Use of GEM Germplasm for Improving Drought Tolerance, Grain Mold, and Earworm Resistance Wenwei Xu Agricultural Research and Extension Center Texas A&M University Lubbock, TX 79403 Presentation Outline • Research rationale • Evaluation of GEM breeding crosses • Development of inbred lines using GEM breeding crosses • Yield trials of top crosses from GEM inbred lines Constraints for Texas Corn Production • Water * Low rainfall in West Texas More than 50% of Texas corn is produced in the irrigated fields. Constraints for Texas Corn Production • Water * Low rainfall in West Texas * Declining water level of the Ogallala Aquifer * Increasing pumping costs Constraints for Texas Corn Production • Water * Low rainfall in West Texas * Declining water level of the Ogallala Aquifer * Increasing pumping costs ==> Drought tolerant corn ==> Early season corn Constraints for Texas Corn Production • Water • Heat stress * Leaf firing * Tassel blasting Constraints for Texas Corn Production • Water • Heat stress • Corn earworm 9-M ar 4-M ay 1-Jun Sample Date at Weekly Intervals 16-Nov 2-Nov 19-Oct Heliothisvirescens 5-Oct Lowest Abundance Year C. 1995 1984 Abundance 600 Confidence Limit 400 800 200 14-yr Average 0 D. 1984 200 60 150 40 100 50 20 0 0 Average Number of Moths per Trap Helicoverpa zea 21-Sep 7-S ep 24-Aug 10-Aug 27-Jul 13-Jul 29-Jun 15-Jun Lubbock 4-M ay 18-May 20-Apr 6-Apr B. 1988 23-Mar A. 1984 9-M ar 16-Nov 2-Nov 19-Oct Heliothisvirescens 5-Oct Helicoverpa zea 21-Sep 7-S ep 2400 24-Aug 10-Aug 27-Jul 13-Jul 0 29-Jun 15-Jun 1-Jun 18-May 1600 20-Apr 6-Apr 23-Mar Average Number of Moths per Trap 3200 Highest Abundance Year 1000 800 Constraints for Texas Corn Production • Water • Heat stress • Corn earworm • Aflatoxins Aflatoxin B1 (C17 H12 O6) Aspergillus flavus Objectives of 2003 GEM Project • To evaluate 71 GEM breeding crosses for drought tolerance, grain mold resistance, and CEW resistance (2nd year); • To conduct yield trials of the top crosses of the inbred lines derived from GEM germplasm (2nd year); • To continue inbred line development from GEM breeding crosses; • To make top crosses of the GEM inbred lines for 2004 trials. ==> Develop multiple stress tolerant corn. Materials and Methods - 71 GEM Breeding Crosses Drip Irrigation system for drought tolerance study Stay green rating 1 = 100% green, 2 = 75%, 3 = 50%, 4 =25%, 5 = 0% green leaves Corn Earworm Resistance • Larval penetration from ear tip toward the ear base • Ten ears per replication Top 10 GEM breeding crosses for CEW resistance under wellirrigated conditions in Lubbock, TX in 2002-2003. Pedigree TROP% ANTIG01:N16 50 ANTIG03:N12 50 BG070404:D27 50 BR51501:N11a 50 CML329:N18 50 CUBA84:D27 50 DK212T:N11a 50 DK888:N11a 50 DKXL380:N11a 50 SCROGP3:N1411a 25 B73 x Mo17 0 P34K77 0 P3223 0 Mean DTP 78 76 83 78 75 83 75 78 76 75 74 70 77 75 CEW 4.8 5.5 5.5 4.7 5.1 5.0 5.3 4.4 4.5 5.1 7.5 5.9 4.9 6.8 EL 21 20 19 20 22 21 19 18 18 18 20 18 18 19 MOLD 2.7 3.3 3.7 3.8 3.0 4.5 4.0 4.5 3.7 3.3 4.7 3.7 3.3 4.8 YBU 138 148 127 115 122 125 106 101 81 119 93 146 169 110 Nine GEM breeding crosses with above average CEW resistance as measured by CEW ear penetration (cm) in 2002. Crosses BG070404:D27 BR51501:N11a CUBA84:D27 BR51675:D27 ANTIG01:N16 CEW 4.0 4.6 5.0 5.2 5.4 Crosses DK888:N11a ANTIG03:N12 DKXL380:N11a DK212T:N11a CEW 4.2 4.8 5.1 5.2 Checks B73 x Mo17 P34K77 P3223 CEW 9.3 6.3 6.3 Top 10 yielding GEM breeding crosses under well-irrigated conditions in Lubbock, TX in 2002-2003. Pedigree TROP% ANTIG03:N12 50 ANTIG03:N1216 25 ANTIG01:N16 50 AR16026:N12 50 AR03056:N0902 25 CHIS775:N1920 25 CH05015:N1204 25 PRICGP3:N1218 25 SCRO1:N13 50 UR11002:N0308b 25 B73xMo17 P34K77 P3223 Mean DTP 76 75 78 72 73 74 71 76 73 73 74 70 77 75 PHT 229 226 233 220 224 225 220 241 251 233 229 213 227 227 CEW 5.5 7.0 4.8 7.1 7.2 7.0 7.5 7.4 6.2 6.4 7.5 5.9 4.9 6.8 MOLD 3 6 3 5 5 6 4 5 4 5 5 4 3 5 YBU 148 139 138 139 132 133 132 138 135 141 93 146 169 110 Yield Trials of Top Crosses of GEM Lines • 32 single crosses: 15 GEM lines x public lines • 4 checks: P34K77, P3223, Garst 8348 and Garst 8285 • 3 locations in TX: Etter, Halfway, and Lubbock • Well-irrigated and limited-irrigation conditions • Two-row plots (15’ x 40” or 15 x 30”), 2 reps Location Irrigation Seasonal WW LI rainfall Etter 23.0” 18.6” 13.0” Halfway 23.6” 13.4” 7.0” College Station Lubbock 16.0” 12.3” 8.0” Corpus Christi Dumas Lubbock WW (bu/a) HF LB LI (bu/a) LB % Entry ET HF Mean CKs DTP PHT (AR01150:N0406)F8A1 x B110 267 224 175 92 144 181 110 76 243 (AR01150:N0406)F8A1 x B113 236 214 170 98 124 169 103 73 227 (AR01150:N0406)F8A2 x B110 260 252 193 88 142 187 114 76 247 (AR01150:N0406)F8A2 x B113 238 165 183 107 128 164 (AR03056:N0902)F8-1 x B110 256 198 171 109 101 167 102 74 212 (FS8A(T):N1801)F7-2 x B113 229 207 163 93 128 164 100 74 231 (FS8A(T):N1801)F7-2 x B110 259 229 208 73 159 186 113 74 242 (FS8B(T):N11a)F7-2 x B110 188 231 176 102 142 168 102 75 248 B110 x (SCROGP3:N1411a)F7 197 220 183 93 124 163 100 75 257 B110 x (SCROGP3:N2017)F7 250 197 171 96 120 167 102 76 242 P34K77 226 173 155 120 130 161 Garst 8348 258 159 182 110 115 165 100 72 229 P3223 258 207 174 117 117 175 107 77 237 Garst8285 216 195 151 114 101 155 100 74 229 98 70 231 95 76 240 Yield and other agronomic traits at Mississippi State, MS in 2003 (Dr. W. Paul Williams, USDA-ARS) Entry Yield Moist Aflatoxin PHT bu/a % ppb cm (AR01150:N0406)F9A2 x B110 152 14 12 293 B110 x (SCROGP3:N1411a)F7 153 14 13 294 S1W x CML343 120 16 3 266 Tx202 x CML343 123 15 15 268 S2B73 x NC300 142 14 1 291 C3W64A x B110 136 15 66 265 C2A554 x B110 124 15 5 249 Mo18W x Mp313E (CK2) 125 17 13 292 Mp716 x Mp92:673 (CK3) 95 18 1 283 P31B13 (CK1) 154 13 14 267 Mean 132 15 14 277 CV% 11 3 ns 2 LSD 0.05 19 1 7 CEW cm 2 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 1 2 35 1 Aflatoxin and Yield at Corpus Christi and Beeville, TX in 2003. Hybrids Yield (bu/a) Aflatoxin BV CC (ppb) S1W x CML343 73 44 49 de Tx202 x CML343 68 41 54 cde S2B73 x NC300 92 79 31 e C3W64A x B110 78 76 42 e C2A554 x B110 72 84 59 cde NC340 x S1W 71 34 96 bc (AR01150:N0406)F9A2 x B110 83 83 88 bcd B110 x (SCROGP3:N1411a)F7 86 59 240 a P31B13 (RM 117) 85 92 161 ab DK XL296 74 57 47 de Mean 78 65 87 LSD 0.05 14 8 Rainfall during the crop season was 11.68 and 7.8 inches at BV and CC. At BV, 4.72-inches of total rainfall was received from Hurricane Claudette on July 16, 40 days after flowering. When the first hybrid was at mid-silk, corn kernels colonized with a high aflatoxin-producing isolate of A. flavus (NRRL3357) were distributed between all rows. (SCROGP3:N1411a)-1 Days to pollen shedding (DTP), plant height (PHT), leaf firing (LF, %), CEW resistance, and stay green rating of selected inbred lines. Lines Ear DTP PHT LF LF CEW Stay Green K C LB HF LBD HFD (AR01150:N0406)-A1 Y W 83 161 0 20 6 3.0 3.8 (AR01150:N0406)-A2 Y R 83 164 2 0 5 3.5 3.8 FS8A(T):N1801-1 Y W 79 133 3 0 7 4.8 2.8 SCROGP3:N1411a-1 Y W 85 191 0 0 4 2.0 2.0 S1W WW 85 179 0 0 2 2.8 2.8 C3S1B73-3 Y R 83 148 18 6 2 5.0 4.0 B76 Y R 83 156 0 0 6 3.3 3.3 B73 Y R 84 188 40 100 7 4.3 4.3 B104 Y R 84 140 13 91 4 3.8 4.0 83 164 11 26 5 3.7 3.4 29 27 3 1.2 1.0 Mean LSD 0.05 3 20 Future Research Effort • Top crosses were made between GEM inbred lines with Holden’s lines (LH185, LH198, LH200, LH247, and LH283) and public lines for 2004 field trials. • Release proposals for the inbred lines: (AR01150:N0406)F8A1 (FS8A(T):N1801)F7-2 (AR01150:N0406)F8A2, (SCROGP3:N1411a)F8 • Continue inbred line development from other GEM breeding crosses. 9-M ar 5-Oct Sample Date at Weekly Intervals 5-Oct 16-Nov 2-Nov 19-Oct Heliothisvirescens 21-Sep Lowest Abundance Year 2400 1987 Abundance 600 Confidence Limit 14-yr Average 400 800 200 0 0 D. 1984 200 60 150 40 100 50 20 0 0 Average Number of Moths per Trap Helicoverpa zea 7-S ep 24-Aug 10-Aug 27-Jul 13-Jul 29-Jun 15-Jun 1-Jun Halfway 4-M ay 18-May 20-Apr 6-Apr B. 1988 23-Mar A. 1987 9-M ar 16-Nov 2-Nov Highest Abundance Year 19-Oct Heliothisvirescens 21-Sep Helicoverpa zea 7-S ep 24-Aug 10-Aug 27-Jul 13-Jul 1600 29-Jun 15-Jun 1-Jun 18-May 4-M ay 20-Apr 6-Apr 23-Mar Average Number of Moths per Trap 3200 1000 C. 1993 800 Water-level changes in the High Plains (Ogallala) aquifer from 1980 to 1996: • Ogallala aquifer covers 8 states: CO, KS, NE, NM, OK, SD, TX, WY. • Water level has declined: 0.25’/year in 1940-80. 0.18’/year in 1980-96. * Irrigated acres by ground water (in millions): 1949 1959 1969 1978 1980 1990 2.1 9.0 6.1 12.9 13.7 95% Constraints for Texas Corn Production • • • • Water Heat stress Corn earworm Aflatoxins • Spider mites