The Red Review A weekly bulletin for Red Team and Mr. Bily’s Social Studies and Language Arts news Chief Editor: Mr. Bily December 7, 2015 Issue 16 Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), A gentle reminder: I have granted students an extension on their 365 Argumentative essays. They will now be due no later than 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, December 10. Additionally, students should be reading Chapters 19-21 in their Social Studies textbooks and completing the study guide for the Unit 6 test on Wednesday, December 16. Yours in education, Mr. Bily This Week in History 1941— Japanese forces surprise U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor with an attack that brings the US into WWII. 1936— Edward VIII becomes the first English monarch to voluntarily abdicate the throne. CMS Red Team Dates to Remember 12/17—2 Hour Early Dismissal 12/18—Teacher Institute (No Student Attendance) 12/18-1/4—Holiday Break 1/5—School Resumes (begin Q3) 1/18—No School (MLK Jr.’s birthday recognized) 1/29—1:25 Early Dismissal Historian of the Week What’s due?.... Social Studies: 365 Argument due 12/10; Unit 6 Test (Ch. 19-21) 12/16 Language Arts: Punctuation Notes and Quiz Name: Kennedy H. Class: 9th Period Social Studies Praise: Kennedy represents how a student historian should approach the Social Sciences. She is constantly questioning the material before her, and is not content with simple answers. Her approach to history is advanced and unbiased. Red Team: