LANDFILL LAB Please read instructions carefully and PLEASE clean up all spilled dirt and return unused materials to center lab counter. Keep this in a safe place as we will collect data over several weeks! DO NOT WRITE ON THESE INSTRUCTIONS OR REMOVE FROM CLASS! THIS IS A CLASS SET! Procedure: 1) Working in your assigned lab group, have someone from your group CAREFULLY obtain one piece of all items below from the center lab station: newspaper, glass, rubber band, plastic grocery bag, dry food item (cereal), foil, leaf, Styrofoam cup, and banana peel. BE CAREFUL WHEN HANDELING BROKEN GLASS!! IT CAN CUT YOU!! IF you choose to add something you brought from home, that’s great too, just be sure to collect data on it as you do with these items above! 2) For EACH of the items you are placing into the landfill, PREDICT on a scale of 1-5 the number that will apply to each item. (1 being completely NON-biodegradable (won’t break down) to 5 being completely biodegradable) (Will break down). (Set up an organized table for this)-Your group needs to design the data table to be complete, readable and contain all information, so decide how you will do this! *Be sure the piece of material will be able to be COMPLETELY buried in your bag! So, BEFORE you collect data on the item, cut it down to fit! (NOT too small as you want to be able to find it once we are done with this lab!) 3) For each item, record all possible physical characteristics you can observe (including texture, color, size, mass, etc) and again record this information in an organized table! (See above) 4) Once you have predicted and collected initial observations, bury each item into your landfillagain be extra careful with the glass!! ALSO, be careful NOT to puncture your bags! IF you do, use the packing tape to seal off the opening! You can also crumple up items so that they fit. 5) Now add a little bit of water (use the beakers found on the center lab island) to the top of the soil. Don’t have water pooling on the surface or bottom! Just be sure the soil is moist all the way through. You may have to reposition your items after you add water so that they are completely covered with dirt! 6) Once items are fully buried, use the Saran Wrap to make a complete seal (lid) and tape it down to the top of the bottle. Use the masking tape and markers to place your group’s names on your landfill. 7) Place your landfills as instructed in the back of the room 8) CLEAN up everything including the sinks, floors and lab station tops! PLEASE throw out ALL items NOT placed into someone’s land fill!