Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Vidya Abhiyantriki Vol. No., Issue No-06 Chief Editor Prof.Vivek S.Bhapkar Editorial Team 1. Prof.Devasuth Govind 2. Prof.Rajaram Ambole 3. Prof.D.Kushnure 4. Prof.Pallavi Zutshi 5. Prof.Prajakta Gharge 6. Prof.Minakshi Jagtap 7. Prof.Pradip.Patil 1 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. INDEX Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 PAGE NO 1. Department of First Year Engineering 3-4 2. Departments of Humanities and Social Sciences 5 3. Department of Information Technology Engg. 5-10 4. Department of Computer Engineering 10-18 5. Department of Civil Engineering 19-26 6. Department of ENTC Engineering 26-29 7. Department of Mechanical Engineering 30-35 8. Department of Electrical Engineering 35-38 9. Library 39 10. Department of Training and Placements 39 11. Social Activities 40 2 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Department of First Year Engineering General Sciences Faculty’s Achievements Dr. N. K. Sahuji Dr. Sahujiattended two days short term course on “Nuclear Power Generation” organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay on 13th and 14th April 2013. Dr. A. P. Hiwarekar 1. ‘A New Method of Cryptography Using Laplace Transform of Hyperbolic Functions” is published in IJMA, Vol.4 (2), 2013, Pages-208-213. 2. ‘New Application of Laplace Transform for Cryptography’ (Paper is presented in National conference on ‘Recent Developments in Mathematics and Statistics’ T C College, Baramati on 14th - 16th February, 2013). 3. ‘Application of Laplace Transform for Cryptographic Scheme’ is accepted for ‘The 2013 International Conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics’, London, U.K., 3-5 July 2013. 4. Project ‘Better Network Security Using Generalized Hill Cipher Algorithm’ is sanctioned by BCUD University of Pune, for the years -2012-14. Prof.Gajanan Dhanorkar 1. Ph D thesis submitted 2. “A generalization of Contraction Principle on Partial metric spaces”, Kujste, Vol.9 No. 1, July, 2013, PP 230-233. 3. Presented his research paper “Fixed point theorems in G-metric space with maps satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type” in National conference on‘Recent developments in Mathematics and Statistics’ T C College, Baramati, 14th 16th February 2013. Prof.Mrs. Gauri Bhoite 1. Attended the national conference on ‘Recent Developments in Mathematics and Statistics’ in T C College, Baramati, 14th- 16th February 2013). 3 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. 2. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Attended the National Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and Analysis” at Department of Mathematics, University of Pune, during 21st -24th April 2013. Prof. A. S. Disale Research Projects Grant Received Grant received from University of Pune for research project entitled “Spectroscopic study of medicinal and edible mushrooms for development of optical sensors for Industrial and Agriculture applications”. Papers Presented in National Conference He presented a paper on “Spectroscopic Study of Edible Mushroom for Industrial and Agricultural applications” in the conference “INNOVATION – 2013” of BCUD, University of Pune on 18 April 2013. Attended National Conference 1. Attended XLVIIIth “Refresher Course in Experimental Physics” organized by Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi and The National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad in collaboration with Department of Physics, Vidya Pratishthan’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati during 14th - 29th May 2013. 2. Attended two days short term course on “Nuclear Power Generation” organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay on 13th and 14th April 2013. Result Analysis (Semester - II) List of Toppers Sr.No. Rank 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Name of Students MARKANDE RISHIKESH SATISH KAVATHEKAR SUMIT MANOJ POOJA SAMEER GANDRE JAGTAP PRATHAMESH RAMESH 4 Marks Obtained % 1106 1090 1090 1076 79.00 77.86 77.86 76.86 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Mr Anil Patil Anil Patil’s research paper entitled Modernism and Postmodernism: A Critical Study is published in the International Journal of Literary Theories and Criticism entitled Thematics Journals in June 2013. Anil Patil participated in one day workshop on Human Development toward Bridging Inequalities conducted by University of Pune in collaboration with YASHDA, Pune on 10 July 2013. • Anil Patil presented his research paper entitled Postmodernism and Salman Rushdie in the National Conference on Contemporary Critical Theories conducted by Dayanand College of Arts and Science, Solapur on 31 August and 1 September 2013 and the research paper has been published in a book. Laboratory up-gradation and equipments added : English Language Laboratory is set up with the help of GOALS software. Department of Information Technology Engineering • Faculty’s Achievements: I) Research Paper Publication: Prof.Manik K Chavan and Prof. Dinesh A Zende presented a paper on “Spyware Solution: Detection of Spyware by Data Mining and Machine Learning Technique” in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IEEE ICARET2013), Digital Object Identifier: 03. AETS.2013.2.60, Publication Year: 2013, Page(s): 288 – 292, K L University, Vaddeswaram, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Prof. Dinesh A. Zende and Prof. Manik K. Chavan presented a paper on “Binary Image Authentication using Zigzag Ordering of Watermark” in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Technology and Engineering (ICATE),2013, Digital Object Identifier: 5 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 10.1109/ICAdTE.2013.6524739, Publication Year: 2013 , Page(s): 1 5 Mumbai, Maharashtra. Prof. Patil P. M. published a paper “Iris Recognition in Less Constrained Environment” in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , Volume 3, Issue 7, pp.196200, July 2013. Prof.S K Shah and Prof. Sheetal Takale have presented a paper entitled “Search Engine Based Intelligent Help Desk System: iASSIST”, in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (ICARET-13) at K L University, Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh on 8-9 February 2013. Prof.S.K.Shah and Prof. Sheetal Takale has published a paper entitled “Search Engine Based Intelligent Help Desk System: iAssist", in Advanced Engineering and Technology Series (AETS) Book Series, Volume No: 2,DOI:03. AETS.2013.2.61, Page(s): 293 - 297(ISSN: 2214-0344). Prof. S K Shah and Prof. Sheetal Takale have presented a paper with entitled “iASSIST: An Intelligent Assistance System” in “c-PGCON2013, Second Post graduate symposium for Computer Engineering organized by Board of Studies in Computer Engineering, University of Pune” in association with ACM Pune professional chapter at PICT, Pune. Prof. Rampurkar V.V. presented a paper on "Finding of text characters from natural scenes" CPGCON at PICT, Pune on 29-30 March 2013. Prof. S. A. Swami published a paper entitled “Web Data Extraction and Alignment Tools: A Survey” in International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET) for Issue 6 of Volume 2 (01 June 2013). Prof. A. J. Kokare presented a paper on "Performance Scaling of Wireless Sensor Network by using OMRA Algorithm” cPGCon at PICT, Pune on 29-30 March 2013. Prof. P. T. Raut presented a paper entitled “Disk Scheduling Applying Different Self-Learning Algorithms” in post graduate symposium for Computer Engineering, cPGCON, at PICT, Pune. Prof. K. S. Bhagwat presented a paper entitled “Face Authentication Using Fusion of 3D Shape and Texture” in post graduate symposium for Computer Engineering, cPGCON, at PICT Pune on 29-30 March. Prof. M. K. Chavan’s research paper on “Efficient Intrusion detection using Conditional Random Fields” is accepted in IEEE- International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Control, Signal Processing and Computing Applications (C2SPCA) going to be held on 10-11 October 2013 at Bangalore. 6 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. • Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Staff Achievements: 1) Prof. M. K. Chavan was selected for Summer Research Fellowship 2013 at IISC Banglore. He worked on a project “Analyzing and Verifying Cryptographic Modules in Asterisk for FIPS 140-2” during April-June 2013 as a Summer Research Fellow (SRF) under the supervision of Professor N. Balakrishnan, Department of Supercomputer Education and Research Center (SERC) at Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) Bangalore, jointly sponsored by IASc (Bangalore), INSA (New Delhi) and NASI (Alahabad). 2) Prof. M. K. Chavan’s research proposal on “Spyware Solution: Detection of Spyware by Data Mining and Machine Learning Technique” has been shortlisted for the presentation for University Research grant, sponsored by B.C.U.D., University of Pune. 3) Prof.S K Shah won First Prize in “c-PGCON-2013, Second Post graduate symposium for Computer Engineering organized by Board of Studies in Computer Engineering, University of Pune” in association with ACM Pune professional chapter at PICT, Pune. (29-30 March 2013) for his M.E. dissertation entitled “iassist: an intelligent assistance system”. • Workshops/ Conferences Attended 1) Prof. D. A. Zende has attended a Summer School on Advanced Algorithm organized by IIITDM, Jabalpur on 11th June 2013 and 14th June 2013. 2) Prof S.S.Kare has participated in “One day faculty development program on “Fundamentals of data structures”. The workshop was a joint venture of STES Sinhgad, institute of Technology and Board of studies Information technology, University of Pune on 1213July 2013. 3) Prof. Dinesh A. Zende, Prof S. S. Kare, Prof.S.K.Shah have attended ISTE workshop on "Database Management Systems" organized by IIT Bombay and VPCOE, Baramati on21-31 May 2013. 4) Prof. S. K. Shah has participated in “c-PGCON-2013, Second Post graduate symposium for Computer Engineering organized by Board of Studies in Computer Engineering, University of Pune” in association with ACM, Pune professional chapter at PICT, Pune. on 29-30 March 2013. 5) Prof.S. K. Shah has attended “IEEE International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (ICARET-13)” at K. L. University, Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh on 8-9 February 2013. 7 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 6) A CEP on "Design and Analysis of Algorithms" was conducted by Dr. Abhiram G. Ranade, Professor, Department of CSE, IIT Bombay at VPCOE Baramati from 09-12 April 2013. Prof. S. A. Takale, Prof. P. M. Patil, Prof. D. A. Zende, Prof. Rampurkar V. V, Prof S K Shah, Prof. S.A. Swami, Prof. A. J. Kokare, Prof. K. S. Bhagwat attended the in-house CEP conducted by IIT, Bomay.(This is regarding the C-PGCON - 2013. It was organized by PICT, PUNE and BOS Comp. Engg. Pune University in association with ACM,Pune Professional Chapter. 7) Prof. Sahil Shah, Asst. Prof. of IT Department has won first prize for the Paper presented by him on his M.E(Comp.Engg.). Project work. Title of project is:iAssist : An Intelligent Assistance System) • Workshops/Conferences Conducted: • • Prof. Dinesh A. Zende has conducted Two In-house one-day workshop on "Moodle for effective teaching" for Staff. (22nd June 2013 and 20th July 2013). Students’ Achievements: Mr. Piyush Baliram Khandare (IT-2011 Batch) has secured all India 931 Rank in UPSC ( Main) Examination 2012. Mr. Mahakale Shantanu has qualified GATE-2013 Examination. Mr. Mahakale Shantanu won 3rd prize in 1st National Programming Contest 2013 conducted by CSI at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore on April 6, 2013. Departmental Achievements: Pune University May/June 2013 Examination Results: SE (IT) Pune University examination result is 95.65%. Class toppers are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kabade Dahanashree Rajendra-(63.67%), Boke Maya Dilip-(62.87%), Deshmukh Titiksha Manikrao-(62.13%), DhavanPati Tanavi Dilip-(60.90%), Dhane Amit Ashok-(60.67%). 8 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. TE (IT) Pune University examination result is 94.80%. Class toppers are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Satpute Sandhya - (70.87%), Sali Prachi- (70.13%), Satpute Ashwini - (67.13%), Aparana Bhushan - (66.73%), Kalshetty Madhuri - (66.73%), Doiphode Komal - (66.60%). BE(IT) Pune University examination result is 94.12%. Class toppers are: 1. Dhakale Payal Bramhanand-(75.87%), 2. Patil Madhuri Rangrao-(73.20%), 3. Supriya Maruti-(73.00%), 4. Pawar Priyanka Bajrang-(73.00%), 5. Kale SwatiB Basidhar-(72.73%). • Placement details: Following students are placed in PERSISTENT, Pune. 1) Aparna Bushan 2) Deepali Kolhe 3) Freda Fernandes 4) jyoti Ghalme 5) Madhuri Galshetty 6) Pradnya Deshmukh 7) Preeti Kothare 8) Shital Biradar 9) Sopan Gosavi 10) Vaibhav Jadhav Following students are selected for a project at Persistent Ltd for the year 2013-14. 1) 2) 3) 4) Pradnya Deshmukh Shital Biradar Sneha Bhosale Jyoti Ghalme 9 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. • Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Industrial Visits : IT Department has organized industrial visits for students. Sr. No Place of Visit Date of Visit Class Total Students Participated Staff Coordinator(s) 1 Persistent Ltd Pune 09-Mar-13 TE(IT) 68 Prof. S. A. Takale Prof. Kare S. S. 2 Vishwanet Private ltd Kolhapur 02-Mar-13 BE(IT) 55 Prof. Shah S. K. Prof. Rampurkar V. V. Prof. Bhandare T. V. 3 Panomtech Pvt Ltd, Chiplun 03-Mar-13 BE(IT) 55 Prof. Shah S. K. Prof. Rampurkar V. V. Prof. Bhandare T. V 4 Seed Info Tech Pune 30-Mar-13 - - Prof. S. A. Takale Prof. D. A. Zende • Laboratory up-gradation and equipments added : Lipi-2250 printer is installed in IT Lab. Department of Computer Engineering Faculty’s Achievements Workshops Organized: 1. Prof. D.B. Hanchate Coordinator of one day workshop on “Wireless Sensor Network” sponsored by QIP, BCUD, University of Pune, Pune on 16th March 2013. 2. Prof. Digambar Padulkar Coordinator of CEP “Design and Analysis of Algorithms” by Dr. Abhiram Ranade (IIT, Mumbai) at VPCOE during 09-12 April 2013. Coordinated the Certification Course in Advanced Java by Oracle Corporation (India) in March 2013. 10 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 3. Prof. Rajaram Ambole Coordinator of ISTE Workshop “Database Management System” by Prof. K. Sudarshan (IIT, Mumbai) at VPCOE during 21-31 May 2013. Publication in National/International Journals/Conferences: 1. Prof. Mrs. G. J. Chhajed Papers Published: 1. “Review on Image Retrieval System” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation (IJAREEIE) Vol. 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Pages 945-949, ISSN(Print): 2320-3765, ISSN(Online): 2278-8875 Selected Papers for Publication: "Detection of Text String from Natural Scenes" in International Conference ICICT 2013 to be held on 16-17 September 2013. "Personal Photo Retrieval based on Textual Query" International Journal IJSER Volume 4, Issue 7 2013. ISSN 2229-551 2. Prof. Mrs. G. J. Chhajed and Prof. Ms. Kshitija Uppadhyay Papers Published 1. “Review on Image Search Engines” in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2013 Pages 1234-1241ISSN: 2229-5518. Papers Selected for Publication: 1. "Intention Based Image Search Engine" in International Journal IJEIT (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) on 9 July 2013, ISSN 2277-3754. 3. Prof. Kishor Vitekar 1. "Review of Solving Software Project Scheduling Problem with Ant Colony Optimization" International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 4, April 2013. Certification/Degree 1. Prof. Rajkumar Panchal Completed his M.Tech (Computer Engineering) from Dr. BATU, Lonere with CGPA 7.41 (First Class) 11 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Workshops/Seminars/Conferences Participated Prof. D. B. Hanchate, Prof. Mrs. G.J. Chhajed, Prof.Mrs. S.S. Nandgaonkar, Prof. S. A. Shinde, Prof. R. H. Ambole, Prof. M.D. Shelar, Prof. R.V. Panchal, Prof. M. B. Rangdal, Prof. Ms. P.V. Madane and Prof. Ms. K.S. Jadhav attended CEP “Design and Analysis of Algorithms” by Dr. Abhiram Ranade (IIT, Mumbai) at VPCOE during 09-12 April 2013. Total staff-10 Prof. R.H. Ambole attended coordinators’ workshop for “Database Management System” by Prof. K. Sudarshan (IIT, Mumbai) at IIT, Mumbai during 06-10 May 2013. Prof. R.V. Panchal and Prof. Ms. K. S. Jadhav attended ISTE workshop “Database Management System” by Prof. K. Sudarshan (IIT, Mumbai) at VPCOE during 21-31 May 2013. Prof. D M Padulkar and Prof. R. V. Panchal attended summer school on “Advanced Algorithms” at Jabalpur (M.P) during 09-13 June 2013. Students’ Achievements CPGCON-13 Mr. Sahil Shah won first prize in cPGCON-paper presentation for the project entitled “iAssist: An Intelligent Assistance System". He is doing his work under the guidance of Prof. Mrs. S. A. Takale. Following students of ME (Computer) participated in cPGCON-13 at PICT Pune during 29-30 March 2013. ME (2010 batch) 1. Abhijeet Tekale 2. Deepa Guleria 3. Krupali Deshmukh 4. Sahil Shah 5. Sachin Lonkar 6. Megha Patil 7. Mahejabin Shaikh 8. Sonali Deshmukh 9. Prashant Raut 12 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 ME (2011 Batch) 1. Vyankatesh Rampurkar 2. Keshav Bhagwat 3. Kishor Vitekar 4. Priyanka Madane 5. Avinash Kokare 6. Jyoti Gawade 7. Reshma Nazirkar 8. Kshitija Uppadhay • GATE - 2013 Following students from B.E. Computer (2012-13) qualified GATE-2013 examination. 1. Ulhas Chalwade 2. Sachin Bhojane • Oracle Certification for Advanced Java Following 9 students from B.E. Computer (2012-13) got certificates from Oracle Corporation (India) in March-2013. 1. Azzem Sayyad 2. Varsha Palasakar 3. Rupali Dhepe 4. Vivekanand Taktwale 5. Pooja Bidve 6. Pooja Kambale 7. Anushka Potabatti 8. Navnath Sonawane 9. Sarika Gadekar • Android Workshop (IIT Mumbai) Following 7 students of BE Computer (2012-13) successfully completed one day workshop on Android on 24th February 2013 organized by IIT, Mumbai at VPCOE, Baramati 1. Reshma Raut 13 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 2. Shital Kuber 3. Vivekanand Taktwale 4. Rinku Sharma 5. Navnath Sonwane 6. Sarika Gadekar 7. Seema Shelke Following 25 students of TE Computer (2012-13) successfully completed one day workshop on Android on 24th February 2013 organized by IIT, Mumbai at VPCOE, Baramati Pragati Chate Pooja Doshi Prativa Kumara Omkar Patil Nilam More Maithili Kulkarni Meenu Kour Varsha Mathwale Pallavi Navkate Pallavi Pardeshi Revati Kulange Kirti Mane Siddharth Mokale Piyush Parsewar Swapnil Pansare Siddharth Kulkarni Kulal Lalit Pranesh Pradeep Varsha Kale Deepali Kandekar Supriya Godse Priyanka Jamale Kranti Ingale Jadhav Jivcharan Devidas Jaybhay Departmental Achievements Conducted Events: • One Day Workshop on Wireless Sensor Network Department of Computer Engineering along with Department of Electronics and Telecommunication organized one day workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks on 16th May 2013. The workshop was organized to enable participants to have experience in designing and simulation of devices and to make them aware of various issues and encourage them to consider this field as their career. The workshop was open to all who had some engineering background. Students of TE and BE from Computer, Electronics and Telecommunication and Information and Technology attended the workshop. Following Chief Speakers were invited for the workshop: o Dr. B.P. Patil, Professor and Head (Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, AIT, Pune) Expert talk was on Wireless Sensor Network Introduction. o Dr. S.S. Sonawane, Director D Y Patil School of Engineering, Lohegaon, Pune. Expert talk was on WSN Applications and Live demo of nodes. 14 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 o Dr. S J Wagh, Principal, Trinity College of Engineering, Pune. Expert talk was on Internet of Things (TOT) Future Internet technology needs and research scope. Prof. Soumitra Das, Head, Computer Engineering, Trinity College of Engineering, Pune. Expert talk was on Sensor Network Algorithm: This Workshop was organized under the Leadership of Dr. S. B. Deosarkar (Principal), Prof. Mrs. G. J. Chhajed (HoD, Computer Department), Prof. R. K. Shastri (HoD, E&TC). Prof. D. B. Hanchate coordinated this CEP along with Prof. Mrs. S.S. Nandgaonkar, Prof.Mrs. J. S. Sadalage, Prof. S. A. Shinde, Prof. B. H. Deokate and Prof. Mrs. A. R. Shastri. • CEP on Design and Analysis of Algorithm A 4 days Continuing Education Programme with the IIT, Mumbai was organized in VPCOE during 09-12 April 2013. Dr. Abhiram Ranade (Professor, Deptt. of CSE, IIT, Mumbai) was the main speaker of this Programme. He explained basic concepts of Algorithmic Analysis required in Projects. Contents discussed and elaborated in this CEP were as follows. Introduction to algorithms, Divide and Conquer, Recursion, Basic Graph algorithms Backtrack Search, Constraint Satisfaction, Optimization NP-Completeness and Network Flow Case studies, Graph Partitioning, Optimization in Trip Planning. This CEP was organized under the Leadership of Dr. S. B. Deosarkar (Principal), Prof. Mrs. G. J. Chhajed (HoD, Computer). Prof. D.M. Padulkar coordinated this CEP along with Prof. D. A. Zende, Prof. Shantanu Jagdale , Prof. S. A. Shinde. 15 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. • Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 10 Day ISTE Workshop on Database Management System 10 days ISTE Workshop by IIT Mumbai was organized during the period 21 May31 May 2013 in VPCOE. Dr. K. Sudarshan (Professor, Department of CSE, IIT Mumbai) was the key speaker of this workshop. Near around 7000 faculties had attended this workshop through remote centers. 16 Faculties successfully completed this workshop from VPCOE Remote Center. Participants in this workshop got opportunity to participate in online quiz using the AAKASH tablets. They also completed practicals based upon PostgreSql Database. There were total 8 assignments given to participants based on advanced topics of SQL. • Placement Details Seven students from B.E. Computer got placed in Persistent Systems, LLC in August 2013. They got package of 3.5 PA. 1. Meenu Kaur 2. Varsha Dhage 3. Prativa Kumari 4. Supriya Godase 5. Shital Gayake 6. Mayuri Basutkar 7. Sunaina Bedmuttha 16 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Course Contents elaborated in Workshop: Overview of data management systems, Relational model and query languages (relational algebra and calculus, SQL), Database design using the ER Model, ER Diagrams, UML Class Diagrams, Relational database design and normalization, Integrity and Security, Design and development of Web based information systems.Overview of storage structures, indexing, query processing and optimization, and transaction processing.A brief introduction to decision support and data analysis, data warehousing and data mining and Information Retrieval and Querying Big Data using Hadoop.This Workshop was organized under the Leadership of Dr. S. B. Deosarkar (Principal), Prof. Mrs. G. J. Chhajed (HoD, Computer). Prof. R. H. Ambole coordinated this CEP along with Prof. Shantanu Jagdale (Remote Center Coordinator). • • • Guest Lectures Conducted Prof. R. H. Ambole conducted a guest lecture on Cryptography and Basic Security for the students of Third Year Information Technology at Vidya Pratishthan’s Polytechnique, Indapur. Industrial Visits Students of B E Computer Engineering successfully completed an Industrial Visit to the company Dalvi Bros. Pvt. Ltd. on 16th Feb 2013 situated at Chiplun, Dist: Ratnagiri. The students got benefited in terms of the technical 17 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 details provided by the company on an interesting domain of Search Engine Optimization. The company is specialized in the areas of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Software Development and ERP. This industrial visit was organized by Prof. (Mrs.) G. J. Chhajed (HoD, Computer Engineering). Prof. S. A. Shinde coordinated the industrial visit along with Prof. M. B. Rangdal, Prof. (Ms.) Komal. S. Jadhav and Prof. (Ms.) Priyanka. V. Madane of Computer Engineering Department. • Results Sr.No. 1 2 3 Class Name B.E. T.E. S.E. Result 96% 100% 100% Topper Name Marks KAMBALE POOJA AVINASH BHOJANE SACHIN NANA GADEKAR SARIKA GOVIND DESHMUKH TRUPTI DILIPRAO SYED AZEEM NAYEEM INGALE KRANTI BHIMRAO 75.60% 73.93% 73.80% 72.07% 71.67% 71.47% CHATE PRAGATI NAMDEORAO PRATIVA KUMARI DIKALE SNEHAL BABURAO BEDMUTTHA SUNAINA MADANLAL KORE SNHEHAL SUBHASH LANKE ANIRUDDHA MAHESH 68.80% 67.63% 67.40% 67.33% 72.07% 66.80% SHINDE GOURI SANJAY 65.07% GODASE ABHIRUCHI DATTATRAY 64.80% LANDE SWATI KERU 64.73% • Extra Courses Conducted Oracle Corporation (India) conducted a certification course based on “Advanced Java” for the students of Final Year Computer Engineering and Information Technology Engineering in February and March 2013. Prof. D M Padulkar coordinated this Certification course. Twenty students participated in this course and 15 got certified. Seed InfoTech Pune started their certification course on “Basics of Java” and “C and C++ Programming Language” from 3rd August 2013 on every Saturday and Sunday 18 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 till 25th August. Eighty one students from Department of Computer and IT participated in this certification course. Training and Placement Cell coordinated this course. Department of Civil Engineering Faculty’s Achievements: 1. Prof. Dilip G Patil participated in two week ISTE workshop on ‘Engineering Thermodynamics’under National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) conducted by Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay from 11th to 21st December 2012 at the Remote centre, VPCOE, Baramati. 2. Prof. G N Narule, Prof. C. R. Nayak, Prof. Dilip G. Patil and Prof. H. K. Lonpande Participated in two days ISTE workshop on ‘Research Methods in Educational Technology’ under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay on 2nd and 9th February 2013 at the Remote centre, VPCOE, Baramati. 3. Prof. G. N. Narule attended one week Faculty development programme on “Recent Trends inFinite Element Method and Introduction to boundary element and mesh – free method” organized by Structural Engineering Department, VJTI, Mumbai from 18th to 22th February 2013. 4. Prof. G N Narule attended workshop on “New Credit System for PG course” organized byBoard of Studies, Civil Engineering (University of Pune) at Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Sangamner on 22nd March, 2013. 5. Prof. G N Narule presented a paper on “An experimental study of flexible pavement by usingcrumb rubber as binding material” in International Conference “Emerging Trends and Research in Engineering and Technology ” at IBSS College of Engineering , Amravati in association with International Journal of Pure and Applied Research in Engineering and Technology on 30th and 31st March 2013. 6. Prof. G. N. Narule attended two weeks Faculty Development Programme under 19 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 TEQIP-II on“Recent Trends in Performance Based Design of Structures” organized by Structural Engineering Department, VJTI, Mumbai from 3rd to 14th June 2013. 7. Prof. Dilip G. Patil participated in Two-Day Faculty development Programme on ‘Laboratory Experiments in Fluid Mechanics-II’ organized by ‘Department of Civil Engineering–VIIT Pune (Kondhwa, Pune) on 11th and 12th June 2013. 8. Prof. C. R. Nayak attended one day workshop on “Engineering Mechanics” organized by ABMS,COE and Research, Pune on 10th March 2013. 9. Prof. C R Nayak attended one day workshop on “Teaching methodologies in waterresources engineering” organized by DY Patil COE, Akurdi, Pune on 2nd March 2013. 10. Prof. C R Nayak has attained Two days workshop on “Quality improvement program ingeotechnical engg.” Organized by SB Patil COE, Indapur 15th& 16th Feb. 2013. 11. Prof. C R Nayak presented a technical paper on “Compacted stabilized earthen block” inInternational Conference organized by IBSS COE Amravati on 22nd February 2013. 12. Prof. C R Nayak presented a technical paper on “An experimental study on vibrationcontrol of civil structure using smart materials” in international conference organized by Commerce, Management, Engg, Tech. and Science, Pune on 1st March 2013. 13. Prof. C R Nayak presented a technical paper on “Study on vibration control of civilstructure like frame using smart materials” in International Conference organized by Commerce, Management, Engg, Tech. and Science, Pune 6th and 7th March 2013. 14. Prof. C R Nayak presented a technical paper on “An analysis of the factor includeselectrochemical measurement of the condition of reinforcing steel in various structures” in National Conference organized by IBSS COE Amravati on 30th -31st March 2013. 15. Prof. C R Nayak presented a technical paper on “Design of nuclear power point” in NationalConference organized by Jagdanbha COE and TECH. Yavatmal on 15th and 16th March 2013. Students’ Achievements: 1. Abhijeet Bakliwal and Ajit Mendgule of final year participated and presented the paper entitled“Papercrete an alternative building material” at the 1st international Conference on Commerce, Management, Engineering, Technology and Social Sciences held on 22 20 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 January, 2013 at Hotel Aurora towers, Pune. 2. Suvarna Khalate of SE Civil participated in paper presentation as a part of 16thISTE state studentannual convention–OCULUS-2K13 held at the S. B. Patil College of Engg. and Polytechnic, Indapur on 24th and 25th January 2013. 3. Gadade Vikram of SE Civil participated in event cube testing under OCULUS 2K13organized by S.B. Patil COE, Indapur on 24th and 25th January 2013. 4. Gadade Vikram and Khalate Bharat of SE Civil participated in event zero mile surveyingunder Cynosure 2K13 organized by JSPM, Wagholi, Pune on 28th and 29th January 2013. 5. Gadade Vikram of SE Civil participated in event paper presentation under Cynosure 2K13organized by JSPM, Wagholi, Pune on 28th and 29th January 2013. 6. Shelke Mahesh of TE Civil participated in Exponenza 11 under PerpPex an intracollegecompetition organized by VPCOE, Baramati on 4th and 5th Feb 2011. 7. Suvarna Khalate of SE civil participated in ‘inSIGHT’13’, 2 days workshop on “ConstructionPractices” organized by Construction Management Students Association (CMSA), MIT College of Management, Pune on 8 and 9 February 2013 at MIT Campus, Pune. 8. Gadade Vikram of SE Civil participated in inSIGHT 13, 2 days workshop on “ConstructionPractices” organized by Construction Management Student Association (CMSA), MIT College of Management, Pune on 8 and 9 February 2013. 9. Suvarna Khalate of SE Civil participated in two days State Level Workshop on ‘QualityImprovement Programme in Geotechnical Engineering’, QIPGE2013, organized by S.P.V.P’s S B Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, University of Pune. 10. Shelke Mahesh and Bagul Amol of TE Civil won 1stprize in the Bill Board competition underREBEL’13 organized by SVPM’s College of Engineering, Malegaon (BK) on 23rd and 24th February 2013. 11. Shelke Mahesh of TE Civil participated in the BUILT IT (model making) competition under REBEL’13 organized by SVPM’s College of Engineering, Malegaon (BK) on 23rd and 24th February 2013. 12. Shelke Mahesh of TE Civil won 1stprize in the poster presentation under Confluence 2K13held at Dattakala Group of Institutions, Swami Chincholi (Bhigwan) on 25th and 26th February 2013. 13. Bagul Amol of TE Civil won 1stprize in the event poster presentation under Confluence 2K13,organized by Dattakala Group of Institutions, Swami Chincholi (Bhigwan) on 25th and 26th February 2013. 14. Shelke Mahesh of TE Civil participated in Trusso event in “ACESFEST – 12” organized byassociation of civil engineering students VPCOE, Baramati on 6th March 2012. 21 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 15. Shelke Mahesh of TE Civil got awarded with certificate of appreciation for hisoutstanding performance in competition on the occasion of Engineer’s day, i.e. 15 September 2012 for model making by Builder’s association of India. 16. Shelke Mahesh of TE Civil participated in paper presentation under Nirmitee 2012organized by VPCOE, Baramati. 17. Shelke Mahesh of TE Civil is awarded 2ndprize with certificate of appreciation for his outstanding performance in competition on the occasion of Engineer’s day, i.e. 15 September 2012 for poster presentation by Builder’s association of India. 18. Dheeraj Sharma of BE Civil participated in RYLA under Nirmitee 2013 organized by MITPune. 19. Dheeraj Sharma of BE Civil participated in paper presentation under Nirmitee 2013organized by MIT Pune. 20. Dheeraj Sharma of BE Civil participated in DISHA 2013 organized by Rotary Club HousePune. 21. Dheeraj Sharma (students’ chief coordinator) of BE Civil is awardedcertificate of appreciation for his outstanding performance in competition on the occasion of Engineer’s day, i.e. 15 September 2012 by Builder’s association of India. 22. Pakhare Jagjit of BE civil qualified his GATE 2013 examination by scoring 27 marks with allIndia rank 9215. 23. Chera Saban of BE civil qualified her GATE 2013 examination by scoring 19.67 marks withall India rank 19081. Departmental Achievements: MODROB competition report on “Non – Destructive testing of existing structure and rehabilitation” submitted by Prof. G N Narule (HOD, Civil Engg.) to All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi. 1. Research proposal by Prf. C. R. Nayak on “Vibration control of civil structures using piezoceramic smart materials” is selected for the presentation of University research grant, sponsored by B.C.U.D., University of Pune, Pune. 22 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Results: BE Civil for 2012-2013: Total No. of students appeared for exam I Class with Dist 84 71 I Class 12 Higher II Class II Class 1 Pass Class Total 84 Names of Topper Students: 1) PARDHI DEVENDRA BHOJRAM = 80.80 % 2) KATORE SHILPA DHANRAJ = 79.93 % 3) DONGRE PRAVIN LIMBAJI = 76.40 % 4) MENDGULE AJIT VIJAYKUMAR = 76.33 % 5) KATKAR SAGAR JATIRAM = 76.27 Guest Lectures Conducted: 1. Mr. Shaikh Khizer Abdul Kareem, a Software Engineer from SENERGIZE Company (MNC)guided final year students for preparation of GATE, GRE and TOEFL Exams on 5 January 2013. 2. Dr. S S Pimplikar, Professor and Head of Civil Engg Dept of MIT-Pune delivered guestlecture on ‘Project Management and Engineering Economics’ for TE Civil on 16th March 2013. 3. Dr. S N Londhe and Prof. Mrs. P R Dixit from VIIT Pune, visited for the expert lecture onFluid Mechanics-I for SE Civil. 4. Dr. S. B. Thakare, Principal, ABPM’S College of Engineering and research, Pune visited for theexpert lecture on Environmental Engg. I and Industrial Waste Water Management for TE Civil and BE Civil. 5. Prof. A. P. Dange (Prof Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research, Badnera) delivered an expertlecture on Foundation Engineering and Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering for third year students. 6. Dr. A N Bambole from VJTI Matunga delivered expert lectures on ‘Finite Element 23 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Method’ forfirst year students of ME (Structural Engineering). 7. Dr. K N. Kadam from Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati delivered expert lectures on‘Finite Element Method’ for first year students of ME (Structural Engineering). 8. Prof. Kamathi delivered expert lectures on ‘Construction Management’ for final year students. Educational/Industrial Site Visits: On 28th Feb. 2013, TE (Civil) visited under construction G+4 multi-storey multi building site atAbhimanyu corner,MIDC, Vidyanagari,Baramati to understand and study placing of steel reinforcement and detailing of reinfor-cement cement on site as per designsuggested by IS 456:2000Prof. 2000Prof. G. N. Narule along with students at the site . On 1st March2013, 2013, TE (Civil) students visited Water treatment Plant at Sayali Hill, MIDC Baramati to study and observe the complete purifying process of Treatment of Water specially used for drinking purposes. Prof. D.G Patil, Prof. C.R Nayak and Prof.N R Bhosale along with non-teaching non teaching staff members Mr. H.V. Gaikwad guided the students during the visit. Fountain Aerator Spray Nozzle ‘SCADA software for controlling the operation of Water treatment plant’ On 11th March 2013, BE (Civil) students visited Hot-Mix Mix plant in aspect of Transportation Engineering at Shaninath Roadways, Kolhapur M.I.D.C. to learn different modes of transportation and importance of 24 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Hot mix plant, basics in Transportation Engineering, types, Importance of site selection, survey and drawing preparation for Hot Mix Plant planning. ii. Kolhapur Airport in aspect of Transportation Engineering at Ujlaiwadi Ujlaiwadi - 9 km South-East from Kolhapur city to learn different modes of transportation and importance of air transportation, the basics basics in airport planning, types, Importance of site selection, survey and drawing preparation for airport planning. iii. Arjuna Medium Irrigation Project in Aspect of Construction Management at Pachal, Dist. Ratnagiri to study Material Management, Supply chain and Labour management which is included in construction management subject. iv. Malvan Port in Aspect of Infrastructure Engineering and Construction techniques at Malvan Port, Dist. Sindhudurg to study Dock’s and Harbour and also to study cash in low analysis which covers the aspect of Construction Management. v. Western Ghat in Aspect of Highway Studies under Transportation Engineering at Western Ghats of Maharashtra. Prof. S.K. Patil, Prof. H.K. Lonpande and Prof. Ms. N.R Bhosale along with non non-teaching staff members Mr. Vinit Thombare and Mr. Kiran Taware guided the students during the visit. Hot-Mix plant Western Ghat Malvan Port 25 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Equipments Added: Following equipments are purchased and added in development of Concrete Technology Laboratory under the sanctioned scheme of MODROB proposal, AICTE, New Delhi. 1) Concrete core cutter 2) Profometer Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Faculty’s Achievements: Prof. P K Kadbe attended the workshop on Analog Electronics on 1 to 05 April 2013 conducted by IIT-Kharagpur, sponsored by NMEICT. Prof. S D Biradar attended the Workshop on Wavelets on 31 July to 04 August 2013. AICTE- MODROB Proposal Dr S B Deosarkar wrote MODROB Proposal for Microwave Engineering and it has been sanctioned by AICTE which costs 20 Lakh rupees. Following Proposals are submitted to the BCUD, University of Pune, and are shortlisted: Sr. No. Name of Faculty Proposal 1 Prof. S. D. Biradar EEG Signal Classification for Brain Computer Interface Applications 2 3 4 5 Prof. B. H. Deokate Prof. P. K. Kadbe Prof. M. M. Jadhav Prof. P. N. Arotale Fractal Image Compression Fin-FET Technology Microstrip Patch Antennas EEG Signal Classification Proposal2 Shortlisted Prof. D.T. Kushnure presented a research paper entitled “PAPR Reduction in OFDM system Using Extended Hamming Code” in National Conference on Communication, Computing and Network Technologies-13, (NCCCNT-13), on March 15, 16 -2013. 26 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. • • Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Departmental Achievements: Sr. No. Particulars Dates 1 Workshop on Wireless Sensor Network 16th March, 2013 2 Workshop on Analog Electronics Sponsored by NMEICT and IITKharagpur 4th June-14th June, 2013 3 Workshop on Antennas and Arraysby Dr M. P. Abegaonkar [IIT-Delhi] Results Sr. No. Class Name of Student Percentage 1 BE Deshpande Vivek Vijay 72.27% 2 3 BE BE BhilareMadhuriDattatray Kolapkar Pratik Sunil 70.53% 70.53% 4 BE KhambojRachanaRajendra 70.33% • Examination May – June 2013 Industrial Visits: GMRT Visit Objective: The main objective of this visit was that, as a part of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering curriculum, the students will know the practical fundamentals, implementation, functionality, and mechanism of antennas. To acquaint the students with the knowledge of the Radio Telescope, different components involved, hardware-software co-design, data analysis etc. Overview: On the occasion of Science Day the nearly 96 students and 7 teaching and nonteaching staff of VPCOE have visited GMRT on 28th Feb 2013. 27 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. • Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Department Activity: Two Days Short Term Course on "Antennas and Arrays" by Dr. Mahesh Abegaonkar (IIT Delhi) Dr. Mahesh Abegaonkar Asst. Professor Center for Applied Research & Electronics IIT Delhi. (29-30 June 2013) 28 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Fig. Gogte sir welcoming the guest Fig. Students participated in the course Analog Electronics Workshop by IIT Kharagpur 4th June to 14th June 2013 under NME-ICT MHRD Govt of India: 29 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Department of Mechanical Engineering • Faculty’s Achievements: 1) Prof. S. M. Bhosale • Received Research Fellowship (through Indian Academy of Sciences) at IIT Guwahati May-June 2013. Received Research Fellowship (SFRF) at IIT Delhi. Received Grant of Rs. 3,01,000/- as Sponsorship for Research Project “Experimental Investigations and Analysis of Recast Layer Formations in WEDM” from University of Pune in July 2013. Received QIP Grant of Rs. 75000/- for equipments (Projectors) from BCUD, University of Pune. Received QIP Grant of Rs. 1,00,000/- for equipments (Multi-Gym) from BCUD, University of Pune. Received QIP Grant of Rs. 5,00,000/- for Non-Resident Student Center from BCUD, University of Pune. Got selected for PhD through QIP at SGGS IE&T, Nanded. Research Paper entitled "Studies on Circumferential temperature distributions in Bronze and Cast Iron Bearings with MRF as Lubricant : Temperature Rise with MRF Vs Base Oil of MRF with surfactant" presented during 13th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids, January 7-11, 2013 organized by National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. Technical Paper "Post-Processing of WEDM Surface" selected at International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology, organized by Materials Research Society, Singapore. Research Paper entitled, “Experimental Investigations for Circumferential Temperature Distributions in Journal Bearings” is accepted at the 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bali, Indonesia, to be held during 7-9 January 2014. Laboratory Up-gradation/ Equipmentd Added: Added new Vibration and Strain Measurement Modules of National Instruments Make along with Data Acquisition system to Vibration Mechanics Lab. Received Sponsorship of Lab View – Virtual Instrumentation Software Academic Premium Suite License for Vibration Lab. (costing Rs.5,00,000/-) 30 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. • Guest Lectures / Extra Courses Conducted: • Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Coordinator for CEP on Micromachining by IIT Bombay. Coordinator for CEP on Nuclear Engineering by IIT Bombay Students’ Achievements: PG students Mr. Shrikant Mahadik and Adesh Malve presented mini project at Zonal Level Avishkaar Competition at University of Pune. 2) Prof. D. D. Rupanwar: • Faculty's Achievements: Attended two days CEP course on “Interdisciplinary Aspects in Modeling of Manufacturing Processes” organized by VPCOE, Baramati in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai on 21 and 22 March 2013. 3) Prof Prakash P. D. • Faculty's Achievements: • Attended the Faculty Development Program on “Characterization of Materials and processing of high strength materials" from 25 June to 6 July 2013 at GRIET, Hyderabad. Students’ Achievements: Conducted lectures for GATE along with Prof. Shelge and 10 students got qualified in GATE-2013. • Industrial Visits: Organized industrial visit to Uran GTPS, Tarapur Nuclear power plant (TAPS 3 and 4) and JSW Steel Ltd. on 13 March to 15 March 2013 for B E (Mech), ME Design and M.E Energy Engineering students. • Extra Courses Conducted: Conducted lectures for GATE along with Prof. S.V.Shelge on Saturdays and Sundays for twenty students and took practice tests for them. 31 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 4) Prof. Y. A. Aaher • Faculty's Achievements/ Workshops Attended: Attended “two-week ISTE workshop on Engineering Thermodynamics” under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) Conducted by IIT Bombay in December 2012. Attended two days CEP course on “Interdisciplinary Aspects in Modeling of Manufacturing Processes” organized by VPCOE, Baramati in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai on 21 and 22 March 2013. Attended two days CEP course on “Nuclear Power Generation” organized by VPCOE, Baramati in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai in April 2013. 5) Prof. V. B. Bhagwat • Faculty's Achievements: Attended two days CEP course on “Interdisciplinary Aspects in Modeling of Manufacturing Processes” organized by VPCOE, Baramati in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai on 21 and 22 March 2013. 6) Prof. S. E. Zarekar • Faculty's Achievements: Attended two days CEP course on “Interdisciplinary Aspects in Modeling of Manufacturing Processes” organized by VPCOE, Baramati in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai on 21 and 22 March 2013. Attended two days CEP course on “Nuclear Power Generation” organized by VPCOE, Baramati in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai in April 2013. 7) Prof. K. M. Jadhav • Faculty's Achievements: Coordinator for two-week ISTE workshop on “Engineering Thermodynamics” under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) Conducted by IIT Bombay in December 2012. Attended two days CEP course on “Nuclear Power Generation” organized by VPCOE, Baramati in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai in April 2013. 32 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. • Students’Achievements: • Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Ms. Sayali More (TE-Mechanical), Priyanka Pawar (SE-Mechanical) and Shruti Patil (TE-Mechanical) won 1st prize in ‘Angry Nerds’ event under Radiance 2013 held at IIT Bombay on 10 March 2013. Visit: Organized visit for around 15 students from SE, TE and BE Mechanical Engineering who participated in event Radiance 2013 held at IIT Bombay on 10 March 2013. 8) Prof. A. C. Chaudhari • Faculty's Achievements: Member of SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Elysium 2013 Coordinator Developed a Setup of "Circular Hydraulic Jump by using liquid jet impingement" Attended “two-week ISTE workshop on Engineering Thermodynamics” under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) Conducted by IIT Bombay in December 2012. 9) Prof. S. S. Kulkarni • Placement Details: 10 students placed (9 in crab and taur and 1 in Cumminis) • Industrial Visit: • Organized industrial visit to Bharat Forge in February 2013 for T.E. (Mech) students. Laboratory up-gradation and equipments added: Metrology and quality control equipments: Floating Carriage micrometer, Profile projector, Monochromatic source of light with all accessories. 10) Prof. S. M. Margutti • Faculty's Achievements: 33 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Attended the Faculty Development Program on “Characterization of Materials and processing of high strength materials" from 25 June to 06 July 2013 at GRIET, Hyderabad. 11) Prof. P. D. Gharge Attended “two-week ISTE workshop on Engineering Thermodynamics” under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) Conducted by IIT Bombay in December 2012. Attended two days CEP course on “Nuclear Power Generation” organized by VPCOE, Baramati in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai in April 2013. Organized industrial visit to Dalimb Niryat Kendra and Renuka Ice factory on 18th February 2013 for T.E. (Mech) students. • RADIANCE-2013 event: Large number of students was participated from various institutes. One of the team from our college got first prize in this competition. Students were interacted with organizing committee of RADIANCE-2013. • Departmental Achievements: / National level Technical Event Elysium 13 organized by Mechanical Department on 8th and 9th March2013. Details- 34 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Events: Roborace, Robowar, Paper Presentation, Poster presentation, Mechsoft, Model Making, Quiz (Around 1100 participants from VPCOE and other colleges). • Students’ Achievements: 1) Mr. Hrishikesh Ghewade (T.E. Mechanical) • Sr. No. Attended two days workshop on the topic “Sixth Sense” organized by Radiance 2013 at IIT Bombay on 9th and 10th March 2013. About W/S: Basically this workshop was related to the micro-controller programming and machine control (motor control, UART, interface microcontroller), Digital image processing and image manipulation in MATLAB. Attended “Industrial Expo” exhibition held at Kolhapur in 2012. Industrial Trainings: Ten days training in ‘Manugraph India Limited, Kolhapur’ from 5th June, 2013 to 15th June, 2013. Final Year Results:(B.E. Mechanical 2012-13 Batch) Rank Of Students Name of Student Marks (Out of 1500) 1168 Percentage (%) 77.87 1 1st 2 nd Bhingare Nirmala Harischandra 1151 76.73 rd Dugad Akshay Suresh 1135 75.67 2 3 3 Jape Rahul Kiran Department of Electrical Engineering • Faculty’s Achievements: Pavan R. Padghan, Abhinav K. Patil, Suraj S. Shinde presented a research paper entitled “Variable Power Supply By Using Microcontroller” in TECHARENA 2013, at Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon on 17 and 18 Feb. 2013. Pavan R. Padghan, Rahul R. Ghodke, Ganesh M. Shete presented a research paper entitled “Variable Power Supply By Using Microcontroller” in MECHEAVEN 2013, at K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering, Education and Research, Nashik on 21 and 22 March 2013. Pavan R. Padghan, Vaibhav S. Todkar presented a research paper entitled “Digital Power Supply” in ICUBE 13, at Gharda Institute of Technology on 16 – 17 March 2013. 35 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. • Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Students’ Achievements: S.E. Students: Priyanka Birajdar played in the State Level Basket Ball Team. T.E. Students: • Gaikward Vaibhav Balasaheb Participated in the Course in Matlab and Simuink at COEP, Pune. Departmental Achievements: • Rajkumar Mule Played in the State Level indoor cricket at Ratnagiri. Played in the National Level indoor cricket at Jaysingpur, Kolahapur. Played the cricket match on behalf of COEP, Pune (Test -12), which won the cricket match. Shamala Kadam Played in the State Level volleyball. Electrical Machine Lab well developed with all equipments. Results: S.E. Electrical Results: Following students secured percentage of marks in descending order: 1. Khune Priyanka Ashok -68.20% 2. More Monali Jalindder -66.53% 36 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 3. Pawase Sonali Ramnath- 64.73% 4. Inamdar sharvari sunil -64.67% T.E. Electrical Results: Following students secured percentage of marks in descending order: 1. Lokhande Ravindra Dilip- 68.87% 2. Jagtale Supriya Ramchandra- 68.00% 3. Koratkar Pajakta Vinod -66.40% 4. Palaskar vaibhav Balasaheb- 65.64% 5. Raut Roshan Ramchandra -65.00% • • Guest Lectures Conducted: Guest Lecture of Dr. Vitthal Shrirang Bandal, Professor in Electrical Engineering Govt. College of Engineering, Pune, was conducted. He delivered the Lecture on “Control System-1 and Introduction to Matlab” on 9th March 2013 at VPCOE, Baramati. Guest Lecture of Prof. S.S. Dhamal, Professor in Electrical Engineering Dept. K.K.Wagh COE and Research Center, Nasik was conducted. He delivered the Lecture on “Design of Electrical Machines (Induction Motor and Transformer)” on 12th April 2013 at VPCOE, Baramati. Seminar/Conference/ Workshop: 1. Prof. C.R.Lakade, Prof. A.M. Jadhav, Prof. R.S. Tarade and Prof. S.D. Rokade attended the workshop on “Training on PLC and SCADA 37 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Progamming”” on 5th and 6th April, 2013 at Department of Electrical Engineering PVG’S College of Engineering and Technology 44, Vidya Nagari, Shivdarshan, Parvati, Pune – 411009 Maharashtra, India. 2. Prof. A.M. Jadhav attended the Conference on “Recent “Recent Trends in Power th th System” on 24 and 28 June, 2013, organized by S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India. 3. Prof. S.B. Nikam and Prof.S.B. Sinde attended the Conference on ““Energy Efficient College Campuses” on 1st June 2013, organized by Govt. Gov College of Engg. Pune, in collaboration with Preston University, UK. 4. Prof. R.S. Tarade, Prof. S.B. Nikam, Prof.S.B. Sinde and Prof.P.N. Jaiswal attended “The The Orientation on the curriculum of Second Year Electrical Engineering”” on 17th July to 19th July, organized by PVG COE, Pune. • • Industrial Visits: S.E. Electrical students along with Prof. A.M. Jadhav and Prof. R.S. Tarade visited the “Transmission Transmission Substation 220/132/33kV BARAMATI (M.I.D.C)” (M.I.D.C) th th on 7 and 8 Feb. 2013 and discussed with the expert expert namely Mr. Manoj Pawar (Dy. Executive Engineer) MSETCL,220/132/33kV. T.E. Electrical students along with Prof. R. S. Tarade and Prof.S.D. Rokade visited the “132/220/400Kv 132/220/400Kv HVDC” HVDC on 15th and 16th March at HVDC Padghe & NPCIL Tarapur Tarapur. Laboratory up-gradation gradation and equipments added: Two Trolleys of ICA are successfully installed in Basic Electrical Engineering Lab. By using this advanced ICA basic electrical lab trolley, all the practicals of Basic Electrical subject are conducted in this Lab and it is useful for the students to understand the basic concepts in the subject. 38 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Library Library details are given as follows: • Books added in Feb 2013 to August 2013 are as follows: -Books - 501 -Titles - 365 Journals -National-77 -International – 23 E-Resources in Digital Library -IEEE E-Journals -ASME E-Journals -ASCE E-Journals Department Of Training and Placement • Special Training and Special Courses Conducted by Training and Placement Cell • Sr. No 1 2 3 4 • Programme Conducted Core Java C English Communication Industrial Training Faculty Coordinator/ Agency Seed Infotech Course Seed Infotech Paathshala PIAGGIO, BFL, Persistent etc Students’ Participation 80 students 40 student 38 students 58 students Companies Recruiting on and off Campus Sr. No 1 2 3 Company Name Prayaaas Tech Genius Mind Consultants Persistent Industry Type Software Software Software 39 Students selected 5 3 17 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Social Activities 1. National Service Scheme (N.S.S.CELL) • Group of 100 students are selected as NSS volunteers for the year2013-14. • Follwing students are selected as a NSS co-ordinators for this year: 1) Madhuri Patil. B.E. (I.T.) 2) Rohit Takale. B.E. (E&TC) • NSS cell has organized an art exhibition on Teacher’s Day on 5th September. 40 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati. Technical News Letter Aug. 2013 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati Approved by AICTE New Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra Affiliated by University of Pune Vidyanagari, Bhigwan Road, Baramati - 413 133, Dist: Pune. Maharashtra. India. Email id: 1. National Service Scheme (N.S.S.CELL) 41