to contact the instructor within 24 hours will forfeit any chance of making up the test, and the student will be assigned a zero. • Students may make-up a total of two lecture and/or lab quizzes. • Lab practical exams CANNOT be made up under any circumstances. Please see practical dates stated in the syllabus. RESPECT AND ETIQUETTE: • Please be on time. If you are tardy, be considerate of the instructor and your peers. Be quiet and don’t cut in front of the projector after the class has begun, it’s very rude! • To minimize distractions and promote an environment of learning, all cell phones and other electronic devises must be turned off prior to entering the lecture classroom or the laboratory. • Text messaging during lecture is extremely distracting to both your fellow students and your instructor. DO NOT text message during class or lab. • It is the instructor’s right to remove from the classroom any student who disrupts or disturbs the proceeding of the class. In extreme cases the instructor can request assistance from University Police. Repeat offenders may be denied admittance to the class for the remainder of the semester. EXAM POLICY: • All belongings other than a pencil or pen will be placed in the front of the classroom during exams and lab practicals. You may also be required to bring your own Scantron for exams. Instructor will give you advance notice. LAPTOP POLICY: Laptops can be used in my lecture class under the following conditions. • You must sit in the front 2 rows, you must use it ONLY for class related information, and it must not cause a distraction to other students around you. • Failure to meet any of these will result the loss of the privilege to use the laptop in class. Page | 2 POLICY FOR PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES: • The use of any portable electronic devices, including cell phones, pagers, iPods, Apple watch, etc., during class is not allowed for any reason unless prior approval has been given to a student from the instructor or unless required for the course. If you are planning to have any of these devices in class, they must be turned off and stowed away for the duration of the class period. • If you use a portable electronic device during a test, quiz, or other assessment, you are eligible to receive a failing grade on that assignment. HONOR CODE: Students are expected to abide by the Academic Code of Conduct as described in the Student Handbook. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if academic integrity is violated. The following honor pledge is to be signed and dated by the student on all exams. “On my honor as a University of South Carolina at Aiken student, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this assignment / examination. To the best of my knowledge, I am not in violation of academic honesty.” COMPUTER USE AND EMAIL: Laboratory exercises may require the use of a computer. You must be able to log on to the USCA computer system in order to accomplish these laboratory exercises. If you do not know how to sign on to the USCA computer system, you should contact the CSD HELP desk as soon as possible. DISABILITY STATEMENT: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability that might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, B&E 134, (803) 643-6816, as soon as possible. The Disability Services Office will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical documentation. PREGNANCY CONSIDERATIONS: This course requires dissection of preserved animals and organs (10% formalin or other comparable preservative). If you are pregnant or think you are pregnant, please consult your obstetrician as he/she may not allow you to complete this laboratory; therefore, you may need to take this course at a later date. ACADEMIC SUCCESS CENTER: If you find that your usual study habits are not sufficient for doing well in this class please think about visiting this center located in Penland Administrative Building, Room 108. They are experts in helping students discover the best way to study according to their learning styles. The web address is http://www.usca.edu/academicsupport/. The ASC also has supplemental instruction for anatomy and physiology so please refer to their website for additional information. WRITING CENTER: USCA provides a Writing Center located in Room 112 of the Humanities and Social Sciences Building. If you need extra assistance on any writing assignment for this or any other class that you are taking, please try the Writing Center. Page | 3 Spring 2016 BIOL 244 - Tentative Lecture Schedule Week Date Topic Reference 1 1/12 1/14 Introduction The Endocrine System Syllabus Ch. 16 2 1/19 1/21 The Endocrine System (cont.) Blood Ch. 16 Ch. 17 3 1/26 1/28 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart Ch. 18 4 2/2 2/4 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels Exam 1 Ch. 19 Chapters 16-19 5 2/9 2/11 The Lymphatic System The Immune System Ch. 20 Ch. 21 6 2/16 2/18 The Immune System (cont.) The Respiratory System Ch. 21 Ch. 22 7 2/23 2/25 The Respiratory System Ch. 22 8 3/1 3/3 Exam 2 The Digestive System Chapters 20-22 Ch. 23 9 3/8 3/10 10 3/15 3/17 The Digestive System (cont.) Nutrition, Metabolism, and Energy Ch. 23 Ch. 24 11 3/22 3/24 The Urinary System Ch. 25 12 3/29 3/31 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance Ch. 26 13 4/5 4/7 Exam 3 The Reproductive System Chapters 23-26 Ch. 27 14 4/12 4/14 The Reproductive System (cont.) Pregnancy and Human Development Ch. 27 Ch. 28 15 4/19 4/21 Heredity Exam 4 Ch. 29 Chapters 27-29 No Class - Spring Break - **Final Exam - Thursday, April 28th, 8:00 am** Page | 4 Spring 2016 BIOL 244 - Tentative Lab Schedule Section 3 Section 4 Topic Reference 1 1/12 1/14 Anatomy of the Endocrine Glands Exercise 27 2 1/19 1/21 Endocrine System Physiology - CS Blood Analysis - CS PEx Exercise 4 (28B) PEx Exercise 11 (29B) 3 1/26 1/28 Anatomy of the Heart Cardiovascular Dynamics - CS Exercise 30 PEx Exercise 5 (33B) Exercise 32 Dissection Exercise 2 Dissection Exercise 3 Week 4 2/2 2/4 Anatomy of Blood Vessels Endocrine Organs of the Rat Blood Vessels of the Rat 5 2/9 2/11 The Lymphatic System Anatomy of the Respiratory System Exercise 35 Exercise 36 6 2/16 2/18 Respiratory System Mechanics – CS Respiratory System of the Rat PEx Exercise 7 (37B) Dissection Exercise 4 7 2/23 2/25 Lab Practical 1 8 3/1 3/3 Anatomy of the Digestive System Digestive System of the Rat 9 3/8 3/10 10 3/15 3/17 Processes of Digestion - CS PEx Exercise 8 (39B) 11 3/22 3/24 Anatomy of the Urinary System Renal System Physiology - CS Exercise 40 PEx Exercise 9 (41B) 12 3/29 3/31 Acid-Base Balance - CS PEx Exercise 10 (47) Exercise 42 Dissection Exercise 6 Dissection Exercise 7 No Lab - Spring Break 13 4/5 4/7 Anatomy of the Reproductive System Urinary System of the Rat Reproductive System of the Rat 14 4/12 4/14 Lab Practical 2 Exercise 38 Dissection Exercise 5 - Page | 5