Welcome to Lincoln and the Newcomer Program!! Meet your teacher!

Welcome to Lincoln and the Newcomer Program!!
Meet your teacher!
Teacher: Ms. Bent
Subject: Newcomer Social Studies
Supply List:
 Planner
 3 ring binder
 Spiral notebook
 Folder with 3 holes
 Loose leaf paper
 Writing Utensils including… erasable pens, pencils, highlighter and
Topics to be covered this year:
 Introduction to Social Studies
 Early Civilizations
 The Classical World
 The Middle Ages
 The Renaissance
 Early United States
 A New Nation
 The Modern World
Student Expectations:
All students at Lincoln are IB students in the Middle Years Program (MYP).
We expect IB students to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, open minded,
communicators, principled, caring, risk takers, balanced and reflective. The traits
will be taught and emphasized throughout the year. We also expect them to have
appropriate social skills (i.e. polite and respectful) when dealing with teachers,
staff, and other students
Grading Scale:
Grades will be on a point basis. Points earned divided by total points possible
will give the final grade as follows:
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
59 or below = F
Grading can include but not limited to assessments, homework, class work, hands on
activities, projects and reflections. Parents are encouraged to check their
students’ grade using the online PIV system.
Each teacher has their own homework policy. In Language Arts, reading
logs and journals will be assigned weekly. In math and science, homework will be
assigned when necessary. Social studies homework will be written in the students’
planners and available on the website www.mylincolnonline.com (Ms. Bent).
If a student misses class for any reason, it is their responsibility to copy the
planner from another student and collect missed material. Students are
responsible for getting any missed notes from a peer. Students are also
responsible to turn in work from the prior lesson. When a student is absent, they
are encouraged to seek out extra help in understanding the missed material.
Students must use their passes to leave the room for any reason besides
medical. So please use the 10 passes per month wisely! Extra passes can be turned
in to the office for an end of the month prize drawing.
Extra Help:
Teachers are available for extra help both before school and after school.
Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment time whenever necessary.