2013 GEM SCA Report Use of GEM Germplasm for Evaluation and Development of Drought Tolerance, Corn Ear Worm Resistance, and Low Aflatoxin Wenwei Xu, Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M University, 1102 East FM 1294, Lubbock, TX 79403. Tel.: 806-746-4015, E-mail: we-xu@tamu.edu This final report highlights the major activities and accomplishement related to this GEM SCA project. The objectives of this project were: (1) Select, advance, and release stress-tolerant inbred lines from GEM germplasm; (2) Evaluate GEM breeding crosses for drought and heat tolerance, corn ear worm resistance, and agronomic performance in Texas. We evaluated about 100 testcrosses between GEM lines (developed in Lubbock) with public and licensed proprietary lines for grain yield, corn earworm (CEW) resistance, and drought tolerance in the Texas High Plains (Lubbock, Halfway, and Dumas) under well-watered and drought conditions and in the south-central Texas (College Station, Corpus Christi, Ganado, Uvalde, and Wharton). Inbred lines have been developed ANTIGO01:N16, AR03056:N0902, BR5205:N04, CH05012:N12, CUBA117:S15, CUBA164:S20, DK888:N11, DK888:Na08f, DKXL380:S08a, FS8A(T):N11a, and GUAT209:N19 SCROGP3:N1411a., SCROGP3:N2017, and SCROP1:N1318. Four inbred lines have been licensed to a seed company for commercialization. One of our inbred lines is used as a parent line for a commercial hybrid which is currently widely grown in the southern US. The line has generated a royalty. In addition, we have developed the brown midrib (BMR) lines with the background of GUAT209:N19 (bm1) and DK888:N11 (bm3). Five inbred lines (Tx206, Tx207, Tx208, Tx209, and Tx210) have the with the bm1-controlled BMR trait and were officially released in November, 2012 by the Texas A&M University (Xu et al., 2013). These five lines were developed from the three-way cross GUAT209:N19 x C2B105BM. GUAT209:N19 was obtained from the GEM project. The testcrosses of these BMR lines with a non-BMR tester have excellent grain and silage yield. Tx208 and Tx209 are also resistant to gray leaf spot disease. Four BMR inbred lines (bm3) with the background of DK888:N11 have been licensed to a seed company. In 2013, we evaluated 40 GEM breeding crosses in Lubbock and Halfway for drought and heat tolerance, corn earworm resistance, and grain yield, held a field day at Etter on August 22, and hosted a number of corn breeders from several seed companies to tour our corn breeding nursery and test plots including GEM materials. Evaluation of 40 GEM Breeding Crosses: The 40 GEM breeding crosses and five commercial hybrids were grown in the field under well-watered conditions at Halfway and drought stressed conditions in Lubbock, Texas in 2013 (Table 1). Tests at each location used a randomized complete block design with two replications and two-row plots. Plants in the drought tolerance test in Lubbock experienced severe hail storm damage at V-9 stage. From these field trials, we identified breeding crosses for drought and heat tolerance, CEW resistance, and Fusarium ear rots. BR105:S1626f99aj, BR106:N99z46, BR106:N99amT4799ba, and TZAR104:N99bb99bq had excellent grain yield under well-watered and drought conditions, Page 1 of 3 resistant to CEW, and tolerant to heat stress. They are my choices for further breeding. We identified six breeding crosses had low corn earworm damages: BR105:S1626f99aj, BR106:N99amT4799ba, ((KO679Y/CUBA117:S15-101-001-B-B-B-B-B-B-B)/GEMS-0016)-B, (GEMS-0002/CUBA117:S15-101-001-B-B-B-B-B-B-B)-B, and BR106:N99z46. Four breeding crosses were resistant to Fusarium ear rots: BR105:S1626f99aj, BR106:N99amT4799ba, (GEMS-0002/CUBA117:S15-101-001-B-B-B-B-B-B-B)-B, and (GEMS-0126/GEMS-0002)-B. Twelve breeding crosses were sensitive to high temperature, including ATL100:N99bb99bp, BR106:S4299ah, BR106:N4299, CL-G1703:S17c43, CML373:S99y99bd, CML373:S99az99bs, (GEMS-0147/GEMS-0180)-B, (GEMS-0219/GEMN-0152)-B, (GEMS-0030/CUBA117:S15101-001-B-B-B-B-B-B-B)-B, (H8431/((GEMS-0115/Mp717)/TZAR101))-SIB, (((26e/GEMN097)-SIB-SIB)/GEMN-0046)-SIB, and ((KO679Y/CUBA117:S15-101-001-B-B-B-B-B-BB)/GEMS-0016)-B (Table 1). Publications covering GME germplasm: Wenwei Xu, Thomas Marek, and Mike Blanco. 2013. Registration of Maize Germplasm Tx206, Tx207, Tx208, Tx209, and Tx210. (submitted to Journal of Plant Registration). Wenwei Xu, Thomas Marek, Traci Bland, Andy Cranmer, and Dennis Pietsch. 2013. 2013 State Silage Corn Performance Test on the Texas High Plains. Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension-Lubbock Center Technical Report No.14-4. Pages 1-12. Invited presentations covering GEM Germplasm: Wenwei Xu, S. Murray, G. Odvody, D. Lee, H. Abbas, M. Brewer, T. Isakeit, M. Krakowsky, X. Ni, B. Scully, W.P. Williams. Breeding and testing for aflatoxin resistance. 2012 AMCOE Project Results. FEB 26, 2013, Gaylord Palm Resort, Kissimmee, FL. Wenwei Xu. Breeding drought tolerant corn. Plant Breeder Circle at Department of Soil and Crop Science, Texas A&M University, January 25, 2013. College Station, TX. Wenwei Xu. Frontiers in US corn breeding and breeding for drought corn. Gansu Agricultural University. October 25, 2013. Lanzhou, China Wenwei Xu. Frontiers in US corn breeding. Nanjing Agricultural University. October 28, 2013. Nanjing, China. Wenwei Xu. New Maize Breeding Technologies and Progress in Improving Drought Tolerance and Aflatoxin Resistance with Native Genes from Exotic Germplasm. Asian Seed Congress 2013. Kobe, Japan, November 21, 2013. Page 2 of 3 Table 1. Days to pollen shed (DTP), plant (PHT, cm) and ear height (EHT, cm), test weight, yield (bu/a), corn earworm feeding damages (CEW, cm), ear length (EL, cm), and percentage of molded kernels (Mold, %) of 40 GEM breeding crosses and five commercial hybrids in Halfway and Lubbock, Texas in 2013 . Halfway – Well watered ENO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Lubbock – Drought stressed Pedigree CL-G1703:S17c43 BR105:S1626f99aj (GEMS-0175/GEMS-0115)-B (GEMS-0147/GEMS-0180)-B PHJ40/((GEMS-0115/Mp717)/TZAR101) (GEMN-0178/GEMN-0140)-B (GEMN-0186/UR13085:N0215-014-001-B wx)-B (GEMN-0186/SCRO1:N1310-509-001-B wx)-B BR106:N99amT4799ba CML373:S99y99bd BR105:N99ae41 (GEMS-0016/NEI9004:S2809-B-061-B-B)B ((KO679Y/CUBA117:S15-101-001-B-B-BB-B-B-B)/GEMS-0016)-B ((PHK76/KO679Y)/GEMN-0205)-B (GEMN-0205/GEMN-0152)-B (GEMS-0219/GEMN-0152)-B (LH61/CML373)/GEMN-0205 (GEMN-0196/GEMN0205)/ANTIG03:N1242-B-007-B (DJ7/CML373)/GEMS-0162 ((26e/GEMN-0097)-SIB-SIB)/46 (GEMS-0002/CUBA117:S15-101-001-BB-B-B-B-B-B)-B (GEMS-0030/CUBA117:S15-101-001-BB-B-B-B-B-B)-B (GEMS-0126/GEMS-0002)-B (((26e/GEMN-097)-SIB-SIB)/GEMN0046)-SIB (GEMN-0152/ANTIG03:N1242-B-007-B)SIB (H8431/((GEMS0115/Mp717)/TZAR101))-SIB NC354:S99y42 ATL100:N99ba99z ATL100:N99bb99bp ATL100:N99bb99br BR106:S4299ah CML373:S99az99bs SX1078:N99bb99br SX1078:N99bb99z SX2788:N99ba99br TZAR104:N99bb99bq TZAR104:S99bd99ah BR106:N99z46 SX1078:N99bb42 BR106:N4299z BH9029VTTP (CK1) P1151AM1 (CK2) P1395AM (CK3) P1768AMX (CK4) DKC67-88 (CK5) DTP 74.0 76.5 79.0 78.0 71.0 72.0 PHT 227.0 278.5 230.5 228.0 237.0 228.5 EHT 98.5 118.0 101.0 106.0 99.5 103.0 TestW 62.0 63.6 61.8 60.9 64.5 59.4 Yield 175.9 183.7 139.1 115.0 113.6 115.7 Yield 22.8 53.6 23.0 27.3 40.2 23.6 CEW 6.8 4.0 8.1 8.5 5.4 7.6 EL 14.8 16.4 16.1 13.9 15.3 14.7 Mold 23.0 7.5 19.0 38.0 23.0 30.0 75.0 308.0 86.0 60.3 98.0 26.7 6.6 15.2 28.0 76.0 72.5 71.5 76.5 236.0 234.5 232.5 275.5 88.0 103.0 89.0 127.0 60.2 62.2 62.3 60.9 105.4 175.2 160.8 139.9 20.1 51.5 31.8 48.5 6.3 4.7 6.5 5.5 14.0 22.7 15.1 15.7 20.0 7.5 23.0 13.0 76.0 222.0 87.0 62.5 118.4 20.2 6.3 13.2 20.0 77.0 74.5 73.5 75.5 72.5 227.0 219.5 237.0 248.5 230.0 100.0 90.5 105.0 112.0 101.0 63.2 61.7 60.1 62.8 60.9 123.4 120.2 120.4 130.3 167.7 27.5 43.5 35.2 32.8 46.5 4.7 6.2 5.5 6.2 5.3 14.4 16.9 15.3 14.4 16.6 10.0 25.0 23.0 20.0 13.0 72.5 75.5 74.0 247.5 238.0 240.0 116.0 95.0 92.0 61.4 62.0 59.9 167.8 146.8 152.0 80.7 23.9 63.2 7.3 6.5 4.5 18.0 13.7 17.1 20.0 20.0 10.0 73.0 236.5 105.0 64.1 125.1 37.7 4.9 14.8 6.0 79.0 72.5 249.0 242.0 117.0 90.0 59.8 64.1 101.3 97.5 18.2 25.3 5.0 5.3 14.8 15.1 25.0 3.5 74.5 229.0 93.0 62.1 132.2 32.2 6.0 14.3 9.5 75.5 251.0 112.0 58.3 122.3 52.6 6.3 15.3 10.0 74.0 72.5 75.0 74.5 77.0 79.0 77.0 75.5 71.5 74.0 72.5 76.5 75.0 71.0 76.0 74.0 73.0 72.5 72.5 73.5 237.5 207.0 223.0 222.0 237.5 220.5 239.5 236.0 226.0 255.0 249.5 233.5 241.5 207.5 225.5 238.5 222.5 241.5 238.0 258.0 97.0 81.5 95.0 94.0 101.0 100.0 109.0 90.0 89.0 111.0 118.0 105.0 94.5 81.5 97.5 108.0 87.0 96.5 90.5 106.0 62.7 62.4 61.0 59.0 62.2 59.6 59.5 62.4 62.0 62.4 61.8 61.3 60.7 61.0 61.0 62.5 62.2 63.0 62.6 63.7 120.2 107.8 157.0 97.4 148.2 92.0 138.1 150.1 149.0 147.6 187.5 134.1 176.9 128.2 111.9 210.1 183.5 193.3 185.5 225.2 41.2 25.8 27.4 35.9 65.6 30.4 40.5 63.8 64.2 40.0 56.0 65.9 67.9 42.4 29.6 75.1 60.5 59.2 92.6 92.3 6.3 5.9 6.6 6.4 6.1 5.7 5.0 5.8 7.1 4.7 6.1 5.4 4.5 7.5 6.3 4.6 6.9 6.9 5.3 4.0 15.0 13.4 16.5 14.2 16.7 12.5 14.2 16.9 17.7 14.8 17.9 16.0 17.0 15.3 16.8 18.5 16.9 15.8 16.2 16.9 23.0 33.0 15.0 15.0 14.0 38.0 15.0 15.0 28.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 20.0 10.0 20.0 3.0 13.0 23.0 18.0 10.0 Test mean CK mean CV% LSD 0.05 74.5 73.1 2.2 3.2 237.6 239.7 5.5 26.3 99.7 97.6 13.6 ns 61.6 62.8 1.2 1.5 142.0 199.5 18.8 37.9 44.1 76.0 25.6 22.8 5.9 5.5 18.3 2.2 15.7 16.9 8.7 2.7 17.8 13.4 50.7 17.9 Page 3 of 3 Note Heat sensitive Long ear Heat sensitive Heat sensitive Nice plants Very heat sensitive Heat sensitive Nice plants, Long ear' Very heat sensitive Heat sensitive Very heat sensitive Heat sensitive Heat sensitive Heat sensitive Nice plants Very nice plants Very heat sensitive