Student Name________________________________Instructor Name_________________________________ High School or Vocational Center_________________________________________Grade________________ COMPETENCY RECORD FOR ARTICULATION Muskegon Community College Graphic Design Please check below each skill the student has mastered as described, with 80 percent accuracy, or with an A or B grade. The skills needed for articulation of each course are listed. GRD 107 Image Assembly 2 Credit Hours Task Read and interpret job tickets to achieve the desired results Develop good work habits Write instruction for impostion and platemaking Gain insight into the creative and production aspects of a printed job Work within time and quality constraints Perform step and repeat programming Demonstrates a working knowledge of and perform preflighting tasks Become familiar with proofing systems Build and impose multipage documents Handle simple and complex film output File Formats a. .eps b. .tif c. .jpg d. .ai e. .cdr f. .bmp g. .pict h. .pdf Output a. PCL b. Postscript c. RIP Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Task Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Font and font conflicts Traps Spot and process color Color models Unlinked files Imposition a. Folds b. Pagination c. Pagination software Proofing systems Troubleshooting Instructor’s Signature___________________________________________________Date_________________ GRD 107 2