conceptual physics - Rolling Hills Preparatory School

Mr. Boccuzzi
2010 – 2011
Welcome to Conceptual Physics! This course is designed to introduce you to the physical
concepts and lab practices that will provide the foundation for all of your scientific studies
throughout high school. After exploring topics such as kinematics, energy, thermodynamics,
optics, waves, electricity and magnetism, and others, you will better understand the physical
There will undoubtedly be some material in our course that you will find challenging. However,
there is no need to worry because the best part about any physics course is that the explanations
are all around you! Every concept, every physical law, and every principle is visible somewhere
in your daily life. By the end of the year you will understand the physical world better than you
ever have before, and I suspect this will be one of the most rewarding aspects of the course.
Hewitt, Paul G., Conceptual Physics (3rd Edition). Scott Foresman Addison Wesley.
Your grade each term is scored on a “total points” system. This means that a single point on a
homework assignment is worth the same as a single point on a test. Hopefully this allows you to
easily tell how each assignment can affect your grade (ex: a 60 point test is worth 20 times as
much as a 3 point homework assignment, but each point is worth the same to your total grade).
You will also receive a conduct grade and an effort grade effort grade on the standard RHP 1 – 5
Tests and Quizzes
Test and quizzes vary in length throughout the year. All tests are announced at least a week in
advance and are usually scheduled at the end of a unit or chapter. Tests are usually accompanied
by a thorough review session, although quizzes are given more frequently. Quizzes serve as
checkpoints for you and me to demonstrate an established level of understanding
A significant portion of the course is devoted to lab work where we gain hands-on experience of
the concepts we are studying. In addition to following directions, you are asked to be creative
during lab work and to design and improve experimental procedures. All of your lab work, both
notes and graded material, should be kept in your three-ring binder as we work on developing lab
skills over the course of the year.
More detailed laboratory guidelines will be distributed as we begin our lab work.
Homework is given on a nightly basis and is expected to be ready for collection at the start of the
period when it is due. Homework reflects the concepts discussed in class and can take on many
different forms relating to class discussion, labs, and tests. All homework is posted and regular
updated on the teacher page, if you forget to write it down in class.
With many different labs, activities, handouts, homework, tests, and notes, it is useful to have a
clearly outlined organization system. I expect that you will keep a 3 ring binder with different
sections for homework, notes, labs, tests and quizzes. This binder and your planner will be
checked on a regular basis to ensure that everyone is on track.
Classroom Expectations
Disciplined Minds
Your study of physics will enhance your understanding of the world
around you. You will learn how to approach and solve complex problems
using the scientific method. Finally, you will convey your knowledge to
others by utilizing various modes of presentation and communication.
Sound Character
You will be supportive of classmates in both times of triumph and
struggle. Learn to work in conjunction with each other without
competing. Enhance your classmates learning experience, and your own,
by engaging as an honest and trustworthy group member.
Creative Spirit
You will recognize that science is not set in stone and that your learning
will improve when bolstered by your creativity. There are always new
ways to examine situations or perform experiments and your unique and
creative outlook will help uncover these approaches.
Healthy Bodies
Respect yourself at all times and understand that your body and mind are
the greatest tools you have at your disposal.
If there are any questions throughout the year or at any time please do not hesitate to stop by my
classroom or office at any time or contact me by email or phone. (fastest)
(310) 791-1101 x 158