8 Grade French Exploratory




Grade French Exploratory

Teacher: Monsieur Cohoon

e-mail: cohoonr@charleston.k12.il.us

Extension: 5077

Website : http://www.charleston.k12.il.us/chs/teachers/cohoonr/exploratory/

Course description: This semester-long course is designed to provide a general introduction to the study of the French language and culture through a variety of communicative and cultural topics. It is NOT meant to replace the first semester of high school French I, which is more fastpaced and in depth. However, taking this course is a great boost toward learning French at the high school level.

My availability:

Required course materials to be brought to class EVERY day

Pen or pencil

3-ring binder with loose-leaf triple-hole-punched paper


Grades are earned by accumulation of points with the following scale making up the final grade:

100-90% (A) 89-80%(B) 79-70%(C) 69-60% (D) Below 60% (F)

Earning your grade

The following types of grades will be taken:

Binder checks: Notes, handouts, quizzes, etc.

Quizzes (some spoken, some written usually 10 points each)

Projects (2 projects 50 points each)

2 Tests (2 mid-term exams 50 points each)

Participation (1 point per day you are present and actively engaged)

Classroom Rules and Policies


Be courteous to yourself, classmates and teacher at all times by using appropriate language, by listening when another person is talking and by respecting each student’s right to learn.


Be punctual to class. Being constantly late is a sign of disrespect and rudeness. It sends the message that you do not value the time of the other students or of the teacher. It is also distracting to everyone in the room. Please be in your seat when the bell rings and ready to learn more about French.


Try your best! We will be doing a lot of engaging activities this nine weeks. You will do fine if you try something new each day, even if it seems a bit awkward or scary at first.

Disciplinary Consequences

Since exploratory teachers are not members of one set 8 th

grade team, I have developed the following disciplinary policy for 8 th grade exploratory. The system is based on the 20 point system used at the High School.


Returning to locker for materials


Class disruption for talking or bothering others and/or insubordination

Inappropriate or offensive language

3 points per instance

Possible Consequence

3 points per instance; detention assigned at 4 th

tardy; detentions double thereafter

Verbal warning followed by 5 points per instance

5-20 points depending upon the severity, intent and circumstances surrounding the incident.

Possible detention and/or referral to office. Parents will be contacted.

10 points: Student is assigned a detention and parent is notified

15 points: Parent, teacher, administrator conference to be held; potential in-school suspension recommended (except in case of tardies)

20 points: Student may be removed from classroom setting

Make-Up Work and Late Work

Participation-If you miss a day of class and wish to make up that participation point, you must complete one of the participation make up activities listed on the class website.

Quizzes and Tests-You may NOT make up missed quizzes and tests during class time. Your options are during your Homebase, during chorus or academic literacy/numeracy (only with permission of your teacher) or during lunch through the office.

Course Objectives

Student will be able to:


Recite the French alphabet


Recognize the accent marks used in French


Greet a classmate (express name, ask how someone is doing)


Recognize the need for formal and informal address


Count from 1-50


Express the day and date


Express the time


Express the weather


Talk about various French foods


Describe one’s immediate family


Talk about classroom objects


Conjugate the verb ETRE


Conjugate the verb AVOIR


Identify French words for colors


Express what one is wearing

Cultural exploration topics include…




French eating customs


The euro as currency


French music and influential musicians


French fashion and shopping for clothes
