F o d

Name: ______________________
Period: _____ Date: ______
Food Intoxication Mysteries
 You have just been employed as an infectious disease investigator for Larimer County, Colorado.
(See attached letter.)
 Six mysterious food intoxication cases have recently been reported to Poudre Valley Hospital. It is your
duty to solve these mysteries as quickly as possible.
 Include in your official report, each of the following items of information, displayed in a Titled Data
1. Case Number
Name: ______________________
Period: _____ Date: ______
2. Common name of disease & organism
3. Scientific name of disease-causing organism (Genus species)
4. Mode of transmission
5. Incubation period
6. Symptoms (list, onset and duration)
7. Treatment
8. Prevention
Name: ______________________
Period: _____ Date: ______
Background Terms
Name: ______________________
Period: _____ Date: ______
Terms list
1. Diagnosis
2. Enterotoxin
3. Epidemiology
4. Etiology
5. Incubation
6. Intoxication
7. Neurotoxin
8. Pathology
9. Physiology
10. Prevention
11. Symptom
12. Treatment
Name: __________________
Period: _____ Date: ______
Name: __________________
Period: _____ Date: ______
1. Read all materials.
2. Define all terms. (See above list)
3. Do research to solve the mysteries. Prepare an accurate, detailed bibliography of all
sources (at least 4 documented sources)
4. Construct a Titled Data Table.
5. Include a visual of each of the pathogens in your final report.
6. Make 4 conclusions (see list below)
Construct a titled data table including all 8 items listed under Problem above.
Evaluate all the information. Solve the mysteries and let the Health & Environment
Department know what the identity of the six (6) culprits are, through the information
contained in your data table.
Write at least four conclusions concerning these mysteries: _Accept or Reject_________
___Hypothesis, What Did You Learn, Future Applications, Any Sources of Error______
1. Consider consulting the following websites as resources:
A. http://www.foodsafety.gov/
B. American Medical Association
C. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
D. National Institutes of Health
E. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
F. Larimer County Department of Health
WRITE-UP (w/ attached Rubric) – You can use the template on the web
1. Title
2. Purpose
3. Hypothesis
4. Results
a. Terms (12)
b. Data Table (w/ Title)
c. Visual of each suspected agent
5. Conclusions (At least 4)
6. Bibliography (w/ at least 4 sources – cited MLA style)