CE 527 Solid Waste Management Project – Fall 2003 Due date: Nov. 18, 2003 Dr. S.K. Ong. MetroWaste East would like to maximize use of available airspace at their landfill. One approach is to use the airspace above an existing landfill. The area of expansion is roughly shown on the enclosed map (handed out at landfill visit). To minimize initial capital costs, the area will be landfilled in various phases (called cells here). Municipal solid waste generated by the city from 1996 - 2001 is provided in the Table below. Waste generated in the future can be estimated from waste generated over this period. Your task is to develop a conceptual and engineering plan for the new landfill. Your design should conform to the Iowa State Code for design and construction of landfills (see notes handed out in class). You are also required to conduct a cost benefit analysis. Conceptual design should include the following: (i) An engineering plan showing the number of cells you will use to develop the area for the landfill. Information needed are (i) number of cells (phases) needed, (ii) volume of each cell, (iii) total volume of developed landfill, (iv) life of the landfill. Include the following two options: (a) with excavation of the existing landfill cover, assume 2 feet deep (b) without excavation of the existing landfill cover Include in your plan (a short description) on how and where you would place the excavated dirt. Assume that dirt excavated will be used for the new landfill. Dirt will be used as daily cover and final cover. (ii) Provide sketches to show the cells, dimensions of cells and cuts to be made, make sure you include liners and drainage system and final cover. Liner system should follow the Iowa State requirements. You may want to provide cross-sectional views, etc. Also estimate the amount of dirt to be removed for each cell and total amount of dirt to be removed. Provide the elevations for each cell. Note that the maximum height allowed after capping is 990 ft. (iii) Develop a plan on how you will collect the leachate for each cell (phase) and how you will tie the new leachate collection system, if needed, with existing leachate collection lines and manholes as shown in the given map. Please provide elevations of critical points in your leachate collection system (your design will be evaluated based on proper selection of elevations). (iv) Conduct a cost benefit analysis for this approach. Cost data are provided below. Neglect any interest rates, etc. For your cost analysis include the following two options: (a) with excavation of the existing landfill cover, assume 2 feet deep (b) without excavation of the existing landfill cover To ensure uniformity in estimations. Use the following: The ratio of waste to daily cover in the landfill is 5:1. Density of compacted waste is 1,250 lb/yd3 Capital Cost: Expenses: (a) Excavation of existing cover (include transport and dumping on site) (b) Cost to landfill (workers, daily cover, depreciation of equipment, oversight, etc) (c) Cost for final cover (includes liner, drainage, pipes, etc) (d) Cost for liner system (FML, clay liner) Site Preparation and Earth Work Liner System (clay liner, FML, Leachate Collection) Revenues Tipping fees: $25 gross per ton of waste received. = $5/yd3. = $15/ton = $82,000/acre = $20,000/acre =$160,000/acre Date of Initial Survey Date of Final Survey Tonnage tons 1/25/01 6/14/01 153,606 6/28/00 1/24/01 235,380 11/19/99 6/27/00 247,668 6/19/99 11/18/99 184,990 3/6/99 6/18/99 106,049 12/3/98 3/5/99 79,270 9/2/98 12/2/98 99,882 Date of Initial Survey Date of Final Survey Tonnage tons 6/19/98 9/1/98 83,737 3/4/98 6/18/98 106,228 11/26/97 3/3/98 78,949 9/4/97 11/25/97 75,201 6/3/97 9/3/97 90,974 3/16/97 6/2/97 73,204 11/19/96 3/15/97 97,270 Please provide your final estimate as shown below. This summary page should be attached as the first page of your report. Other information provided: Flood plains and Quarterly water levels. SUMMARY SHEET (i) Number of Cells Dimensions of Cell Volume of Dirt excavated (yd3) = __________ Option 1 Volume of Cell for land filling (yd3) Life of cell (include daily cover) (years) Volume of Dirt excavated (yd3) Option 2 Volume of Cell for land filling (yd3) Life of cell (include daily cover) (years) CELL 1 CELL 2 CELL 3 TOTAL (ii) Leachate Collection (identify Cell __________) (a) Cell:__________ Total Length of pipe needed for leachate collection (ft) Collection sump needed (if any) = ___________________ Pumps needed, (if any) =____________________ (b) Cell:__________ Total Length of pipe needed for leachate collection (ft) (iii) (iv) = ___________________ = ___________________ Collection sump needed, (if any) = ___________________ Pumps needed, (if any) =____________________ Overall Cost Benefit Analysis (assume with excavation of existing landfill cover) Total Costs to Develop Landfill Item (i): __________________________________ Item (ii): __________________________________ Item (iii): _________________________________ Item (iv): _________________________________ =___________ =___________ =___________ = ___________ Revenues: _____________________ = ___________ Profit/Loss: = ___________ Comparison of Options (with excavation and without excavation) With Excavation Capital Costs Revenues Profit/Losses Without Excavation