Subject:-Basic Electronics Engg.(Theory question bank) Unit 1:-Diode Circuit

Subject:-Basic Electronics Engg.(Theory question bank)
Unit 1:-Diode Circuit
Q1) Draw the circuit and explain the operation of half wave rectifier.
Q2) A HWR with RL=1kohm is given an input of 10V peak from step down
transformer. Calculate D.C voltage and load current for ideal &silicon diode.[6]
Q3)A diode whose internal resistance is 20ohm is to supply power to a 1000ohm load
from an 110Vrms source o supply.
Calculate 1)Im
2)Vldc 3)Irms
4)Pac 5)Pdc
Q4) Draw the circuit and explain the operation of centre tapped full wave rectifier[4]
Q5)Prove that max theoretical efficiency of centre tap FWR is 81.2%.
Q6)The input signal voltage to FWR is 160 sin(2π(60)t)V.assume Vr=0.7V for each
diode calculate:-1)required turns ratio of transformer to produce a peak output
voltage 25V
2)PIV of each diode
3)output frequency
Q7)Draw the circuit of bridge rectifier and explain its operation. Give the input and
output waveform.
Q8)Explain the need of filter circuits. which elements are used in filter circuit?
Q9)Explain the operation of the Capacitor filter with half wave rectifier.
Q10)Draw a neat circuit diagram of bridge rectifier with capacitor filter and explain
its operation with waveform.
Q11)Define clipper circuits. state the types of clipper circuit.
Q12)Draw the circuit of negative clipper and explain its operation along with the [4]
Q13)Draw the circuit of positive clipper and explain its operation along with the
Q14)Draw a negative clamper and explain its working along with the waveform. [4]
Q15)Draw a positive clamper and explain its working along with the waveform
Q16)Draw the circuit of half voltage doubler and explain its operation
Q17)Draw the circuit of full wave voltage doubler and explain its operation
Q18)Draw the circuit of voltage Tripler and explain its operation
Q19)What is regulated power supply? Draw and explain its block schematic
Q20)Explain the principle of working of zener diode as regulator. Discus the
performance of zener diode regulator interms of source and load effects
Q21)In the shunt regulator using zener diode, calculate min and max values of current
limiting resistor.
Given Vz=8V,source voltage=30V,
Subject:-Basic Electronics Engg.(Theory question bank)
load current=0-50mA,Izmin=5mA,Pzmax=1W
Q22)Explain working principle of LED.[2]
Q23)State the material used in LED.[2]
Q24)Explain the construction and working principle of photodiode.[3]
Q25) Describe with the help of neat diagram operation of Zener voltage regulator. [6]
Q26) Explain breakdown mechanism in Zener diode [4]
Q27) Compare half wave, centre tapped full wave and bridge full wave rectifier [6]
Q28) Compare avalanche and Zener breakdown
Q1)State the biasing conditions required for three region of operation of BJT.[2]
Q2)Explain the working principle of npn transistor?[4]
Q3)Sketch and explain the input characteristics of transistor in CB configuration[3].
Q4)With a neat diagram explain the output characteristics of transistor in CB
Q5)Given IE=2.5mA,α=0.98,and ICBO=10uA,calculate IB and IC.[4]
Q6)Derive the relationship between αdc and βdc.[4]
Q7)calculate the value of IC and IE for BJT with αdc=0.97 and IB=50uA.Determine
βdc for the device.[4]
Q8)Sketch and explain the input characteristics of transistor in CE configuration.[3]
Q9)With a neat diagram explain output characteristics of npn transistor in CE
Q10)What is d.c load line?Derive its equation for a CE amplifier.[4]
Q11)Explain the working of transistor as a switch.[4]
Q12)Explain the construction of n-channel enhancement type MOSFET.[4]
Q13)Explain the working of n-channel enhancement type MOSFET.[4]
Q14)Draw and explain drain characteristics of an n-channel EMOSFET.[4]
Q15)Comparison of CE,CB and CC configuration.[4]
Q16)Comparison between BJT and MOSFET.[4]
Q17) What is significance of input resistance in a voltage amplifier. [3]
Q18) What is significance of output resistance in a voltage amplifier. [3]
Subject:-Basic Electronics Engg.(Theory question bank)
Q1)Define CMRR of an op-amp. What is its ideal value.[2]
Q2)Determine the output of op-amp for input voltage of 300uV and 240uV.the
differential gain of the amplifiers is 5000 and the value of CMRR is 100000.[6]
Q3)A certain op-amp has loop gain of 100000 and common mode gain of
0.2.Determine CMRR and express in dB.[4]
Q4)Draw the internal block diagram of op-amp and mention the role of each stage.[4]
Q5)Explain the ideal op-amp characteristics.[4]
Q6)Define and give typical values of following op-amp parameters:
i)Voltage gain
iv)slew rate
v)input impedance
iii)input offset voltage
vi)output impedance vii)PSRR
Q7)Write down the typical value for IC 741C of following parameter:
i)input offset voltage
ii)input offset current
iii)slew rate
Q8)Why is it necessary to reduce the gain of op-amp from its open loop value.
Q9)State advantage and application of negative feedback.
Q10)Prove that for an inverting amplifier Av=-Rf/R1
Q11) Prove that for non- inverting amplifier Av=1+Rf/R1.[4]
Q12)An op-amp is used in non –inverting mode with R1=1Kohm,Rf=12Kohm.
VCC=+15 and -15V.calculate output voltage
Q13)Draw the circuit of voltage follower and obtain expression for its output voltage
.where it is used.[4]
Q14)Describe use of an op-amp as adder. What type of feedback is used in an op-amp
adder. Justify your answer.[6]
Q15) for the inverting summing amplifier if following inputs are applied then
output voltage .
Given that R1=R2=Rf=5.2Kohm.[4]
Q16)Draw the circuit diagram of op-amp integrator and derive the expression for its
output voltage.[4]
Q17)Draw the output waveform of integrator for
Subject:-Basic Electronics Engg.(Theory question bank)
iii)sine wave [4]
Q18) Give the drawback of an ideal integrator. How they are overcome in practical
Q19) Draw the circuit diagram of op-amp Differentiator and derive the expression for
Its output voltage.[4]
Q20)Draw the output waveform of Differentiator for
i) Step
ii) square
iii) sine wave [4]
Q21)Explain the operation of inverting Schmitt trigger circuit.[4]
Q22)Explain the functional block diagram of IC555.[6]
Q23)Explain the operation of IC555 as an astable multivibrator.[4]
Q24)What is voltage regulator? Define load and line regulation.[3]
Q25)With neat diagram explain series voltage regulator. [4]
Q26) With neat diagram explain shunt voltage regulator. [4]
Q27) Explain non inverting op-amp comparator. [4]
Q28) Explain inverting op-amp comparator.
Q29) Explain non inverting summing amplifier with two inputs. [4]
Q30) Explain the concept of virtual ground and virtual short. [6]
UNIT-IV:-Digital Electronics
Q1)Explain the concept of positive and negative logic.[3]
Q2) what are the analog and digital signal.[2]
Q3) write the logic symbol, expression and truth table for following logic gates:
Q4)What is mean by universal gate?[2]
Q5)Explain three laws of Boolean algebra.[4]
Q6)State and prove DeMorgans theorem.[4]
Q7)Prove that AB+A+AB=A.[3]
Q8)Explain sum of product form.[3]
Q9)Explain Product of sum form.[3]
Q10)Design half adder circuit using NAND gate.[3]
Q11)Implement full adder using basic gates truth table.[3]
Subject:-Basic Electronics Engg.(Theory question bank)
Q12)What is multiplexer? Give application of multiplexer.[3]
Q13)Draw schematic diagram and explain the working of 8:1 multiplexer.[4]
Q14)what is relation between number of select line and inputs of multiplexer.[2]
Q15)Draw and explain the working of 1:4 Demultiplexer.[3]
Q16)Explain the operation of 1-bit memory cell.[3]
Q17)Draw and explain the operation of D flip-flop,SR flip-flop,T flip-flop.[4]
Q18)What is shift register?[2]
Q19)Explain basic types of shift registers in terms of data movement.[3]
Q20)Draw and explain the operation of 4-bit serial in serial out(shift right mode).[4]
Q21)what do you mean by counter?[2]
Q22)Draw and explain the operation of 2 bit synchronous counter.[4]
Q23)Draw and explain block diagram of microprocessor.[3]
Q24) Draw and explain block diagram of microcontroller.[4]
Q25)Give the comparison between microprocessor and microcontroller.[3]
Q26)Implement full adder using Half adder.[4]
Q27)Draw and explain operation of 2 bit Asynchronous counter.
Q28)Implement following expression using multiplexer.
F(A,B,C)=Ʃm(0,1,2,6) and f(A,B,C)=πM(2,3,5,7)
Q29) Draw and explain the operation of 4-bit serial in serial out(shift right mode).[4]
Q30) Compare synchronous and asynchronous counters [2]
Q31) Realize all basic gates by using NAND gates only. [4]
Q32) Realize all basic gates by using NOR gates only. [4]
Q33) Explain how XOR and XNOR gates can be used as inverters. [4]
UNIT-V:-power devices and transducer.
Q1)Explain the construction of SCR.[3]
Q2)Explain working principle of SCR.[2]
Q3)Draw and explain the operation of SCR using two transistor equivalent circuits.[4]
Q4)Draw and explain characteristics of SCR.[4]
Q5)State the various parameters of SCR.[3]
Q6)State the advantages ,disadvantage and application of SCR.[3]
Q7)Explain construction ,symbol, working of Diac.[4]
Q8)What is Triac.Explain its construction ,symbol and equivalent circuit.[4]
Subject:-Basic Electronics Engg.(Theory question bank)
Q9)Explain the working of triac.Draw and explain the V-I characteristics of triac.[6]
Q10)compare SCR and triac.[3]
Q11)Draw the block diagram of instrumentation system and state the function of each
Q12)Define transducer. Give the classification of transducer.[3]
Q13)What is electrical transducer. State advantages and disadvantages.[3]
Q14)Write a short note on selecting criteria for transducer.[4]
Q15)Explain the principle used in resistive transducer.[3]
Q16)State the materials used in thermistor and explain the construction of it.[4]
Q17)Explain the working of inductive transducer based on variation of self
Q18)Explain the construction and principle of operation of LVDT.[4]
Q19)State advantages and disadvantages of LVDT.[3]
Q20)Explain the construction and working principle of a phototransistor.[3]
Q21)Explain the principle of operation and construction of thermocouple.[4]
Q22)State advantages ,disadvantages and application of thermocouple.[3]
Q23)Explain working principle of RTD.[2]
Q25)Draw a neat diagram of digital thermometer and explain its operation.[4]
Q26)Explain with block diagram electronic weighing machine .[4]
Q27)Explain construction and working principle of Load cell.[4]
Q28)Explain construction of turbine Flowmeter.[4]
UNIT-VI:Electronic communication
Q1)Explain the element of communication system with the help of block diagram.[6]
Q2)Draw and explain electromagnetic spectrum.[4]
Q3)State the type of wired media of transmission.[3]
Q4)Write a short note on twisted pair cables.[4]
Q5)Write a note on co-axial cable.[4]
Q6)Write a short note on optical fibre.[4]
Q7)Give the comparison between twisted pair,co-axial and fibre optic cable.[4]
Q8)Explain the need for modulation.[3]
Q9)Define AM and Draw waveform of AM wave.[3]
Q10) Derive the expression of AM wave.[4]
Subject:-Basic Electronics Engg.(Theory question bank)
Q11)Define modulation index of AM.[2]
Q12)A carrier of 10v peak and frequency 100khz is amplitude modulated by a sine
wave of 4V peak and frequency 1000hz .determine the modulation index for
modulated wave and draw the frequency spectrum.[8]
Q13)Define FM. Sketch the FM wave.[3]
Q14)Write the expression of FM.[2]
Q15)FM signal is given by e=10sin(8*109+4sin1500t)
Calculate 1)carrier frequency
3)modulation index
2)modulating frequency
4)max deviation
5)BW [8]
Q16)Define Deviation ratio.[2]
Q17)Give comparison between AM and FM.[6]
Q18)Draw and explain block diagram of mobile communication system.[4]
Q19)State Merits of FM over AM.[3]
Q20)If FM wave is represented by equation ;
1)carrier frequency
2)modulating frequency
3)modulation index
4)max deviation
5)BW [8]
Q21)Explain the effect of modulation index in FM.[3]
Q22)Explain concept of cellular system.[3]
Q23)What is importance of modulation index. Draw the AM waveform for
a) linear modulation b) over modulation c) modulation index=0
Q24)With respect to FM explain
a)Frequency deviation b)Modulation index c)Deviation ratio d)FM spectrum[8]
Q25)Draw and explain block diagram of GSM system