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A..A.. Student Oath & Task: Mysteries Curriculum

The Task of a Student of the Mysteries
The Student is to acquire a general intellectual knowledge of all systems of attainment, as
declared in the prescribed books. For this course of reading the Student should consult
the curriculum officially approved by the A A .
The Student is expected to show a thorough acquaintance with the books referred
to, but not necessarily to understand them in any deeper sense. On passing an
examination, he or she may be admitted to the grade of Probationer.
The Oath of a Student of the Mysteries
being of sound mind and body,
on this
day of
, 20__, do hereby resolve to
fulfill the Task of a Student of the Mysteries.
With sincere aspiration, an open mind and unswerving perseverance, I shall
apply myself to the task of studying the curriculum of A A , and thus do the
necessary groundwork to acquire fitness for the Great Work. In no less than three
months from this date, upon passing an examination, may I be admitted to the
grade of Probationer of A A .
Witness my hand (sign)
Full name (print)
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