1. The two parts of a virus are:

1. The two parts of a virus are:
2. Two possible nucleic acids in viruses are:
3. A Pathogen is:
4. A provirus is:
5. The functions of pili are:
6. The structure and what body system affected by prions are:
7. Examples of prions are;
8. An example of a prion that affects humans is:
9. Compare the lytic to the lysogenic cycle.
10. Asexual reproduction of bacteria is called _________________ . It results in cells that are
genetically _____________to the original cell. This can be good for _______________________
and can be bad because _________________________.
11. Sexual reproduction of bacteria is called _________________ . It results in cells that are
genetically _____________to the original cell. This can be good for _______________________
and can be bad for humans because _________________________.
12. A gram positive bacteria stains ________________________ because the peptidoglycan layer of
its cell wall is __________.
13. The protein in the cell wall of bacteria that determines what color it Gram stains is
14. A bacteriophage is a virus that ____________________________.
15. A capsule on a bacterium makes it _______________________ to antibiotics.
16. Thermophilic bacteria can survive environments with ____________________________.
17. Halophilic bacteria can survive environments with ____________________________.
18. Give examples of viruses that can cause cancer.
19. Define retrovirus. Give an example of a retrovirus.
20. An emerging virus occurring in the Four Corners Area in the late 90”s, carried by deer mice is
21. Define endospore.
22. Examples of bacteria that cause food poisoning are:
23. _______________________- bacteria can survive without bacteria.
24. Extreme bacteria belong to the kingdom _________________________________.
25. Lyme disease (bacteria) is transmitted by ________________________.
26. Draw the following groups of bacteria:
A. staphylocooci
B. streptospirilli
c. diplobacilli
27. What are two ways that bacteria make humans sick?
28. What are two types of food that are made with the help of bacteria?
29. Why/how do AIDS patients die? What is wrong with them?
30. What disease caused the Pandemic of 1918? Why did it spread all over the world?
31. Why is an antibiotic NOT effective against a virus? Be specific, citing how an antibiotic works.
32. Why does Mrs. Hunter say that viruses are NOT alive?