Welcome to 6 Grade Math! Classroom Procedures Mrs. McCandless

Welcome to 6 Grade Math!
Classroom Procedures
Mrs. McCandless
Email: tiffanymccandless@eudoraschools.org
Entering Class: When students arrive to class, they should enter the room quietly
and respectfully. This time should be used to write activities or homework for the
day in their planner, get out their materials for math, and work on their Starter for
the day. Class officially starts when I enter the room and the door is closed.
Be Prepared: Always bring your math book, binder, paper, pencil, planner, and
positive attitude to class.
New Books!: It is your responsibility to bring your book to class each day. Please
take care of it because you will need it all year. We will take notes in the book and
may tear out pages for homework. DO NOT tear out any pages unless instructed by
Mrs. McCandless.
Passes: No passes will be given during the first or last 10 minutes of class. Use your
passing period time wisely and be ready to learn when you enter my classroom.
Passes will be written in your planner. You must have your planner if you want to
leave the room for any reason.
Classroom Expectations:
Be on time and prepared
Respect yourself and others
Follow directions.
Do your work. Be on task.
Be cooperative.
Classroom Materials: When borrowing calculators, rulers, protractors, or any other
classroom materials, be sure to use them appropriately and make sure they are
returned at the end of the class period.
Grading Policy: Grades will be composed of scores from Starters*, Homework,
quizzes, tests and Summative Assessments.
*Starters – On Monday, or the first day of each week, students will be given a
Starter worksheet. They will put the starter from each day on there and will hand
it in on Friday or the last day of each week. The starters will be a problem similar
to what we are learning or a problem solving activity. These will be done as soon as
the students enter the classroom and should take no longer than the first 5 minutes
of class. Please make sure to show all of your work to receive full credit.
Late Work Policy (from Student Handbook): We will follow the 6th grade Late
Work policy. If the assignment is turned in the day after it was due, only 20% will
be taken off of the overall earned score. The student will have one week (7 days)
from the date it was due to turn in the assignment for 50% of the overall earned
score. After one week, no credit (a zero) will be given to the missing assignment.
Absences: If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make up the
work that you missed. Please ask Mrs. McCandless what you need to complete. If
you are absent from class, you will have a two-day extension, for each day missed,
to make up any missed work. Always ask for assignments ahead of time if you know
you are going to be absent.
Food: No food or drink (except water) allowed in class.
Guest Teachers: The rules do not change with a guest teacher. Remember, they
may ask you to do something differently, so be flexible and show them respect.
We are going to have a great year! J