i i UNITED STATES DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS ---------------------------) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) CRIMINAL ) v. O/-lol/:23- RE< NO. ) ) MOHAMED M. HUSSEIN, LIBAN M. HUSSEIN, 18 U.S.C. § 1960 (Operating an Illegal Money) Transmittal Business) 18 U.S.C. § 982 (Criminal Forfeiture) ) ) ) Defendants. ) ) ---------------------------- ,"\ ;~i oOC,t~~ INDICTMENT The Grand Jury charges that at all times relevant to the Indictment: INTRODUCTION 1. Defendants operated Barakaat located North filed with of Barakaat listed and Mohamed Articles of Organization transfer 2. Barakaat transmission and Liban (\lBNA" or "Barakaat") for Barakaat is to engage Massachusetts. Secretary as the Clerk filed M. Hussein #1, Dorchester, Liban M. Hussein Hussein of the corporation by electronic Street Inc. the Massachusetts Barakaat purpose M. Hussein America, at 925 Washington Documents behalf Mohamed of State on as the President of Barakaat. state that in the business of The the of "money means." accepted in interstate funds in Dorchester, and foreign commerce. Massachusetts for At least a 0 . /' to: . /'/ , ,;// portion of the business transmittal of funds, and elsewhere 3 /~.:..:\ '* c ;~:;--\ '. . foreign operate money a foreign General money which of transmitting transmittal business Specifically, Laws Chapter accepts money a license transmittal the Massachusetts to obtain of Massachusetts. under Massachusetts involved ("UAE"). law, a business is required of a foreign Commonwealth Emirates for the purpose countries operation Arab Massachusetts of money at Barakaat for a fee, from Dorchester, to the United Under deposits conducted authorizing the from the it is a misdemeanor 169, Section business to 16 to without such a license. 4. Barakaat On or about August 7, 2000, Liban North Commonwealth ("Division Business Foreign Bander America, of Massachusetts, of Banks"), that Dubai, the money According through Barakaat number 1103197816 of Bank a License of Money listed Street #1, Dorchester, to the application, would be deposited ("the Barakaat Albaraka would funds the in the to Exchange, and included 02124. to be transmitted Bank, account") . a further be conducted Massachusetts at Citizens Citizens 2 to Engage The application business of and Loan Agencies company in Somalia. transmittal with for Transmission UAE as an affiliated bank offices from 925 Washington 5. Division The application Countries. Taleb, Deposits as President filed an application to obtain of Receiving list of Barakaat stated Inc., Hussein, account .../ . '. ./- The application 6. included a number indicated that Portland, Maine even though a Money with of Barakaat the letters Division of Banks America, Inc., engaged engaging in foreign letter further and/or imprisonment, without a license. documents complete that, based stated Barakaat's license. Therefore, Liban Barakaat, were aware Dorchester, funds funds required of the State 3 that listed Hussein, licensing was money it cease a license. punishable by the Division and Mohammed submitted to foreign without for a foreign North Massachusetts to a foreign also of the that Barakaat activities the letter application or the receipt Barakaat to do so and ordered to transmit and information digits license, President, that it was a crime, Finally, bore began numeric following it appeared transmittal receipts on the materials of transmitting a license Barakaat, numbers transmittal Street, without area and through by eight 5, 2000, 925 Washington application, which digits. for a money in the business countries numeric Hussein, with Barakaat's Boston funds "BTN" followed stating receipts The control sent Liban a letter of Banks Each of the transfer September application transfer transmitted Number. by seven On or about Barakaat's money it was unlicenced. Control to the Division in the greater had already "ABTN" followed 7. submitted individuals Transfer either 02124, ?"':-" .( 'Ji' The by fine country additional of Banks to remitter officers requirement of and knew ijj; /;~'.~J I' that Barakaat Banks. Nonetheless, operated a money Dorchester, money did not have Liban Massachusetts Thereafter, on or about sent a follow Barakaat North received a response transmittal 9. that On or about of Barakaat, a foreign money North to operate without December remitter The United President, Street, Dorchester, of Banks 5, 2000 had not letter. to operate 15, 2000, The letter a foreign an attorney, to the Division was withdrawing money their acting on of Banks, application for license. to the Division America, Division a license. sent a response a foreign is authorized 925 Washington it was a crime 2001, it had not received 1960. of countries, the Hussein, that the Division that Barakaat 10. According 11. Street, deposits to foreign 5, 2000, to Liban to its September business stated Inc., indicating reiterated Barakaat accepting funds of intentionally at 925 Washington December up letter America, Massachusetts, which the Division Hussein by intentionally of transmitting of Banks behalf business from the UAE. 8. further and Mohammed transmitting for the purpose including such a license of Banks, a new remitter Inc., money States to investigate as of October application nor had Barakaat transmittal Customs from received ("Customs violations Service") of 18 U.S.C. In the course of investigating such violations, 4 a license license. Service potential 24, the § / I ". (';" "..;- Customs Service in October Service conducted 2001, observed on behalf Citizens which Mohammed of Barakaat bank locations Between transfers totaling including July Exchange, also during this included transfer original In addition Inc., the deposit 26, 2001, were of sent 28 wire from the Barakaat for the benefit were UAE for the benefit written identical receipts of Al to the Barakaat Maine. section Citizens number Subsequent Exchange. 5 digits. began This noted on the of Banks application. account, Suite Barakaat 1, Dorchester, 0061191334006209 to September also sent from this account of Albaraka that to the Division Street, account Further, the Barakaat to the numbering license 925 Washington America. against by numeric submitted transmittal North in the memo followed also maintained Key Bank in Portland, wire transfers checks "BTNU and were money Massachusetts the Barakaat included with Barakaat a notation Barakaat North America, transactions and elsewhere. $595,373, in the UAE, time period, syste:-:lis virtually 13. using Massachusetts affiliated notation with Barakaat's banking which had been identified in the initial license as being with the letters Bank, transactions approximately application account of the Custom conducting 5, 2001 and September Citizens account to a bank Citizens Agents investigation from a number of different people, with bank accounts 12. Baraka Hussein These and related Special at Citizens account. cash and checks in various during surveillance at 5, 2000, to a bank in the \_J /~...' COUNT (Operating an 14. Paragraphs 15. Beginning later than Illegal 1-13 on September 2001, in the District Money are Transmittal incorporated a date 5, 1 by unknown 2000 and Business) to the grand jury, but no through November 7, continuing of Massachusetts reference. and elsewhere, MOHAMED M. HUSSEIN LIBAN M. HUSSEIN the defendants, supervise, did knowingly direct, was an illegal wit, the defendants operated transmitting commerce, without Barakaat transmitting North business; America, Inc., interstate obtaining a license from the Commonwealth a misdemeanor under 1960 and money knowing affecting to operate All manage, business Massachusetts Section control, and own all or part of a business, that such business money conduct, such a business, Massachusetts General a and foreign which is punishable Laws, Chapter States Code, of 169, 16. in violation of Title 18, United 2. 6 to Sections as '. ILLEGAL it MONEY TRANSMITTAL (18 U.S.C. The Grand 16. As a result § 982 Jury - FORFEITURE Criminal ALLEGATION Forfeiture) further charges that: of the offen~es alleged in Count One, MOHAMED M. HUSSEIN LIBAN M. HUSSEIN defendants property, property herein, shall forfeit real or personal, traceable to the United involved to such property, States in such offense, including, any and all or any but not limited to: a. all funds on deposit in Citizens Bank account number 1103197816 as of November 7, 2001, and all proceeds traceable thereto; and b. all funds on deposit in Key Bank account 0061191334006209 as of November 7, 2001, proceeds traceable thereto. 17. If any of the forfeitable paragraph defendants 16 above, as a result property, number and all as described of any act or omission in of the -(1) cannot be located upon the exerClse of due diligence; (2 ) has been with, (3 ) a third transferred or sold to, or deposited party; has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the Court; (4) has been substantially diminished in value; or 7 /;~ ~... -" (5 ) has been cannot it is the intent United States other property described be divided Cod~, Section 853(p), (incorporating property which difficulty; States, of the defendants in paragraph with other without of the United All in violation 982 commingled pursuant to seek to Title forfeiture up to the value 21, of any of the property 16 above. of Title Title 18, United 21, United 8 States States Code, Code, Section Section 853(p)). -' ." A TRUE ~,92:'.(~ ALLISON D. BURROUGHS BILL . JOSHUA LEVY ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS; November Returned filed. into the District Court 14, 2001. by the Grand D~~ Y CLERK 9 or ..3:JS r"". Jurors ()~;6T:) and .