I USE CONTINUITY ON A MULTIFACETED FLAT URBAN SITE by CHARLES WOODROW STYRON B.A., Harvard 1965 MRP, University of North Carolina 1971 SUBMTTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQTTTREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARCR-ITECTURE at the MASSACFUPSETTS INSTITUTE OF TEC7NOLOGY June, 1975 ..... SinAture of Author ............- D nrtment of A hitecture, ""fMayf9, 1975 Certified by... IThesis Bunervisor Accented by....... hn irman Derartment of Architecture ARCHIVES JUN N 3 1975 .aAmas 2 ABSTRACT: USE CONTINUITY ON A MULTIFACETED FLAT URBAN SITE Charles Styron "Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 9, 1975 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture." (Continued) 3 THIS THESIS IS IN THREE PARTS O_ _iMAI --- DEFINITIONS: that form of drawing which occupies the ground between conceptual and perceptual drawing, a distinction which was explained in Built Form Observations (4.26) by Duncan Stuart/and later set down in ... _" iMERHAMT OP VOD ........... *** an inhouse-book-of-notes put to- gether for teaching purposes (and therefore not farchival'). W REORD b XAN ADDTTTVW PROCESS TN WHICV THE ABOVE TWO PARTS WERE PUT TO USE FOR THE PURPOSES OF AN INVESTITATION. -- The ftitl of the Investigation is USE CONTINUITY ON A MULTIFACETED, FLAT URBAN SITE. The program for the Exploration is many pages and was put together by Imre Halasz and his students. rWbat follows in this text are black and white conies of drawings which were done in black, grey, and white AND color. The "Product" is in black and white mostly and the "Process" is in the color. Supervisor* Imre Halasz Professor of Architecture TITLE: 4~e~ TITLES Or DRATNGS (senuential) 23 21 Invitation Title Page (FrontisDiece) 0 The Site as Edited: Newbury, Exeter, Boylston, and Dartmouth First Thoughts Second Level Entry CARS: Underground ERROR (Presented, but not included) The High Stuff Load-ing the site T,th THE ZONING DIAGRAM but not included) (Presented, Again Tjrong 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12,13,14 15 16 17 18 18 P 19 20 22 And 4ain (Same) Newbury Use Distribution (Section) Boylston Use Distribution (Section) Taking! it Apart (Sectional Elevation, Exeter toward Dartmouth) Diversions Starting at the Ground Distribution at Approach The Ways out SECOND LEVEL DRAW, COPY; MOVE UP; DRAW, COPY; COPY rOR 'ARCHIVESt Second Level Distribution Everything at Once, zoing Up (Axonometric Diartrams, Exploded) FIREI t Libraries M Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: docs@mit.edu http://Iibraries.mit.edu/docs DISCLAIM ER Page has been ommitted due to a pagination error ( Page 5) 2i5 6 11IdUCdl VT71TM iW d 9-Z f 11 !Nvwzlflvi INHOPI £!P--L WOOd SWEN*NNThd v 3KL rii nina pWMO.cu- ',~./ Hozjv ]l11 -IJ * A I * V A V.,, ' ~ * K... 4 iETR I-,. if tI1 AT. 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