Name_ _________________________ Phone_ _________________________ STUDENT JOURNAL 1 2 Two important Congressional acts of the 1990s, the Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act and the School-to-Work (STW) Opportunities Act, both emphasize providing you, the student, with a, “strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of the industry you are preparing to enter.” The acts identify eight associated concepts and skill areas that you should gain some experience and understanding of while engaged in your successful internship experience. Journal Guidelines: Your guided journal experience will challenge you to explore these categories as they pertain to your host site. These weekly focus questions were designed to aid you in conversations with your host and help you achieve a greater understanding of the “big picture.” There is a focus question(s) each week for you to explore. We encourage you to share your thoughts on the pages labeled “Tasks & Duties/Reflections on the Workplace.” You should make at least two entries into this area of your journal per week in addition to answering the focus question(s) of the week. Enjoy your career exploration journey... Just a reminder that this is your journal to keep. The information you share is confidential and is reviewed at the meetings. BRING THIS JOURNAL TO ALL MEETINGS Credits: Instructional Materials Laboratory, 2316 Industrial Drive, Columbia, MO 65202. 1-800-669-2465. Foster, Chad (1999) Teenagers; Preparing for the Real World. Southeastern Educational Publishing. Revised 08/07. 3 Introduction Choosing a career path after high school is an important decision. • You may decide to go to college full-time. • You may decide to work full-time. • You may decide to go to college full- or part-time and work full- or part-time. Technical and Production Skills Specific production techniques alternative methods. Underlying Principles of Technology Integrated study across the curriculum of the mathematical, scientific, social and economic principles that underly the technology. Finance Management of financial operations including accounting and financial decision making. Health, Safety and Environmental Issues In relation to both the workers and the larger community. 4 ALL ASPEC OF THE INDU C AT E G O R I This booklet is designed to help you with your job search whether it is a full-time job to start your career or a part-time job while attending college. Even a job that is not related to your final career goal will help you develop skills that will be valuable to you in future jobs. Management Methods typically used to manage enterprises over time within the industry - methods for expanding and diversifying workers’ tasks and broadening worker involvement in decisions. Planning TS STRY ES Examined both at the industry level and at the firm level. Various forms of ownership, including cooperatives and worker ownership, and the relationship of the industry to economic, political and social context. Labor Issues Worker rights, responsibilities and roles. Community Issues The impact of the enterprise and the industry on the community, and the community’s impact on and involvement with the enterprise. 5 All Aspects Reflection Question of the Week: Management What is the organizational structure of the workplace? • Organization chart/chain of command? • Mission statement? • When was it established? Is this a publicly- or privately-held company/organization? How would you describe the work atmosphere? Is there demonstrated cultural diversity? What are the different managerial and work styles presently used? Is there flexible scheduling for employees? Whether you continue your formal education or start a job after high school, all careers will require continual upgrading of skills. You should expect to be learning throughout your career. 6 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... What’s your specific goal for this internship experience? Share this goal with your host, keep your “eyes on the prize” and revisit this goal regularly throughout the experience. 7 All Aspects Reflection Question of the Week: Technical / Production Skills What basic skills are needed to get this job done (math, reading, writing and problem solving)? • What are the certification requirements for this job, if any? • Is there skills testing on the job? What are the technical skills needed to get this job done (operating machinery, using tools)? • How is training offered to employees? • Is cross-training available? • Is the work environment deadline oriented? • What are the advancement opportunities or career paths available? How are these essential skills demonstrated in the workplace? • Teamwork • Communication • Goal setting skills • Punctuality/reliability • Attitude and appearance • Problem-solving skills What skills are needed for effective relationships with colleagues? Build your vocabulary today. If you don’t have a word of the day calendar, sign up for an electronic version of Webster’s Word of the Day at: 8 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... Diverse Knowledge: Knowing a little about a lot of things makes you a better conversationalist and valuable team member. What can you do to build this knowledge? Get in the habit of reading a local or regional newspaper, on-line news service or weekly news magazine. You will be amazed how this information will permeate your conversations. 9 All Aspects Reflection Question of the Week: Finance What are the sources of operational funding (public, private, non-profit)? How does this organization manage financial operations? • Payroll • Income • Expenditures What are the costs of production and service delivery? Are these costs fixed or variable? How has technology increased/decreased cost of operations? “The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process of getting to the top.” - Dr. Joyce Brothers 10 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... Plan your goals using a calendar. This method gives structure to your vision in terms of days, weeks and months. Never give up until your vision becomes reality. 11 All Aspects Reflection Question of the Week: Health, Safety & Environment What is management’s responsibility for safety in the workplace? • What safety training is available/required? • What are the standard safety procedures at this work site? • How are job “ergonomics” (equipment designed to reduce operator fatigue and discomfort) addressed? What are the regulatory agencies involved with this work site? • Federal? • State? • County? What impact does the business have on the natural world (environment, recycling regulations, waste disposal)? Is this a “green” workplace (efficient processes in regard to energy use and the ability to reuse all waste)? “If success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.” - Anna Quindlen 12 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... Have you written down the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of the people you have worked with in your internship? If not, do it today! Successful people have hundreds of contacts for virtually everything under the sun. Make a note on your personal calendar to re-contact and connect with these people you have met. Send an e-mail, a fun postcard or simply a quick phone call to check in... They will really appreciate it and keep YOU in mind for opportunities that may come their way! 13 All Aspects Reflection Question of the Week: Community Issues Who are your customers/clients? • Who is your “target market” (segment of market that is the focus of business or marketing plan)? • How is customer/client satisfaction measured? What is the public perception of who or what your organization or business is/does? Who defines that perception (PR, marketing, management)? How is that perception shared (networking, community relations, etc)? How does the business impact and interact with the community? • Environmentally (noise, odor, waste)? • Traffic issues/public safety? • In what key ways does the company help the community? How does the community help the company/organization? “Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” - Vince Lombardi 14 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... What have you done lately to make this a better world? It’s a big world out there and it needs you! Perform a small service for your school, a family member, a friend, a stranger or your community today! It can be as simple as picking up someone else’s trash or offering a helpful hand to an elderly shopper. You are going to feel good about it and they will see the shining face of the future doing what they do best...Good things. 15 All Aspects Reflection Question of the Week: Labor Issues What is the wage range of employment opportunities? Are employees compensated on an hourly basis or salaried? What benefits are provided to employees? What are the hours of work? Is there a flexible work schedule available? What is the benefit of having defined and written policies and job descriptions? How are employees evaluated and promoted? 16 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... People don’t succeed by themselves. You NEED the cooperation of your family, your friends, your teachers, your fellow students and your community. Share your “secret dream” with them. People cannot help you achieve it if they don’t know what you want. Dream a dream and SHARE it today! 17 All Aspects Reflection Question of the Week: Planning Is there a business plan? If so, what are the short-term/long-term goals? Who develops this plan? Who is responsible to carry out this plan? What are the roles of those responsible? How will the inevitable changes in technology and the global marketplace impact this plan? 18 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... Successful people are good listeners. You learn nothing when you hear yourself speak. Practice listening today. Ask a friend or sibling to tell you about a personal dream or goal he or she has. Just listen...Don’t judge, alter his/her meaning or offer comment unless he/she asks ask for it. 19 All Aspects Reflection Question of the Week: Underlying Principles of Technology How is computer technology used throughout the company? How does the company use the following technology? • Communications technology • Productions technology • Transportation technology • Bio-related technology How might the needed technology change over the next five to 10 years? “It is better to deserve honors and not have them, than to have them and not deserve them.” - Mark Twain 20 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... Have you told your internship host thank you? Two of the sweetest words a person can hear are the sincerely spoken words “thank you.” It’s important to let your host know you appreciate his/her time and you learned from him/her. 21 Tasks and Duties Consider This... Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Do you like your part-time job? Are there transferable skills you are learning now in your job that will benefit your future? Sometimes an attitude adjustment about what we do to make money is all it takes to bring more enjoyment and meaning to the tasks we are paid to do. 22 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING! You will have challenges today that may seem insurmountable. Step 1: BREATHE. Step 2: REAFFIRM your personal abilities...YOU CAN DO THIS! Step 3: You are never alone. People can help you. Not only can they help you, they want to. Don’t ever forget that the combination of a positive attitude, personal confidence and the help of others has always been the basic formula for success. 23 Tasks and Duties Consider This... Observations / Reflections / Thoughts “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson 24 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... Strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know today. Successful people have the ability to talk to anyone, anywhere and in any circumstance. 25 Tasks and Duties Consider This... Observations / Reflections / Thoughts “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.” - Colin Powell 26 Tasks and Duties Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Consider This... Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision.” - Muhammad Ali 27 Tasks and Duties Consider This... Observations / Reflections / Thoughts “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” 28 - Woody Allen Tasks and Duties Consider This... Observations / Reflections / Thoughts Be the change you want to see in the world! - Unknown 29 VIPs Name/Title Phone E-mail Address Name/Title Phone E-mail Address Name/Title Phone E-mail Address Name/Title Phone E-mail Address Name/Title Phone E-mail Address Name/Title Phone E-mail Address Name/Title Phone E-mail Address Name/Title Phone E-mail Address 30 Record of Hours Worked Week Date Hours Worked Intern’s Initials Host’s Initials Total Hours* to Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *Enter your cumulative hours to date. Example: Week 1 hours = 10, Week 2 hours = 12, running total = 22. 31 1030 Fifth Avenue SE • Suite 2700 • Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Phone: 319-398-1040 • Fax: 319-398-1041 1810 Lower Muscatine Road • Iowa City, IA 52240 Phone: 319-887-3647 • Fax: 319-887-3657 ©2006 Kirkwood Community College The Workplace Learning Connection is a partnership of Kirkwood Community College and Grant Wood Area Education Agency. Call 319-398-1040 to purchase additional copies of this publication. 32