VIDYA PRATISHTHAN’S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, BARAMATI. DEPARTMENT OF FIRST YEAR ENGINEERING THEORY QUESTION BANK SUBJECT: BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING YEAR- 2015-2016, (Semester – II) UNIT I: INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1) Sketch and explain different types of keys. 2) Write the function of following machine elements. a) Axle b) Ball bearing c) Coupling d) Clutch 3) Explain different types of shafts. What is difference between a shaft and an axle? 4) Classify the bearing with examples. Explain one type in detail. 5) Write note on Ball Bearing. 6) Explain with neat sketch Flange Coupling. 7) Classify the bearings. 8) Define the coupling, types of couplings and list applications of couplings. 9) Define shafts, type of shafts. List applications of shaft. 10) Compare belt drive, chain drive and gear drive (Four points) 11) Compare Flat belt drive and V belt drive. 12) Explain spur gear with neat sketch. What is gear ratio? 13) Draw a neat sketch of single plate clutch with its working, advantages and disadvantages. UNIT II: DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS 1) Define the following properties of materials. a) Strength b) Toughness c) Hardness d) Resilience e) Elasticity f) Fatigue g) Malleability h) Brittleness i) Creep 2) State general properties and engineering applications of following materials a) Plain Carbon Steel. b) Aluminium. c) Copper and its alloy. 3) Explain factors affecting the selection of material. 4) Write a note on four bar mechanism. 5) Compare mechanism and machine (Four points) 6) Explain slider crank mechanism with neat sketch. UNIT III: MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 1) Explain any four sheet metal operations with sketches. 2) Explain sand casting process with neat sketch. 3) Explain with sketches the different stages involved in manufacturing of sand casting. 4) Draw self-explanatory sketches of various operations performed in sheet metal working. 5) What is sand casting? Explain its advantages, disadvantages and applications. 6) Draw self-explanatory sketches of any three; sheet-metal cutting and any three; sheetmetal forming operations. 7) With neat sketch, explain arc welding process. 8) Differentiate between hot working and cold working. (Four points) 9) Explain the following sheet metal operations with neat sketch a) Blanking b) Drawing UNIT IV: MACHINE TOOLS 1) What is grinding? Explain cylindrical grinding and centre less grinding process with neat sketch. 2) With a block diagram, explain the functions of various parts of a radial drilling machine. 3) Write a note on cylindrical grinding and surface grinding. 4) Draw the block diagram of a lathe machine and explain the function of various parts. 5) Explain with neat sketch the major parts of a center lathe machine. 6) Draw the neat sketch of lathe machine and explain 2 operations with sketch. 7) Explain internal grinding operation with sketch. 8) Sketch and explain drilling operations. UNIT V: THERMAL ENGINEERING 1) State various statements and limitations of first law of thermodynamics. 2) A U tube manometer is used to measure the pressure of a gas in the pipe. The level of liquid in the manometer arm open to the atmosphere is 170mm lower than the level of the liquid connected to the gas pipe. The liquid in the manometer has specific gravity of 0.8. Find the absolute pressure in the manometer has specific gravity of 0.8. Find the absolute pressure of the gas if barometer reads 76 cm of mercury. Take the density of mercury as 3 13600 kg/m . Draw the sketch of system. 3) Define:a. Heat source b. Heat sink c. Thermal efficiency. d. COP 4) Write a note on pressure measurement. 5) Explain with example a. Closed system b. Open system 6) State and explain second law of thermodynamics. 7) A U tube manometer connected to pipe carrying oil, shows a reading of 40cm of Mercury. Find the absolute pressure of oil in the pipe if barometer reading is 10m of 3 2 water. (Assume density of mercury ρHg= 13600 kg/m , g= 9.81 m/s ). 8) An engine develops 80kW of work output when heat is supplied at the rate of 240 kW. Find the efficiency of the engine and heat rejected to atmosphere. Draw the sketch of system. 9) State the various statements of first law of thermodynamics. Explain its limitation with an example. 10) Explain the following terms a) Barometric pressure b) Gauge pressure c) Absolute pressure d) Units of pressure 11) A refrigerator with COP of 1.5 absorbs heat from food compartment at the rate of 3600kJ/min. Draw the sketch of system and find a) Power consumed by the refrigerator and b) The amount of heat rejected to surrounding. 12) Draw schematic sketches of various thermodynamic systems. Identify the thermodynamic system of the following devices, a) Thermas flask b) Air compressor c) Pressure cooker d) Vapour compression refrigeration unit 13) Explain concept of heat engine and heat pump. 14) Define thermodynamic system. Explain its types with examples. 15) A heat engine operates between source and sink temperatures of 235˚C and 30˚C respectively. If heat engine receives 35 KW from the source, find the net work done by the engine, the heat rejected to the sink by the engine and the efficiency of engine. Draw the sketch of system. UNIT VI: APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 1) Differentiate between fire tube boiler and water tube boiler 2) With neat sketches explain principle of working of four stroke petrol engine 3) Write a note on hydro-electric power plant 4) With neat sketch explain window air conditioner. 5) Explain working of thermal power plant with neat sketch. 6) With neat sketch, explain working of vapour compression refrigeration system. 7) Draw a layout of wind power plant and explain the energy extraction (transfer). State its limitations. 8) Differentiate between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines 9) Explain working of a single acting, single stage reciprocating air compressor with neat sketch. 10) Draw a layout of nuclear power plant and explain the energy extraction 11) With neat sketch, explain working of household refrigerator. 12) Define mountings and accessories and list 3 mountings and 3 accessories. 13) Draw block diagram of: Reaction turbine and reciprocating compressor. 14) Draw neat sketch of two stroke petrol engine explain the working.