Agenda for the Announced Rapid Responsive Review Visit Dates of announced visit: Tuesday 21 May and Wednesday 22 May 2013 Location: George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust, College Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 7DJ In addition, the following have been requested from the Trust: Passes to enable access A base room for the panel Breakout rooms for the panel’s use A hardcopy of the Trust’s submission and those documents listed in the ‘Document request’ section to be available to the panel throughout the site visit Tea, coffee and water throughout the day Wifi access. DAY 1: Tuesday 21 May Time Agenda and Trust attendees Content 10.0010.30 Pre-meet for review panel (panel only) with refreshments on arrival Trust presentation CEO and Trust senior team to meet the Panel Seminar Room 2 & 3 10.3011.00 Plan for the next 2 days and set the scene Clarify any issues and concerns from the panel on scope/agenda/KLOEs Reminder of key messages and plan for the visit including leads and recorders for each session Venue/Room (To be populated by the Trust) Raveloes Conference Room BREAKOUT SESSIONS: 11.0011.45 A – Interview: Chief Executive, Kevin McGee Interview with key focus being governance and leadership Annex A GETEC 11.4512.30 B – Interview: Chair, Stuart Annan Interview with key focus being governance and leadership Annex A GETEC Time Agenda and Trust attendees Content Venue/Room (To be populated by the Trust) 11.00 11.45 C – Interview: Andrew Arnold, Medical Director Interview with key focus being governance and leadership and clinical and operational effectiveness Annex B GETEC 11.45 – 12.30 D – Interview: Dawn Wardell, Director of Nursing & Quality Interview with key focus being governance and leadership and clinical and operational effectiveness Annex B GETEC 11.00 11.45 E – Interview: Claire Campbell, Director of Governance & Quality Interview with key focus being governance and leadership Library Seminar Room 1 GETEC 11.45 – 12.30 F – Interview: Associate Medical Director, Gordon Wood Interview with key focus being governance and leadership and clinical and operational effectiveness Library Seminar Room 1 GETEC 12.3013.30 Lunch and triangulation (panel only) Review of evidence identified in the sessions held to date Discussion of emerging themes and issues Identification of areas of focus for the remaining sessions 13.3014.45 Observations: A&E and Emergency Assessment Unit Undertake observation of clinical areas to observe quality aspects Informal discussions with patients and staff in clinical areas Upper GI ward and Adam Bede ward (general medicine) Undertake observation of clinical areas to observe quality aspects Informal discussions with patients and staff in clinical areas Elderly care ward and general medical / ward dealing with upper GI Undertake observation of clinical areas to observe quality aspects Informal discussions with patients and staff in clinical areas 14.4515.30 Tea and Coffee – panel triangulation (panel only) Review of evidence identified in the sessions held to date Discussion of emerging themes and issues Identification of areas of focus for the remaining sessions 15.30- BREAKOUT SESSIONS – focus groups Raveloes Conference Room Raveloes Conference Room Time Agenda and Trust attendees Content 16.30 A – Focus group: Doctors Venue/Room (To be populated by the Trust) Explore the groups understanding of key processes for ensuring quality of care and treatment in the Trust Identify any concerns and collate feedback from the group Annex A GETEC B – Focus group: Trainee Nurses Explore the groups experience of quality of care and treatment in the Trust Identify any concerns and collate feedback from the group Seminar Room 1 GETEC C – Focus group: Staff - all Meeting Room Lewes House Explore the groups understanding of key processes for ensuring quality of care and treatment in the Trust Identify any concerns and collate feedback from the group Review of evidence identified in the sessions held to date Discussion of emerging themes and issues Identification of areas of focus for the remaining sessions Raveloes Conference Room 16.3017.30 Triangulation (panel only) 17.3017.45 Meeting with Trust Chief Executive, Kevin McGee Thanks for day 1 Escalation of any significant immediate issues Seminar Room 1 GETEC 18.0020.00 Patient/Public drop in session (“listening event”) Explore the groups experience of quality of care and treatment in the Trust Identify any concerns and collate feedback from the group Lecture Theatre GETEC DAY 2: Wednesday 22 May 09.0009.15 Panel gathering Plan day Raveloes Conference Room 09.1510.00 Focus group: Members advocate panel & patient advocacy forum Explore the groups understanding of governance, leadership, learning and transparency Seminar Room 1 & 2 GETEC 09.15 11.30 Flexible observations throughout the Trust to be confirmed in the planning meeting Locations to consider: Patient Services Operations room Undertake observation of clinical areas to observe quality aspects Informal discussions with patients and staff in clinical areas Time Agenda and Trust attendees Content 11.30 12.30 Triangulation (panel only) Review of evidence identified in the sessions held to date Discussion of emerging themes and issues Identification of areas of focus for the remaining sessions Raveloes Conference Room 12.3013.30 Focus group: Junior doctors Explore the groups understanding of key processes for ensuring quality of care and treatment in the Trust Identify any concerns and collate feedback from the group Seminar Room 1 GETEC Focus group: Nurses 13.3014.30 Triangulation (panel only) 14.3015.30 Interviews to be confirmed at the start of day 2, including: Director of Operations, Kath Kelly Director of Finance and Performance, Chris Bradshaw Director of Human Resources, Dorothy Hogg Clinical Directors – Christine O’Brien, Raj Reddy, Mike Watzman Chair of Quality Assurance Committee Explore the groups understanding of key processes for ensuring quality of care and treatment in the Trust Identify any concerns and collate feedback from the group Review of evidence identified in the sessions held to date Discussion of emerging themes and issues Identification of areas of focus for the remaining sessions Interviews focused on outstanding areas / emerging themes and issues QAC Chair is available from 16.00 hrs. Room 17 in Lewes House available as well as rooms in GTEC if required. Venue/Room (To be populated by the Trust) Annex A GETEC Raveloes Conference Room Room 17 Lewes House Room 1 GETEC Rooms available TBC Seminar 1 GETEC Annex A GETEC Annex B GETEC Library Seminar Time Agenda and Trust attendees Content Venue/Room (To be populated by the Trust) 15.0016.00 Final triangulation (panel only) Review of evidence identified in the sessions held to date Discussion of emerging themes and issues Identification of areas of focus for the remaining sessions Raveloes Conference Room 16.0017.00 Collation of findings (panel only) and report drafting Review of evidence identified in the sessions held to date Discussion of emerging themes and issues and key themes for the report Identification of areas of focus and approach for unannounced site visits Raveloes Conference Room 17.0017.15 Meeting with Trust Chief Executive, Kevin McGee, and Chair, Stuart Annan Thanks Escalation of any significant immediate issues Next steps Seminar Room 1 GETEC 17.30 LEAVE TRUST Trust document request Overview This is a document request to be provided to the Trust ahead of the site visit. This builds on the Trust submission index and identifies further documents to be requested from the Trust. The Trust will be requested to ensure that the listed documents are available to the panel during the Trust visit. Requested documents Trust analysis of mortality including any detailed analysis Complaints and incidents policy and latest report Escalation policies Operational policies for surgery Patient feedback surveys Audit of their use of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Safety Checklist Template referral form Template handover form Quality Impact Assessment process and reporting for Cost Improvement Plans Patient experience and engagement strategy Safeguarding policies (adults and children) Whistleblowing Policy Phased implementation plan for 7 day working Nursing Mortality Review report February 2012 Emergency Intensive Support Team Review – report Detailed action plan for 62 day cancer target Medicine Directorate scorecard